How to paint the walls with your own hands. Artistic painting of walls. Create a composition on the walls

The original painting of the walls in the apartment can be easily done with your own hands.

Painting on the wall is a great alternative to wallpaper and other decorative materials used for interior decoration. A hand-made drawing has many advantages: durability, exclusivity, it looks quite expensive and presentable in the interior. But there are also negative factors due to which many owners of apartments and houses prefer alternative options: high cost of work of the master and materials. This is a reason to think about DIY wall painting.

Can a layman paint the walls in a room

Even a simple painting conceived costs customers a lump sum, all because a professional artist who appreciates his work takes on it. But the art of painting walls in the interior can be quite simple and does not require artistic skills. Many are afraid to paint the walls in apartments for a simple reason: lack of experience and fear of ruining the renovation of the room. But in this case, the main thing is the successful choice of the image and technique in which the drawing will be performed.

In order for the composition to look as beneficial as possible in the room and emphasize its advantages, hiding the shortcomings, you should familiarize yourself with the simplest and most affordable options for painting walls in the interior.

One of simple options do-it-yourself wall painting in the apartment

Selecting a pattern

Decorative wall painting begins with the choice of the background and the image that will be present on it. It is also important to choose a location decorative element on the wall and consider the following factors:

  • the size and shape of the room;
  • the purpose of the room;
  • the location of the source of natural light, how bright the room is;
  • general style in the interior.

For example, fabulous motives, simple images of animated characters, flowers, soap bubbles, cute and simple landscapes are suitable for a children's room. For kitchen ideal option there will be motives with fruits, vegetables and dishes. Walls in bedrooms and living rooms can be painted with plant compositions.

Wall painting in an apartment is an opportunity to hide room defects: irregularities on the walls, too low or high ceilings, lack of lighting.

Do-it-yourself artistic painting of the walls will be more successful if you first sketch the room on paper and plan the location on it.

Proper preparation of walls for painting

Wall painting in a bedroom or any other room should be carried out only on a properly prepared surface. It is subject to the following processing:

  • if there are traces of old finishing materials, they should be removed;
  • significant irregularities are leveled with a solution or glue mixture;
  • after it dries, the walls are plastered;
  • a primer is applied over the plaster for subsequent better adhesion with the putty;
  • the surface is putty and sanded with sandpaper, then primed again.

Scheme of preparing walls for painting

After all these works, the walls are painted. The material should be applied evenly, preferably in two layers. Only after the paint has completely dried can you start applying the pattern in one of the available ways.

It is better to use acrylic paints as a background: the layer of the material will be distinguished by increased strength and durability, and also have excellent external characteristics.

What paints to paint

  • ease of mixing and application: to obtain lighter shades, the color should be diluted with white paint;
  • the material fits well on the surface;
  • to obtain the desired consistency, the paint is diluted with water.

You should also acquire materials for drawing drawings:

  • a soft colored pencil for making contours, if necessary, it can be easily removed with a regular eraser;
  • for large strokes, large wide flat brushes;
  • for thinner lines, small columnar round brushes are suitable;
  • if you plan to draw flower petals, you should get a foam rubber round roller, the edge of which will be drawn details.

To achieve maximum strength and durability of the finishing layer, after the drawing is applied and the paint has dried, the wall is covered with a special varnish. You should also think about purchasing it in advance.

Simple ways to apply pictures to the wall

There are two main options for applying drawings to the wall in an apartment. They can be used even by people with no experience in wall painting:

  • by hand;
  • using a stencil.

Options for the image of trees on the wall

If you have at least some drawing skills, then you can use the first option and draw a simple image with a brush and acrylic paint. But if such a prospect is daunting, and there is no desire to experiment in the visual arts, you can buy at hardware store stencil and use it to create an interesting and original decor in the room.

Stencil decorative wall painting in the interior is a faster and more practical option. Before you paint the walls in a room, it is important to find harmonious shades of background and pattern.

