How to glue wallpaper in corners - the secret to perfect gluing. How to glue wallpaper on corners How to properly glue wallpaper on an inner corner

Decorating walls with material such as wallpaper is the most common way when the question arises of updating the interior. Inviting specialists to wallpaper a room is convenient, but not necessary. It is enough to be willing to carry out such repairs yourself.

Process Features

If you don’t have the extra money to pay professional finishers, you can handle the wall covering yourself. But there are problems with how to carefully glue the wallpaper in the corners. Before you get started, it's best to know some building codes.

It doesn’t matter in principle where to start wallpapering a room, as long as all the corners are even. If this is not the case, it is better to choose the angle at which, after pasting the wallpaper, you can avoid skewing the stripes on a flat surface. In any case, it is better to start work from a corner that is not striking or at least will be blocked by furniture in the future. There is certainly no need to choose a protruding corner for pasting with the first canvas.

You should not use a whole piece of wallpaper at the junction of two walls, especially considering that some are very wide. Even on the most even and neat-looking turn, the wallpaper wrinkles and warps slightly, shrinking after drying.

If there are switches or sockets near the corners, it is better to interrupt the electricity supply and remove the covers of these devices before starting work. The protruding parts of the electrical system can simply be covered with wallpaper, and after the work is completed, the places for sockets and switches can be carefully cut out. This will make your work easier and the result will be of better quality.

Surface preparation

To prevent wallpapering the walls from turning into torture at the first turn, you need to carefully prepare the walls for decoration in advance.

Upon closer inspection, the corners may appear crooked, rounded, and sometimes have noticeable depressions and bumps. Therefore, experts advise not to spare time and effort in puttingtying the uneven surface, and maybe even plastering it. Plaster corners will be a good assistant in this matter.

They are leveled and glued with the same plaster or putty. There are corners for internal and external corners. Once the fresh putty has dried, it should be rubbed with sandpaper to make the surface smooth. Then the corners should be carefully primed and wait until the excess moisture leaves the primer.

All these measures will make the process of pasting corners easier, and you will be satisfied with the result.

If it is not possible to achieve absolute evenness or there is no time to do this, you need to be especially careful when choosing the wallpaper itself. For gluing curved surfaces, loose ones are suitable. Decoration Materials, since they will have to be glued overlapping, and from the side where the canvas is applied to the canvas they should not be noticeable.

A good choice in in this case There will be non-woven wallpaper with small patterns or plain ones. Also, the curvature of the angle can be hidden by non-smooth decorative materials, or even fiberglass for painting.

Pasting step by step:

  • Before you start pasting, you need to prepare all the tools and materials.
  • Calculate the area that needs to be covered and buy the required number of rolls of wallpaper.
  • Select the appropriate wallpaper glue and dilute it according to the instructions.
  • Stock up on a tape measure, a plumb line, a pencil, and a long metal ruler.

  • Prepare a construction knife, roller, brush, sponge or clean rag.
  • Bring a stool or stepladder so you can reach the top edge of the wall while working.

Stepping back four or five centimeters from the joint, draw a line along the wall with a pencil, perpendicular to the floor, focusing on a plumb line. Majority modern wallpaper glued joint to joint. Therefore, it depends on how correctly you draw this line and paste the first strip, whether the subsequent strips will lie strictly vertically or skewed.

To be sure, it is better to make pencil guidelines for each of them.

Wallpaper strips are cut with a margin of 2 centimeters, since they become shorter after drying. Since wallpaper is sold in round rolls, which are also quite wide and heavy, it is inconvenient to apply them to the wall every time. So it’s better to cut the decorative fabric on the floor on a surface prepared for rolling out wallpaper.

The wall must be carefully glued with glue. Particular attention should be paid to the corners, because it is in these places that the probability of the decorative layer falling off is greatest. The rule for treating walls with glue applies to all cases: when you decorate walls with paper, non-woven, and vinyl wallpaper. And if you use heavy vinyl wallpaper, you need to coat them with glue as well. During the process, if you hesitate and the glue in the corners has time to dry, be sure to repeat the gluing again.

The technique for gluing corners has long been worked out. There are techniques for gluing both external and internal corners.


