How worms appear in apples. Effective measures to combat the codling moth. New from users

Hello. We turn to you for help. The fact is that all spring we sprayed the garden against leaf chewers and diseases. The time has come to harvest, but there is nothing to harvest. The apples are wormy and rotten. I have this request to you. Could you write in the newspaper what should be used to treat trees against diseases in the fall, and print a schedule for treating trees against diseases and pests in the spring in order to protect apples from worms.

Zhuravlev family, Rostov region, Morozovsk

Apples can become wormy “thanks to” the efforts of two pests - the apple blossom beetle (it must be fought before flowering and immediately after) and the codling moth (we treat the garden for it from the ovary). Fruit rot is a consequence of the work of pests. It does not damage a healthy apple.
Most leaf-eating pests will die from the same drugs that are intended for the codling moth and flower beetle. I must say right away that even twice processing of the garden, carried out on time, reduces the number of wormy fruits by 2-3 times.
It’s hard to say why you have such sad results. One can only assume that they missed the deadlines for processing, or that they came across counterfeit drugs.
Beware of counterfeits, try to cooperate with your neighbors and purchase drugs in factory-made bulk packaging. Below I will give an approximate scheme for protecting an apple orchard. But first let me remind you of the deadlines preventive treatments:
1. Green cone- 1% Bordeaux.
2. Before flowering- Karbofos.
3. Immediately after flowering- Aktara.
It is advisable to add a fungicide to the second and third sprayings ( Speed, Strobe, Vectra), and during flowering walk Horus. Recent tests by scientists have shown that the effectiveness of treatments against pests doubles if you add more to the solution. Lepidocide(if you don’t find it, use more expensive ones Fitoverm or Agrovertin). The number of wormy fruits will decrease by 4-6 times after preventive spraying with such a triple mixture!
In fact, in a normal year, you can limit yourself to “prevention”. Only occasionally look through the crowns and if you find wormy ovaries or cobwebs in the branches, scab spots or aphid colonies, carry out additional treatment.

Approximate diagram of apple tree protection
(some drugs are approved only for farmers, so use their analogues approved for gardeners)

It is not necessary to do such a number of treatments - it is too expensive. Therefore, we monitor the condition of the plants and, under favorable weather conditions, boldly halve them. It’s okay if some (5-15%) of the fruits end up with wormholes - after all, you need to make jam from something. Anyway early varieties 2-3 treatments are enough, 3-4 in autumn, and everything else in winter.

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Tasty and juicy apples always decorate the table of avid gardeners in the fall. What could be better than preparing apple jam, confiture, jam for future use, making compote, baking charlotte. For all this, healthy and tasty fruits are needed, which are often affected by worms. To fix the problem, it is recommended to find out its original causes.

The appearance of caterpillars and worms in apples is often observed by many gardeners. This problem can significantly spoil the amount of harvest, because pests quickly spread throughout the tree. When all the apples are wormy, you need to pay attention to the reasons why this happened. The most common answer to this problem is the presence of the codling moth. The insect acts as follows:

The problem can be overcome at an early stage of detection by destroying all pupae. In addition, it is necessary to use proven means for prevention - to avoid the appearance of codling moth.

Danger to the crop

Control and prevention measures

It’s unpleasant to realize in the fall that all the apples are wormy when there was hope for a large harvest. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures, as well as use common methods of eliminating the problem.

Fighting methods

, it is recommended to do this using chemicals. Confidor and Intavir performed well. Gardeners recommend using it at night, because the codling moth flies out at night. Treatment occurs immediately after the flowers bloom.

The drug Agravertin will help treat the tree during the period of fruit formation. Use this remedy twice a week with an interval of several days. main feature the drug in its composition: it does not contain aggressive chemicals, as it is created on a biological basis.

showed themselves well folk remedies. For example, birch tar perfectly repels butterflies from laying eggs. To do this, they use old rags: they are dipped in tar and hung on the tree to protect the apple tree. Herbs with an unpleasant and strong odor can also repel the codling moth. By preparing a decoction of tansy and wormwood, you can forget about problems with the apple harvest.


