How to make a floor vase from a pipe with your own hands: master class, video. Floor vases: beautiful DIY decor DIY floor vases made of paper

It happens that a change of furniture or a renovation requires changing interior details that no longer suit the style or color. But parting with your favorite items is about You often don’t want a situation at all - many of them are gifts from loved ones and remind you of pleasant events or significant dates

. Decorating a vase with your own hands is a simple and inexpensive way to give a second life to an old or boring item. Unusual shape You don’t even dare throw away bottles, and they often gather dust on the shelves of balconies and mezzanines. Simple experiments with such vessels lead to wonderful results if you give free rein to your imagination and creativity. For original design You don’t have to buy expensive beads, rhinestones and stones. Often interesting decor

It comes from what any craftswoman has in her handicraft box - ribbons, pieces of leather, buttons, braid, coins, tape.

How to decorate

For interior decoration, vases are purchased taking into account the style and color schemes of the premises. A craft you make yourself should also complement the decor and not stand out as incongruous. Therefore, the choice of materials is taken seriously. Classic and ethnic styles

  • discreet, calm colors and natural raw materials are suitable:
  • tree;
  • paper;
  • pebbles;
  • shells;

seeds of fruits and cereals.

For an interior designed in an antique or colonial style, choose rich soft shades, vintage items with intricate patterns, images of animals and plants.

  • To decorate such crafts use:
  • putty;
  • gypsum;
  • napkins for decoupage;
  • various paints;

beads and beads.

Modern furnishing ideas do not require a variety of forms; the main condition is convenience and comfort. Objects should please the eye with simple outlines, pure colors, and few details.

  • Decorating a vase with your own hands for such rooms will not be difficult if you have:
  • narrow tape;
  • jute twine;
  • pieces of fabric;
  • stickers;

lace. Varia

nts of transformation

Numerous ideas borrowed from the Internet do not have to be implemented exactly. It is enough for the independently decorated vase to acquire a finished and harmonious look. For this purpose, crafters often use whatever they find at home, in the yard or in the garden.

To completely transform a boring old flowerpot, you can decorate it with floral or geometric patterns. Transparent bottles become bright and lively, and Products made of ceramics and plastic are first painted in one tone, and then the selected design is applied, using only acrylic paints.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Wash the vessel thoroughly.
  2. Degrease by wiping with alcohol or acetone.
  3. Apply the base tone (optional) and dry.
  4. Draw abstract patterns over the entire surface or decorate only the neck, bottom or one side.
  5. If necessary, add accents with sparkles and glitter.

Three-dimensional patterns are laid out from small pasta, seeds, cereals, buttons, and eggshells. Titanium or PVA glue is suitable for this. Painting such crafts is done at the last stage, when everything has dried well.

Pique technique

The fascinating process is often compared to meditation - it absorbs a person so much. Even without drawing skills, it’s easy to make a complex pattern if you first print a sample from the Internet and put it inside a transparent vase. Drawing with dots greatly simplifies the process - there is no risk of drawing a crooked line or making it too thick.

Contours for ceramics and glass of different shades are used:

  1. The product is degreased.
  2. With short touches, the outline of the drawing is sequentially marked, placing dots one after another.
  3. For expressiveness, change the interval between the dots and their thickness.
  4. The mistake can be easily corrected by immediately wiping off the unnecessary material with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.

Light contours look good on dark vases, and it is better to decorate transparent ones with colored patterns. In this case, you need to ensure that the ornament is symmetrical on opposite sides.

Stained glass painting

This technique is used in cases where there are skills and experience similar work. Making smooth and beautiful contours is not easy. On transparent glass, multi-colored elements look wonderful, reminiscent of wonderful stained glass windows.

Use only special coloring compounds and brushes made of natural bristles, work procedure:

  1. The vase is degreased.
  2. Using a thin marker, draw the details of the image.
  3. All lines are outlined with the outline of the selected color, making sure that the outlines are closed and solid.
  4. Dry it.
  5. Fill the elements with paints.
  6. Heat in the oven at 150 degrees for about 30 minutes.

I use paints t special, transparent, intended for stained glass painting. When they harden, they form a smooth film of a bright, clean shade.