When finishing walls, convex surfaces are especially striking, so the quality of the outer corners will largely determine the perception of the room as a whole. If the corners are even, it is enough to wrap the wallpaper around the corner three to four centimeters from the protrusions and glue it. If the wallpaper begins to wrinkle, you will have to carefully trim it at the folds. The next strip can be glued to the wall as it is done on a plane.

If the outer corners are crooked, the problem cannot be solved so easily. When you decorate walls with materials that practically do not shrink after drying and fit together end to end, the canvas on the corner must be glued so that it protrudes about five centimeters beyond the turn. When gluing, the other canvas should slightly overlap the previous one. A neat cut is made along the ruler in the middle.

Excess material from above and below remains to be removed. Smooth the canvas thoroughly and press it as tightly as possible to the surface.

If you are dealing with paper wallpaper, there is no need to rush to trim the overlap. Double-check the correctness of the sticker using a plumb line. If the deviations are very large, obviously excess wallpaper can be carefully cut off along the intended line.

To complete the design of the outer corner and to prevent the wallpaper on the ledge from fraying over time, it is better to use plastic corners for wallpaper, matched to it in color. You need to calculate in advance how many of them will be needed for the job. Glue the corners using liquid nails or using silicone sealant.

The outer corner approach is also used on ledges around doors and windows. Beams and other similar elements with external corners are glued separately in a similar way using scraps of wallpaper that remain after gluing the canvases on the walls.


To properly dispose of the next canvas in the corner, you need to measure the distance from the outermost glued strip to the joint and add another two centimeters to the resulting figure. The wallpaper strip must be cut taking this into account and applied to the wall, previously coated with glue. At correct pruning a narrow strip of wallpaper should be on the adjacent strip behind the joint line. Smooth the canvas with a roller and a rag to release all the air between the wall and the future decorative covering.

If such a bubble does not want to disappear, experienced people recommend piercing it to release the air, and using a syringe, pour a little glue under the wallpaper, and then smooth it with a roller.

If the corner is uneven and wrinkles appear on the strip during gluing, use scissors, as in the case of the outer corner, to make neat cuts towards the fold and glue the canvas.

The neighboring strip needs to be glued on the second wall with an overlap of a couple of centimeters on the previous one. Check the quality of your work using a plumb line. When smoothing the second sheet, you must not press the edge of the required allowance against the wall.

Then, using a ruler, you need to cut through the layers with a construction knife, remove the excess top layer, and then the lower sections. Coat the wallpaper in the corner with glue again and press it against the wall so that there are no air bubbles left.

If everything is done carefully, you will get an even seam.

Subtleties of working with drawings

There are certain difficulties in beautifully gluing patterned wallpaper in protruding and internal corners. When using a decorative coating with a clear, pronounced pattern, you will have to try not to distort it at the junction. It is necessary to foresee this task in advance when selecting materials in the store.

Distortion is especially noticeable on wallpaper with vertical stripes. If the design is horizontal, it may appear skewed relative to the ceiling and floor.

This can only be avoided if the corners are overlapped. The edge of the canvas must be glued strictly plumb. The adjacent strip must be carefully trimmed along the edge of the corner. Moreover, when covering a wall with paper wallpaper, all these manipulations must be performed not only carefully, but also with maximum speed. Otherwise, the coating itself will spread and you will ruin more than one strip of wallpaper.

To make the unevenness less noticeable, it is recommended to hide the resulting joint in the upper part of the corner. It is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid a certain shift in the pattern, but with a competent approach it will be so unnoticeable that the eye will only cling to the joints of those who have carried out this repair themselves.

Wallpaper sticker has been and remains the cheapest and in a beautiful way wall decoration. Beginners can master it on their own; it is also used by masters with pleasure. This is a simple and easy process that takes little time. But, as in any repair work, you should have a minimum of knowledge and master some skills, without which the result obtained may upset a diligent worker. The question of how to properly paste wallpaper in the corners of a room has already initial stage work and requires careful preliminary preparation.

Preparing corners

Even if visually the corners seem even, upon closer examination the picture turns out to be not so rosy. The slightest irregularities on the walls and a crooked corner line will cause the canvas applied to the surface to lie crookedly on the adjacent wall and cause the wallpaper to rip and unsightly creases. The next strip of wallpaper, glued end-to-end, will not lie strictly vertically, the pattern will shift - as a result, the wallpaper will have to be torn off the wall and work started again. To prevent this from happening, you must:

Pasting corners, as well as the walls themselves, should not be done “by eye”.

