How to drain a clay area. How to arrange drainage in clay soil. Combined drainage on clay soil

Flooding of a site with groundwater and melt water can be a real disaster for its owner. Precipitation can also contribute to the disruption of soil structure. It is especially bad for owners of land consisting primarily of clay or loam, since clay strongly retains water, making it difficult for it to pass through itself. In these cases, the only salvation may be properly constructed drainage. For such soil it has its own characteristics. Therefore, we will consider how to make site drainage with your own hands on clay soils.

Plants suffer from excess moisture first of all. Their roots do not receive the amount of oxygen necessary for development. The result is disastrous - the plants first wither and then disappear altogether. Moreover, this applies to both cultivated plants and lawn grasses. Even in cases where the clay is covered on top with a layer of fertile soil, water drainage will be difficult.

The comfort of working on the site is also important, because in the absence of drainage, even a little rain can turn clay soil into a swamp. It will be impossible to work on such land for several days.

When the water does not drain for a long time, there is a risk of the foundation flooding and freezing when cold weather sets in. Even more good waterproofing Sometimes it is not able to protect the foundation from destruction, since it itself can be destroyed by frozen moisture.

We conclude: drainage of the site from groundwater simply necessary. And if it has not yet been done, then there is no need to delay its construction.

Preparing for the construction of a drainage system

Before choosing the type of drainage system, you should analyze your site.

Attention is drawn to the following points:

  • Soil structure. In our case, we consider clay that is not capable of quickly passing water;
  • Source of increased moisture. This may be frequent precipitation or groundwater lying close to the surface;
  • The type of drainage is selected or several types are combined;
  • A plan for the location of drainage trenches, inspection and drainage wells is drawn up. The plan indicates the depth of the drains, the dimensions of all elements of the system, and their slope relative to the soil surface. The plan will allow you to quickly find the location of all elements of the system.

After such preparation, they begin to build the site’s drainage with their own hands on clay soils. Let's consider what kind of drainage there is, and which one is better suited for a clay area.

Types of drainage systems

Drainage in a clayey area can be surface, deep or reservoir. Sometimes it is advisable to combine several of these types to achieve the greatest drainage efficiency.

Surface drainage

If the site has even a slight natural slope, this creates additional benefits for surface drainage. The water flows on its own through channels laid on the site to a designated place. Such channels are located on the surface of the soil, slightly deepening them into the ground. Surface drainage of a site on clay soils can be laid on almost any on level ground: along paths, around buildings, along the perimeter of lawns, near recreation areas and in other places.

Formative drainage

This type of drainage is created even before the construction of the foundation begins. The soil is deepened below its location by at least 20 cm. The soil layer is also removed wider than the place where the foundation passes. A 20 cm layer of crushed stone is poured into the bottom of the pit, and drainage pipes are located around the perimeter. All moisture penetrating under the foundation is collected in pipes, from where it is discharged through separately laid pipelines into drainage wells.

Advice: The depth of the reservoir drainage must exceed the depth of the clay soil. In this case, drainage will be most effective.

This type of drainage is quite labor-intensive, so it is used less often, although it is useful for clay soils.

Caring for the drainage system consists only of cleaning it and pumping water from the collector well. If everything is done correctly, then no clay on the site will be able to darken your mood and destroy the plants you grow.

Do-it-yourself site drainage on clay soils can be done. This is necessary for the reason that in areas where clay soil predominates, water often lingers, unable to escape into the soil. Due to this circumstance, they begin to feel bad, which leads to the fact that they do not develop properly. In order to solve this problem, it is definitely worthwhile to arrange drainage for the area. You can carry out such work correctly if you read the recommendations below.

