How to teach your child English at home. English for children: when and how to start learning English with your child. When should you start teaching your child a language?

Many parents are right: you don’t have to wait for school hours and start teaching your child English language at home. It is believed that the sooner he comes into contact with English, the simpler and easier foreign languages ​​will be for him later.

But, before starting classes, it is important to find out: how to do it correctly, what are the features of teaching at home, what might you encounter?

From zero to infinity, or when is the best time to start learning English

Linguists say that children are unique creatures when it comes to learning languages. Without exaggeration, they can handle any feat and it’s all about the brain.

There is a point of view that all people at birth already have a certain universal language code embedded in their brain, which is later transformed into a specific language. Those. a person is born without knowledge of a language, but with some kind of foundation, pre-training - he knows how to master it. If a child is placed in a completely different language environment, for example, in Vietnam or African countries, then he will perceive Swahili or Vietnamese as his native language.

Based on this, teachers conclude that children can learn foreign languages ​​from infancy, and more than one, a special mechanism in the brain will help to distinguish and not confuse them. However, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of learning and use teaching methods for children.

A simple approach to the complex: features of teaching children

English is not an easy language to learn so easily at home, and from scratch. It will take hours of painstaking grammar analysis, reading, translation and endless conversation practice. But this all happened later, when the child had already grown up, became a schoolchild and understood how to study.

In order for your child to quickly master English, teachers advise adhering to the following principles:

  • Classes should be held in the form of a game; only in this way, through play, children in the first five years of life learn the world, gains experience and knowledge.
  • Parents, if they teach at home on their own, should not somehow highlight the lessons, put emphasis on them, for example, say - now we are going to learn English, get ready and be attentive.
  • The child should not feel pressure and responsibility for unlearned material; parents can gently and unobtrusively remind them of what they have learned, but not ask about lessons.

Any technique requires mandatory approval and support. It is impossible to over-praise children, but it is very easy to under-confidence in their own abilities.

We speak English. A start.

Speak to the child in English, i.e. imperceptibly but surely creating a base, you can practically from the cradle, age restrictions No.

Learning to read English: important steps in learning

After the English word has become familiar, the baby without hesitation includes it in his speech, you can move on to reading.

The technique is simple: first letters, then short but sonorous words, then complication of the material (diphthongs, combinations). Small but daily exercises in a playful way help to consolidate the material.

Reading is useful because it develops visual memory; the baby develops a clear graphic image of a word that correlates with the concept. Sounds and words familiar to the ear acquire their concrete embodiment.

At this stage, previous experience in developing vocabulary is invaluable. The baby easily pronounces the word and knows what is behind it; the amount of information is smaller and simpler.

By the way, here parents can draw a conclusion about the type of information perception - whether their child is auditory or visual.

How to teach writing: it's never too early to start

Based on the experience of foreign schools, where children go to school from the age of four and already master writing, it can be judged that already at a tender age the child is ready to fully comprehend a new language.

Of course, you should start gradually and leave room for error. To do this, teachers recommend using not sheets of paper, but a flip chart, a magnetic board, where everything can be easily and simply corrected. This same method is ideal if it is difficult for a child to concentrate on writing or sit in one place.

Tasks should be simple, quick to complete, but interesting and attractive. For example, draw a fish on the board and label it and name the colors used, show the eyes, mouth, tail in English.

Psychologists advise paying attention to children’s character and temperament, and based on this, develop your own methodology for teaching a child English. If the baby is diligent and attentive, books, cards, posters are ideal; for fidgety and hyperactive children, it is better to prefer talking toys, cartoons, songs, so that most of the information is given by ear. And, of course, all teaching methods must be alternated and periodically modified so that the process always arouses children's interest.

And finally, the most important advice: in search optimal options How to teach a child English, it is important not to forget that everything should be easy, relaxed, and in a playful way.

Relative pronouns in English are pronouns that form a relative subordinate clause. These include: who, whom, which, whose, that.