In order not to rack your brains once again about how to glue wallpaper in the corners of a room, you need to prepare the tools:

  • spatula (it should not be wide, the optimal width is 15cm);
  • plumb line (allows you to maintain a strictly vertical level of the glued strips);
  • construction knife (with its help, excess pieces of wallpaper are removed quickly and accurately);
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • brush;
  • roller;
  • scissors.

A large number of wallpapers offered for sale have to be glued end-to-end, rather than overlapping, therefore, when deciding from which angle to glue the wallpaper, it is better to focus on strict vertical lines. Since there are practically no perfectly straight corners in modern rooms, you can start gluing wallpaper from the door or window.

How to cover an outer corner?

Before gluing wallpaper with a pattern in the corners, you need to prepare a canvas of such width that it goes around the edge of the outer corner and rests a few centimeters on the wall adjacent to it. To do this, you need to measure the distance from the edge of the previous strip to the corner and add 2-3 cm to the resulting value, transfer the measurements to the wallpaper, cut off the excess, and only then start gluing the corners. An edge that has been turned around a corner may cause creases. In these places, cuts are made with a construction knife. The canvas is carefully smoothed and pressed tightly against the wall.

Advice! When using heavy wallpaper (for example, vinyl), glue is applied to both the wall and the wallpaper. To stick light (for example, non-woven) wallpaper, it is enough to grease only the wall. But in both cases, dried areas of walls and wallpaper need additional lubrication with glue.

A vertical line is drawn on the adjacent wall using a plumb line. The width of this section is determined from the corner and is equal to the width of the next panel with the addition of 0.6-1 cm. The second strip lies right side strictly along a vertically outlined line, and its left-hand side overlaps the edge of the previous strip. It is necessary to carefully ensure that the motifs of the drawing on both canvases coincide. You must not only know how to glue wallpaper on the outer corner and use it skillfully, but also prevent the elements of the ornament from becoming chaotic. After the canvas is glued, you need to dip the brush in glue, coat the dried edges and press them tightly with a roller.

But, it’s one thing to figure out how to quickly stick wallpaper, another thing is to ensure that in the outer corners they don’t lift up or come off over time. It looks, to put it mildly, unaesthetic. To solve this problem, wallpaper corners are used. Long strips, reaching a length of 3 m, are quite easy to adjust to size. To do this, you can use a hacksaw. The next question arises: what is the correct way to wallpaper? They will not stick to wallpaper glue, and after use liquid nails Unsightly marks on the wallpaper cannot be avoided. Silicone sealant is ideal for these purposes.

How to cover an inner corner?

The work process is in full swing, and the vertical canvases lie flat on the wall, but the adjacent wall is getting closer and closer and you have to wonder: what does it take to hang wallpaper yourself in the inner corners? This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, and certainly no more difficult than pasting external corners.

After the next strip is glued in front of the inner corner, you need to measure the distance from its edge on the right to the corner, add 1-2 cm to this value.

The dimensions are transferred to the next strip, it is carefully cut vertically (by eye). And for confident movement, use a spatula.

A canvas is placed on a wall carefully coated with glue. A strip of small width will also appear on the adjacent wall. You can get rid of creases using a construction knife. In the corner the canvas is very carefully pressed against the wall. A spatula is applied to the wall. The flat part is pressed against the wall and directed towards the corner. The construction knife follows the direction of the spatula. The narrow strip that ends up on the adjacent wall is carefully trimmed.

Advice! The dull parts of the construction knife must be broken off in a timely manner to avoid tears and inaccurate cutting of the wallpaper.

The part of the strip that was cut off can be used further. It is necessary to measure its width, subtract 1-2 cm from this value, transfer the dimensions to the wall, draw a vertical line. The ideally flat side of the wallpaper should lie strictly along a vertical line, and its left edge will overlap the previous strip. Using a sharp blade of a construction knife, carefully trim off the excess, as in the previous stage of work.

If novice craftsmen, when thinking about how to glue wallpaper in the corners of a room, begin to worry and rack their brains, then people who have mastered a simple technique with any wallpaper - be it heavy vinyl or light non-woven - cope with the same ease and speed. You only have to do the job correctly once, and then it starts to go wrong.

