How to get rid of frogs on your property. How to get rid of frogs. Indirect and preventive methods

general information

As a rule, frogs in the cellar appear from dampness, which means the main reason is poor-quality waterproofing. A damp or damp cellar serves great place, where amphibians can not only live, but also reproduce. Accordingly, this will lead to rapid spoilage of fresh food, canned food and even wine. Frogs are capable of carrying a huge number of microbes and diseases. Therefore, the first and main protection against moisture and uninvited guests is new waterproofing. In addition, it is recommended to regularly ventilate the cellar and timely cleaning if the cellar is flooded or snowed. We must not allow moisture to be absorbed into the floor and walls, but for this there are special deep penetration hydraulic additives.


It is worth paying attention to the fact that frogs in the cellar can appear not only due to humidity and

dampness. They will begin to accumulate in the corners of the room if:

  • next to the cellar there is a pond or lake, a swamp;
  • The cellar was built poorly, there are cracks;
  • Water is stored inside the cellar in unsealed containers (moisture will appear as it evaporates);
  • there is a lot of garbage in or near the cellar, there are habitats for insects, and so on. That is, everything that frogs use for food and as shelter.


Each reason described above is resolved gradually, and as a result, frogs should not appear.

Gaps and cracks. It is important, after completing the waterproofing work, to check whether all seams are sealed, whether there are cracks, holes, holes and various unnecessary holes. If there are such gaps near doors or in corners, they must be sealed with cement or sealed with rags.

Liquids and vapors. As for liquids, they should not be stored in open containers in the cellar or in loosely closed containers. Water begins to deteriorate over time due to the presence of organic substances and bacteria in it. Microscopic algae or bacteria may appear in it and substances will begin to decompose and rot. Wherein human eye will not catch the whole process, but the smell of water will make itself felt.

When stored in a closed container in water, if it is also fresh, tap water, chlorinated, illuminated (at least with a small amount of silver ions), there is simply nothing to go out.

Catching. If the frogs have already started, it is recommended to catch them first. A regular net will do for this. Place them in a bucket and take them to the nearest body of water. Then you will have to disinfect the room.

Traps. Suitable in cases where it is difficult to catch frogs or there is a lot of furniture (shelves, boxes, racks, etc.). IN in this case A regular mousetrap will do. Bread and dry porridge (lump) are used as bait. Mousetraps are placed in hard-to-reach places and at the entrance to the cellar.

We dug a cellar. The walls and ceiling were concreted, and the floor was left earthen. And in vain! A month later they discovered a large number of frogs in the cellar. We don't know how they got there. We think it's through the hatch. Now we will have to poison. For a long time. It's a chore.

4. Folk remedies

We are not talking about industrial poisons and herbicides, which are dangerous to humans, and only SES professionals should deal with them, but about ordinary products that can give a similar effect, but are absolutely harmless to humans. For example, salt, citric acid, caffeine. Such products are safe for vegetables, fruits and canned food. Of course, it is better to first remove all harvest supplies from the cellar, but if this is not possible, then using these particular means becomes the only convenient option.

  • Salt scattered on shelves and on the floor causes frogs to burn their feet. As a result, they will try to leave the cellar and never return. All that remains is to wipe the surfaces.
  • Coffee grounds placed at the entrance can also repel amphibians.
  • Highly concentrated citric acid has an effect similar to salt, but does not repel frogs, but poisons them.


Maintaining cleanliness and humidity is not just a requirement “for

ticks." They are the ones who influence the appearance or absence of amphibians and help get rid of frogs in the cellar. Therefore it is necessary:

Do not clutter the cellar with all the products in a row in a mess. Arrange and arrange everything on shelves, jars, baskets.

  1. Inventory should be stored separately.
  2. Any liquid from the floor must be wiped and removed, and not allowed to evaporate.
  3. Be sure to install supply and exhaust ventilation.
  4. Seal all containers with liquids tightly.

I live in a private house. Before groundwater about three meters, no dampness, the nearest body of water is more than two kilometers away. The house is brick. The house has a cellar with an earthen floor. And this is the problem I have this year. There are a lot of frogs in the area.

