Which group does the stop sign belong to? A stop sign or driving without stopping is prohibited in the traffic rules. Stop line at an uncontrolled intersection

The STOP sign is a priority indicator for moving vehicles. It obliges the driver of the car to make a mandatory stop for a few seconds before continuing on his way. In essence, this is a stricter variation of the “Give way” graphic symbol.

What does the sign look like?

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Road sign 2.5 “Driving without stopping is prohibited” is known to both pedestrians and drivers. In most countries of the world, it is depicted in the same way: four white Latin letters are written on a red octagon: “STOP”. The edging of the figure is also done in the form of a white stripe.

A special geometric shape is necessary so that the sign can be recognized even if it is dirty, damaged by vandals, or covered with frost or snow.

Black and white letters are allowed of blue color. The UN Convention explains that the word “stop” does not have to be written in Latin: each state has the right to approve a sign made using its official alphabet.

In our country, only the first variety is used. In addition to it, there is information plate 6.16, which is used in conjunction with marking 1.12 “Stop line” or instead of it, marking the border on the roadway before the intersection.

These graphics serve a slightly different function: they inform the driver where in front of a traffic light he needs to stop to wait for the green signal.

Where and in what cases is it installed

Symbol 2.5 is placed by road services:

  • at intersections (both at regulated ones and those where there is no traffic light);
  • before a railway crossing;
  • at the point of exit from the secondary road to the main one;
  • near quarantine posts.

In other words, a “STOP” sign is necessary where driving without stopping a car can lead to serious consequences: that is, on dangerous sections of roads. It is often accompanied by the graphic symbol 1.23 “Caution Children”.

If traffic lights are turned on at an intersection, then the established symbol is not followed, but is acted on the basis of the light signals.

The main mistake drivers make is driving and slowing down to a minimum speed without actually stopping. Such an action would be a violation of the administrative code, which entails a meeting with a traffic police inspector.

Another common situation: two cars drive up to a sign one after another, the one in front stops to comply with its request, the second is forced to do the same.

Many people believe that after the first driver has moved off, they can follow him without stopping the movement. This is not so: near the graphic symbol you should again come to a complete stop for a few seconds.

Where do you need to stop according to the rules?

In most cases, the “STOP” sign is placed together with markings 1.12 on the road surface. In this case, the driver of the car is obliged to stop in front of the line.

If it is missing, then it is necessary to stop driving before reaching the edge of the roadway that you plan to cross, giving way to all vehicles moving along it.

When crossing rails or approaching a quarantine post, you must also stop in front of the marked markings (stop line). If it is not marked, the vehicle must stop moving in front of the sign.

Important! Do not allow the car bumper to be above the markings. Many people believe that if the wheels have not reached the border marked by it, then there is no violation in this.

The recording camera will certainly react to such an action, and the driver will receive a decision to impose penalties.

Coverage area

The graphic road symbol “STOP” is not equipped with accompanying signs indicating the extent of its validity, since this zone is located directly where it is installed.

In this place, it is not allowed for a car to cross an imaginary line running along the roadway, that is, the slightest drive “behind the sign.”

The main point here is that you should see it in time to apply the brakes. In order for the driver to have time to stop, the symbol is usually placed at some distance from the intersection of two roads, and not at the intersection itself.

It happens that on a “blind” turn it is impossible to predict the presence of a sign in advance. Therefore, the driver should slow down and prepare for the possible need to stop.

Sometimes terrain or weather conditions, even if traffic stops, prevent the person sitting behind the wheel from assessing the traffic situation.

It may be advisable to move forward slightly and stop again to make sure it is safe to continue driving. If a traffic jam has formed on the roadway, under no circumstances should you drive beyond the sign, even if the required stop has already been made.

You should wait until it becomes obvious that driving through the intersection is possible, and only then move off.

Sometimes, in order to avoid such unpleasant situations, a symbol is placed on the road in advance indicating the need to give way. It warns you when you are approaching a place where you will need to brake and stop.

An additional information sign indicates how many meters the driver will have to travel to reach the STOP sign.

STOP control

A rather rare analogue of the graphic symbol “STOP” is the prohibitory sign “Control” (3.17.3). It obliges the driver of the vehicle to stop driving on the section of the roadway where there is a checkpoint.

It could be:

  • police post;
  • entering a road that is private property;
  • border zone;
  • zone where quarantine is introduced;
  • evacuation zone;
  • area in which there is an emergency situation.

Very often, symbol 3.17.3 is unreasonably placed at the entrance to sea beaches and resorts. Therefore, every driver should know the above cases for which this sign is intended.

When stopped by traffic police officers, you should ask which item the installation of a graphic road object relates to.

When drawing up a protocol for non-compliance with the ban, the decision can be appealed through the court, since in this case it will be unfounded.

STOP line

This graphic road object is an informational one. It notifies the driver about the driving mode requirements for a given area, indicating the place where the brakes should be applied.

This symbol is a rectangle with a white background, on which the inscription “STOP” is written in black in Cyrillic.

