How does color affect our lives? Rainbow in the interior. Bright colors in the interior and exterior, a colorful garden, a rainbow in details (40 photos) Color and Feng Shui

It is known that color penetrates into all spheres of life, affects the health and psyche of a person, and regulates many unconscious processes of the body. This or that color combination can affect the mood and performance of each of us, increase or decrease vital energy. The impact of some colors is so great that it can change a person’s character and make significant adjustments to his living space.
Chinese teaching about harmonizing the surrounding world - Feng Shui - attaches great importance to color. The correct color scheme in the interior of an apartment or house can determine relationships between family members, good luck or troubles at work and in personal life.
Traditionally, colors are divided into several groups:
Warm colors – red, orange, yellow.
Cool colors - green, blue, indigo, violet.
Yellow, red and blue are called primary colors, and green, orange, purple are intermediate colors, obtained by mixing primary colors. There are also many shades, complex colors that reflect all the nuances of mixing, enhancing or softening the main tones. It is important to remember that color is the ability of a surface to reflect certain rays, emitting electromagnetic waves. And therefore, the slightest change in hue entails a change in the length and frequency of the wave radiation.
The fundamental goal of the art of Feng Shui is to achieve balance between two flows of energy - Yin and Yang. Yang energy includes all primary colors, and Yin energy includes intermediate colors. Also, a certain color is closely associated with one of the five elements. Corresponds to Fire - red, bright yellow, orange, and to Water - blue, cyan, black. Earth is identified with beige, yellow and brown flowers. Wood is marked with green or light green, and Metal is marked with white, silver, and golden shades. Any of the colors can have both a positive and negative effect on others, depending on its location in the house.
How not to make a mistake in choosing and use the power of color to your advantage?
Do you lack determination and dynamism in life? Do you want to become more active and optimistic? So you need the fire favorite - red! This is the color of the south side of the house and the strengthening of the flow of QI energy. It brings joy, fun and passion for life, awakens courage and desire to achieve goals. “Killer” in its energy, red is a powerful stimulant for the body, increases blood pressure, helps increase appetite, and enhances sensual pleasure. In small quantities, in the form bright accents it is good everywhere: in the bedroom, in the living room, and in the kitchen. But the main thing is not to overdo it with red! An excess of this bright color can provoke an attack of aggression, pushing one to commit rash acts.
If you strive for calm, are prone to thought and meditation, you are better off choosing blue. This deep shade is rightfully considered a symbol of God's Wisdom and Infinity. It belongs to Water and is ideal for use in interiors on the north side of the house. Blue is well suited for the bathroom, rest room, and can be used as the main tone in the bedroom. Bringing calm and tranquility, the “color of the sky” is not desirable for a living room or dining room, as well as a study. However, if you are a writer or philosopher, blue is your best assistant. In addition to its calming effect, this color has a pronounced analgesic effect.
"Brother" blue tone– Blue has the highest energy in the color spectrum. According to Feng Shui, this is the color of pure Consciousness. The effect of the blue tint on a person is akin to a “cold shower”, helping to concentrate and calm raging emotions. Unlike red, blue lowers blood pressure, calms the heart, and curbs appetite. An excellent aid for weight loss! As a kind of “diplomatic” color, blue is suitable for decorating rooms intended for official meetings, school classrooms and laboratories. But it lacks warmth and soulfulness, and therefore the use of this tone is not advisable in children’s rooms, in the kitchen, or in cold rooms.
Yellow will give you all the wealth of warmth, generosity and warmth. A sunny favorite, sparkling, giving energy and good mood, it is perfect for decorating a nursery, dining room or living room. This tone, the brightest of the entire color spectrum, belongs to the element of Earth and the eastern half of the house. The combination of yellow and red is considered favorable. It is precisely this proximity that gives the effect of increasing a person’s mental and cognitive abilities, along with the will to win, and swiftness in decision-making. Yellow is able to stimulate the functioning of the glands of the endocrine system, strengthens nervous system and immunity.
Orange is between yellow and red, and has the energy of both. This is truly a healing color. It treats depression, helps to reveal a person’s hidden capabilities, relieves childhood fears, and has a rejuvenating effect on the body. Its vibrations have an exciting effect on others, but not as strongly as from red, and therefore more pleasant. In many religions of the East, orange was revered as the color of the Sun and had special meaning. Orange is good in a children's room, in the kitchen, in decoration country house. This is the color of fire and the southwest side of the home. It is also suitable for the living room, but would be out of place in the bedroom.
The color with the highest vibration frequency is green. The sensations on which the symbolism of this color is based is balance, unity with Nature and oneself. Green is the color of growth, hope and rebirth. This is truly a versatile color! It belongs to Wood and the eastern direction, combines with almost any of the tones and, when used in the practice of Feng Shui, gives a positive effect in any area of ​​application. In the zone of Glory - contributes to the emergence of new connections and strengthening of old ones; in the Wealth zone - helps to increase capital and preserve savings, in the Family zone - can help in the birth of offspring. Green has a very beneficial effect on the human body: it normalizes work internal organs, helps with colds and allergies, relieves tachycardia.
But every positive impact has a downside. And if you hastened to fill your home green, I warn you that excessive enthusiasm for this natural coloring can reveal a change in mood towards depression and apathy. It’s not at all far from “green melancholy.”
Purple is the most mysterious of all colors. This is an amazing mixture of energetic, bright red and cool, sensible blue. The main function of violet, according to Feng Shui, is to achieve harmony in environment. It is rightfully considered the color of mysticism and magic, awakening sensuality and intuitive perception of reality. It has a calming and relaxing effect, relieves pain and fear. By the way, psychologists have found that most pregnant women love purple. This tone promotes immersion in dreams, thoughts, and stimulates creativity in a person. Harmony of leadership and spirituality is the main purpose of this color. Purple goes well with white, all shades of yellow and gold.
All you need is white to see a rainbow! This color reveals the entire spectrum. White is universal. It can be used in almost all rooms with the exception of the children's bedroom. In the Feng Shui system, white belongs to Metal and the West. It has a very beneficial effect on the central nervous system and evens out mood swings. White is good for stimulating the imagination and creativity. But, like any other, this snowy color also has a negative impact. You should not use it completely in the interior, because in such a “clean” space a person feels confused and uncomfortable. In addition, white lowers the temperature and is not suitable for cold rooms.
Now that you know the main features of using a particular shade in the interior, the interior decoration of your home can become not only a brilliant embodiment of design ideas, but also an excellent help for achieving harmony in life.

