How to paint a chrysanthemum with different colors. Paint for flowers: varieties and methods of painting. The sequence of actions should be like this

Flower shops offer a wide variety of unusual flowers in blue, purple, green, and other non-standard tones. In order for the flowers to become an unusual tone, different selections and growing methods are used, but it is easier to change the plants yourself. How to paint flowers, what types of products exist - this will be discussed further.

Variety of paints for flowers

There are many ways and means for coloring plants. Spray paint is similar to spray paint. But the difference is that it does not kill living flowers and adheres firmly to the leaves and petals.
Sprays for flowers are available in a variety of shades. They are absolutely safe for live, dried and artificial plants.

Attention! The procedure for spraying an aerosol on a piece of paint is not very neat, so you need to carefully prepare so as not to stain everything around.

You can purchase special paint on the Internet or in some florist shops. They are available in 10 colors. They are mixed to achieve different shades.
The next variety is luminous paints for flowers. Lately they have become very popular. Florists use fluorescent pigment on any part of the plant - stem, petals. After spraying the composition, the areas begin to glow in the dark for a long time.

Reference! Glowing bio-gel imitates dew. It is applied pointwise with a soft brush to the leaves and flowers, then the effect of morning dewdrops will be created.

Other dyes include the following types:

  1. People often use food coloring. If the product is liquid, then it is diluted in water to obtain the required tone. Typically, pigments are represented by a standard set of colors - yellow, red, green and blue. If desired, you can create other shades by combining several dyes.
  2. Fabric dyes. The product can be used to paint any type of plant, but the work requires boiling water and caustic chemicals, so the living flower will die. This method is relevant for dried plants. Fabric pigments are available in powder and liquid form.

Acrylic flower paint is used for artificial and dried products. How to paint dried flowers:

  1. Combine 2 parts of the product and 1 part of the gel.
  2. Mix thoroughly and add a little water.

The brightness of the shade depends on the amount of liquid. The less it is, the richer and more colorful the color will be. Dried flowers painted at home will last a long time.

Coloring instructions

To achieve a positive result, it is better to use flowers of white or beige tones. Their petals easily absorb pigments and are colored most intensely.
People often color daisies, chrysanthemums, tulips, hydrangeas and dahlias. But a specialized flower product is suitable for any type of plant.
To achieve a new color for a plant using floral dye, proceed as follows:

  1. Purchase high-quality paint in a specialized store or place an order online.
  2. Blooming buds are selected for painting. This way the pigmentation will spread evenly throughout the flower.
  3. Choose a place where the process will take place. Cover it with newspapers, paper, oilcloth or old rags.
  4. The paint is diluted in a wide container, or in a basin.
  5. Add a little technical alcohol.
  6. The buds are lowered into the container for a few seconds.
  7. Take it out and carefully, without shaking, place it under running cool water. This will wash off excess dye.

How to color flowers with food coloring:

  1. The liquid product is diluted in a container with water. Several pigments can be combined.
  2. The stems are cut at an angle of 45° by 3-5 cm. Unnecessary leaves are also torn off.
  3. The plants keep the cut flower without water for several hours. This is necessary so that the food pigment is absorbed better and faster.
  4. The flowers are then placed in diluted dye and left for several hours. The longer it sits in the mixture, the more saturated the color will be.
  5. Then the plant stems are dipped in plain clean water. The liquid in the vase is changed once every two days.

Spray paint intended for flowers adheres well to buds and leaves. The plant does not die and remains fresh for a long time. To perform coloring, it is better to choose a place outside, in a garage, or a room that is easy to ventilate and paint flowers there.
First, protect all surfaces that may be splashed. You should change into old clothes that you won’t mind throwing away if the dye doesn’t come out. Rubber gloves are put on your hands. Further instructions on how to paint flowers at home:

  1. Shake the jar of pigment for 30 seconds.
  2. Then they get to work. Press the sprayer and bring it to the desired part of the plant. You can paint a flower a different color - turn it and spray it with a different pigment.
  3. The finished flowers must be held in an upright position. You can place it in a vase until the spray dries completely. This usually takes 2-3 hours.

A simple and convenient way to color a flower is to spray it with a stream of dye - food or specialized. It is not necessary to immerse the buds in the solution, just pour the mixture into a container with a spray bottle.
To paint gypsophila, use any available method.


Florist salons and those who like to create unusual gifts with their own hands often color flowers. Optionally, you can get blue, purple, black, multi-colored and even glow-in-the-dark plants. At home, fabric dyes and food pigments are used. Florist specialists often use a special product. The result will please everyone - you can create a bouquet of any color. Coloring flowers with children will give everyone a lot of positive emotions.

