How to install a plastic window in a wooden house. Tips for installing plastic windows in a wooden house Fastening plastic windows in a wooden house

Metal installation plastic windows V wooden house has its own characteristics due to the shrinkage of the building. If you do not take into account all the properties of wood, the windows will quickly fail.

Shrinkage of a wooden house and countermeasures

It is generally accepted that the shrinkage of a building lasts 5 years and eventually deforms the walls. But that is not all. Over time, the logs dry out and decrease in diameter, reducing the height of the wall by 1.5 cm. To prevent mechanical stress from wall deformation from affecting the windows, special structures called casing or frames are installed in the window openings.

Pipe design

There are two types of socket - in the embedded beam and in the deck. According to the first option, a groove is made in the timber into which a casing element is inserted. The second option involves making a spike in the timber on which the pigtail will be held.

For plastic windows, it is recommended to use a modernized version, when a ridge is made at the ends of the logs, a window carriage with a groove is put on it, and then a plastic window is attached to it. The design of the carriage consists of four elements - two beams with grooves at the ends and two boards with tenons at the edges. The beams are placed vertically in the window opening, the boards are laid with tenons in the grooves of the beams. With this design, when the logs dry out, they will move along the groove inside the carriage without affecting the windows.

Preparing the window opening

On the vertical walls of the window opening, draw two lines vertically, the distance between them is 5 cm. Cut off the excess material with a saw, you should get two ridges 50 mm high and wide. The ridges must be strictly vertical and symmetrical relative to each other.

Manufacturing of carriage elements

Prepare two vertical beams measuring 10x15 cm and a length 5 cm shorter than the window opening. Cut a 50x50 mm groove in the middle part. Install the beams with grooves onto the tenons. To prevent squeaking, first wrap the comb with rolled tow.

For the horizontal elements of the pigtail, 150x10 mm boards are needed. Make 50x50 mm grooves at the ends of the boards and install them on the ridge at the top and bottom of the carriage.

Control of carriage manufacturing

Measure the internal dimensions of the carriage and compare with the window. The width of the frame should be 2-4 cm greater than the width of the window, and the height should be 5-7 cm greater than the height of the window. Slots are necessary for foaming and for installing a window sill. The horizontal boards must be level, otherwise the window will not fit into the opening. Between the carriage and the logs, at the top of the window, there should be a gap of 50 mm for shrinkage of the house. Secure the upper and side elements of the carriage together with self-tapping screws. Do not attach the carriage to the logs of the house, otherwise the meaning of the casing will be lost.

A correctly mounted frame will take the entire load upon itself when it shrinks, will not allow the logs to move horizontally towards the window, and strengthens the wall of the house near the opening.

Window sill installation

Cut out small grooves (0.5-1 cm) on the window frame that will secure the window sill. Install the window sill in its normal place, level it with wooden chips in a horizontal plane. Secure the window sill with self-tapping screws. Screw the fasteners in the place where the window frame will be installed. Seal all cracks under the window sill with foam or silicone.

Window installation

Installing a window on a mounted frame is no different from conventional installation. First, remove the glass block from the frame. Place the frame in the carriage, align it in the horizontal and vertical planes and secure it with standard fasteners. Then install the glass block into the frame and install the fittings. Seal all the cracks polyurethane foam. In a wooden house, plastic windows are often decorated with platbands.

Installing plastic windows on frames is the only option high-quality installation in a wooden house. The casing always preserves the integrity of the glass unit and the metal window profile.

During construction wooden house The question often arises of which windows to install, wooden or plastic. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Plastic structures are distinguished by lower cost and longer service life. They require minimal maintenance during operation. Therefore, most often people choose this material. But what are the features of installing plastic window structures in wooden walls? Are there any fundamental differences between installing windows in a new and old house? It is imperative to know the answers to these questions. So, we install plastic windows in a wooden house with our own hands.

Features of window structures made of polyvinyl chloride

Plastic windows are a structure made of a polyvinyl chloride frame with a metal profile inside and double-glazed windows. They come in double and triple. Air has been pumped out between the glass panes. The entire structure, assembled into a finished window, is completely sealed and provides all the necessary consumer properties. The characteristics of the materials, the production technology of profiles and double-glazed windows, as well as their assembly into a single whole, have made it possible to provide plastic windows with important advantages:

  • They perfectly protect from the cold, thanks to double-glazed windows with vacuum and a plastic profile design.
  • They have increased soundproofing qualities for the same reasons.
  • Their windows are so perfectly adjusted that they eliminate any distortions when correct adjustment and installation.
  • The service life of such windows exceeds 50 years.
  • They do not require any maintenance other than cleaning and lubricating the hinges.
  • They have an aesthetic appearance and a wide selection of profile models and colors.
  • The cost of plastic windows is significantly lower than wooden ones with similar properties and quality.