The modern, dynamically developing world dictates its own rules - mastering the English language from the age of 4 onwards allows the child to optimally fit into the surrounding space and not experience communication barriers. Our English courses in St. Petersburg will help you with this.

How to teach English to children of different ages

The effectiveness of learning a foreign language at this age depends on how to teach English to children. Using classical methods to teach children school age, used in educational institutions, can form a stable aversion to the subject. And the selection of individual programs, the use of proprietary methods, taking into account the physiological characteristics and interests of the child allow you to achieve amazing results in a fairly short period of time.

Every child has certain type memory - some people find it easy to memorize sounds, words and expressions by ear, while others absolutely need to write them down, others cannot remember a word without demonstrating the corresponding image. When determining a child’s abilities, preferences and interests in a subject, the first step is to determine what the student is like - what type of memory and perception he has. The effectiveness of the entire educational process depends on this. And then the most interesting and important part begins - we awaken interest in the subject!

Let's play English!

It is not by chance that we used this word - “play”. It is the game that can captivate, instill excitement and awaken genuine interest in its essence. Teaching English to children aged 4 to 6 years is based on play.

Maximum of interactive materials, pictures, songs, rhymes, fairy tales, role-playing games, the use of toys to form language situations - all this together is perceived by the child as a fun game, during which counting rhymes, songs, fairy tales, words and expressions in English are simply memorized. We have done everything to ensure that the EF Small Stars course becomes a way for your child to make new friends, discover the new kind communication and gain an extra advantage over your peers (there will be something to show off in the yard).

At this stage, we introduce only common vocabulary, words that appear every day in everyday speech - names of products, animals, flowers, greetings, names of household appliances, furniture, etc. That is, everything that a child sees every day at home and knows how it sounds in Russian. At this age, there is no point in trying to explain what “English weather” and other more complex concepts are. You'll still have time. Our task at this stage is to awaken a sustainable interest in learning the language, learning the names of things and objects, as well as the desire to learn to read English fairy tales.

EF High Flyers course for advanced students

For schoolchildren younger age- from 7 to 9 years - the needs are already more adult. Back and forth and learning modern English online will become a favorite pastime for your child. The teacher’s task at this stage is to make English an alternative means of communication for them.

In general, at this age, children's games have already faded into the background, and serious perseverance has not yet arrived. Our teachers work taking into account the behavioral characteristics of younger schoolchildren. During the learning process, the emphasis is on finding an equal partner with whom it is interesting to communicate and find out his opinion.

The form of teaching is somewhat different from working with the younger group, but still remains playable. The themes of game situations are simply changed to be more age-appropriate. Everything will also have to be interspersed with explanations of game moments and musical pauses. But the whole process is aimed at awakening the desire to communicate and not just communicate, but in English. And for this we need more words, and basic rules grammar will have to be memorized. Here you can’t do without interactive materials and original, colorful textbooks.

Does your child enjoy watching cartoons and films in English and trying to understand everything himself? Then we are waiting for you at the course for teenagers - EF Trailblazers!

Pavel Burtovoy

Video designer of the St. Petersburg media channel “First Popular Television”. He is interested in cinema, animation and everything connected with it.

My son has been studying English at school for the second year. I recently discovered that his knowledge in this area is simply terrible. Problems were found even with the alphabet. Something had to be done.

For some reason, the method of memorizing words using double-sided cards did not work in our situation. Probably due to poor knowledge of the alphabet. I’m generally silent about different programs for smartphones: the child’s interest in learning a language is not zero, but rather negative, so that these programs can interest him.

I had to, based on the experience of my predecessors, develop and test my own method. Well, personally manage the learning process.

A little theory

Memorization can be reduced to a cyclical process of three components:

  1. Perception.
  2. Repetition.
  3. Testing.

When we want a child to remember information, the task becomes more complicated: it is not clear how well he perceived it, how many times he repeated it, and testing a student leads to stress and negative emotions in case of a bad result.

Let's look at all three components of the memorization process and how they can be improved.


