How to paint a staircase with your own hands. Painting staircases How to paint a metal staircase in a cottage

Metal forging has always been considered a hard and revered art. Precisely by art, since it is one thing to simply weld two pieces of iron to each other, and quite another to make something beautiful and pleasing to the eye out of it.

But to create a real masterpiece, the skill of one blacksmith is not enough, the finished product still needs to be painted, and we will talk about how and what is the best way to do this in this article.

Features of painting forging

Someone may say that the coloring of a forged product is no different from painting, for example, a wooden tabletop, but this is far from the case. Firstly, these are, of course, special paints, which will be discussed below. And secondly, the method of painting, especially if the need arose to perform Painting works do it yourself, but there are no skills in this matter.

It is interesting that with the wrong approach, even the most expensive and high-quality paint will be powerless to protect the product from corrosion.

If we talk about painting methods, then they can be very diverse:

  • Brush.
  • Spray gun (see Selecting a spray gun for painting).
  • Tampon.
  • Dipping.

Important! When working with a spray gun, it should be remembered that the thicker the consistency of the paint, the harder it is for it to spray and the more pressure must be applied to the compressor.

But you should always remember about the difficult places, which are always abundant on forged products. For example, it can be welding places, the fact is that during the forging process, the metal is subjected to strong heating and weakens by itself, and welding even more burns the protective film that always forms on the surface.

It is in the places of welding that corrosion begins in the first place, and from there it spreads throughout the entire product. Another important nuance, which should be remembered - this is cleaning the product, no, not from possible rust, since paint for forged products three in one successfully copes with it, but to clean it from scales and metal delamination.

Product cleaned and prepared for painting

The fact is that at the time of calcination, the inhomogeneous parts of the metal begin to flake off, with a cursory examination this may not even be noticed, but it is enough to brush over the finished product with a metal brush, as particles resembling scales immediately begin to fall off.

Cleaning with a metal brush is also necessary if the product has already been painted before, and now you just need to renew the coating. Metal paint has very high adhesion to the surface to be painted, but it can peel off the old coating.

Forging paints

Play on color contrast, looks perfect on forged gates

If with the question of how to paint forged products yourself, everything is more or less clear, then what colors to use, this question is much more complicated and extensive. If you do not pay enough attention to it, then the product will have to be repainted annually, especially if it is located on the street.

Today, there are a lot of paints specialized in metal (see Types of paints for metal: which one to choose), and each of them has its own unique set of qualities, and such a variety only confuses the inexperienced person even more. We will not dwell on the entire assortment presented in modern hardware stores.

And let's talk only about the most popular and, as a result, high-quality materials designed specifically for metal surfaces, taking into account the fact that the product will be used outdoors and will constantly be negatively affected.

Hammer paint

Hammer paint, or paint with a hammer effect (see. Paint with a hammer effect: features of use) is named so for the similarity of the coating with the potholes from impacts on metal with a hammer. Embossed surface paint ideally hides all the small flaws and flaws that inevitably occur on a forged product, especially if we are talking about real hand forging, and not about stamping on machine tools. Instructions for applying hammer paint involve working with any convenient tool.

It can be:

  • Spray gun.
  • Roller.
  • Brush.
  • Tampon.

It all depends on personal skills and preferences, the quality of the coating will not suffer from this at all.

When choosing how to paint a staircase inside a house, you must first of all focus on the material from which it is made.

Finishing wood and metal structures requires radically different approaches, and therefore we will try to consider both options in as much detail as possible.

Wooden structures

Choice of paint

Ladders made of different wood species are quite common. And with them, which in a very definite way affects the choice of materials for outdoor decoration.

For processing wooden stairs can be used:

  • Paints - oil, alkyd, urethane-alkyd or water-dispersion. Oil formulations in recent times are used quite rarely, and mixtures on an alkyd binder (such as Empire or Pesto from Tikkurila) are considered to be the leader in the range of pigments for wood. These compositions fit perfectly on the prepared surface and do not form drips even with a fairly thick application layer.

