How often can you give your child vitamin complexes? Should I give vitamin D to a newborn? When should you give your newborn vitamin D?

Should I give vitamins to my child? On this issue, heated discussions continue between supporters of vitamins and their opponents. The first are confident that the child should receive additional nutrition in the form of ready-made complexes from pharmacies. The latter insist that the child receives all the necessary substances from food. But is there a golden mean? How to determine a lack of vitamins in a child?

What do experts say about vitamins for children?

The most better food breast milk, which contains all the necessary substances and microelements, is perfectly absorbed by the small organism - breast milk. But sooner or later, the child has to be transferred to an “adult” diet, which includes a standard set of dishes. Here, parents are faced with an important task - to provide the growing body with healthy eating, optimally combining proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Famous doctor Komarovsky recommends that every parent honestly answer the question: is the child’s nutrition sufficiently balanced? By balanced nutrition, the doctor means the daily presence of fresh vegetables and fruits, a variety of cereals, dairy products, meat and fish dishes on the menu. If the parent gives an affirmative answer, there is no need to be afraid of vitamin deficiency, according to Komarovsky.

Doctor – pediatrician of the highest category Nelly Zorina adheres to the point of view that children should be given vitamins from the age of one and a half years, paying special attention to the content of iodine and iron in vitamin complexes. It is from the lack of these substances, according to the doctor, that modern children suffer the most.

Another question is, what quality are the products that reach our table? Specialists from the well-known pharmaceutical company "Geiji" conducted research, according to which most products, even fresh vegetables and fruits, began to lose their beneficial features, and the amount of useful vitamins, microelements and minerals is irreversibly reduced. According to the figures from Geiji researchers, the calcium content in regular potatoes is last years decreased by 78%, carrots lost one of their most useful minerals - magnesium - by 75%. Vitamin B6 decreased in bananas by 95%, and apples lost 60% of vitamin C.

WHO specialists (World Health Organization) are convinced that in practice it is very difficult to determine in what dose vitamins enter the body with food: each person has different needs and ability to absorb nutrients from food.

What problems does a lack of vitamins cause in a child?

The body of a small child reacts very sensitively to the lack of a particular substance. Many health problems, ranging from increased excitability to obesity, occur precisely because of a deficiency of vitamins, beneficial microelements and minerals.

For example:

  • Vitamin A deficiency leads to dry, brittle nails. Vision decreases, the skin becomes dry and flaky.
  • Lack of vitamin B1 leads to decreased appetite, increased excitability, indigestion, and poor circulation (legs and hands in this case are constantly cold).
  • Vitamin B6 deficiency is fraught with general weakness, increased nervousness, and anxiety.
  • Lack of vitamin C in the diet The child may get sick more often, suffer from bleeding gums and nosebleeds.
  • Vitamin D deficiency leads to a sedentary lifestyle, sleep becomes intermittent, and appetite becomes poor. Metabolism may be disrupted, and the child will suffer from obesity, or, on the contrary, gain weight very slowly.

Harmful and beneficial vitamin D for children

Heated debates erupt over. In Russia, it is customary to prescribe it to a child in liquid form almost from the very first day of life, while in Europe doctors recommend mothers to go for walks more often. fresh air, “bathe” children in sunbathing, feed them cereals and fatty fish (which, in their opinion, contains the most vitamin D).

In these children, in their opinion:

  • Higher stress resistance.
  • There is a lower risk of developing diseases such as hay fever.
  • Better mood.
  • Higher academic performance.
  • Faster development.

Doctors are unanimous on one thing, it doesn’t matter which drug to choose: the Russian “Aquadetrim”, the Finnish “Devasol” or the American “Baby Drops”. The main thing is to give it systematically and agree on the dosage with your doctor. .

Vitamins for children by age

Here is a table with examples: what vitamins children need, according to their age needs

Age Name of vitamins Benefits for the body Note
From 12 to 24 months Vitamins: D, PP, B2, B1, B6, B 12, A
  1. Promotes weight gain
  2. Active child growth
  3. Development of baby's organs and tissues
  1. Make sure that the complex does not contain vitamin K - it can cause bleeding and have Negative influence on the functioning of the child’s immune system, causing an allergic reaction
24 months
  1. Promote the harmonious development of the child
  2. Physical growth
  3. Equal psycho-emotional state
  1. Vitamin K should not be given
From 3 years Vitamins: A, B1, B6, B2, C, PP, B12
  1. Vitamins strengthen the immune system, which is extremely important for this stage of child growth
  2. It is also worth considering the fact that a three-year-old child begins to attend kindergarten, which means more attention should be paid to the prevention of colds
  3. Vitamins also increase stress resistance and help the child adapt to a new environment.
  1. As before, it is better to choose complexes that do not contain vitamin K
  2. Pay attention to the dosage recommended by the manufacturer
4-5 years Vitamins: D, A, PP, B1, B6, B12

