How to choose high-quality plastic windows for your apartment. What are the best plastic windows: get acquainted with the recommendations of which company has good plastic windows. All profiles have a similar set of properties


The popularity of such a product as metal-plastic window structures can be explained by their attractive appearance. Despite the fact that consumers are increasingly choosing this option over wooden or aluminum windows, there is not much information about the product. Therefore, you should carefully understand what plastic windows the best , and by what parameters they should be selected.

To make an informed choice, first of all, it is important to navigate the design features and operating principles this mechanism. After all, the level of noise insulation, heat conservation and the passage of dust and moisture depends on how high the quality of the purchased window is. If you understand the question of which plastic windows are better , then they will serve you for as long as possible, performing all their functions.

Do you want to choose high-quality plastic windows? The German company is famous for its windows with excellent heat-insulating properties.

Read also consumer reviews about Brugmann windows in our material at the link.

Read more about how to choose fittings for plastic windows and which manufacturers to give preference to.

Selecting a profile

This element is the main part of the metal-plastic window structure. The service life and efficiency of the window, its insulating characteristics, and aesthetic appearance depend on its quality.

There is no fundamental difference between profiles from the world's leading manufacturers. Therefore, when choosing which plastic windows to install, focus, first of all, on a certified profile that meets GOST and other standards.

When studying the characteristics of a profile, attention should be paid to such a concept as reinforcement. The technological process transforms the profile from ordinary plastic into metal-plastic, making it more durable and rigid. The essence this process is as follows: a steel or galvanized profile is placed in the inner chamber of the profile. The thickness of the latter varies from 0.5 to 2 mm. Choose this parameter necessary based on technical requirements.

Reinforced profile

The best plastic windows have a more complex design. Thus, a high-quality product from leading manufacturers is characterized by a wall thickness of 3 mm. It will not bend, deform, or form cracks.

A high-quality profile must be made of galvanized steel, since this metal makes the structure lighter, secures the shape of the window as much as possible, and also protects the window from sudden temperature changes. If the manufacturer uses non-galvanized metal, there is a high probability that such structures will begin to rust long before installation.

Depending on the wall thickness, the profile can be classified into one of three classes:

  1. Class A. In such structures, the thickness of the internal walls is 2.5 mm, external - 2.8 mm. This best windows for residential premises, since they cope with the function of thermal insulation as efficiently as possible.
  2. Class B. This option is most often used in non-residential premises, since it retains heat an order of magnitude worse. The thickness of the outer wall is 2.5 mm, the inner wall is 2.0 mm.
  3. Class C. Products for which there are no particularly strict requirements.

Wall thickness of class A profiles

Wall thickness of class B profiles

The thicker the profile, the better and more durable the structure.

As for materials, most often this component is made of PVC. The latter is absolutely environmentally friendly and is not prone to deformation. It is not affected by temperature changes, high humidity, acids, solvents. From PVC you can create structures of almost any shape, which will be distinguished by uniform color, texture, and absence of odor.

If you choose the right profile, you can install windows , which will last up to 50-60 years.

Choosing fittings: functionality and brand

This category includes various hinges, brackets, and other connecting elements. All of them are responsible for opening/closing the window. Since this action can be carried out more than 50 thousand times during the service life of the structure, then right choice fittings are extremely important.

Before you decide which windows to install , You should carefully study the offers of different brands that have been offering similar products for several years. Modern window performs a number of important functions, so the selected fittings must meet the following requirements:

  • ensure maximum convenience and practicality of the window design;
  • create a single whole with the structure, a mechanism that will optimally distribute the load on the window sashes.

Practice shows that today the most reliable manufacturers are German brands.

The importance of choosing a double-glazed window

The answer to the question, which plastic windows are of the highest quality? , quite difficult. And much of the right choice depends on the double-glazed window. This structural element is responsible for noise and thermal insulation. It is a set of glasses separated by special sealed chambers.

When choosing a double-glazed window, you should pay special attention to the thickness of the glass. According to existing standards this indicator should be at least 4 mm. But, often, in an effort to save money, manufacturers offer the buyer glass 3 mm thick. This is considered a gross violation of quality standards.

