How to make mole repellers with your own hands from plastic bottles and other materials. Do-it-yourself windmill from a plastic bottle: step-by-step description, interesting ideas and recommendations How to make a bottle to repel moles

Hills of earth and sand that form in a garden plot in areas where moles move are called molehills. In general, they are not dangerous, just like the moles themselves, which feed exclusively on insects and not on the roots, buds or fruits of crops. Nevertheless, appearance molehills spoil a lot of areas, which means that advice on how to get rid of moles in a garden plot will not lose relevance in the next few years, but has not yet been invented universal remedy, allowing you to solve the problem in one fell swoop and forever.

When to start fighting against moles and why?

Traces of a family of moles in a summer cottage cannot be ignored while waiting for the problem to be resolved without personal intervention. The more time the mammals have at their disposal, the more difficult it will be to deal with them in the future. A network of holes and tunnels will entangle the entire site and this will negatively affect not only the aesthetics of the site, but also the harvest.

You need to constantly “defend” the land, even when it seems that there are no more moles on it. Simple preventive measures will eliminate the possibility of pests returning to their previous place of residence if they remain in a neighboring area.

It must be remembered that moles are family animals that reproduce quite actively. That is why it is so difficult to get rid of them after a long period of residence on the site.

What means are used to combat earth destroyers and how effective are they? More on this below.

Shovel against pests - a simple way to control

The fight against moles in the garden does not always involve spending on newfangled products and traps. You can try to solve the problem with a simple shovel. The method is not the most humane and is suitable for those who intend not just to catch, but to take the life of each member of the family.

Moles cannot see, but have an excellent sense of smell and hearing, which compensate for the birth defect, so they are easy to frighten off.

This means that you need to use a shovel as carefully as possible, moving along the furrows of the dug tunnel. It is important to choose the time when moles go hunting for worms and insects. Usually this is morning, lunch and evening.

Moving along the furrows, you can notice that they are becoming longer, which means that the mole is in the area of ​​study of the site and is busy working. At such a moment, maintaining composure, you need to block the mole’s path with shovels from both sides. In surprise, the animal will either hit their surface and die, or require additional human intervention (you can use a hammer to stun).

It is worth remembering that there are many moles, which will make catching them much more difficult.

Folk methods for loyal fight against moles

If a shovel, as a way to get rid of moles, seems too cruel, difficult and time-consuming, the task at hand is to solve the problem with minimal costs time, effort and money, it’s worth trying some other options traditional methods for the control of mammals of this species. These include:

  • Unpleasant odors.
  • Underground obstacles.
  • Flooding of tunnels.
  • Pan trap.
  • Loud music.

Moles, possessing acute sense of smell, susceptible to strong odors. Animals try to avoid beds with pungently smelling crops, such as garlic or onions. You can try planting crops with a pungent odor around the perimeter of the site, thus repelling pests. The most commonly used plants in the fight against moles are daffodils, ornamental onions, legumes, Siberian scilla and imperial hazel grouse. You can put a fish head in the mole hole, which after a while will start to smell bad.

Barriers underground are another option for fighting moles. Along the perimeter of the site, linoleum, slate or any other hard material is dug in at a depth of at least 70 cm, thus preventing moles from entering the garden or vegetable garden area.

As an option, you can try flooding the tunnels. The method does not always give results, since excess moisture can lead to reverse effect- lure worms, and with them moles.

A pot trap is a simple method of fighting animals for those who love and know how to make things with their own hands. It's extremely easy to do. A pan of water is dug into the molehill in the center of the tunnel, covered with light-blocking material. The animal will sooner or later fall into the trap and die from the water.

Some summer residents are convinced that a mole on the site will not be able to live to the sounds of loud music played regularly. According to reviews, heavy rock has a particularly strong effect on animals. There are cases where pests have permanently left an area where lawn mowers were often used.

All transferred funds to combat moles can really give an effect, but are not a 100% guarantee that the area will be free from pests. The only advantage of them is that they will not cost anything. If the goal is to solve the problem at a higher level professional level, it’s worth trying to resort to more modern and proven methods.

Deterrents - how do they work?

When analyzing methods of fighting moles, one cannot ignore repellents. At making the right choice and application, they allow you to solve the problem in a few days with with minimal effort at least half the time. Therefore, before moving on to more radical methods, it is worth trying to start with repellers.

As noted above, it is possible to scare away moles from the area using unpleasant odors and sounds. It is worth using both methods in combination.