For high-quality perception, it is advisable to use as much as possible more types memory: auditory, visual, motor. You can also add a variety such as verbal memory.


When repeating material, oddly enough, an effective method turned out to be multiple recordings of what was being studied and their simultaneous pronunciation.

I read about this method in the memoirs of a Soviet intelligence officer. He called this technique the most effective for increasing vocabulary.

The effectiveness of the combination of repeated rewriting of words with their simultaneous pronunciation can be explained by the fact that all possible types of memory are involved in the process.

Rewriting allows you to automate the process and depersonalize it. In addition, recorded words document the fact of repetition and make it possible to find out which material is remembered better and which worse.


When testing knowledge, it would be good to hide the fact of testing from the child, but leave a reward for successful completion. That is, hide the stick, but stick out the carrot in every possible way.

If confirmed, the cycle of “perception - repetition - testing” is interrupted. If not, repeat. This creates an incentive to learn all the material faster.

At the same time, knowledge is obtained in portions and is tested in portions, and not like this: “Sit down, now I will check how you learned what you were asked today.”

How the method works

Since my son didn’t know the alphabet very well, we started with that. I found the simplest recipes on the Internet, similar to these:

First, I got my son to completely associate the pronunciation of each letter with its spelling: this will be very important in the future. After the alphabet we moved on to words. To do this, I used and continue to use a regular student’s notebook with a line or sheets from such a notebook. In the margins I write the Russian meanings of the words (expressions) that are to be learned.

These words must be written on the appropriate lines. Since each word is new, I allow you to rewrite it from the textbook for the first time. Then the son writes the word as many times as will fit on the line.

At the same time, he not only writes, but also pronounces the word out loud every time.

When finished, the sheet is turned over, and there is a surprise! In the margins are the same Russian words, and with their English counterparts you need to fill in all the lines, but without looking at the textbook.

Three important points:

  1. I care about the child, I don’t blame him for his mistakes.
  2. If he doesn't remember the spelling, then I spell it (this is where a good knowledge of the alphabet comes in handy).
  3. If a child wrote and pronounced a word without prompting the first time, then we have an agreement that he does not repeat it throughout the entire line. Subsequently, the word is removed from the lists. It is considered that it has been learned and the cycle of “perception - repetition - testing” is completed for it.

The process is repeated until all words from the original list have been eliminated. The photo below is about the fourth iteration.

We previously taught our son the alphabet in the same way. I wrote “ey”, “bi”, “si”, “di” and so on in Russian in the margins, and my son filled in the lines with English capital and lowercase letters.

Pros and cons of the method

The method has several strengths. Almost all types of memory are involved: auditory, visual, verbal and motor. Learning is stress-free and the student does not suffer.

The rules of the game are simple and fair. We can say that the method works automatically and the result appears as if by itself. A clear demonstration of the dialectical principle of the transition from quantity to quality. The algorithm is applicable for repeating forgotten material and is easily scalable for different volumes of words.

The method gives the student objective criteria for achieving the goal. There are real incentives to learn everything quickly and go for a walk.

The disadvantages of this method of learning are also obvious: you need a lot of paper and a “supervisor”.

Spelling and pronunciation English names My son learned the days of the week in the evening. The next day I received an A on the test, praise and surprise from the teacher. And this is not the only success.

It was also interesting to observe how the material is, if it is not repeated. First of all, the ability to write without errors disappears, then pronunciation begins to suffer, and last of all, the sound of the word is forgotten. But the ability to recognize it in the text remains for a long time.

I don’t think that the method is ideal, but using the memorization mechanisms described, you can always come up with something of your own.

At three years old, little fidgets learn about the world around them with genuine interest. And the more interesting things there are in this world, the better. Likewise, English for 3-year-old children will be an exciting adventure. Young “researchers” are keenly interested in the new and unknown, and unique opportunities natural knowledge of things will help them perceive foreign language literally on a subconscious level. In today's article we will tell you how to properly conduct English language training sessions with children three or four years old.