In the article you can find the answer to the question of how to glue wallpaper in corners. It is worth treating the finishing process with all responsibility; unevenness can be obvious, thereby spoiling the impression of a freshly completed renovation.

Step-by-step instructions for gluing internal corners

When finishing, the main problem can be uneven walls and the resulting folds in the wallpaper. You also need to take into account that with curved walls, the joints of the wallpaper may diverge.

How to glue an external corner (external)?

The protruding corner must be pasted over in the same way as the internal one, however, there are small differences that also need to be taken into account when working.

What to do if the corners are uneven?

Uneven walls common problem old houses. Before you start gluing the topcoat, it is advisable to carry out preparatory work and put the surfaces in order. If the corners are visually smooth and do not require overhaul, it will be enough to walk with a hard cloth, removing small irregularities and dust. If the irregularities are noticeable with the naked eye, then it is better to a little work before you start gluing wallpaper.

Features of gluing meter wallpaper

Wide canvases are convenient because they allow finishing with fewer seams on the surface. Gluing them is more difficult, but the result is worth it.

How to join in corners?

It would seem that such a trifle as gluing corners in a room can completely ruin the entire job if done incorrectly. And if the wallpaper also has a pattern that needs to be adjusted, then you should approach the finishing responsibly.

How to adjust the pattern in the corners?

It is important that the pattern is continuous and even around the entire perimeter of the room. To do this, you need to correctly combine the pattern and trim off the excess.

  1. The strips are also glued overlapping. An allowance is left on both walls.
  2. Using a plastic spatula, press the wallpaper to the corner.
  3. After gluing the second sheet, the wallpaper is trimmed according to the pattern. This method applies to wallpaper with small patterns. Larger designs may require trimming along the edges.

Before gluing, you must first prepare the material for work by spreading the coating on the floor and studying the pattern. The segments are cut off after selecting the pattern in height.

Features of trimming wallpaper in corners

In order to get a perfectly even seam in the corner, you need to properly trim the excess.

  1. After the wallpaper is pasted to the wall, a straight metal ruler is applied, it can also be a spatula or a rule. You can use a level to keep the cutting line straight.
  2. Using a sharp utility knife, cut off the excess along the edge of the ruler, after which the top layer of wallpaper will come off.
  3. Carefully pry up the bottom layer of wallpaper and remove it in the same way.
  4. The canvases are coated with glue and pressed tightly to the corner. As a result, the coating fits tightly against each other.

Gluing wallpaper in corners is not that difficult, but it requires special care and precision. Today there is a finishing method that allows you to do the job without any joints at all, namely liquid wallpaper. They are applied in an even layer and do not require such difficulties as adjusting the pattern, width, accuracy in rounded places and other nuances.

There are now high demands on the appearance of the interior. Owners of Khrushchev apartments, who have repeatedly glued paper trellises in their apartments, now do not dare to begin repairs with their own hands. They don't know how to put wallpaper in the corners to make the room look good. Vinyl and non-woven fabrics are more difficult to work with. They are heavy and require certain skills. If you properly seal the corners with wallpaper, then the next repair will not happen soon.

Uneven corners frighten novice craftsmen, but even ones are very rare

It is difficult to bring two planes together perfectly. Therefore, even with smooth walls, the corners have a lot of deviations. I had a lot of work and Vadik had to decorate his aunts’ apartments on his own. He was hesitant to start because he didn’t know how to properly glue wallpaper in the corners.

I decided to show my friend the practice of wallpapering rooms in old houses. One of my teams was renovating an apartment in a historical building. Vadik could see:

  • preparation;
  • alignment methods;
  • how to use perforated corners;
  • finishing the room.

The technology for finishing corners with wallpaper of all types is the same. Only thin paper trellises and fiberglass webs can differ. Work must begin from front door rooms when gluing end to end. When applying the edges of strips of thin trellises - away from the window.

Preparation and leveling makes subsequent finishing easier

When doing renovations in old apartments, I always putty the walls and install perforated corners. They simultaneously serve as beacons and protect the ledges from destruction. I choose cardboard ones if the inner corners have slight unevenness. In all other cases I use a PVC profile.

