How to plant a walnut from a nut and a seedling? Walnut - the best varieties, planting and proper care. At what depth are walnut fruits planted?

To avoid disappointment and not harm your garden, it is important to know how to plant walnuts correctly. This tree is a long-liver, so you need to think about whether there is a suitable place for it on the site, and take into account all the nuances in its development. A careful approach to this issue is the key to an excellent harvest in a few years.

Features of walnut

Walnut is a tall tree. If it is properly cared for in the garden, it can grow up to 20 meters in height. Its crown is spreading, up to 15 meters in diameter, the branches diverge from the trunk at right angles.

The root system of the walnut is powerful. The first 3 years the main root grows. It is rod-shaped and penetrates deep into the soil. At 4-5 years, lateral roots begin to develop, which rush in all directions and diverge at a distance of 5-6 meters from the main root. They are located shallowly, 30-50 cm from the soil surface. In hundred-year-old trees, the roots occupy a space with a diameter of about 20 meters. Developed root system allows an adult tree to easily tolerate insufficient watering and low rainfall.

If you cut down a walnut and leave the stump, a lot of shoots will begin to grow from it, which will begin to bear fruit in 2-3 years. If it is necessary to get rid of the old stump, it will have to be uprooted. The shoots do not grow from the roots.

Flowering begins in spring, in early or mid-May. Flowers and leaves bloom at the same time. Repeated flowering is possible in June, most often this happens in the southern or middle zone. Male flowers appear on the nut, collected in earrings of several pieces, and female flowers appear at the ends of annual shoots. They are pollinated by the wind.

Nuts are ready for harvest in September or October; fruits from the same tree may differ in taste and size.

Propagated by seeds or grafted seedlings.

Rules for planting a walnut tree in the garden

When planning to grow a walnut tree in the garden, you need to consider the following.

  • Due to the developed root system and spreading crown, plants should be planted at a distance of 5-6 meters from each other.
  • A walnut, having reached 20 years of age, takes nutrients and moisture from the soil, and its crown provides dense shade. When choosing a place for seedlings, you must take into account that it will be impossible to grow anything within a radius of 10 meters from the nut.
  • You cannot grow a walnut tree near your home. Its roots can destroy the foundation.
  • During the process of photosynthesis, nuts release substances that inhibit other fruit trees. It will be correct if you leave at least 10 meters between them when planting.
  • The place should be sunny; in the shade the plant lags in growth and dies.
  • Walnut prefers loose, well-drained soil.
  • Does not tolerate areas with high level groundwater, as well as flooded during floods and rain.

It is best to grow a walnut tree at the far end of the garden. In a spacious area, it will be able to fully develop and will not interfere with other plants. In a small garden, planting walnuts is undesirable.

Requirements for climatic conditions

Walnut is a heat-loving plant. Efficient cultivation perhaps in the southern regions.

In the middle zone, the tree takes root well and bears fruit, but only if the winter temperature does not fall below -25°. In severe frosts the tree dies.

IN Leningrad region walnuts do not grow in the form of a tree. Doesn't bear fruit regularly. If some of the branches freeze in winter, there will be no nuts in the fall.

Adult plants can easily tolerate summer heat thanks to their developed root system. Young trees up to 5 years old require watering 2-3 times a month, more often during drought.

Propagation by seeds

Growing from seeds will be successful if nuts collected last year are used. This method has a number of disadvantages:

  • The nut grows slowly and can only be planted in a permanent place after 5-7 years;
  • 10 years after seed germination, the first harvest appears, but it is meager;
  • full fruiting begins only at 20-30 years of age.

If the seeds are planned to be germinated in the spring, they must undergo stratification. The nuts are buried in a container with moist soil or sand and placed in a cold place where the temperature is kept at 4-6°. The soil and sand must be heated in the oven or disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

It is correct if the nuts are sorted first. Thick-walled ones are sent for stratification 3 months before planting, and those with thin shells - 2 months before. Seed care during stratification consists of keeping the sand moist and controlling the temperature.

It is recommended to take seeds from trees growing in the same area where you plan to plant the new plant. If this is not possible, then you should buy them from trusted sellers. Only last year's high quality nuts have good germination.

Planted in the ground in April. It is important that the soil warms up to 10°. The bed must be prepared in advance.

Planting depth is from 5 to 8 cm, depending on the size of the seeds. The distance between the nuts is 30 cm. Correctly position the nut sideways, with the longitudinal groove down. They hatch quickly, within 5-10 days. The seedlings grow vigorously at first, but when they reach 15 cm, growth slows down. A stem begins to form.

You can accelerate the growth of seedlings if you sow the seeds in a greenhouse. The period for preparing seedlings is reduced by three times.

Caring for seedlings both in the open ground and in the greenhouse is simple: watering, weeding, loosening. You can make maintenance easier by mulching; it reduces the frequency of watering and prevents weeds from growing.


You can speed up the fruiting of trees grown from nuts by grafting. To carry out this procedure correctly, you need to wait until the age of the seedlings (rootstock) reaches 2 or 3 years.

The best time for vaccination is February, when sap flow has not yet begun. The scion must be taken from a nursery in your region, from a mother plant adapted to the climate. Graft into the cleft.

Grafted seedlings can be planted in a permanent place in the second year after grafting.

Planting seedlings

The time for planting a seedling in a permanent place depends on the region.

In the southern zone, the best period is autumn. The nut will have time to take root before winter without wasting energy on growing green mass. In autumn, its care is minimal - there is no sweltering heat, the soil is moist, no weeding or loosening is required.

If you plant a nut in the south in the spring, it will not have time to grow stronger and will die from the summer heat. To preserve such a seedling in the summer, a lot of effort will have to be spent on additional care, which consists of constant watering with warm water.

In the middle zone, seedlings are planted only in the spring, so that by autumn they take root and become stronger.

The pits should be 50x50 cm in size and the same depth. Fill them with fertile soil, add humus and wood ash.