Fabric and ribbon

Satin and grosgrain ribbons are used to decorate not only decorative pillows, but also decanters and flowerpots. Bows and bright shades They create interesting accents and enliven any room.

Burlap, which is used to cover or paste over objects, is appropriate for creating a cozy, warm atmosphere. The texture and color of the fabric echoes wooden furniture, untreated stone surface, natural natural shades of the walls.

You can decorate any simple shaped vessel:

  1. Ribbons are chosen either in one shade or in contrasting colors.
  2. The tip is firmly fixed, securing with several turns.
  3. Wrap tightly, make sure the turns are even, and use a glue gun.
  4. The ends are decorated with bows, or carefully hidden under the previous layer.
  5. A wide ribbon, matched to the color of the bouquet and beautifully tied, will gracefully transform even an ordinary jar.

The burlap is glued with PVA glue, secured with jute twine and plain lace. The fabric can be sewn into the shape of a bag or a cut can be used as a wide ribbon.


Multi-colored beads, half-beads and seed beads - good materials for creativity. First, it is determined what size and color the elements are suitable for the selected ornament or pattern. The sketch is made with a marker or pencil.

The following actions:

  1. Small area lubricate with glue.
  2. Attach the large parts first.
  3. Then smaller ones are glued.
  4. The work is done from top to bottom so as not to accidentally move wet areas.

For convenience, beads can be strung on a thread and glued in a continuous row. Large items can be decorated with large half-beads.


Salfe applications current or special cards, with the help of which even ordinary jars become unusually cute, are not easy to make. If you have no experience working with decoupage, it is better to first practice on unnecessary interior items or utensils.

Suitable motifs are often selected from kitchen double-layer paper napkins, then do the following:

  1. Separate the white layer of the napkin from the colored one.
  2. Cut out the desired silhouette with scissors.
  3. The surface of the vase is thinly greased with PVA.
  4. The cut out design is placed pale side up on a cellophane file.
  5. Pour a puddle of water onto the file.
  6. Straighten the picture carefully, trying not to damage it.
  7. Carefully drain the liquid, making sure that no wrinkles appear on the napkin.
  8. Place the file with the applique on the area coated with glue.
  9. Smooth the drawing with your fingers through the file, removing air bubbles and folds.
  10. Remove the file and coat the picture with a brush dipped in PVA glue, half diluted with water.
  11. When the work dries, it is varnished.

Having mastered the basics of technology, you can easily refine even a plastic vessel. By choosing napkins with images that repeat motifs on curtains or wallpaper, needlewomen harmoniously fit old trinkets into new interior.

Natural materials

Decorative branches for a hand-made floor vase are usually collected on the banks of large bodies of water. In such places there are pieces of wood that have been polished smooth by waves and bleached by the bright sun, so they do not require additional processing.

The collected branches are attached using a glue gun, observing the order of work:

  1. A large rectangular or round flowerpot made of transparent glass is best suited.
  2. The branches are glued tightly to each other, alternating short with long.
  3. The monotony is diluted with small beads, bows, and fir cones.
  4. The wooden part is varnished.

Sand is also a source of inspiration, but they use clean, washed sand, preferably river sand. With the help of PVA glue, even a child can transform any jug; you just need to apply patterns from a tube of glue and immediately sprinkle them tightly with dry sand. The dried drawing is varnished.

Marine style

Shells brought from the sea, glass processed by sea waves, and beautiful pebbles will fit perfectly into a craft for the bathroom or children's room.


  1. Large elements are attached with a glue gun.
  2. Small parts will stick to Moment or Titan.
  3. You can collect flowers and boats from shells.
  4. Metal pendants in the form of an anchor or steering wheel, or a chain will add originality.
  5. The dried craft is varnished.

They enliven the composition by drawing splashes or waves.


A smooth transition of a pure shade from intense and saturated to pale is now in fashion. This technique is used in dyeing clothes, manicures, and hairstyles. An ordinary pot-bellied bottle is transformed into an ultra-fashionable item using ombre dyeing.

You will need cord or twine and egg dye.