How to paint a wall by hand

The first thing you need is a suitable drawing. You can take an image of a tree as a template. You can draw a dark tree on a light background, or vice versa. White or beige acrylic paint will stand out clearly on a dark wall. Work must be carried out in accordance with the following instructions:

  1. The contour is applied to the wall using a soft colored pencil. It is not necessary to follow the evenness of the lines. If they are slightly crooked, the quality of the picture will not suffer from this. The line can be erased or tweaked with a rubber eraser if desired. It is worth making sure that the pencil does not break the integrity of the paint layer on the wall. The drawing can be partially transferred to the adjacent wall and ceiling. When applying the contour, you should constantly step aside to evaluate appearance Images.
  2. A thin brush draws outlines and small branches, if they are present in the picture. The paint is applied in several strokes, so the drawing will look more professional even if the artist cannot draw a short, even line.
  3. The contours are neatly filled with a thicker brush. This should be done carefully, without going beyond the contours. The tree is "painted over" from the bottom up, the paint is applied in a thin uniform layer. First, the larger elements of the picture are sketched, then transitions to smaller details are made.
  4. The tree may have leaves, butterflies or birds may fly near it. It is important to choose the colors of these parts. Alternatively, plain elements. WITH bright shades it is better not to experiment, if additional small elements differ in color from the tree trunk, it is better to take soft pastel colors. The edges can be decorated with fine lines of gold or silver acrylic.

The walls in the apartment with your own hands can be painted with other drawings, but the above technique is the basis for the successful application of any image to the surface.

Large flowers on the wall with outlines on top of the image

Large flowers are another popular option for wall painting in living rooms. This can be a living room, bedroom, kitchen, nursery, or even a bathroom. Bright elements of juicy shades will look favorably on a light background.

The drawing can be done in warm or cold colors, if desired, they can be combined. After filling the main volume with paint, the contours are drawn with a thin brush using black acrylic. This should be done after the colored paint is completely dry.

Stencil painting

In hardware stores there is a large selection of stencils for creating decor on the walls in the apartment. They are glued to the wall and then easily removed. Such a pattern can be applied both over the painted surface and on the wallpaper. In the second case, they must be paintable. In addition to acrylic paint and a stencil, you should purchase a narrow roller. The drawing is quite simple:

  1. The stencil is glued to the wall.
  2. The roller is dipped in paint, for this purpose it is better to take a special container for paint, so its excess will not remain on the tool.
  3. Before the paint is dry, the template is carefully removed from the wall and can be reused.

If the wall will be opened over the picture with transparent varnish, this should be done only after all layers of paint are completely dry, otherwise the image will be damaged.

More details on the video:

Indoor decorative painting is a way to create an exclusive, fashionable design in the living area. It is quite simple to paint a wall by hand, the main thing is to carefully think over the image on the wall and how it will be in harmony with other elements of the interior.

Modern market decorative materials for interior decoration today is replete with its diversity. This is not surprising, since consumer demands are regularly growing. And, despite a wide selection of finishing materials, wallpapers, stained glass windows and stretched canvases, hand-painted walls in the interior remain unique and, one of the most expensive room decors.

Each wall drawing is unique in its own way, even if it is a replica of a famous painting. After all, artists leave a piece of their own soul in each of their creations, creating masterpieces and a unique atmosphere of the entire room.

The drawing on the wall will surely attract the eyes of guests.

Each drawing is unique in its own way

Wall painting is one of the most expensive decor options.

Artistic wall painting in the interior is the central element of the decor. It catches the eye, depending on the viewing angle, lighting, it can change, playing with new colors.

Therefore, you should pay special attention to the choice of the plot, the color palette, as well as to the quality of the work performed. Despite the artistic and aesthetic value, such decor can also fulfill the following functions.

  • A high-quality drawing is voluminous and multifaceted. With its help, you can visually expand the boundaries of the room.
  • Depending on the selected image, you can visually change the geometry of the room: visually "raise" the ceiling or align the collapsed arch.
  • There are no dimensional restrictions, it all depends on the wishes and imaginations of the customer. You can create both a huge landscape of sizes on the whole wall, and decorate the room with miniature pictures.
  • Given the wide popularity of antique items, some images are specially craquelled, creating an aging effect. In this way, you can mask room defects (cracks or irregularities).

An important rule of painting walls in the interior is compliance with the measure. The oversaturation of the room with this kind of decor will turn a cozy corner into a museum of fine arts. Also important nuance is an right choice drawing for the decoration of the apartment. So, for example, the image of cartoon characters will not look harmonious in a living room decorated in a classic style.

With the help of a picture, you can visually expand the boundaries of the room.

