How to celebrate New Year in Pattaya. Where and how to celebrate New Year in Thailand? Three great places where you won't be bored! Thailand for the New Year is cheap and even free

Even 20 years ago, the usual New Year on the night from December 31 to January 1 in Pattaya was celebrated only by tourists. But soon the Thais, some of whom were savvy, realized that they needed to create a familiar atmosphere for the thousands of people coming to Pattaya and, in general, from all over the planet. They are coming in hopes of a special holiday - we need to give them a holiday.

The usual garlands and decorations at the end of December - beginning of January are now a common occurrence in many shops and restaurants in Pattaya. And in some places they even put up Christmas trees. In general, the New Year in Pattaya (and in other tourist-filled places in Thailand) is celebrated at every turn. It's all true in shorts, sun during the day and heat, warm in the evening and at night. The rest is very similar.

The European New Year has not acquired much significance for the Thais; it is still only a tribute to foreign tourists (and a way to replenish the budget, of course). Thais do not congratulate each other on this New Year, but on occasion they celebrate the holiday along with visitors. That is, it is important for Thais to be in the same place as the tourists - and Hurray for the New Year!

Preparations for the celebration begin not as early as in Russia, that is, not in October, but in early December. The city is decorated with garlands, and the walls of buildings turn into waterfalls of sparkling lights. Locally produced artificial Christmas trees are installed. There are no living spruce trees to be found. Near shopping centers you will see Santa Clauses in red hats, and even a sleigh with four reindeer. Or at least like this

As a result, Pattaya on the eve of December 31st looks like what a European city would look like if local authorities We decided to celebrate the New Year in July.

Agree, a decorated Christmas tree and Santa Claus surrounded by lush greenery, fruit piles and half-naked tourists is not a very typical picture for December 31st in Russia.

It is impossible to say that Thais are completely unselfish when analyzing prices in Pattaya in December and January. They provide opportunities to celebrate the New Year in an exotic way in Pattaya, but prices at this time increase to the maximum both for excursions and for running expenses. Trips to large chain supermarkets are a lifesaver - they do not change prices like street vendors, so goods are at reasonable prices.

There are several options for celebrating the New Year in Pattaya
  • buy a ready-made tour, which includes a festive banquet at the hotel,
  • find a restaurant on your own and order dinner,
  • celebration on city streets,
  • go to a large-scale disco on the island of Koh Phangan (you can get there by ferry in half an hour).

As in any country in the world, in Pattaya there are fireworks for the New Year.

Most tourists choose Beach Road as their destination. You can rent a sun lounger and sit comfortably on it, open champagne at 24-00, and then watch the fireworks and fireworks around you. True, it is better to come here in advance, by 21:00-22:00, while there are still free places.

So, if you want to celebrate the New Year in flip-flops and shorts, Pattaya is a great option.

Moreover, as always, Pattaya will be good for both couples in love and noisy large groups. However, you need to take into account that a huge number of tourists around, inflated prices, and especially a dirty sea are guaranteed. But your main goal is to have a good rest and have fun!

It is unlikely that the atmosphere of New Year's Eve will suit small children. The holiday is celebrated here too noisily and violently. For a family holiday with children, it is better to find a quieter place with clean beaches.

The New Year in Pattaya is celebrated on a special scale, like nowhere else in the kingdom. No, tourists will be entertained at all resorts without exception, but they will not interrupt the degree of fun in Pattaya.

New Year in Pattaya can be celebrated anywhere and anyhow. At this time in Pattaya there is global unity of all nations. Words in various dialects are heard on the streets, tourists fraternize, laughter amid unbridled fun. Everything is imbued with the atmosphere of a real holiday.

The residents of Pattaya themselves are very partial to fun. Many of them place tables with food outside the gates of their houses. Passing tourists are invited to the tables.

New Year in Pattaya at your hotel

During the New Year, hotel restaurants do not miss the opportunity to entertain foreigners at increased rates. Anyone who has ever been interested in New Year's tours (and not only to Thailand) knows that you will have to pay and festive table, and a flight in a regular cabin at the price of almost business class, etc. No one misses the opportunity to rip off the jackpot from those who decided to stand out and change their felt boots and sheepskin coat to beach slippers on New Year's Day. Almost all hotels organize New Year's banquets and a show program, the cost of which may be offered to be paid when purchasing a tour or at the hotel itself. The amount is paid separately after booking the tour and depends, of course, on the status of the hotel. Varies between $60 - $350 per person.

However, in a number of hotels, the New Year's program begins around 18:00, and by 00:00 the fun ends. With this situation, you will be able to spend as much as you like. Old year, but you will have to celebrate the New Year somewhere outside the hotel. Those. those who immediately go to Beach Road are most likely not mistaken. They manage to take better seats, and those who leave hotel restaurants have fun standing and on the edge.