Step by Step Actions

  1. The bottle is wrapped in tight turns with jute or linen cord.
  2. The dye is diluted according to the instructions.
  3. The liquid is poured into a low cup.
  4. Place the vessel bottom directly into the dye.
  5. Leave it for some time.
  6. The cord is gradually saturated with the coloring liquid, the higher it is, the weaker it is.
  7. When you are satisfied with the result, dry the bottle without turning it over.

This option will allow you to quickly solve the problem when there is a need for several containers for bouquets at once. Even a variety of shapes and sizes will not prevent the composition from looking in the same style after processing.

Decorating with clothes

Old jeans or a torn sweater are great materials for cozy, warm ideas.

A piece of a knitted blouse creates a unique effect of soft relief, especially if the knitting is in the form of braids or convex diamonds.

Step by step guide:

  1. The lower part of the back, front or sleeve with elastic is cut off.
  2. The fabric is sewn in the shape of a tube, suitable in volume.
  3. The elastic band is placed at the neck.
  4. The bottom edge is trimmed evenly and carefully processed so that the threads do not fray.

Nylon tights, worn out, are impregnated with PVA glue and wrapped around a jar, forming beautiful folds. Such work takes a long time to dry, and during the process it is soaked several times with the adhesive solution. As a result, it becomes hard, like ceramics, and, painted in a metallic shade, looks very impressive.

Stickers and content

Discreet stylish applications and children's funny stickers will help out when there is a theme party, a matinee at school and kindergarten, but there is nowhere to put flowers.

To work you will need wrapping paper, do the following with it:

  1. Sheets for packaging are cut so that a piece is enough to completely wrap the product.
  2. Wrap the containers, crumpling the paper with your hands so that it repeats the convexities and presses tightly in the concave places.
  3. Wrap the sheet inside the neck and secure it with lace or tape.
  4. Decorate with stickers, placing them symmetrically.

Jars filled with small candies, citrus slices, and marbles look original. Making such a decoration is simple - a smaller vessel of similar shape is placed in a transparent container of a larger volume, and the gap between the walls is filled with small bright objects.


Regular paint glass bottles made from spray cans are painted so that they resemble newfangled products from famous designers.

You will need narrow tape or tape.

Execution of work:

  1. Using tape, they create an abstract pattern of lines on the surface or even stripes.
  2. Paint carefully.
  3. Remove the tape from the dried craft.
  4. Adhesive traces from transparent areas are removed with a cotton swab and alcohol.

Jars that are treated with paints with a metallic sheen are especially impressive.

Marble decor

Imitation marble will help refine a large but ugly vessel that sits on the floor. You will need acrylic paint; tones are selected close to natural ones.

Process description:

  1. Degrease the product.
  2. Cover completely with gray or greenish color.
  3. Dry without drips.
  4. Prepare 2-3 types of acrylic enamel in darker, richer tones.
  5. Pinch a piece of sponge or foam rubber with a clothespin.
  6. Dipping a sponge, make chaotic prints on the surface. different sizes, achieving resemblance to natural stone.

This item will fit into any interior and decorate the decor even in a minimalist style.

Other ideas

It is very easy to decorate a DIY flowerpot with regular newspaper. To do this, the sheet is crumpled into a ball, then straightened. Glue it tightly in this form and dry it. Then they paint and apply a light contrasting patina (special paint for aging). The effect of noble antiquity is guaranteed, especially if the craft is coated with matte varnish.

The unique decoration is made from salt dough. From plastic material they sculpt plant leaves, images of animals and people. The painted vessel resembles antique items. Pieces of wire, leather straps, clothesline and dry branches are all in in capable hands turns into vase decoration elements for interior decoration.


The video shows a master class on decorating a vase with improvised materials.

Decoration plays important role in shaping the general mood in the room. Correct design can emphasize sophisticated style and create an organic look for the room. Creating a harmonious interior in your home is possible without spending a lot of money. One of the popular methods of decorating a home is decorating a vase with your own hands. There are many ideas for decoration, in this article we will look at the basic tips for decorating a flower vase.