Microelements: calcium and phosphorus

  1. Compounds of microelements help to form salts in the body, which strengthen the child’s bones
  2. Vitamins provide the baby with substances for active growth
  3. Helps strengthen muscle mass
  1. Insufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements can lead to bone deformation
  2. Slower growth
From 6 years to 7 Microelements: folic acid, iodine, phosphorus, iron and calcium

Vitamins: A, C, B1, B6, E

  1. Preparing for school, growing intellectual stress, creative and logical games: during this period, the child’s brain structures are actively forming and require additional resources from the body.
  2. Vitamins and microelements help the child grow active, full of strength and energy
You should carefully monitor the dosage - different manufacturers it may differ significantly
From 7 to 9 years Vitamins: D, A, B1, B6, B2

Microelements: iron, copper, manganese, panthogenic and folic acid

  1. Vitamins help the development of brain structures, nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body
  2. During this period, the child’s immune system is finally formed and adjusted to the adult rhythm.
  1. It is recommended to carry out fortification in the autumn-winter period, when the body is especially vulnerable
  2. Courses recommended by pediatricians
From 9 years and older Vitamins: A, E, D, PP, all B vitamins
  1. During this period, vitamins are especially needed by the child.
  2. The deficiency may have a negative impact on the growth and development of the child's physical and mental activities.
  1. It is believed that at this age a child’s need for vitamins is the same as that of adults.
  2. Only children feel the deficit much more acutely, reacting with a general loss of strength

When to give vitamins to a child: making a decision

Of course, there will be no harm from additional fortification. However, it is strictly not recommended to abuse vitamin complexes.

  1. Give vitamins during cold season (autumn, winter and spring), when the body is weakened and the immune system needs additional support.
  2. Be sure to give vitamins to weakened children , after acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and other diseases, especially if they were treated with antibiotics.
  3. Vitamins can be given from 24 months, when the baby is weaned. But to choose a suitable vitamin complex, consult your doctor. The pediatrician will advise you on how to correctly create your baby’s daily menu.
  4. Organize your child's daily routine . Conditions for normal development should include not only good food, but also good sleep, walks in the fresh air, sunbathing, water treatments.

Vitamins are valuable substances that allow you to feel energetic, live and develop fully, and quickly recover from colds and viral infections.

When is the best time to say no to vitamins?

However, it is strictly not recommended to abuse vitamin complexes.

When making a decision, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Is the child prone to allergies?
  2. Does the baby have chronic diseases?
  3. How often does he have an individual reaction to a new product?

The main rule – observe moderation and take vitamins in the correct dosage.

Give your children time and attention and they will definitely be healthy and happy.

On the eve of the vitamin deficiency season, we asked pediatricians whether children really need to be given vitamins, and if so, which ones and how to choose those that are suitable for the child.

Vitamins are one of the most important components of human nutrition. It's biological active substances, involved in metabolism, tissue construction, maintaining full immunity, growth and development of the child - physical and intellectual.

Their biological role is mainly due to their participation in enzymatic processes as the active part of enzyme catalysts chemical reactions in the human body. Some vitamins are formed in the body (for example, vitamin D in the skin, B vitamins are synthesized by intestinal microflora), the other part enters the body with food.

Even with a good appetite and sufficient nutrition in terms of volume and composition, it is not possible to completely satisfy the need for certain vitamins. For example, in order to satisfy the daily need for vitamin A (included in the functioning of the visual apparatus, glands, necessary for growth, immunity), one year old child you need to consume a little more than one egg, or 400 grams of cottage cheese, or 200 grams of sour cream.

To ensure sufficient vitamin C intake, an infant's diet should include at least 100 grams of citrus fruits or 60 grams of green onions. It is clear that attempts to meet the need for vitamins in this way can end badly.

In order for the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin to meet the child's needs, he must be exposed to sunlight of a certain wavelength every day, completely undressed, for at least 15 minutes. Therefore, in the first two years of life, the child needs to be given vitamin D in the form of medications.