The drawing can be of any size

Preparing the wall for interior painting

Substrate preparation prior to paint application is an important part of the work. The subsequent service life of the wall masterpiece, as well as the transfer of color and the principle of applying paints, depends on its quality. Like any preparatory work, it consists of several stages.

    Clean the wall from the old coating, plaster, remove all unnecessary elements (nails, reliefs).

    Fill up cracks and irregularities, if necessary, use a reinforcing mesh.

    Degrease the surface with a special alkaline solution.

    Apply a leveling plaster, remove roughness after complete drying and prime.

    Apply a small layer of finishing putty. After drying, clean from defects to a smooth state and prime.

After that, you can apply the masterpiece.

Before drawing, it is worth preparing the wall.

If everything is done according to the rules, the drawing will delight the eye for a very long time.

Drawing is worth drawing from sketch

Paints for painting walls in the interior

When choosing paints for a wall image, it is important to give preference to high-quality and certified brands, because the final result largely depends on them. There are several types of paints.

    • Acrylic - have a number of advantages: they are easy to mix, have a wide color spectrum, dry quickly, do not have a pronounced odor and are durable.

      Oil oils are less popular than acrylics, as they are less durable, less easy to mix and more difficult to work with.

      Tempera - based on wax and oil. Thanks to this, by overlaying several layers, the result can be a three-dimensional image.

For specific purposes, you can choose the right paint

You should choose paint from trusted manufacturers.

Mural brushes

The brush is one of the key tools in this work. An exception is abstraction, which is created using a special tool - sponging. An experienced artist has a supply of several brushes of varying thickness. So, for example, thin brushes are used to work out thin and small lines, and thicker brushes are used to create volumetric areas of the picture.

The quality of the brush coat also plays a significant role. More expressive lines are obtained with squirrel or pony brushes.

For some paintings, stencils, pencils, spray cans and felt-tip pens can also be used.

If all the rules have been followed, the end result will pleasantly surprise you.

All materials must be of high quality

The quality of the picture also depends on the brushes with which they paint

Wall painting in the interior: varieties of execution techniques

Like any kind of art, wall painting is developing, new techniques for drawing drawings appear. The most popular interior painting techniques are shown in the table below.


Method essence

The work is carried out with special paints on dry plaster with lime in its composition. After the drawing has dried, it is covered with a special calcium film.


The essence of the method is to apply several layers of multi-colored plaster to the wall. After that, the necessary pattern is scratched on it. The technique requires high qualifications of the performer.

The result is a three-dimensional image with several contrasting colors.

3D image

The work is carried out in several stages:

    Creation of a volumetric drawing from plaster or plaster.

    Painting the dried layer with colored paints.


The essence of the method is similar to the work in the fresco style. The difference is that the plaster must dry completely, but before applying the image, it must be moistened with water.

Application of acrylic paints

There are no restrictions on the choice of the base for the drawing. The result depends on the skill of the author and can embody any design ideas.


The work is carried out with special spray paint cans.


The finished masterpiece resembles a retro-style painting. One color and all its gradations are used here.

For specific purposes, use its own method of drawing a picture.

There are many drawing methods

Hand-painted walls in the interior of different rooms

For each room, you should choose an image, as well as a color palette, depending on the general interior concept, the style of the room, as well as its direct purpose.


The bedroom is a resting place. It is important to stick to restrained and calm shades and images, avoiding aggressive themes. You should not make out the painting of the walls, depicting eddies and waterfalls, raging elements on them. Withering plants and predators in the bedroom are also inappropriate. When choosing a drawing for painting the interior in the bedroom, you can use the rules of Feng Shui. Below is a table of the most suitable pictures for the bedroom.

You can also create an original drawing.

Plants and landscapes are most appropriate in the bedroom.

For the bedroom, it is better to use calm shades.

Living room

This room is the main one in the apartment. The family spends most of their time here, and parties and receptions are also arranged. This area should be decorated with picturesque paintings that embody joy and comfort. The best choice can serve:

  • reproductions of famous paintings;
  • natural and seascapes;
  • urban images;
  • abstraction.

Also, when choosing a picture, you should be based on the style of the room:

  • for a classic or Victorian style, ancient columns overlooking the sea, images of a blooming garden will harmoniously fit into the interior;
  • hi-tech or minimalism goes well with black and white abstraction or the look of a modern city;
  • for ethnic style you should select paintings depending on the country and its culture that you wanted to embody (cherry blossoms for Japanese style, pyramids for Egypt, Champs Elysees and Triumphal Arch for the French interior).