An important point is that installing plastic windows is quite possible independently, subject to certain rules. If for brick and concrete walls it does not present any difficulty, then for installation plastic structures in wooden houses it is necessary to take into account a number of circumstances, which will be discussed below.

Installation of plastic windows in a wooden house to replace old ones

Thanks to their excellent consumer qualities, affordable cost and the possibility of purchasing in installments and on credit, plastic windows gradually filled a huge number of window openings even in old wooden houses. Today, an incredible number of companies are engaged in the installation of plastic structures on a professional basis. Often the cost of installing one window is up to 20% of its cost. At the same time, anyone who knows how to use a tool can independently replace old windows in their home with new ones made of PVC.
To do this you will need some tools and materials:

  • Electric drill or hammer drill with a set of drills.
  • Gasoline or electric saw, nail puller or crowbar. For dismantling old jambs and frames.
  • Hand-held circular saw. For making grooves on the pigtail.
  • Building level. Necessary throughout the entire process. Without it, you shouldn’t even start replacing windows.
  • Autonomous screwdriver.
  • Plastic chisel. Needed to select a groove in the risers of the frame.
  • Roulette.
  • Mallet made of rubber or wood.
  • Pliers.
  • Anchor plates and bolts, self-tapping screws.
  • Hexagon to fit window adjustment screws.
  • Construction polyurethane foam. One window can take from 1 to 3 cylinders, depending on the size of the gaps.
  • Gloves.
  • Wooden spacer wedges.
  • Water in the sprayer.

Installing windows requires at least two people, since it is impossible for one person to lift and level a massive window. One person must support the frame, and the second must carry out all the manipulations to level it and secure it in the slopes.
First, dismantling work is carried out. If the old window blocks can still be used somewhere, and you want to keep them intact, then you will have to tinker, disassembling everything carefully. To do this, first remove the frames, and then remove the window sill and the block itself, being careful not to damage it. Most often, in old wooden houses, only glazed frames can be used, and the blocks have already become unusable. In this case, they simply saw them in the middle and rip them out of the walls with a nail puller. The vacated opening is cleaned of debris and rot. If the log or beam under the window is rotten, and this most likely is the case, then they are also cut out and replaced with new ones. The joints are foamed with polyurethane foam.

When the openings are completely cleaned, you can begin finishing them before installing plastic windows. There are two options here: the block is inserted directly into the opening, which is incorrect, or it is first framed around the perimeter with a special frame. In the first case, you will only need to use a chainsaw to cut off the spike in the walls that held the old wooden window block. In the second case, you need to make a new pigtail. You cannot leave old jambs, even if they are in excellent condition.

It should be noted that if the house is not very old, then making a pigtail is mandatory. After all, even after 5–6 years, a wooden frame tends to shrink, which can deform the plastic blocks. The pigtail is made as follows. In a 100x150 mm beam, select a longitudinal groove having a width equal to the width of the ridge remaining on the walls. To do this you need a circular saw, an ax and a chisel with a hammer. Longitudinal cuts are made with a saw, and then the groove is finished with an ax and chisel. Using this groove, the resulting riser is installed vertically on the crest of the wall. You need two of these risers for each window. At the bottom of each jamb, select a tenon 50x50x25 mm. It is needed to fasten the lower bar, which is also spiked on both sides.

The risers should not reach 100 mm from the top log of the opening. This will allow the top bar to be inserted freely. It is necessary that it does not reach 45 mm from the log. All the frame bars are fastened together with dowels, and the joints are insulated with jute tape.

Installing a plastic window block requires special care and precision. If you neglect the rules, the window will not only open and close poorly, but may also leak or freeze in winter. The simplest way- this is to drill the frame and screw it with self-tapping screws directly to the walls. However, this is the worst and incorrect option, which violates the thermal insulation and tightness of the plastic block. The technology for installing plastic windows in wooden walls involves the use of a window frame.

For correct installation PVC window blocks require special fastenings, space for which is available at the ends of any frame. They look thin metal plates with perforation. The frames have technical slides along the entire profile edge. They are made in the form of a gutter with a hook. To make the window construction easier, you can remove the doors and vents by removing the pins from the hinges. Sometimes this may not be enough, for example, when installing windows at high altitudes. In this case, you can remove all the double-glazed windows so that only the frame remains. To do this, you will need a special device for pulling out plastic beads. Just do this carefully so as not to damage the double-glazed windows and not to break the tightness of the profile.

The frame is installed using building level. Alignment is done both vertically and horizontally. The frame is first fixed with wooden spacer wedges. Before this, two identical 10 mm thick chips must be placed under the frame. This is enough so that you can foam the gap with polyurethane foam. This is required by the technology for installing plastic windows. The leveled frame is secured using fasteners to the frame in several places.