Infant provided with vitamins supplied with breast milk, bottle-fed children receive vitamins in formulas. In special cases (illness, stress, accelerated growth, increased mental and physical stress), children need additional vitamins.

In most cases, these are vitamin complexes. But before you buy this or that drug at the pharmacy, you must remember that the doctor must prescribe it for your child, taking into account the needs, characteristics of the child’s development, climate, season and other factors.

Currently on the market pharmacological drugs There is a large selection of vitamins and various biological additives, including for children. From the pediatrician's point of view, if the child has a younger preschool age or a schoolchild has a varied diet and does not comply with special therapeutic diet, then he receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals per day.

However, the quality of the products currently leaves much to be desired. Long-term storage and processing of products reduces their vitamin content. Therefore, it is advisable to choose special baby food products that are enriched with essential vitamins according to age requirements.

For example, there are special milk formulas (mixture with formula “4”) for children not only over one year old, but also over three years old and even junior schoolchildren. Specialized dairy products for “little babies” or weakened children, with increased caloric content and high-quality composition, optimized for active growth.

A special role is given to vitamin D. The administration of vitamin D in a prophylactic and, if indicated, in a therapeutic dosage contributes to the child’s timely gain of bone mass, which is the prevention of osteoporosis in adulthood. Vitamin D is not only the prevention of rickets, but also the most important substance for the development of the immune system and prevention infectious diseases. In other words, for a child of the first year of life, vitamin D is vital for harmonious development, especially in our region.

Cover: Nastya Grigorieva

From the first weeks of life, the baby’s body must be replenished with vitamin D, which is synthesized under the skin as a result of exposure to sun rays. With food (mother's milk or formula), the baby receives only a small part daily norm of this component.

The pediatrician will tell the parents whether to give additional vitamin D to a newborn baby, for what purpose and how to do it so as not to harm the baby.

Why do newborns need vitamin D?

The body cannot do without vitamin D. It is necessary for correct formation and development of the musculoskeletal system of a growing organism. It is imperative to give the newborn vitamin D for the effective absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are responsible for the growth of bone, cartilage and muscle tissue. In the absence of a catalyst in the form of vitamin D, the child faces a serious illness - rickets.

Why is vitamin D given to newborns? There are several reasons why pediatricians prescribe it to children:

  • for the prevention or treatment of rickets;
  • so that teeth form in a timely manner and grow strong;
  • to improve the development of visual function;
  • to reduce the risk of inflammatory processes;
  • to normalize the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • to support the cardiovascular system, regulate blood pressure.


Which better vitamin D for newborns, D2 or D3? Cholecalciferol (D3) is presented as aqueous solution, which, unlike ergocalciferol (D2) on oil based, less toxic and better absorbed by the child's body. An indication for taking vitamin D3 is also its ability to stimulate the production of your own provitamin D.

When to start giving vitamin D to a newborn

Pediatricians recommend administering a prophylactic dose of cholecalciferol from 2-4 weeks of life. Regular intake of vitamin D by newborns is especially important during the period from autumn to spring (September-April), when it is not possible to obtain the necessary component under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Best time for replenishment - before daytime feeding, so that it is possible to monitor the body’s reaction to the drug.

First, the doctor must prescribe a test to determine the need for a calcium catalyst. Why do newborns need vitamin D3 from the 1st month after birth? Prophylactic use allows you to avoid rickets and its intensive treatment. Exceeding the dose of cholecalciferol during therapy can harm the child’s body.

How to take vitamin D for newborns

The daily norm of cholecalciferol for an infant is 400-500 IU. You can take the drug prescribed by your doctor both before and after feeding. 1 drop (about 500 IU) of vitamin D should be diluted in 1 teaspoon of boiled water and given to the child to drink. The dosage for a bottle-fed child can be adjusted by a pediatrician, who takes into account the amount of vitamin D in the milk formula.

How much vitamin D is given to newborns is determined taking into account:

  • type of feeding;
  • climatic conditions;
  • time of year;
  • content of melanin pigment in the skin.

Before prescribing vitamin D3 to newborns, the amount of melanin in them, the pigment responsible for the color of the skin, should be determined.


Babies with dark color skin needs a higher dosage of artificial cholecalciferol, since a high concentration of melanin interferes with the natural production of vitamins D.


From the 2nd week of life, a baby needs vitamin D. Taking this component is necessary for the body to effectively absorb phosphorus and calcium, which are responsible for the development of bones, muscles, vision, as well as the functioning of the nervous system. In order to prevent rickets, from September to April the baby is given a vitamin for water based– D3 (cholecalciferol).