  • Enamels will not only give the stairs an attractive appearance, but also protect the material from various external influences. As a rule, enamel compositions are made on the basis of colorless varnish, to which a tinting component is added. If you want to choose the most durable coating, then you should pay attention to such formulations as Synteko (Sweden) or Sirca (Italy).

In the assortment range, you can find both matte and glossy varieties, therefore, when planning the design of a room, you do not have to limit yourself.

  • Lucky. They are used when we want not to hide, but, on the contrary, to emphasize the texture of the wood. It is better to use alcohol-based varnishes for finishing interior stairs, since nitrocellulose materials are highly toxic and have an unpleasant odor. On the other hand, nitrocellulose based varnish is an ideal choice for protecting wood in contact with sludge.

  • A compromise between varnishing and painting can be the use of tinting compounds. As a rule, structures made of pine and other species that have a light shade are tinted: the colored components that are added to the transparent varnish emphasize the beauty of natural wood.
  • On top of the varnish, you can apply a special composition - polish. These products are designed to enhance the gloss of lacquered wood, and therefore most often they are used to process kosoura (side bearing parts) and stair railings. But polishing the steps is not worth it - they will become slippery!

Preparation for finishing

When painting an internal staircase made of wood to the second floor, it is necessary to follow the technology. And the most important is preparatory stage, since it depends on the quality of these operations how the paint will lay down and how firmly it will hold.

The preparation itself is carried out as follows:

  • At the first stage, we carry out. Our task is to cut off all irregularities and remove splinters.

If the structure was made of wood with a high resin content, these must be removed.
Deresinization of pine stairs is carried out by impregnating them with a 25% acetone solution.
After processing, we rinse the surfaces hot water, and then dry thoroughly.

  • After that, we proceed to the putty. Using a special compound for wood processing, we fill in all the cracks and grooves on the surfaces.

  • When the filler is completely dry, proceed to the finishing sanding. The purpose of this step is to obtain perfectly smooth surfaces, which will then be painted.
  • If necessary, we prime the stairs, after which we paint or varnish in several layers.

Metal stairs

We select the composition

A staircase made of metal can also be painted with your own hands.

For this, the following compositions are used:

  • Alkyd based enamels... One of best options: the composition is easy to apply and forms a durable film that reliably protects the load-bearing elements from corrosion. In addition, after polymerization, the alkyd enamel acquires a characteristic, very attractive gloss.

These funds are quite toxic, therefore, when painting internal stairs, you should take care of the ventilation of the room.

  • Nitro paints in cylinders... They are very easy to use, but quite expensive and very poisonous. Automotive varieties can also be used, but in this case, the cost of finishing the stairs will be very significant.
  • Oil paints... The advantages of such formulations are quite low price and relatively low consumption. But the oil paint dries for a long time, and the strength of the coating is clearly insufficient for intensive use.

  • Water-dispersed pigments... Recently, quite a few acrylic paints have appeared on the market, focused on use on iron or steel structures... In terms of strength, such coatings are somewhat inferior to alkyd enamels, but they are much easier to use.
  • If you need to paint an old staircase, then you should purchase a special composition for painting rust... Also, Zinga conductive paint is perfect for restoring a worn structure: due to the high content of zinc ions, this composition simultaneously acts as a decorative and anti-corrosion coating.
  • In finishing industrial buildings fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil, Phoenix, FIREGUARD, etc. are widely used. When heated, these compounds expand in volume and reliably isolate bearing structures stairs (stringers and supports) from the effects of flame.

Preparing the structure

As in the case of a wooden staircase, the metal one must be carefully prepared for finishing.

  • At the first stage, we remove large accumulations of rust from the surfaces. It is convenient to do this with a spatula.

Old paint should be removed as well.
Attempts to paint the stairs with a second layer usually lead to the fact that the material begins to crumble after a few months of operation.

  • Then we take grinder with a brush attachment, and we clean the entire staircase to a shine. We pay special attention to the processing of welded seams, since this is where corrosion processes are usually activated.
  • After cleaning, we remove dust from the metal, and then degrease it with organic solvents.
  • The next step is priming. The highest quality result is provided by the use of insulating primers with anti-corrosion components.

  • After the primer has completely polymerized, you can start painting. Decorative material we apply either with the help, and on the steps - with a roller.


