How to make roller blinds with your own hands. How to make roller blinds with your own hands. Design of roller blinds

So that the window opening on the veranda or in garden house did not look faceless, you need to choose the right curtains. By installing a roller blind, you will give the room a unique flavor that will evoke the envious glances of your neighbors.

Such products decorate not only the windows from the inside of the room. With their help, external openings of seasonal buildings in country estates - garden gazebos or open verandas - are designed in an original way.

Outdoor roller blinds are also called reflexols, which means “reflecting the sun.” Like, they protect the structure from scorching rays.

Another name for roller blinds is known - fabric roller blinds. Among design features street curtains of this type - smooth winding of the fabric on a shaft, which is installed in an open or closed box. Each type has its own installation rules.

Outdoor roller blinds are opened and rolled up either manually or with a special electric mechanism, which can be controlled from a distance using a remote control. At the same time, modern roller shutter systems are equipped with a silent drive.

The material for roller blinds is almost any fabric, from translucent to dense. For street use, products are made from polyester pre-impregnated with polyvinyl chloride (PVC). When choosing a suitable fabric for reflexols, take into account quality characteristics material, as well as compliance with the design style of gazebos and verandas.

Curtains made of polyester with PVC – perfect option for open garden buildings due to a number of advantages:

  • the appearance of such products does not depend on the weather: durable, wear-resistant material is not afraid of dampness, moisture, ultraviolet radiation;
  • outdoor curtains are extremely durable;
  • the material of external curtains for verandas and gazebos is not electrified and does not burn;
  • In addition, polyester fabrics with PVC impregnation are easy to care for and can be stored folded for a long time without the formation of creases.

Advantages of roller blinds

Choosing suitable decor for windows is not easy, especially on verandas and gazebos. After all, curtains should not only decorate the room, but also perform protective functions. For terraces, fabric roller blinds are chosen, which have the following advantages:

  1. fit tightly to the windows, protecting from prying eyes;
  2. suitable for installation on plastic and wooden frames;
  3. do not take up useful space;
  4. they are distinguished by a rich color palette and a variety of prints, giving scope for design imagination;
  5. do not require complex care;
  6. equipped with a simple control mechanism, which makes it easy to adjust the level of illumination in the room.

Another plus is that roller blinds for a room, terrace or gazebo are easy to make with your own hands.

Necessary materials

To properly make roller curtains, consider some nuances. For example, initially you need to sew two fabrics with the wrong side if the fabric is one-sided.

Users often search:

When calculating the amount of fabric, do not forget about the additional 2-4 cm that will go to the seams. Consider also the location of the curtain in the window opening: whether the curtain will cover the frame or just the glass.

When choosing the color of the fabric, do not lose sight geographical position premises. Bright, cheerful shades are suitable for the sunny side, and transparent ones can be hung on shaded northern windows. roller blinds.

Some useful tips will greatly facilitate the choice of material for curtains:

  • so that the windows do not merge with the walls, the color of the fabric should differ from the tone of the wallpaper;
  • designers recommend choosing a palette for curtains in accordance with the furniture upholstery;
  • if desired, visually enlarge inner space gazebos or verandas, you can use translucent fabrics;
  • transverse stripes on the curtains visually expand the walls, and a vertical pattern can increase the height of the ceiling.

Watch the video on the topic - production of roller blinds.

After purchasing fabric suitable for the interior, take care of the remaining components necessary for making roller curtains yourself:

  • rod-shaft for winding the fabric - mounted above the window opening and performs the functions of a cornice;
  • decorative cords and ribbons - used as garters for reliable fixation fabrics are placed in the upper area of ​​the system, near the shaft mechanism;
  • special weighting material - fixed at the bottom of the curtain panel, does not allow the fabric to puff up.

Cassette roller blinds - fastening mechanism

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

The manufacturing process of roller blinds consists of several stages:

  1. the fabric is cut to specified sizes and sewn on three sides in the form of a bag. The resulting workpiece is turned onto the face;
  2. for the weighting agent, a special pocket is formed at the bottom of the product, or the weighting agent is placed between the fabrics and the fabric is sewn with a slight indentation. After this, the workpiece is sutured completely;
  3. Having made a margin of 5 cm, install the upper part of the canvas either on the rod-shaft or on wooden beam ok cornice. The fabric is secured with a stapler or a zipper is used, which makes it easy to remove the curtains for washing;
  4. two decorative garters are made of tape, the length of which is 30 cm greater than twice the length of the curtain, and the width is 8 cm. The garters are thrown over the cornice and fixed with a furniture stapler (as an option, they are secured with hooks or snakes, which will make caring for roller blinds easier in the future );
  5. at the final stage, the rod-shaft is secured to the frame or in the window opening.