The daily dose of the drug for a healthy baby is 400-500 IU. Your doctor will tell you how to take vitamin D for newborns. When prescribing, pediatricians take into account the state of the child’s body and the characteristics of its development.

Needed whether vitamins for children? Strange question, you say. Certainly, benefits of vitamins for children is indisputable, but many parents believe that their child receives all the nutrients for health and growth in sufficient quantities from food. However, despite the fact that vegetables and fruits do not disappear from the shelves all year round, the problem of vitamin deficiency still remains relevant. What is the reason?

Yes, I agree, the assortment of fruits and vegetables is pleasing to the eye, but unlike vegetables, fruits and berries that come to our table in season, what is grown in greenhouses or brought from abroad is practically devoid of useful substances. The same thing happens to them during long-term storage. In addition, the quality of modern products leaves much to be desired due to various food additives, preservatives, nitrates and other chemicals.

Most modern children lead a sedentary lifestyle, preferring electronic games at home to playing in the yard. If a child spends little energy, it means he eats less. It is not surprising that many parents complain about their children’s poor appetite. Although, speaking about appetite, I would like to add that it is a rare child who refuses a plate healthy porridge, will give up chips, Kinder surprises, sweet soda and other harmful things.

Lack of vitamins for children threatens hypovitaminosis. Its manifestation outwardly may not be noticed, since it imperceptibly undermines immune system body. If a child, having always been adequate, has become capricious, this is already the first sign, and if he is, there is a lag in mental and physical development– all the signs of hypovitaminosis are visible.

So what are they Children need vitamins, and what products contain them? Let's start with A, the first letter of the alphabet. Vitamin A is synthesized in the body from beta-carotene. It is necessary not only for good vision, but also for normal growth and development of bones. It has been proven that vitamin A is poorly absorbed by the body if there is insufficient fat, since it is fat-soluble. They are rich in yellow and orange vegetables, broccoli, beef liver, fish fat, cheese, milk.

The absorption of vitamin A from foods has its own characteristics. Let's take carrots for example. Did you know that only 5 percent of beta-carotene from carrot salad with sour cream is absorbed by the body? Its vitamin value will increase if you simmer grated carrots in butter for just half an hour. In this case, the absorption of beta-carotene will increase to 40 percent!

Very big benefits of vitamins for children group B. Vitamin B1, participating in carbohydrate metabolism, improves the child’s mental activity and vision. For a growing body, it is important to have a sufficient amount of vitamin B2, which maintains health, as it is involved in all metabolic processes. A lack of vitamin B3 will lead to rapid fatigue and sudden mood swings in the child.

Pantothenic acid – vitamin B5 helps break down fat cells. Its deficiency “threatens” excess weight and deterioration of the skin condition. Vitamin B6 helps strengthen the immune system and is involved in the formation of blood composition and the nervous system. , improving the functioning of the digestive system, normalizes appetite in children.

Our expert - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Spirichev.

From what and for what?

There are no parents who doubt whether their child needs vitamins. But the question “which” is controversial. Even the most advanced mothers and fathers sometimes believe that if a child gets enough fresh fruits and vegetables, then he doesn’t need pharmacy vitamins. And at first glance, it would seem that they are right. Moreover, European and American nutritionists insistently say: it is enough to eat 5 servings of fresh vegetables and fruits daily (one large apple or one vegetable dish) and everything will be fine.

Is it really? After all, from plant products we get mainly vitamin C and carotenoids - substances that will turn into vitamin A only if you eat carrots with sour cream or drink carrot juice with cream: without fat, vitamin A is not formed or absorbed. Yes, and we live in a country where for most of the year we are forced to eat not fresh fruits and vegetables, but those that were brought and have been lying in storage for a long time, the greatest benefit of which is perhaps alimentary fiber, improving the functioning of the stomach. And B vitamins, necessary for metabolism, hematopoiesis, the brain and nervous system, are not found in vegetables and fruits at all. They are found only in meat, liver, kidneys, and cereals with shells.

In addition, vitamins must work in conjunction with minerals and vice versa. For example, iron is actively absorbed only with the help of ascorbic acid, calcium - vitamins D, and so on. This means that in order for a child not to experience a vitamin deficiency, he must eat very proper and balanced food. From day to day. How many people succeed in this? So it turns out that providing a child’s body with vitamins and minerals from natural products is unrealistic.

How to detect a deficiency?