This whole nightmare began back in February. Somehow the frogs ended up in the basement and in the morning they began to methodically climb out of the cellar, climbing the walls, poking themselves into the cracks between the baseboard and the wall. As a result, they ended up in the corridor on the floor. The sight, I tell you, is not the most pleasant. With the onset of warmth, this nightmare stopped. But these creatures now run around the garden, and in the evenings they go out into the yard to hunt. I don’t know how many of them there are, it’s a lot! At first I treated them with patience - they were still alive. But everything comes to an end. I tried to seal the cracks under concrete paths where they live is in vain. They are digging new holes. And three days ago the offspring appeared.


Even if dealing with frogs is not too difficult, in any case, it is an unpleasant, dreary phenomenon. But often, frogs appear only in self-built cellars. If we consider a finished monolithic cellar, then the appearance of amphibians in them is completely excluded. And that's why.

For example, cellars Kuzmich created from M-400 hydroconcrete and represent a solid sealed cube, without seams or cracks. The presence of additional layers of waterproofing also contributes to the absence of moisture and favorable conditions for frogs. All openings are carefully processed, ventilation pipes have protective caps and filters against rodents and amphibians, so when the lid is closed, it is impossible for anyone to get inside the room.

In addition, Kuzmich cellars have full internal equipment: LED lamp, shelving, stairs, ventilation, finishing of walls, floors and ceilings.

7. Conclusion

The appearance of frogs in the cellar threatens the owners with the fact that the room can no longer be used for storing food. Frogs can carry various diseases and intestinal infections. Therefore, after catching amphibians, it is necessary to carry out thorough disinfection and ventilation, and you can begin to use the cellar for its intended purpose again no earlier than in a month or two.

Under such conditions, the simplest and most convenient thing is to purchase a ready-made monolithic Kuzmich cellar, in which neither insects, nor frogs, nor mold with humidity and dampness simply can appear.

You can view the full catalog of cellars we offer on the website, and here you can order a call to a consultant and coordinate the purchase, delivery and installation of products.

Almost all summer residents and owners of private houses have to face the problem of how to get rid of frogs in the cellar. These animals provide benefits by killing mosquitoes and flies. But a large concentration of reptiles in the underground can harm the crop. Toads spread pathogenic microorganisms to food products and contaminate them with the products of their vital activity. If the basement is located under or next to the house, then the croaking will cause discomfort to its inhabitants. Let's consider the prerequisites for the appearance and methods of getting rid of unwanted guests.

Reasons for the appearance of frogs in the cellar

The underground is a dark, damp and cool room. In most cases, it contains drawers, shelves and trays that provide excellent hiding places for amphibians. Animals enter the cellar through doors during ventilation, through cracks and through ventilation ducts. When there are puddles under the flooring, frogs lay eggs in them, from which tadpoles emerge. If effective measures are not taken, then in a short time the population will reach hundreds of individuals.

Let's consider possible reasons appearance of toads and ways to eliminate them:

  1. High humidity in storage. It is necessary to repair the drainage system, bail out the water and ventilate the room well. Uninvited guests will leave it themselves in open doors, because they will not be able to do without moisture for a long time.
  2. The presence in the underground of many things that provide shelter for adult individuals. These include boxes, rags, old hay and uncollected garbage. After removing everything unnecessary, the amphibians’ stay in the basement will become uncomfortable.
  3. Cluster of insects. They flock to the smell of food, making a loud noise that attracts predators. Flies and mosquitoes can be quickly driven out using special spirals and plates. Deprived of food, the toads will leave the cellar. Installing mosquito nets on doors and ventilation will prevent this problem in the future.
  4. Neighborhood to a pond. Amphibians constantly migrate in search of food and breeding partners. They may end up in the underground by accident. When one individual calls, others come, which leads to their accumulation. If you fence a room with a low fence made of metal mesh, you can forget about their existence for a long time.

Having understood the premises of the problem, we will consider options for solving it.

Help from natural enemies

The first and one of the most simple solutions The question of how to get frogs out of the cellar is to involve their natural enemies in the fight.

These are:

  1. Snakes. Amphibians experience panic fear of them, quickly moving away to a safe distance. It is enough to catch and put one representative of this species underground so that all reptiles leave the room. There is one difficulty - finding and catching the snake. You can use a fish tank for this.
  2. Cats. They have a natural instinct to kill. A pet can kill an entire colony that has settled in the basement in a few hours. The method is not humane, but effective. Amphibian exterminators are always nearby; you don’t need to catch them, wasting time and risking your health.
  3. Jerzy. They are slower than other animals, but they create a sufficient fear factor. The animal drives out uninvited guests with its mere presence. Finding and catching hedgehogs can also be difficult, since this animal is nocturnal and leads a secretive lifestyle.