The sign is placed mainly in the following cases:

  • at unregulated crossings over railway rails;
  • at intersections where traffic is controlled by a traffic light or a traffic controller.

The sign can be located directly on the traffic light support, or on a separate holder, as well as above the traffic lane from above. The duplicating function is performed by marking 1.12 “Stop line” applied to the coating.

This is a wide transverse strip made of white paint with reflective properties, which limits the route of the car on the approach to the intersection.

This object is necessary to reduce the probability, since it does not allow you to travel to where transport is moving in a perpendicular direction.

If the driver's signal is green, then there is no need to stop in front of these two road objects. When the traffic light control is turned off, the intersection becomes uncontrolled.

Here you should already be guided installed signs priority: when you are on a secondary road, you need to look left and right, and let those who have priority pass.

Fines for traffic violations

If a person sitting behind the wheel of a moving car ignores the requirement of a STOP road sign and does not stop moving along the roadway for at least a couple of seconds, this will be considered a violation.

Responsibility for such an act is provided for in Part 1. The traffic police inspector will issue a decision to impose a sanction on the driver in the form of a fine, the amount of which will be 500 rubles.

A person who has committed a violation in the capital or in St. Petersburg will be prosecuted under Part 5 of Art. 12.19 of the code and will pay already 2000 rubles.

If, if the order of behavior prescribed by the sign is not observed, an obstacle is created for the normal movement of other transport, the punishment will be determined based on Part 4 of Art. 12.19 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In this case, the offender will also have to pay an amount of 2000 rubles. In Moscow, as well as in St. Petersburg, such an action will be punishable by a fine of 3,000 rubles.

Part 2 contains punishment for non-compliance with traffic regulations regarding the need to stop in front of the “Stop Line” sign or corresponding markings 1.12. The driver who ignored these graphic objects will be punished with 800 rubles.

We must not forget about the responsibility that late payment of a fine entails. According to the law, the entire amount must be transferred to the account of the Ministry of Internal Affairs no later than 60 days after the resolution comes into force.

If the deadline is not met, the person may face:

  • double the fine (while the obligation to pay the first remains);
  • assignment of compulsory work;
  • use of arrest.

If the driver is confident that he is right, he has 10 days to file a complaint in court against the inspector’s unreasonable decision.

Best in controversial situation use the video camera of your mobile device to record what is happening. This way a person will have a much better chance of defending his case in court.

If the ruling is overturned and the case is dismissed, you will not have to pay anything. Moreover, the driver has every right to file statement of claim to the judicial authorities, in which he may demand compensation for moral damage caused by the unfair actions of the police.

If the offense is obvious, the fine should be paid as soon as possible. According to the current code, if the driver manages to do this no later than 20 days from the inspector’s decision, then he has the right to transfer only half of the amount. However, the fine will be considered paid in full.

In most Russian megacities, traffic congestion is a daily occurrence. One of the reasons for their formation is that cars enter intersections when they are not allowed to do so.

How to safely drive through a dangerous road intersection is indicated by Stop sign 2.5 “Driving without stopping is prohibited.” The procedure for its installation is determined by GOST R 52289-2004. Installation location: intersections, railway crossings, exits to the main road. Appearance- a red octagon with the inscription STOP. Application is determined by international convention.

Inscriptions in the language of the country that uses it are allowed. In Russia, the inscription STOP is acceptable. The color of the letters can be not only white, but also black or blue. The main background can sometimes be yellow. This will indicate that it is being used as a temporary one. Traffic regulations allow you to briefly regulate the order of movement of vehicles by installing sign 2.5. On roads, if it is installed permanently, as a rule, there are special markings. Some additional information signs and signs warn you about the appearance of the STOP symbol on the road.

STOP sign

Priority signs, which include 2.5, are installed to ensure the safe movement of vehicles at complex intersections of city roads and on intercity highways. They are placed in close proximity to the road intersection area. In most cases these are uncontrolled intersections. The traffic rules (clause 13.3) explain that an intersection without a traffic light is unregulated. At points of entry from a secondary road to the main road, on T-shaped roads, in an area of ​​limited road visibility, a STOP sign is installed.

If visibility in both directions is sufficient, it is allowed to use 2.4 (give way). The main requirement 2.5 is that movement without stopping is prohibited. First, you must give priority to all vehicles passing along the crossed (side) road - the requirement of paragraph 1.2 of the traffic rules. If one of the 8.13 series signs is posted nearby, then you must give way to vehicles on the main road. The operation of priority signs is clarified by marking 2.12 and information sign 6.16 (STOP line). The traffic controller can change the order of travel.