As you can see, it is not enough to choose the right way to paint the stairs in the house. To obtain durable, reliable and beautiful finish it is also worth observing the processing technology. And it, in turn, depends on both the purchased paint and the material from which the structure is made. The video in this article contains additional practical recommendations that will be very useful to anyone who decides to take on this work.

The price of staining staircase structures is sometimes very high, so many decide to carry out this procedure with their own hands. The high cost of such work is due to serious technological requirements that must be strictly observed during painting.

In this case, the result will be durable.

Just once is enough to gain undeniable experience in this area. And over time, when the staircase requires its own covering, it will not be difficult for you to complete these works. In addition, the process of selecting the right shade of paint and varnish is very exciting and will not take much time and effort from you.

Wooden and metal stairs are provided with Negative influence external factors.

If this effect is prolonged, then the ladder structure can quickly deteriorate:

  • Constant walking on the steps and holding a person by the handrails of the product affects the state of these structural elements: the steps are erased and dirty, and scratches and stains appear on the handrails.

Stairways should be covered with a topcoat especially carefully.
How you paint the stairs will determine the duration of its use without restoration work.

  • It is also worth considering that even a structure placed in a house is exposed to changes in the level of humidity and temperature, which cannot but affect its condition after a while. For example, direct sunlight can dry out the steps of a staircase, therefore, these elements of the product must be protected from drying out.

Choosing a quality coating

If you are thinking about what to paint the stairs in the house, then the following information will not be superfluous.

An important point when choosing a staircase covering is:

  • the species of wood from which it was constructed;
  • wood color;
  • features of the product design.

For example, pine can release resins that significantly impair the adhesion of the material to the paintwork. This does not happen with larch trees.

Also, the complexity of dyeing needles is that it absorbs the liquid part of the paintwork rather heterogeneously. Therefore, the instructions for applying paints and varnishes on such a surface it says that at least 2-3 layers must be applied.


Choosing what to paint metal ladder or a product made of wood, you need to try to choose such a shade of paint in order to get as close as possible to the natural look of the structure.

After you decide on the color of the paint, you can proceed to the choice of its type:

  1. If the staircase is located in the house, and you are thinking what is the best way to paint the staircase in the house, it is better to choose oil paint made on artificial linseed oil. Indeed, in this case, the negative factors affecting the product are much less, even when it is located on the street;
  2. In the case of an external structure, you will need paint exclusively on linseed oil of natural origin.

Pigmented finishing materials are a good option.
They are able to hide design flaws that appeared during the assembly process.

Do not forget, before applying such a coating, stair defects can be putty. However, it can also hide some of the benefits of the tree structure.

Experts advise to purchase Tikkurila Empire alkyd paint, because it can be used to cover the surface with a brush without unnecessary difficulties. The paint for wooden products (stairs, including) of the Betolux and Pesto brands is also of high quality. They lie flat and do not leave smudges.

For example, Betolux urethane-alkyd paint is suitable for already painted surfaces, but it does not differ in high wear resistance with constant use, therefore it is not used in crowded rooms. And Pesto alkyd paint is more durable, so it is used even in damp rooms that need to be washed often (an example is a nursery).


When looking for an answer to the question of how to paint a staircase, experts will answer: "Colorless varnish!" Indeed, it is good because it does not mask, but, on the contrary, emphasizes the woody texture.

It also dries almost instantly and is easy to use.

Varnishes can be made with the addition of alcohol or nitrocellulose;

  1. The first option is a resin dissolved in an organic solvent... It is used only when the staircase is located in the house, because when such a coating hardens, an insufficient frost and moisture resistant film is formed;
  2. If it is necessary to paint the structure outdoors, you will need to use a nitrocellulose coating. It contains substances such as colloxylin and plasticizers that can significantly harden the coating.

The highest quality brands of paints and varnishes Parade and Trae Lyx are considered.

The products of the German manufacturer Parade are characterized by:

  • special resistance to wear;
  • ease of use;
  • the ability to dry instantly;
  • she is missing bad smell, which is often found in products from other manufacturers.

The solid part of their composition is 35%, which determines their use for painting staircase structures in public buildings.