Features of the territory with a predominance of clay soil

Do-it-yourself site drainage is usually necessary because such areas are characterized by excessive stagnation of water. At the same time, the roots of plants are constantly exposed to moisture, and air does not flow there in the required volume. This sooner or later becomes the cause of oxygen starvation, while cultivated plants can no longer develop normally and, in the end, die. This phenomenon especially concerns lawns, which suffer not only from excess moisture, but also because the turf is quite dense, because it is not loosened even from time to time and is not plowed. This leads to the fact that the dense layer located on top prevents the plants from being fully saturated with air.

Do-it-yourself site drainage on clay soils should be arranged before you plant a lawn or various crops. You will then be able to use the site immediately after the winter season comes to an end, which is accompanied by the melting of the snow cover.

What site parameters need to be taken into account when designing?

Before a drainage system is installed, as a rule, calculations are made and a design for the future system is drawn up. However, if you have to work with a territory whose area is not too large, then it is not at all necessary to make calculations during design. In this case, the main condition is the need to take into account the main parameters of the system for draining water from the territory. Among them, it is necessary to highlight all the data related to drainage, namely: slope, depth, location according to the plan, spacing between rows, installation of inspection wells, as well as the wellhead. Territory suburban area not in all cases flat, for this reason, if there is even a slight slope of the soil surface, then it should definitely be used.

Application of the terrain features of the territory

Do-it-yourself site drainage on clay soils must be arranged taking into account the slope of the soil surface. If we compare an inclined and flat area, it should be noted that the first one will be somewhat easier to work with. Moreover, in in this case when arranging the drainage system, labor costs will be reduced many times. In this case, it is necessary to carry out work in such a way that closed and open drainages are successfully combined.

In the latter case, during the work process, ditches are used that have an open top. Such a system is also called surface. It will be most effective for draining excess water during the warm period of the year, when it falls a large number of precipitation, which causes the level to rise. This type of drainage cannot be avoided without winter period. In a number of latitudes, thaws are quite frequent in winter, which are accompanied by frozen soil that is not able to absorb water, and there is a need to drain liquid from the soil surface. In the cases described, it is absolutely necessary to arrange the drainage of the site with your own hands; how to do this should certainly interest you.

Description of open and closed types of drainage

If you decide to install the system open type, then it is necessary to use a special tile; it has a slight slope, which will effectively remove excess moisture. Through such a system, liquid from the roofs of houses and asphalt areas will flow into a closed drainage system, which acts as a leading one. Closed drainage will work as follows: the liquid that comes from the surface of the soil will flow through underground communications, which have a shape and appearance resemble pipes. Before starting work, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of clay soil, which has significant weight and high density. This indicates the need to loosen it before starting work. During the installation of drains, you will need to bypass areas that are intended for vehicles.

Closed installation

If you decide to arrange the drainage of the site with your own hands, you should definitely know how to do this. Before starting work, it is imperative to determine what type of water intake will be used in this system. Its role can be played, for example, by a natural reservoir; quite often an alternative solution is used, which involves discharging water into an artificially constructed ditch. It must be located near the road. But it may also happen that there are none, and the problem can be solved in several ways, each of them can be implemented independently. There are several options for arranging the outflow of fluid. You can arrange a pond on your own, making it in the form of a pond. Don't be afraid that it will end up resembling a wetland. small size. In addition, you can dig a ditch yourself. It must be made deep and located outside the boundaries of your own site. If you decide to use the latter option, you must first agree on it with your neighbors.

Alternative drainage option

If you intend to do the drainage of the area with your own hands, you should definitely know how to make the system, otherwise it will not cope with its functions, the plants in the area will die, and the work will have to be done again. The third option for organizing water flow involves digging oversized wells. Their walls must be made vertical, and after filling, the water must be pumped out using a pump. Such manipulations will have to be performed from time to time. For units, the pumping mode can be made automatic.