The vase can be painted black with a golden tint

Newspaper can be used as a decorative element by making flowers out of it

Artificial fruits with yellow leaves are perfect for vase decoration

Using simple improvised means, you can create a unique interior element from an ordinary vase. In order for decorating to bring pleasure and the expected result, it is important to follow your imagination, combining incongruous things and introducing the most unexpected solutions.

Marine style vases

What do we associate with marine style? With shells, sand, sea knots, waves, ships.

To implement the simplest way to create a vase in nautical style You will need:

  • Several vessels of different shapes
  • Twine or twine
  • PVA glue
  • Scissors
  • Fabric dye (or Easter egg dyes)

The vase can be wrapped in beautiful paper, it will look very beautiful

An example of how to decorate a vase

Round vase

Prepare string according to the height of the container. Apply glue. Glue the ends of the rope. Make sure the base of the twine is tightly secured. Then start braiding the braid (see picture below), not forgetting to coat the surface with glue as you apply the rope. Cover the remaining seam with a layer of ropes using glue, securing them vertically to create a contrast with the weaving.

You can wrap ribbons around the vase, this will give it softness.

It doesn’t matter how you decorate the vase, the main thing is that the result turns out beautifully

You can put beads inside the vase

Vase "Ombre"

For this aesthetic DIY vase decor option, you can use a vase of any shape. We recommend using a cylindrical vase. Apply glue and start wrapping it with twine from the base to the very top. Wait until the glue secures the string tightly. Then place the bottom of the vase in the paint container. You can choose the saturation and consistency yourself. Leave the vase to dry. As soon as the vase is dry, you will be able to see the fruits of your efforts. A smooth transition of your favorite color on an exquisite vase.

It's time to run for flowers, isn't it?

You can also use shells for marine decoration.

Or do not carry out any actions with the appearance and place sea elements in it instead of flowers.

If you have the ability to draw, you can beautifully decorate a vase

You can make covers for the vase, it will look very beautiful

Do-it-yourself dot painting of a vase

This type of design is quite complex in execution, but it gives free rein to imagination and allows you to bring ideas to life.

What you need for painting:

  • Acrylic paints
  • Brushes, toothpicks, sticks (anything you can use to apply paint)

Apply raised dots with paint, using a ready-made pattern or style as a basis. Be careful not to touch the already applied layer. The most popular designs for dot painting are ethnic, Indian, and tribal patterns. However, the flight of your imagination can take you much further!

Beads are perfect for decorating a vase

Regular glass bottle you can wrap it in bright fabric and get beautiful vase

You can make a beautiful vase from an ordinary bottle

Decorating a vase with clothes

Dressing a vase in your clothes sounds ridiculous, but with this method you can quickly and beautifully decorate a vase.

  1. Sweater decor. If you have an unnecessary knitted sweater, then you can decorate a vase with it. Using a piece of a sweater and glue, you will get an original decorative element. Just imagine how cozy you can create it on a cold winter evening.
  2. Decorating with socks. Prepare a small container. Trim the bottom of the sock or spats above the heel. To determine the size of the base, use a sheet of A4 paper and circle the size of the base. In accordance with the size of the bottom, cut a piece from the scraps of the sock. Sew the flap for the base with the sock and voila - the vase cover is ready!

Leaves in a vase will perfectly complement the interior

There are many ways to decorate a vase. a large number of, choose what is closest to you

Working with floor vases

In interior design, floor models are often used, which add a special charm and fit perfectly into any design - be it minimalism, hi-tech or sophisticated classics.

In order for the floor vase to sparkle with new colors, you should create an organic decor.

Cover the container with plain paint and decorate the neck with twine or twine.

A feeling of organicity and unity with nature can be achieved with the help of cut branches carefully glued to the outer surface. You can place pieces of warm-colored paper under the cuts.

Floor vases are ideal for interior decoration with stones, grains, artificial flower elements and other types of fillers.

A vase decorated with beads looks very aesthetically pleasing. In general, a creation made with your own hands will fill your home with special energy!

You can make simple lines and it will look beautiful

Golden abrasions will add elegance to the vase

You can use stickers to decorate a vase

Marble vase

Decor acrylic paint will help achieve the “marble” effect. For this you need a transparent container. The secret of the decor is that the painting will not be done on the outer surface, but on the inside.

