How to write a letter to Platon Shchukin. How can you write to Yandex technical support in a new webmaster. We are looking for a feedback form from those. Yandex support

I wish good health to all readers of the Old Crow blog. Today I decided to talk to you about such a symbolic character for all webmasters as Platon Shchukin, or simply Plato. Plato is both a robot and a pseudonym for technical support of the Russian Internet giant Yandex. As a rule, it is on his behalf that Yandex communicates with webmasters. Plato even has his own blog, where he publishes quite interesting information. This blog lives here – But, often, a blog is not enough, because every webmaster sooner or later has an individual question. And then there is nothing left to do but write to Plato directly. But the swami and I will try to figure out how to do this correctly.

But first, let's remember what I said a little higher. Plato is a robot... That's right. In most cases, the first letter sent to Shchukin will be answered by a robot, and not by real people in the support group. This happens for one simple reason. The support group receives thousands, if not tens of thousands of emails every day. Now think about how much staff you need to have to answer each of them. This is why, if a letter has standard content, it is filtered and a standard response is received. If the webmaster does not calm down and writes again in support of Yandex, then a living person takes Plato’s place and the answer will be individual. By the way, I talked about how to correctly write in support of Yandex, so that they would certainly answer you.

By the way, one more secret, although, what a secret it is, but still. If you want a real support group to answer your very first letter, then this very letter needs to be written by the most in an unusual way. There can be many examples, and they are scattered in an extraordinary number throughout the Internet. Therefore, I will give only one so that you know in which direction to dance:

Good day!

During the last takeoff of my Boeing, which took place on January 20, 2011, all the passengers were mercilessly killed by your fighters and no one was left alive.

This saddens me very much and I would like to know the reason for such mass terror.

There was no illegal sale of tickets on the Boeing, so the reason for the deaths of passengers remains a mystery.

Tell me what needs to be done so that my Boeing returns to air space with passengers?!

Why is this happening? Most likely, because the robot cannot respond to such a letter and submits it for manual moderation.

Where to write to Plato. Step-by-step instruction

Well, now the most important thing, the exact address where to write to Plato. After all, with Yandex’s innovations, they hid the return form so far away that you won’t find it right away. First of all, we will need to answer a bunch of questions in Yandex Webmaster with possible solutions our problem. And only after we’ve said a lot that we haven’t found the answer, we finally get to the form feedback with Plato. As an example, I will give visual instructions for my website:

Let's go to YaV

Click on it and you will be taken to the feedback page. Where we are asked to choose a site about which we want to write to Plato. If you have only one website, then, of course, you won’t have to choose.

Next, we get to a page where you will be asked to select the topic of the question. That's what we do. For example, I didn’t bother guessing and clicked on the top one – Site Indexing.

Here we have to answer all sorts of questions. If we don’t find anything useful, then we say that none of the above solves our problems.

In the end, we are thrown onto the feedback form. Here we fill in all fields marked with an asterisk. And since everything here is marked with an asterisk, we fill it all in =)). We can also attach a screenshot. Then click the send button and wait for Plato’s response to the specified email.

How to write to Platon Shchukin in Yandex? Photo instructions!

Various problems with the site periodically arise for many webmasters. The site is not listed in the search results, the resource is ranked low by search engines, there are few pages in the search - this is not a complete list of problems that arise when working on the site. In this case, of course, you should first look for the root of the problem on your side and in the methods of your work. If obvious reasons that led, for example, to the site falling under the filter, were not discovered, then you can safely write a letter to Yandex describing the problem. So, within the framework of this article, we will tell you how to write to Platon Shchukin in Yandex technical support.

For reference: Platon Shchukin is a collective image. It is with this name that Yandex support service employees sign their letters when answering questions coming from the Yandex.Webmaster service.

How to write to Yandex?

To write a letter, go to the Yandex.Webmaster interface at the link The user must be registered there, and at least one site must be added to the service panel.

Then, from the list provided, you need to select the site about which you need to write a letter to Plato.

A page will open with the page in the foreground. brief information About the site. In the column on the right there is a link “Ask a question about the site to support,” which you need to click.

On the page that opens, you can write a letter to Yandex. The following fields must be filled in:

What is your name;
your email to which the response will be sent;
Message subject;

Obviously, writing a letter to Yandex support is not so difficult. Meanwhile, Platon Shchukin’s answer, as a rule, is not original and, unfortunately, not meaningful. After all, search engine technical support employees have to deal with a huge number of situations every day and answer hundreds of questions from webmasters who are dissatisfied with indexing, ranking their resources, and whatnot. There are not enough resources to prepare an original, meaningful answer for everyone. Thus, if a webmaster wants to receive a meaningful answer from employees that will really help solve a problem with the site, then he needs to first think through the question well and correctly state it in writing.

