How to make beautiful collages from photos. Creating a unique collage from photographs: design options. Collage of photos for a wedding anniversary

One of the touching gifts is a photo collage. This is due to the fact that photographs are not only interesting images, but also guardians of human emotions and feelings. Such a gift can be presented for absolutely any holiday, which makes it not only memorable, but also universal. You can make a photo collage with your own hands different ways, and you can kindle the activity of your imagination based on the ideas presented below.

One of the most touching gifts is a photo collage.

There are many ideas for designing a collage of photographs, which differ from each other in the complexity of the compositions, the necessary elements and tools. Any of them is an excellent gift for the holiday, no matter what, because photographs collected in the same style carry positive energy and charge you with positivity every time you view it.

Most often, photo collages are made for the following holidays:

  • wedding and its anniversaries;
  • birthday;
  • mothers Day;
  • anniversary dates.

You can also make a photo collage from photos kindergarten or schools. This can decorate the walls of the house and, like a photo album, carry information about family and friends.

Gallery: photo collage (25 photos)

DIY photo collage for Mother's Day

Most often, parents are presented with simple compositions from photographs so that they can examine the tender images as carefully as possible and remember long-standing emotions and feelings. That's why the best option When creating a collage for Mother's Day, its design on a background is considered. You can also make a beautifully unusual template from whatman paper and photographs to congratulate a man on his birthday from a woman. To make it look festive and unusual, you can look at samples and templates online for free and paste in all the photos that have connected you for many years.

For this you will need:

  • square high-quality bright photographs in multiples of 4 (of the same size);
  • polyurethane, plywood or plastic base 40x60 centimeters;
  • double sided tape;
  • foam brushes;
  • matte glue for decoupage.

Most often, parents are presented with simple compositions from photographs.

How to do:

  1. The first step is to outline the future composition. To do this, you should place the selected photos on the base. The pictures should be arranged in even rows.
  2. After the composition is balanced and harmonious, you need to glue all the photographs in place using double-sided tape.
  3. After gluing all the photos, the collage should be coated with glue so that it becomes uniform and is protected from dust and dirt. To process the composition of the terminals, use a foam brush.
  4. When the glue has dried, turn the collage over and attach to the base the mount necessary for hanging the composition on the wall.

For such a composition, you should choose high-quality and bright photographs; it is advisable that they remind your mother of the most important and happiest moments of her life. Therefore, for Mother’s Day, you can collect photographs of the hero of the occasion, as well as her children from infancy. This will make a touching story of her life. If there are few such photos, you can create a composition by taking images from a vacation or trip.

How to make a birthday photo collage?

Creativity and imagination should be used when creating a birthday gift. Compositions based on original geometric shapes look interesting. If it’s a loved one’s birthday, you can make a heart-shaped collage for him, and if it’s a colleague’s birthday, you can give him a composition of initials from photographs. If the hero of the occasion is an animal lover, the photo can be framed in the silhouette of his beloved pet, and if he recently traveled to the sea on vacation - in the form of sunglasses or a beach umbrella.

An original gift is made from the following necessary items:

  • photographs of any size and shape;
  • the basis of the chosen form;
  • ice lighting and fastenings for it;
  • double sided tape.

You need to be creative and creative when creating a birthday gift.

How the registration works:

  1. The photographs are placed on the base so that there are no empty spaces between them. You also need to make sure that the photos do not block each other too much. In order for the composition in the chosen form to look organic, it is allowed to change the mounting angles of the photographs, but not to a large angle.
  2. Finished work can be laminated, placed under glass or secured with decoupage varnish.
  3. You can decorate the composition using additional elements. Ice lighting looks very impressive. To do this, run a cord along the edge of the mold, securing it every 4-5 centimeters with fasteners.

You can also use various paper flowers, buttons, rhinestones, beads, and stickers as decorative elements. They will give the composition a special mood and emphasize its individuality.

Collage of photos for a wedding anniversary

A wedding anniversary is a family holiday, so the gift for it should be intimate and touching. An anniversary photo collage can be made from matchboxes– the result is an original and delicate composition, devoid of bulky elements.

To make it you will need:

  • photographs of various sizes;
  • cardboard base;
  • pencil;
  • glue (it is advisable to use instant crystal);
  • double sided tape;
  • decorative elements;
  • matchboxes;
  • scrapbooking paper with various wedding inscriptions;
  • acrylic paint.