However, anything is possible. Check out this vibrant kitchen design by Bret Franks Construction. The ideas presented are suitable for owners of small spaces.

The photo shows a bright kitchen - all the colors of the rainbow in a small room

Located approximately in the center of the house, the kitchen opens up almost the entire space of the house to the residents. From this room you can easily access the living room, corridor, and climb the stairs to another floor.

Kitchen layout is a design for relatively small room. Sink, Dishwasher And kitchen stove are on one side. The microwave is located in the built-in cabinet. It is also worth paying attention to the convenient placement of the refrigerator. Bret Franks says it's not a classic kitchen triangle, but the result is quite creative. The result is an elegant and functional room.

The client wanted to display her colorful collection of plates, so Franks installed several floor-mounted storage boxes in the kitchen and placed glass inserts on the upper cabinets, with the exception of ventilation.

The designer’s clients liked the unusually decorated, bright kitchen. What impressed them most was the positive color scheme. The combination of orange, green, gray and black looks incredibly winning. Naturally, we had to select equipment that matched the overall theme of the kitchen.

in the photo Illumination of a bright kitchen

You should also not lose sight of some original tricks. For example, numbered cabinet handles. Take a look at the antique lighting that makes the kitchen look bigger. Clients have chosen design idea, which allows you to refresh the room. In addition, the proposed style will never go out of fashion.

Spring is a time of bright flowers, and if everything is still gray outside and even the daffodils have not yet bloomed, then it is never too late to create a spring interior and add bright flowers to your apartment and garden. Our inspiration today is the rainbow and we'll look at how to create a colorful interior with vibrant walls, furniture and accent pieces in a variety of colours. If you want a home with calmer colors, you can make a bright exterior of the house - a multi-colored facade: walls, doors, windows and even steps in front of houses, and also add colors to your garden - in the form of flowers or decorations for the garden.