A peg is driven into the center of the hole for support. In the first three years, the central tap root develops, and there are very few lateral roots that support the tree in the soil. A seedling without support may be damaged by the wind.

The plant is deepened into the soil so that root collar was at ground level.

Further care

Good care is needed in the first three years after planting in a permanent place. Fertilizing is carried out twice: in the fall, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are applied, and in the spring, nitrogen is needed to build up the above-ground part. The soil should be moist, but not wet. The soil should dry out slightly between waterings.

When the tree reaches the age when fruiting begins, nitrogen fertilizers are reduced or applied once every three years. Water only during dry periods.

Remove branches that are bent down, crossed or pointing inward.

Walnut is almost not susceptible to diseases and pest attacks.


Walnut is an easy-to-care tree that, once it reaches 4-5 years, requires almost no special attention.

You can speed up the harvest if you plant seedlings purchased from a nursery or grafted yourself. To get fruits from a tree grown from seeds, you will have to be patient and wait at least 10 years.

Walnut is a large garden favorite that looks beautiful as a single plant. It will also grow in a small garden, but will destroy all the trees and shrubs growing next to it.

Walnut is a fairly well-known plant; many gardeners and summer residents want to see it on their site. After all, this tree not only has a beautiful appearance, but will also give a large number of valuable fruits that are so indispensable for our body. Indeed, thanks to their valuable composition, walnuts are used in many diets in medicine, and many prefer to use it in cosmetology. But, despite the benefits, many summer residents are not sure whether they can grow a nut. Therefore, before planting walnuts, you need to know some nuances.

Walnuts are usually planted in the spring, but first you need to choose a planting method, there are only two. You can purchase and plant ready-made seedlings, or you can plant nuts with seeds. If you are not familiar with the types of walnuts, then the seed planting method is your best bet. After all, you can choose a type of seedling that simply will not grow in your area, and even if it does grow, it will not bear fruit due to lack of pollination. It is worth considering that the walnut is pollinated mainly by the wind, and since the male and female flowers on it grow separately, it is necessary that a nut of the same type grow not far away. Thanks to this, pollination will be more efficient and there will be more fruit.

The nuts that you have selected for planting need to be cleaned of the pericarp (upper shell), which will slightly increase the availability of viable fruit. Then you need to dig a hole up to 1 meter deep, and the soil from the hole must be fertilized. Usually, a nut should be planted in the fall, after harvesting, to a depth no greater than the fruit itself, then it will germinate faster, but if in your region there are severe frosts in winter down to -30C or more, then the fruit needs to be buried deeper to a depth of 25 centimeters so that the fruit did not die from extreme cold.

It is important to know that before germinating, the nut must undergo cold treatment for stratification (stratification). This usually takes place at temperatures from 1 to 5C for 90 to 120 days. If weather conditions do not allow you to plant a walnut outside or you are afraid that it will not germinate, do not despair, since you can plant walnuts from walnuts in the spring. To do this, it must be exposed to cold (stratification) in another place, for example in the refrigerator the conditions must be the same as in nature - from 1 to 5C, otherwise delamination will not occur and the nut will not sprout. To increase the germination of a nut, it is better to plant several seeds at once.

Interestingly, there is another way to check whether the nut is suitable for settling. To do this, you need to take a bucket of water and pour nuts into it that are suitable for planting. The germination of nuts that have sunk will be better than those that have floated.

Planting a seedling

The best time to plant seedlings is spring. Seedlings must be selected good quality its thickness should be more than 1 centimeter. Since at the beginning only the root system develops, the height of the seedling does not matter. Most suitable age for a seedling – 2 years. The most important thing for replanting is not to damage the lateral roots, but the main root can be cut by 2/3 and then lubricated with a special solution (usually garden pitch). The fact is that in the first years of life, mainly the central root of the tree grows, and at the time of digging it can already reach more than 1 meter in depth, so it is very difficult to dig out an entire central root.

Seedlings with a “preserved” root system are ideal for planting; the root of such a seedling is in a special container, which already contains all the necessary substances for the growth of a young tree. Because of this, the tree will immediately begin to grow.

It is worth noting that walnuts really do not like transplanting, so they need to be planted in a pre-prepared place. IMPORTANT! It is advisable to plant walnuts away from buildings, since an extensive root system can significantly damage the foundation.

Planting a walnut: Video

The walnut tree belongs to the walnut family. In the literature you can find other names for culture, for example, such as: Greek, Volga and Tsarist. In nature, the nut is found in Asia, Kyrgyzstan, China, and India. Some varieties even grow in Norway.

General information

It is believed that the birthplace of the walnut is Iran, but some botanists believe that it could have originated from India or Japan. The culture was first mentioned in historical treatises in the seventh century BC, when Greek sailors brought the nut from Persian lands to their homeland.

A little later, the Greeks shared the nut with the Romans, from where it spread throughout the continent. In America, people learned about the nut in the nineteenth century, and at the same time it appeared in Russia.

Growing a walnut is not difficult, although it takes many years to get a luxurious, fruit-bearing tree. But still, the long wait is worth it to plant this useful and beautiful crop on your site.

Types and varieties of walnuts

- is short in stature, frost-resistant variety, not growing above 5 meters. The tree has gray bark and non-paired pinnate leaf blades. The crop bears fruit from the second year after planting in open ground.

The inflorescences are small, racemose, and have a whitish-green tint. The nut bears fruit from early to mid-autumn. The fruits of this variety are oval, large, reaching a weight of 10 grams. From one tree you can collect up to 120 kilograms of nuts.

– the birthplace of the tree is North America, where it is cultivated in many states. The walnut grows up to 50 meters in height and has a widely spreading crown. The variety is frost-resistant and has a wide range of medicinal properties. Fruits in autumn. The nuts are small, ovoid with a pointed end. The yield is up to 100 kilograms per season.