Another important point in this matter is the number of cameras. The most common option is a double-glazed window.

There are also three- and four-chamber options. They are used in regions with particularly cold climatic conditions. Best choice will become polished M glass. Manufacturers also offer fireproof and energy-saving options. When choosing, always pay attention to the country of origin. Today, domestic brands are not yet able to compete with recognized global companies.

Thus, we can safely say that there are no secondary details in modern window designs. It is important to take into account every little detail when choosing which plastic windows are best installed in an apartment or house. Even the smallest components Bad quality can lead to the fact that the structure cannot properly perform its main functions.

Just 10 years ago, plastic windows were considered and were a luxury, but in a short period of time, they became so popular that they are already in almost every apartment.

At first, plastic windows were treated with skepticism, since over many years people had formed a stereotype that windows must be wooden, and plastic windows are not so warm and will not withstand our harsh winters. But starting from the mid-2000s, plastic windows began to be seen in houses one after another. On the one hand, this was due to the reduction in the cost of metal-plastic windows due to the fact that their production was established in our country, and not exported from abroad as before. In addition, people are convinced that plastic windows are quite reliable and warm. Having plunged into history, let's return to our topic; today we will tell you how to choose the right plastic windows.

Considering that choosing plastic windows is a very serious procedure and that there are both low-quality windows and fakes on sale, we want to tell you in more detail about how to choose high-quality plastic windows for an apartment. Sometimes manufacturers themselves save on the production of windows, thereby reducing the cost of its production for themselves, increasing their profits, at the same price for buyers, or they sell under the brand name famous brands fakes. How can you avoid being deceived and choose good windows?

What should you pay attention to when choosing and purchasing plastic windows?


Each metal profile must be internally reinforced and reinforced with metal. As an amplifier, inside the plastic profile, a durable steel pipe closed square section. Some manufacturers, in order to save money, install an amplifier in the profile from a weaker material than steel, or the amplifier is not square, but U-shaped - as a result of this you will get a low-quality profile. Therefore, when choosing and purchasing a window, clarify this issue with a consultant. The thickness of the profile must be at least 60mm; it will provide the minimum required degree of thermal insulation for the room.

Chambers are responsible for the heat-saving properties of the profile; accordingly, the greater the number of chambers, the better the heat-saving properties the profile will have. Most often, a minimal three-chamber is used for an apartment. plastic profile, which is suitable for the climatic characteristics of our area.


Very important point When choosing a window, it is the fittings. Fittings are the mechanics of the entire window, which are placed around the perimeter of the entire window sash. The fittings are responsible for opening and closing the sash, and also perform the function of pressing it tightly against the window profile itself - therefore, a lot depends on the fittings. The fittings have a complex mechanism, because just imagine, a slight turn of the window handle makes all the mechanical parts slide along the perimeter of the entire sash. A lot depends on the quality of the fittings, so when purchasing a window, be sure to check it.

Double-glazed window

Let's move on to one of the most important components of a plastic window - a double-glazed window. For some reason, many people by this concept mean the entire window, but this is wrong, a double-glazed window is a part of the window, consisting of a glass block, which includes glasses separated by chambers.

As a rule, double-glazed windows are distinguished by the number of chambers, and not by the number of glasses, that is, one chamber is one gap between the glasses. Accordingly, a single-chamber double-glazed window includes two glasses, a double-chamber one - three, etc.
The double-glazed window must be completely sealed, there must be rarefied air or inert gas inside the chambers, the latter is used in energy-saving double-glazed windows. Checking the quality of sealing is very simple - if you see the middle glass of a double-glazed window, then the sealing is broken and this double-glazed window needs to be replaced.

Due to the fact that up to 70% of heat loss occurs through glass, you should not save on double-glazed windows. We recommend buying a window with an energy-saving double-glazed window; it not only retains heat well, but also has a lighter weight compared to conventional double-glazed windows, which reduces the load on the fittings and extends its service life. The thickness of the glass unit must be at least 30mm.

For the most comfortable stay in the room, it is necessary to ventilate it. As a rule, all windows have three modes: opening, ventilation and closing. In addition, we recommend buying a window in which you can adjust the degree of tilt of the transom when ventilating - this is a very convenient option.