After this, the window is completely assembled and the sashes are hung. Attention! Installation of double-glazed windows must be done correctly. Inside the frame there are deformation pads made of soft plastic. They must be located on all sides of the glass unit so that it does not come into direct contact with the profile anywhere. This is necessary to ensure that the glass does not crack as a result of accidental deformation. Since the glazing beads have corner cuts at the edges, they are not so easy to insert into place. To install a glazing bead, one of its edges is inserted under the previous glazing bead perpendicular to it. Then they bend it in the middle and carefully insert it under the second one. Only after this is it pressed into place.

Properly installed glazing beads should not have any gaps with the frame. When installing them, you need to try not to damage the sealing rubber, otherwise water will accumulate in the frame. After installing double-glazed windows around the perimeter, foam is carried out, not forgetting to remove chips and spacers after the foam has dried. The resulting holes are foamed. Attention! If you foam the frame without assembling it completely and without hanging the sash, then when hardening the foam will deform it so that it will be impossible to insert or close anything.

Of course, installing plastic windows yourself in a wooden house has some difficulties, but if you do everything according to the instructions, following all the recommendations, then everything will work out for you, and the plastic windows installed by yourself will delight you for a long time, without causing any problems.

Now the only thing left to do is to install a window sill, ebb and line the slopes, both inside and outside. To install a window sill, it is trimmed so that it does not extend beyond the opening. Install it directly under the frame according to the level. To fix the window sill, it is wedged with wooden wedges between the walls. Bars are placed under the bottom so that it takes a horizontal position. After this, the entire space between the window sill and the slope is foamed. The ebb is also installed horizontally and the bent part is screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws. There are ways to finish slopes a large number of, so we will not consider them within the scope of this article.

Installation of plastic window blocks in a new wooden house

Installing plastic windows in a new wooden house is somewhat different from replacing them in old openings. For obvious reasons, there is no need to carry out dismantling work here. Additionally, it will be necessary to form a ridge in the side walls of the openings. To do this, use a level to mark two parallel lines exactly in the middle of the wall. The distance between them will be 50 mm. Along these lines, cuts are also made with a depth of 50 mm. Then a line is cut on both sides of the wall at the same distance from the edge of the opening. The result will be a comb that will match in size with the grooves on the posts of the pigtail.

Another nuance is related to the fact that new house made of wood shrinks very strongly in the first year. In some cases it can reach 5 cm. For this reason, in the first year it is better not to install windows at all, but if there is such a need, then an adjustment for shrinkage is necessary. To do this, leave a gap about 5 cm wide at the top above the pigtail. It compensates for shrinkage and the frame will be unharmed. This gap can be filled temporarily with boards with soft insulation, so that after the main shrinkage it can be foamed. As the boards shrink, they are removed one at a time, allowing the gap to gradually narrow.

For wooden houses You should not order ordinary white windows if you are not going to cover it with siding. Natural logs or beams are worthy of brown windows or having a color similar to the structure of the wood. If you make a wood panel on them, you will get a very beautiful combination. White windows are in dissonance with wooden structures.

We looked at ways self-installation plastic windows in wooden walls. As you can see, the technology is quite complex, so it must be followed with great care. Remember that violation of the technological rules for installing plastic windows leads to their deformation or loss of positive qualities.

Finishing finished wooden log house begins with the insertion of double-glazed windows into the window openings. However, the amplitude of shrinkage of a log or timber only subsides over time, but never completely disappears. Therefore, if installed incorrectly, troubles are inevitable, leading to damage to expensive PVC products and wood in general. Below are instructions for solving the issue - how to install a double-glazed window in a wooden house with your own hands, which will reduce the cost of attracting outside forces.

Stages of work

Any process is preceded by preparation. For a wooden object, it is especially careful. It is necessary to clean the ends of the openings from fine wood dust in advance, remove protruding parts of the fasteners and impregnate the material with compounds that prevent rotting and other damage.

  1. Measurements for the manufacture of double-glazed windows.
  2. Making vertical grooves at the ends.
  3. Inserting a casing or socket.
  4. Final installation of double-glazed windows in a wooden house and filling of gaps with polyurethane foam.
  5. Finishing.

More details:

  • It is not recommended to carry out calculations yourself. Sometimes deviations of a few mm can become a problem in the future. It is best to call a professional to do the work. If the owners decide to make their own calculations, then they need to take into account the following:
  • The height of the window is 10-12 cm less than the opening.
  • width = opening – 3 cm for foam gaps – thickness of vertical casing board posts – 1.5 cm for unexpected shrinkage or swelling in a humid atmosphere.

The delivered packages are placed at an angle towards the wall, making sure that there are no distortions on the floor - a small weed stone can crack under load.

  • To make grooves, use a chisel or circular saw which is faster. First, outline the outline along the ends and then select the excess. The process is necessary so that when installing the casing, you do not use fasteners, because shrinkage will continue, as mentioned above.