Urban landscapes with nature are perfect for the living room.

The living room should be decorated with picturesque paintings.

Kitchen and dining room

The nuance of wall painting in kitchen interior is the choice of its location. Do not paint a wall near a sink or stove. Constant contact with water and temperature changes can negatively affect wall painting. If this arrangement is essential for the owner of the kitchen, you should choose moisture-resistant paints for work, and also varnish the creation in several layers.

To visually expand the room, a landscape, imitation of a window or a picnic in nature is perfect. These are the most popular design tricks.

If the purpose of painting the walls of the interior is to create a specific atmosphere, the best solution may be:

  • Still life;
  • Image dining area in a cafe or restaurant;
  • Coffee fantasies and pictures with berries and fruits.

After application, the drawing should be treated with protective agents.

Landscapes are perfect for the kitchen

The drawing should be applied on the wall where there is no furniture.


The main factor that stops customers from painting walls in the interior of the bathroom is high humidity rooms and regular contact of walls with steam. These aspects can significantly spoil the wall creation, however, modern techniques and materials allow you to avoid such negative moments. In such situations, you must adhere to the following rules.

  • Use moisture resistant plaster.
  • The work is carried out with special moisture-resistant paints.
  • Cover the painting with several layers of protective varnish.

Observing all these rules, the drawing will serve its owner for many years without losing its aesthetic properties.

An original solution for the bathroom will be the image of the seabed on the walls together with its inhabitants.

Drawings of a marine theme are suitable for the bathroom.

The drawing in the bathroom should be treated with protective equipment.

Children's room

Flight of fancy for painting walls in children's interior not organic. When choosing the style of the drawing, you should consult with the young owner of the apartment. Wall painting can turn a room into a fairy tale, creating an atmosphere of magic.

From a psychological point of view, aggressive images and flashy colors should not be used for wall painting in a children's room. Here you can use:

  • underwater landscapes;
  • fabulous forest with fairies and animals;
  • magic castles;
  • cartoon characters and landscapes.

It is worth giving preference to calm and neutral colors for the wall background, but the characters themselves can be drawn in a bright and expressive style.

Video: Volumetric 3D art wall painting

50 photos of ideas for artistic wall painting:

One of the most popular ways to decorate a house or apartment is to paint the walls in the interior: photos of exquisite paintings that turn typical rooms into stylish corners can be found both in fashion magazines and on the Internet.

Decorating your home with such images is becoming fashionable, but often in a desperate desire to make their home more attractive, ordinary people forget about style and appropriateness. It is the wall painting that is considered the very technique that can both spoil and decorate the interior.

Wall painting: exquisite decor for all rooms

Interior painting, according to the designer, is appropriate in almost any room and in any style. Such versatility of this decorative technique, as well as its originality, make such images popular in modern design... Artistic painting can change the mood of a room and make it more aristocratic and sophisticated. A high-quality drawing on the wall will remain unshakable for many years, since the techniques used make it possible to create extremely durable coatings.

ADVICE! The choice of an image for painting a wall should be based on the style of the room: pastoral paintings for Provence, pop art for modern or abstract art in a minimalist interior.

Artistic wall painting in the interior of an apartment is a great way to create a unique design. The choice of subjects, colors and features of painting finishes will help to bring its own unique feature to each room. This decoration technique is appropriate in all rooms of the house:

  • To decorate the living room, a neutral plot is suitable, which will appeal to all family members. At the same time, it is important to select plots and motives that set you up for a positive: for example, a seascape or a view of a garden. In addition, it is for the living room that plots are often used that can visually expand the space.

  • Painting the walls in the bedroom is used as often as photo wallpaper. Peaceful sea and mountain landscapes, images of flowers or the starry sky, as well as all kinds of romantic paintings are considered traditional. You should not abuse the abundance of details in the picture in the bedroom - this can irritate the inhabitants of the room.

  • Wall painting in the children's room is no less popular. Instead of typical photo wallpapers with long-familiar cartoon characters for a children's room, individually developed plots are used, taking into account the child's hobbies and preferences. The standard color scheme for a children's bedroom is soft pastel colors, calm and expressive. Flashy and bright colors are appropriate only in the interior of a teenager's room.