  1. Rinse the vessel and degrease it.
  2. Prepare several shades of acrylic paints
  3. Do not add water to acrylic! It is necessary to rotate the vessel in a horizontal position, adding paint drop by drop.
  4. After spreading a layer of one shade, add a couple of drops of a darker color to create a marbling effect with the paint.
  5. Turn the vessel over and place it on a towel or other cloth to drain off excess paint.

Knitted covers for a vase perfectly complement its appearance

Beads can be used to decorate a vase very beautifully

Glasses and pebbles

Using glass pebbles, you can decorate the surface of the vase in an unusual way. For this you need a glue gun and PVA. You can use elements of different colors to make the decor even more original.

Simple vase decor

We invite you to familiarize yourself with ideas for decorating flower vases.

Using coarse threads you can create bright and cozy design for any type of container.

Romance! Fill the vase with wine corks and artificial flowers.

For fall chic decor, use pine cones, twine and artificial flowers. Create the mood in your home!

Painting the can with copper paint. The most unusual vase in the house. The room decoration element can be decorated with artificial flowers.

Don't throw away broken saucers! Apply a layer of painted plaster and place the pieces of beautiful glassware in it. You can also use colored or glossy paper.

A vase with golden scuffs will look expensive

You can decorate a vase using available materials

Option for decorating a vase with fabric and paints

How to decorate a vase

Below is the table additional materials used for decoration.


Method of use

For decoration you will need craft paper. For design you need PVA glue. First of all, you need to cover the outside with regular paper soaked in glue. Twist strips of craft paper into ropes. As soon as the container dries, start gluing the bundles. As a result, you will get a stylish design.


For filling you can use cereals, coins, stones, shells, earth, and beads. Using the layering method will create a beautiful, extraordinary contrast.

Sheet music, newspapers

Coat the cut materials with glue and stick them around the vase. Use a brush to smooth out any wrinkles. After drying, seal with varnish.

Sticks, branches

Dry branches prepared in advance can be glued to the surface, creating interesting design. It is also possible to use branches of different sizes for a cylindrical vase

Having chosen the desired pattern and design, start gluing rhinestones to the base. Use self-adhesive rhinestones, or purchase glue and ordinary rhinestones in advance.

Twine, twine

Attach the end of the rope to the base of the container using glue. Then the thread is wound around the container. Don't forget to lubricate the vase with glue.

Apply a layer of colored plaster and place any decorative elements into the plaster. The dried version will exceed all your expectations.

This vase will harmoniously complement the decor of the room.

A black vase will look beautiful against a white wall

Create beauty! Use everything you see. Buttons, leaves, stones or coins. Let the vase you created with your own hands please you and create an unforgettable impression of your interior.

Vases can be a wonderful interior decoration. You can even create some of them yourself. Vases can be decorated and transformed very quickly, even with your own hands. This will allow you to create more and more distinctive features in the interior.

1. Original filling of the vase

An excellent option is to fill a vase with wine corks, with the help of which the vase is immediately transformed.

2. Lemon vase

A simple, but at the same time very bright option for decorating a vase using lemon decor, which will be just a godsend.

3. Small vases made from bottles

A beautiful option to create many mini-vases with your own hands from ordinary bottles.

4. The vase is decorated with beads

It is possible to transform and decorate a vase with the help of beads, which will create a truly beautiful vase in a minimum of time and money.

5. Wooden vase decor

Nice decoration of a vase using branches, which will add lightness and unobtrusiveness to the interior of any room.

6. Stylish and simple vases

Beautiful design of small vases that will decorate any home.

7. Vases are decorated with cord

Using thread or cord, you can create unforgettable vases that will be simply an excellent solution for decoration.

8. Regular bottle design

An excellent option is to decorate an ordinary bottle in the form of a beautiful vase, which you will definitely like.
9. Transformation of bottles

A nice solution to create beautiful vases from ordinary bottles that will become a godsend.

10. Decorating vases with sparkles

An original solution for decorating vases using gold sparkles.

11. Cute glitter vase

A great option to create an original and pretty shiny vase that will decorate any interior.