Carrying out excavation work

Before draining garden plot with your own hands, you first have to dig trenches. They must be located along the perimeter of the suburban area. In this case, the trenches will have to be given such a depth and width that they should not be more than the indicators equal to 1.2 and 0.4 m. After the ditches are prepared, it is necessary to lay pipes in them that are intended to collect water. These ditches, by the way, are called main ditches. Pre-installed pipes must reach the water intake. In order to fill the main channels, it is preferable to use pipes with a diameter of 110 mm. The depth of the main pipelines, when compared with the collecting branches of the system, should be somewhat greater. Must be carried out according to the rules of work, when a site is being drained with its own hands, the advice and manual must be read before starting work. This is the only way to achieve the desired result.

Pipe laying

In your work, it is imperative to follow the rules that are prescribed in the regulatory and technical literature. They regulate the need to remove drainage pipelines from the fence. So, the step between the pipeline and the fence should be 0.5 m or more. It should be taken into account that the pipeline should also be removed from the blind area of ​​the main building, retreating 1 m from it during installation. The liquid will initially begin to collect in the drainage trenches, only then will it flow into the main channels. A whole network of trenches must be created on the territory, the depth and width of which must be 1.2 and 0.35 m, respectively.

The drainage of the area must have a certain slope; a master can easily make the diagram and device with his own hands. Thus, the trench network must be equipped with a slope of 5 cm per meter. The channels should not be very long. If you apply this rule, the drainage system will work properly. It is not recommended to make a less impressive slope, this is due to the fact that the speed of fluid flow will not be as intense as necessary, this will ultimately cause stagnation in a certain area. If you have to work in a clayey area, then the drains should be located at a distance of 10 m from each other.

Checking the system for functionality

On clay soil, after trenches are dug and pipes are laid in them, it does not imply immediate closure of the elements. First you need to check the drainage for functionality and effectiveness.

The trench network must remain open for some time. For testing, the most successful option is heavy rainfall. If such an opportunity does not present itself for a long time, then it is simply necessary to let water from the irrigation sludge into the trenches. In this case, you should monitor how quickly the water flow will pass through the system. Correct functioning is indicated by the absence of stagnation in all areas, this is the only way to check the drainage of the area with your own hands, the technology and rules must be known to the master, only then will everything work without stagnation. If there is a need, then at this stage it is necessary to adjust certain parameters that will increase the flow rate.

Solving system functionality problems

If, when checking the system, it was discovered that it is not working efficiently enough, then pipes of a larger diameter can be installed; in addition, the slope can be increased. In some cases, craftsmen create a system that is equipped with a denser network. You can close the system if the drainage of the site is working correctly, features, how to drain the soil - all this is important to find out before the start of work.

The final stage

The system can be closed with geotextiles that can allow water to pass through. Instead, it is permissible to use volumetric filters that perform well when draining clay soils. Most practical for drainage work plastic pipes with a diameter of 63 mm, the surface of which must be corrugated. The pipes must be connected using tees.

Cost of drainage arrangement

If you decide to drain the site yourself on clay soils, the price of professional installation should certainly interest you. This may help you decide whether to carry out the work yourself or entrust the matter to professionals. So, if you decide to turn to specialists, then the cost of a linear meter of surface drainage will cost 1,300 rubles. Whereas the same amount of work, but on deep drainage, will cost 2,400 rubles.

Nature doesn't always arrange everything exactly the way we want. This is especially noticeable in our own plot of land. One of the problems may be periodic flooding of the ground after snow melts or heavy rainfalls. The solution is obvious - a drainage system is needed, especially if the soil is poorly permeable.

Draining a site with your own hands on clay soils is quite a feasible undertaking, although labor-intensive. It is important to correctly perform some calculations and take into account a number of features of clay soils.

When planning a drainage system, first determine the type of soil on your site. In our case, the permeability of the soil layer is important. If its degree is high, then drainage may simply not be required.

On clay soils everything is different: they are heavy, do not allow moisture to pass through well, and therefore take a long time to dry. What negative consequences does this have?