The freed groove is cleaned and impregnated with protection. Next, it must be compacted with the same material that was used in the construction of the crowns - tow, jute.

  • Assembling the pigtail. It is a box of boards, one inch wide. If you have extra money, you can purchase special boards with a spike for this purpose.

If you don’t want to spend money, it’s suitable handmade by sawing or stuffing bars according to the size of the groove into the middle of the vertical posts. The modification of the casing can vary - the tenons and grooves are swapped.

Or a carriage is made, put on at the ends. This way and that way is good. The pigtail is inserted and its upper edge should not reach the top log or beam by 10-12 cm. This is done in case of long-term shrinkage of the log house.

  • Now you can insert a wooden double-glazed window or PVC product. By the way, many environmentalists prefer the first option, motivating the rejection of progressive products with chemical components.

But these are rather prejudices - high-quality plastic windows have already proven themselves. Unlike natural frames, their durability is estimated at tens of years. But the owner is a gentleman.

  • The insertion of packages is carried out by a couple of people in order to maintain accuracy. If desired, the edges are aligned with the lower log or beam or slightly recessed into the house.

At the fastening points along the perimeter of the window, they place wooden blocks, to ensure the necessary clearance under the mounting foam. The frame is fixed with fasteners into pre-drilled holes.

  • It is recommended to fill gaps only with foam - it is elastic, sets quickly and has shock absorption, which will work to its advantage when shrinking. If the gaps turn out to be larger than planned, then you should fill such places with pieces of jute, polystyrene foam and other materials. Is not the best option– air circulation is disrupted, so it’s worth doing this in advance correct measurements when ordering windows, as described above.
  • The upper, largest gap is also filled with a sealant, but it cannot be foamed - shrinkage is inevitable. Having laid jute in it, the opening from the log or beam to the top strip of the casing is closed with a platband.
  • Finishing refers to the installation of slopes and window sills. If plastic double-glazed windows for a wooden house were originally purchased, then the accompanying elements must be of the same quality. It is impossible to finish slopes with plaster - the compositions require the presence of water, which wood is not at all friendly with.

Or you will have to install moisture-resistant plasterboard parts, and apply a solution on them, which is troublesome and requires leveling, constant supervision, elimination of cracks and peeling.

It is much easier to install double-glazed windows for a wooden house by freeing the frames from the sashes. All components are then screwed into place and adjusted. If work is carried out with solid non-leaf structures, then the presence of assistants is mandatory - the packages are quite heavy.

Mistakes when inserting windows into a wooden house

Due to inexperience, many home-grown craftsmen can ruin expensive PVC products through incorrect actions. Below is a list of common actions that lead, at a minimum, to the fragility of the double-glazed window. So:

  1. Incorrect measurements. Independent work will lead to the gaps being too large or, conversely, small. Considering that polyurethane foam is not cheap, it is better to leave the process of determining the correct parameters to specialists. In addition, this happens free of charge in the company where the windows are ordered.
  2. Savings on synthetic seals. We're talking about foam. If it is not enough, it threatens to take on the cold from metal surfaces. Which threatens condensation.
  3. Tight fit. It is not recommended to screw the frame close to the wood. If shrinkage occurs, compensation will be lost and the bag will be in danger of being crushed.
  4. Use fasteners that are too long. Just a part 2/3 screwed into the casing is enough. The ends should not contain pieces of metal. Fastening occurs diagonally with gradual screwing in of self-tapping screws. This way you can achieve a perfect fit.
  5. It is necessary to foam the gaps when the window is full, that is, plastic or wooden double-glazed windows for the dacha and home should be ready-made, with sashes and other fittings. This will give a true load, and the foam will fall as it should and in a smaller volume.
The weight of the structure is quite impressive, unless we are talking about small dormer windows. Therefore, when installing double-glazed windows yourself, you need to have at least an observer on your team to record distortions.

New or already in use wooden houses with double glazed windows look fresh. In addition, the industry that produces these products has taken care of the external variety of designs - you can find ones that are indistinguishable from wood, or colored ones that contrast with the general appearance of the object.

Glad to be useful to you again, my friends!

After examining my windows in a wooden house, I came to the conclusion that it was time to replace them. I have not yet encountered such a process, so the lack practical experience made up for it with the help of other people’s knowledge: I searched through a bunch of forums and sites, through friends I found people who had already done similar work. Then I made a number of conclusions and determined the algorithm for my actions when reinstalling windows. Next I will present everything sequentially.

First of all, I measured the windows and ordered new ones, providing the exact dimensions. While the order was being fulfilled, I began dismantling the old frames and then clearing the openings of accumulated debris. Upon receipt of the windows, I installed window sills and prepared double-glazed windows for installation. I placed the structures in permanent places and secured them. Of course, in reality the process was not so quick and easy, but there is nothing overwhelming about it - I managed it and you can too.