STOP line marking

Sign 2.5, as a rule, is supplemented by marking 1.12 - STOP line, which defines the car stopping zone. According to traffic regulations, the sign and markings must be located in the same section of the road. The transverse size of the lines is determined technical specifications this section of the road. Where signs 2.5 and 6.16 are installed, it should be wide. Hitting line 1.12 is prohibited. It is also forbidden to enter a pedestrian crossing. In the area of ​​traffic lights, the line may be narrow. Through traffic is allowed when the traffic light is on green. Then the requirements for priority signs are canceled. When the markings are missing or poorly visible, you must stop 5 meters before the road intersection. Markings 1.12 are used in conjunction with signs 2.5 at railway crossings. The movement of cars and trucks in this case is determined by the rules for driving through uncontrolled intersections and section 15 of the traffic rules.

Stop line sign

Sign 6.16 determines where traffic stops at intersections where traffic is regulated using traffic lights. It is placed either on a traffic light support when it is placed on the right side of the road, or directly above the roadway. According to the rules of the Russian standard R 52289-2004, like sign 2.5, it can be installed in two ways. The first way is to do it alone. The second method involves duplicating the STOP marking. Then they should be located on the same line. This is a mandatory requirement of the standard, otherwise stopping the vehicle may lead to a collision with a continuous marking. Signs 6.16 are installed at unregulated railway crossings (clause 6.2.14 of the standard) independently or in the same alignment with sign 2.5 at a distance of 10 meters from the first rail. The concept of “target” is equivalent to the definition of “in the same cross section with the road.”

Features of application

High-speed traffic is not currently prohibited on intercity highways. For example, driving on the M4 highway is acceptable at a speed of 150 km/h. On such roads, areas where they intersect with secondary roads are considered dangerous. At highway exit points, a STOP sign must be installed.

The procedure for informing drivers driving on a secondary road is as follows. On the side of the road, 2.4 is installed in advance with a sign 8.1.2, which indicates the distance to the 2.5 sign. Cars have the right to violate certain traffic regulations and stopping procedures at intersections special purpose(ambulance, police...). You need to let them pass, and only then go to the intersection.

Eliminate errors

The main requirement 2.5 is that further movement is allowed only after a complete stop.

Passing at a slow speed is prohibited, even if there are no other vehicles, cyclists or pedestrians in immediate sight.

Options for driving along sections of roads marked with a STOP symbol are as follows:

  • The car in front stopped and then started moving. The one following her, after stopping, approaching the intersection, must stop again.
  • Two cars arrived at the same time. The driver on the right starts moving again first.
  • You can start driving only when there are no pedestrians on the roadway (traffic rules clause 14.1).
  • You can enter an intersection when other moving vehicles are at a great distance and their speed does not exceed the speed limit for this section of the road.
  • It is recommended to give way to all cars passing in the forward direction from the opposite direction. Frequent traffic violations - failure to use turn signals.

Administrative punishment

The driver passed sign 2.5 without stopping - an administrative traffic violation. Punishment under the Code of Administrative Offenses will be assigned depending on the location of the violation. In the city, it is determined according to Article 12.16 (Part 1) and is 500 rubles. But only if there was no violation of the rules for crossing roads. For example, turning left or making a U-turn is prohibited. Then the fine increases to 1500. The penalty for driving through railway crossings is 1 thousand rubles (Article 12.10, part 2). Appointment procedure: the traffic police inspector draws up a protocol and issues a fine. Stationary video cameras also record driving beyond the stop line and ignoring the requirements of road markings.

Have you ever thought about the shapes and colors we see on the road? For example, why do you think the STOP sign is octagonal and why is it red? On the one hand, many of us don’t care about this. After all, the most important thing is that these road signs fulfill their purpose. specific function regulating safe traffic on highways.

But I would still like to note that the history of the origin of road signs is of some interest, especially when it comes to the Stop sign. Believe me, this is no less interesting than our article. So, let's find out all the most interesting things about the stop sign. Believe me, it will be interesting!

To answer all your questions about the origin of the English “STOP” sign, we need to go with you to the beginning of the 20th century.

There was real chaos on the roads of that time in many countries around the world. After all, street roads at the beginning of the 20th century were shared by horses, horse-drawn carriages, cars and people. This led to a chaotic chaos of traffic, since there were no uniform traffic rules yet.

Naturally, the level of accidents and serious accidents in those years went up sharply in all countries of the world where automobile traffic appeared.

In major cities around the world, authorities have begun to realize that traffic regulation is urgently needed to manage traffic on the road.

One of the first major solutions to traffic control was proposed by William Phelps Eno, a New England native who came up with the first stop sign in traffic history.

Information about the first road sign was published in the American magazine " Rider and Driver" in 1900, in an article on road safety.

In an article about traffic reform, the author cited William Phelpsom, who proposed installing "Stop" signs at every busy intersection in major US cities.

But none of the US authorities heard William’s advice in those years. No, of course, the authorities of large US cities may have heard about the rational idea of ​​​​regulating traffic in America, but nevertheless, until the next decade, such road signs never appeared on the streets of large US cities.

It was only in 1915 that the first stop sign finally appeared on one of the streets of Detroit. Subsequently, this road sign began to spread and appear on all the busy streets of this city.