  • To decorate the kitchen, painting is used a little less often due to, as a rule, the small size of this room, which does not allow the wall plane to be used as competently as possible. Most often, the wall in the dining area is painted, drawing an image of a city or summer landscape.

All options for wall painting ideas should be selected only with experienced designer because a seemingly attractive large-format picture on a wall may not look very good. In addition, a specific plot should be selected according to the style of the room, its layout and the furniture that is planned to be placed in the room. Since such a wall inevitably becomes the semantic center of the interior, it should not dominate or suppress.

Types and techniques of wall painting

Wall painting is done by wet or dry plaster specialists. These techniques differ as radically as watercolor and oil painting.

Experts distinguish the following technologies for painting walls in a room:

  • A fresco is an application of an image on wet plaster, involving the use of water-based paints. This method of working with wall paintings is considered rather difficult and requires the maximum professionalism of the master, which is associated with the instant drying of the paints and the difficulty of making adjustments to the picture.

  • Alsecco is a slightly different technique for painting walls, which consists in applying an image to a layer of dry plaster. This method is considered not so durable and reliable, but working with a dry surface is more suitable for an insecure artist.

  • Modern airbrushing is suitable for creating voluminous and vivid images. It is this type of painting that is considered the most realistic, since the features of the tools with which the master works allow him to apply the smallest images and details on the wall.

F ACT! Graffiti, as a street type of airbrushing, can also be used for home painting: abstractions and crude technique are ideal for modern interiors.

  • The classic version of painting is the application of an image with acrylic paints on a pre-prepared flat surface. Fast drying and safe for humans, the paint is ideal for indoor use without any particular problems. In addition, this option is easy to combine with others: for example, to supplement the acrylic drawing with special phosphoric paint, which will glow in the dark.

Graffiti "Lucas"

Features of drawing an image and care for painting on the wall

A specialist professionally engaged in wall painting, as standard, works according to the following scheme: creating a project, preparing a wall, drawing a sketch and painting with paints, fixing an image. Strict adherence to the given scheme allows you to achieve the maximum result, since there are no unimportant details in this work.

  • The sketch is matched to the size and style of the room. The opinion of a specialist will help to avoid problems with the inappropriateness of the plot in the interior.
  • A smooth plastered and sanded surface is covered with a special primer, which not only fixes the wall, but also softens the movement of the brush.
  • A sketch is a prerequisite for working on large areas, since the slightest distortion of the lines threatens to spoil the whole impression of the painting.
  • The paints are applied based on the chosen technique. Preference is given to the safest materials without a pungent odor, quickly drying and retaining brightness for a long time.
  • To fix the image, a matte or glossy varnish is usually used, which allows you to wipe the wall with a damp cloth to remove dust.

You should take care of the wall painting carefully and carefully: to clean the surface, use the most gentle compounds, soft rags and brushes. The varnish layer practically does not wear off, which allows you to maintain the brightness and clarity of the image for many years.

May 15, 2018 Sergey Somov

Good day everyone, maybe evenings or morning. It's not that important. What matters is what I have step by step recipe"How to make a painting of walls with your own hands in an interior or apartment."

There is a widespread opinion that painting is a kind of miracle, which is given only to a select few, that either you have it or you don't! It is strange, because my teacher, who taught me everything that I can and know, said: "Close the monkey with me in the workshop for a week, and she WILL draw, and draw well!"

Why am I writing all this, and how can this be attributed to the theme of painting a wall with my own hands in a room? It's very simple! What I'm trying to tell you is that even in art, a system is needed! And if we draw a parallel with sports, then you will not notice the difference, and here and there there must be a system, a competent sequence of actions that will facilitate the achievement of the goal and improve its quality.

And so, this was the introduction to the article "painting walls with your own hands in the interior", which is important to comprehend and understand. And we are moving on to the first stage.

Choosing a picture for painting a wall with your own hands

I decided to show with a simple example of painting a wall how to do it with your own hands, without special skills and achievements in the field of fine arts. For this I will take a picture with small color gradations, a picture that is built on large local spots, blah blah blah…. Yes, this one:

I strongly advise you not to rush to throw yourself on the wall in order to paint it with a masterpiece that the world has never seen! Take something simpler, less. But you will do the most important thing on the way to the skill of painting a wall with your own hands, namely, you will understand the principle and approach in this work. Trust me! After all, you have already read to the next point)!