Let's start with basic discomfort. If the region is famous for snowy winters, then in the spring the land on the site is almost like a swamp. Walking is almost impossible - dirty and slippery. Plus none gardening work: Is it possible to do anything on soggy soils?

Vegetation will also suffer. Soil oversaturated with moisture does not allow oxygen to reach the root systems very well. The result is oxygen starvation, oppression and even death of plantings. This is clearly noticeable if there is a lawn on the site: the soil there is dense in itself, since loosening is not carried out. Flooding is especially dangerous when the crops begin to ripen. The quality of clay soil in the beds and in the garden can be gradually improved, but this is very difficult to do over the entire site.

Wet soils are a real resort for some snails and slugs. These pests can significantly damage plantings, especially vegetable ones. Waterlogging of the soil can unpredictably damage the foundations of buildings. Even high-quality waterproofing can break down over time if the soil is subject to deep freezing.

It's just not safe anymore.

Do groundwater flow relatively close to clay soils? This could be another problem. In this case, the soil has virtually no chance to dry properly. Any serious downpour and the ground literally turns to mush.

Conclusion: site drainage on clay soils is necessary. All problems are immediately resolved: the soil dries out much faster than before, you can make beautiful paths and not be afraid that they will “float”, the garden flourishes in every sense.

What kind of soil do you have?

Determining the degree of soil permeability is easy. Dig a hole of small diameter, 0.6 m deep, and fill it with water. Has the moisture gone deeper within 24 hours? This means that the soil has high permeability. Two days have passed, but the pit is not yet empty, which means the soil is definitely heavy. Draining the area with your own hands is definitely necessary.

How to make drainage on a site

  • How to make drainage of a site on clay soil with your own hands? The type of drainage system depends on several factors:
  • land area;
  • estimated amount of precipitation, groundwater and melt water;

financial opportunities.

According to the method of installation, drainage on the site can be superficial or buried. In the first case, shallow trenches and special trays are required, which are covered with gratings. In the second, the trenches are much deeper. They are lined with geotextiles, then a layer of crushed stone is poured, and drainage pipes (drains) are laid.

On heavy soils it is recommended to combine both methods. Surface drainage will ensure rapid drainage of melt and sediment water. The inhabitants of the site will not have to wait until the moisture itself seeps into the soil. The recessed part of the drainage system will reliably direct water to Right place.

There are two more important points:

  1. In heavy soils, it is undesirable to lay drains where the car will drive (park). The earth in this place will quickly become denser, and this part of the system will simply become useless.
  2. At the stage of digging trenches, the soil in places where drainage channels are installed must be thoroughly loosened. This will temporarily increase its permeability and slightly slow down caking and compaction.


On small area you can do without serious engineering calculations. It is enough to clearly imagine the entire system.

  1. Take a plan of your site, preferably to scale. All buildings must be marked on it. At the time of design, you should already know whether there is a natural slope on the site. Most often this can be seen without any instruments. If you have any doubts, invite a specialist with a level.
  2. Start drawing the future drainage system on the plan. The main thing is the main canal, the main drainage system. It runs from the highest point of the site to the lowest. If the site is flat, then the direction of the main drainage system can be chosen arbitrarily, and the slope can be formed artificially.
  3. Then you need to design where additional drainage ditches will go. On clay soils, the distance between them should be about ten meters. The finished drainage system resembles a Christmas tree in appearance on the plan.

If it is possible to make combined drainage, then at the end of each “branch” and at the beginning of the main line there should be areas for rapid collection of water from the surface.

An important question: where will the excess water go? There are three most popular options:

  1. Ditch along the road (it is advisable to coordinate with neighbors “downstream”).
  2. Decorative swamp on the site itself.
  3. Underground water intake well with drainage pump.


