How long do chanterelle mushrooms take to cook? How to fry chanterelles in a frying pan with onions and parsley. Fried chanterelles with potatoes: recipes with photos

It's hard to imagine a more delicious dish than fresh fried mushrooms. Last time I told you, and today we’ll discuss how to fry chanterelles in a frying pan so that the mushrooms turn out tasty and juicy. There are no special tricks on how to fry chanterelle mushrooms, but there are still a few important points, and small culinary tricks on how to fry chanterelles so they don’t taste bitter, which involve pre-processing the mushrooms.

My grandmother prepares fried chanterelles (and all other mushrooms) this way - the result is always predictably tasty and excellent! Therefore, I recommend with all my heart that you try our family recipe for fried chanterelles with onions and parsley.


  • 1 kg. chanterelles
  • 2 pcs. medium sized bulbs
  • 50 gr. butter
  • 1 pinch black pepper
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 3-4 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • ½ bunch of parsley
  • ½ head of garlic

Preparing mushrooms

We sort out the chanterelle mushrooms, throw away large garbage and rotten mushrooms.

Small chanterelles are ideal for frying, like cloves - appetizing and beautiful. It is better to put large chanterelles on mushroom pate or mushroom caviar.

How to boil it properly

You are probably wondering: do you need to boil chanterelles before frying them? I think it's necessary! I have little experience working with fresh mushrooms, and in my family they always boil any mushrooms. In addition, if you pre-boil the chanterelles, they will definitely not taste bitter when cooked.

So, pour the washed chanterelles into boiling water and add half an onion. Grandma says that if the onion turns blue while cooking chanterelles, it means that there are false poisonous chanterelles among the mushrooms. I don’t know if this method is correct or not, but to be on the safe side, I always add half an onion. Soak the chanterelles in boiling water for 15-20 minutes, stirring constantly with a slotted spoon.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, add butter and fry finely chopped onion until transparent.

Then add the prepared chanterelle mushrooms to the onions. Stir and fry for no more than 2-3 minutes. Our chanterelles are already boiled and completely ready, so it’s unnecessary to add mushrooms heat treatment no need.

Stir, cover with a lid and leave for 2 minutes until the parsley becomes soft, then remove the fried chanterelles from the stove. If you are still interested in the question: how long to fry chanterelles, the answer is that pre-boiled chanterelles should be fried for no more than 5 minutes.

Chanterelles are valued not only for their excellent taste and incomparable benefits for the body. Such is modernity that the speed of preparation also adds value to recipes. Well, who would refuse to prepare a delicious, healthy and satisfying dinner for the whole family in just a few minutes? Anyone who doesn’t know how long to fry chanterelles, as a rule, doesn’t cook them, because he thinks that any mushrooms need to be cooked for a long time. So, how long to fry chanterelles?

How long to fry raw chanterelles

No more than 20 minutes - that’s how long any recipe requires to fry chanterelles in a frying pan. It would be more correct to say that they need to be fried until cooked, because mushrooms can be large and small, old and young. Therefore, 20 minutes is an average period of time during which the mushrooms will certainly not be overcooked and will not remain raw. Visually, the degree of readiness of fried chanterelles can be determined by their golden crust and bright orange color. You can also tell by taste whether the fried chanterelles are ready. They are tasty, soft with a slight nutty flavor. Since it is better to add salt to fried chanterelles at the end, before that you need to make sure they are ready.

How long to fry chanterelle mushrooms if they are frozen? Not much longer than raw ones. To reduce this time, you can cover the frying pan with a lid and let them defrost for 5 minutes over low heat, and then start frying. Or you can add frozen mushrooms to half-cooked onions with butter and fry over medium heat until tender. 25 minutes is how long you need to fry the chanterelles if they are frozen.

How long to fry chanterelles after cooking

Chanterelles are relatively safe mushrooms; worms do not like them, and they are not afraid of radiation. But, like any other mushroom, the chanterelle, along with moisture, actively absorbs toxins from the atmosphere and resins emitted by nearby trees. This often causes not only that, but also mushroom poisoning. It’s not at all necessary to cook chanterelles, but it’s still worth playing it safe. Boiled mushrooms are also subject to subsequent frying, like raw and frozen ones. How long to fry chanterelles after cooking? Of course, this will take less time than frying raw chanterelles, and even more so frozen ones. To prepare boiled and then fried chanterelles, 10-15 minutes are enough, and appearance mushrooms this can be easily determined.