– the tree reaches a height of up to 7 meters. It has a compact dense crown with magnificent decorative properties. The tree is frost-resistant and has good disease resistance.

The fruits are large, have a thin shell and weigh up to 35 grams. The nut bears fruit only 6 years after planting. During a season, you can collect up to 100 kilograms of nuts from a tree.

– the variety is characterized by short stature and frost resistance. The tree reaches a height of up to 10 meters. The flowering period begins in late spring, and the nut begins to bear fruit in early autumn. The yield per season is up to 40 kilograms.

– this variety is characterized by winter hardiness, high yield and large fruit. The tree reaches a height of 13 meters, has a rounded crown and dark green, glossy elliptical leaf plates. The yield is up to 100 kilograms per tree.

The tree reaches a height of no more than 5 meters. It has a spreading, dense crown, framed by dark green, non-paired pinnate leaves.

The nut begins to bear fruit in the second year after planting. It has light green racemose inflorescences that appear in mid-May. The nut bears fruit in mid-autumn. The fruits are large, oval in shape and have a thin shell. It bears fruit twice in a year.

– this high-yielding variety was bred in America. The tree is medium-sized, has a dense, semi-vertical crown with a straight, large trunk. gray shade and oblong, wide leaf blades with a narrow tail. The fruits are large, ovoid in shape. During the season, you can collect up to 100 kilograms of nuts from one tree.

– the variety is characterized by high yield, resistance to diseases and frost. After planting, it begins to bear fruit for 2–3 years. The tree will grow up to 5 meters in height and has a spreading crown with dense foliage. The fruits are large, ovoid in shape. The nut yield per season is up to 100 kilograms per tree.

– the tree has a compact, sparse crown with dense, dark green foliage. This variety is characterized by high productivity and early fruiting. The first harvest can be harvested in the third year after planting. The fruits of the nut are large and thin-barked.

– the variety is characterized by frost resistance, productivity and high resistance to diseases. The variety is medium tall with a spreading, densely leafy crown. The nut bears fruit in early autumn. The fruits are large, oval in shape.

Growing walnuts in the Moscow region

Young trees are often planted in the spring, but for the southern regions of Russia autumn planting is also suitable. For a nut, the soil is not as important as its drainage layer. If the soil on the site is clayey, it can be mixed with compost and peat.

You should choose a sunny place for planting nuts, as the tree loves light very much and does not tolerate shadows. Those trees that are planted in a sunny area at a great distance from each other will grow best. Walnut should not be planted in an area where there is high occurrence groundwater. In terms of acidity, soil suitable for it is no lower than 5.5 to 5.8 pH.

Before planting a young tree, you should inspect the root system and remove its unsuitable parts, after which they should be coated with a thick clay mixture, which includes rotted manure, clay and water. Some gardeners add Epin to it, which is a growth stimulant.

Grapes are also a fruit and berry crop that is grown when planted and cared for in open ground. It has a very high taste, which is why it is used as food, and is also used in the preparation of many culinary recipes. To grow a healthy grape bush and obtain high yield, it is necessary to follow the rules of agricultural technology. You can find all the necessary recommendations for growing and caring for this plant, as well as much more, in this article.

Planting walnuts in spring

For spring planting, the hole for the tree has been prepared since the fall. Since the seedlings have weak roots, they need additional nutrition, which will be provided by specially prepared soil.

The dimensions of the planting pit will be determined depending on the composition of the soil on the site. If it is fertile, the hole should be 60 centimeters in diameter and depth. If not, then within 1 meter.

The top layer of soil removed from the hole should be put aside, but the rest should simply be removed as unnecessary. The deposited soil must be mixed with equal parts of peat and humus. Then the necessary fertilizers should be added to the resulting soil mixture and mixed with the existing soil.

The fertility of such a soil mixture will be enough for a tree for five years, until it develops a strong root system and is able to extract useful material on one's own.

The prepared soil mixture should be placed in a hole, then two buckets of water should be poured into it. At this point, preparations for landing are completed. Over the winter, the soil will settle and become denser, and when the time comes to plant the nut, you need to remove the soil from the hole, drive a 3-meter-high peg into the ground for support, and pour a mound of prepared soil around it.

After this, you need to place the seedling in the hole, straighten the roots and cover it with the remaining soil, then lightly compact it and water it well. When the moisture is absorbed and the earth settles, exposing the root collar, you should tie the tree to a support peg and mulch the area around the trunk with a thick layer of peat and sawdust. Landing completed.

Autumn planting is carried out according to the same principle, the only difference is that preparing the hole takes only three weeks.

Watering a walnut

Walnut requires systematic watering, as it is very moisture-loving. If spring and summer are rainy, then the tree does not need to be watered. During drought, watering should be done once every 14 days, using 40 liters per square meter trunk circle.

In August, watering is stopped. However, if the autumn is dry, the tree will need to carry out moisture-recharging watering before wintering, which will help it withstand the cold.

Soil for walnuts

In order for the walnut to grow and develop well, fertile soil should be selected for planting it. To create it, you need to take the top layer of fertile soil. garden soil, humus and peat in equal parts.

Also take 2.5 kilograms of superphosphate fertilizer, 800 grams of potassium chloride, 750 grams of dolomite flour and 1.5 kilograms of wood ash. Mix all the ingredients, pour into the planting hole and plant the young tree.

Walnut transplantation in spring

Only trees that have not reached four years of age can be replanted. Transplanting nuts over four years old will lead to injury to the root system and, as a result, to the death of the plant.

This procedure is carried out in the spring before the buds appear or in the fall after the tree is free of leaves. Transplantation is carried out according to the same scheme as planting young animals.

Walnut feeding

Since the nut does not like loosening, the spring fertilizing complex should be applied extremely carefully. Nitrogen fertilizers are used only in the spring; if applied later, they will provoke the development of fungus. Potassium-based fertilizers and phosphates are applied in the fall.