To avoid a situation where all the apples on the apple tree are wormy, you need to worry about the health of the tree in advance. A few tips will help keep the fruits intact:

Taking measures to prevent worms will result in juicy, aromatic apples appearing on the tree in the fall.

The codling moth primarily damages apple fruits. But it also damages the fruits of pear, quince, apricot, less often plum, peach, and can even develop on walnut.

Cleaning old bark on trees in autumn and spring in order to remove cocoons with wintering caterpillars.
Daily collection of carrion. It is useful to periodically shake the tree slightly to control the fall of damaged fruits.
Planting flowering plants attracts insects - the enemies of the codling moth.
Planting tomatoes between rows: the codling moth is repelled by their smell.
On the path of movement of the caterpillars returning from the ground after the fall of the fruit to the feeding site in the crown, you can apply a trapping adhesive belt made from ordinary sticky tape for flies. The belts are applied with the appearance of the first carrion on the trunks of apple trees and supports, not high from the ground. They need to be updated periodically.
Catching butterflies in the evening with apple syrup, which is prepared from dried fruits: 100 g of dried apples are boiled for 30 minutes in 2 liters of water, sugar and yeast are added. As fermentation begins, the liquid becomes attractive to butterflies. It is poured into any containers and placed around the site. The butterflies land on the foamy surface and die.
Apples should be stored in a tight box with a lid, without cracks. Pieces of corrugated paper are placed in it, where caterpillars emerging from the carrion are hidden. The paper, along with the caterpillars or pupae, is subsequently burned. Apple containers and supports are cleaned mechanically and scalded with boiling water.
Biological drugs:
IN last years in the fight against codling moth Fitoverm has widely proven itself, the effectiveness of which, unlike pyrethroids, increases sharply at high temperatures (at temperatures below 18 ° C it decreases). Fitoverm has a short waiting period - 2 days. The terms of its use are the same as for organophosphorus preparations.
Lepidocide, made from the bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis var.kurstaki, is used during the period of mass caterpillar hatching against each generation of the pest with an interval of 10–14 days (20–30 g/10 l of water).
Spraying with Bitoxibacillin is carried out during the growing season against each generation of the pest at intervals of 7–8 days (40–80 g/10 l of water). During flowering, treatments are prohibited.
Those gardeners who prefer to use tobacco infusion as a means of control should remember that this method is far from harmless. The toxic substance of tobacco (nicotine) was the prototype of nicotine sulfate, a long-banned insecticide. And if you use tobacco infusion, then follow all precautions as when working with insecticides.

04 08.18

What to do if apples are wormy?

You can often see in the garden that apples fall off before they ripen. If you cut such an apple, there will be a caterpillar of the codling moth butterfly inside it. The name of the insect is telling. If trees are heavily infested with this pest, you may be left without most of the harvest.

How does the codling moth develop?

Effective pest control is possible, but for this you need to know the features of its development. In spring, apple moths emerge from their pupae during the flowering of apple trees, but not all of them. After about a couple of weeks, the remaining butterflies fly out. At this time, the apple trees finish blooming and shed some of their ovaries.

After the butterflies emerge, they lay eggs. Each codling moth is capable of laying about forty eggs. Unlike other butterflies, it does not lay eggs in one place, but places eggs on different leaves, laying them one at a time. When the caterpillars hatch, they do not have to compete with each other to find food. This method increases the survival of caterpillars and the infestation of the tree by the pest.

The size of the eggs of the codling moth is quite small, because and the butterfly itself is small. The eggs are round in shape and green color with a milky tint. After emerging from the egg, the caterpillar immediately sets off in search of its future “home”. It penetrates the ovaries and begins to develop inside the apple.

Newly hatched codling moth caterpillars have an inconspicuous gray coloration. When they reach twenty days of age, their color begins to change and they become pinkish. Two black dots appear on the head of the pink caterpillar.