If attracting predators is not possible or is undesirable, other pest control methods are chosen.

Use of nets and traps

A humane way to get rid of toads is to catch them with a butterfly net. You can use it in a spacious, bright room with a minimum amount of furniture. First, the floors and shelves are cleared of all things. Then the floors are covered with film or thick fabric. The reptiles are caught, placed in a bucket of water and released into the nearest body of water. This option is difficult and time-consuming, but most suitable for nature lovers.

A small population can be removed using mousetraps closed type, where the caught individual remains alive. Insects or small fragments of food are used as bait. Mousetraps need to be periodically checked, released and placed again. Adaptations open type kill amphibians. Basement owners will have to deal with the unpleasant issue of disposing of animal corpses.

You can make traps yourself from cardboard boxes. They are equipped with valves or labyrinths. Cleaning the box from the catch is simple - just turn the container over and remove the lid.

After catching and removing adults, the subfloor should be checked for the presence of tadpoles. Jars, pots, bottles and other containers are checked. The liquid from them drains into puddles, swamps or streams.

Chemical methods

Insecticides are divided into repellent, lethal and paralyzing the reproductive system. In the latter case, amphibians remain alive, but lose the ability to reproduce. The choice in each case is made individually, taking into account the scale and nature of the problem. Most household medications are safe for humans. They are sold in the form of granules, powder, gel and aerosols. Products against snakes and those used in agriculture herbicides.

  1. Before treating the room, remove from it all products that are not hermetically packaged. Even in small quantities, the poison is dangerous to health.
  2. When applying medications, use rubber gloves, a respirator and tight-fitting goggles.
  3. Toxic agents must be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. An insufficient dose may not bring the desired effect.
  4. It is better to apply and sprinkle the preparations along the perimeter of the subfloor, near the ventilation holes and the front door. Chests and baskets in which food will be stored should not be treated with preparations.
  5. After completing the procedure, it is necessary to wet clean all surfaces and ventilate the room well.

If sanitary treatment was carried out with lethal drugs, you must carefully examine all places in the basement, not missing a single dead animal. Otherwise, the smell of rotting will make the room unsuitable for its intended use for a long time.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods do not harm reptiles, but create conditions that are intolerable for them to continue to stay in the cellar.

To the most effective means relate:

  1. Coarse table salt. This is a safe substance that needs to be poured over all horizontal surfaces. Wet areas can be covered with plastic film or oilcloth. Salt burns the mucous membranes of frogs. Not finding a comfortable place for themselves, they will be forced to leave the basement. The advantage of this method is that the salt does not need to be removed after achieving the goal. It is an antiseptic and serves as a preventative barrier against new guests.
  2. Lemon acid. It acts similarly to salt, but much stronger. Therefore, the acid is used in low concentration so as not to kill the animals.
  3. Coffee. Used in the form of thicken and solution. It is poured onto floors and shelves, sprayed onto open ground and into puddles. Caffeine causes deterioration and increased heart rate in reptiles. They reflexively try to move away from the source of danger.

Using folk remedies, they should not be allowed to come into contact with the skin of frogs, as this can cause paralysis and cardiac arrest. The doors to the cellar must be kept open so that the animals can exit.

Although these animals are almost harmless and also clear the area of ​​many insects, some owners try to get rid of frogs. They explain this by fear or dislike of frogs. For some people they trample the shoots in the garden beds. Some varieties are poisonous and pose a serious threat to pets and can harm children. There are many ways to get rid of toads in your home.

Some frogs trample shoots

Preparatory stage

First of all, the species must be accurately determined. Firstly, this is necessary for more effective fight. Secondly, this way you can be sure of the legality of your actions. In some countries, rare species are protected by law or there are other legal nuances.

However, there are clearly aggressive species who are allowed to be killed:

  • Bullfrogs. They hunt local relatives and infect them with chytridiomycosis, a disease that has caused more than a hundred species to become extinct.
  • Cane toads. Although they are not frogs, the same control methods apply to them. Most of them are in Australia.
  • Cuban tree frogs cause a lot of trouble outside of Cuba. In the USA (Florida), they were involved in a power failure.
  • Singing tree frog.