Result of coloring flowers

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1. Introduction

Nature has rewarded us with an extraordinary gift - color vision, and with it has given us the opportunity to admire the beauty of the surrounding plant world. We look with hope at the delicate greenery of spring foliage and sadly admire the yellow-orange colors of the autumn forest. Who has not admired the colors of a flowering meadow, forest edge, autumn foliage, gifts of the garden and field? We compare hair color to golden ears of bread, and eye color to blue cornflowers. Even the names of the colors themselves - orange, purple, indigo - also come from the names of plants.

It would seem that all possible colors exist in nature. But man has always wanted not only to know nature, to admire it, but also to surpass it. For a long time it was believed that there could not be tulips, roses or carnations of a soft blue or purple color. Nowadays flowers of amazing colors have appeared in flower pavilions in abundance. Most likely, they stood for some time in a container with a saturated dye solution, which provided them with an unconventional color.

We set ourselves a goal: to find out whether it is possible to color fresh flowers at home.

To achieve it, you must complete the following tasks:

Study the literature on coloring flowers;

Get acquainted with the experiences of flower lovers on Internet forums

Find dyes that can change the color of flowers at home.


The process that creates different colors in plants seems simple at first glance, but the numerous colors and tones that exist in nature are the result of the complex interaction of basic pigments in various combinations with the environment. They also depend on the order in which natural dyes are placed in plant tissues.

In nature, the color of plants depends on the plant pigments they contain. The main flower pigments are pelargoidin (red), cyanidin (purple) and delphinidin (blue). The mixing of these pigments and related compounds at different acidity levels (pH) in cells gives the whole range of flower colors. For example, in an acidic environment, cyanidin is red, in a neutral environment it is purple, and in an alkaline environment it is blue. Changes in flower color are a signal to pollinators about which flowers have recently opened. Some plants change flower color after pollination, usually due to anthocyanins making them less noticeable to insects.

Aluminum" href="/text/category/alyuminij/" rel="bookmark">aluminum alum or iron sulfate, then it will acquire a blue color, and from citric acid - pink, but this will take time. The color of white-flowered varieties cannot be changed - their petals are devoid of anthocyanin. In our dacha, the hydrangea is not blooming yet, but in the future I would like to try changing the color or seeing a bush with different flowers.

In winter, you can change the natural color of flowers cut for a bouquet. We got acquainted with the progress of the first experiment on the website of the Psychological Center "Adaline" in the section "Entertaining experiments in biology." For this experiment we needed:" align="left" width="147" height="173">

Explanation of experience:

Water enters the plant from the soil through root hairs and young parts of roots and is carried through vessels throughout its entire above-ground part. With moving water, minerals absorbed by the roots are carried throughout the plant. The flowers we use in the experiment are rootless. However, the plant does not lose its ability to absorb water. This is possible due to the evaporation of water by the plant. The main organ of evaporation is the leaf. As a result of the loss of water in the leaf cells, the suction force increases. In addition, transpiration (the process of evaporation) is involved in creating a continuous flow of water with dissolved mineral and organic compounds from the root system to the above-ground organs of the plant.

Plants have two types of vessels. Tube vessels, which are xylem, transfer water and nutrients from the bottom up - from the roots to the leaves. Nutrients formed in the leaves during photosynthesis go from top to bottom to the roots through other vessels - the phloem. Xylem is located along the edge of the stem, and phloem is located at its center. This system is a bit like the circulatory system of animals. The structure of this system is similar in all plants - from huge trees to a modest flower.

Damage to blood vessels can kill the plant. This is why the bark of trees should not be damaged, since the vessels are located close to it.

We really enjoyed being wizards, changing the creations of nature, and we decided to continue the experiments. We decided to use natural dyes, those that we use to prepare dough, cream or glaze in cooking. The main condition is that the dye dissolves well in water.

red cabbage spices: turmeric and paprika

First of all, these are berry juices (raspberries, lingonberries, blueberries and others), which simply need to be diluted with water. To obtain a yellow dye, we dissolved turmeric in water and strained the solution. Prepared and cooled a decoction of red cabbage, which produces a purple dye. The remaining stages of the experiment were repeated in the same way as the first time. But we didn’t get any results even after 24 hours. We decided that natural dyes are weaker than those prepared in production. From the literature we know that herbaceous plants (carnations, gypsophila) are painted easier and faster, and plants with denser stems and tree-like stems (roses) take longer to color. We repeated the experiment of coloring with natural dyes with gypsophila, but again did not get the expected result.

experiments using natural dyes

1. To change the color of cut flowers, dyes must be well soluble in water.

2. Dyes must be very saturated.

3. Unstable natural dyes are not suitable for these experiments.

We are currently preparing experiments with various chemicals:

If white rose or dahlia flowers are dipped first in a solution of fuchsin and then in a solution of potash, they will acquire a beautiful blue color.