  1. I check the verticality of the walls with a laser level. You can use a plumb line. I choose a flatter base surface.
  2. I putty and embed the profile in the solution, leveling it.
  3. After drying, I smooth it with another layer of putty. For paper and non-woven wallpaper I use an additional finishing compound.

If customers don’t want to spend money on leveling and corners, then I simply fill up large depressions. I cover the corner with wallpaper, cut a strip 10–12 cm wide. I place it evenly on both walls, making cuts for a tight fit. After this, it is easier to glue wallpaper in the corners. If the top fabric has to be cut or the paper trellises burst, then thanks to the background made of the same material it will not be noticeable.

Advice! It’s better to align the corners well once than to fool your head every time you wallpaper a room.

Paste over the protrusions

The last strip in front of the corner is cut off so that it extends onto the other wall by approximately 2–5 cm, depending on the curvature. The greater the differences, the wider the approach. It should completely cover the most convex place by at least 8 mm.

For a better fit, I make notches with a sharp knife or just cuts with scissors. It is desirable that they be inclined towards the edge. I cover the corners with wallpaper and smooth out the main part first, then the strip around the corner.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners of an apartment?

Before you start gluing the wall from the corner, measure the width of the trellis and draw a line vertically along the level. I also check the condition of the corner. The side surface of the strip should go along the deepest dent. I paste it strictly vertically, according to the markings. Near the corner the edge lies flat. The protrusions are hidden under the wallpaper that was pasted earlier.

It is better to cut wallpaper with large patterns so that the lines match. A slight shift will not be noticeable.

I cut thick vinyl wallpaper using a ruler at a distance of 2 mm from the edge of the top sheet. Using a sharp knife, I cut both pieces strictly vertically along the entire height. I remove the excess and the canvases lie end to end. For strength, I put a painting mesh.

Advice! Use clear glue.

We start gluing from the door

My friend was able to see everything and now wallpapering in the corners did not scare him. Before you start finishing the room, you should draw vertical lines and check the condition of the corners. If not professional level, you can use a weight on the thread.

  1. We glue it with an overlap of up to 5 cm on the adjacent wall.
  2. Smooth the main fabric to the corner and glue it.
  3. We make cuts and tightly fill all the unevenness with wallpaper.
  4. We mark the vertical and, taking into account the pattern, glue the next strip end-to-end to the corner.
  5. Using a ruler, we cut both sheets at a distance of 1–2 cm.
  6. Remove excess pieces of wallpaper.
  7. By bending both edges we glue the painting mesh. Coats it with additional glue.
  8. We connect the strips end to end along the cutting line and press.

Before gluing wallpaper in the corners, make an approximate marking of the location of the stripes on all walls. If a piece of wallpaper ends close to a corner, immediately move the first strip. You can start with a strip cut along the length.

Simple techniques to hide unevenness by combining

I told Vadik earlier that to create original interior combination with different patterns and tones is used. After a tour of the ancient building, he expressed the opinion that the designers came up with such a technique to hide defects.

Before starting renovations, consider options for decorating the interior with companion wallpaper. First, cover the walls with trellises with a pattern, extending onto the adjacent wall. Then you create the transition with plain stripes. The cutting lines will visually look like straight corners. Irregularities will not be noticeable.

For those with no experience, combining is more accessible than wallpapering with a pattern. At the same time, you adjust the shape of the room and enlarge it.

How to choose the right wallpaper depending on the shape and purpose of the room

If all surfaces were perfectly smooth, it would be so simple and easy to stick wallpaper to the wall! However, things are not so simple when it comes to wallpapering corners. Every little detail is important in this matter. In this article you can get invaluable information on how to glue external and internal corners, and you can confirm your book knowledge by watching the video lessons we have prepared.

Even a beginner can stick wallpaper on a wall. With the right adhesive that matches the type of wallpaper, you can easily cope with a flat wall, devoid of various bends and angles. However, many people have difficulty with the corners of the rooms, and this is where all sorts of difficulties associated with the task begin. There are so many experts, so many opinions, on the question of how to glue wallpaper in corners.

How to properly glue the inner and outer corners of a room

Internal: Every standard room has at least four corners. From what angle should you stick the wallpaper? If you are new to the world of renovation, in particular, wallpapering, then start from the corner that is not in the most visible place. We recommend that you practice in inconspicuous places in your home.