On the picture:
1. Bright furniture covers are an elegant way to add bright colors to a simple black and white interior. Read about its different colors in our article.
2. Rainbow-colored textiles - bed linen, pillows, wall panels and lamps will transform a white bedroom.
3. The relaxation corner on a small balcony will become more comfortable; use colored furniture and bright flower pots. More .
4. Rainbow of colors: to differentiate colors, you can use a white cabinet with several open shelves - on each of them collect parts of the same color. Let's add bright ones sofa cushions and striped carpet.
5. Bright colors in the living room design - pillows on the sofa, a blanket and a homemade painting on the wall.
6. Multi-colored furniture pastel shades, pillows and floor lamp - apartments.
7. A rainbow rug in circles and a pair of bright armchairs can completely transform classic interior in calm tones.
8. Multi-colored upholstery of white chairs for the kitchen corner, dining room or dining area.

Multi-colored exterior and facade of the house

On the picture:
1. Multicolored wooden house: yellow walls, green shutters, red Entrance door and a blue bench.
2. A long corridor with colorful arches is a great way to cheer yourself up - just walk along it, thinking about the good, sunny, and positive.
3. Orange door to the house, red flower pots and interesting idea- multi-colored stone tiles, painted regular paint. Let's take it into service.
4. House with orange walls juicy orange hue and bright blue shutters - you look at this and immediately want to smile. By the way, we have already written about what they are like.
5. Original house, whose windows are at different heights, and the walls seem to be painted with watercolors.
6. Another positive multi-colored exterior of the house is the facade and doors.
7. Residential high-rise building with colorful balconies. Would you like to live in something like this?
8. A narrow street with a dozen colorful two-story houses.

Bright decor using interior details

Multi-colored interior details - add bright colors to your home photo

On the picture:
1. Spring display - a pink owl, a green camera with a blue gnome and a vase with bright flowers. Another inspiration of the day: - for lovers of these birds.
2. Multi-colored vases - you can choose your own for any interior. How to do it - read here.
3. Very simple idea rainbows on the windowsill: transparent glasses, white flowers, water and food coloring of different colors - and you will get the same thing.
4. Multi-colored glass balls - there are a million ways to use them in decor, for example, decorating a flower pot or pouring them into a clear glass vase.
5. Multi-colored curtain rods - will look perfect with white curtains.
6. Unusual idea for a hanging mini-garden - caps with plants on a tree branch. Here are other ways to hang indoor plants.
7. Homemade multi-colored felt pendant in the shape of hearts - decor for walls, a nursery or your garden.
8. Rainbow marmalade is another way to cheer yourself up if you're feeling sad.

Same shape - different colors of the rainbow

On the picture:
1. Absolutely identical chairs in all colors of the rainbow - choose what you like best, or use your favorite combination of bright colors in the interior of your home.
2. Multi-colored high chairs - a similar idea to the previous idea, but these chairs are easy to make yourself - just paint regular wooden ones.
3. Multi-colored braid or threads - note to the needlewoman.
4. Paper butterflies In the colors of the rainbow you can decorate the walls in your house, windows, children's room, chest of drawers or anything that comes to your mind.
5. Positive towels - just stack them on the shelf in the bathroom and choose the color you like best today.
6. Homemade multi-colored cabinet with shelves made of wooden boxes— we paint, collect, enjoy life. Here's a way to do one.
7. Clay galoshes in bright colors are an interesting idea for flower pots.
8. Water in glasses, colored with food coloring.

Rainbow of colors in the country house and garden

On the picture:
1. Country decoration garden made of metal wire and multi-colored glass bottles.
2. Wooden signs of different colors - pointers to your favorite world resorts or signatures on the beds about what is planted there.
3. Country fence, stylized as colored pencils with an eraser-shaped handle.
4. Multi-colored steps in the garden and flower pot lanterns of different colors are ideas for creating a romantic mood.
5. Various flowers on the windowsill. Similarly, you can plant such colorful flower beds in your garden. The main thing is that the flowers bloom there at the same time. For example, you can make one like this - a great idea for garden design.
6. Colored country house with a bright wooden fence.
7. Birdhouses of different colors are a way to decorate the garden and flower beds at the dacha.
8. Knitted hanging chair in the colors of the rainbow. You can hang the same bright hammock in the garden.