But according to many experts and government officials, installing such stop signs in the city did not improve road safety and was a waste of money.

And the point here is this. On initial stage No one stopped at the stop sign; all drivers simply did not notice it and deliberately ignored this sign. According to the same authorities, in those years only a policeman with a baton could force drivers to stop.

Stop sign shape

The first stop sign installed in the city of Detroit is often described in various historical documents as being in the shape of a white square 60 x 60 cm (2 x 2 ft) with black letters on the background. To our deep regret, there is no photograph or drawing of the first “Stop” road sign on the Internet, which, as we initially said, first appeared in Detroit. But there is a photograph online dated 1915, which was taken in Detroit at the corner of Woodward and Jefferson streets:

On the left, at the top of the photo, you can see a stop sign, which of course did not look like the first road sign installed in Detroit, but still, this photo gives a clear idea of ​​​​what kind of road signs were started at that time install throughout Detroit.

As we can see from the photo, the first stop signs were a far cry from the red octagonal signs we see on roads around the world today.

By the way, after the first stop signs appeared in Detroit, they began to spread throughout all major cities in America. But all these signs were different, had in relation to each other different shapes, color, etc. outlines. It is for this very reason that drivers did not notice them on US roads.

Ultimately, in 1923 in Chicago, the association road safety At the meeting, the United States adopted a plan to introduce uniform road sign designations throughout the country:

  • Establishment of uniform road signs to indicate warnings about railway crossings
  • Introduction of uniform octagonal "STOP" signs
  • Introduction of uniform standards for “warning” signs and “attention” signs (square)
  • Standardization of direction signs (rectangle)

In 1924, the United States also held a national conference on street and highway safety, at which uniform recommendations for the colors of road signs were adopted. In one of the 1924 reports after the conference, you can see exactly the earliest date of color approval for road signs, when for road safety it was recommended to use a red background color for the “STOP” sign.

STOP sign color

Moreover, it should be noted that, back in the 1930s, a committee of traffic engineers in the United States formed recommendations to distribute yellow signs"Stop" throughout the United States, then by 1935 a manual on unified traffic control devices appeared in America, which is in force in this country to this day.

This manual approved uniform standards for stop road signs. Thus, in this manual, the US authorities approved two standards for stop signs:

A white rectangular stop sign and a yellow octagonal stop sign with black letters, or a black octagonal stop sign with yellow letters.

The yellow color of the first unified standardized stop signs was apparently approved in order to maximize the attention of drivers on the road.

But how can this be? After all, back in 1924, the US National Conference on Street and Highway Safety recommended the use of red stop signs throughout America?

Of course, this recommendation, mandatory in principle, was remembered and not forgotten. But in those years there was also a problem: there was no suitable decent material to make the road sign red and which would have a long service life in aggressive street conditions.

As a result, despite the recommendations to use red on stop signs, in the United States and in many countries around the world red is used instead for a long time either yellow or black road signs with black or yellow lettering continued to be used.

There is only one reason - the impossibility of using red signs due to the unavailability of high-quality red pigments.

The most interesting thing, and despite the fact that later appeared in the world good technology on the coloring of road signs, while in the United States itself, many states still continue to use yellow Stop signs.

And just recently, a single standard was introduced throughout America for octagonal stop signs, which must be red.

Red road signs came to Europe and Russia much earlier as a unified standard (read about this below). But still, as can be seen from the history of the “Stop” road sign, initially a red road sign, that is, a mandatory stop for vehicles, appeared as a standard in the United States itself.

But it just so happened that for the first time, as a single standard, octagonal red road signs began to be predominantly and massively used outside the United States itself, despite the fact that this red road sign was invented and first used in America.

History of road signs in Russia

The first road signs in Russia began to appear in 1910, i.e. after an international conference of motorists was held in 1909, which was attended by representatives of the Government of the Russian Empire.

Here are the first four Russian road signs (circular):

Similar road signs were used until the end of 1927. Then, according to the resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR dated December 1, 1927, new road signs were approved. This is what they looked like at that time:

And only in 1933 the number of characters was increased to 23. Most of the road signs used in our country since 1933 have received the colors and shapes that are familiar to us today. In addition, in 1933, road signs in Russia received various categories: “prohibitory”, “indicative” and “ warning".

However, in 1937 in our country a resolution was issued by the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR which ordered to reduce the number of road signs, since in the opinion of the authorities themselves this a large number of road signs did not help drivers, but only distracted them and created a threat to all road users.

In 1949, in Geneva, 80 countries (including Russia) ratified the new Convention on Road Traffic and partly the Protocol on Road Signs and Signals.

However, for our part, regarding road signs, our country did not sign this protocol in full, since the authorities considered that European road signs would only confuse drivers in our country, since people by that time were already accustomed to their own road signs in the USSR they have been used for a long time.

As a result, it turned out that in our country, even after graduation Patriotic War Road signs from the 1930s were still in use.