For the season, the nut needs three kilograms of potassium salt, ten kilograms of superphosphates and ammonium sulfate and six kilograms of ammonium nitrate. Some gardeners fertilize the soil around trees by sowing oats, peas or lupines under them in the spring, and plow the plants into the soil in the fall.

Walnut blossom

Walnut flowering time is in May. The inflorescences of the tree are light green and racemose in shape.

They are pollinated by the wind, so it is advisable to have several trees of different sexes on the site. When the nut fades, fruits begin to form, which ripen by mid-autumn.

Walnut pruning in spring and autumn

The nut should be trimmed twice per season: in autumn and spring. In spring, sanitary and formative pruning is carried out. In the fall, only sanitary, in order to avoid the consumption of nutrients on diseased and weakened branches.

During spring pruning, dry, weak and frozen branches are removed. If the sections are thicker than 7 millimeters, they should be treated with garden varnish. If the tree has not been cared for for a long time, then fruits begin to form only at the top of the crown, for this reason anti-aging pruning should be carried out.

For this purpose, it is necessary to cut down the high-lying skeletal branches and thin out the crown so that light and air penetrate into it. You need to cut off the side branches so that they grow to the sides rather than upwards. In this case, the tree sap will begin to nourish the entire tree, which will lead to the awakening of the buds and the appearance of new shoots that will form the crown.

In the fall, sanitary pruning is carried out, removing broken, improperly growing and diseased branches, so that winter time the tree did not nourish them. After pruning, all cuts should be treated with garden varnish.

Preparing walnuts for winter

Since the walnut is a heat-loving plant, its wintering should be approached especially carefully.

Young nuts must be covered with burlap, and the tree trunk circle must be covered with manure, having first retreated 10 centimeters from the trunk. Mature trees do not need any preparation.

Walnut propagation by seeds and grafting

Growing a nut from seeds is a rather long process. Planting material should be harvested from large fruits with easily extractable kernels. Nuts for planting should be freed from the amniotic membrane and dried in the sun for about a week, and then brought into a room with a temperature of 18 to 20 degrees, where they should dry.

Nuts can be planted in the fall or next spring, but for this they should be stratified by keeping them for 100 days at a temperature of 0 to 7 degrees for thick-barked varieties, and from 15 to 18 for thin-barked ones.

In order for the fruits to germinate faster, they should be kept in damp sand at a temperature of 18 degrees, and when they hatch, sow them in open ground, which should warm up to at least 10 degrees.

The distance between future seedlings should be at least 15 centimeters, and the row spacing should have a distance of 50 centimeters. Large nuts should be planted at a depth of 10 centimeters, and small ones at 8 centimeters. The first shoots should appear by the beginning of May. Typically, about 70% of the sown seeds will germinate.

When the seedlings produce two leaves, they are planted in the garden bed, pinching the tip of the central part of the root. Such seedlings grow very slowly. In order to raise full-fledged young animals, it will take from 5 to 7 years.

Nut propagation by grafting is carried out by budding, but since the tree has large buds, the scion inserted under the bark of the rootstock must also be large so that it can provide it with nutrients. Two-year-old seedlings are used as scion. Vaccination is carried out in March. This method allows you to fully preserve the qualities of the mother tree.

Diseases and pests

The nut is resistant to both diseases and pests, but with proper care they can attack it.

Walnut diseases:

Bacteriosis - this disease manifests itself in the appearance of dark spots on leaves and fruits . It leads to their deformation and death. The disease develops due to excessive soil moisture and untimely application of fertilizing containing nitrogen.

In order to rid the plant of the disease, it should be treated twice with a fungicide, Bordeaux mixture and copper sulfate. In the fall, after the leaves fall, all foliage must be burned.

Marsoniosis - the disease manifests itself in the appearance of brown spots on the leaves . It leads to drying and death of leaf blades and fruits. To combat the disease, you should remove the affected leaves and fruits and treat the plant with Strobi. Most often, marsoniosis appears due to excessive and frequent watering.

Root cancer - disease affects the root system, leading to drying and death of the plant . It manifests itself in the appearance of growths on the wood, which must be opened and cleaned, then treated with a solution of soda and rinsed the affected areas with water.

Bacterial burn - disease affects leaves, flowers, branches and buds, which first become covered with brown spots, and then turn black and die . The disease develops when the soil is very waterlogged. In order to get rid of it, you should cut off and destroy all infected areas, and treat the cut areas with copper sulfate dissolved in water.

Walnut pests:

American white butterfly - this pest affects leaf blades . In order to get rid of it, it is necessary to treat the plant with the drug “Lepidocide” according to the instructions.

Walnut warty mite — the insect feeds on young leaves. About his appearance indicates the appearance of dark brown tubercles on the leaves . To get rid of the pest, the nut should be treated with Aktara acaricide.

Nut moth - the pest feeds on nut kernels, As a result, the fruits fall off without ripening . To combat it, pheromone traps and removal of existing nests on trees are used.

Nut moth - pest destroys leaf blades . To combat it, the tree should be treated with Decis.

Aphids are a pest damages leaf plates, which leads to their drying out . To kill insects, the nut should be treated with Actellik.

To prevent the appearance of diseases and pests, the plant must be treated twice per season. In spring and autumn. In spring, treatment of the tree trunk circle with copper sulfate is carried out before the buds appear, and in the fall after the leaves fall.

Why are walnuts bitter?

Nuts may become bitter due to early harvest, long-term storage, or failure to comply with transportation conditions. You can remove bitterness from the kernels by soaking them in water for a day.

Indeed, walnut kernels are similar to the human brain, but scientists have still not been able to figure out why they look like that.

The most common theory of similarity is that this fruit promotes the synthesis of such essential substances for brain function as neurotransmitters, which is why it is similar to this most important human organ.