This material has several advantages:

  • colorless;
  • lies flat on the surface to be painted;
  • does not change the degree of its gloss.

However, it has one significant drawback: it takes quite a long time for such a coating to dry completely. It will be realistic to use the ladder after staining with such a tool in a week.


How to paint a staircase in a house to make it look complete? To do this, after staining, the product is covered with varnish. Then it sparkles and shimmers in the sun.

The color of the material should match the color of the wood, and not darken it. And they apply the coating with a brush or rags, having previously cleaned the surface.


To make the lifting structure an unusual accent in the entire interior, think about how to decorate the stairs in the house. To do this, you can use enamel. This material is able to give the stairs the necessary shade, and at the same time, protect the product from destructive factors.

Enamel is a gel-like substance - a mixture of colorless varnish and pigment, which is sprayed over the surface with an aerosol. Before use, the product is well stirred by shaking, and it turns into a liquid.

Experts say that Italian-made Sirca enamel is characterized by excellent properties. The Swedish products of the Synteko brand are of good quality. It is as environmentally friendly as possible due to the fact that it does not use NMP polymers, which are especially harmful to human and domestic animal health.


Impregnations like wood stains or Pinotex have an antiseptic and fire-repellent effect. On top of such a product, you can apply a layer of any finishing varnish.

Dyeing technology

Staining the stairs is done in several stages:

  1. Preparatory. To begin with, the surface will need to be leveled by filling and sanding. After that, you need to apply a primer solution twice on it;

  1. Coloring. The process of painting the stairs takes place in 2-3 layers. Moreover, a new layer of paint is applied along the grain of the tree.

And this can be done only when the previous layer has dried, which must be applied across the wooden fibers;

  1. Opening with varnish. Varnish is applied to the tree using a spray gun when it is required to paint wide parts of the staircase, and with a thin brush for narrow staircase elements.

The surface is preliminarily cleaned and polished. If there are any visible defects, you can use wood-colored putty. (see also article: choice of paints and varnishes and technology)


We told the instructions for painting the stairs and about the materials that can be used in this case. We hope that this information will be useful to you, and you will be able to independently choose a suitable paint and paint yourself. In the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic.

The assortment of the modern market of paints and varnishes is striking in its diversity, and therefore, each master will be able to choose a material for every taste and wallet. Recently, the demand for decorative coatings has noticeably increased, among which is hammer paint, which is distinguished by its unique characteristics. It has nothing to do with the instrument of the same name, with the exception of decorative texture with the effect of hand hammering, which is created on the painted surface after it has dried. You will need hammer paint if, in the process of repairing or developing a design project for a room, you are faced with the need to paint metal structures. It is in this case that experts advise paying attention to the hammer effect paint, which has high anti-corrosion characteristics, thanks to which it can be applied directly to rust, without preliminary cleaning or priming the surface. But this does not mean at all that it can only be used for processing metal surfaces, paint with a hammer effect is excellent for painting wooden surfaces, industrial and domestic objects, which is due to its high resistance to factors external environment... How to paint with hammer paint? - the first question that interests novice craftsmen who first encountered this type of decorative paintwork. This process not as difficult as it seems, and in the case of strict adherence to all technological instructions, you can implement it without the help of specialists. Recommendations for painting the surface with hammer paint, as well as its features and advantages, will be discussed in this material.

Hammer paint: general information about the material

For the first time, they learned about hammer-effect paint coatings in the USSR, when they began to be successfully used for painting industrial equipment, laboratory equipment, photographic enlargers and other state property. At this time, manufacturers of paints and varnishes did not complicate the task of finding a variety of color solutions and used the cheapest gray pigment, as a result of which laboratory equipment and most accurate measuring instruments were gray. The popularity of this paint and varnish material was due to its anti-corrosion characteristics, high resistance to weathering, as well as mechanical damage, which today is successfully used by modern craftsmen when painting car parts, in particular the body. Despite the fact that later specialists paid attention to the operational advantages of hammer paint and started developing a wide palette of color pigments, the popularity of this coating is promoted by a kind of restraint and coldness of its perception, prevailing due to the presence of the “hammer effect”.