Preparatory drawing for painting a wall with your own hands in an apartment

Now we will start to cheat. In short, we will print this picture and transfer the drawing to the wall. But this is very brief, and here it is necessary to understand in more detail.

With this, we put aside all thoughts about the preparatory drawing for painting the wall with our own hands in the apartment and talk about an equally important point of our venture.

Preparing the wall surface for painting with your own hands

I want to note right away the fact that in this article about painting a wall in the interior, everything I write about is of paramount importance! Otherwise, you risk encountering a violation of the technology, and this, in turn, will lead to a slowdown in the working process, and in the future to mechanical destruction of the paint layer of the painting.

So let's come up with full responsibility and finish what we have already started correctly.

One of the many questions that we constantly hear from customers is how to prepare a wall for painting? The answer is simple: "We align the wall as for painting", that's all. And just at this stage of my repair, and my walls are aligned for painting, I will start painting with my own hands at a pre-planned place. But maybe your wall has already been leveled and painted a long time ago - that's even better, because you don't have to read my lectures on primer and so on.

An important point! Preparing a wall for painting means:

  1. Give the wall the correct geometric shapes by applying shiukaturka and putty
  2. Apply several coats of deep penetration primer

You can check the last, important point by sliding your palm along the wall:

Please note that dust and whitewash remain on the palm of your hand, and this should not be in any case!

If we consider this moment from a logical point of view, then when we apply paint to the wall, dust will remain between the paint and the wall, which will not give the correct adhesion of one to the other, the result will be disastrous for our wall painting in the interior.

It is just the deep penetration soil that will help us avoid this. Plus, it evens out the absorbency of the wall, which is also important!

Choosing a soil

The best and highest quality for all types finishing works was and remains Knauf Tiefengrunt. But it is expensive, and perhaps it is not entirely appropriate to take it for our training. Therefore, I can offer you an analogue, which is a fairly high-quality replacement - Dufa Tiefengrunt. Well, if you don’t find any, we will need deep penetration soil of any company. Further, it is a matter of technology, we just prime our wall, where there will be a do-it-yourself painting. And there are thuja too important point worth considering! After priming, don't rush to pounce on the wall and paint on it! Let the soil dry well for at least an hour.

Well, if you don’t find any, we will need deep penetration soil of any company. Further, it is a matter of technology, we just prime our wall, where there will be a do-it-yourself painting.

And thuja also has an important point that should be considered! After priming, don't rush to pounce on the wall and paint on it! Let the soil dry well for at least an hour.

We transfer the drawing for painting on the wall

And so, the next step is to transfer our drawing to the already prepared wall for painting. My approach to work is simple: "In war, all means are good!" The main thing is the result, and if it is good, no one will care if we cheated a little!

Namely, we will not pick up a pencil, and, like real artists, draw on the wall, we will simply transfer the existing printout to the wall using the technology that I will describe below:

We will need:

  • Our printout
  • Molar tape
  • Sanguine or any other soft material (charcoal, sepia sanguine, etc.) that is sold in an art store.
  • And a sharpened pencil.

We turn the printed picture over and put it on a flat surface. Then we take a piece soft material for drawing (sanguine, charcoal, sepia) and rub the back of the picture as I do in the picture below:

As a result, you should get the following:

I applied sepia to the back of the printout to paint the wall only where I had the drawing.

Next, we place our printout directly on the wall, look where it will look best, and fix it with molar tape on several sides.

Thus, a layer of soft material remained between the wall and the sheet.

We take a sharpened pencil in our hands, and outline each line of our drawing directly on the wall, slightly pressing on the pencil. Try not to move the drawing, secure it with masking tape properly!

When we have drawn everything with you (make sure of this for sure), we remove our sheet, because it is no longer needed, and we look!

The most accurate, perfect drawing was translated without any problems.

So, the preparatory drawing for painting the wall with your own hands in the interior is ready. Let's figure it out further?

DIY wall paints

I have already written several articles about DIY wall paints. Wrote about better quality and less expensive ones. In this wall painting I will use paints from this article. I hope you are not too lazy to look at this article, since I was not too lazy to write this one)

Color system in painting

In our case, when painting a wall with our own hands in an apartment, we will use a color scheme. What does this mean and what is it for?