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We will start with color combination options; this will be the “first stone” in the search for harmony between comfort and style, quality and beauty, simple and timeless. Here it will be very useful for us to know how colors affect our health, mood and mental balance? Colors, like the weather, like our mood, can be warm and cold. Warm ones are red, orange and all similar ones. Cold - blue, cyan and all blue-green and blue-violet tones. Warm shades in the room seem closer, cold shades seem more distant. This needs to be taken into account if you decide to “play” with the size of the space.

When choosing a color, do not forget to take into account the tone and mood that suits both you and the room you decide to decorate. First, let's decide what color the walls will be, since they are the background for the furniture and decorative elements. Our choice will be influenced by the orientation of the rooms to the cardinal points. In “southern” rooms, cool colors will be desirable, and in “northern” ones, warm colors (they will create the illusion of sunlight and warmth): golden, pink-yellow and yellow-green.

Adjust the color of the rooms in accordance with the purpose of each of them. For hallway walls, use pure bright colors or separated blues and yellows, as there is usually not enough daylight. For the kitchen it is better to choose living colors: blue, green, yellow or orange. They improve appetite. In the bedroom, create an atmosphere of complete peace - these are separated yellow or blue colors, as well as shades of cream, gray and pink. In a nursery, the color scheme changes with the age of its little inhabitant. Any combinations yellow color, joyful and bright, are good for kids, but contrasting colors quickly tire, although they look stylish. In the common living room, use neutral colors that match the decorative elements, but in the office there should be a work environment. Try shades close to green and blue. The bathroom and toilet are light, separated colors: blue, turquoise, pink.

Websites about interior color schemes:

Color and feng shui

The Chinese teaching about harmonizing the surrounding world - Feng Shui - attaches great importance to color. From the right choice The color scheme in the interior of an apartment or house can depend on relationships between family members, good luck or troubles at work and in personal life.

The fundamental goal of the art of Feng Shui is to achieve balance between the two flows of energy - yin and yang. Yang energy includes all primary colors, and yin energy includes intermediate colors. Also, a certain color is closely associated with one of the five elements. Fire corresponds to red, bright yellow, orange, and Water corresponds to blue, cyan, black. Earth is identified with the colors beige, yellow and brown. Wood is marked with green or light green, and Metal is marked with white, silver, and golden shades. Any of the colors can have both a positive and negative effect on others, depending on its location in the house.

Interior design according to Feng Shui

Use of colors and shades

By increasing or decreasing the intensity or purity of color, you can change the environment to suit your intentions. For example, in the West no one will drape a hospital room in black or place a small child in a completely white room. At the same time, reducing the intensity of black and switching to soft shades of gray will be appropriate to create an atmosphere of healing in the patient’s room, and painting the walls in pale yellow, pink or bluish tones is suitable for a children’s room.

You can choose colors for your interior or facade using flash coloring

Red color

Hardly any other color, besides red, has such a variety of symbolic meanings. Its semantic meanings are diverse and, at times, contradictory. The color red is associated both with the emotions of love and joy, and with feelings of hatred, enmity and revenge. Since ancient times, the color red has been associated with fire, heat, aggression, passion and sexual energy. In many languages, including Russian, the same word means color, as well as “beautiful, wonderful.”

Red (purple) was the color of sovereign power in the Roman Empire, and the same meaning remains in church symbolism. At the same time, red is the color of blood and sacrifice. Red color is a symbol of the holy martyrs. And finally, red symbolizes rebellion, struggle, revolution and the will to win.

The color red carries all the same semantic loads in the interior. Red color, as a way to attract attention and create a special emotional effect, is used by many design stars to decorate the interiors of hotels, restaurants and other public places.

Orange color

Orange is one of the brightest colors: cheerful, impulsive. He instantly attracts attention. The color orange in moderation awakens in us thoughts of joy, fun and bright sunshine, creating a feeling of well-being and sometimes even euphoria. It is the color of energy, vitality and optimism. He gives us a good mood and always keeps us on our toes.

Impact orange color It has an extremely stimulating effect on the human body: it can increase heart rate and blood pressure, it improves blood circulation and regulates metabolism in the body. This is a very warm and dry color to perceive, so the room in which it is used seems more comfortable and warm, and it is also associated with fire, coals, and hot lava. Psychologically, the power of orange is great - it can mobilize vitality, lift you out of depression and make you do something incredibly difficult.