Composition and features of hammer paint

Hammer paint is a material specially designed for protective and decorative finishing of furniture and other metal structures, forged products and mechanisms, the operation of which is carried out in conditions of sharp temperature changes and other specific industrial atmosphere. In the process of making hammer paint, acrylic, epoxy and alkyd-styrene components are used, thanks to which the paint acquires its own specific characteristics... Due to the inclusion of silicone resins and metal pigments in the paint, the final coating acquires the highest resistance to aggressive environmental factors and successfully lies on the surface to be painted. The functional significance of the pigments in the paint does not end there. In addition to their direct purpose, they increase the density of the paint, due to which they acquire high anti-corrosion characteristics.

Additional strength of the treated surface is given by the fillers included in the hammer paint - fine-grained glass, aluminum powder, as well as other components with anti-corrosion properties. They not only increase the adhesive characteristics of the composition and the strength of the painted surface, but also give it an original texture, reminiscent of “hand hammering”. The specified decorative effect makes it possible to hide the unevenness of the processed metal surface, due to which the defects arising from damage to the main paint layer and their local tinting become almost invisible. The composition of the paint also includes "aluminum flakes", which create an additional patterned pattern, and silicones, which stabilize the texture of the painted surface and enhance its water-repellent characteristics.

Photo of hammer paint

The main benefits of hammer paint

Hammer paint has a number of specific advantages, which are primarily due to its composition. Let's consider the main ones:

  • One of the main advantages of hammer paint is a high operating temperature range, the upper threshold of which can reach 80 degrees;
  • If you plan to apply hammer paint directly to the rust, there is no need for preparatory measures, which greatly simplifies the process of applying the paint and varnish material;
  • Fast drying times are another advantage that craftsmen using hammer-effect paints and varnishes need to be aware of. If you use a quick-drying compound, 2 hours after application, the paint will dry so much that it stops sticking when touched, which is especially important for those who paint the car body;
  • Hammer enamel is characterized by resistance to weathering, temperature and humidity changes, as well as vibration vibrations, which allows it to be used for painting production equipment, as well as household and building metal structures;
  • The protective properties possessed by hammer paint for metal provide protection of metal structures from corrosion for 8 years;
  • There are some modification varieties of hammer enamel that are resistant to high temperatures. Currently, they are in no less demand than specialized fire retardant paints for metal surfaces, which are in great demand today and are used to decorate armored doors and fireproof safes;

  • Despite the fact that hammer enamel contains a minimum amount of toxic components, after drying, they become environmentally friendly and completely harmless to humans, which allows them to be used for painting surfaces indoors. Odorless is another advantage thanks to which hammer enamel can be used when carrying out internal works;
  • The rich color palette of hammer paint allows you to purchase paint and varnish material of the required shade;
  • Color stability. The manufacturers state that the color shade of the hammer enamel will not change for at least three years;
  • Due to its dirt-repelling properties, the surface treated with hammer paint will be less dirty.

Scope of application of hammer paint

In most cases, hammer paint is used to paint metal arbors, fences and gates, due to their high anti-corrosion properties. In addition to high protective properties, hammer enamel is characterized by a rather attractive appearance, due to which it gives decorative characteristics to the appearance of any metal product. Forged products become the most attractive after painting with hammer enamel, which after painting acquire shine and original texture. However, the field of application of hammer paint is not limited to painting small architectural forms in landscape design because it can be used not only outdoors but also indoors. By applying hammer paint, you create an effective anti-corrosion barrier for products with galvanized or steel surfaces, as well as products made from non-ferrous metals. In this regard, hammer enamel is most often used for staining:

  • Manufacturing equipment and machine tool casings;
  • Housings for electrical appliances, electrical panels and other specialized equipment;
  • Steel structures for construction purposes;
  • Office metal furniture intended for offices, as well as cabinets and safes;
  • Agricultural machinery and equipment;
  • Metal fences, fences and gates;

  • Used for staining drainpipes, weather vane, flagpoles and accessories, as well as garden tools;
  • In addition, hammer enamel can be applied to products made of hard plastic, which is used for the production of sewage pipes, as a decorative coating;
  • Suitable for painting glass and tiles.