As an option, it is worth considering sound repellers, made with your own hands from scrap materials:

  • turntables;
  • weather vanes;
  • alarm clocks;
  • bottles, etc.

Turntables are made from ordinary empty bottles from plastic or cans. They are mounted on metal poles firmly fixed in the ground. When the wind blows, they begin to make loud sounds that enter the soil. Often moles are frightened by the turntables and leave the area. But to say that a windmill is for repelling moles is one hundred percent effective remedy it is impossible, because it does not always act as its manufacturers would like.

Weather vanes have a more complex design, which operate on the principle of turntables or, as an option, reed stalks that make a sound in the wind.

An interesting option is Chinese battery-powered alarm clocks. They are placed in ordinary glass jars, after which the device is buried in the ground in the expected habitat of the moles. You need to bury several jars with alarm clocks, and install them on each one. different time, forcing them to fire one after another with minimal pauses.

Alternatively, you can use empty plastic bottles. They are simply laid out around the area in large quantities. Nighttime temperature changes cause the air to expand and contract, causing the plastic to crack, again irritating and frightening to animals.

Method of repelling moles using glass bottles more than simple. They are buried in the ground at an angle of 45 degrees, leaving only the neck outside. Blowing into it, the wind will cause a sound to be produced that scares away moles.

All of the above means are installed near the expected mole habitat, focusing on the tunnels. The more repellers are used, the more likely it is that control methods will produce positive results.

Electronics against moles - modern methods

Whether folk remedies are good or not in the fight against moles can only be judged after testing them in practice. In case of a negative result, you should resort to more modern methods- using electronic repellers.

If we compare a windmill against moles, assembled with our own hands, with a repeller, which generates not only sound, but also vibration with a certain periodicity, frequency and duration, then the advantage of the second option becomes obvious.

The design of such devices most often consists of a column buried in the soil (many people mistakenly call it ultrasonic repeller, despite the fact that there is no talk of extracting ultrasound), generating signals in a certain frequency range. In the case of moles, this is a sound with a frequency in the range of 300-400 Hz.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the fight against moles folk remedies- the simplest, but not always effective method. Therefore, if experiments do not produce results, it is worth trying modern devices of proven quality.

These shouldn't be cheap Chinese repellers. solar powered, operating unstable or cheap analogues of high-quality devices that fail after the first rain. Devices should be selected from trusted manufacturers at an adequate price. The costs will be justified in the first days after their use, which means that savings are inappropriate here.

Wildlife lovers who do not want to destroy ecosystems also suffer from underground diggers -. But what to do if you don’t want to kill an animal, but there is no time to evict the “guest” 101 kilometers away? You can try to scare moles away from your area instead. They are easy to purchase in a store, but many summer residents prefer to make them with their own hands.

Homemade repellers

What you can use to make a mole repeller with your own hands:

  • plastic bottles;
  • cans;
  • electric alarm clocks;
  • radio and speakers.

The first three types of repellers do not require any special knowledge or skills. From plastic bottles The maximum number of different repellers has been invented.

Options from plastic bottles

The simplest version of a homemade repeller is a bottle placed on a pin. Also suitable for empty beer cans. The pin must be stuck into the ground so that sound and vibration are transmitted to the wormholes.

On a note!

Iron transmits sound better than wood.

The most difficult option is a windmill against moles. To make it you will need a one and a half liter beer bottle.

The bottle must be of a “classic” beer shape. That is, with a narrow elongated neck.

In addition to the bottle, you need good scissors, a marker, a self-tapping screw with threads that do not reach the head, a nail, an awl and a windmill stick. With the maximum complexity of creating such a mole repeller from a plastic bottle visual diagrams and there are no drawings. There is only an extremely clear video.

  1. The bottom is cut off from the bottle along the horizontal line that is found on all plastic bottles.
  2. The cut bottom is turned over with the bottom up. The bottom has the shape of a five-rayed star. Using a marker, mark the areas that need to be cut out: from the border of the central circle strictly in the middle of the “ray” and from the middle of the central circle along the hollow between the “rays”. This part needs to be cut off. It turns out that half of the “beam” is cut out.
  3. The operation is repeated on all “rays”. The propeller is ready. All that remains is to punch a hole strictly in the center of the circle. The hole should have perfectly smooth edges and a diameter larger than the provided screw.
  4. Insert a self-tapping screw with the head “inward” into the resulting propeller and screw it into the center of the bottle cap until the thread runs out. To make screwing easier, you first need to make a small hole in the cap. WITH inside The cover screw can be secured with a nut for reliability.
  5. Make two holes for a nail at the bottom of the bottle neck, strictly along the center line. The holes must be strictly opposite each other.
  6. Take an almost finished windmill and secure it to a wooden pole. Stick the pole into the ground in the garden.