Pattaya Restaurants

There are many restaurants in Pattaya. If you are vacationing on your own, then you need to book a table in a restaurant in advance, in early December. Restaurants in Pattaya are simple, but there are sophisticated ones. Pattaya's restaurants feature cuisines from all over the world. Here is a list of “our” establishments:

  • Tavern “8 Horseshoes” - Russian cuisine, Thai and Uzbek, why “8” - I don’t know;
  • restaurant “U Zakharovny” - everything is like home here!
  • Restaurant Berloga, located in Jomtien, near the Grand Jomtien and Welcome Jomtien hotels;
  • Rasputin Restaurant, the oldest Russian restaurant in Pattaya, is located at the end of Walking Street;
  • restaurant "Armenia" - serves dishes of traditional Armenian cuisine, as well as Russian and Thai;
  • The White Sun restaurant, decorated in the style of the famous film, is located on Second Street.

This is not the entire list of restaurants.

If you want to combine a meal with a beautiful panorama, explore the possibility of going to the Panorama restaurant in the Pattaya Park Hotel Tower.

The restaurant occupies three floors at the very top of the tower and these floors rotate. View of festive city amazing, but the prices are simply not affordable for many.

Another rooftop restaurant at the Mark Land Hotel. The building is tall, the restaurant is located on the roof of the 27th floor. The view from there is appropriate.

The rooftop terrace of the Hard Rock Hotel is a party venue that is very popular among Russian-speaking tourists. Live music and plenty of alcohol all night long.

New Year on a yacht or boat

I went ashore - and here it is the Gulf of Thailand. So in Pattaya New The year can also be met at sea. And in this case, there are plenty of people willing, in any case, it’s better to rent a boat in advance. Dinner with a disco on the high seas will cost an average of $700 per person. It all depends on the type of vessel and capacity.

How to celebrate the New Year in Pattaya cheaply

The most budget option New Year's Eve in Pattaya - of course, not in a restaurant. As described above, one cheap option is to go to the beach along Beach Road. Rent a sun lounger, which that night can easily be turned into a table on which to place the food and drinks you brought with you. And sit on the sand or put something on it. Prices for renting sunbeds depend on their owners, and are much higher than on a regular day - within 300 baht!

Second free option- celebrate the New Year at the PATTAYA sign. It's near the pier. And what - the indicated inscription on all advertising booklets in Pattaya, and you are there somewhere in the background! Finding the place is easy: go up Pratamnak Hill (the entrance to the park itself will be closed to bikes and cars before the New Year), get to the park on your right, find an outdoor rocking chair (Tour Policy), go up the stairs to the letters.

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I hereby, being the Customer of tourist services included in the tourism product, and the authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of persons (tourists) contained in the Application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; residence and registration address; home and mobile phone; address Email; as well as any other data relating to my identity and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourism services, including those included in the tourism product generated by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and the data of the persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as carrying out any other actions provided for by current legislation Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without the use of such tools corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows for in accordance with a given algorithm, searching for personal data recorded on a tangible medium and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and/or access to such personal data, as well as transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and Tour Operator.

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This Consent is an annex to this Application.

New Year 2018 can be celebrated three times in Thailand. Since this amazing country is considered one of the most popular holiday destinations for tourists from all over the post-Soviet space, January 1 is celebrated here on a grand scale. In addition, on February 16, Thailand will actively celebrate the Chinese New Year of the Yellow Dog with fireworks, street dancing, processions and performances. Massive street celebrations, dousing with water, and amazing temple ceremonies can be expected from April 13 to 15, when local residents enter the year 2561 according to the Buddhist calendar.

The Kingdom offers tourists a huge amount of entertainment for every taste, so the question of what to do in Thailand at the beginning of 2018 is irrelevant. Vacationers will have to solve another problem: how they want to celebrate the main holiday of winter - noisy, secluded or romantic. Based on personal preferences, there are three options for celebrating the New Year in the “land of smiles”, including:

  • holiday on the islands;
  • in a hotel complex;
  • break out in the best bars and nightclubs in Thailand.

Each of the listed scenarios involves certain emotions that will remain after the New Year celebration. Options differ in price and location, so before booking a tour to a specific resort in Thailand, think about whether it will fully meet your expectations.

Where to celebrate the holiday romantically?

If you want to spend the beginning of January 2018 in Thailand with your significant other or family, then go to a small island such as Koh Larn, Koh Samet or Koh Tau. There are not as many tourists here at this time as in other resorts, so you can stroll along the snow-white beach and watch the sunrise in a secluded setting. The islands have huge selection hotels, ranging from standard rooms to original bungalows located on stilts on the seashore.