Does the child have enough vitamins and minerals or not? It is quite difficult to answer this question. Hypovitaminosis (vitamin deficiency) does not manifest itself for years. A child may get tired faster, catch colds more easily, and get sick more often if there is a lack of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. With a lack of vitamins B2, K and F, diarrhea sometimes occurs, and with a lack of A, nails break and eyes begin to hurt. There are many examples, but how many parents associate these symptoms with vitamin and mineral deficiency?

An objective picture of vitamin levels can be identified using blood and urine tests. For example, the level of B1 is determined by erythrocytes, B2 by erythrocytes and leukocytes in blood serum and urine, A, D and E by blood plasma testing, etc.

Monitoring vitamin levels is important when a child has chronic diseases. For example, in case of illness gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, enteritis), with diabetes mellitus the processes of absorption of vitamins and minerals are disrupted. The absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K and D is affected by the condition of the gallbladder and liver. In these cases, higher doses of vitamins and minerals are sometimes needed, but which ones and in what quantities must be decided with your doctor.

About what is not in the instructions

Should I take breaks from taking vitamins? Experts have different opinions on this matter. Some believe that they should be taken all year round, others advise taking a break in the summer, since at this time the child receives vitamins from fresh fruits and vegetables. And yet, in some ways, the opinions of experts coincide. Most of them believe that it is necessary to take vitamins:

● in the off-season – from December to April;

● when the climate changes, even if you are going on vacation with your child during the velvet season;

● a month and a half before the child enters kindergarten or school;

● during and after illness, especially if the child received antibiotics. But there is important nuance: At this time, vitamins without trace elements should be given to reduce the risk of allergic reactions.

A futile precaution

Do you still have doubts? Then let's look at the arguments that opponents put forward pharmaceutical drugs. In fact, many of them are not true.

Myth 1. Synthetic vitamins are chemical substances; they cannot be healthier than living ones from natural products.

In fact, all pharmacy vitamins are completely identical to natural ones both in chemical structure and biological activity. These are not surrogates, but the same compounds that are found in any plant and animal cell. By the way, they are obtained mainly in a natural way: D - from fish liver, E - from soy protein, B vitamins - from yeast due to the synthesis of microorganisms.

Myth 2. Artificial vitamins are absorbed worse than vitamins from natural products.

Everything is exactly the opposite. In foods, vitamins are in bound form, and in preparations – in pure form, so the body does not waste energy on releasing them from accompanying substances, but immediately puts them to work.

Myth 3. Pharmacy vitamins can cause allergic reactions in a child.

Natural products provoke allergies much more often. Firstly, because any product consists of a complex set of chemicals, each of which can become an allergen for a child. Secondly, there is practically no clean food now: most products contain preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers, flavorings and many other substances, causing allergies. Vitamins are not foreign to the body, they do not cause the formation of antibodies, which means they cannot provoke allergic reactions.

Myth 4. Taking artificial vitamins can lead to hypervitaminosis (excess).

There are only two vitamins - D and A, long-term use of which can cause an overdose. But to do this, they need to be taken in quantities that exceed the need for them hundreds (!) times. All other vitamins do not accumulate: they enter the body, and the excess is excreted in the urine.


Some children may be allergic to dyes, flavors, stabilizers, and flavoring additives, which are sometimes included in vitamin preparations. Conscientious manufacturers warn about this in the instructions supplied with the vitamins. Remember to read it carefully before giving the drug to your child. Effervescent vitamins are not suitable for all children. They should not be given for diseases of the esophagus or gastrointestinal tract, as they can cause irritation and abdominal pain.

Vitamin complexes provide a dosage of 50 to 100% of the daily requirement of the child’s body for vitamins. The higher the number, the more effective the drug.

It is best to buy drugs from large manufacturers who have been working in this field for a long time: the products of such companies undergo clinical trials and meet international GMP requirements in the pharmaceutical industry.

Not only the content is important, but also the form: for example, for the little ones, drops are preferable, which are convenient to add directly to food. After two years - syrups, and after three you can use preparations in the form of chewing marmalade, fizzy drinks, dragees, tablets.

Be sure to pay attention to what age a particular drug is intended for. Vitamin-mineral complexes differ primarily in dosage, as well as in the components included in it, depending on the age of the child.

Personal opinion

Emmanuel Vitorgan:

– In my opinion, natural vegetables, fruits, juices are preferable, but at the time when my son was growing up, many things were in short supply. Including high-quality fruits. Therefore, we also sometimes used pharmacy vitamins.