The legality of killing a frog depends primarily on its harmfulness and prevalence. In Russia, you cannot destroy any animals listed in the Red Book, including some frogs and toads. There are species in the United States that are so harmful that they are prohibited from being released when caught. This primarily concerns invasive species that threaten biological diversity.

There are a number of aggressive species

If you are in doubt about the identity of amphibians, it is better not to touch them. Or use methods aimed at expelling animals, but not killing them. It would not be a bad idea to contact nature conservation specialists or the local authorized government agency.

If the frogs are not alien guests, but the indigenous inhabitants of the site, then it is better not to take radical measures. This is important for the conservation of biological diversity and nature in general, because any indigenous species is an important component of the ecosystem. They occupy a place in the food chain, destroying insects, and also moisturize the soil.

Even if it is a poisonous species, it is better to find a compromise. You can remove all the foliage from the yard, then the frogs will simply have nowhere to live, and they will move to another territory, or simply cover the well, close all the doors and windows - then the animals will definitely not disturb the peace of home.

To avoid touching the frog, just remove all the foliage

Loyal methods

To get rid of frogs in your home, you don't have to resort to exterminating them. There are loyal methods that will force amphibians to leave or prevent them from returning to the site. They are relevant for reasons of humane treatment of animals and preservation of the natural ecological balance.

Work on the site

You can get rid of frogs in the cellar by working on the area. Since amphibians are attracted to moisture, All standing water should be drained. This applies to birdbaths, artificial ponds, wetlands and more. Amphibians use these places to roost and lay eggs. Removing the water will also drive away some insects, including mosquitoes. Since frogs prey on them, due to lack of food they will lose interest in the area. If you want to preserve some sources of water, then it is worth installing filters or a fountain. Circulation and purification of water will make it impossible for the reproduction of not only insects, but also the frogs themselves.

Vegetation can be trimmed. Needs to be removed bush plants and tall grass in which frogs constantly hide. They will avoid open areas. If the bush grows away from moisture, then it can be preserved. The same goes for garbage. For example, tires, empty pots, mountains of shavings are excellent shelter for these animals. If you remove the garbage, the frogs will have nowhere to hide.

External lighting should be turned off whenever possible. It attracts insects that frogs feed on. On the porch and in the garden, you can turn off the lights at night, and in the house, hang curtains or blinds on the windows.

It is better not to keep animal food outside so that amphibians do not try to steal it. Pets should also be fed at home. If this is not possible, then it is better to take the bowl home after feeding.

Reducing vegetation is one option to solve the problem

Frogs can be removed by killing insects. This can be done using special traps or insecticides. It is better to use organic poisons, because chemical ones often destroy all animals in a row, including amphibians.

Another option is physical fencing. The entire property or pond can be enclosed with a net or plastic barrier. It is better not to use wire, because the amphibian will easily overcome this obstacle. But the fence must fit tightly to the ground and be high enough so that it cannot be jumped over. Safety measures mean that the support posts should extend into the ground by about a third of a meter. It is better to sprinkle the base with earth.

Repellent elements

You can use the help of predators. In this case, you need to remember that some species are poisonous. The carnivore used must be resistant to toxins. Although the easiest way is to release the cat, you can also pick up another predator that feeds on these amphibians, such as a snake, kites or hawks.

Some types of predators will be happy to help get rid of frogs

Suitable for scaring away animals natural remedies. However, you need to understand that some of them can not only scare, but also kill amphibians. You can sprinkle salt near ponds or in the cellar. It is not lethal, but it burns the feet, so the frogs will be removed, but the salt will also harm the plants. To avoid this, you can use coffee grounds. It will have a similar effect, but will not destroy the plants.

Aggressive ways

More radical means are also used to get rid of frogs. It is better to do this only as a last resort, which is due to many reasons. First of all, with the senselessness and cruelty of such actions.

None special means not needed to kill amphibians. It is enough to dilute 600 grams citric acid in four liters of water, and then spray the solution onto the skin of the frogs. They will suffer, but they will die quickly. The same can be done with caffeine.