When there is wind, the propeller makes a rather nasty noise, which moles are afraid of. The advantage of a windmill is that it will work in any wind direction. In fact, this is an ordinary weather vane.

The mole is a seemingly harmless creature, but garden plot can cause devastating harm. It lives in the ground and harms the root system of all plants growing in the country.

Gardeners constantly fight moles and use:

  • ultrasonic repellers;
  • poison food;
  • fall asleep in the holes where the mole comes out;

some resort to homemade traps. That's what we'll talk about. How to make a mole repeller with your own hands? Which are the most effective?

All repellers, including homemade ones, can be divided into types:

  1. Mechanical, that is, the design contains parts that rotate, move, and create vibration, crackling, and noise. These mechanical actions repel moles;
  2. Biological means capsules that contain aromatic oils, the smell of which pests cannot stand. In addition, this group includes plants that have unpleasant aroma for bedbugs;
  3. Electronic. This category of repellers includes purchased ones that operate on battery power or electricity. As a rule, these are vibration repellers;
  4. Ultrasonic. The emitter of frequency sound waves repels small animals. When such sounds enter the ground, moles are alerted to danger.

With a wide variety of all kinds of repellers, homemade products bring no less positive results. And if you use them comprehensively, your garden will be free from mole rat attacks.

How to make a mole repeller from a plastic bottle

A plastic bottle, let's call it one and a half, is a universal item in the garden.

It makes an indispensable weapon against moles.

Option #1

Basic items needed to make a windmill:

  • powerful scissors;
  • plastic bottle 1.5 l;
  • marker;
  • stationery knife;
  • sharp awl;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • metal plates (washers) with a hole in the center;
  • stick.

The manufacturing process includes several stages:

  1. Use a marker to make a mark on the bottom of the bottle. To do this, draw a strip along the bottom edge, which is located just above the bottom;
  2. Using a knife, we cut off the curved bottom of the bottle along the rim;
  3. In order for the spinner to rotate clockwise, you need to correctly mark the bottom of the bottle. To do this, use a marker to make the first line, which starts from the center of the bottom and then continues along the center of one of the convex parts. The next line is from the center along the concave part of the bottom. And so on we mark the entire lower part of the one and a half sheets;
  4. Using sharp scissors, cut out unnecessary elements. It should look like a propeller, that is, if you cut out the first element, then cut it one after another;
  5. When cutting “through one”, 5 elements should be removed;
  6. In the resulting propeller, make a hole in the center with an awl. To do this, heat the awl;
  7. Put a homemade washer on the self-tapping screw and insert it from inside the propeller. Next, put three similar washers on the self-tapping screw again;
  8. We take the remaining part from the one and a half rack. Make a hole in the cork with an awl. We screw a self-tapping screw into this hole. Finally, you will attach the propeller to the bottle. We do not screw in the screw all the way. This is necessary so that the plates rotate freely;
  9. Place the windmill on a support (stick);
  10. Make two holes in the neck and insert a nail into them. Using the sharp part, hammer the nail into the cut of the stick.

The principle of operation is simple, the wind hitting the blades of the turntable moves it, and the largest part itself rotates around the nail. The washers, due to the free attachment of the propeller to the one and a half, create noise, thereby scaring off moles.

Option No. 2

To make a homemade product, you will need a half-length, a stick, and scissors.

  1. We make wide cuts in the walls of one and a half sheets, and cut them from top to bottom;
  2. From the resulting slots you need to make smaller ones perpendicular to the main one. One above and one below;
  3. We bend the resulting elements in different directions. The blades are obtained;
  4. We make a hole in the bottom of the bottle through which we put the resulting structure on a stick.

When wind hits the blades, the repeller begins to rotate and create sounds that moles do not like. These devices can be placed near the mole's hole.

Advice! If you get creative and catch an animal, then remember that they bite very painfully. Therefore, you need to protect yourself and wear thick gloves.

Option #3

All the items needed to make the structure will be the same; in addition, you will need a plate cut from the wide part of another one and a half sheet.