By the way, for reference, the system of signs approved in Geneva in those years was not supported by the United States itself, as well as Great Britain, China and Japan, which also had their own road signs and which were radically different from European signs. For example, in those years, most road signs in the United States had text symbols.

In 1959, the USSR signed the new Geneva Protocol on Road Traffic. As a result, starting from 1961, 78 road signs began to officially operate in our country. Most road signs from 1961 take on the appearance that is more familiar to us today:

When did the “STOP” sign appear in our country (passing without stopping is prohibited - “STOP”)?

Pay attention to the photo above. On the left you can see a round road sign, inside it you can see a red triangle with the inscription "Stop".

That is, this means that the Stop sign began to be used in the USSR-Russia in 1961. But, as you can see, this sign has little in common with the modern octagonal sign and the English inscription inside "STOP"

When did the octagonal red English road sign "STOP" begin to be used in our country?

It all started on November 8, 1968, when, during the UNESCO conference in Vienna, 68 countries signed a new convention on road safety.

In 1971, the Vienna Convention was supplemented by the European Agreement, in which the Europeans, as a compromise, introduced the American version of the "STOP" sign, which was a red octagon, into the uniform traffic rules. Thus, in those years, a sign with the English word “STOP” became the only text sign in the international system.

In our country, the English-language red octagonal "STOP" sign appeared in 1973, when it came into force new GOST 10807-71 road signs used in the USSR.

This GOST included 105 road signs, most of which were already easily recognizable by drivers in those years.

So we can say that the Vienna Convention on Road Safety was the main final stage in the international evolution of road signs, as well as the standardization of uniform traffic rules around the world.

As a result, according to the convention signed in Vienna, countries such as the USA, USSR, Great Britain, China and Japan began to take into account a single European standard of traffic rules.

Why are the color of STOP road signs red?

There is a simple answer to this question. Do you agree that red color stands out from all others in some special way? Also, red light tends not to mix with other objects in the foreground. The most interesting thing is that the color red is perceived well on the road even by those people who have vision problems.

Thanks to the interesting properties of the color red, the octagonal stop sign of this color is visible from afar. It can be seen in a straight line at a distance of up to 1 km.

In addition, as we already told you in the article about red brake lights, our brain subconsciously associates the color red with the color of blood, which makes us feel dangerous.

And according to research, the color red also affects a person’s obedience.

To prove this, it was carried out in 2011, it clearly showed that the color red can influence the behavior of not only animals and primates, but also humans.

In particular, let us clarify the following: during the study, scientists conducted an experiment with rhesus monkeys (a species of monkeys living in Puerto Rico).

So, during the experiment, two human experimenters (a man and a woman) entered a cage in which a colony of monkeys lived.

Both experimenters then knelt down and placed two plastic trays in front of the monkeys.

Next, these two people took out a piece of apple from their backpacks and began to hold them at chest level so that each monkey could see the apples. Then each of the researchers put his piece of apple on the tray and at the same time got up from his knees and took two steps back.

During the experiment, researchers who entered the monkeys' cage each time changed their clothes: a cap and a T-shirt, which, as is known, had different colors(blue, green and red).

To ensure that the experiment was complete, the study was conducted and tested on both females and males.

The results of the experiment were amazing. First, the monkeys did not pay attention to the gender of the experimenter. Also, the monkeys did not pay attention to the green and blue caps and T-shirts of the researchers. But something else was surprising.

In most cases during the experiment, the monkeys tried to avoid the person who was wearing a red T-shirt or a red baseball cap.

As a result of such concerns, most of the monkeys in the study chose to steal an apple from the tray of a person who was not wearing a red T-shirt or a red cap.

There is also one interesting study in the history of science, during which scientists conducted a thorough analysis of the results of the 2004 Olympic Games.

So, scientists have discovered that on these Olympic Games red was also the dominant color among the winning athletes.

According to research, athletes wearing red uniforms became winners more often than, for example, athletes wearing blue sports uniforms.

This dominance of athletes in red uniform was especially noted in hand-to-hand sports, such as wrestling.

All these studies, according to scientists, prove that our fear of the color red is a product of the evolutionary adaptation of animals and humans to the surrounding nature.

That is why it is no coincidence that people know that the color red means “no”, “prohibition”, “danger”, etc.

We and apes are both primates and a social mammal. The most interesting thing is that in both worlds (the human world and the monkey world) color is very important.

For example, color helped ancient people, it helped and continues to help monkeys today to determine by the reaction of their other relatives whether food is edible.

Let’s say that if a monkey eats inedible food, its face will soon turn red, which will signal to other primates that this food cannot be eaten.

Thus, according to scientists, color has a deeper and broader effect not only on monkeys, but also on people themselves.

Yes, of course, you can object, saying that these studies do not directly prove that the color red directly affects people and always warns them of danger. But still, scientists know for sure that the color red affects us more than any other color.

Please note that in addition to the red Stop sign (driving without stopping is prohibited), we are surrounded on the roads by red special signals of various special services, red brake lights of cars, red side lights of various vehicles, etc. etc.