Walnut beneficial properties and contraindications

Without exception, all parts of the nut are biologically rich active substances, represented by quinones, triterpenoids, tannins, steroids, vitamins C, PP, B vitamins, aldehydes, carotene, coumarins, alkaloids, flavonoids, antacids, phenolcarboxylic and organic acids, sistosterols, linolenic and oleic acid, fiber, as well as iron salts and kolbat.

One hundred grams of walnuts contain 654 kilocalories, which makes them a very filling product. Its calorie content is almost twice that of bread. But despite this, it has a lot of useful properties. For example, it helps fight atherosclerosis, vitamin deficiency and constipation.

Decoctions based on nut leaves, in folk medicine used in the treatment of rickets and skin diseases. And tinctures are used for stomatitis and periodontal disease. Preparations from walnut extract have tonic, anti-inflammatory, laxative, astringent, anthelmintic, hypoglycemic, regenerating, epithelializing and hemostatic properties.

Walnut oil: beneficial properties and contraindications

The most valuable preparation from walnuts is its oil. It is very nutritious and has excellent taste. The oil is an excellent restorative remedy after a long illness and surgical interventions.

Thanks to saturated fatty acids, macro and microelements, vitamins and other beneficial components, it is an effective herbal remedy that allows you to fight hypertension, diabetes, hepatitis, endocrine ailments and cardiovascular diseases. It promotes the elimination of toxins and radionuclides, and also protects the body from carcinogens that lead to the development of oncology.

Walnut oil is used to treat tuberculosis, skin ailments, varicose veins and inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes. It lowers cholesterol levels and is recommended for use by expectant and nursing mothers.

You should avoid eating nuts if you are intolerant to them, as well as if you have pancreatic diseases and a tendency to thrombosis.

Medicinal properties of walnuts

Walnut has a wide range of medicinal properties, which is why it is used in folk medicine. Recipes for the most effective and frequently used remedies for treating various diseases will be given below.

Tincture on walnut partitions for colitis and diabetes

To prepare the product, take 3 tbsp. spoons of dry nut partitions and pour a glass of vodka over them. They must be infused for a week in a dark and cool place.

You need to use the tincture 4 times a day, 10 drops, after mixing them with tbsp. spoon of water. The course of treatment with tincture is 30 days.

Tincture of green walnuts for tuberculosis and gastrointestinal diseases

To prepare the tincture, you need to take 30 pieces of green nut fruits, chop them and pour a liter of 70% alcohol. After this, shake the mixture and put it in a dark, cool place for 14 days.

Before use, the tincture must be strained. It should be consumed 1 teaspoon, 4 times a day after meals. The course of treatment is one month.

Decoction of walnut partitions for prostatitis

To prepare a healing decoction, take 4 tbsp. spoons of dry walnut partitions, pour 500 milliliters of boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes and leave to infuse for half an hour. Then cool and strain.

The decoction is divided into three doses and drunk three times a day. The course of treatment is six months.

Decoction of walnut shells for cervical erosion

To prepare the decoction, take 1 kilogram of dry nut shells, rinse them thoroughly, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water, put on the stove and bring to a boil. When the liquid boils, boil it for 5 minutes, cool and strain.

The decoction is diluted with water in a ratio of 1/10 and used as a douche for two weeks.

All of the above remedies can be used only after consulting a doctor.

Cooking nut jam is a rather difficult process, but if you can prepare this unusually tasty delicacy, then you can safely consider yourself a culinary ace.


  • Vanilla - on the tip of a knife;
  • Water – 600 milliliters;
  • Green nuts – 1 kilogram;
  • Citric acid – 3 grams;
  • Granulated sugar – 1.2 kilograms.

Preparing jam:

To make jam, take green nuts, wash and dry them for 24 hours. Then soak the fruits in cool water for 24 hours, changing it three times a day.

After the nuts are soaked, blanch them in boiling water for 5 minutes, then cool and remove the green shell. Then soak them for two days in a lime solution prepared in the proportion of 100 grams of slaked lime per liter of water. Mix the lime well in water, let it sit for 6 hours, then drain the clarified liquid without sediment and use it for soaking.

After the nuts are soaked, wash them in cold water, pierce with a fork and soak again in cool water for two days, changing it three times a day. After the time has passed, blanch the nuts in boiling water for 15 minutes and lower them into filtered boiling syrup, which must be prepared in advance from water and 700 grams of sugar.

We cook the jam for the first time for 10 minutes over low heat. Then remove it from the stove and leave for a day. During the second cooking, add the remaining sugar to the syrup and citric acid, boiling the jam until tender and periodically collecting the foam. When the jam is ready, add vanillin and cool. The cooled jam is ready for use.

Preparing this salad takes only 10 minutes, but it turns out very tasty and unusual. We recommend you try it.


  • Celery – 5 stalks;
  • Canned tuna – 1 can;
  • Apples – 2 pieces;
  • Walnut – 3 handfuls;
  • Mayonnaise – 1 pack.

Preparing the salad:

Take celery, wash it and finely. I also wash the apples in fine mode. Chop the nuts. Mash the tuna with the juice with a fork. Transfer the ingredients to a salad bowl, mix and season with mayonnaise.

Before serving, decorate with herbs and nut kernels. Bon appetit.

This delicious roll is quite easy to prepare. It comes out crumbly and aromatic, and the nuts give it an unusual taste. This baking is simple perfect option for morning coffee.


  • Medium fat sour cream – 300 grams;
  • Butter – 200 grams;
  • Walnuts – 150 grams;
  • Eggs – 3 pieces;
  • Granulated sugar – 200 grams;
  • Flour – 400 grams.

Preparing the roll:

Take the butter and grate it. Then mix it with flour, add half a glass of sugar, sour cream and vanillin. Mix the dough. It should turn out cool.

Grind the nut kernels. Roll out the dough into a layer 5 millimeters thick and put nuts mixed with sugar in the middle. Carefully roll the dough into a roll and brush it with egg.

Place on an oiled baking sheet and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Take the roll out of the oven, let it cool, cut into pieces and serve with tea or coffee.