  1. We make 15 cm long slits in the bottle;
  2. Cut blades of approximately the same size from additional plastic;
  3. Insert the resulting blades into the slots to form a propeller;
  4. Make holes in the cork and bottom into which to insert metal rod and is attached to the support.

Free rotation creates rustling noises and vibrations that frighten the mole, after which it moves to another safe place.

Option No. 4

Along the perimeter summer cottage arrange the sticks. Moreover, in one place, nearby, you need to place several sticks on which empty one-and-a-half sticks are put on.

When the wind blows, the plastic will bang against each other, creating sounds that prevent the pest from approaching.

Repeller efficiency

The mole is a blind animal. He sees nothing in the light that cannot be said about the darkness. Therefore, the mole’s hearing and sense of smell are very well developed. All homemade repellers are based on the formation of some kind of mechanical action and ultrasound.

  1. Extraneous sounds: rustling, rustling, creaking, knocking, whistling, rumble;
  2. Vibration, movement.

When a plastic object spins in the wind, it sends vibrations down the stick into the ground. When crawling to the location of the repeller, animals feel these vibrations of the ground, as well as unpleasant sounds and eliminate themselves.


It must be remembered that moles live in families, which consist of several adults and younger ones. Many families can unite. The animals dig holes and passages several meters deep.

Moreover, each underground path has several exits, which makes it difficult to determine the main location of the family.

All of the repellers we have listed have been tested repeatedly by users and are also low-cost and troublesome, so buying a modern mole repeller is not a bad thing, but complement its availability at the dacha with a homemade “brother” made from a plastic bottle.

A mole repeller made from a plastic bottle is a necessary thing for the owner of a private house. The thing is that the appearance of this animal on a personal plot does not bode well for its owner. In the garden, for example, the presence of a mole is dangerous because the earthworms that loosen the soil disappear en masse. In addition, such a pest, digging a new underground path, pushes up layers of infertile soil. Therefore, it is simply necessary to scare off moles or get rid of them, because the well-being of your garden plot is at stake, the maintenance of which is already spent a huge amount of money and effort.

There are many ways to fight, but mole repellent devices made by you yourself deserve special attention.

This is the most best option V financially, and its effectiveness has been tested in practice.

Therefore, you need to figure out how to make a repeller from improvised means.

Noise device – the best remedy to repel moles.

How to make a windmill from a plastic bottle? Its production includes several subsequent steps:

  • The key element of the turntable is the axis of rotation. This may be a welding electrode that is no longer used for its intended purpose;
  • It is very important to remove the coating from the electrode. To do this, just hit it several times with a hammer and then scrape off the cracked layer;
  • we start making holes in the bottle (the electrode must pass through the bottom and lid of the plastic container);
  • needs to be fixed around the axis copper wire– it will facilitate the process of rotating the turntable;
  • Next, you should use a marker or felt-tip pen to mark the axes that will divide the bottle into sectors. For example, to make a turntable with three blades, you need to ensure the presence of six sectors, and with four - eight parts;
  • then make U-shaped cuts and bend each of the sectors to form blades;
  • The final touch is to insert an axis in the center of the bottle. Then the pinwheels made from plastic bottles are attached to the ground in a personal plot or vegetable garden. It is better to place several anti-mole turntables around the perimeter of your territory: this will increase the chances of the pests’ rapid surrender.

Valid this device as follows: in the presence of wind, the bottle rotates, and vibrations are transmitted to the ground. This is a good product for getting rid of moles, made from a plastic bottle.

Video “How to make a repeller with your own hands”

From the video you will learn how to make a repeller yourself.

How to make a pinwheel from beer cans

A wind generator made from a beer can is a good alternative to the first method. What is this pinwheel made of? The following tools will be useful for its manufacture:

  • liter beer can;
  • metal or stationery scissors;
  • metal tube (1-1.5 m long);
  • self-tapping screw;
  • drill.

Such turntables are built on the principle of windmills. But there are some peculiarities: you need to bend the blades of the future turntable away from the moles in such a way as to give the device an asymmetrical shape.

Using a self-tapping screw, this repeller is attached to a metal tube, but it is not screwed in completely (otherwise the rotation process will not be active enough).

It’s clear how to make a mole spinner with your own hands. And the principle of its operation is practically no different from its plastic counterpart.
But can you really rely on its effectiveness? You will be able to achieve the desired results if you build several mole repellers with your own hands. With their help, you will force unwanted guests to leave your garden plot forever.

Video “Windmill against moles”

From the video you will learn how to make a windmill.