When choosing a window, you should also pay attention to the rubber seal, which should spring back. If it is too soft or too hard, this will negatively affect the sealing of the sash, so in this situation a middle ground is needed.

How to choose a plastic window company

Today there are quite a lot of manufacturers of metal-plastic windows. There are large manufacturing companies that sell their windows throughout our country, and there are also local ones that do not have such large production capacities and popularity, but cover the needs of a certain region of the country. Personally, we recommend giving preference to such well-known manufacturers who have the most best reviews: VEKA, REHAU and Salamander. If you are confident in the quality of windows from another manufacturer, then give preference to them.

Company selling windows

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing plastic windows is the company that sells the windows themselves. This should not be a “basement” office, since these are the ones who are often guilty of selling counterfeit products, but should have a normal office. Reviews about the work and products sold by this company are also important. If you have decided on a window brand, it is best to buy them in a special store certified by the manufacturer. As a rule, certified windows from manufacturers are sold in stores of the same name, but sometimes you come across options where this is not the case.


Unfortunately, very often people try to save money on the purchase of plastic windows, for example, they buy windows with a U-shaped metal reinforcement, single-chamber double-glazed windows, sometimes they even go so far as to purchase windows without a ventilation mode - this is absolutely forbidden!
If you want to save on windows, then ask yourself a simple question - why do you need new windows!? You can safely paint and insulate the old ones, with minimal waste. If you want to insulate an apartment, then saving on windows will first of all affect the thermal insulation of the apartment, and subsequently the profile may sag, condensation will constantly form on it, problems with the movement of the sash will appear, etc. Therefore, if you are installing windows in an apartment, do not skimp on them.

Although this indirectly relates to the choice of windows, nevertheless, an important aspect when choosing plastic windows is the choice of installers. If you choose the highest quality and best insulating window, it will not be of any use if it is not installed correctly. Therefore, be no less serious about choosing a team of installers.

Which plastic windows to choose for certain tasks

In your messages, you ask us about which PVC plastic windows to choose for this or that location - this article is by the way, and we will raise this question.

Which plastic windows to choose for your home and apartment?

There are two window options for apartments and houses:

Option 1:

The best option for apartments and houses.

Profile: 5 chambers, depth 70mm;
Double-glazed window: double-chamber, thickness not less than 30mm, one glass must have a special energy-efficient coating.

Option 2:

A window option that has excellent thermal insulation and sound insulation properties.

Double-glazed window: double-chamber, thickness of at least 40 mm, glass (at least one of them) must have an energy-efficient coating.

How to choose plastic windows for a balcony

Option 1:

If you have a balcony window profile is the only one, that is, you have combined the room with a balcony or loggia, or you are planning to make an office out of the balcony.

Profile: 5 chambers, depth 86mm;
Double-glazed window: double-chamber, thickness of at least 40 mm, glass with energy-efficient coating.

Option 2:

If you want to insulate the balcony and do not plan to make a room out of it.

Profile: 3 cameras; depth 60mm;
Double-glazed window: single-chamber, thickness not less than 30mm.

We would also like to tell our readers how to choose plastic windows in the video version.

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Double-glazed windows framed in a plastic profile have become very popular among residents of modern megacities. They not only have big amount advantages, but also very easy to maintain, and also affordable.

However, it is not enough to just buy the model you like; you need to know how to choose plastic windows for your home so that they not only last a long time, but also protect the apartment from street noise, cold and heat loss.

In contact with


Advantages of window designs made of plastic:

  1. Excellent heat and sound insulation.
  2. Protecting the room from sunlight in the summer.
  3. Energy saving properties.
  4. Tightness.
  5. Easy to install and maintain.
  6. Reliable protection of the room from moisture, dust and wind.
  7. Affordable price.
  8. Aesthetic appeal.
  9. Frost resistance.
  10. Safety for the environment and human health.
  11. Wide selection of shapes and sizes.

There are no serious disadvantages to metal-plastic window structures. The only thing that can be noted is the insufficient resistance to ultraviolet radiation, and the not very high temperature stability of the polyvinyl chloride, which is used in the production of the base profile.