Popular manufacturers of hammer enamel: Hammerite metal paint

Hammer effect enamel is a fairly popular paint and varnish material, which can be purchased at any hardware store, offering products of not only imported but also domestic brands. Despite the fact that the latter are much cheaper, they are in no way inferior in quality to products. foreign manufacturers... Of course, the products of many manufacturers, both domestic and foreign, are presented on the market of paints and varnishes, the most popular among consumers is Hammerite hammer paint, which in its class surpasses similar compositions in many respects. Experts believe that the popularity of the foreign brand Hammerite is due to the fact that it, like no other paint, allows you to work with untreated surfaces. And since with the modern lifestyle, most consumers simply do not have the time or desire to engage in preliminary surface preparation, they prefer to buy hammer paint intended for painting an untreated surface.

Hammerite hammer paint is a unique invention, which in a short period of time allows not only to improve the appearance of a heavily rusted surface, but also protects the coating from further corrosion. All Hammerite paints and varnishes are fast drying and can be applied to the surface without prior preparation.

Important! Despite the fact that before processing the surface with Hammerite hammer paint for metal, it does not need preliminary preparation, experts assure that in the case of advance application of the primer, the protection of the metal surface will be even more reliable.

Hammerite Paint Application: Key Features

  • The operating temperature range at which the surface can be painted is between +10 and +25 degrees;
  • Rainy and foggy weather is a reason to categorically refuse to use Hammerite paint, since the maximum allowable air humidity at which the surface can be painted with hammer paint is 85%;
  • Despite the fact that drying of the paint takes from one to one and a half hours, the final drying and hardening of the surface will occur only after 14 days from the date of application of the paint;
  • For those wishing to achieve a distinct hammer effect, experts recommend applying enamel in at least 5 layers, while the application of each subsequent layer is carried out 8 hours after applying the previous one;
  • Masters often ask the question: "How to dilute hammer paint?" According to experts, in order for the paint to retain its original characteristics, it must be diluted only with branded thinners;
  • If you want to improve the reliability of the coating, do not neglect its pretreatment.

Hammer paint: application instructions

Due to the fact that hammer paint is used as an anti-corrosion and decorative coating and is applied to various types of surfaces, including those affected by rust, the paint application technique varies depending on the type of surface and the degree of its damage. Let's consider the procedure for the most common situations.

Preparatory activities: what to look for?

In the process of applying paint to a new and smooth metal, it is necessary to carry out its preliminary preparation. It consists in removing the factory grease that covers the metal surface. To do this, the surface is washed 2-3 times with a fatty solvent (white spirit or solvent), after which it is wiped with a volatile solvent - acetone. After processing, check its quality. To do this, it is enough to blot it with filter paper: in case of appearance on it greasy stains, the processing must be repeated. If the surface is smooth and shiny, it should be sanded or brushed to increase its adhesion;

Due to the fact that hammer paint can be applied to old paintwork, since it is compatible with all types of coatings (except for bitumen-containing and powder paints), a previously painted surface before applying hammer paint also does not need complex preparatory measures. It is enough to remove the peeling paint with a metal brush and rinse the surface with a solution of washing powder, which is necessary in order to remove all existing dirt. After that, the surface is washed clean water and dry thoroughly;

Hammer paint can be used on galvanized coatings as well as surfaces made of aluminum, stainless steel and non-ferrous metals. Before processing such surfaces, a preliminary application of a primer for non-ferrous metals is carried out;

In the case of applying hammer paint to wooden surfaces, they are pre-treated with a water-borne acrylic primer, which is necessary in order to prevent the penetration of paint into the pores and create the proper hammer effect;

Although hammer paint reliably adheres to permanent rust, stopping its further development through exposure to fatty acids and corrosion inhibitors, it is understood that loose and loose rust must be removed with a wire brush.