And agree with us that this use of red has proven itself well for more than 50 years all over the world. And if the red color did not have such a clear influence on us, and also did not properly warn us about danger, then we would have long ago stopped responding to these red danger signals, which could cause a huge increase in the same accident rate throughout the world.

In this case, scientists would have long ago convinced the governments of most countries to use other warning colors on their roads.

But as we see for ourselves today, the color red has a terrifying effect on all road users, which means it is perceived by everyone as it should be.

Of course, if the markup is present, no questions arise. Everything is clear from the definition.

2.5 “Driving without stopping is prohibited.” It is prohibited to drive without stopping in front of the stop line, and if there is none, in front of the edge of the roadway being crossed. The driver must give way to vehicles moving along the intersection, and if there is a sign 8.13 - on the main road.

Sign 2.5 can be installed in front of a railway crossing or quarantine post. In these cases, the driver must stop in front of the stop line, and if there is no stop line, in front of the sign.

The fact that the definition deals only with markup also follows from the definition of markup 1.12.

1.12 - indicates the place where the driver must stop when there is a 2.5 sign or when there is a prohibiting traffic light signal (traffic controller);

The Rules do not mention the use of sign 6.16 “Stop line” with road sign 2.5 “Driving without stopping is prohibited.”

6.16 "Stop line". The place where vehicles stop when there is a prohibiting traffic light signal (traffic controller).

Then what should we do if the traffic lights are turned off and the intersection is unregulated, and there are no markings, there are only signs 2.5 “Driving without stopping is prohibited” and 6.16 “Stop line”.

We will stop at sign 6.16 “Stop Line”. If the Road Traffic Rules omit the definition of our actions, then GOST R 52289-2004 says that sign 6.16 can be used to duplicate markings 1.12.


The sign may be used to duplicate markings 1.12, in which case it is installed in the same cross-section with the markings.

Of course, it would be correct if, in accordance with the rules for the use of road signs and markings, if there was a sign 2.5 “Driving without stopping is prohibited,” markings 1.12 would be applied ( stop line).


We would not have to deal with the stopping place, in the absence of markings and the presence of sign 6.16 “Stop Line”, if the following were added to the description of sign 2.5 “Driving without stopping is prohibited” - sign 6.16.

2.5 “Driving without stopping is prohibited.” It is prohibited to drive without stopping before the stop line ( sign 6.16 ), and if it is not there, in front of the edge of the crossed roadway. The driver must give way to vehicles moving along the intersection, and if there is a sign 8.13 - on the main road.

Good luck on the road!

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    Good evening, Sergey. I would like to clarify the rules for installing sign 6.16, in case of its independent use. If the sign is used independently (without marking 1.12), then the distance from the sign to the traffic light, barrier or near rail is determined according to 6.2.14. There is no such clarification in paragraph 6.2.14. Is it legal to install a sign on a pole where a traffic light is located?

    • Sergey Milyutin

      Denis, hello.

      Sign 6.16 “Stop line”, in the absence of marking 1.12, is installed according to the requirements (clause 6.2.14) for the place where the marking is applied, as expressly stated in clause 5.7.18 of the national standard.

      Paragraph 6.2.14 contains the rules for the use of markings 1.12, which indicate the place where vehicles stop at a prohibitory traffic light, as does sign 6.16; accordingly, the requirements for placement should not differ, otherwise this is already a contradiction of signs and markings.

      If the traffic light is installed on the side of the roadway, then sign 6.16 should be installed at a distance of 3-5 meters from it.


      Hello! I would like to know exactly at what distance from the traffic light sign 6.16 and stop line 1.12 should be installed. There are intersections in Volgograd where from a traffic light to a sign is up to seven meters...

      • Sergey Milyutin

        Yuri, Hello.

        The rules for installing signs and markings are determined by the national standard.

        GOST R 52289-2004. Technical means of organizing traffic. Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guide devices.

        5.7.18 Sign 6.16 “Stop line” is used to indicate where vehicles stop at controlled intersections and at unregulated railway crossings.

        The sign is installed to the right of the road or above the carriageway. It is permissible to install a sign above each traffic lane.

        If the sign is used independently (without marking 1.12), then the distance from the sign to the traffic light, barrier or near rail is determined according to 6.2.14.

        The sign may be used to duplicate markings 1.12, in which case it is installed in the same cross-section with the markings.

        In the rules for installing the sign 6.16 "Stop line" it is noted that the sign in the absence of markings 1.12 , is installed according to 6.2.14 . This clause of the standard defines the rules for applying markings 1.12 .

        6.2.14 Marking 1.12 (stop line) is used before the intersection if there is a sign 2.5 “Moving without stopping is prohibited”, in places where traffic is regulated by traffic lights, and before railway crossings (Figures B.7, B.9, B.17).

        The markings are applied in front of the intersection if there is a 2.5 sign at a distance of no more than 1 m from the border of the intersecting roadway.