However, most manufacturers are constantly improving their products, trying to correct all the shortcomings that exist in them.

Having weighed all the pros and cons, we can come to the conclusion that plastic window structures are a great option for apartments and private houses.

Attention! If installed incorrectly, mold may form on the slopes.


To choose the right windows for your home, you need to successfully select their shape and size. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the interior and size of the room. The selected form should look harmonious with the surrounding space.

Today there are the following forms:

  1. Standard rectangular with doors that open into the room.
  2. T-shaped.
  3. Arched.
  4. With a trapezoidal cross-section and a profile width of more than 10 cm.

If you are interested in which plastic windows are of the highest quality - standard rectangular or trapezoidal, it is worth noting that the latter are more reliable and efficient. Plus, they don't require installation external slopes.

Leading manufacturers

Main criteria The choice of plastic windows for an apartment is their energy saving, high quality materials and thermal insulation . On the modern market of metal-plastic window structures, there are several dozen manufacturers who have proven themselves well, thanks to the excellent characteristics of the models they produce. The ranking of global manufacturers who produce the best windows for apartments is presented in the table.

Brand Advantages Flaws
Rehau (Switzerland)
  • High strength.
  • Excellent thermal insulation.
  • Wide selection of models.
  • Frost resistance.
  • High price.
  • Low height of window sashes.
Veka (Germany)
  • Good sealing.
  • Excellent noise and heat insulation.
  • Use of rubber seals.
  • Durability.
  • High price.
KBE (Germany)
  • Eco-friendly materials.
  • Excellent sound and heat insulation properties.
  • Resistance to sudden temperature changes.
  • The polyvinyl chloride used for the profile can turn yellow a little over time.
Montblanc (Russia)
  • Reasonable price.
  • Attractive design.
  • Strength.
  • Not very good fittings.
  • Seals with a specific odor.
Proplex (Russia)
  • Affordable price.
  • Durability.
  • Using durable plastic to make the base profile.
  • Outdated design most models.

In choosing which windows better than Century or Rehau, reviews of people who have already purchased metal-plastic structures from these manufacturers will help.

Both brands are reliable. Their products are characterized by high quality, availability anti-burglary system, excellent thermal insulation and noise insulation characteristics.

When choosing which windows are better than Vek or Rehau, you should not focus only on the manufacturer. Even with a high quality base profile, the performance characteristics of the window structure may not be very good. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the fittings, the glass itself and the seal, as well as company reputation, which will carry out all installation work.

Main characteristics

Longitudinal air chambers play an important role in heat and sound insulation. Let's consider, how to choose the right one air chamber:

  1. there should be air chambers at least 3.
  2. The chambers prevent the formation of condensation, which can accumulate inside the cavity due to the difference in temperature in the heated room and outside. This is done thanks to special holes located on the surface of the front part. The absence of such holes indicates low quality the entire structure.
  3. Models whose air chamber cavities are filled with expanded polystyrene have excellent thermal insulation characteristics.

Direct impact on the thermal insulation properties, thickness of the glass unit and the ability to install good fittings is determined by the profile width, which is also called the installation depth.

What should you pay attention to when choosing window profile:

  1. For standard models, the width varies between 5-8 cm. With a width of up to 6 cm, only 3 air chambers can be installed; if the width is more than 7 cm, 4 or more.
  2. The installation depth does not always indicate the number of cameras. On the modern market there are designs with a profile width of 80-90 mm, but with a small supply of air cavities. However, in its own way thermal insulation characteristics they are better than multi-chamber narrow profiles.
  3. The thickness of the external walls and partitions of the profile should be not less than 2.5 mm. A lower figure is only suitable for garages and other unheated premises.
  4. An important component of the window structure is a U-shaped or square profile made of galvanized steel. It protects the plastic profile from deformation, which is formed under the influence of cold or sun rays. Its absence will significantly worsen the sealing and negatively affect the opening of the valves.