Homemade cheese casket with walnuts

This light, low-fat, homemade cheese is an alternative to the store-bought product. In addition, it turns out more tender and tasty. Don’t be lazy and be sure to prepare it.


  • Nuts – 70 grams;
  • Milk 3.2% fat – 1 liter;
  • Coarse sea salt - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Sour cream 15% fat – 200 milliliters;
  • Eggs – 3 pieces.

Cheese preparation:

Pour the nuts into a bowl and pour boiling water over them for 3 minutes. After the time has passed, drain the water and remove the skin from the kernels. Chop the peeled nuts with a knife. Pour the milk into a saucepan, add salt and place on the stove. Let's boil.

Mix eggs with sour cream and beat until smooth. Then pour them into boiling milk in a thin stream, constantly stirring the mixture with a whisk. Boil the mixture over low heat for 5 minutes, until the milk curdles and the whey has separated.

Add nuts to the cheese. Take a bowl, put gauze folded in several layers into it and pour the cheese mixture from the pan. We collect the ends of the gauze and hang the cheese for three hours to drain. After the time has passed, squeeze out the cheese as much as possible. Then we transfer it to a round bowl, at the bottom of which we put several paper napkins. We place cheese in gauze in it, put pressure on top and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

This tasty and aromatic dish is very popular in Georgia, served with satsivi sauce. If you like the combination of chicken and nuts, then this dish is perfect for you.


  • Chicken legs – 600 grams;
  • Parsley - 3 sprigs;
  • Nuts – 250 grams;
  • Pomegranate seeds – 30 grams;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Khmeli-suneli – 2 teaspoons;
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • Wine vinegar – 2 teaspoons;
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cooking chicken:

Take the chicken and cut it into large pieces. Pour two liters of water into a saucepan and add one tbsp. spoon of salt. Place the chicken in the water and boil for 25 minutes.

Prepare the sauce:

Take the nuts and pound them in a mortar until they become powdery. Add 150 milliliters of chicken broth.

Push salt, suneli hops and garlic until powdered.

Add another 150 milliliters of broth and wine vinegar to the nuts. Stir and add the garlic-salt mixture. Mix again.

Take the onion and cut it into rings. Remove the meat from the pan and fry on both sides until a caramel crust appears. Add the sauce and onion to the chicken and heat it until it starts to boil. Then remove from heat.

Garnish the finished dish with parsley and pomegranate and serve with rice. Bon appetit.

Walnut sauce is an ideal addition to meat dishes, so if you decide to treat yourself to steaks, kebabs or chicken, then it will come in handy.


  • Salt – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Walnuts – 200 grams;
  • Saffron – 1 teaspoon;
  • Pomegranate juice – 0.5 cups;
  • Garlic – 3 cloves;
  • Cilantro – 100 grams;
  • Ground red pepper – 1 teaspoon;
  • Broth – 0.5 cups.

Preparing the sauce:

Grind the nuts, garlic, saffron, pepper and salt, then mix them and grind until smooth. Add broth and pomegranate juice to the mixture. Pour the sauce into a gravy boat and serve along with the meat.

This unusual sweet is worth making. The combination of nuts and grape juice is very piquant, so if you want to pamper your family with an original tasty treat, then churchkhela is what you need.


  • Grape juice – 2 liters;
  • Walnut – 200 grams;
  • Flour – 200 grams;
  • Granulated sugar – 200 grams.

Preparation of churchkhela:

We take the nuts, peel them and string their halves onto a strong and thick thread 30 centimeters long. We tie half a match to the lower end. Once threading is complete, make a loop at the upper end.

Cooking tatara:

Take the grape juice and boil it over a low flame for three hours, gradually stirring in the sugar and removing the foam. At the end of cooking, cool the liquid to 45 degrees and add flour, stirring constantly to avoid clumping. After a homogeneous mass is formed, boil it to the state of jelly, reducing it to ¼ of the original volume.

Take the nuts strung on a string and dip them into the hot mixture of juice and flour three times with a five-minute break. Then we hang the finished churchkhela in the sun and dry it until it stops being sticky, but remains soft.

We wrap the dried sweetness in a towel and put it in a dry and ventilated room for three months. The finished churchkhela should remain just as soft, but at the same time be covered with a thin coating of powdered sugar, which appears at the end of ripening. After required period, churchkhela becomes ready to eat.

Interpretation of dreams about walnuts

Those who dreamed of this powerful and beautiful tree or its fruits probably looked in the dream book for a decoding of their dream. We bring to your attention the most common interpretations of dreams, in which the main role is played by the walnut.

  • If you saw walnuts in a dream - this is evidence of favorable news.
  • Eating walnut kernels in a dream - indicates that your dreams will soon come true.
  • If in your dream you are collecting nuts - this indicates that an unpleasant showdown with a loved one awaits you.
  • Peeled walnut kernels- dream of making a profit and improving material well-being.

The walnut well deserves to take its place on your garden plot. For its proper growth and development, it is enough to follow the above tips. experienced gardeners.

Then you will not only be able to grow a beautiful, powerful, healthy tree, but also always have its tasty and healthy fruits on hand, which can be used for cooking. delicious dishes and treatment of many diseases.

Walnuts were first brought to Russia a long time ago, along the famous route called “from the Varangians to the Greeks.” For this, in fact, the nut got its name. Often it is called not just Greek, but also Greek, royal, Voloshsky. Despite the fact that this nut is an overseas plant, it can also be grown in an ordinary Russian garden, however, only on the condition that the area for growing the plant is located in the southern region of the country. Unfortunately, this plant cannot survive in cold climates. In this article we will learn how to plant a walnut and care for it after the seedling has taken root.

The plant we are considering is a deciduous tree, a nut. The desired green organism can reach a height of 25 meters. At the same time, the maximum trunk diameter is one and a half meters.

In addition to its fruits, which have significant nutritional value, the tree provides one of the most valuable wood species. According to the conclusions of many experts, a product made from walnut wood can last up to five hundred years.