        Marking 1.12 is applied at a distance of 10-20 m from the traffic light T.1 or T.2 when the traffic light is located above the roadway and 3-5 m when located on the side of the roadway to ensure the visibility of their signals. It is allowed to reduce the indicated distances to 5 and 1 m, respectively, in the presence of T.3 traffic lights of any design.

        If there is a pedestrian crossing, markings are applied at a distance of at least 1 m in front of the crossing (Figure B.18).

        The markings are applied at a distance of 1-3 m to the T.5 traffic light, which is used to regulate the movement of route buses or trolleybuses moving along a specially designated lane.

        At railway crossings, marking 1.12 is applied at a distance of 5 m from the barrier or traffic light, and in their absence - at a distance of 10 m from the nearest rail in one alignment with sign 2.5 (Figure B.17.).

      • Kirill

        Good afternoon,
        please tell us how to properly drive through a complex intersection - two intersections of roadways with a dividing lawn and a stop line - your document has a suitable picture with the only difference being that at the real intersection there is a stop line and a stop sign, but there is no traffic light. I am interested in how to correctly make a U-turn at such an intersection while moving along the roadway along the dividing lawn. The intersection is completely real - Yekaterinburg, the intersection of Kirovgradskaya-Stakhanovskaya streets, a turn is made from Kirovgradskaya to Kirovgradskaya in the opposite direction, all signs and markings are visible on maps.google.com. Doubts about the correctness of a turn at such an intersection arise precisely because there is no traffic light above the stop sign and next to the stop line, and there are no traffic lights within a radius of 5 meters (GOST R 52289-2004) that could indicate when you can cross this stop line .


        • Sergey Milyutin

          Hello Kirill.
          If I understood correctly, you meant this intersection in Yekaterinburg, st. Kirovgradskaya and st. Stakhanovskaya.

          If you look at the pictures (I don’t know how currently the markings look like), then we see a violation of the compliance of the installation of the sign 6.16 “Stop line” and the application of markings 1.12 (stop line), they must be in the same cross section.

          6.2.14 Marking 1.12 (stop line) is used before an intersection if there is a sign 2.5 “Moving without stopping is prohibited”, in places where traffic is regulated by traffic lights, and before railway crossings (Figures B.7, B.9, B.17) .

          Marking 1.12 is applied at a distance of 10-20 m from the traffic light T.1 or T.2 when the traffic light is located above the roadway and 3-5 m when located on the side of the roadway to ensure the visibility of their signals.

          5.7.18 Sign 6.16 “Stop line” is used to indicate where vehicles stop at controlled intersections and at unregulated railway crossings.
          If the sign is used independently (without marking 1.12), then the distance from the sign to the traffic light, barrier or near rail is determined according to 6.2.14.

          7.3.10 (except T.3, T.6, T.10). Traffic light T.1.g is installed only above the roadway.

          Traffic lights installed behind the intersection can be classified as redundant. Although, as you can see, there are no main traffic lights.

          7.3.11 Traffic lights T.1 of any design and T.2 installed on the side of the roadway are duplicated.

          If there are dividing strips, guide islands or traffic islands, duplicate traffic lights (except T.1.p, T.2 with a “right” arrow) are installed at the intersection, behind it between roadways or to the left of the intersection. In this case, the installation of a backup traffic light on the left behind the intersection is allowed if the roadway in the oncoming direction has no more than three lanes, and the traffic intensity in each lane is no more than 500 units per hour.

          Traffic lights located above the roadway may not be duplicated.

          While there is only one exit, since your traffic is organized in this way and to avoid conflicts, stop before the marking 1.12 (stop line), if there is none, before the sign 6.16 “Stop line” and be guided by the signals of the traffic lights installed behind the intersection.

          13.7. A driver who enters an intersection when the traffic light signal permits must drive in the intended direction regardless of the traffic light signal at the exit from the intersection.

          And my advice, try sending a request to the regional traffic police through the official website so that they consider the possibility of putting the traffic light facility at this intersection in order.
          Best regards, Sergei.

          • Kirill

            Sergey, thank you very much for your detailed answer and your time. I completely agree with you, while I was reading the relevant GOSTs I noticed one more point:
            7.3.2 When installing traffic lights T.3 of any design, visibility of their signals must be ensured for the driver of a vehicle stopped in front of the 6.16 “Stop Line” sign or marking 1.12 “Stop Line” on the outer lane closest to this traffic light.
            If I understand correctly, the traffic light should not only be next to the stop line/stop sign (no further than 5 meters), but it should also be located to the right of the traffic lane, and not on the side of the oncoming lane.
            I will try to talk to the traffic police at this intersection.


            • Sergey Milyutin

              Kirill, regarding point 7.3.2, is not entirely suitable in your case. The image shows traffic light T.1 “with repeater” T.3.

              7.2.6 of the same designs, if their visibility for the driver of a vehicle stopped at the stop line on the outermost lane of the roadway in a given direction is difficult. T.3 traffic lights of any design are installed on the same rack with T.1 traffic lights of the same design.