Watch a video on installing roller curtains on PVC double-glazed windows.

Installing roller blinds on plastic windows

When it comes to glazing houses, terraces and gazebos, most owners of country property give preference to PVC double-glazed windows, which are durable and practical.

Installing roller blinds on PVC windows is much easier than on wooden frames. In this case, the upper fastening of the cornice can be done with double-sided tape, and a wooden plank can be used as a weighting agent.

2 ways to attach roller curtains

If you know how to use a drill, attach the roller curtains directly to the window opening. To do this, drill a certain number of holes in the ceiling or wall that are necessary to install the profiles that secure the fabric roller blinds.

Photo gallery

Another method of attaching roller blinds, similar to the previous one, involves fixing the canvas directly to the frame itself. Using a drill, special holes are drilled in the profile for further installation of products. This work requires skill and accuracy from the performer, otherwise damage to the expensive PVC double-glazed window is inevitable.

Decorating a window with curtains is an important element in the interior design process of a room. This question is especially relevant when arranging small spaces - such as a small kitchen. One of the best solutions for such areas are roller blinds sewn and mounted on a frame yourself. Their mechanism is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance, and it is quite easy to make it yourself. How to make roller blinds - a detailed master class will help you figure it out.

The mechanism of roller blinds is a piece of fabric, which, opening the window opening, is wound into a roll onto a roller hidden in a pocket.

This operating principle has its advantages for window decoration over traditional curtains in their classic form:

  • they are suitable for any room, from the living room to the kitchen;
  • have simple and very convenient designs;
  • with their help it is easy to adjust the lighting;
  • curtains are used both independently and in tandem with other curtains;
  • They are hung on both wooden and plastic frames.

Roller blinds are convenient to attach directly to window frame. This way they will not interfere when the window is opened for ventilation.

How roller blinds work

Making roller blinds with your own hands, based on the proposed master class, will cost much less than choosing a ready-made mechanism in a store. Their cut is so simple that it is accessible even to those who do not have perfect sewing skills.

The operating principle of roller blinds is as follows:

  1. The function of the cornice is performed by a rod-shaft, which is mounted on the frame or above the window opening. The canvas is held on it.
  2. The fabric itself is secured with garters made of cords or ribbons. They are attached to the upper part of the structure, where the shaft mechanism is located.
  3. Garters allow curtains to be opened to any height.
  4. Depending on the shape of how to sew roller blinds, they may have several transverse “flaps” of different widths, adjustable with garters.

How to install roller blinds without drilling (video)

Measurements for roller blinds

To create a pattern for roller blinds, it is important to determine the dimensions that you want to mount on the window - whether they will cover only the glass or hide the window frame as well.

For this:

  • the window is measured and all obtained values ​​are recorded in a notepad;
  • the length of the product is calculated from the sum of the window height, plus 15 cm for pockets and 2 for processing cuts;
  • The width of the curtain is the size that will cover the glass in the frame plus 2 cm for processing cuts.

Choosing fabric for curtains in the kitchen

When choosing fabric, you should consider two features:

  • curtains must provide high quality protection from light;
  • they will be clearly visible in the window from the street.

Therefore, the canvas should be dense and preferably double-sided. If the chosen fabric does not meet these parameters, there is no need to be upset. You just need twice the amount of calculations required by measurements to sew it in two layers, inside out to each other.

It would be better to choose a material that has an antistatic effect. This way, dust will not settle on the curtains, and they will need to be cleaned less often.

How to choose roller blinds for the kitchen (video instructions)

Required materials and tools

To make original curtains, you can limit yourself to choosing a suitable fabric by hanging it on a ready-made mechanism from a hardware or hardware store. But its design can be assembled independently.