We should also talk about the cost of food, clothing, and other goods, which are much cheaper than on the mainland of the Kingdom. The fact is that on the islands of Ko Larn, Ko Samet and Ko Tau, even at the height of the holiday season, there is rarely a tourist boom. In order to attract as much as possible more vacationers, owners of hotels, restaurants, and water activities significantly reduce prices for services. For example, a night's stay in a local hotel (3 or 4 stars) will cost from 3 to 5 thousand rubles, and this is with meals already included. Renting a separate bungalow will be a little more expensive (from 5-7 thousand rubles), and for this money you will get high level service, free Wi-Fi in the rooms, meals included.

New Year in a hotel complex: a holiday for the lazy

Those who don’t want to run around shopping on a holiday evening, stand at the stove and plan Olivier salad should celebrate the holiday in one of the hotels in Thailand. For example, a great option for tourists is the Pattaya Park Hotel, where on the night of December 31 you can go to a restaurant with a wonderful observation deck. The cost of the entrance ticket will be 600-700 baht (about 1 thousand rubles), and this amount already includes:

  • rich buffet;
  • opportunity to watch New Year's fireworks;
  • incendiary performances from professional artists, dancers, showmen.

Unfortunately, prices for rooms in hotel complexes are rising rapidly in early January, as a result of which double apartments will cost at least 5-7 thousand rubles per day. In major cities in Thailand, the principle applies: the further the hotel is from the coastline, the cheaper it is, but you should not choose this option, especially if you want to sunbathe on the coast or ride jet skis. Be sure to make sure that the room has air conditioning, since the air temperature in winter in the Kingdom reaches 32-35 ºС, and it is impossible to withstand such heat without a sip fresh air almost impossible.

Going on a New Year's break in Thailand is easy and simple

If you want to spend the New Year 2018 in Thailand noisily, brightly, unforgettably, then go to Bangkok or Pattaya. In the capital of the Kingdom, on the evening of December 31, go to Koasan Road, where the most international crowd gathers, among which there are a lot of Slavs. Incendiary songs, fraternization, lots of drinking and fun - this is just an incomplete list of what awaits you on Koasan Road. The countdown to the New Year will be held on the big screen, and with the onset of January 1, a festive fireworks display will be heard, mesmerizing in its beauty and duration.

If you are used to celebrating the New Year in a club atmosphere, then don’t hesitate to go to Pattaya. There are hundreds of entertainment establishments in the “city of sins”, specializing not only in the preparation of alcoholic drinks, dancing and music. Pattaya has long become a famous capital of adult entertainment, which is especially popular among Russian tourists. Entrance to strip clubs, karaoke or discos is usually 600 baht (within 1 thousand rubles), but it must be taken into account that alcohol inside the establishments is extremely expensive. Generous Slavs can spend up to 5,000 baht (7-8 thousand rubles) per night, tasting all kinds of mixed alcohol.

New Year tours to Thailand

The Kingdom of Thailand is considered one of the most popular tourist destinations for the New Year, as a result of which the price of a trip during the winter holidays increases sharply. A standard 7-day tour with accommodation in a five-star hotel starts from 40 thousand rubles per person, although with a successful combination of circumstances you can buy a last-minute tour from 22 thousand rubles. Tours with accommodation in a three-star hotel are slightly cheaper (from 35 thousand rubles per person), but in such establishments there are usually no included meals or other options (for example, free Wi-Fi or television).

Thus, spending January 2018 in Thailand will be interesting not only for avid travelers, but also for those who dream of celebrating the New Year in an exciting way away from the harsh domestic climate.

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For a detailed review of the Queen Victoria Inn, see. Please note that the balconies of Soi 6 hotels are located on the upper floors.

During the Thai New Year, it is impossible to walk along Soi 6 calmly - they are pouring with all their hearts. But all the presented hotels have a back door to the parallel street Soi 6/1, where people usually don’t get wet.

Video from Soi 6 in Pattaya

Soi LK Metro

Lk is another popular bar street in the center of Pattaya. Unlike Soi 6, which is completely silent by midnight, LK Metro does not stop talking until late at night. Therefore, I do not recommend staying here if you go to bed before 3 am.

Video from Soi LK Metro

Just like Soi 6 in Pattaya, the first floors of hotels on Soi LK Metro are occupied by bars. It will no longer be possible to pass unnoticed during the Thai New Year, since there is only one exit to the street.
But here are inexpensive hotels with balconies on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th floors, from which it is convenient to watch what is happening during Songkran:

Book hotels in advance; you won’t find any vacancies upon arrival. Using these links you can see available rooms and prices without overpayments.

It is worth noting that the pouring on these streets during the New Year celebrations stops after dark, as the bars need to work.

And finally, I would like to note that if you are a Tuk-Tuk (Songthaew) passenger, this will not save you from the water in Songkran. Therefore, take care of protective cases/bags for documents and equipment (you can buy them everywhere at this time).