12. The vase is decorated as a candlestick

One of the fastest and simple options, so this is the creation of a candlestick from a vase.

13. Perfect combination

If you combine several bottles of the same shape, you can get a custom vase with cells like this.

14. Vase made of tree branches

Cute and very interesting option create a vase from tree branches that will transform the interior of any room.

15. Bright painting of a bottle decorated as a vase

An excellent and very interesting option for painting a bottle that became a vase very quickly and easily.

16. Original tied bottles

Decorating bottles is a very interesting and difficult moment that is worth taking note of and making the most of in practice.

17. Vase decor using pencils

An original option is to decorate a vase using ordinary colored pencils, which will be a godsend for any interior.

18. Decorating bottles with thread

It’s a nice idea to decorate ordinary bottles with thread, which will be a simple discovery and will allow you to create original vases.

19. Decorating an ordinary transparent vase

A quick and simple decor for an ordinary vase that will transform your interior in no time.

20. Painting wine bottles

Decorating wine bottles using hand painting, which can be even more attractive than this.

21. Vase decor using wood

An original design of a flower vase using wood, which looks charming and delicate.

22. Custom wire vases

Beautiful and perhaps very original version create a vase from wire, which looks very interesting.

23. Excellent table decor

One of the best and simplest options for decorating a table is using a cute vase that you will like.

24. Cute DIY vases

You can decorate any of the vases with your own hands in a wide variety of ways that you will definitely like and inspire.

25. Successful vase decor

A nice solution to elevate an ordinary transparent vase using burlap and accessories.

26. New Year's vases

Interesting decor of vases New Year's style, which will simply be the highlight of any interior.

27. Original vase with a transparent bottom

Cute and very interesting example designing a vase with a transparent bottom, which will become a feature of the interior.

In decoration modern interior, outdoor ceremonies and special events cannot be done without a huge number of flowers, so it is very interesting, which would be as beautiful as its contents, but at the same time would be quite cheap. We will look at what interesting ideas there are, including new items that you may not have heard of yet.

In modern variations, how to make a vase with your own hands, the use of improvised materials, such as glass containers for food and drinks, predominates. Indeed, in this way you recycle potential waste and end up with very interesting decor for your home. Moreover, for example, it will be very simple to implement; you can decorate your interior with it at no cost. country house, open veranda, set the table for a birthday party outdoors, and then at the end of the summer season, dispose of it according to all the rules or leave it for future use.

Incandescent light bulbs turn into miniature vases if you remove the base and socket from them, tie them to a string or ribbon, and add a stand. Pasted strips of self-adhesive paper onto an empty bottle will turn it into an interesting stand for one flower, and coins applied to a cheap vase will turn it into a luxurious decoration.

The main thing is to do everything carefully and extremely carefully, choosing colors and textures, then the homemade product will be indistinguishable from designer decor.

Don't think that science how to make a vase with your own hands from paper or from a plastic bottle does not allow you to get durable, reliable and presentable decorative items. If you decorate them correctly by choosing related materials, then according appearance no one can distinguish it from a ceramic or glass product.

What you should not do in such cases is to trim the edges with fringe, cut it out on plastic and paint it, this way you will not hide the material itself, but will only emphasize its cheapness. Much the best options There will be papier-mâché, decoration using woolen threads, jute and hemp ropes, colored tape, sparkles, and sequins.

There is a wonderful design method that works equally well for both plastic and glass bases. It consists of using, in addition to paint, which completely covers the surface of the workpiece, also special stained glass contours. Moreover, it is the contours that apply the pattern even before the paint is applied.

Thanks to its texture, the contours will appear on the paint, which means an interesting and very valuable effect will appear. It is good to make such vases in an ensemble, from several products of different sizes and shapes, and use this decoration option for methods how to make a floor vase with your own hands theirs is simpler and cheaper.

In the photo you can see what the finished result looks like, and you will probably want to repeat something similar with your own hands, be it ordinary or.

A great way to use a plastic container in a slightly non-standard version was spotted by the designers in ideas. We are talking about concrete vases that are poured into the base.