For buried drainage, trenches with a depth of 1 - 1.2 and a width of 0.35 meters will be required. The amount of geotextiles, crushed stone, pipes, connecting and other elements is calculated in advance based on the drainage diagram. Tools needed:

  • bayonet and shovel shovels for earthworks;
  • wheelbarrow or stretcher (remove soil, carry and pour out crushed stone);
  • For correct formation slope - staff and level;
  • hacksaw to cut pipes.

It is important to remember: the slope is formed at the rate of approximately 1 cm per meter of pipe.

After the geofabric, crushed stone, pipes and drainage trays have been laid, it is important not to rush into the final filling of soil. Given the complexity of the soil, the drainage system needs testing. If possible, wait for a suitable downpour; if not, simulate precipitation using a hose and a stream of water.

If the flows correctly pass the entire system from beginning to end, the tests can be considered successfully completed. If the water stagnates, it is advisable to lay additional channels.

Installing drainage on clay soil will significantly improve the condition of the site, increase the comfort of staying there after snow melts or heavy rainfall, and make gardening easier.

If you wish, you can even design the plot according to the latest fashion in the area landscape design, because excess moisture will no longer prevent this.

The drainage system, if it is done correctly and with high quality, will work for decades without the need for repairs and will ensure optimal drainage of the site.

When designing and building a house, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the soil. This applies both to their composition, bearing capacity, and to the availability of ground and surface waters. Wet soil is more susceptible to heaving, which leads to deformation of the foundation. In addition to the direct groundwater that reaches the foundation from deep in the soil, surface moisture that enters the soil from the atmosphere also negatively affects structures.

Water drainage systems

problem high level Water issues on the site need to be addressed comprehensively. To begin with, it is important to carry out geological surveys to determine the groundwater level and its presence in the soil. To do this, arrange a number of pits, in each of which the level of accumulated moisture is measured. This data will be required in the future for design and drainage.

In general, two types of drainage are arranged on the site:

  • surface, which is a storm drain;
  • deep - to reduce the groundwater level.

Surface drainage is a system of elements through which atmospheric water is collected in special trays and ditches and discharged to the nearest reservoirs, network storm sewer or into the soil. Water is collected from roofs through gutters and from the ground surface itself.

Deep drainage is also called the site drainage system. They are located under the ground surface and are a system of pipelines, the water from which is also discharged outside the territory. Drainage in clay soil is especially important because this soil is unable to absorb water.

Features of clay soils

With well-structured soil, water that appears in excess is itself drained from the surface and from the thickness of the base. Otherwise, special measures are required. Clay foundations are dangerous because surface water is unable to absorb into them. In some cases, this leads to swampy areas. This makes it difficult to use for agricultural purposes, and also leads to the constant threat of basements getting wet and foundations collapsing.

Special drainage requirements must be established in the following cases:

  • For heavy clay soils. Such land is subject to waterlogging for long periods of time. This is especially dangerous in regions with prolonged precipitation.
  • Medium structured soils in regions with big amount precipitation. These are light clays and loams, which are generally capable of absorbing some moisture.

How to properly make drainage in a clay area and what materials are used for this? Let's look at this question in more detail.


What materials are needed for the job? The main element of drainage is a pipe. The system uses perforated tubes into which moisture seeps from the soil. The pipes are laid at an angle and connected to the main channel. Through which water is drained into a well or reservoir. In general, the design of deep drainage, regardless of the scope of application (protection of the foundation, use on agricultural land to protect plants from excess moisture) consists of the following elements:

  1. Water intake. For these purposes, either natural formations (rivers, lakes, canals) are used, or wells are installed. For small areas, wells that receive water from collectors are more often used. From the wells themselves, water seeps into the soil if it is capable of accepting moisture at depth, or is pumped out by pumps as it fills into natural reservoirs.
  2. Main channel. It is laid from the highest point of the site to the lowest. All moisture collected by the system flows through this channel. It is not used for small drainage systems.
  3. Closed collectors. These are pipelines that collect moisture from several drainage pipes.
  4. Inspection wells.
  5. Drainage pipelines.