Technology for installing a plastic window in the opening of a wooden house

When installing plastic double glazing You can’t do without a level and a plumb line in the frame of a wooden house – if you want the window sashes to move smoothly, not open under their own weight, or jam. Then never fix a window without making sure – not by eye, but by level – that it is level.

To ensure that the work involved in inserting the window into the opening and leveling does not go down the drain, it is necessary to secure the leveled structure with mounting fasteners.

Most best option– 6 pieces for each window. They can be ordered in the same place where you submit your application for the production of double-glazed windows.

There are technical slides for these fastenings on each side of the window, so there will be no difficulties with the correct placement of the plates. Each plate has holes for self-tapping screws. Is it possible to do without plates? Yes, if you want to drill through it when attaching the frame, which will cause depressurization of the chambers in the profile. Personally, I am against such barbarism - I need windows not only for beauty, but also for reliable protection from cold and moisture. And tell the installers, if you don’t install them yourself, to install the windows according to the rules. Only in this case will the expectations from plastic double-glazed windows in a wooden house be fully justified.

I highly recommend removing the window sashes from the frame before installing it in the opening. This will not take much time, but will save a lot of energy: without it, it will become much easier and direct it to Right place will be simpler.

Algorithm for installing a double-glazed window into the opening of a wooden house:

  • Having inserted the structure into the frame, insert wood chips 2 centimeters thick under the lower frame;
  • using a water level, determine the quality of the installation;
  • achieve the desired indicator by placing additional chips;
  • Use the same pieces of wood to level the frame vertically;
  • Having determined the most optimal position, secure the frame to the post with self-tapping screws, inserting them into the holes on the mounting plates.

When screwing in each self-tapping screw, do not hit the ridge of the log into which the pigtail rests. To avoid loosening the screw, screw it in slightly at an angle.

After fixing the frame, foam it along the contour only after hanging the sashes - they will prevent it from bending under the pressure of the hardening foam. If the sashes are not installed before this, then later there will be problems with the movement of the vents even in a perfectly installed frame.

After leveling the frame horizontally and vertically, a 2 cm thick gap should remain on each side of the entire structure for filling with foam. The height of the distance between the top panel of the frame and the first log is no less than 5 and no more than 15 cm - the gap will prevent the wood from pressing on the windows after the frame shrinks.

Before pouring the foam, a control check is required to ensure the correct installation of the entire structure. They focus on the “behavior” of the open sash: it should not independently go further than it was opened, or try to return back, obeying its weight, and not you.

This is a short educational program on the topic of installing plastic double-glazed windows in a wooden house. I hope that my advice will help you in your noble and exciting endeavor.


I wanted to install plastic windows in my country wooden house. Everything that will be described below is a verbal presentation of my experience in independently installing double-glazed windows in a house made of timber.

Why did I decide to install the windows myself?

There are several reasons:

  • for installation you will have to pay up to 50% of the cost of the window itself (with the savings from 2 installed yourself, you can buy a third);
  • almost all companies that provide window installation services in wooden houses do not provide any guarantees for their work;
  • there is no need to pay for a service that any owner can provide to himself in 2 hours of work.

In order for the installation result to please you for many years, you need to adhere to the step-by-step algorithm of actions recommended below.

Removing old windows

Regardless of who will install new double-glazed windows in a wooden building - you or invited workers - It is permissible to install new structures only on a rigid foundation. I was lucky: the window casings in our house were replaced a couple of years ago, so the wood was flawless. That is, I did not find any wormholes, rot, cracks, dents or chips on it. Therefore, when ordering double-glazed windows, I indicated the dimensions of the new windows, taking into account that the boxes would remain. If in your case the condition of the frames turns out to be not very good, but your housekeeping will not allow you to throw them away, then the dismantled items can be used as the basis for a mini-greenhouse.

Don't know how good and bad the boxes under your windows are? All the same, do not allow either yourself or your employees to break them out “with meat”. You will always have time to use it for firewood. The same applies to glass: there is no certainty that they will not crack during dismantling, so take it out first - they will also find a use. I was lucky again: the frames were still strong, so the structures were removed without removing the glass.

How to prepare a place

Walk around the entire perimeter of the frame with a dry brush or clean rag to sweep away anything remaining after dismantling.

Window sill installation

First to be assigned to a permanent place plastic window sill , which is “charged” with serving as the basis for the rest of the structure. Hence the “legs grow” of the requirement to install it perfectly level and horizontal. A regular building level will help determine how correctly it is installed in a vertical and horizontal position. To adjust its location taking into account the level readings, use cut strips of plastic or wood chips (the latter only if they have been treated with an antiseptic). To stabilize the window sill, make a notch on each side of the box, going 8 millimeters deep into the wood.