Every parent who worries about the future of their child asks a similar question. Heated discussions and differences of opinion are also common among teachers: some advocate learning English “from the cradle,” while others believe that it is more rational to get acquainted with a foreign language before entering school.

Without going into the details of this controversy, we will highlight its core. The root of the problem lies in excessive workload and “depriving children of their childhood.” But the secret of success is precisely that English lessons for preschool children are conducted exclusively in a playful way. The method of teaching English for little ones is not memorization, but an exciting game that fits organically into children's fun.

You can start learning English with a one-year-old baby, with a 2-year-old child, and with children aged 3 years and older. The main thing is to develop in students a sincere interest in learning English. Young children are open and very inquisitive on their own, so it’s not difficult to get them interested in a new activity. Moreover, the natural needs of cognition involve as much as possible all the capabilities of the brain. This gives children aged 2 to 4 years the following benefits:

  • easy perception of new information;
  • quick memorization;
  • natural imitation of foreign pronunciation;
  • lack of fear of speaking.

Learning foreign languages ​​in adulthood will no longer be accompanied by these favorable factors. That's why it's worth striking while the iron is hot. However, in order for English lessons for children 3-4 years old to be truly successful, several nuances of child psychology should be taken into account before starting them.

How to explain English to 3-year-old children - practical recommendations

So, you have decided to teach your child to speak English, but you don’t yet know where to start with the first lessons. It’s easy to start teaching children, the main thing is to remember the secret already said - no coercion, only play!

Instilling interest

Children aged 1 year and older actively explore the world, being interested in every unknown part of it. The parent’s task in this case is to pick up this natural interest and develop it into an exciting game “activity”. While playing with toys with your child, tell him about the English language using the names of these objects as an example. But do not immediately demand mandatory memorization and repetition: if the child is interested, then later he himself will demonstrate the acquired knowledge.

Use any everyday situations to teach English. What do three-year-olds do most often? They ask questions. Answer them by adding them to sentences English words, and explaining their meanings visually, i.e. showing objects. A child learns about the world through his eyes and sensations, so you should not make long verbal explanations, which will quickly bore and confuse the baby.

Let's not get bored

The main principle by which English is taught to children from 3 years old is no violence. Your classes should not be even remotely similar to school lessons. No “sit down and learn.” We play English with children, and we play not at any specific time of the day, but in any suitable situation.

For example, invite your child to learn colors in English during a walk. Let the little one on all objects containing green color, Green shouts joyfully! Or you can compete with your child to see who can find the most green objects around. The reward for the game will again be a green delicacy: an apple, a pear, and a sweet watermelon is also suitable for the summer period.

Such simple games provide excitement and positive emotions, develop a thirst for new knowledge and make it easy to learn and remember new vocabulary.

We encourage success

Praise and kind words are pleasant even for serious adults, let alone affection-sensitive children who are only 3 or 4 years old.

Notice even small improvements in your baby’s knowledge. React to every correctly spoken phrase, inspiring and motivating your child to use English words more often in his speech and build whole sentences from them.

Other English topics: Tongue twisters in English for children: learning sounds in an interesting way!

Expressing praise should not be dry and formal. Show more emotions, hug, kiss, spin, throw the baby, etc. Kids acutely sense falsehood, so the expression of delight must be sincere. In addition to Russian praises, it’s a good idea to actively use English vocabulary. We suggest using the expressions from the table below.

Lead by example

Often parents want to give their child something they didn’t have, or teach them something they themselves couldn’t learn at one time. If this is the situation you have with regard to English, then get ready to start by changing your knowledge first.

If we teach a child a foreign language, then we ourselves must know it sufficiently. To do this, you need to allocate time and effort: sign up for a course, take online lessons, or independently study materials for classes with your child. Not everyone is ready to take such a step, but remember that the education of your children depends on you. If you yourself do not develop and take an interest in English, then your child, looking at the example of his parents, will consider learning foreign languages ​​a boring and unnecessary matter.