A wedding anniversary is a family holiday, so the gift for it should be intimate and touching

Design technology:

  1. Before you start creating a composition, you need to draw a sketch of it. The sketch should reflect the relationship various sizes matchboxes or a group of them.
  2. Next, the intended ornament is laid out from the boxes, excess edges are removed to form larger cells.
  3. All boxes are carefully glued to the base using glue.
  4. The resulting base is tinted acrylic paint and left until completely dry.
  5. Then photographs are glued into the cells using double-sided tape. It is worth considering that the picture should not be glued to each cell. You can add various decorative elements to some cells; by the way, there are various examples of pasting wedding paraphernalia there: rings, images of doves, glasses, dresses and suits, the bride’s bouquet.
  6. Some cells can be decorated with simple scrapbooking paper cutouts with captions.

After the glue has dried, the collage can be secured with decoupage glue. You can hang the picture on the wall or give it as a gift after a few hours - as soon as the glue has completely dried.

Photo collage on the theme “My Family”

Family photo collages are the largest in size. This is because family history is long enough and can be constantly replenished. Therefore, to create a composition on the theme “Family”, it is better to use a collage design scheme from individual photographs. Instead of a photo collage, a large postcard is also suitable, where you can also paste small photos and write “our friendly family”; a child can take such a composition to kindergarten.

To compose a composition you need:

  • photos of the same size (a composition of square photographs looks impressive);
  • plastic or foam cardboard;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue.

A huge advantage of this collage is that it can be replenished with new photos at any time.

How to do it yourself:

  1. First of all, a plastic or foam cardboard backing is cut to the size of the photo (0.5 centimeters larger on each side). The base should be cut using a stationery knife.
  2. Photos are glued onto the cut-out base using glue. The edges of the bases will act as photo frames, so equal space should be left on each side. The base can also be decorated with wallpaper or other neutral paper or material. For these purposes, you can use samples of wallpaper or furniture upholstery.
  3. Photos on backings are placed on the wall. An original and simple move is to arrange all the substrates in several straight rows. This arrangement will resemble a real family photo album.

A huge advantage of this collage is that it can be replenished with new photos at any time.

With the advent of cameras, photography has become an integral part of our lives. Digital and physical photographs are pleasing to the eye, reminding us of happy moments in the past.

Sometimes photographs in strict frames or in folders on the desktop get boring, and you want to somehow transform them, make them especially interesting and unusual, without changing the very essence. For this it is better to use collages.

How to make a photo collage with your own hands on your computer for free

There are many ways to create digital collages. We have collected the fastest and most effective of them. You can make a collage in:

  1. Photoshop;
  2. Painte;
  3. On a special website;
  4. Power Point.

There are other computer photo editors, but Photoshop still remains the most popular among them, so it is given as an example. However, you can use any other program of your choice.

Creating a collage in Photoshop is not as difficult as many people think. First, enter the query “collage png” into a search engine and choose a background that you like. After that, open it and the photos you need in Photoshop. Check if the containers you want to insert photos into are transparent.

If not, double-click on the lock opposite the collage layer and use the “magic wand” to select the desired area. Press the Del button and the containers will become transparent.

Select the photo with the rectangular marquee tool and copy it onto the collage. Using the “free transform”, which is located in the “edit” item, select right size and rotate the image so that it fits perfectly into the frame.

The photo layer should be under the collage layer. All unnecessary details can be removed using an eraser during final processing. Now all that remains is to save the collage.

Except easy creation For collages, you can download various effects for your image from the Internet or choose one of the standard ones preinstalled in Photoshop. They will make your photo collage unusual and more colorful.

How to make a photo collage with your own hands on a computer if you haven’t purchased Photoshop and don’t want to download a pirated version? Then paint can help you. Of course, the resulting collage will not be as beautiful and elegant, but if there is no alternative, then all means are good.

Launch Paint and create a blank canvas. Open the first image using the "insert from" button and adjust its size. Then repeat this with other photos.

When the images are in place, select a rectangle shape with a solid fill, select a color manually and create small colored frames around the photo. As a result, you will get a modest, neat collage.