Good light transmission and thermal insulation will be ensured by a correctly and successfully selected double-glazed window. better to choose for residential premises:

  1. When choosing suitable option you should pay attention to the mounting depth of the glass unit, which should be at least 15-18 mm. With a smaller size, the glass will fog up and freeze faster.
  2. Most manufacturers produce double-glazed windows with a thickness of 24, 26 or 32 mm. The thicker the glass unit, the better its sound insulation.
  3. Single-chamber (SPO) and double-glazed windows (SPD) have become widespread. The more chambers, the better the thermal insulation and the higher the cost.
  4. There are glasses various types : transparent, tinted, self-cleaning, shockproof, matte, with energy-saving coating and mirror. Which option to choose depends on financial capabilities, purpose and characteristics of the room where the window structure will be installed.
  5. What double-glazed windows are the best thickness for apartments? For residential premises, a glass thickness of 4-5 mm is sufficient.
  6. When choosing a double-glazed window, you should pay attention to the presence of markings.
  7. There should be no defects on the surface of the glass, such as chips and cracks.
  8. There should be no visible traces of liquid sealant on the spacer bar.

Prices for double glazed windows

double glazed windows

Selection of seals and fittings

Good tightness of the window structure is achieved through the use of special sealing components that prevent moisture and cold air from the street from entering the room.

Which ones are better select seals:

  1. High quality seal must be strong, elastic, resistant to high and low temperatures, without any unpleasant odors.
  2. Thermoplastic and thermopolymer seals are very popular. They have excellent characteristics and affordable prices.
  3. The most durable and resistant to temperature changes is silicone seal b. It is worth noting that it has a fairly high cost. A rubber seal has a more affordable price, which in its characteristics is not inferior to silicone. However, it is quite short-lived.

Important! The simplicity and ease of use of a window structure directly depends on the quality of the fittings. Among the most the best companies that produce excellent fittings are: Winkhaus, Siegenia-Aubi, G-U and Maco.

Fittings are not just latches and hinges. It also includes systems for reliable sealing, air exchange, opening and clamping. In addition, it includes an anti-burglary system, which will be needed by owners of private houses and apartments located on the 1st or 2nd floor.

Exists 3 types of accessories, providing different positions of the valves:

  • sliding;
  • rotary;
  • folding;
  • universal, which combines the characteristics of rotary and folding fittings.

However, it is quite expensive. At an affordable price, you can buy accessories for 10 thousand cycles.

Professional advice will help you choose which windows are best to install in your apartment. Similar recommendations can be read on the Internet on specialized sites or find out what better options for residential premises by contacting a company that sells and installs metal-plastic window systems.

Important Tips by choice of plastic windows:

  1. Residents of large cities who live in close proximity to a busy road or highway, when choosing a suitable option for an apartment, should first of all pay attention to the noise insulation properties of the selected model. To ensure excellent insulation of the room from street noise, it is recommended to choose the thickness of the glass unit not less than 32 mm. It is worth noting that the greater the distance between the glasses, the better the sound insulation. However, as the distance increases, the thermal insulation properties deteriorate.
  2. Before choosing plastic windows from a particular company, you should look work examples, and ask to show a section of the reinforcing profile, which must be made of galvanized steel and have a thickness of 1.5-2 mm. Only in this case will it be reliable and durable.
  3. When installing metal-plastic window structures, do not forget about mosquito nets and other little things that will help get rid of insects and various minor troubles.
  • Date: 04/21/2015
  • Views: 184
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  • Rating: 15

How to choose high-quality plastic windows? This question interests everyone who is thinking about purchasing and installing them. At the moment, hundreds of organizations provide their services in this area, but it can be difficult to choose something suitable and of truly high quality from the numerous options.

Main principles of choice

Current plastic windows are complex system, which includes several elements. However, among them it is impossible to name those that are main and those that are secondary in purpose.

The main mistake people make when choosing is focusing on a specific brand.. It is clear that most advertised brands attract with their popularity, but they can greatly disappoint the buyer, since appearance does not always display the content.

The first thing the buyer must decide is the purpose of the windows, the needs for their purchase and installation. In addition, you should understand some of the nuances that relate to the device of this product. Technical specifications are completely dependent on operating conditions, therefore, when choosing windows, three factors should be taken into account.