How long to fry chanterelle mushrooms depends, first of all, on their initial condition. There is a difference in how long to fry boiled chanterelles and how long to fry frozen ones. You can also fry these mushrooms fresh and with the addition of vegetables. Experienced housewives They know that it is very easy to “overcook” mushrooms, so it is important to know how long to fry chanterelles in order to enjoy their taste.

No more than 20 minutes - that’s how long to fry chanterelles without cooking, as recommended by those who understand them. The fact is that raw chanterelles will release moisture, which will have to be evaporated, only after that they will be fried.

How long to fry chanterelles after cooking?

It is not at all necessary to cook chanterelles, but many people prefer to play it safe and still prepare mushroom dishes only after boiling. And this process, of course, will affect how long to fry the chanterelle mushrooms so that they are covered with an appetizing crust.

10-15 minutes - that’s how long you need to fry the chanterelles until a crust forms. But if we are objective, then the question of how many minutes to fry the chanterelles after cooking can be answered this way - fry until done.

In addition, how long you need to fry the chanterelles after cooking also depends on the intensity of the fire. Ready fried chanterelles are soft, aromatic, with a golden crust. As soon as they become like this, you can remove them from the stove.

How long to fry frozen chanterelles

Mushrooms often have to be frozen, so it’s also useful to know how long to fry the chanterelles in a frying pan until they’re done, if they’re frozen. Defrosting time – 5 minutes and cooking time 10-15 minutes – and delicious fried chanterelles are ready.

How long to fry chanterelles with potatoes

Whatever you cook the chanterelles with, it is important that they sit in a hot frying pan for 10-15 minutes.

How many minutes to fry chanterelles in a frying pan with potatoes? The same amount as without potatoes – 15 minutes. Before cooking with mushrooms, potatoes are boiled until fully cooked.

How long to fry chanterelles with onions

5 minutes is enough to fry the onions, and then you can add mushrooms to it. How long you need to fry the chanterelles until cooked is already known, namely 15 minutes. Frying longer is doubly not recommended - not only the chanterelles, but also the onions can burn.

For sure, Europeans know a lot about delicious food, and that is why these red, aromatic mushrooms are so popular throughout Western Europe.

All sorts of dishes are made with this forest product, but in our area it is more common to cook chanterelles in a frying pan, but few people know how and how much to fry them.

But only with proper adherence to temperature and time conditions, as well as cooking technology, can we get an incomparably tasty mushroom dish.

How long to fry chanterelles in a frying pan

Each person has their own criteria for choosing the perfect dish. The same applies to mushrooms, and more precisely, to the methods of their preparation.

Some people prefer to eat slightly browned, aromatic stems and caps, while others get real pleasure from dry and crispy mushroom pieces. Some people like pre-boiled mushrooms, while others find them tasteless.

In a word, the time and method of frying chanterelles depends on these gastronomic preferences.

How long to fry chanterelles without cooking?

IN classic version, chanterelles, without preliminary boiling, are cooked in a frying pan for about 20-25 minutes. And this despite the fact that the entire cooking procedure is divided into two stages: stewing and direct frying.

The thing is that chanterelles themselves are quite juicy mushrooms. In addition, before cooking, they are usually soaked in water to remove small debris and sand, as a result of which the mushrooms are additionally saturated with moisture. And it is this water that, when it gets into the frying pan, under the influence of temperature, they rush to give it away.

As a result, the chanterelles are stewed in their own juice until the liquid has completely evaporated, about 10-15 minutes over medium heat. This method of pre-processing wild mushrooms is more preferable than cooking, since this way the mushrooms retain their original aroma as much as possible.

After the liquid has evaporated and the pan is dry, add fat to the mushrooms. It can be any non-fragrant vegetable oil, but the most delicious chanterelles are obtained by frying them in butter over high heat without a lid for 7-10 minutes.

A light brownish-golden crust will signal that the chanterelles are ready.