Secure the window sill with self-tapping screws, screwing it to the bottom of the window frame. Fasteners are placed with a two-centimeter indentation from the outer end of the window sill and with a mandatory backing under each washer. It will prevent the self-tapping screw from breaking through the fabric if you overdo it when tightening the fasteners. Don't worry that the fasteners will spoil the overall impression - they simply won't be visible.

How to prepare a double-glazed window

I recommend before you start installation work put the handle. But the film can be removed later - this way there is less chance of leaving unattractive stripes on the surface of the plastic. You only need to tear off the adhesive strip where the handle is installed. When placing the lever on the sash, hold its long part parallel to the window sill.

After installing the window, this position of the handle will correspond to the mode of opening the entire sash towards itself. When the handle is moved with the end down, the sash will be locked; upward - only the narrow upper part of the window can completely move away from the frame panel.

Having secured the handle to the panel with a pair of bolts, you need to turn it end down. On the side posts, mark the holes for fastenings that will hold the window within the frame.

Window installation

We place the assembled structure in the opening, making sure that on both vertical edges the intermediate distance from the frame to the sides of the glass unit is the same (about a centimeter).

While the person helping you holds the frame, you must wedge a centimeter-wide spacer bar between the frame and the window frame. Their presence is necessary for the stability of the structure being fixed at the moment of connecting the glass unit to the frame with self-tapping screws. If you are lazy or forget about the bars, you can cause the window to move to the side during the fastening process.

As a result, the doors will then be difficult to open and close.

After wedging in the bars and placing the glass unit strictly according to the level indicators, secure the inserted structure in the box with self-tapping screws, not forgetting to screw them in on each of the four sides.

When inserting a self-tapping screw, you need to ensure that its location is in the free space between the window and the frame itself.

Then, during periods when the house “walks” under the influence of climatic influences and seasonal changes, the windows in it will not warp.

Installing a window in a wooden house using a self-expanding tape in the video:

How to install double-glazed windows in a wooden building?

First, take care of maintaining the passage of the drain holes - install adjusting plates between them that will prevent condensation from accumulating from the window.

Then insert the double-glazed window into the opening of the box so that there is free space around the entire perimeter between the two structures. It is necessary to maintain the integrity of the glass in the frame when the frame will move behind the house in the spring or winter.

If the glass unit fits tightly to the frame (minimum gap of 5 mm), file a claim with the manufacturer of the structure. A decent contractor should respond by offering an appropriate solution to the problem.

Having inserted a double-glazed window into the box and aligned the first one on four sides with respect to the last one, secure its location with plastic beads with profile spikes. These “spiky” strips are very easy to install: just push them with small taps into the openings. When the bead's spines reach the grooves, you will hear a characteristic click.

Having achieved a fixed and correct placement of the double-glazed window in the box, fill the voids between these two structures with polyurethane foam, treating the cracks from the inside and outside.

Remove any frozen excess by trimming with a knife.

All difficulties with installing windows in wooden houses have one root: the instability of wooden structures throughout the entire operational period.

Without taking this factor into account during the installation of plastic structures, be it windows or doors, it is quite possible to end up in a situation where the new “joinery” fails without even working for a year. How do wooden houses differ from others? Wood loses a lot of moisture in the first years after the construction of a log house. A year, as some say, is not enough for the final drying process. In the best case, the walls of the house will take their final size in the sixth year after their construction.

But in some regions the process of “walking” of houses never ends.

On average, the height of the wall can decrease by 4-5 cm. And what will happen to the double-glazed windows that were installed in the box in such a way that there was only 2-2.5 cm between the sides of these structures? Do owners of wooden houses really need to forget about dreams of plastic windows? Of course not. You just need to follow a number of technical recommendations. First: do not neglect the casing. It is also called a pigtail. Thanks to it, any windows become independent from exposure, within reasonable limits, load-bearing walls

building. Whether they shrink or become slightly bent, this will not affect the integrity and functionality of the window. Are common specifications

  • casing:
  • will protect the logs from moving away from the vertical in the area of ​​the window opening;
  • does not resist vertical shrinkage of the wall;
  • takes on all the loads;

contributes to the strength of the wall in the window opening area.

What is casing? The most common option is to make square vertical grooves with a side of 5 cm in the ends of the logs and then seal them with bars of the same size. But such treatment of the walls around the opening is only suitable for preparing a place for wooden windows. To prepare an opening for plastic double-glazed windows, you need to make a ridge at the ends of the logs, and then install a window carriage with a groove on it.

The presence of a tongue and groove will ensure that the logs slide without harming the window frame. When the pigtail is assembled in the opening, it is then covered with rolled tow, and carriages are stuffed on top. After such a procedure, neither squeaks from shrinkage nor drafts from under the window are scary.