In the photo above you can see the main stages of such a master class, but if you are more interested in this topic, you can find a detailed lesson how to make a vase with your own hands, video which clearly explains all the main stages of the manufacturing process.

How to make a vase from a bottle with your own hands

And still, greatest number truly interesting, fashionable, modern ideas relate specifically to how to make a vase from a bottle with your own hands, from an ordinary glass container, which in most cases cannot be modified in any way, cannot be cut, and so on. Moreover, the fashion for simple vases has reached such a level that even in home decor stores you will be offered to buy a ready-made vase, which in appearance cannot be distinguished from a classic milk bottle, only its cost will be at least five times higher than the cost of the same one. but at the grocery store and full of milk.

The most simple ways relate purely to decoration, that is, the use of auxiliary materials that can be quite easily put on or removed from the base. In the photo above you can see just such ideas that will require from you not only a minimum of time spent, but also a minimum of financial costs.

Plus, you can not only wrap the glass with tapes and stickers, but you can also get more creative, for example, take two containers of a size so that one fits inside the other. And pour into the space between the glass walls decorative material, be it sand, glitter or even colored jelly beans.

But the most popular method is partial or complete coloring, which will help you get perfect decor the desired texture and shade for the interior of the room.

Using glass containers in combination with wooden decor and bases, you will get modern products in eco-style. To do this, you need to either cut a hole of a suitable diameter in the cut of the trunk, or make an original wooden stand, or even use wooden multi-colored pencils for work.

How to make a beautiful vase with your own hands? 50 ideas

What makes our home truly cozy? Of course, nice and stylish little things! Floor vases can become an important element that complements the design of your apartment or house.

And here's good news for you: you don't have to spend a lot of money on expensive designer new items. Floor vases can be made with my own hands, and from rather ordinary raw materials!
Today you will learn how to make a beautiful floor vase from waste material with your own hands, easily and efficiently.

Ready to create? Then let's go!

DIY floor vase from a jar

Sometimes you can create the most unusual things from the most simple materials. Look at this vase, would you think that the basis for it was the familiar three-liter jars? That's the same!

Admit it, did you want one for yourself? Then take out your reserves of creative energy from your pockets and go ahead!

To create a floor vase from a three-liter jar you will need:

  • Two 3 liter jars;
  • One tea saucer;
  • One plastic container from canned food;
  • PVA glue;
  • Cardboard egg trays;
  • Silicone glue “liquid nails”;
  • Acrylic paint;
  • Decorative elements of your choice;

Stage No. 1

Let's create the base of our vase. To do this, take two jars, fasten the bottoms with silicone glue, and glue an upside-down saucer to the neck of one of the jars. It will serve as a stable leg for the future masterpiece.

Then we trim Plastic container from the can and attach it to the neck of the top can with glue.
Let it dry overnight.

Stage No. 2

During this period, we can soak pre-shredded cardboard egg trays in water until completely limp. After this, the cardboard should be squeezed out thoroughly and mixed with PVA glue until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
Apply the slurry to the base of our vase in an even layer.
Leave for two days.

Stage No. 3

After the workpiece is completely dry, level the texture with alabaster.

Stage No. 4

In this form, the vase is completely ready for the final stage of finishing - decoration. Use your own imagination or the tips we will give below.

DIY floor vase made from plastic bottles

Another chic option for waste-free use of garbage. Don't throw away plastic bottles, you can use them to create real masterpieces for your home!

A floor vase from plastic bottles can be made in different styles. For example, a regular five-liter bottle with a cut-off neck, wrapped in thin birch bark, can be an excellent option.

Idea: "Dress" plastic bottle into a stylish “sweater”, crocheted or knitted. This know-how will pleasantly surprise guests and fill your home with comfort and warmth.

Floor vase made of cardboard and papier-mâché

Yes, you read that right, you can also make a stylish floor vase from cardboard. It can’t be distinguished from an expensive designer one, just believe me. And if you don’t believe it, see for yourself.