Parameters and methods of applying hammer paint

Hammer paint is applied at a temperature of +10 to +25 degrees and a relative humidity of no more than 85%. Paint can be applied by brush, roller, spray can, pneumatic and airless spray. In this case, it is important to observe the thickness of the applied layer, which should be at least 100 microns, which is the most favorable thickness for reliable anti-corrosion protection. Let's consider the main methods of applying hammer paint:

Brush painting. The most popular method used in the case of small surfaces, as well as for painting metal fences, characterized by a complex configuration. In accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, hammer paint should be applied in 2-3 coats, paying special attention to painting over corners and edges that are most susceptible to corrosive processes. In the case of working with complex or vertical surfaces, if possible, they are transferred to a horizontal position and at least 3-4 layers of hammer paint are applied. Responsible decorative work is best done with natural bristle brushes;

Roller painting- a method that is practiced when painting large flat surfaces. Before applying the paint, it is diluted with a proprietary solvent in a ratio of 9: 1 and the resulting composition is applied using a short-haired fur or woolen roller. In this case, first, the paint is applied in the corners and edges and only then on the rest of the surface;

Aerosol can, with which you can also apply paint, is used when processing small surfaces and in the case of touching up small defects. Before carrying out work, the aerosol can must be shaken within 3 minutes after you hear the sound of the mixing ball. Due to the fact that you will not be able to control the supply and consumption of paint, it is applied in 3-4 thin layers at a distance of 15-20 cm.The first layer is kept for 2-3 minutes, while between applying subsequent layers they are kept within 15-20 minutes;

Pneumatic spraying- a method used when processing large surfaces. When spraying paint in this way, it is important to select the correct viscosity. In accordance with the instructions, for this, the paint is diluted with a solvent in a ratio of 2: 1. This ratio works at temperatures from +18 to +22 degrees. If this threshold is exceeded, the viscosity is selected for themselves, and in this case, the use of a larger amount of solvent is required, which will prevent cobweb formation. At temperatures below +17, paint may drip over the surface, which indicates that the amount of solvent must be reduced. If you do not have an instrument for determining viscosity - a viscometer, it is determined by eye. To achieve the greatest hammer effect, the so-called "zero layer" is applied, which is a thin layer, which is kept for 2-3 minutes, after which subsequent layers are applied. The final layer should be the thickest;

Airless spraying- a method used for processing large surfaces. The paint is diluted with a factory solvent in a ratio of 9: 1, after which the spray gun is thoroughly shaken to achieve a uniform consistency with the paint.

Hammer paint how to paint video

Ladders are very sensitive to negative environmental influences, and even if they are located indoors, they are still regularly exposed to changes in humidity and temperature levels, moreover, during cleaning, the owners usually use detergents, which also have a negative impact on them. Therefore, in order to extend the life of the structure, it is necessary to protect its surface with a reliable coating.

The most reliable and proven method of protection is painting. Moreover, every staircase needs it, regardless of the material from which it is made, be it metal, wood or concrete, since they all have their own weaknesses.

However, in order for the painting to really cope with the tasks set before it, it is necessary in each individual case to choose its type correctly, since there is a wide range of coatings on the market and they all differ in their properties. This article is devoted to this topic.

Basic requirements for paint

When choosing a paint, first of all, you should pay attention to the material from which the staircase is made, in what conditions it is used, what requirements are imposed on the coating, and what kind of structure you want to see in the end.

Typically, a staircase should have the following properties:

  • Good adhesion to the substrate;
  • Water resistance;
  • Resistance to temperature extremes;
  • Wear resistance;
  • Radiation stability;
  • If the structure is located outdoors, then frost resistance is also important;
  • Anti-corrosion properties (for metal stairs).

In addition, sometimes other requirements are imposed on paints, for example, sometimes fire-retardant properties are important. In this case, specialized compositions are used, such as fire retardant paints for metal Polistil.

Types of paints

So, for painting stairs today, as a rule, the following types of paintwork are used:

  • Alkyd enamels;
  • Water-dispersive acrylic;
  • Polyurethane;
  • Oil;
  • Transparent varnishes.

Of course, there are other types of dye compositions, however, the above types have recently been the most popular. Now let's take a closer look at the features of these coatings.

Alkyd enamels

This type of dyes is one of the most versatile. Painting the stairs with your own hands with alkyd enamels can be done, regardless of the type of material from which the structure is made.