Then you need to make the lower jumper and also stuff the carriages onto the comb with tow. Insert the upper jumper into the hole from above, and then lower it into the groove. Then strengthen the structure with self-tapping screws, making sure that they do not touch the ridge - this is important for maintaining the resulting structure’s relative freedom. After All cracks found between the window frame and the walls must be filled with tow.

You can also insert metal-plastic double-glazed windows into this design without fear that they will jam when the house shrinks. When installing, do not forget that noise, heat, and vapor barriers also need to be taken care of.

The gap between the log house and the casing must be filled with thin strips with wound tow fibers.

When the house begins to shrink noticeably, knock out the planks to replace them with new ones. To make this process easier, I strongly recommend attaching the top casing only to the casing. If you need it, carefully remove it, change the filling, and secure it in place.

When I conducted seminars, I often encountered bewilderment about the need for a window installer to understand the technology of constructing wooden buildings. What's strange about this? Without this, the installer will not be able to install the window in such a way that it will serve without complaints for years. In other cases it is impossible to do without casing.

If you are hired to install plastic double-glazed windows in a wooden house, find out the presence of casing. If it is not there, and instead of a frame there will be a frame from an old window, tell the owner that he has two options. Either he agrees to modernize the window opening for casing and the windows are smaller than planned, or the person will receive windows in old frames without casing, but without your guarantee for a quality result. Since even old wooden houses always “walk” and to resist this, it is better to always take this factor into account when installing windows. And don’t forget to indicate in the contract that you disclaim all responsibility for the future life of the windows.

We install plastic double-glazed windows in a private house

Remember: all wooden buildings shrink. And this fact must always be taken into account when installing plastic double-glazed windows in a log house.

The strongest shrinkage processes of wood occur in the first two years after the construction of the log house is completed. Each meter of masonry shrinks by 1.5 cm. And this is a very large value to ignore when equipping a wooden house with plastic windows.

Why do they make a casing?

The durability of the plastic window and the level of comfort during use depend on how professionally the casing is carried out. It provides the window with a safe position during the period when the house is once again slightly deformed due to fluctuations under the influence of changes in humidity or temperature.

What is casing? This is a box made of thick boards. It is inserted into the window opening, secured using a certain technology, and only then dealt with PVC installation glass unit The box itself is held inside the opening using side grooves.

In the process, you cannot rely on the technical qualities of polyurethane foam or other fastening methods.

A gap must be left between the structure and the upper lintel of the window opening, the value of which should be greater than the expected shrinkage of the wooden wall.

How to make a pigtail:

  • inserting wooden beams into specially made grooves (self-tapping screws will then be screwed into the beams);
  • cutting out tenons on the edges of the logs in the window opening and forming grooves in the sides of the box (experts call this the “into the deck” technique);
  • tenons are made in the sides of the structure, and the ends of the window opening logs are equipped with grooves.

Nuances of preparing a window opening

Do not be intimidated by the work of installing plastic double-glazed windows in a wooden building. If you follow the correct algorithm, you can insert modern window in a log house of any age.

First of all, determine the distance to the window from the floor. The most convenient option is if the window sill is slightly higher than the horizontal plane of your desk.

If there is none nearby, then use a distance of 80-90 cm. Determine the lower and upper boundaries of the window opening using a water level. The top line should be 13 +1.5 cm above the top border of the glass unit, the difference on the sides should be 12-14 +1.5 cm.

Leave an allowance of one and a half centimeters to seal the cracks with construction foam. Having decided on the size of the opening, take measurements for the future window. Observe extreme accuracy both when installing the casing and when taking parameters for the design of the double-glazed window itself. Qualitative measurement is one of the most important nuances

After bringing the opening to the desired condition, start tenoning the ends of the logs facing the window. The rough window is trimmed with jute on the sides and bottom. Make the casing only from well-dried wood, sawn into bars. Make connections with self-tapping screws, and cover the points of convergence along the joints with sealant. Fill the gaps in the window with tow.

For information about casing and trim when installing PVC windows in a wooden house, watch the video:

Installation nuances

The finished metal-plastic structure is placed after being ideally pulled out in the foreground or deepened into the wall. The main product is secured with self-tapping screws, screwing them into specially prepared grooves.

It is permissible to install a metal-plastic window of any configuration in an ordinary wooden house, but not made of timber, if you know how to properly frame it, take measurements and select the appropriate fittings.

When selecting tools and other materials, do not take self-tapping screws longer than 12 cm. Such “stings” will definitely go beyond the frame and dig into the main building, which is unacceptable given the mobility of a wooden house.

To waterproof the external seam, you can use acrylic sealant without additional components in the composition, sealing tape that self-expands after being placed in place, or regular vapor-permeable tape.

Such protection will extend the service life of the polyurethane foam and prevent the formation of drafts.