Plastic products, ceramic perforated or asbestos cement pipes with cuts. Nowadays, perforated pipes made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polyethylene (PE) are more often used. PE pipes are more flexible, which expands their scope of application. Specialized drainage pipelines have pre-fabricated perforations. Filtration systems made of coconut fiber or geotextile are used for them.

The main advantages of plastic drainage pipelines:

  • ease;
  • ease of installation;
  • the corrugated wall of the pipe allows you to protect the perforation from the adhesion of dirt;
  • flexibility of application.

How to drain a foundation on clay soil? Let us consider the step-by-step implementation of such a system in a problem area.

Drainage device on clay soil

Before starting work, it is necessary to carry out some calculations and select a design and materials used. For small areas you can do this yourself:

  1. First of all, the relief and slopes are determined. To do this, you need to study the topographic plan or take measurements using a level. It is important to determine the highest and lowest points on the surface of the site.
  2. A main canal is laid on the site plan. It is placed from the highest point to the lowest. If the area is without a slope, then the channel is routed arbitrarily. In this case, it is important to create a slope artificially.
  3. Drainage pipelines are laid in such a way that the distance between them is no more than 10 meters, and they flow downhill into the main canal.
  4. Determine water collection areas. To do this, use natural and artificial ditches outside the site or arrange other elements. For example, bodies of water. It could be decorative pond. Prefabricated wells are also often used. In this case, the water from them is pumped out by drainage pumps. There is also the option that at the bottom of the well there will be sandy soil, which are able to absorb accumulated moisture.

After preparation and planning, they begin to construct the drainage of the site on clay soils with their own hands:

  1. Execute excavation. To do this, trenches are dug for main and drainage pipelines. The depth of the trench is selected depending on the lower level of the foundation. On average, they are located at a depth of 1-1.5 m. If you are planning a house with a basement, then the drainage pipes must be buried below the level of the basement floor. The width of the trench is 0.3-0.4 m. Do not forget about the slope. In addition to the main canal, it is also necessary for the main drainage pipes at the rate of 1 cm of slope per 1 m of canal or pipeline.
  2. In the places of wells, holes are dug for the dimensions of the products.
  3. The bottom of the trench is lined with geotextiles.
  4. Crushed stone (10-20 cm) is poured onto the geotextile.
  5. Next, the pipelines are located directly.
  6. If necessary, drainage pumps and pipelines from them are installed in wells outside the site.
  7. After installation, do not immediately fill the system with soil. It needs to be checked. To do this, wait for precipitation or use water from a hose. Water flow through all pipelines should be checked. If necessary, change the slope or lay additional pipes between the designed ones.

After inspection, the trenches are backfilled. The system is ready to use! Don’t forget about regular maintenance and cleaning of drainage wells, storm inlets and canals. The system is designed to operate for many years.

The accumulation of melt or sediment water on the site leads to many unpleasant consequences. To solve this problem, drainage structures are used, the functionality of which is especially important for clay soil that does not conduct moisture well. Step by step guide For instructions on installing a drainage system with your own hands, read below.

Drainage for clay soil

Before organizing drainage in an area with clay soil, it is important to know the characteristics of such soil. A small test is carried out first. To do this, you need to dig a hole about 60 cm deep and pour 6-7 buckets of water into it. If after a day the moisture is absorbed into the soil without any residue, then the area does not need complex system drainage In this case, storm water or backfill drainage is sufficient. Clay soil will not completely absorb water and therefore the site requires more careful arrangement.

As a result of the fact that clay does not conduct moisture well, accumulations of water and puddles form in the upper layers of the soil. Excessive humidity leads to the destruction of building foundations, the death of plants and the creation of an overly humid atmosphere in the area. Therefore, drainage is necessary and allows you to dry clay soil, preventing unpleasant consequences.