              Today, this type of installation is not often found.

              T.1 traffic lights are used at intersections.

              7.2.1 Traffic lights T.1 and T.1.g are used at intersections in the case of simultaneous passage of vehicles in all permitted directions from a given approach to the intersection and at controlled pedestrian crossings located between intersections.

              Visibility of traffic lights T.1 according to GOST R 52289-2004:

              7.3.1 to which they apply. If this condition cannot be met, install sign 1.8 “Traffic light regulation” according to 5.2.11.

              It is allowed to reduce the indicated distances to 5 and 1 m, respectively, in the presence of T.3 traffic lights of any design.

              It’s right that you decided to contact the traffic police, today, as a rule, they respond to requests and send the appropriate instructions to the responsible services (administration), everything else, of course, no longer depends on them.
              Best regards, Sergei.

              As we can see, the “Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guide devices” determine that sign 6.16 “Stop line” and marking 1.12 (stop line) must be on the same line.

              On our roads, many things often look different. There is a situation about which you are writing. Then what are our actions in accordance with the Rules?

              In the Rules, regarding markings 1.12 (stop line), it is definitely stated that the markings indicate the place where we must stop.

              Horizontal markings (lines, arrows, inscriptions and other markings on the roadway) establish certain modes and traffic order or contain other information for road users.

              1.12 (stop line) — indicates the place, where the driver must stop when there is a 2.5 sign or when there is a prohibiting traffic light signal (traffic controller);

              As you can see, the markings establish certain modes and order of movement, which obliges us to comply with the requirements of the road markings. But there is one thing here, the Rules also say that if the meaning of road signs and marking lines contradict each other, drivers must be guided by the road signs.

              In cases where the meanings of road signs, including temporary ones, and horizontal markings contradict each other or the markings are not sufficiently distinguishable, drivers must be guided by the road signs.

              That is, in the situation you are talking about, if we follow the definition from the Rules of the Road, we must stop before sign 6.16, but the definition of marking 1.12 (stop line) clearly shows us the place where we must stop if there is sign 2.5 or prohibiting traffic light signal (traffic controller). And if we turn again to the Rules, 6.16 “Stop line” refers to information signs that inform us about the location settlements and other objects, as well as about established or recommended driving modes.

              If there is a marking 1.12 (stop line), we stop in front of it. If there are no markings, we are guided by sign 6.16 “Stop line”. As follows from the same GOST R 52289-2004, sign 6.16 “Stop line” is allowed to be used to duplicate markup 1.12.

              As you can see, there is no need to make any changes to the Rules; you just need to apply markings and install road signs in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guide devices.

The stop line in the traffic rules is a road sign that both drivers and pedestrians must know. The first - in order to ensure the safe passage of people crossing the road, and the second - to prove that they are right if the driver tries to break the rules.

What does the stop line mean - read the traffic rules

First, let's figure out what the stop line is for. Firstly, its presence signals to drivers the need to stop to let pedestrians cross the road along the so-called zebra crossing. Secondly, this marking occurs at intersections provided with traffic lights. There it is needed in order to protect a driver stopped at a red light from a possible collision with a car moving along a perpendicular road.

A stop line at an intersection is also needed to vehicles did not interfere with each other when making any kind of turn, for example. For an experienced driver, a U-turn will seem like a trifle, but a beginner may not “fit” into the dimensions of the intersection and, when maneuvering, may go beyond its boundaries. If cars on a perpendicular road are parked too close to the border of the intersection, driving beyond the stop line, the chances of an accident will rapidly increase.

It is worth noting that a stop line can be either a marking or a road sign.. Don't confuse them. If there is a “Stop” sign at the intersection, the driver must stop the car near the sign in two cases: when the red light is on or the traffic controller gives a prohibitory signal. The same situation applies to the corresponding markup. But the combination of the line and the “STOP” sign on a red background obliges the driver to stop in any case. It hardly needs to be said that ignoring such important signs can cost you not only and not so much the drawing up of a protocol, but your health and even your life.

Amount of the fine - what will the violation cost?

The fine for a stop line in 2013–2014 is quite a significant amount - around 800 rubles. But its size varies depending on the situation. Thus, a fine for driving through a stop line, driving through it and driving beyond the stop line at a red traffic light, or for a prohibitory gesture by a traffic controller standing on the road, will cost the violator all of 800 rubles.

But if you crossed the stop line (which is important!), then the fine will be 500 rubles. Be extremely careful: near the stop line or instead of it there may be a road sign 2.5 “Driving without stopping is prohibited”, we have already talked about it above. You must stop near it and then continue moving.

Learning to stop correctly before the stop line

So, having understood the characteristics of the stop line and the penalties regarding it, it is worth focusing on the issue of stopping correctly before this marking. After all, you need to somehow calculate the distance where the car should stop so that there is no driving beyond the line. Everything is extremely simple - according to traffic rules, stopping should occur at the moment when the stop line is slightly under the hood of your car.