The described master class will require the most simple tools and available materials:

  • 2 wooden slats the length of the window opening;
  • furniture stapler;
  • sewing machine;
  • metal corners;
  • textile;
  • thick satin or corsage ribbon;
  • decorative buttons or buttons.

Master class on sewing and installing roller blinds for the kitchen

A detailed master class will help you quickly understand the technology of making roller blinds.

You just need to follow the instructions:

  1. If the selected fabric is double-sided, the cut parts are folded, stitched with a basting stitch, and then stitched on a sewing machine.
  2. If the curtain is made from two pieces of fabric, the patterns are folded with the right side inward and connected with basting stitches at the bottom and sides, then stitched on the machine. The workpiece is turned right side out, the corners are carefully straightened, steamed with an iron and the upper part of the curtains is stitched.
  3. To ensure that the curtain is beautifully stretched, a weighting agent is attached to the bottom. To do this, the bottom edge is folded and sewn to the fabric to form a pocket. A rail or metal rod is inserted into it.
  4. The curtain fabric is attached to the base - a wooden beam. The fabric is placed on a flat surface, the upper edge of the future curtain is wrapped around the rail and pinned with a furniture stapler.
  5. Use ready-made ribbons as garters or sew them yourself from fabric of a matching color. The length of the garters is determined by twice the height of the window plus 15-20 cm per knot or buttons.
  6. The garters are attached to the base with a stapler. They will hold the rolled curtain roll.
  7. To fix roller blinds in a window opening or on a frame, use metal corners. They are first screwed to the wall or frame, then fixed at the top on both sides to the base of the roll structure.

That's all the technology for sewing and installing the most basic design of roller blinds. To make these, you need to spend only an hour and a half of free time with minimal material costs.

Roller blinds in the kitchen (photo)

Decorating a window in a room or on a loggia is a responsible process that must be approached carefully. The design approach is important, the presence of curtains is necessary, however, if you don’t have enough finances for expensive textiles, then you can sew a rolled product yourself.

DIY cassette curtains: individual characteristics

Self-made cassette products are an excellent replacement for blinds. Such decorative elements can be used as a separate object or as an additional part to arranged curtains. Such designs have their own advantages, which set them apart from their “brothers”.

Advantages of the model

  • Curtains can be placed on both standard window systems and plastic ones.
  • The material fits tightly to the window system, so you cannot see into the room from the street.
  • The fabric is easy to wash, making cleaning much easier.
  • Curtains can be thick and translucent, which makes it possible to darken the room.
  • Models can be made in a variety of design solutions, style directions.

The housewife can choose for her product a material with a pattern that will ideally match the style of the room. In addition, the curtain on the window can not be raised completely, which makes roller blinds incredibly functional. It is impossible not to say what is the difference between the Roman model and the rolled product. These elements are similar in appearance, but they differ in the lifting mechanism. The Roman model is assembled with an accordion, and the rolled model is raised using garter belts. Both designs have a ribbon sewn into the fabric. When closed, Roman ones create a folding effect, while roll ones close in the form of a roll. Roman model no less popular element decor, they are often used to decorate window systems and balcony rooms. Below we will talk about how to make the second type of curtains with your own hands.

How to choose material: making roller blinds

Choose the right fabric very important for DIY sewing. Designers give some tips on choosing the right fabric. If the room is covered with light wallpaper, then the material should be selected in accordance with the color palette upholstered furniture, textiles, which are also present there.

It is not recommended to choose too dark colors, as such curtains will not look joyful and gloomy. Therefore, it is better to choose a fabric that is cheerful, gentle, warm, the main thing is that the curtains do not stand out from the general style.

If the housewife is tasked with visually expanding the space, then she should choose a translucent material. If you plan to design windows located in the south, then you can choose cold tones of the material; for northern windows, warm colors are more suitable.

Selection of fabric according to interior style

When discussing style, designers agree that:

  1. For classic style Dense material with stripes or classic patterns is more suitable;
  2. For country style, you should take a more transparent, airy fabric;
  3. For minimalist and high-tech styles, it is better to take simple plain fabrics.

It is important to note that a style direction is not a set of rules that help organize the overall interior, but only parting words that guide mentally. Any direction in style has its own distinctive features, features that cannot be ignored. The immensity of imagination is the basis, the foundation on which a unique design project grows.