To organize drainage, factors such as:

  • the amount of incoming moisture in the form of precipitation, melt water, automatic watering, etc.;
  • area of ​​territory in need of drainage;
  • financial capabilities that determine the type and quality of materials used for drainage.

The combination of buried and surface drainage allows you to dry the soil, providing normal conditions for plants and save buildings. At the same time, the buried option involves digging deep ditches, using pipes, crushed stone, geotextiles, and constructing a well for drainage water. All this requires financial costs and requires careful calculation of parameters.

Surface drainage consists of shallow channels that are directed towards the well to collect water. The recesses are covered with gratings on top and are easy to use. The system of such ditches does not require the use of pipes, since special material is laid at the bottom of the trenches. Thanks to this, moisture is transported into the well rather than remaining on the clay soil.

The combination of surface and buried systems is optimal for clay soil. Each option requires the development of a diagram indicating the location of ditches, wells and other elements. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the sequence of installation stages, because drainage must perform its function quickly and efficiently.

Drainage device

To drain clay soil, surface and buried drainage is used. The first option can be a tray type or with a sand cushion. In any case, trenches are dug towards the well to collect water. The width of the ditches can be about 30 cm, and the depth up to 50 cm. At the same time, a slight uniform slope towards the well is maintained. For areas with a natural slope this is not necessary.

For a tray surface system, special boxes or plastic trays are installed in the trenches, through which water will be transported to the well. In the case of a sand cushion, you need to pour a small layer of sand onto the bottom of the ditches, the size of which is slightly larger than with the tray method, then crushed stone almost to the edges of the recess. You can pour multi-colored gravel on top or lay a layer of turf.

Buried drainage involves the creation of ditches in which a layer of crushed stone, drainage pipes, and geotextiles are laid. In a designated area, a well is installed in a recess to collect water, pipes are laid in the trenches on a layer of sand and geotextile, and then crushed stone is poured and the edges of the sheet are wrapped. The well should be located at the extreme point of the site, and all ditches should be directed towards it.

Drainage scheme

Before starting work on creating drainage, you should mark the location of all elements of the system on the site plan. The well should be placed in the far corner, the ditches run along the perimeter of the house or other buildings, connect into one trench and lead to the well. When planning a deep system, it is worth considering that in clay soil Pipes cannot be laid where heavy equipment and cars are driven. As a result, the soil will sag and damage drainage. That's why the best option

is surface drying that promotes rapid removal of moisture.

The diagram indicates the direction of each trench, as well as the slope of the ditches. If the site is located on a slope, then it is enough to simply dig ditches of the same depth all the way to the well. On a flat surface, the slope is calculated taking into account the standards. The slope of the pipes is indicated by fractions, which are difficult for an ignorant person to understand. For example, 0.007 or 0.02. In fact, these numbers mean the ratio of the desired slope of the pipe to its length, expressed in meters. If you need to set a slope of 0.007, this means that for 1 linear m of pipe the height difference should be 7 mm. And if the slope is 0.02, then on one meter the height difference will be 2 cm. This difference in slopes results from the fact that pipes of different diameters require different minimum slope values. And the larger the diameter, the smaller the slope. For example, pipes with a diameter of 9–11 cm are always used for drainage drains. Minimum slope

for them is 0.02. This means that the slope of each meter of drain must be at least 2 cm.

After calculating all the parameters, materials are selected and the drying unit is installed. For surface drainage, plastic trays are used, which are installed taking into account the required slope and direction.

Do-it-yourself site drainage on clay soils - step-by-step instructions for installing various systems Surface drainage can be organized with your own hands using a diagram and selecting materials. Simple system

, consisting of trays, a well and other elements, will ensure timely removal of moisture. Surface drainage is supplemented with deep or backfill drainage, which enhances the efficiency of drainage.

To create deep drainage you will need pipes. For the main line, elements with a diameter of 110 mm are used, and for additional ditches, pipes with a diameter of 60 mm are optimal. The well is constructed from concrete rings or a special polymer container is inserted into the recess. Crushed stone of fraction 20–40, coarse sand, and geotextiles are also necessary to create a drainage complex.

