How to configure updates only via wifi. How to disable updates on Android. How to set up automatic updates

By default, applications installed through the Play Market are updated automatically in all versions of Android. In very few versions operating system The software is also automatically updated. But any user can go to manual update applications and software.

How to activate or deactivate automatic software updates

The software updates itself only in unofficial Android builds. In other versions of the operating system, it must be updated manually by default.

Deactivating automatic software updates

But if you are faced with the fact that the software updates automatically, then follow these steps to prevent it from doing this:

Video: How to disable automatic Android updates

Activating automatic software updates

To enable auto-update, follow the three steps above, but in the last one, do not deactivate, but activate automatic update software.

Manual software update

If you have disabled automatic software updates, it is recommended that you constantly check for new versions manually.

How to enable or disable automatic app updates

Only programs installed from the Play Market update independently. Applications installed from the .apk file are updated only through deletion old version and installation of a new one.

Activating and deactivating automatic application updates in the Play Market

To enable or disable self-updating of programs, you need to follow these steps:

Video: how to disable auto-update of applications on Android

Manually updating programs from the Play Market

If you have disabled automatic receipt of new versions of applications, you will need to download them manually. Otherwise, some applications will refuse to work or will not receive new features added with updates.

What is needed to update applications in the Play Market

You can manually update the application like this:

Video: how to manually update applications in the Play Market

Possible problems when updating applications

When updating applications manually or automatically, the following problems may occur:

You can enable or disable automatic app updates on Android at any time. The same can be done with self-updating software, if such a function is present in your firmware. After deactivating automatic updates, do not forget to manually update the system and applications.

Many users install new applications from the Play Market on their Android smartphone. It happens that a user suddenly notices that a friend has exactly the same application that works differently than his. More precisely, a friend has new features and capabilities in the application, but for some reason our user does not have them. The user has serious doubts that he is using the updated application latest version. The question arises, how to update the application on Android?

Rice. 7. Click “Accept” to give Yandex.Mail permission to use device resources

Click “Accept”, the application update begins, this will take some time.

You can find out which applications are updated and which are not in the Play Market, “My Applications” option, “Updates” tab:

Rice. 8. Message in the Play Market that the Yandex.Mail application has been updated

Setting Up Update Notifications

It happens that update messages arrive completely inappropriately and you want to turn them off. You can turn off the sound that occurs when such updates appear, or block them from receiving them.

To turn off notifications, you need to open the Play Market settings. To do this, you need to follow the steps described above in Figures 1-3. When the “My apps and games” option is open on your Android smartphone, you need to scroll (scroll) the window down so that “Settings” appears (Fig. 9):

Rice. 9. Play Market settings

Open "Settings" Google Play Market, and click “Alerts” (1 in Fig. 10):

Rice. 10. Update notification settings. Application auto-update settings.

Having opened “Alerts”, check the checkboxes. If you DO NOT want to receive notifications about the availability of updates for applications, you need to uncheck the box next to “Updates” (1 in Fig. 11). Also in this case, you should uncheck the box next to “Automatic update” (2 in Fig. 11):

Rice. 11. Check/uncheck the boxes for notifications about updates and for automatic application updates

If you uncheck the boxes, you should not receive notifications about the availability of updates and about automatic updates.

We configure automatic application updates to save Internet traffic

Everyone chooses their own settings for automatic application updates. In Fig. 12 “Only via Wi-Fi” option is selected. This is convenient for updating applications. I already have a sad experience when the mobile traffic limit quickly and completely unexpectedly ends. However, Wi-Fi is not ubiquitous and widespread, so you have to think about Internet traffic consumption and choose the appropriate settings.

Rice. 12. Application auto-update settings

You can also get useful information about application updates in compressed form from Google Help:

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Software on modern Android smartphones are constantly updated. New versions of applications, firmware or the Android system itself appear. Therefore, Android smartphones regularly download updates.

In most cases, the software update does not cause any problems and does not need to be disabled. But, in some cases, the update may not be desirable. For example, if you like the current version of the program or firmware, and you do not want to update. Also, disabling updates on Android allows you to save a lot of traffic, which can be useful if you use mobile Internet while roaming.

How to disable firmware update on Android smartphone

In order to disable your smartphone, you need to open the settings and go to the “About device” section. Typically, this section is located at the very bottom of the settings window or on the last tab if the settings on your smartphone are divided into several tabs.

After this, a page with software update settings will open in front of you. In order to disable firmware update on Android, you need to uncheck the box next to the “Auto update” function.

You can also enable the “Wi-Fi Only” function here. In this case, updates will only be downloaded via Wi-Fi. This update method allows you not to disable updates, but at the same time save traffic.

How to disable updating all applications on Android

You can also use your smartphone. To do this, you need to open the Play Market application and go to settings. This can be done from the left side menu.

After opening the Play Market settings, you need to open the “Auto-update applications” section.

In this section, you can choose one of three options: never, always and only via Wi-Fi.

In order to completely disable application updates on Android, you need to select the “Never” option. If you select the Wi-Fi Only option, apps will continue to update, but only Wi-Fi will be used to download updates.

How to disable updates for one specific application

Another option is to disable updates for one specific application. If you do not want the application you installed to not be updated, then you need to go to and open the “My Applications” section. Here you need to find the application for which you want to disable updates and open its page.

On the application page you need to click on the button with three dots, it is located in the upper right corner.

After this, a small pop-up window will appear on the screen with the words “Auto Update”.

In this window you need to uncheck the box. After this, this application will no longer update automatically. In this case, you can update it manually by clicking on the “Update” button.

You can update applications downloaded and installed on your Android device either manually or automatically. You can also set up automatic updates for individual apps. Updates contain new features and also improve the reliability and stability of applications.

How to set up automatic updates

Here's what you need to do to keep all apps on your Android device updated automatically:

Note. If your device experiences an error logging into your account, apps may not update automatically.

How to set up auto-update for individual applications

Here's how to choose apps that will update automatically:

The application will be updated automatically when a new version is released. To disable this feature, clear the checkbox.

How to update the application manually

You can install updates using the Play Store application. Here's how to do it:

Note. When updating, some applications may require

By default, Android automatically updates games and programs. As soon as the smartphone connects to Wi-Fi, the system checks for updates for all applications and begins installing them.

The problem is that on weak devices, background downloads and installations of updates greatly affect performance. Besides a new version may be worse than the previous one - you’ve definitely seen such complaints among user reviews.

Not only applications can be updated, but also the system itself. If you want to control this process, go to the settings.

Disabling auto-update

Launch the Play Market application. Swipe from the left side of the screen or tap the button with three lines in the search bar. Go to "Settings".

Open notification settings. Make sure update notification is turned on. If they are disabled, then you will learn about the new version of the application only by opening its page on Google Play. Then go back to Settings and open the Auto-update apps section. Select Never.

It is not necessary to disable automatic updates for all programs - you can do this. Open the menu by swiping to the right and go to the “My apps and games” section. Open the Installed tab and select the application for which you want to disable auto-updates. Click on the button in the form of three dots in the upper right corner and uncheck “Auto update”.

If you disable automatic updates for individual applications, leave the Play Market settings set to “Only via Wi-Fi” so that other games and programs download updates on their own.

Manual update

If you have enabled update notifications in your Play Market settings, then after receiving a notification you will only need to click on it to open the application page and see what the new version offers. You agree with the installation - click “Update”.

You can check for updates yourself through the Play Market application. In the “My applications and games” section there is an “Updates” tab, which collects all the updates available for download. You can update all games and programs at once or select individual applications and install their new versions gradually.