The first factor includes temperature regime the premises in which the products will be installed. This also applies to climatic conditions outside the building. Subsequent factors include noise level and associated load, safety requirements. Therefore, such points as the location of the windows towards a quiet courtyard or a busy street, the floor on which the apartment is located, the room that will require plastic windows, all of this together is of considerable importance when choosing.

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How to choose a profile?

The main element from which the profile for plastic windows is made is polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The service life of the entire structure, appearance and characteristics depend on the quality of this material, since the profile is considered the basis of this product. You should only choose a product that has been certified and meets current quality standards.

When choosing a company, you should take into account that today's market is literally divided into different groups. You can find inexpensive brands or brands that occupy an intermediate position. Many Russian companies produce their own windows and can easily compete with European manufacturers. However, they use raw materials and equipment from European countries.

Profiles from Western Europe They constitute a high price segment and are manufactured only outside of Russia. Most experts are convinced that there is no significant difference between the products of different companies, but they advise you to beware of economy class products, that is, the lowest in cost.

In addition, they state that the important indicator is the characteristics of the product, and not the brand name and its popularity. It is the characteristics that you should pay more attention to.

The profile also performs a load-bearing function, which emphasizes its importance. The statistical indicators of windows are influenced by the profile dimensions, its length and width. For massive sashes and frames, there is a third sealing circuit, anti-burglary elements, a wide glass unit and a larger number of air chambers. It is worth noting that the wider the profile, the better it is, but purchasing such a product will be expensive.

The durability and strength of the profile is influenced by the thickness of the outer walls. If you follow the requirements of GOST, then middle-class windows should have a thickness of at least 3 mm. It is worth noting that there is a lightweight version for economy class, in which the thickness is reduced to 2.5 mm.

For sound and heat insulation, air chambers play an important role, at the same time acting as stiffeners. A large number of cameras indicates that these qualities are at the proper level and the higher their number, the better the sound and heat insulation performance. For unheated rooms and premises or for temperate climates, three-chamber windows with a width of 58-60 mm are quite suitable. For most regions of Russia, it is recommended to purchase five-chamber windows with a width of 70 mm.

You should also pay attention to the reinforcing liner that will be used in production. It is used to impart the necessary rigidity to the structure and stabilize the shape and linear dimensions, which can change under the influence of external factors, such as weather conditions. The liner is inserted into the main chamber of the profile. It is made of galvanized steel, the thickness of the sheet will be 1-2 mm.

Thus, when choosing a window profile, you need to pay attention to several points. Particular attention is paid to the number of chambers, profile dimensions, including wall thickness, height and width, characteristics of the reinforcing liner and its presence.

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Selecting a double-glazed window

The need for a high-quality double-glazed window is that it provides protection from extraneous noise and allows you to provide the necessary thermal insulation. In addition, double-glazed windows are multifunctional, and since they make up the majority of the window, their role increases significantly.

The main factors on which the choice of this element depends are represented by the level of noise exposure, climate characteristics, and safety requirements. These include such an aspect as the appearance of the product, but this is at the buyer’s choice.

A selection of double-glazed windows is presented various designs, among which there are single-chamber and double-chamber, heat saving and so-called safety double-glazed windows. In addition, there are also sun protection products.

The single-chamber design is represented by two glasses, between which there is free space. Depending on the thickness of the glass and the size of the spacer frame, their thickness ranges from 24 to 26 mm. Such designs, which do not have technologies for saving heat, are suitable for warm climates and unheated rooms with good ventilation. Otherwise they will often fog up.

Double-glazed windows have high levels of sound and heat insulation. The total layer thickness is 32 mm, so they are well suited for central Russia. This type of double-glazed window is represented by a design of three glasses, which improves the characteristics of the window.

Glasses can be located at different distances, depending on the model and manufacturer. IN different models this distance can be 6 or 16 mm. This makes it possible to withstand noise effects with varying effectiveness and improve thermal insulation properties. As for insulation, some manufacturers resort to technical tricks, increasing the thickness of the outer glass from 4 to 5-6 mm. This step allows us to improve insulation performance in this category.