Master class: how to sew roller blinds with your own hands

Detailed step-by-step instruction not complicated. The first step is to spread the selected fabric. Next, you need to cut the product according to preliminary calculations.

You should end up with two identical fabrics, which will then be sewn together. After sewing, you should end up with a “bag”, which should be turned right side out.Then you need to attach the weighting material. To do this, you need to sew a special pocket, and then stitch the “bag” completely. As an option, you can stitch the weighting material already inside the workpiece, leaving a little space behind, and after that sew it up entirely.

Next, you need to wrap the curtain over the rod and secure it with a stapler. This is done if the rod is made of wood. When the rod is metal, the curtain is thrown over and sewn up. You need to attach the ties in exactly the same way, on both sides, but so that the ends hang below the curtains. Also, craftsmen are not against using not a stapler with staples, but, for example, locks or hooks. Thanks to these devices, it will be easier to remove rolled products for washing. If the structure is planned to be attached to a plastic window system, then the product can be secured with double-sided tape. A eIf a rod-shaft is used, it must be secured above the window or directly to the frame itself.

It’s easy to experiment with this product; you can change the style and mood in your home by choosing different fabrics, with different patterns, ornaments and textures. Fantasizing is perhaps limitless. This is how you can make roller blinds in a few steps, and the fastening mechanism and installation will be discussed below.

DIY mechanism

The mechanism for the product may be different. For example, you can make a locking mechanism in the form of a side cord.

To do this you need to do the following:

  1. On top of the finished product you need to sew fabric ribbons, which must first be threaded into plastic rings.
  2. The tapes should be placed 7 cm from the top edge of the curtain and 15 cm from the side edge.
  3. Next, you need to take a nylon cord and attach it to the rod on the window side. You may need hooks at this stage. The cord must be threaded into rings and secured to the wall on the side of the window.

It is also better to choose a nylon cord carefully; today they are presented on sale in the most different colors. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the fact that the cord must match the color of the roller blinds, otherwise they will look ugly. Everything should be in harmony and give the room an atmosphere of coziness and comfort.

Quick installation of roller blinds with your own hands

Products can be fixed on the window itself, on the ceiling, on the wall. The installation method must be chosen depending on the style of the room. Not so long ago, the most popular method of fastening was considered ceiling mounting. This method has its drawbacks, since when the curtain is lowered, it will be impossible to open the frame for ventilation. Installation on a plastic window opposite makes it possible to open the frames at any time. You can install it yourself in just 5-10 minutes.

Installation on a plastic window system using adhesive tape is carried out as follows:

  1. The window frame must first be degreased. To do this, treat plastic surfaces special means, a solvent that can be purchased at any hardware store.
  2. Next, you need to take double-sided tape and heat it with a hairdryer. Remove the protective covering from it and attach it to the plastic frame on top.
  3. And the last step is to attach the product itself, or rather its upper part, to the tape, having first removed its second protective layer from the tape.

This is how you can easily secure curtains with tape. Fastening can also be carried out on a bracket made of wood or metal. Such systems will require a little more time, special equipment, and screws. One way or another, without spending a lot of personal time and patience, you can sew beautiful roller blinds that will last for more than a year.

DIY installation of roller blinds (video)

In conclusion, we note that you can extend the service life of a homemade product if, when mounting the product, you secure its bottom rail, on which the material is fixed. To do this, you can strengthen the magnets with tape. This will allow you to open the window at any time, avoid sagging and deformation, which will accordingly increase the service life of the product.

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Reading time: 9 minutes.

Roller blinds, which at the same time combine functionality and ease of use, are very popular today when decorating windows. low cost and stylish appearance. Thanks to their simplicity, you can easily make them yourself, which we will tell you about in this article.

Differences between roller blinds and Roman blinds

In my own way appearance Roman blinds are practically indistinguishable from roller blinds. The only difference is in the mechanism for lifting the canvas. In Roman blinds, the fabric is folded, and roller blinds are rolled up and secured with garter tapes. This opening mechanism, with twisting and fixation with garters, is distinguished by its simple and reliable design.