If a wormy apple breaks away from a branch and falls to the ground, the caterpillar can remain in it for no more than a couple of days. After this time, it crawls out and goes up the trunk of the apple tree back into the crown. Further actions depend on the age of the caterpillar. If it is a young larva whose size is not yet sufficient, then it goes in search of another apple. If the larva turns out to be quite mature, then it is looking for a safe place. There the caterpillar turns into a pupa and in this form the codling moth overwinters. In the spring, a gray and inconspicuous butterfly emerges from the pupa and goes to lay its forty eggs.

Measures to combat codling moth

The first way to combat these pests is to collect carrion every day. After the apple falls from the tree, the caterpillars do not crawl out immediately. They remain in the apples for some time. If you collect fallen fruits every day, you can significantly reduce the number of pupae that will turn into butterflies in the spring. In this case, wormy fruits must be destroyed. The caterpillars may pupate in another place, and in the spring the butterflies will return to the apple trees.

The next way to help get rid of pests is to clean the trunk of the apple tree. Caterpillars often choose cracks in the bark for pupation. If you carry out cleaning in the spring, before whitewashing, you can remove some of the overwintered pupae. Clean the bark with iron brushes or using rough gloves. The choice depends on the relief of the bark.

Another place where pupae can overwinter is the top layer of soil next to the trunk. Loosening the tree trunk circle in the fall will bring them to the surface and there is a possibility that the pests will freeze in the winter.

Be sure to treat the place where the apples are stored. Part wormy apples Before they fall, they are collected and stored. The caterpillars crawl out and pupate indoors. In the spring they will emerge from their pupae and return to the garden.

Which lie in wait for apple trees throughout their lives.

But the matter is not limited to diseases alone; hordes of active and voracious pests can’t wait to make a feast for themselves on our favorite trees.

Therefore, our main task, dear gardeners, is to notice and neutralize them in time.

How to fight them? The most dangerous ones and the fight against them – that’s what we’ll talk about.

Green apple aphid

The raids of these tiny apple tree pests capable of destroying the entire garden. Young seedlings are most at risk.

You can notice the appearance of aphids by the curling and drying of the leaves. Aphid eggs survive the winter in weeds, root shoots and fallen leaves.

Having appeared, the larvae immediately begin their destructive action: they actively suck out the juices of the buds and leaves of young plants.

  • During the summer period, green aphids can change up to 20 generations.

After 14 days, adult individuals grow from the larvae, each of which gives life to another 80-90 of its own kind.

The larvae of the next generation already have wings and have chosen a home on neighboring apple trees.

♦ What to do. Daily copious flushing of aphid colonies with water using a hose helps to significantly reduce populations of the voracious pest.

Low-growing apple crops will be effectively helped by spraying the trees with a soap solution (200 g of soap per liter of water).

  • Seek help from natural apple tree protectors - ladybugs, lacewings and syrphid flies. To attract their attention, plant the rows between the apple trees with oats or alfalfa (they attract aphids). When lacewings, ladybugs or syrphid flies gather for food, the grass is compressed. Insects, in search of tasty apple tree pests, will move to the trees.

Don't forget to clean thoroughly in the fall. garden plot and destroy fallen leaves, all carrion, and properly prune young seedlings.

Try to reduce the activity of garden ants - they carry harmful aphids.

Apple red mite

Arm yourself with a magnifying glass and carefully examine the apple trees on a clear winter day. In the folds and forks of the branches and near the buds you can see the overwintering eggs of one of the most dangerous apple tree pests.

Small, reddish eggs. This is an apple mite.

  • The larvae awaken in the spring and begin their gluttonous work. After 20 days, adults emerge from them. Up to 5 generations of ticks can change during a season.

The adult insect loves to suck the juices from the leaves and buds of the apple tree, which leads to the death of the seedlings.

Treating apple trees against pests with decoctions and infusions of certain plants helps. You need to spray trees with these products before and after flowering (carry out the procedure in the evenings every 10-14 days).

All herbal medicines must be used freshly prepared. The product must be diluted with water to a volume of 10 liters.