We have listed the basic principles according to which English is taught to preschool children. Now, taking into account these recommendations, we will select ways to present the material.

Training methods

For modern education Instilling in a child an interest in learning is a priority. Therefore, many teaching methods and methods have been developed for both children who are only one year old and for children older three years. The parent's job is to try. various ways training and track the baby’s reaction to them.


Card sets provide an opportunity to master thematic vocabulary with your child. Small cardboards are easy to use, and colorful drawings make them not only attractive and interesting, but also easy to understand for children. In addition, with cards you can come up with a lot of fun activities that allow you to check how much your child has learned the information.

The principle of teaching using cards is simple: the parent shows the card and says the word, and the child looks at the picture and repeats what was said. It is important to note that translation is not taught! With the help of a drawing, the child independently understands the meaning of the word and puts it in his memory. To check what you have learned, use mini-games: guess the card by description, name the odd one in a row, find the missing one, etc.

For children under 3 years old, you can buy or make large cards yourself, so that the child can stand on them. A path is made from such cards and the child is led along it, naming a new card with each step. After the child remembers the vocabulary, the track is, on the contrary, divided into separate “islands”. Now the parent calls out the word, and the baby’s task is to quickly jump onto the correct card.

Poems and songs

Another universal method that is suitable for children of any age. For one-year-old babies, their mother will carefully sing songs, and by the age of two, children are able to independently memorize the simplest lines.

Well, the English language for children 4 and 5 years old is inextricably linked with learning poems and songs by heart, because this method helps to replenish lexicon and improve your pronunciation. Also, an undoubted advantage of rhyming lines is that entire phrases and contexts are studied, rather than individual words.

It is important to note how to teach poetry in English with children. This should be done in stages.

  1. Preliminarily select the words that are key to understanding the poem and teach them to your child.
  2. Read the verse expressively, helping the child navigate the pronunciation of the lines.
  3. Look at the pictures for the poem or draw your own drawings with your child that reveal the content of the poem.
  4. Learning lines by heart.
  5. Periodic repetition of what has been learned.

Naturally, such a volume of work is not completed in one day. Several lessons are spent on one poem.

As for the songs, everything is much simpler here. The main thing is that the child likes the music, and the motive and words of the song will become attached by themselves. Today on the Internet you can find hundreds of educational songs for children, with which kids can quickly and funly learn popular English words and expressions on various topics.

Fairy tales

Learning a language through fairy tales also brings benefits. Of course, if the little one is just entering his second year, then it will be difficult for him to perceive a large amount of information. But children over 3 years old are already able to work in this form.

Other English topics: Present simple for kids: simple explanations and interesting exercises

For classes, it is necessary to select either very short stories or foreign translations of Russian fairy tales already familiar to children. Working with a foreign version of a Russian fairy tale, children learn to compare the English names of the characters, their words and actions with the Russian analogues that have settled in children's memory. It is important that the fairy tale is accompanied by interesting illustrations, then the child will better understand the text or simply be able to take a little break from working with words.

Don't forget about the possibility of using audio versions of fairy tales. By the age of three, a child can listen carefully and subconsciously remember the information he hears.

There are several fairy tales on our website that you can listen to and watch:

If you first work with the text, and then start listening to the characters’ remarks in audio, then the child will probably be able to name the speaking character and understand his speech a little. Thus, children develop listening comprehension. In addition, repeating the characters' lines improves pronunciation and helps to replenish the active vocabulary.


In the digital age, it is no longer possible to imagine teaching English to preschoolers without the use of videos. Colorful animation instantly attracts the attention of both kids and adults. Even the songs we have already reviewed are learned much faster if they are supplemented with a fascinating video that clearly shows the meaning of the words.

It is with simple songs that you should start learning English from videos. Here are all the factors that contribute to successful learning:

  • visual presentation of material;
  • work on auditory perception;
  • imitating correct pronunciation;
  • entertainment part (you can jump, do exercises, dance, play to the music).