Orange color in your home


Yellow is one of the brightest colors in the spectrum. It instantly attracts attention. Symbolically, this is the color of the sun, warmth, summer, ripe fruit.

Therefore, the very first emotion when you see yellow is joy: it invigorates, cheers and stimulates the activity of the body. Thanks to it, all vital functions are accelerated: blood pressure rises, the work of the digestive and endocrine systems is activated.

Yellow certainly instantly lifts your spirits. It will free you from many negative thoughts. Against this background, self-esteem may increase, you will feel the potential to solve many problems, and you will feel confident in the future and in your own abilities.

Yellow color is very good for communication - it encourages sociability, encourages you to be open and makes it possible to establish favorable contacts with others without obstacles.

Thanks to many studies, evidence has been obtained that the color yellow can have a positive effect on memory and intelligence. It promotes concentration, encourages active thinking and immediate decision-making. With its help, large amounts of information are remembered and nuances are well stored in the mind.

But this color also has negative aspects. Firstly, in large quantities it is very tiring: this is comparable to the fact that sooner or later you will get tired of a noisy company, sparkling comedy or fiery dancing if you watch and participate in it for hours.

Secondly, cooler shades of yellow can physically cause a feeling of nausea, unsteady balance, and dizziness. Thirdly, with constant contact with large quantities of yellow, it can become too intrusive, you will want to hide and run away from it. You will gradually become more and more aggressive, restless, and nervous.

Green color

Green color symbolizes nature. It is an easy-on-the-eyes color and is said to even improve vision. Just like nature, the color green has healing, relaxing and calming properties. That's why this color is so popular in medical institutions and school corridors.

Green is the color of something new. Just as the first greenery symbolizes the arrival of spring, so the green color opens the way for new actions. The green color of the traffic light is a kind of beginning of the journey, green is a young, “green” student is a first-year student.

People who prefer green have highly developed analytical thinking. High performance and the ability to correctly assess the situation helps them achieve high results in their work. The green color of the walls not only encourages relaxation, it helps you concentrate and get to the bottom of the truth. Green also symbolizes money - it is the favorite color of bankers, the color of wealth. Confidence, reliability, stability - this color is preferred by lawyers and attorneys.

But the darker the green color, the more detached and withdrawn the person living in it can become; he seems to go headlong into his thoughts.

Green color in the interior makes the room more friendly and cozy. I think you have noticed how much the atmosphere of a room changes if you add a green flower to the table. Green seems to soften and neutralize the effect of other colors.

Light green is a good color for bathrooms and bedrooms - calming in the evening and energizing in the morning. Rich green is good for the kitchen and dining room - calmness and prudence, leisurely. Green is a universal color, suitable for any room, even if not as a primary color, then as an additional one.


Blue color gives a person a feeling of purity, freedom, clarity, calmness and peace. It helps lower blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person. However, when developing the design of a particular room, you must remember that an excess blue color can cause a person to feel apathy and indifference. In addition, it contributes to the visual “cooling” of the apartment. Therefore, as noted above, blue color is recommended to be used when designing sunny rooms facing south. The same color can be used to decorate sanitary rooms. However, to avoid feeling cold while in the bathroom, especially in winter, you need to consider how well it is heated.

Blue color

Blue color has amazing calming properties. The color of the sky and ocean is the most popular color. Blue is the exact opposite of red. If the first is a storm of emotions, then the second is calm and peace.

This is the color that is most suitable for all ages for recreation rooms and bedrooms. Scientists have also noticed that the highest labor productivity is achieved in blue rooms. Universal color. Allows you to work well and rest well.

Blue is the color of purity, which is why it is so suitable for bathrooms. People who prefer blue are prone to order, precision, and neatness. This color develops such properties in a person. It’s not for nothing that law enforcement officers in many countries wear blue uniforms.

Egyptian pharaohs believed that the color blue protected from evil. In the Middle Ages there were legends that the color blue protected against the attacks of witches. The color blue has always been associated with people of high social status, noble origin, aristocrats - people with blue blood. Brides in Western countries always try to have something blue or blue with them as a symbol of fidelity or loyalty. As you can see, the blue color in different times Various properties are attributed, but most of them are positive properties.