  • Onion peel. Pour boiling water (5-6 l) into half a bucket of husks. Let stand for 3 days. Strain.
  • Onion. Grind unpeeled onions (500 g) through a meat grinder. Then add warm water.
  • Horse sorrel. Finely chop the roots of the plant (300 g) and pour boiling water (5 l) over them. Leave for about 5 hours.
  • Garlic. Grind the garlic heads (600-700 g). Pour boiling water (5 l) over the mixture. Leave in a dark place for a couple of days.
  • Hot pepper. Chop a kilogram of pepper and boil in water (3 liters) for an hour and a half. Leave for about 48 hours. Then rub the pepper mixture, squeeze well and strain. You have a concentrate that needs to be bottled and stored in the dark and cool. To use, pepper solution (½ l) is diluted with water (10 l).

Herbal infusions are good in the fight against other pests of apple trees: thrips, aphids, scale insects, scale insects and whiteflies.


Or apple moths. They are small in size (about 1 cm), with dark gray wings and transverse lines.

Their caterpillars are dangerous - yellowish-green in color, with a dark head and a number of dark dots on the back. Before pupation, the caterpillar turns yellow.

  • Leaf rollers instantly eat the apple tree leaves from the underside, leaving only veins. But the leaf is not enough for it; the caterpillar also feeds on the pulp of the fruit, significantly reducing the yield.

Butterflies lay eggs in the spring on the upper side of the tree crown. They calmly endure winter under bark and fallen leaves.

Each female can lay up to 120 eggs, and up to 3-4 generations of insects can change over the entire season.

♦ What to do. The most effective remedy against leaf rollers - wormwood. It can be used to plant areas of the garden - it effectively repels butterflies.

You can use this herb for insects that have already appeared in several ways:

  • Decoction. Grind dry wormwood. Boil the herbal mass (1 kg) in water for about a quarter of an hour, and after cooling, bring the volume to 10 liters. Spray twice or thrice a week. To make the effect of the decoction stronger, you can knead it with chicken droppings (infuse 1 kg of droppings in water for 2-3 days and mix with wormwood 1x1), paste (100 g) and soap (40 g).
  • Infusion. Finely chop the grass. Add to the mass (½ bucket) cold water(10 l) and leave for 24 hours. Then boil for half an hour and filter. The broth is diluted twice.

Bitter wormwood will help in the fight against apple tree pests such as moths, cutworms, butterfly caterpillars, codling moths and sawflies.

You need to collect wormwood for making products during its flowering.

Apple psyllid (psyllid)

An adult insect is yellow-green or bright green in color and is armed with transparent wings. By autumn, the copperhead becomes reddish. The insect is tiny: its length is only 3-4 mm.

The psyllid larvae are flat, orange color, which soon changes to green-blue.

  • The larvae actively suck the juices from the unblown leaves of the apple tree, then move to the stalks of the buds. When sucking out the juices, honeydews leave spherical droplets (hence their name). These secretions glue the leaves, buds and buds together. Fungal development begins in the affected areas.

The larvae live for about a month. The adult insect scatters throughout the garden and settles on various herbs.

She will return to the apple tree at the end of summer to lay eggs. They reproduce especially actively in cool and wet seasons.

To do this, place small piles of lightly moistened straw along the entire row. Place tobacco waste on top of them (1.5-2 kg for each pile).

In the evening, in calm weather, set the tobacco dust on fire so that it smolders. Fumigation continues for 3 hours.

When finished, dig up the soil, as apple tree pests that have fallen to the ground can come to life and appear on the apple tree again.

Apple moth

This small butterfly (up to 2 cm) in the fall is capable of laying up to 80 larvae on the bark of young apple trees. The insect larvae are covered with brown mucus.

They winter well and wake up in the spring. They actively take on their work: they gnaw out the pulp of the leaves without touching their skin. The leaves are dying.

Before the tree blooms, the larvae crawl to the surface and entwine the young shoots with cobwebs.

  • During a massive invasion, the garden remains practically without leaves, with bare branches covered with cobwebs.

The caterpillar feeds in this way for about 40 days, then pupates. A month later, an adult insect appears. The moth flutters for 50-60 days and begins laying eggs.

♦ What to do. You can collect moth cocoons by hand and destroy them. In the spring, clear the garden of young, browned leaves - this is where the larvae settle.