In addition, the coating has some other advantages, in particular, these enamels differ in their decorative properties – .

These formulations are based on alkyd varnish, to which various solvents, fillers and coloring pigments are added. The filler is usually granite or marble chips, and quartz sand... It should be noted that the filler is significantly finer than normal sand.

Sometimes manufacturers add additional substances to the paint that endow it with one or another property, for example, antiseptics may be included in the composition to protect wood from the formation of fungus and rotting.

In addition to the fact that these coatings meet all of the above requirements, they also differ in the following properties:

  • Elasticity;
  • Durability;
  • High drying speed;
  • Do not crack;
  • Do not sit down.

Thus, alkyd enamels are an excellent protection for metal, wood or concrete surfaces. Moreover, the staircase can be painted both indoors and outdoors.

The only drawback of the coating is a strong toxic odor, which gradually diminishes as the paint dries.

White spirit can be used to dilute thickened alkyd enamels.

Acrylic paints

Water-dispersion acrylic paints are the most popular lately. Their main advantage is environmental friendliness. The composition is completely odorless, since ordinary water is used as a solvent, and acrylic resins act as a binder.

Thanks to this, before painting the stairs in the house, your loved ones do not even have to leave the house.

In addition, acrylic compounds have other advantages:

  • Excellent hiding power.
  • Dry quickly - the hardening process lasts as long as the water evaporates.
  • After the composition hardens, a plastic coating forms on the surface.
  • Initially has White color, which allows you to achieve any shade by adding colors.
  • The composition does not tarnish or fade in the sun.
  • It has good moisture resistance, resistance to temperature extremes and frost resistance, which makes it suitable for outdoor staircases.
  • You can paint a metal, concrete or wooden staircase with acrylic paint with your own hands.

Before the purchase acrylic paint, the scope of its application should be clarified, since usually these compositions are narrowly targeted.
This information is contained in the instructions on the packaging.

Polyurethane coatings

Polyurethane coatings are also very popular, with which both wood and metal surfaces can be treated. Due to their good resistance to mechanical stress, painting flights of stairs it is usually performed with these compositions.

When the paint, which is based on polyols and hardeners, dries, a durable coating is formed on the painted surface, which is highly resistant to weathering. Thanks to this, polyurethane compounds can be used for outdoor use.

Among other advantages of the coating, the following points can be highlighted:

  • Resistant to mineral and organic oils, acids, gasoline and oxidants.
  • Excellent adhesion to the substrate.
  • After drying, a wear-resistant, elastic and at the same time hard film forms on the surface.
  • The composition is non-toxic.
  • Does not fade in the sun.
  • Possesses good frost resistance.

Therefore, if the staircase will have a high permeability, you can opt for polyurethane paints.

For exterior metal stairs, Zinga conductive paint is also an excellent option.
It provides high level protection against corrosion and has a long service life.

Oil paints

This type of paint is used less and less, as it was gradually ousted from the market by more "advanced" formulations, which we discussed above. But, despite this, and now you can find the use of oil paint. For example, a pine staircase can be painted with this composition, especially if you are not sure that the wood is well dried.

This is due to the fact that the oil paint and the resin emitted by coniferous wood have practically the same composition, due to which the coating will hold well, unlike many other paints. Besides, oil paint it is possible to cover the outer, metal structure.

True, before painting a metal ladder, it must be treated with a primer, so as not to encounter corrosion in the near future. Another advantage of these paints is their low price. They are much more affordable than the ones listed above.

In the photo - covering the stairs with transparent varnish

Transparent varnishes

Finally, I must say that when processing wooden stairs, transparent varnishes are very popular. Like paints, they can have different characteristics that you should pay attention to when buying. In addition, some of them contain pigments, which allows you to give the surface a certain shade and emphasize the texture of the wood.

As a rule, such coatings are used for interior work in order to preserve natural look stairs.


Today there is a large selection of paints, which allows you to choose the composition in accordance with all the requirements that apply to the coating. Therefore, before making a choice, you need to think carefully about the operating conditions of the stairs.

The correct choice of paint will significantly extend the life of not only the finish, but also the structure itself. Additional information on this topic can be obtained from the video in this article.