You can fix the problem by initial stage when they are still tadpoles

Some herbicides can deprive males of the ability to fertilize. It is enough to spray the substance on the area to reduce the population of amphibians. Snake repellent is also suitable - it is no less effective on frogs.

Amphibians can simply be caught with a net or net. After catching there are two options:

  1. Move collected animals. They can be taken to a nearby body of water and released. However, you should choose a place in which this species can naturally live.
  2. Kill the frogs. The most humane method is freezing to death. First, the animals need to be put in the refrigerator overnight (due to the cold, they will fall into a kind of coma), and then left for three days in freezer. So low temperature lethal for them.

Another method of control is the elimination of amphibians in the tadpole state. They just need to be caught with a net from the pond, and then eliminated. You can do this in three ways:

  • to freeze;
  • lay out on dry asphalt, illuminated by the sun;
  • bury alive.

The first one is more humane. A good alternative is to install traps like ordinary mousetraps; it is better to place them near the entrances to a house, garage or cellar. If no remedies for frogs in the house help, but you still need to eliminate amphibians, it is better to seek the help of a professional exterminator.

In this video you will learn how to catch frogs:

Frogs can be called harmless creatures, but some people don't like them, while others feel afraid when they see them. In order not to be afraid to go into the cellar and into your home, you should learn how to get rid of frogs, then you will be able to forget about the existence of these amphibians in a short time and practically not meet with them. There are few ways that can help get rid of frogs in a house or cellar; the most humane way would be to catch individuals using a net; there are still traditional methods involving the use of salt, coffee, citric acid and poison. *************************************** ALSO SEE THE BEST RECIPES. SEE THIS LINK ***************************************

Checking the territory. It is impossible to get rid of frogs if there is a pond on the site. These creatures settle where there is high humidity, so you need to take this factor into account. When there is no pond nearby, but amphibians still come into the house or climb into the cellar, this indicates that the room is humid or there is a large amount of water. If it is impossible to remove it, you should seal the cracks and ensure good ventilation. These measures will remove excess moisture and prevent frogs from appearing in the house and cellar. *************************************** ALSO SEE THE BEST RECIPES. SEE THE LINK ***************************************

Mechanical method. You can get rid of frogs using the following method, which requires a butterfly net and a bucket with water and a lid. It is necessary to catch individuals and put them in a container. After which it is recommended to release the amphibians into the nearest pond or swamp. Before you start fishing, you need to remove furniture and cans from the cellar. If there is water in the room, it is important to check all containers for the presence of tadpoles. They will soon turn into frogs and will have to be caught again. It is also advisable to assign the offspring of amphibians to a body of water.


Salt. To get rid of frogs, it is recommended to use ordinary table salt. The mechanism of action here is very simple: the substance does not kill the amphibian, but only burns its paws. Soon the individuals will understand that hunting in the cellar or on the plot causes them discomfort and will no longer visit these places. Getting rid of frogs in this case is simple; to do this, you will need to generously sprinkle salt on the floor of the room or the ground in the garden. When amphibians stop appearing there, all that remains is to sweep the cellar. Poisons.

If the amphibians are not going to leave the area, then the only way to get rid of the frogs is to use poison. Insecticides or herbicides intended for toads work well on them. If the store doesn't have them, then you can go the easy way. You should prepare coffee from natural raw materials of medium strength and search the room. The smell of the drink will scare off amphibians, but in some cases it can also cause cardiac arrest. A solution of citric acid has similar properties. Tips Before getting rid of frogs, you should think carefully. Amphibians bring great benefits to the site. They destroy a huge number of insects. If you kick out individuals, there is a high probability that more serious problems will appear, the solution of which will require more effort and time. For this reason, it is better not to be afraid of frogs and get used to being around them. *************************************** ALSO SEE THE BEST RECIPES. SEE THIS LINK

Frogs are, to a certain extent, our friends, since it is these amphibians that destroy harmful insects in cellars. However, if the number of frogs becomes widespread, this already becomes a problem. You don’t need the presence of frogs even if you don’t have slugs or a lot of insects in your cellar.

To start fighting frogs, think carefully: won’t destroying them bring new problems?

If not, then you can safely get down to business. But before we talk about how to breed frogs in the cellar, you need to prepare for this so that everything goes efficiently.

Anatomical structure of a frog.