The following remedy is effective: dilute a bag of ground red pepper in water (1 bucket), add a pack of shag (or a handful of samosad), a bottle of potassium permanganate and peels from garlic and onions.

Leave the whole mixture for about 3 days. Trees should be sprayed before the first leaves appear on the apple trees.

codling moth

A small grayish butterfly with wavy lines and a bronze spot on the wings is one of the most dangerous pests apple trees

Its caterpillars, up to 18 mm long, yellowish or pink in color, are terrible for trees. Having been born, they immediately begin to eat the pulp of the fruit.

  • During the season, the codling moth is capable of breeding up to 3 generations of caterpillars. With a large number of them, you can lose up to 90% of the harvest.

♦ What to do. The codling moth will not be terrible for apple trees if 2-3 plants of tansy, wormwood, burdock or Lobel's hellebore are planted under each tree.

These herbs repel butterflies and make it difficult to lay eggs. Do not leave carrion under the trees and decorate your garden with birdhouses in the spring - birds love to eat caterpillars.

Infusions of wormwood or pine needles have shown themselves to be excellent in the fight against codling moths (dilute tincture of mustard 2 tablespoons to 10 liters. Then add pine extract 1-2 tablespoons).

The first spraying is carried out after the tree has flowered, the second after 2 weeks and the third with the same interval; if you see worms, carry out the fourth treatment.

Apple flower beetle

Known to many as the weevil beetle. A voracious and malicious pest of the apple tree. It is small in size (up to 5 mm in length) and has a brownish color and a thin proboscis.

Weevil larvae can destroy up to 100% of all buds, completely depriving us of tasty apples.

Adult insects survive the winter in cracks in the bark, under leaves, and in the upper layer of the earth. Each female can lay up to 90-100 eggs per season. She lays them in the buds of the tree.

  • When the air warms to +6-8° C, your task is to carefully check the garden. Especially look at the buds of the tree. If you notice that droplets of liquid appear there, there is a high probability that beetles have settled there.

The emerging larvae actively gnaw the insides of the bud, which quickly dries out. After the apple tree has finished blooming, adults emerge and spread throughout the garden.

♦ What to do. First of all, keep bugs out of your garden. In spring, do not forget to free apple trees from old bark.

Before cleaning, equip tree trunks with trap belts. Wrap tree trunks under the lower branches corrugated paper, straw or burlap soaked in karbofos or other insecticide.

Regularly collect any insects that get there and destroy them.

Belts must be installed at the very beginning of February.

Apple glass

By appearance These butterflies can easily be confused with wasps - the same thin abdomen, narrow transparent wings with bluish-black scales.

Glassworts fly carefree around the garden all summer, they are especially active during the day. Females lay eggs in cracks in the bark of thick branches and on the trunk.

The larvae can be seen in small holes in the bark where their tip protrudes.

  • This apple tree pest is especially concentrated near trees with sunburn, bark damage and frost damage.

The caterpillars actively bite into the bark and make passages in the living part of the wood. Their activity can be seen by the entrance holes on the bark, which look like brownish heaps.

♦ What to do. Cut off dead bark and disinfect these areas copper sulfate 1%.

In May, coat the trunks of apple trees with a mixture of fatty clay, mullein or horse manure and freshly slaked lime (all in equal quantities).

Skeletal branches and trunks need to be coated. After 20-25 days, repeat the coating.

Apple tree pests, dangerous beetles

Western unpaired bark beetle: 1, 1a - female, 1b, 1c - male, 1d - larva, 1d - pupa, 1e - inner part of a damaged branch. Fruit sapwood: 2 - beetle, 2a - larva, 2b - damaged apple tree branch. Wrinkled sapwood: 3 - beetle, 3a - larva, 3b - damaged trunk.

◊ Fruit sapwood (bark beetle). Black, shiny, up to 4 cm long - this lover of apple wood is very dangerous for the life of the tree.

Its larvae overwinter under the bark of a tree. In spring, beetles emerge from them. They chew their way out and begin their flight at about 4 weeks.