Experiment with shapes, colors and shades, number of photos and canvas size. It may take some time, but the result will not be long in coming.

Photo collage on a special website

If you have free access to the Internet, why bother? There are many sites on the Internet that will allow you to create your own unique collage for free and quickly. One of them is the Pickmanki service.

Log in to the main page of the site and click on the “Collage” button. Then select “Add Images” and upload your photos. Photos will appear in the left panel.

From there you need to drag the pictures into the template on the right and they will fall into place. Next, you need to center them by moving the mouse and adjust the scale with the slider from below.

The site has several collage templates designed for different quantities images: from three to twenty-five. They can be changed with a mouse click. The template frames can be painted in any color.

If you have chosen a template, but there are not enough photos for it, you can use thematic pictures that have already been uploaded to the site to fill the free cells.

Another good site for creating photo collages with your own hands on your computer for free is “Photor”. Click on the “get started” button. In the left panel, select a collage template, frame outline, color, and texture. On the top right there is an “Import” button. Click on it and upload photos. Then transfer them from the panel on the right to the cells in the frame and use the mouse to place them evenly.

The third site for working with collages is “Fotovisi”. It differs from the two described above in functionality. In addition to standard frames with smooth or patterned edges, there are various collages by category, for example: girly, with effects, for holidays and others.

Having selected your category and the collage background itself, click on the orange “Add Photo” button in the upper left corner and upload the desired images. Your photos will appear directly on the collage; you just need to move them to a place convenient for you.

Most of the objects in a collage are individual objects that can be moved and grouped in any way that suits you. In order to save the collage, you just need to click on the “finish” button in the upper right corner of the screen.

Good afternoon to all blog readers! Today you will learn how to easily and quickly make a collage from photographs without any specific skills. I use them very often both at work and in ordinary life. Let me tell you a secret: this is an excellent way to make images unique, and avoid copyright claims from 90% of copyright holders 🙂 Just kidding, of course! Do not violate copyrights. Well, collages can be used for beautiful design your blog, pages on in social networks, and much more.

How to make a photo collage

To make a collage of photographs using a special program, for example, Photoshop, you need skills in working in a complex graphics editor. Moreover, it is paid.

But there are many free tools and services. They all work on the same principle: you just need to upload a few photos to the site and with a couple of simple steps you can automatically create the collage you want.

Below I will talk about the most popular and interesting, in my opinion, programs and resources on the Internet for image processing.

Image processing programs

When it is not possible to make a collage of photos online, applications installed on your computer will help. There are plenty of programs on the Internet that can help you do, for example, beautiful postcard without having special skills.

The most popular of them:

  • Picasa is a popular application for viewing, cataloging and processing images. It has the function of automatically dividing into groups all images available on the computer, and the option of creating collages from them. Picasa is currently not supported by Google, replaced by Google.Photo. In principle, the functions are the same, including the creation of collages. To work, you will need to create an account with Google.
  • Photoscape is a graphical image editor with a wide range of functions. With its help, creating a beautiful collage will not be difficult. The program database contains ready-made frames and templates;
  • Photo COLLAGE is one of the best means With big amount built-in filters, layouts and effects;
  • Fotor is a photo editor and photo collage generator in one program. The software does not have a Russian interface, but has a wide range of capabilities;
  • SmileBox is an application for creating collages and postcards. It differs from competitors in the large number of ready-made presets, that is, sets of graphic settings for images.

The advantage of such applications is that, unlike Photoshop, they are designed for creating collages, postcards and simple image editing. Therefore, they have only the tools necessary for this, which greatly simplifies the development of programs.

Making a collage in Photoscape

Launch the program and you will see a large selection of menu options with colorful icons in the main Photoscape window.

Select the appropriate one and drag pictures onto it from the left menu, holding each one with the right mouse button.

Using the top right menu, you can change the shape and size of images, background color in every possible way, and when you click on “Edit”, a selection of additional parameters and settings will open.

After applying all the desired effects, click on the “Save” button in the corner of the program window.

All is ready!

Review of online services

It is not necessary to download programs and install them, wasting time and free space on this hard drive. There are a lot of ready-made services on the Internet that offer the same functions. All of them are free and only a few have paid options. Navigation through online editors is simple and similar. To make a collage from photos online, various frames, effects, icons and other elements are already available in huge quantities in such services. This is an excellent alternative to traditional applications, and for them to work you only need a stable Internet connection.