Roman blinds are pleated

Advantages of roller blinds

The popularity of roller blinds is due to their many advantages. The following can be distinguished from them:

  • It is possible to use such roller blinds as an independent element of window design or as an addition to existing curtains. This significantly expands the scope for creativity, which allows you to realize your wildest design ideas by decorating the room to your liking.
  • Roller blinds, due to their functionality, simplicity of design and attractive appearance, have today almost completely replaced the blinds that were popular in the past. This design option is ideal for plastic windows, and due to its versatility it can be used in classic and modern interior design styles.
  • It is possible to use roller blinds with plastic double glazed windows And wooden windows. It is possible to design windows with high quality, regardless of their material, shape and design.
  • Roller blinds that are correctly sized and installed with high quality will fit tightly to the windows, which solves the problem of curious glances from passers-by. In particular, such roller blinds will be relevant for owners of private cottages and residents of the first floors of high-rise buildings.
  • The design of the curtains allows you to completely darken the room or reduce the intensity of the bright sun. It is possible to choose a canvas with different light transmittance characteristics, which will solve the problem of room lighting during daylight hours.
  • Such designs are distinguished by durability, quality and wear resistance.
  • Throughout their entire service life, such roller blinds retain all their functionality.
  • The variety of options available allows you to choose them both to match the characteristics of specific windows and the style of room design.
  • Maybe self-production such roller blinds, which allows you to save on window decoration.

Self-production of roller blinds

To perform this work you will need the following materials and fasteners:

  • two pieces of fabric;
  • two wooden beams;
  • hooks and screws - three pieces;
  • ring screws - five pieces;
  • sewing supplies and decorative cord.

Selecting the required material

The quality of self-made roller blinds depends largely on how well the fabric for their manufacture is selected. Preference in in this case It is recommended to use durable materials, which have antibacterial, antistatic and dirt-repellent impregnations. A roller blind made from high-quality material will be attractive and easy to care for. If in the recent past natural fabrics were the most popular, today high-quality synthetics have appeared, which are environmentally friendly and in their material performance characteristics and appearance are in no way inferior to natural fabrics. At the same time, synthetic fabrics are resistant to fading in the sun, they are easy to care for and are durable.

When choosing a fabric, you need to take into account the manufacturer’s recommendations for using such fabric. You should find out if it is washable and if dry cleaning is possible in the future. Bright colors tend to fade in the sun, so such a roll should be made double-sided, and outer side Made from durable and UV-resistant material.

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DIY roller blinds: step-by-step instructions + video

Takes ~5 minutes to read


Every housewife dreams of the interior of her home changing from time to time. There are many ways to do this. The simplest and cheapest is to change the curtains. They can be purchased at any market or store. This will be easy to do, since the choice of curtains is huge. But the best solution I will sew the curtains myself. Even someone who has never sewed such products can easily cope with this task. You will learn how to make roller blinds with your own hands by reading the step-by-step instructions of the article to the end.


Disadvantages and advantages of such curtains


  1. No light leaks through them, nothing is visible through them, that is, no one will be able to look into your window.
  2. They can be hung anywhere.
  3. They take up little space.
  4. Fresh air flows easily and freely through the roller blinds.
  5. These curtains are suitable for any room.
  6. Roller blinds can be hung either independently or in addition to others.
  7. Their selection is huge.


  1. Roller blinds absorb unpleasant odors.
  2. They need to be constantly looked after.
  3. After a while they may become warped.
  4. The mechanism that raises the roller blind quickly breaks down.


How to sew roller blinds on plastic windows with your own hands

To sew roller blinds with your own hands, you need to choose the right fabric. When choosing a fabric, you need to consider that it is:

  • Natural;
  • Moisture-repellent;
  • Reflected the light.

To make roller blinds, you can use fabric of one color or multi-colored and with a pattern. It will depend only on you and your choice.

Making it yourself: step-by-step instructions (photos and videos)


To make roller blinds with your own hands you will need:

  • Textile.
  • Cord.
  • Rope.
  • Ribbon.
  • Weighting agent (metal or wood).
  • Rod shaft (wooden beam or metal tube).
  • Screwdriver.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Drill.
  • Iron.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Fasteners