How to write to Platon Shchukin?

Practice shows that the content of the response from Yandex technical support employees is directly influenced by both the tone and content of the letter. Therefore, if a webmaster wants to receive real help, and not a standard unsubscribe, then he must write a letter to Plato, adhering to the following rules.

Firstly, you need to rid the text of emotions. After all, pouring out suffering and cursing at a search engine in no way helps solve the problem. Therefore, when corresponding with Yandex, you should focus as much as possible on solving the problem, leaving your indignation, indignation and other emotions to yourself.

Secondly, it follows in the first letter state the essence of the problem very clearly. For example, if a resource’s position on queries has dropped sharply, then you need to write specific queries to Plato. If attendance has sharply decreased, then it is necessary to write when this decrease was noticed. Next, the site itself and its advantages are described in a few sentences. At the very end of the letter, you need to ask a short and clear question that summarizes the whole essence of contacting technical support for the service. A version of the “correct” letter to Yandex may look like this.

Thirdly, in correspondence with the support service it is necessary to describe in detail all measures taken to solve the problem. For example, if Yandex’s response to the webmaster’s request contained certain comments. Then in subsequent letters the webmaster must show that these comments were taken into account and the shortcomings were eliminated. For example, you can write about which pages of the site were analyzed, what shortcomings were discovered and whether measures were taken to eliminate them.

Fourthly, you need to write correctly, that is, without errors. This point can be left without comment.

So, as part of today’s material, we talked about how to write to Platon Shchukin in Yandex. Contacting support should not cause any difficulties. It is enough just to avoid rudeness, clearly formulate the question, not make spelling mistakes and, of course, respond adequately to comments.

If you are now reading our post, then most likely you are a webmaster who is in one way or another connected with promoting your website in the Yandex search engine. We have prepared this information just for you.

Most beginners, when creating a website or promoting it, have many difficulties and questions, yes... there are those who run to various forums in search of a solution, and there are those who try to contact the so-called Platon Shchukin. At first glance, there is nothing complicated about this, but in order to ask your question, you need to try hard to find a form for sending messages. In this article, you will learn how to correctly write to Yandex technical support. But for this, the conditions must be met, which we will discuss below.

How to properly contact Yandex technical support

Conditions without which you will not be able to submit an appeal:

  1. You must have a website
  2. You must have access to the webmaster service
  3. You must log in on the main page
  4. You must formulate the question correctly

Okay, this is all clear, but where is the treasured button?

1. Go to Yandex Webmaster, at the very bottom click on the “Feedback” link, or follow the link. A new page will open, with a greeting and a list of questions. Choose the one that interests you.

2. Let’s say you notice that your site’s position has dropped by more than 30 points, in which case you need to select the “Site Ranking” item.

3. Click on the link that most relates to your question. A new page will open containing possible reasons decreasing position. If you think that the information presented was not useful to you, at the very bottom, you should check the box “ The reasons for the decline remain unclear»

5. It is suggested to check the webmaster for errors and warnings. If everything is in order with you, then we indicate that “ No violations were found on the site«.

How to fill out the form for contacting technical support with Platon Shchukin

  • Select the address of our website where problems occurred
  • In the “Site region” line, indicate the country in which the positions were checked
  • Fill out the example request correctly
  • What position did the request have BEFORE/AFTER
  • Message. Formulate your question correctly so that technical support staff can quickly determine the reasons and give you an answer. ( Example No. 1: Hello! after January 12, 2017, the position of my site fell by 30 points, before that it was in the Top 5, please indicate the reasons . Example No. 2: The website was created on 01/01/2017, tell me, was this domain under the AGS filter? ) etc.
  • Name and address Email. Then click the “Submit” button. Within 7 working days, you will be given a response. In my case, they responded on the same day.

PlatoYandex technical support pseudonym under which they communicate with users.

Yandex advocates for the humanization of search, as a result of which the name Platon Shchukin has taken root in the vastness of the Runet. Technical support employees usually sign as follows: “Sincerely, Platon Shchukin.”

Why did Yandex fall in love with the name Platon Shchukin so much?

There are many versions, but as usual, these are all just guesses. For example, in one of the interviews it was said that only Platons and only Shchukins work in the technical support service, which is very unlikely. It is quite possible that only Plato himself knows the answer, but he is unlikely to tell the truth.

Who does Plato like to correspond with?

If there is a misunderstanding between search engine, webmaster or optimizer Platon Shchukin receives letters from the latter. Ordinary users rarely write, but if friction arises with Yandex or ideas for improving it, Plato is always ready to answer them: “Your signal has been noted. Sincerely, Platon Shchukin."

Basically, people turn to Plato for an immediate answer when a site is excluded from the index or its indexing is disrupted, etc.