So, before you get down to business, you need to prepare the cellar. First, remove all containers with water and other liquids. This is especially true for standing water, which is very attractive to toads. If moisture accumulations periodically appear on the cellar floor, you will even have to work on rebuilding the floor. The fact is that even if you remove existing frogs from the basement or cellar, the presence of water will attract new individuals there.

Drawing of a scarecrow trap.

In addition, you need to put things in order in the cellar. Take out all food supplies from there and carefully sweep away any existing garbage. It would also be ideal to clean the furniture in the cellar. The same applies to the area near the cellar. If there is tall vegetation in the area near the cellar (especially weeds and any marsh grass), then you will have to cut it off or completely remove it. After all, frogs do not like to be seen, and thickets are very attractive to them. Frogs will not want to get to the cellar through a completely open area.

Also make sure that there are no animal feeders within a radius of approximately 2 m around the cellar. Oddly enough, even such food is very attractive to some types of toads. It is also important not to leave the lighting on near the cellar for a long time. dark time days. After all, a cluster of insects will provoke a cluster of frogs.

So, after such simple preparatory work, you can begin the basic methods of removing frogs from a cellar or basement. There are different effective ways fight them. Moreover, they are all completely different. Having examined each of the proposed methods in more detail, you will be able to choose the most optimal and suitable option how to get rid of frogs.

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Mechanical methods

The first method is mechanical removal of frogs in the cellar. The easiest way to do this is to catch them using a butterfly net. Just catch them in a net, and then place them in a bucket, which must be covered with a lid. There needs to be some water in the bucket to keep the frogs alive. After you have caught all the living creatures, take the frogs to a river or pond and release them there.

This method is more suitable for such cellars, from which all small furniture can be easily removed. After all, if there are many places in the room where frogs can hide, catching them in this way will be quite problematic.

In addition, check all the water containers that were in the cellar. After all, there may be tadpoles there. If you find them, then the water, along with the still small amphibians, must also be taken and poured into a river or swamp.

The second method is to install standard traps. This mechanical method of breeding frogs is less humane, but quite effective. This is an excellent option for a cellar that has many hard-to-reach places. The most reliable trap is an ordinary mousetrap. You will need several of these mousetraps. You need to place bait in each of them. The same products can be used as bait as for mice. Mousetraps should be placed at the entrance to the cellar, as well as in all hard-to-reach places on the cellar floor. Pay special attention to areas under furniture and corners. This is usually where frogs like to live the most.

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Indirect and preventive methods

Electromechanical insect trap device.

The third method refers to indirect or preventive breeding of frogs. This happens because it consists of removing absolutely all insects from the cellar. Logically, if there are no insects, then there will be no frogs, since they will have nothing to eat.

To combat insects, you need to place traps for them. For this purpose, it is best to place two special insect traps in the form of lamps in the cellar. Their essence lies in the fact that inside the trap there is a poisonous bait, onto which insects fly and slide. But once inside such a “lamp” they cannot get out and die there.

This kind of trap must be placed in two places: at the entrance and in the middle of the cellar near the lamp. It is very convenient to hang the trap. You will see how, especially near the lamp in the central part of the cellar, a huge number of destroyed insects will accumulate. Just one condition: don't forget to close entrance doors when you turn on the lamp. This will make it possible to avoid newly appearing insects from the street.

Method four – arrangement of a fence. This method is more relevant to preventive measures. But it is very advisable to use it, especially if you have already removed the amphibians from the cellar and do not want them to appear there again.

Scheme of using chain-link mesh for making toad fencing sections.

To properly set up a fence, you first need to choose the right mesh. It should be taken into account that the height of the net must be at least 1.5 m. This is due to the fact that frogs can jump quite high. The grid cells should not be large. Therefore, it is best to choose a chain-link type fencing mesh.

You can install such a toad fence around the cellar at a distance of about 2-3 m from it. When installing, be sure to ensure that the mesh is pulled tightly onto the pegs, which should be driven fairly tightly into the soil. The fence must be tightly adjacent to the ground on all sides, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

It is recommended to install this fence only in cases where your cellar is built in an area where a large number of frogs are constantly found, which greatly complicates the fight against them. Under normal conditions, this kind of fencing is not necessary, as it may even cause some inconvenience for some owners.