So, my personal TOP online resources for creating collages:

  1. is a foreign site with a pleasant interface, Russian language support and intuitive tools. You can work fully without registration. Without a doubt, number 1 on my personal list of such services.
  2. PiZap is an image editor with support for creating collages of varying complexity. With it you can apply many fun effects to your photos, change the background, add frames, etc. There is no Russian language.
  3. Befunky Collage Maker is another foreign resource that allows you to create beautiful collages and cards in a few clicks. Supports Russian interface, you can work without registration.
  4. is a site in English, but with very simple controls. Offers a ton of ready-made templates to choose from.
  5. Pixlr O-matic is a very simple Internet service of the popular PIXLR site, which allows you to upload pictures from a computer or webcam for further work on them. The interface is only in English, but everything is simple and clear.
  6. is a website about photography and travel. In the top menu there is a line “COLLAGE ONLINE”, by clicking on which you can go to a page with an English-language application for creating collages.
  7. Avatan is an editor in Russian with support for photo retouching options and creating collages of varying complexity (simple and unusual, as written in the site menu).

Almost all of the resources mentioned require that they be installed and enabled in a web browser to function fully.

How to create an original photo collage using Fotor

Most of these services work on a similar principle. It is enough to master one to understand the features of the others.

1. Open in your browser. You need to register to be able to save completed works to your computer. Registration will allow you to share the created collages on social networks. You can log in via Facebook.

3. Now in the center of the page there are three points: “Edit”, “Collage and Design”. Go to "Collage".

4. Select a suitable template and drag photos onto it - you can import them using the corresponding button on the right or practice with ready-made images for now.

5. Now you can make a photo collage online for free - there are templates to choose from at large quantities. If you don’t like the standard ones, use the items from the menu on the left - “Art Collage” or “Funky Collage” (some of the templates are only available for paid accounts, they are marked with a crystal).

6. In the “Art Collage” mode, when you drag a photo onto the template, a small menu appears next to it for adjusting the image: transparency, blurriness, and other parameters.

You can add inscriptions, shapes, ready-made pictures from the “Decoration” menu or use your own. The same applies to changing the background.

This is how you can make a gorgeous collage in literally 5 minutes. Still have questions? Ask them in the comments!

A self-made collage can turn out to be an interesting decorative element of the interior or a holiday gift.

Tools and materials you will need:

  • photos;
  • base for gluing;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Some don’t stop there and also use various decorative details to create collages: beads, ribbons, appliqués, buttons and others. In addition, colored pencils or felt-tip pens for drawing will also come in handy.

How to make a collage:

    Before you start creating a photo collage, you need to decide on its size and basis. For example, it is recommended to make large photo panels on a hard surface. This could be a sheet of cardboard of a suitable size or plywood, cork, or whatman paper.

    In addition to the basics, a concept is also required. It is necessary to draw up a clear plan for what the future collage will be. For example, for some holiday or about travel. Based on the idea, magazine clippings and decorative elements are selected.

    The images do not have to be arranged exclusively sequentially one after another. They can be glued diagonally, overlapping, with different steps between photos, at an angle. It all depends on the concept thought out in advance. In addition, images can be pasted in some form. For example, hearts, filling it with photographs different sizes.

    To ensure that the images stick tightly to the base and that excess glue does not come out at the edges, it is necessary to apply it to the photo, retreating 5-7 mm from the edge. After all the photos are placed in the collage, you can add to it and decorative elements, painted. Everything that can be glued is glued with suitable glue.

    For example, feathers, sand, and ribbons adhere well to PVA. But beads, volumetric elements require stronger glue. For example, from a special heat gun or on a rubber base. Drawing is usually applied either along the edges of the collage or in the spaces between photographs and clippings. Once the photo panel is ready, it can be inserted into a frame to complete the work.

Making a collage on a computer is even easier, since you only need the right program. Many support not only the creation mode, but editing, the ability to attach stickers, add signatures, which significantly expands the range of work.

Photo collages , created on a computer, can not only be posted on social networks or on a website, but also printed later in a photo workshop. If possible, the workshop can select the appropriate size for printing - from standard A4 format to large wall collages.