If you place a red rose or aster in a hermetically sealed vessel with a piece of combustible sulfur lit in it, then after a few minutes the petals will turn white. After some (quite a long) time in the air, the flower will again take on its previous color.

Interesting transformations in flowering plants occur under the influence of ammonia. Treated with ammonia vapor (in a sealed container), blue and violet petals become green, dark red petals become black, and white petals become yellow.


1. Artamonov oracles. Moscow: Mysl, 1989.

2. Naidenko “Unusual coloring of plants.” Newspaper "Biology" No. 6/2010

3. My beautiful garden. A guide for little gardeners. Moscow: Astrel, 2002.

4. Science and life No. 7/2007. Article "Unprecedented coloring of flowers"

Treated with vapors of ammonia (in a sealed container!), blue, violet and purple petals become green, dark red (for example, carnations) - black, white (white lily, white rose, etc.) - yellow. Flowers with variegated colors undergo especially original changes.

It is also curious that after treatment with ammonia, some flowers that have no aroma at all (for example, asters) acquire a pleasant smell.

Such experiments can be carried out even with whole bouquets of flowers. Since not all anthocyanins react equally to changes in the environment, and also because ammonia and hydrochloric acid also act on other substances (flavones, etc.), causing a change in color, completely unexpected colors are obtained. With this simple method you can give your bouquet a whimsical, unusual color for a few hours. The subsequent slow restoration of the natural color of the flowers gives the bouquet an even more spectacular look.

Artamonov oracles - Moscow: Mysl, 1989

Naidenko "Biology" No. 6/2010 article "Unusual coloring of plants"

My beautiful garden - Moscow, AST - Astrel, 2002

Science and life No. 7/2007. Article "Unprecedented coloring of flowers"

I found this interesting idea in a wonderful book Anita van Saan "Fun experiments for children. Biology". And using the abundance of Easter sets with dyes, we brought it to life.

This experiment is intended for children aged approximately 3 years and above, and shows:

  • like flowers drink water,
  • Can cut flowers absorb water?

Necessary materials:

  • white flowers (chrysanthemums, tulips, roses, daisies, carnations)
  • food coloring (dry)
  • suitable jars or vases
  • water (pre-settled or filtered)
  • tea spoon

How to paint flowers:

  1. Food coloring should be diluted in 1/2 tsp. warm water, add settled water for flowers.
  2. You need to prepare suitable vases or jars. We painted chrysanthemums, and instead of vases, I took glass vials (from a craft store). Each flower should be placed separately in a vase and colored water should be added.
  3. Flower stems should be cut at an oblique angle (as the florist explained to me when I bought flowers).
  4. We put the flowers in a vase and wait about a day until they color (in the book, it is suggested to wait several hours, but in practice, since the flowers are purchased, we had to wait longer).

By the way, flowers that are immediately cut and placed in dyes are better colored. If you buy from a flower shop, it is better to check with the seller when a new batch of fresh flowers arrives.

How flowers are painted: chrysanthemums absorb water through the stems, like through a straw, along with food coloring. The water reaches the petals, then evaporates, but the paint remains and the petals gradually become colored.

According to the results of the experiment: blue dye gave the brightest result, followed by green and red.

Irina Popova

In the world colors so warm and cool

A whole bouquet of aromas and sounds...

Every flower- he is elegant in his own way...

In the form of exquisite festive cups.

In the world flowers I would like to stay,

Become the heroine of stories and fairy tales,

To admire beauty every day,

Merge with the harmony of light and colors.

(Larisa Kuzminskaya)

One day, my mother and I went to a shopping center where there were many different stores. But they were all so boring. And then I saw behind the glass many, many different colors. It was flower shop. I love you very much flowers! And so my mother and I went into this store. There I saw colorful chrysanthemums, roses, carnations... Such colors I haven't met it before. The sales girl told us what they are flowers They are bred by special people - breeders. And I I thought: Is it possible dye flowers at home?


1. Cut the flower will turn the color of food coloring.

2. Cut the flower will die, if put in non-food coloring.

3. The flower in the pot will color if you water it colored water.

An object research:

1. White rose.

2. White chrysanthemum.

3. White primrose in a pot.

Target research: receiving flowers of different colors at home.

Tasks research:

1. Find out in what ways you can color the flowers.

2. Conduct experiments on coloring flowers at home.

How can color the flowers? We found the following methods on the Internet.

First, create for flowers special growing conditions. True, this is a method for experienced breeders. Thanks to them work, we can admire tea roses, incredibly beautiful gladioli, striped chrysanthemums and dahlias.

Secondly, you can cover flowers with a special coloring composition from a spray bottle.

Thirdly, put the cut painted flowers food coloring water, which will give them color.

Fourth, water flower with the whole root system water, dyed.

The last method - tinting - is the easiest and most common. With its help you can color the flowers in the desired shade and at home.