In addition, songs for children in English tend to “sink” into memory even against one’s will, which contributes to the subconscious memorization of words and expressions.

After practicing with songs, start working with educational cartoons and fairy tales. Children will love following the new adventures of their favorite characters, which means that English classes will definitely become welcome and long-awaited.


And although English for children 3 or 4 years old is always a form of play, we will highlight the description of games as a separate paragraph.

In fact, learning a foreign language can be combined with any game. If your baby is fidgety, then we recommend playing edible-inedible in English, hide and seek (with English counting), counting tables in English, card islands, or simply naming objects encountered on a walk.

Calm and measured kids should buy cards and board games in English. Intelligent kids will enjoy activities such as guessing games, bingo, letter rearrangement and word spelling.

Separately, we note computer and mobile applications. Educational computer games are carefully thought out: they have a colorful design, clear voice acting, accessible explanations, and automated knowledge testing. In addition, most games contain a cross-cutting plot, which further motivates children to learn English and complete tasks.

The capabilities of mobile applications are more modest. With them, the child can learn and repeat new words by listening to their pronunciation and comparing them with pictures. Some programs contain additional mini-games and videos, but these must be paid for separately.

In any case, when working with interactive digital applications, the parent must be close to the child and help him complete the tasks. If you simply give your child a laptop or smartphone and leave him to play alone, then you will not achieve effective learning results. Remember that the child follows the example of his parents, and it is you who develop a responsible attitude towards learning English.

So, let's summarize all of the above, highlighting the strong points.

  1. It is possible, and even necessary, to teach children foreign languages ​​from an early age if you do not want to miss the chance given by nature to quickly and naturally master new information.
  2. Classes are always conducted in a playful way. Only the child’s interest and passion give effective results and achievement of success.
  3. All the nuances of child psychology are taken into account. Children should be encouraged more often, not focus too much on mistakes, and increase motivation to practice by example.
  4. Parents choose the teaching method on their own, but if necessary, adjust it, monitoring the baby’s reaction and the success of the task.
  5. Lessons are not fixed in time. The duration of the lesson depends on the mood and abilities of the baby.

By following these tips, you will build competently educational process and instill in your child an interest in foreign languages, without in any way infringing on his rights to a happy and carefree childhood. Good luck in your endeavors and see you again!

Every child is a diamond to their parents, a gift from heaven, an ocean of happiness, a treasure, and no one can argue with that. Each child is unique and brilliant for parents, and he will always be the best, most loved, successful and talented.

However, the world of adult life is very cruel and merciless, full of competition and struggle for leadership positions, this is exactly what parents should not forget about when raising children.

Naturally, a child, just like a diamond, needs a special cut, needs proper and high-quality upbringing and education, so that as an adult he does not lose his “shine.”

None of the parents dreams that, as an adult, their child will be uneducated, lazy, unable to provide for himself and his family, unemployed and stupid.

Our imagination always presents us with completely different pictures of the future; some see a Nobel Prize laureate, some a world-famous singer, some a winner. Olympic Games, someone a large business owner, a president, a doctor, a teacher, etc.

But without the participation of parents in the child’s life, nothing will happen in itself; the world is structured that way, that all achievements are achieved with great difficulty.

What can be done to ensure that the child can achieve his goal in the future? There are many things that can and should be done, for example, help, which is very popular in many countries and is international.

Voltaire said wonderful words that once again prove the importance of learning a foreign language: “To know many languages ​​means to have many keys to one lock.”

Features of learning English for children

There is an expression: “Children are special people.” You will be convinced of this from the first minutes of being next to your child. Unlike adults, children have a completely different process of thinking and cognition. It's not good or bad, it's different.

Therefore, it is impossible to get a child to do, think, or understand the importance of something like an adult. But from the point of view of adults, the benefits of knowing English are obvious.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right approach to this important matter so that the classes are as useful as possible, and at the same time the child does not feel discomfort. Learning should bring positive emotions; with a positive mood, information is absorbed better.