Walnuts are grown, as a rule, to obtain their fruits. Growing a tree is quite easy if you know how to plant it correctly.

Walnuts initially did not grow in Russia; they were brought to our homeland along the route “from the Varangians to the Greeks”

To disembark you will need to stock up planting material, considering that this plant can reproduce in the following ways:

  • seeds;
  • vegetatively.

So, let's start looking at the features associated with planting walnuts.

Video - How walnuts ripen

How to plant a walnut: instructions

Step 1 - choose a place to plant a nut

When placing a nut, it is very important to carefully choose the place for planting it. As we have already said, this tree can grow quite large, so it needs to be located at a relative distance from other plants, so that the nut does not embarrass them.

The fact is that the crown of the plant is quite spreading, and it can close Sun rays for all other inhabitants of your garden. Therefore, if nothing is growing in the specified area yet, plan to plant only shade-loving plants there.

If you plant several trees, leave a distance of at least 5 meters between each seedling.

It is also very important to ensure that groundwater does not flow too close to the surface where your seedling is planted, since nuts do not like excess moisture.

Step 2 - choose high-quality planting material

It is better to purchase seedlings for cultivation in a specialized store or on the market from a trusted seller who can grow strong walnut seedlings.

High-quality planting material - a strong seedling with a well-developed root system

It is important to remember that the root system of a walnut first develops, and only then the green part of the plant goes up, therefore, if you see an overgrown sprout with a small rhizome at the market or in a store, most likely it is not viable, and the increase in its green part is stimulated artificially .

In order for the tree to quickly take root on the site, it is necessary to choose a seedling that appearance will:

  • strong;
  • strong;
  • without bark damage.

By the way, buy better trees, on which there are no leaves, so that all its resources are focused on rooting. If you take a seedling with abundantly growing foliage, it may die.

Step 3 - prepare the planting hole

As for many others fruit trees, to grow walnuts, you need to prepare a planting hole. The dimensions of this recess will have to be:

  • 50 centimeters wide;
  • 50 centimeters in length;
  • 70 centimeters deep.

You need to dig a hole in advance, about 60 days before planting occurs.

  • rotted manure;
  • ground limestone (no more than a kilogram);
  • mineral fertilizer containing potassium and phosphorus.

Such a nutrient medium will not only help the nut root system to grow, but will also stimulate its development.

Step 4 – plant the nut in the prepared hole

So, we place the purchased seedling in the prepared hole, so that the root collar of the plant is approximately 5 centimeters above the ground level. Then the roots of the plant are covered with the soil remaining after digging the hole, which subsequently:

  • carefully trampled down;
  • watered generously clean water(at least 2 ten-liter buckets).

While trampling, do not accidentally damage the roots that may have remained close to the surface of the earth.

Step 5 – mulch the ground around the seedling and protect the plant from the wind

To prevent moisture from evaporating so quickly from the thickness of the soil in which the plant is planted, it is best to spread mulch around the perimeter of the plant - a special flooring made of various materials, For example:

  • made of straw;
  • sawdust;
  • special agro-fabric, etc.

It is advisable to protect the seedlings of this plant from strong winds. Their fragile trunk can break from gusts of air, therefore, it is necessary to tie each tree to a wooden peg buried in the ground at a distance of 10 centimeters from the trunk.

Landing Features

Walnut planting can be done in two periods of the year:

  • in spring;
  • in the fall.

Planting at each of these times of year has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at them further.

Planting walnuts in spring

It is believed that in the spring, a mature seedling that is between one and two years old should be planted in a hole prepared for planting. By the way, it happens that some gardeners bury several nuts in the ground in the fall, and those that germinate in the spring are replanted and begin to be cultivated.

However, if you still intend to try this method, you can use a trick and select the most viable seeds for cultivation, and then stimulate the speed of their growth and development.

Table 1. How to stimulate the growth and development of planting material for planting nuts in the spring

Selection of viable planting materialThe nuts previously selected for planting are poured into a large container of water. Those of them that immediately sank become ideal planting material in the future, since such rapid immersion is justified by the integrity of their nuclei, and therefore a high chance of successful germination.
StratificationIn the spring, selected nuts begin to undergo so-called stratification - a procedure that involves simulating the impact of negative weather conditions on the nuts. In other words, the nuts are periodically cooled greatly. Thus, their hidden energy resources are awakened, increasing the vitality of the seedlings.

If in the spring you are transplanting a tree already growing on your site, then you need to do it as follows:

  • carefully dig up the seedling;
  • free the plant roots from excess soil;
  • carry out minimal pruning of the rhizome in order to stimulate its further growth.

Note: Among experienced gardeners, a very common trick associated with growing walnuts is that to prevent the tree from drying out and for the growth of its root system, it is necessary to place a metal object in the planting hole. For example:

  • tin can;
  • rusty nails, etc.

It is also very important to monitor the condition and composition of the soil on which you plan to plant the tree. So, walnuts cannot tolerate:

  • soil is too dense;
  • swampy lands.

These are the features of planting walnuts in spring.

Planting walnuts in autumn

Many gardeners refuse to plant walnuts in the fall, because it has a number of disadvantages, in particular we are talking about:

  • reduced survival rate of plantings when walnuts are propagated by seeds;
  • infection of plantings, which subsequently manifests itself in many different diseases and plant weaknesses.

So, by planting nuts in the ground in the fall, you give them time to crack before germinating. As a result, various things can get inside the fetus:

  • bacteria;
  • worms;
  • even rodents.

The desired organisms are capable of completely damaging the nut or infecting it with any diseases.

However, despite the above circumstances, planting nuts in the autumn is still considered more relevant, since during the winter future trees have time to finally prepare for germination and become as strong as possible in the ground.

In addition, in the fall, the seedlings quite easily go into a dormant state, while having time to take root sufficiently, since at this time the movement inside the green body of the plant slows down:

  • water;
  • nutritional substances.