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New technologies in the manufacture of double-glazed windows

To reduce heat loss or save it, energy-saving windows are used. There are designs with soft or hard surfaces. The first option is represented by a film applied to the glass itself, while the second type involves the application of thermal insulating material during the glass production stage. The material transmits light well, but reflects heat in the direction from which it is generated. That is, this technology will not lead to loss of thermal energy.

In addition to the fact that heat loss is greatly reduced, the room heats up less in sunny weather, which is good during hot weather. Another advantage of these windows is that condensation does not appear on the windows, and the material protects home objects from the harmful effects of sunlight, which leads to furniture fading.

Another option for energy-saving technologies is filling the window chambers with gas. The gases used have a lower thermal conductivity and transfer heat more slowly than air. This leads to a decrease in heat transfer, resulting in a reduction not only in cooling the room, but also in the cost of heating the room.

As for the safety double-glazed windows, these windows have a polymer layer called triplex. At external influences on the surface of the window glass, the fragments do not scatter in different directions, but remain in the specified layer, as a result of which the possibility of getting hurt or causing injury to oneself is reduced many times over.

Thus, the choice of double-glazed window plays a big role, since not only the quality of the window, but also its characteristics depend on it. As with the profile, you should not give preference only to famous brands; you need to familiarize yourself with all the parameters in detail. This also applies to new technologies used in manufacturing.

Plastic windows have long ceased to be a luxury: you can find them in offices and shops, as well as in mansions and private homes. And if previously few could install them, now, thanks to the competitive price, the advantages of windows from PVC profile became available to a wide range of people. Convenient and inexpensive, modern plastic windows are easy to repair, unlike their outdated wooden counterparts, which is why they are being ordered more and more often. But in order to install high-quality products, you need to have a good understanding of them - and this article will objectively tell you how to choose the right plastic windows and what characteristics to look at first.

What to look for when choosing windows

Experts judge the quality of PVC windows by their profile, namely by what materials were used to create window frames and shutters. Decent examples have a complex design and are made of polyvinyl chloride and metal, usually steel or aluminum. The sectional design of the profile consists of several chambers - longitudinal cavities with sealed walls between each other. The strength and warmth in the room will depend on the number of cameras in the windows you choose.

As is the case with any products, the production of plastic windows abroad and in Russia is carried out according to standards, in our country this is GOST 30673-99, the European standard is called EN 12608 SR. It is worth saying that in terms of their key factors - the thickness of the internal partitions and the thickness of the external contour - domestic and foreign standards are similar. Therefore, made exactly according to the standard, Russian windows made from PVC profiles will not be inferior in quality to “foreigners”.

According to the two main listed characteristics, all profiles are divided into three classes, designated by Latin letters. Let's look at the classification in more detail.

    The thickness of the internal walls in profile A windows starts from 2.5 mm, the external walls, in turn, from 2.8 mm. And this profile is optimal for installation in residential buildings.

    In the B-class profile, the internal walls of the chambers are made from 2 mm, external ones - from 2.5 mm. Due to their smaller thickness, the structure is not so resistant to loads; such windows can be installed in both unheated and heated rooms.

    The object profile or class C profile is distinguished by non-standardized wall thickness, but at the same time they are thinner than in the two previously described profiles. The design is intended for unheated rooms and is therefore monolithic: the doors are made without an opening/closing mechanism.

To enhance the strength characteristics, internal strips of metal are included in the design of windows, which is why such windows are rightly called metal-plastic. As for the second structural element, polyvinyl chloride, it is valued by window manufacturers for its unique characteristics:

    Environmental friendliness of the material


    Low cost

    Conducts heat poorly, which eliminates its loss

    Also blocks sound waves, providing owners with peace of mind

    Excellent weather resistance

    High adhesion rate when applying varnishes and paints

    Possibility to make a structure of any shape

Determining how high the quality of the PVC profile is

If lamination of decorating film is not installed on the external parts of the window, then the condition of the plastic can tell a lot about the windows. For example, smoothness and solidity are features of a high-quality material. And vice versa: spotting and the presence of grains indicate a fake with a short service life; do not purchase windows with such plastic defects.