  • One female beetle can lay up to 100 eggs. The pest loves weakened apple trees, old and sick. Young seedlings are practically not affected by it.

You can notice the presence of an apple tree pest by characteristic small holes on the trunk, next to which piles of wood flour are found.

◊ Sapwood is wrinkled. Dark beetle small size It has a rough, heavily wrinkled surface.

In its way of life and reproduction, it is similar to the fruit sapwood. Healthy and strong apple trees can easily cope with the pest on their own, filling the entrance holes with their juice.

But weakened and severely damaged trees should be disposed of.

◊ Western gypsy bark beetle. Bark beetles overwintering under the bark of a tree. In spring, bark beetles mate under the bark.

Then the females crawl out and after a short flight, they bite into the apple tree again and leave eggs in it.

The beetle larvae feed on apple tree sap and the fungus Candida (the female carries fungal spores mixed with excrement under the bark of the tree).

  • These beetles are extremely dangerous. After all, unlike other bark beetles, they willingly feed on young, healthy seedlings.

After laying eggs, females do not die, continue to function and can lay eggs a second time.

Methods for controlling beetles

It is easier to prevent the spread of beetles than to treat trees. Invite more birds into your garden, carry out agrotechnical measures in a timely and competent manner.

It is necessary to act based on the degree of damage to the apple tree: it can be saved if the apple tree looks healthy and the bark does not yield to attempts to pierce it with a knife.

But if there are numerous holes, the bark peels off easily - it will no longer be possible to cure the tree from the apple tree pest.

  • We treat the apple tree. In the holes left by the larvae, using a syringe, you should inject means to combat bark beetles (Empire-20, Calypso, Confidor, Antishashelin and Antizhuk have proven themselves well). The solution is injected several times (2-4 times) as the product is absorbed. Then carefully cover the passages with garden varnish.
  • Saying goodbye to sick trees. All apple trees that can no longer be cured must be cut down and destroyed (burned) as soon as possible. Stumps cannot be left either - they are uprooted. All other remains of the tree are also destroyed.

As a preventive measure, it will be useful to coat thick branches and trunks with a mixture of clay, manure, slaked lime or humus.

Apple scale

Apple scale insects: 2 - cluster of scale insects on a branch, 2a - scutes on the bark (large scutes - females, small scutes - males), 2b - apple damaged by scale insects, 2c - scute removed from the bark, under which a wrinkled female and already laid eggs, 2d - female, 2d - male. False Californian scale: 3 - cluster of scale insects on the bark, 3a - female scale, 3b - male scale, 3c - female.

The scutes are small, up to 4 mm long insects in the form of an oblong, slightly curved comma, covered with a hard skin.

Males have wings and a process at the tip of the abdomen. The eggs overwinter under the scutes of the dead female and become active in the spring.

The larvae are oval, pale yellow. They instantly spread throughout the tree and can be carried by the wind to neighboring apple trees.

  • Apple tree pests pierce the bark with sharp bristles and begin to actively suck out the tree sap. After 2 days, the larva becomes covered with a waxy coating - the time to grow up begins.

In mid-June, the larvae completely transform into adult insects. In August, females lay up to 100 eggs and die. In spring the cycle repeats.

Scale insects lead to the death of the apple tree bark, falling leaves and death of thin branches. The fruits also suffer, reddish spots appear on their surface, and their presentation decreases.

♦ What to do. Fighting scale insects is quite difficult. Adults simply have to be scraped off the surface of the wood by hand with metal brushes.

If they are heavily populated, damaged shoots have to be completely cut out and burned.

It helps to destroy larval colonies by spraying the tree with a mixture of laundry soap (200 g), soda ash (20 g) per 10 liters of water.

Well, now we know almost all the diseases and all the pests of apple trees “by sight”, we will be able to meet them with dignity and protect our garden, preserving the harvest.

With this, I think, I will finish the series of articles about growing apple trees, since we have covered the main stages of their life: the choice of seedlings, them, young and mature trees, possible diseases and pests.

Have a healthy garden, dear friends, and see you soon!