How to care for walnuts after planting

In order for the plant to develop and grow as you intended, it is necessary to provide it with sufficient care. It is especially necessary to carry out measures to care for the tree during the first three years of its life; subsequently, the grip can be loosened somewhat.

Watering the plant

After the tree is planted, it needs to be provided with daily watering to nourish the roots and compact the soil covering them. So you need to continue watering for about a week, then a smooth transition is made to much less frequent watering - up to once every seven days.

Of course, you also need to focus on weather conditions, given that in the summer heat the plant needs much large quantity water. By the way, to prevent the sun's rays from burning the foliage and trunk of trees, it is necessary:

  • water the plant at the root;
  • Avoid watering during the daytime.

When the tree reaches a height of four to five meters, it will practically cease to need watering.

Fertilizing walnuts after planting

After the tree is planted, it needs to be fed approximately once every six months.

To increase the yield of walnuts, “spring” fertilizers containing nitrogen are used. In autumn, substances containing various minerals are added to the ground on which the nut grows, and also contain:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium.

You need to fertilize nuts strictly according to the instructions so as not to harm the plant’s root system with unnecessarily aggressive preparations.

When to expect the first harvest

The first harvest of the nut you planted will have to wait at least 6 years. As you can see, the time is considerable, but the wait is worth it, since the fruits collected later can be used:

  • raw for food;
  • as a cosmetic product;
  • as an ingredient in various dishes;
  • for making jam;
  • in sauces;
  • as a medicine, etc.

Note: To collect walnuts, it is better to wear gloves, otherwise your hands will turn black from the iodine secreted by the pericarp. The collected nuts must be washed and then dried thoroughly.

How to graft a walnut

This tree reproduces very easily, however, it takes too long to grow. To speed up this process, you can graft the plant, which can seriously shorten the waiting period.

It is better to graft a walnut at the very beginning of summer, since it is at this time that the maximum probability of the so-called adaptation of the cuttings is observed, equal to approximately 80%.

However, vaccination can also be carried out in winter and spring (February-March). To do this, in the fall you need to prepare cuttings by cutting them from a one-year-old walnut shoot. The length of each cutting should be from 10 to 15 centimeters.

The finished cuttings are sent to a container containing abundantly moistened sawdust or sand, and then they are moved for storage to a room in which the temperature of their content will be from 0 to 5 degrees Celsius.

Rootstocks (parts of trees of less demanding varieties) also need to be prepared in advance, in the autumn, even before severe frosts set in. The rootstocks are wrapped in cellophane film and sent for storage under the same conditions as nut cuttings.

The day before you start grafting, you will need to heat both the rootstocks and cuttings, leaving them in a room or other area where the temperature is about 15 degrees.

The heated parts are combined with each other using the copulation method, which implies:

  • grafting with cuttings and scion of the same thickness;
  • creating oblique cuts on both materials;
  • combining components with appropriate tissues exposed on sections.

We wrap the combined parts of the future tree in a bag or simple cellophane film, and then place them in a container with wet sawdust or sand. So it will be necessary to store the workpiece until planting (approximately mid-April or another date when the earth is completely warmed up).

Let's sum it up

Walnut is a valuable plant, the benefits of which are invaluable in many ways. Thus, in warm regions it is an integral food product for people, which determines their excellent health. Planting a walnut is quite simple, as is propagating it; in this sense, it is a malleable plant. However, in order to speed up the process of harvesting, it is best to graft this plant, and only then plant it for permanent residence. When the tree grows, you will be able to enjoy the nutritious fruits, eating them to your heart's content and enjoying your labors.

Some gardeners, having planted a nut on their plot, immediately forget about it, believing that the nut will grow without their participation, and ten years later they wonder why there is no harvest. Of course, walnut is one of the most unpretentious garden long-livers, but it also requires a certain amount of attention. Otherwise, over time, instead of a large, tall tree with a sloping crown, a lopsided little one with small fruits will grow.

Walnut care is simple and includes:

  • regular watering;
  • periodic feeding;
  • pruning;
  • treatment against pests and diseases.

Watering mode

The frequency of watering directly depends on the frequency of precipitation and the age of the tree. Young walnut seedlings, from spring until autumn, need very abundant watering 2 times a month. However, if the summer turns out to be rainy, additional moisture is not needed to prevent the roots from rotting. In the absence of autumn rains, young hazel trees need moisture-replenishing watering for a good wintering.

Large nuts, whose height exceeds 4 meters, practically do not need watering (except for prolonged drought), since their powerful roots are able to take moisture from deep in the earth.

As for loosening the tree trunk circle after watering, this is often not necessary so as not to damage the roots. Two loosenings per season and autumn digging are enough. Walnut generally does not like excessive interference, and to protect the soil from the formation of a dry crust, it is better to use mulch.

Features of nut fertilization

Nut feeding begins in the fourth year of life. This applies to those seedlings, when planting them, the substances necessary for the development of the tree were added to the planting hole. Their nuts usually last for the first three years.

Starting from the fourth year after planting, ammonium nitrate should be added in the spring, and mineral preparations, which include potassium and phosphorus (potassium salt, superphosphate), should be added in the fall.

Walnut trimming

During the first five years of a nut’s life, the tree crown is formed:

  • From an annual nut, select and leave the strongest shoot, which will become the main one, and pinch the tops of the remaining branches;
  • in the future, the side shoots must be pruned until 6 to 10 skeletal branches are formed on the tree (they are pinched out).

Formative pruning is best done in the spring, and sanitary pruning in the fall.

Preventative treatments

Walnut, like others garden trees, love pests and diseases, so it is better to take measures and protect it from damage than to actively treat it later.

For prevention, the nut should be sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate twice a year: in early spring, when the buds have not yet bloomed, and in late autumn, after the leaves have fallen.

Video about the peculiarities of the formation of a young nut