Where to start learning English for children?

You need to answer this question like this: “From the cradle!” This is not a miracle - a method that will help you learn a language in an hour, a week, a month. This means that you need to study from the very birth of the child if the goal is to bring the child to high level knowledge of the English language.

There are many different methods that outline in detail how to work with children from the first days of their life.

Basically, all these methods rely on, which must be made in a certain size, the content itself must also be in a clearly marked place on the card and be of a certain color. Such information cards show a certain time and a certain number of times.

Thus, children who cannot even speak yet remember the contents of the cards and in the future will easily transfer all the acquired information from passive to active. In a word, the sooner you start paying attention to the English language, the better.

If you missed this time or are not a supporter of modern early development methods, then start learning the language at your own discretion, taking into account the child’s readiness. I hope that all parents understand that it is not worth starting with huge conditional sentences from specific terms, it is simply too much for the child.

The main principle in learning English with children is progression - you need to move from simple to complex. If a child does not know what flowers are called in their native language, then they should not start learning a foreign language with this topic. Choose topics and words that kids understand.

For example, you can do exercises and call them at the same time, so the baby will quickly learn new words.

While walking on the street, you can look at the nature around you, tell your child what a tree, flower, earth, etc. will look like. in English. After some time, the child will begin to ask questions to find out how this or that word is translated.

When mastered a small amount of words, then you can move on to familiarizing yourself with constructing short sentences. It is very difficult for a child to say even the simplest thing, for example, this is my ball. Therefore, do not rush and do not scold for mistakes, be patient and repeat as often as possible what the baby needs to remember.

How to get your child interested in learning English?

There is no reason for children to learn a language at their age. Often, adults cannot pull themselves together and learn a language, since they do not have important reason for this.

The child will want to continue learning the language, he will look forward to new adventures and entertainment. These are not boring lessons and cramming words from a thick dictionary, but the knowledge gained as a result of the game will be very valuable.

How to stay motivated?

Undoubtedly, after a certain period of time there comes a moment when children do not want to continue, they become uninterested. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to remember that classes should not be monotonous.

Every time should be special and memorable:

  • This is the case when cash It's better to spend it on books, CDs, posters, . They will be great helpers during your lessons.
  • If the child has reached the age of at least 6-7 years, then you can try to participate in children's mini-Olympiads and language knowledge competitions.
  • As a rule, all children who took part receive commemorative certificates, and the winners are awarded with useful gifts. Even participation in such a project will help stimulate interest, and not stop there, and continue to learn English. One more effective way is meeting an English-speaking person.
  • In this way, the child will be able to demonstrate his knowledge and realize that he still does not speak the language well enough, so it is necessary to continue learning. If possible, then courses can be an excellent motivation
  • in English. Most best example for children, these are their parents.

So consider learning the language with your child. If your child sees how diligently and painstakingly you do, then he will follow your example and work hard as well. Joint lessons will be good English practice, and your relationship with your child will become stronger and stronger.

Which English to study: British or American?

In fact, British English and American are two types of the same language. It's up to you to decide which one to study. It all depends on the goal you set for yourself.

Schools and institutes study the British version of English, but if you are going to move to America and take the test, then, of course, it is better to pay attention and spend energy on learning American English.

The languages ​​do not have many differences, it’s just that in American English there is now a tendency to simplify everything; among young people you almost never hear speech in Perfect tenses; most people use only Simple tenses in everyday communication.

However, if we talk about working with documents and communicating among educated people, then it is impossible to refuse correct and complete speech.

If you do not yet know what awaits you in the future and where your knowledge of the English language will be applied, then it is better to learn the accepted standard of English and, if necessary, pay attention to the differences in British and American English.

It can definitely be said that if you learn British English, you will be understood in America and even in Australia.

The best online tutorials for children

There are a lot of resources on the Internet for learning English. If you've really decided that you want to learn this language, you'll undoubtedly find one that's right for you online.