People do not associate blue and cyan colors with food, since few foods are naturally blue in color. Therefore, they do not remind you once again about food, as if muffling the feeling of hunger. Therefore, these colors should not be used for the kitchen or living room, otherwise it will be even more difficult to seat your child at the table. But for those who want to lose weight - these colors perfect option for walls and for dishes.

Black color

Black color attracts with its depth and mystery, it is especially good for emphasizing and highlighting other colors. On a black background they look especially bright and expressive. However, only originals can choose black as the dominant color, because in large quantities it evokes a gloomy and depressed mood, so black should be used in interior design in limited quantities and only to set off bright colors. In order to soften the contrast, black can be replaced with dark gray or dark brown.

White color

White color in the interior creates a feeling of spaciousness. However, if there is too much of it (for example, it is now popular to create an oriental minimalist interior, where absolutely everything white) there may be a feeling of loneliness. Moreover, objects painted white heat up less than others and take longer to cool down. Therefore, white color must be diluted with some bright details.

It is not advisable to make the kitchen white, as the feeling of comfort will disappear. A white bathroom can feel cool. But a white office is considered a good solution, as it symbolizes honesty and accuracy.

Grey colour

The most accurate definition of gray is neutrality. It rarely happens that someone either loves or hates this color. Gray does not proclaim itself to be loyal and trustworthy, like aqua, or that it is dynamic, like red. Gray is unemotional, formal and dignified. Gray lacks warmth, which makes it look detached and solemn.

In interior design, dark gray can look dull. Light gray is more welcoming, but none of its shades will be conducive to a friendly conversation. Shades of gray suit rooms where people usually gather to relax peacefully. The reaction to gray in the home depends on the climate. If the house is located in a foggy and rainy area, then gray rooms will look depressing. So think carefully before painting your dining room walls gray, especially dark shades. It may not be devoid of elegance, but it won’t add to your appetite.

Color combinations

Achieving harmony in decorative design interior design is impossible without the right selection color range. A good helper home handyman The following color compatibility table will appear.

Red- combines with blue, green, golden yellow, gray, black.

Orange- combines with green, brown, black, light blue.

Yellow- goes well with green, black, brown.

Blue- combines with red, gray, burgundy, gold.

Blue- combines with red, blue, light purple, orange.

Green- combines with orange, yellow, red, burgundy, gray, black.

Pink- combines with gray, brown, burgundy.

Brown- combines with gray, yellow, beige, golden, pink.

Violet- combines with golden, yellow, orange, sea green, light green.

Lilac- combines with gray, chestnut, light purple.

Grey- combines with black, red, green, pink, yellow, blue, light blue.

Using a table like this, you can always create successful color combinations. However, it should be remembered that this is only the basis, the classics. Sometimes a designer has to take the liberty and combine elements that seem incompatible at first glance.

Rainbow in the bathroom
The designers of this bathroom decided to literally interpret the phrase “plunge into the rainbow” and make it the motto of the whole room! The combination of white tiles with chaotically laid tiles of different colors of the rainbow looks very organic and gives only positive emotions to their household. So, the first formula: inexpensive tiles + imagination = beautiful bathroom

Rainbow on the bookshelf
This bookshelf is truly impressive! It would seem that what could be simpler than arranging books on a shelf according to the color of the cover in the order of the colors on the rainbow? Great idea+ a little diligence = interesting project from improvised means!

Rainbow on the walls
Only positive vibrations emanate from this unusual apartment with decor in the form of a three-color stripe encircling the walls of the entire apartment. And the main thing is that such small detail sets the tone for the entire apartment and makes the overall design holistic.

Rainbow in the kitchen
What color kitchen should I choose? If you are young, energetic, and love bright and unconventional solutions, paint each kitchen cabinet door in your own color, following the order of the rainbow.

Rainbow in the living room
One of the walls in this living room is full of all the colors of the rainbow. Different shades of colors laid out in squares create an equalizer effect, giving the room a modern feel.

Rainbow on the steps
A surreal staircase with multi-colored stripes creates the visual effect of a flat surface. It's both fun and dangerous at the same time, so be careful :)