A collage of photographs is a creative interior decoration and an excellent gift for a close friend, girlfriend or relative.

You can easily make this wonderful art object yourself. Even a beginner in handmade art will be able to master a collage of photographs with their own hands, and the result of the work will delight you and your loved ones for many years.

DIY photo collage on a backing

One of simple options collage - a product of a simple geometric shape on a finished base. It's quick to do and looks very impressive. The main thing is to choose bright, preferably portrait photographs.

So, to make a collage you will need:

Photos (square, in multiples of 4, for example there are 48 of them)

Backing (this can be a polyurethane sheet, plywood, plastic) size 40*60 cm

Velcro, tape or special hangers for attaching to the wall

Foam brushes

Decoupage matte glue (you can also use PVA good quality)

Double sided tape

Let's consider the stages of performing the work. The most important thing is to form a composition. Select photos, decide on their number and size, and place them on a backing. It is important that the photos are the same size and arranged in even rows. If necessary, carefully mark the location of the rows with chalk or pencil, the main thing is that the markings can then be easily erased. When the composition is ready, start carefully gluing the photo onto double-sided tape. After gluing the photo, the collage needs to be covered with a layer of glue so that it looks like a single whole and is protected from dust.

After the glue has dried, the collage is ready. All that remains is to attach it to the wall using the means of your choice.

DIY photo collage in original form

In addition to the classic geometric shape, you can give the craft a thematic look, for example, for a wedding collage, choose the shape of a heart, give the birthday boy a collage in the form of his initials, sunglasses are suitable for photos from a summer vacation, and his silhouette is suitable for a photo with a four-legged pet.

To create such a collage you need to prepare:

Base (cardboard, Whatman paper)

Glue or double-sided tape

On the selected basis, draw the silhouette of the future object, cut it out and begin filling the space of the object. Place the photos in such a way that there are no empty spots, but also that some photos do not overlap too much with others. The finished work can be laminated or placed under glass. And add additional decoration, such as lighting around the perimeter of the product.

Photo collage using matchboxes

To create a three-dimensional collage, you can use matchboxes.

To work you will need:

Photos of different sizes

Base (cardboard or Whatman paper)


Glue moment-crystal

Double sided tape

Decorations (flowers, butterflies, shells, mementos, etc.)

Scrappaper with inscriptions

Acrylic paint

Before starting work, draw a sketch. It should be a combination of cells of different sizes, forming a square or rectangle. Determine the exact dimensions of each cell. Transfer the sketch onto the base. Lay out the cells from matchboxes, cut off the excess sides so that you get boxes in place of the cells, corresponding to their size. Glue the boxes to the base. Paint the product with acrylic paint and let dry thoroughly. It will be universal White paint, but you can choose any color depending on the theme of your collage. Then distribute the photos into the cells, arrange the decorations, and fill some cells with scrap paper cutouts. Once the composition looks harmonious and complete, you can begin gluing photos and decorations. Use transparent glue; you can also glue three-dimensional elements using glue gun, if there is one. After finishing the work, leave the product to dry, you need the glue to set well. For greater durability, after drying, you can coat the product with decoupage glue. After a few hours, you can hang a collage of photographs with your own hands on the wall.

    So, you have made your collage of photographs with your own hands, now you need to find a suitable place for it.

    The theme of the collage should correspond to the chosen room. Romantic hearts are suitable for the bedroom, and bright photo combinations for common room.

    If you decide to add a frame to your collage, choose a simple rectangular or square frame made from thin frame to maintain the focus of your work.

    The photographs themselves should be made in the same style; it’s good if all the photos are from one photo shoot.

    You can add more creativity to your craft by processing and preparing collage elements using Photoshop or Picasa.

    The latest software even has the ability to automatically create a collage from uploaded photos. If you have skills in working with these programs, then be sure to use them.

    If necessary, adjust the photo, perhaps you will make all the photos black and white, or add some kind of general color accent.

    Can be given to photos interesting shape or make a bright background.

    You can complete the entire collage in the program, and then simply print the work in the format you need.

    This option is also popular, especially if you can process the photo well.

    Either way, using these programs can add flavor to your work.

    Try creating a photo collage with your own hands, it will be a good alternative to a photo album.