Who is Plato?

Who is hiding behind this name, a person or a robot? Some believe that a human being cannot answer so many requests, others believe that no robot can write so intelligently. In any case, no one knows for sure.

The most common version is considered to be a combination of robot and human efforts. At the first stage of communication with the webmaster, the robot responds with the standard “our algorithms have decided to exclude your site from the search results.” If the webmaster followed Plato’s advice and corrected all the errors that led to the imposition of sanctions, then if the webmaster contacts the support service again, a person may enter into correspondence with him.

Below is an example of a letter to a webmaster who complained about the exclusion of pages on his site from the search index. To the webmaster’s creative impulse (“Every day the locusts destroy thousands of pages on their way”) Plato replied: “Hello, Webmaster! You have attracted not only my attention, but also that of the entire department. Take care of your garden in accordance with the recommendations of qualified agronomists, grow new and unique plants in it, make the garden beautiful, convenient for visiting, and no locusts, including ours, will threaten it. Over time, everyone will learn about the beauty of your garden. Sincerely, Platon Shchukin Yandex.Ru support service ».

For what?

In fact, Yandex is one of the only search engines on the Runet that advocates humanizing search. Yandex imposes filters or bans on sites for deceiving search robots and for fraud against ordinary users.

And simple human communication with a pseudo-person named Platon Shchukin wins you over and motivates you to work productively to improve the site.

Platon Shchukin is written mainly by webmasters and website creators. Letters to Yandex technical support are an extreme measure and the indignation of users when trouble happens to their sites.

Unfortunately, the Yandex help service for website owners does not have answers to all questions and are very vague. But I really want to know the reason why your site stopped showing up in searches.

Who is Platon Shchukin?

Yandex technical support employees are humorous people who have taken a collective pseudonym - Platon Shchukin. This is not the real name of the technical employee. support.

Yandex employs many people and the technical support service can employ up to 10 people. It is they who answer in one name, hiding behind Platon Shchukin. This makes it easier to communicate with webmasters so as not to advertise your real names, which are a secret.

Agree, if you knew that Ivan Ivanov (I’m giving an example) works at Yandex in technical support and he turns out to be your friend, wouldn’t you contact him? For such a case, you can drink beer with him and give him money.

Why write a letter to Platon Shchukin

Until 2018, the Yandex system interface did not change and you could easily find a link to the feedback form. It was called – ask a question about the site to the support service. It was located at the bottom of the page with information about your site.

In 2018, the Yandex help service was changed and this link was removed.

Instead, they added a whole guide for webmasters describing various website problems and how to solve them. For some, this information may be useful and at this point the desire to write to Yandex technical support disappears, the person leaves to correct errors on the site and make it better.

But what if Yandex mistakenly throws your white and fluffy website out of the search or applies a filter?

My young site (5 pages so far) has an inscription that Yandex considers it a doorway. The error description says that doorways are used to redirect visitors to other sites. But I don’t have any links, except one to the video hosting site yotube. I made the video myself and inserted the code for viewing on the page. The video matches the theme.

In general, not finding answers to my questions, I decided to write a letter and it turned out not so easy. Yandex removed the usual link location and I had to work hard to find it.

We are looking for a feedback form from those. Yandex support

Here step by step guide how to find it.

Step 2. Select your site at the very bottom of the page and click on the feedback link.

Step 3. Here you will see a list of possible problems with the site and ways to solve them, but we need to follow the link - Site Indexing.

Step 5 Making the transition - The site completely disappeared from the search

Step 6 Select from the list - the reasons for excluding the site from the search are not known

Step 7, final. This is our cherished goal, a form of feedback with Platon Shchukin (technical support). Just don’t forget to check the boxes below - the site opens in the browser and responds to HTTP-200, no violations were found on the site in Yandex webmaster, it was not possible to find out the reasons for the disappearance of the site from the search. The contact form will open at the very bottom.

Step 8 Fill out the form, report the problem and submit.

Like these ones simple steps needed to send a letter. Congratulations, you found out a big secret, how to write to Yandex technical support (Platon Shchukin).

If you are too lazy to read the step-by-step guide, then just copy and open the link to last page with a feedback form. Here she is.

Why did Yandex hide the feedback form so much?

The answer to this question is, too a large number of people write letters to Plato on various occasions. This creates an additional burden on workers who are already unable to respond to everyone in a large flow of messages.

Such measures will significantly reduce the flow of letters to those. support.

Basically, all problems with the site are well described in Yandex help. Answers to FAQ designed to shorten letters to Yandex.

But what if there is a bug or error on the Yandex side? Perhaps the algorithms mistakenly applied a filter to your site? That's what technical support is for.

Views: 508
Added: 05/26/2018