A vapor barrier tape is placed along the inner seam, securing it with special glue. And only then the seam is treated with polyurethane foam. Quite often, owners of private houses or country dachas

prefer to make corrective changes to their home, for example, installing plastic bags or choosing a more secure door to protect their property. It is these elements that perform a protective function, and therefore must be of high quality and reliable in all respects.

PVC windows in a wooden house

The technology for installing PVC windows in wooden buildings provides for some differences, so this process will require a diagram of all manipulations, which will be correctly and correctly calculated. The most important thing here is to take into account that the wooden base of the house tends to sag, which can affect the new window coverings. If the order of work is carried out according to the correct scheme, then all manipulations with the windows will not lead to disastrous results, and subsequently the shrinkage of the wood will not disrupt the installation of the plastic material.

The procedure for installing PVC windows in a wooden building

Having chosen PVC window coverings for your home, no matter whether it’s old or new, it is recommended to install it using the “casing” or “jam” technology. This technique will prevent the process of window deformation, regardless of the base that was chosen for the manufacture of the building material.

According to statistical studies, a house made of natural wood can shrink by about 35 centimeters. The amount of shrinkage depends on the base that was used during construction wooden structure. A year after the construction of the building, the house may sag by:

  1. 45-65 centimeters if the walls were built from rounded logs.
  2. 35-45 centimeters, if ordinary timber was chosen as the basis.
  3. 15-35 centimeters, if the walls of the building were built from laminated veneer lumber.

These parameters should definitely be taken into account, since shrinkage of the house can “press down” the installed windows to the main structure. As a result, window coverings will succumb to the deformation process and will be difficult to open and close. Therefore, experts do not recommend installation in a building that has not yet shrinked. But it’s not only new buildings that can be damaged; older buildings can also experience similar difficulties. A specially designed diagram created by professional builders will help you avoid installation errors.

What steps are important when installing PVC windows in wooden buildings

First of all, when installing window coverings from a plastic base, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work, which includes several activities:

  • The old window frame is completely dismantled;
  • Debris and dust are thoroughly removed;
  • the size of the window frame is measured and the necessary calculations are made;
  • at irregular shape hole, which is intended for a new window, its shape is aligned. For manipulation, you can use a special sealant or putty material for woodworking;
  • It is determined which design design is most suitable for a wooden house, and the color of the PVC window is selected.

The preparatory stage allows you to accurately determine the dimensions, think about how many sashes you would like to see on the new window, and what color is more preferable for harmonious combination window frame with the main structure of the house. After completing the first stage, you can contact a window production company and order the type that will satisfy all the customer’s wishes.

Installing a new window

After the selected window coverings are delivered, and the first preparatory stage finished, you can begin the main process - installing the window frame. For this stage you need to prepare the following tools:

  • wood drill and screwdriver;
  • level used in construction, measuring tape;
  • fastening elements in the form of anchor bolts and plates;
  • polyurethane foam and a spray bottle with plain water.

During the installation process, you may need additional tools, for example, pliers, wrenches for tightening bolts, wedges for spacers, so it would be a good idea to prepare them in advance as well. It is recommended to find a partner during installation in order to correctly perform some manipulations with the window covering. Next, you should install the frame so that the shrinkage process does not adversely affect the original shape of the window frame.

The process of making a pigtail

The final installation of a plastic window in a wooden house can only be done after making the frame. In order to independently produce this structure, which will hold significant weight from the load-bearing walls of the building, you need to prepare a high-quality wooden beam. The size of the latter is 10 by 15 centimeters. Using a construction chisel, it is necessary to make a cut on the base to create a connecting groove, and its width should be 5 centimeters.

Using a chainsaw, additional longitudinal cuts are made. All manipulations with the beam are carried out using a building level to prevent distortion on the structure. The main riser of the window frame is installed in the finished grooves, and the desired opening is formed. In this process, a building level is also used.

The last stage of installation of a PVC window

Plastic windows are installed into the finished window frame system using special fasteners. To make installation easier, you can remove all the doors from their hinges by simply removing the retaining pin. Thus, the weight of the window covering is significantly reduced, and installation is easier.

The installation of this element must be controlled using a building level to prevent misalignment. The installation procedure is as follows:

  • fasteners connect the pigtail system;
  • leave a small distance at the bottom using a wooden wedge, which will be removed later;
  • is installed window frame into the pigtail system and securely fixes it using fasteners;
  • the window sashes are installed in their original place;
  • The cracks and gaps are filled with polyurethane foam, and the wooden wedge is removed.

Of course, installing plastic windows in a wooden building - both new and old - cannot be called simple and easy. However, any difficulties can be avoided if you adhere to the recommendations of experts and a properly developed scheme for this process. If you still encounter difficulties when installing window coverings, you can watch a training video.