In order to achieve an ideal result, you need to glue the wallpaper in the corners so that the wallpaper glued to the wall extends onto the adjacent surface by no less than 3 cm, otherwise there is a possibility of the wallpaper peeling off in the room after drying, and no more than by 5 cm, otherwise the adjacent strip will wrinkle.

The bend and rotation of the wallpaper onto the adjacent plane must be carefully lubricated with glue, pressing the canvas firmly for more reliable fixation. The further algorithm of actions is simple: you must measure the width of the adjacent canvas located on the adjacent wall. As a rule, it is about 53 cm. The mark for the allowance of the glued strip of wallpaper should be fixed at a distance of approximately 2 cm from the corner, draw a vertical line through it using a plumb line. This mark will be the edge of the glued canvas.

External: If your room has external corners - be it all kinds of niches, protrusions in the walls - then information on how to wallpaper external corners will come in very handy. There are two gluing methods:

The process of wallpapering with trimming in the corner of the room video tutorials

  1. Making sure that the outer corner has a perfectly even texture and does not require additional leveling or putty. First you need to apply wallpaper to this place. Using a level, it is necessary to measure the edge of the strip so that subsequent panels can be glued evenly.
  2. By analogy, internal and external corners The rooms must be wallpapered as follows: first, the strip should be placed around the corner by 4-5 cm, and the next strip should be glued on top with an overlap. Using a paper knife and a ruler (preferably an iron one - it is stiffer and will not move to the side) we make a vertical cut between two layers of material.

How to properly glue corners with vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl sheets are very attractive, however, to glue them, you should learn about characteristic features this type of material.

Secondly, when gluing, you should not bend the entire panel at the junction of the walls. To properly glue wallpaper in corners, specialists vinyl wallpaper It is advised not to bend the entire panel for pasting at the junction of the walls.

A characteristic feature of vinyl is that it is undesirable to combine two solid panels in one corner. The best option This is done by gluing a continuous strip with an overlap of 3-5 centimeters.

How to paste the corners of a room with non-woven wallpaper

How to glue wallpaper in the corners if your choice fell on a material such as non-woven fabric? To properly paste over an internal corner in a room, you need to cut the fabric that goes over it with an allowance of 1-1.5 cm, which should overlap the adjacent wall. They will fit more tightly if you make small cuts along the edge along the entire length and at an equal distance every 4-5 cm, and press the canvas tightly against the wall.

You can start gluing the adjacent wall from the opposite corner, and when all the strips are pasted, the last strip needs to be cut with an overlap of 2-3 mm, gluing it overlapping.

Subtleties when gluing wallpaper video lessons

The peculiarity of how to glue outer corners is that the strip of wallpaper adjacent to it must be cut so that the distance between the seam and the corner is approximately 1.5-2 cm, which will need to be rolled around the corner. Along the edges, as in pasting the inner corners, make cuts, and the next strip of wallpaper should be glued on top, overlapping the edge on the corner.

If you do, then both strips should be cut at the corner using a sharp knife, and after gluing, you need to walk along the joints in the corner part, and only then paint.

Angles and drawing

The easiest way is with wallpaper without a pattern. However, how to glue wallpaper in the corners of a room with a selection of patterns if your choice fell on canvases with a pattern? It is important to think through everything in advance before purchasing wallpaper. You should take into account such an important factor as the unevenness of the walls in the room, as it can have a significant impact on the final result. The simplest material is with a vertical pattern, however, if you have uneven walls, this will only emphasize the curvature of the walls. It is not advisable to give preference to canvases with patterns - large and small flowers, as well as complex patterns.

How to wallpaper in corners with a pattern? Don’t rush to haphazardly cut the wallpaper into strips required height. Take the time to match all the patterns before you start trimming. To maintain the integrity of the pattern, the strip next to the corner needs to be adjusted, trimmed to match the pattern of the finished wall.

You can get a more visual idea by watching the video on our website. They will help you understand all the intricacies of wall repair and wallpapering corners, both external and internal.

How to trim an inside corner video tutorials

A certain logical completeness of your renovation will depend on how carefully you arrange the corners of the room. Follow the advice given in this article, and you will never have problems when gluing vinyl and non-woven wallpaper, and the thought of how to properly glue wallpaper in the corners will not take you by surprise.