The work package includes the following actions:

  1. For a well, you should dig a hole, the depth of which is 2–3 m. Concrete rings install from the very bottom. The finished container is mounted in the same way. Sand is poured at the bottom in a layer of 20 cm, and then crushed stone at a depth of 30 cm. There must be holes in the rings or walls of the finished container for incoming pipes. The height of their location is equal to the depth of the pipes in the ditches, that is, about 100 cm from the top edge.
  2. Next you need to dig trenches according to the diagram. Their width is 50 cm, and their depth is 120 cm in the main highway and 100 cm in the side ones. The main channels reach the well, with a slope of 5 cm per 1 linear meter of pipe length. You need to pour sand in a layer of about 20 cm at the bottom of the ditches, and then lay geotextiles. The edges of the canvas should be higher than the edges of the pit. Next, crushed stone is poured in a layer of 20 cm, perforated pipes are laid, observing the slope.
  3. The pipes are connected to each other using coupling or socket joints. In the area of ​​turns and on straight sections, inspection wells must be installed every 25 cm. The height of such elements should ensure their elevation above the soil level. Inspection wells are necessary to monitor the condition and clean the system.
  4. Crushed stone must be poured onto the pipes so that the filter material completely covers them. Next, the geotextile is wrapped. The remaining space in the trench is filled with sand, and a layer of turf or decorative gravel is laid on top.

Installation of surface drainage

Deep drainage is designed to remove moisture from the soil, and the surface system prevents water from stagnating in the upper layer of clay soil. Rain moisture or melt water is immediately discharged into the well, transported through special gutters. This allows you to remove water from the roof of buildings and avoid the appearance of puddles in areas with clay soil.

For a surface system, you need to mark on the site plan the direction of the ditches that should lead to the well. The slope is the same as for deep drainage. The following steps are followed:

  1. According to the scheme, small trenches are dug, which are well compacted. It is necessary to observe the slope of the ditches towards the well or catch basins. If the site has a natural slope, then the depth of the channels may be the same. The depth of the trenches is up to 80 cm, and their width is 40 cm.
  2. Sand is poured into the bottom of the trenches in a layer of 10 cm, and then the same amount of crushed stone of fraction 20–40. Next, you need to pour a concrete solution onto the filter material and immediately install trays for removing water.
  3. Sand traps should be installed at the end of each line of gutters using the same installation method as for gutters. Storm water inlets under drainpipes buildings are installed using the same method. All parts are well connected to each other, forming a single system. Next, the trays need to be covered on top with special grilles.

Drainage operation

Proper organization of any type of drainage system is the key to comfort in an area with clay soils. Quick removal of moisture after rain avoids the formation of puddles, high humidity air and destruction of the foundation of buildings. And drainage is also practical in areas where there are plants that do not tolerate stagnant water. In this case, drainage ditches should be provided around these plants.

During the operation of deep and surface versions of the systems, it is necessary to regularly clean them of debris, leaves, grass and sand. This helps maintain efficient drainage. You also need to take into account the following operating features:

  • inspection wells and sand traps must be regularly cleaned of contamination;
  • damage to buried pipes requires their timely replacement;
  • Before completing the installation of the structure, you need to check it by pouring several buckets of water into the pipes or trays. Moisture should quickly enter the main well;
  • In clayey soil, pipes cannot be laid in areas subject to heavy loads.

To create drainage with your own hands, you should use only high-quality pipes and trays, durable geotextiles, medium-fraction crushed stone and coarse sand. It is important to carefully fix coupling and other connections to avoid moisture leakage in the wrong place.

Video: how to make a storm drain

For a site on clay soil, a drainage system is necessary, as it eliminates excess moisture. In this case, clayey soil can settle, which requires careful development of the pipe layout.