I'll start from afar. Acrylic paint, on water based, when dry, darkens significantly and changes color. Frankly, I don’t know exactly what it’s connected with, but we have to reckon with it and take it into account! And now, when you paint on the wall with paints, and mix colors on the palette, then, in order to correct something, finish painting, you need to mix the same color, you will mix it again on the palette, put a few strokes on the wall, on an old layer of paint, everything seems to be fine, but after 15 minutes when the last strokes of paint are dry, you will see that it turned out to be a completely different color! You missed the shade! How to be in this situation? How to do this DIY wall painting professionally? For this, there is a system of colors. It consists in the fact that we pre-mix the colors we need in separate containers, as many colors as needed, and then use only them. And later, if something needs to be finished and corrected, we still have the same paint and the same color! I use food cans from the grocery store in my do-it-yourself wall painting, they are very convenient because there is a lid in the kit that you can always close, and the paint will not dry for many more weeks!

And here, we smoothly approach the practice, even if it is still a technical part of it.

First of all, I will use light shades and colors, therefore, I will first pour the whitewash into the container, and then add the paint of the color. I'll add a little bit.

I will mix it thoroughly, and make a small paint on the wall, because only on the wall can we understand whether this is the color that we need.

As I wrote earlier, when it dries, the paint changes its shade and darkens. Therefore, I suggest that you wait for it to grab, for about 5-10 minutes, and then decide whether this color suits us.

I will not harm, since this is an educational painting, and I make it solely for informational purposes. I'll just continue painting the wall.

A small digression. We will have to paint over each layer several times, since the paint will fall unevenly the first time. Yes, this is not very convenient, but if you want a high-quality painting of your wall, you will have to work here. And be sure to wait until the layer is dry, and only then apply a new one over it! Well, I'll continue.

I would like to hope that you have understood the principle, and then I will give several photos of the sequence of painting the wall with my own hands according to the above scheme:

We mix the color (the color we need).

Trying on the wall.

If everything suits us, we paint the area we need.

If you need a straight joint line, stick on masking tape as in the photo.

We continue painting further according to the principle given earlier.

An important conclusion!

As you can see, in fact, there is nothing difficult about it. And absolutely anyone who has knowledge of the sequence in wall painting will be able to feel like a real artist and decorate their interior with an original solution.

If you still have any questions, because I understand that it is impossible to describe everything in great detail, ask them in the comments under this article.

After all, one more very important question remained unanswered: "What varnish to cover the painting on the wall?" ... I will reply to it by mail to everyone who leaves it in the comments! Promise!

With the help of paint and improvised means that can be found in every apartment, you can change the interior beyond recognition. And there are many ways to paint walls that will not only transform the space, but also give a lot of pleasure to those who will participate in this process.

Get away from boredom

Using paint on the wall, you can create an exclusive pattern that is not found on wallpaper. This allows you to make the interior special and different from others. You can experiment with colors and shades, shapes, textures. When using several colors, it is worth remembering that in this case it is better to combine:
Different shades of the same color;
Related shades;
Contrasting colors that go well with each other.

Gradation, blots and mold

Today it is fashionable to experiment not only with colors... More and more, designers are trying bold wall designs. For example, they age the wall, make the effect of mold or a damp wall, but use blue, pink, green shades. Large blots, spots and stains look bold and extraordinary. It is appropriate to use such decor on one of the walls in order to highlight a certain area in the room or make it the compositional center of the interior.

Bold DIY Effects

You don't have to be a professional designer, artist or painter to create these effects. And special tools are not needed in this case. You can make the wall unusual with regular sponge, a clothes brush and a rag. To create textured reliefs, it is recommended to use glue or glazed paints. You need to work with them only after the base paint has completely dried.

Marker and chalk to help

Increasingly in modern interiors walls and furniture painted with slate paint appear. This allows you to take notes on the surface and draw all kinds of images. So the interior is always updated depending on the mood of its owners.

Marker paint also belongs to innovative types of coatings. After its complete drying, which occurs within seven days, you can draw on such a surface with dry-erase markers.

Using stencils

Unusually, you can paint the wall using stencils, buying them at a hardware store or making them yourself. For self-made stencil comes in handy thick paper or cardboard. Also, an interesting effect will be obtained if you wrap a roller with a piece of twisted rag and paint the wall with it.