How long to fry chanterelles after cooking

If, after washing, you still prefer to boil the chanterelles in salted water for about 20 minutes, then upon completion of cooking, you should first place the mushrooms on a sieve and hold them there for 15 minutes to drain off excess water.

After that, cut into optimal pieces, place the chanterelles in a heated and oiled frying pan. Fry them first until the remaining moisture evaporates (7-10 minutes), and then increase the heat, add oil and cook the mushrooms until cooked.

Everyone determines the measure of readiness for themselves:

  • If you like light frying and juicy mushrooms, then 5 minutes on fire is enough.
  • Those who like a crispy crust should increase the frying time to 10-20 minutes.

How long to fry frozen chanterelles

Frozen chanterelles practically do not lose their taste, which makes these mushrooms the most popular in winter period. But how, and most importantly, how long should you fry chanterelles after storing them in the freezer?

  • Before frying, mushrooms should be defrosted by placing them in warm water, after which the “awakened” saffron milk caps need to be transferred to a colander and wait until the excess water drains.

In this case, the chanterelles can even be slightly crushed, as if squeezed, but as gently as possible, so as not to damage the mushrooms.

  • After that we act traditional way: add oil, turn up the heat and fry the mushrooms until tender - 10-15 minutes
  • After that, transfer the chanterelles to a greased frying pan and simmer them over medium heat under the lid until the moisture evaporates.
  • If you have frozen boiled or fried mushrooms that have already been peeled, you can directly place them in a frying pan and slowly defrost them under a lid over low heat.

  • After the lump of mushrooms has melted and the chanterelles are swimming separately in their own broth, increase the heat to maximum and evaporate the liquid. Then add oil and fry the mushrooms until golden brown.

Frying chanterelles with potatoes in a frying pan will take no more than 30 minutes. That is why such a tasty, simple and satisfying dish is the most favorite and, perhaps, the best dinner treat for busy people.

To make your own mushroom treat at home really quickly and correctly, follow our recipe step by step.

  1. Place half a kilo of chanterelles (peeled, chopped and washed) in an oiled frying pan, where they should simmer under a lid over medium heat for 10 minutes until dry.
  2. Next, pour in the oil, add the diced onion (1 pc.) and fry all the ingredients for 10 minutes.
  3. In a separate frying pan over high heat (with the addition of 80 ml of oil), fry the potato wedges or small slices until cooked and golden brown. It only takes 15-20 minutes to fry them. There is no need to cover the pan with a lid.

For half a kilogram of mushrooms, you should take no more than 1 kg of potatoes, which is approximately equal to 6-10 medium tubers.

4. When both the potatoes and mushrooms are ready, combine them in one container, add salt, pepper, mix and cook over medium heat for another 3 minutes.

The dish prepared according to this (basic) recipe can be refined at your discretion: add finely chopped herbs, crushed garlic, sour cream (200 ml) or sprinkle with grated cheese. All this must be done 3 minutes before the end of cooking, then simmer the dish for the remaining minutes under the lid.

Now that you have learned how to fry chanterelles in a frying pan correctly and how much, your culinary knowledge has become much more invaluable. And now you can please your loved ones delicious dishes even more often.

Frying chanterelles in a frying pan with onions

Chanterelles are versatile mushrooms. They can be boiled, stewed, canned, salted, dried, fried.

Fried chanterelles are rightfully considered the most delicious, especially if you fry them according to the recipe with onions. To deliciously fry chanterelles in a frying pan, simply add some butter to the vegetable oil, or even better, melted butter. You will get additional flavor shades in the dish.

Cooks often fry chanterelles. They are delicious on their own and taste great in salads and other dishes. You don’t need to boil the chanterelles at all before frying; they are also tasty without cooking. But if you cook them first, it will also turn out incredibly tasty; the mushrooms themselves turn out a little more tender. Pre-cook the chanterelles before frying for 10 minutes, and then fry for another 15 minutes. It is better to fry the chanterelles over medium heat without a lid. Serve fried chanterelles with freshly boiled potatoes; it is incredibly tasty with sour cream.

By the way, if you are going to fry frozen chanterelles, then first defrost them and fry for 10-15 minutes.