We have chosen the most accessible methods for us staining– put the cut ones flowers in water, painted different food colors, and watered the primrose in the pot colored water.

We needed:

1. Cut white chrysanthemums colors.

2. Water containers - 4 pcs.

3. Food colors – 4 colors(pink, yellow, blue, orange).

4. Turmeric.

This is what happened after 2 hours: in blue the color of the chrysanthemum was most vibrantly colored. In yellow and orange color – less bright. In pink the color hasn't changed at all.

Chrysanthemum placed in turmeric does not completely colored. Perhaps the turmeric should have been filled with hot water in advance. Therefore, we decided to conduct this experiment separately. And try paint chrysanthemum with beet juice and henna.

We needed:


2. Water container – 2 pcs.

3. Turmeric and henna, brewed with boiling water.

4. Freshly squeezed beet juice.

The results began to appear within an hour. The chrysanthemum, which was placed in beet juice, began paint! Coloring came from the lowest petals. But chrysanthemums that stood in water with the addition of turmeric and henna did not completely colored.

We decided not to stop there and check will color Is chrysanthemum printer ink? It was assumed that flower withered and only took one flower.

We needed:

1. Cut white chrysanthemum colors.

2. Paint container – 1 pc.

3. Red water-based printer ink colors.

Contrary to our expectations, the chrysanthemum did not wilt, but was quite bright colored in 2 hours. The printer ink likely contains natural organic components. Unfortunately, we could not find the exact composition of the paint.

We decided to check if it was possible paint a flower in two colors at once.

For this we took:

1. Rose white colors.

2. Water container – 2 pcs.

3. Food coloring – 2 pcs. (green and yellow colors) .

After 2-3 hours the first results: the rose has become painted in 2 different colors on both sides. On one side, the outer petals became green, on the other side, yellow. In a day the rose is at its maximum dyed and bought a very beautiful green-yellow color.

Is it possible color the flower in a pot by watering with water and dye?

We took:

1. Primrose white flowers in a pot.

2. Water, painted red food coloring colors.

For a week we watered the primrose with water every day, painted dye red color. However, we did not see any results, unfortunately. The experiment was a failure.

Thus, we conducted 5 experiments on coloring flowers. Our the flowers are colored using food coloring and printer ink, and we were also able to paint a rose two different colors. I really enjoyed our experiences. Now I can white paint the flower that color whichever I want.


1. During the experiment, I learned how water rises up the stems flower and nourishes the petals.

2. I found out that flowers, devoid of roots, also have the ability to absorb water.

3. How and thanks to what you can change color of flower petals.

To give colors unusual shades, you can paint them. To do this, growing conditions are created, selection work is carried out, food dyes and coloring sprays are used. Flowers with white and cream-colored buds are the easiest to paint. They can be given almost any desired color. You can get a flower in green, blue, blue and even black.

There are many tips on how to paint flowers. The most commonly painted flowers are roses, daisies, chrysanthemums, dahlias, carnations, and tulips. Freshly cut flowers are better colored.

Methods for coloring cut flowers

Water with nutrients from the ground through the roots and stem enters the leaves and flowers of plants. If you add coloring pigments to the water, the buds and flower petals will become colored. Flowers that are colored best after cutting are immediately placed in dye solutions. In this case, the paint color will be bright and saturated.

Dilute food coloring in water in several containers. Place a freshly cut flower in each container. The stem should be cut at a sharp angle with a well-sharpened knife. Leave the flowers in the coloring solution for 8 hours. It is believed that this time is enough for the petals to acquire a light tint of dye. For intense color, you need to keep the flower in the coloring solution for at least 20 hours.

Painted flowers are stored at room temperature. If you need to get unusual colors, you can transfer the flower from a container with one dye to a container with another dye. In this case, it is better to close the cut of the stem with your finger without removing it from the water. Using this coloring technique, you can even get striped flower petals.

If the stem of a flower is cut into several parts and each one is dipped in water with a dye of its own color, you will get a variegated, unique flower.

Other painting methods

You can dye white and cream flowers on bushes by watering them with a dye solution. To dye roses blue, you need to water the soil around the bush with cobalt acid.

If cut flowers are first dipped in a solution of fuchsin and then in potash, the petals will acquire a soft blue tint. Light blue or blue flowers can be dyed green by holding them over a lit cigarette or by treating them with ammonium carbonate.

Flowers with purple petals can easily be turned into bright scarlet. To do this, you need to immerse the flower in a very weak solution of sulfuric acid. The solution must be really weak so as not to damage the delicate petals of the flower.

To lighten the shade of a bright flower, you can place the rose in a closed container with smoldering sulfur. After some time, the petals will lighten and eventually turn white. The same effect will appear on violets, gladioli, and asters.