To create a floor vase from cardboard with your own hands you will need:

  • Cardboard tube (can be taken from under a linoleum roll);
  • Thin cardboard;
  • Hot melt adhesive;
  • Newspapers and egg trays for papier-mâché;
  • Polymer putty;
  • Fine sandpaper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Acrylic lacquer;

Stage No. 1

We attach the pipe to the cardboard base and draw a shape for the future vase. We make 30 identical templates and cut them out.

Stage No. 2

We glue the cardboard blanks to the pipe, distributing them evenly around the perimeter. Leave for several hours until completely dry.

Stage No. 3

We glue the base of the vase with pieces of newspaper sheets in several layers.

Attention: the layer of paper must be thick enough so that during subsequent finishing the voids are not visible.

Stage No. 4

Soak the egg trays in water, squeeze them out and mix them with PVA glue. Apply an even layer to the base and let dry.

Stage No. 5

Coat the vase with putty in an even layer. When the mass dries, smooth out the texture using sandpaper.

Stage No. 6

We decorate the vase. This can be easily done using spray paint of any color. On top you can finish it in the style of decoupage, stucco, or apply the ornament manually using acrylic paints.

Stage No. 7

Cover the surface with acrylic varnish and leave to dry.
That's all the tricks. DIY floor vase made from papier-mâché and cardboard is ready. Enjoy!

Floor vase made of pipe

Everything is quite simple here. If after renovation you still have unnecessary plastic or cardboard pipes at home, do not rush to throw them away, it is better to make a wonderful vase out of them.

A stylish DIY floor vase made from a pipe is easy, practical and beautiful.

Just wrap cardboard or plastic pipe newspapers, fixing them with PVA glue, paint with acrylic paint in White color and decorate.

Idea: to decorate a floor vase made from a pipe, use old nylon stockings. Soak them in PVA, squeeze them thoroughly, and then put them on the prepared pipe. Distribute over the entire area, creating curly folds. Let the workpiece dry, and then paint and decorate to your liking.

DIY floor vase made from newspaper tubes

The now fashionable technique of weaving from paper wicker allows you to create lovely crafts from waste material.

In order to make a chic wicker floor vase with your own hands you will need:

  • Newspaper tubes (about 400 pieces);
  • PVA glue;
  • Scissors;

Stages of work:

  1. We make a 4x4 cross braid, then secure it with one tube around it. This will be the basis of our future vase. Next, we perform seven rows of regular circular weaving around the base, gradually spreading one tube at a time.
  2. After this, we begin to remove the walls of the vase, bending and weaving in the previously separated tubes. Moving up, we gradually expand the space of the product up to 22 rows inclusive.
  3. Then we weave about ten rows evenly without spreading, and coat the product with varnish.
  4. Then weaving continues, narrowing the rows and tilting the tubes inside the product until about 72 rows.
  5. We expand the neck of the vase over 12 rows and complete the weaving by creating sides in 3 rows. We cut off the remaining tubes.
  6. Cover the product with a thin layer of PVA and wait until it dries completely. Then comes the final finishing stage - varnishing. This should be done several times in a row.

DIY floor vase decor

There can be a lot of options for decorating a floor vase, the most trendy of them are: wrapping with twine, decorating with glitter, silicone glue, as well as good old decoupage.

Of course, the vase should be decorated in accordance with the style of the room; the method of its external decoration will depend on this.

Well, since we already have a beautiful vase ready, we can think about what to fill it with.

Please note that not all types of homemade masterpieces are suitable for living bouquets, which means we will also make flowers for floor vases with our own hands.

When creating an artificial bouquet, use the most common tree branches. It looks very beautiful and natural. At the same time, for greater harmony with the bouquet, an eco-style vase does not even need to be painted.
Attaching balls from leftover knitting threads to branches is an excellent and economical option for needlewomen.

In any case, DIY decorative branches for floor vases have not gone out of fashion for a long time. So feel free to use them to decorate your own home.

No matter how fashion changes, handicrafts are always in trend. Remember that you can create masterpieces of design art from the simplest and cheapest materials. The most important thing is imagination and a creative approach to business.
A DIY floor vase is easy, beautiful and stylish. Get creative and get inspired.

Good luck!

DIY floor vase: secrets, techniques and unexpected solutions updated: April 23, 2018 by: dekomin