Master Class

  1. Let's determine the width of the roller blind. Measure the length of the roller and subtract one centimeter from the resulting length.
  2. Now let's determine the length of the curtain. To do this, measure the distance from the roller to the window sill. Add twenty centimeters to the result.
  3. Now make a curtain pattern. Measure on the fabric the width and length that you obtained when measuring. Cut out the resulting rectangle. There should be two such rectangular segments.
  4. Fold the pieces right sides inward and sew on three sides. You should end up with a bag.
  5. Turn the resulting bag inside out and iron it with an iron.
  6. Let's move on to attaching the weighting material. Its length should match the width of the curtain. This is necessary so that the roller blinds do not hang on the plastic window. Attach the weighting material, tuck the fabric and sew, departing five millimeters from it.
  7. Now you need to prepare the tapes. With their help, the curtain will hang rolled up. Cut a ribbon eight centimeters wide from the fabric. And the length of the ribbon depends on the height of the window and is calculated using the following formula: 2* height of the window opening + 30.
  8. Fold the resulting ribbon lengthwise, right side inward, and sew. Then the tape must be turned out, ironed and the open side sewn up. DIY roller blinds are ready.


DIY mechanism for roller blinds

First option.

To make the mechanism you will need:

  • Staples;
  • Video clip;
  • Duct tape;
  • Screwdriver.

Manufacturing stages:

  • Let's start with the staples. If the curtain is located inside the frame, then the staples are placed three centimeters below the top of the curtain. If the curtain will be located outside, then the staples must be secured five centimeters above the window opening. Bracket with round hole installed with right side, and with a square hole - on the left side.
  • The distance between the staples should be the same as the length of the roller. If so, secure the roller.
  • Now we attach the curtain to the roller. Place it face up and place the roller at the top of the curtain. Wrap the edge of the fabric around the roller and secure it with adhesive tape.
  • Throw the ribbons over the roller and secure them in the center with a stapler.
  • Insert the curtain roller into the brackets. Roller blind for plastic window ready.


Second option.

For it you will need:

  1. Bar.
  2. Sticky double sided tape.
  3. Glue gun.
  4. Special fastenings.
  5. Cord and hooks.
  6. Wooden slats.
  7. Weighting agent.

Manufacturing instructions:

  • First you need to saw off wooden slats. Its length should be one centimeter less than the width of the curtain.
  • Cover it with the same fabric from which the roller blind was made.
  • Glue adhesive double-sided tape to the bottom of the block.
  • On the back side of the block you need to attach special fastenings.
  • Insert a weighting agent into the sewn roller blind.
  • Attach the roller blind to the prepared cornice.
  • Take the cords, tie them and lead them through the special holes. Then line them up and tie a knot.

A video on making curtains and a mechanism will help you cope with this task.

How to make with garter ribbon

To make such a roller blind you will need:

  • textile;
  • sewing machine;
  • iron;
  • weighting agent;
  • block and lath.


Manufacturing stages:

  1. First you need to make a pattern from the fabric. Measure the desired width and length of the future curtain. Cut out the resulting rectangle and sew it on three sides. Turn the fabric inside out and iron it.
  2. Insert the strip into the unstitched side, and then sew it up. This will be the bottom.
  3. Attach the top of the roller blind to the block.
  4. Now prepare the ribbons. They should be twice as long as the roller blind itself. There should be two of these tapes.
  5. Attach the ribbon to the block.
  6. The roller blind is ready.

Do-it-yourself roller blinds

To make roller blinds you will need:

  • fabric for sewing;
  • paper template;
  • a simple pencil;
  • a piece of soap or chalk;
  • ruler;
  • adhesive pad;
  • fringe;
  • special glue for fabric.


Master class on making them:

  1. First you need to make a pattern. It is done in the same way as for regular roller blinds. But there is a difference - you need to leave an allowance of 25 centimeters. This is necessary to finish the edge.
  2. Now make a template. It is made from plain paper. Its width is equal to the height of the carved edge, and its length corresponds to the length of the roller minus one centimeter. On the resulting rectangle, make the pattern you like.
  3. The rectangle must be folded like an accordion. Draw the desired pattern on the first strip. Using this pattern, cut the remaining stripes. So, the pattern will be the same across the entire width.
  4. Make a drawstring. Insert the tube into it and sew up the edges.
  5. Place the paper template under the drawstring and secure with pins. Trace the pattern with a piece of chalk.
  6. Glue the fringe along the bottom edge.
  7. Attach the resulting roller blind to the roller.

Now you know how to make roller blinds with your own hands, as well as how to make them yourself roller blinds without the help of a master. Good luck!