Fortunately, most window manufacturing companies now offer their own products, so the number of outright low-quality ones among them is small. Another thing is “one day companies” that have recently entered the market, have no reviews but are attracted by the low cost of windows. Such options should not be considered; in general, before ordering, be sure to inquire about the manufacturer.

Large manufacturers primarily use high-quality equipment, since smaller companies will not be able to afford the cost of such machines. It is important that the windows include profiles from the same manufacturer, and that they are securely fastened together using mechanical hardware or a welding machine.

How do air chambers affect the quality of PVC windows?

In order for a plastic window to have excellent thermal insulation and sufficient robust construction, it provides for division into several internal cavities. The outer row of chambers in high-quality windows is equipped with small holes: this allows liquid condensation, which forms due to the difference in temperature indoors and outdoors, to be removed from the window. Therefore, such windows last much longer, without negatively affecting the thermal insulation of the openings.

First of all, thermal conductivity is affected by the number of chambers in the window. If you plan to glaze loggias, balconies or Technical buildings, then there must be at least three internal cavities. If installed in educational institutions, hospitals, shopping centers and residential premises, there must be at least five cameras. It’s not worth chasing a large number of them; for example, windows with seven chambers have increased weight, and because of this they begin to conduct more heat. Partition materials have greater thermal conductivity compared to air, so their excess leads to heat loss.

Separately, we note a new type of windows in which the chambers are filled with a special heat insulator in fiberglass or foam form, rather than with ordinary air. In such windows it is possible to achieve excellent thermal insulation even with a small number of chambers, but along with the thermal insulation qualities of such products, the price increases sharply, so they are affordable to few.

The width of the profile is also worth considering if you want to choose really high-quality and warm plastic windows. Otherwise, this parameter is called installation depth, and its standard value is from 50 to 80 mm. Let us add that with a frame width of about 60 mm, the number of cameras in it is limited to three, but if the figure reaches 70 mm, then we may have windows with 4-5 cameras. Accordingly, with wide frames, it becomes possible to install more durable fittings and high-quality sound and heat insulation. Therefore, the installation depth is directly proportional to the quality of the windows.

Quality of double-glazed windows

The extent to which your window will transmit light and save heat will largely depend on the characteristics of the double-glazed windows, so this element is not the last one to choose. And the deeper the glass unit is planted, the better. For example, with a frame depth of 50 to 70 mm, the distance from the outer surface of the glass to the outer frame cut is at least 18 mm, which is optimal. When choosing windows, this turns out to be even more important than the number of cameras, since if the depth of the package is less than 15 mm, the glass will fog up and freeze too quickly.

Key points when choosing double-glazed windows

When performed with high quality, this window component perfectly protects against noise, lets a sufficient amount of light into the room, and also retains heat in it. Therefore, in many respects, the overall quality of a window is determined precisely by the quality factor of the double-glazed windows. What should you focus on?


According to this indicator, double-glazed windows are currently produced in several standard thicknesses: 24 mm, 26 mm and 32 mm. However, the seating positions differ from one manufacturer to another, and therefore the seating depth of the glass unit also differs - this must be taken into account when purchasing. The size restrictions available for windows dictate the maximum glazing area, so for single-chamber packages it should not exceed 3 square meters. m. with a glass thickness of 4 mm. If the glass reaches a thickness of 5 mm, then the area indicator increases to 4.2 square meters. m.

Glass type

In double-glazed windows the most different types glass, and in each case this affects the characteristics of the window. Therefore, the differences between glass different types it is necessary to understand in particular detail.

There is the following classification of glass types in double-glazed windows:

    With a matte effect


    With applied tint


    Spray coated

    Impact resistant


Most often, each type is based on high quality float glass, reaching from 3 to 6 mm in thickness. Although there are double-glazed windows with glass 8, 10 and even 12 mm thick, such products are produced on an individual order basis - for example, when it is required to make transparent walls from glass or the double-glazed window will be installed as an insert in front door. Typically, a thickness of 4-5 mm is sufficient for windows - with this indicator, the standard light transmittance is 90%, and also provides acceptable heat conservation, strength and noise blocking.

What will a visual inspection of double-glazed windows indicate?

There are several signs that external inspection double-glazed windows will indicate the level of quality of the product. First of all, look for the markings indicated by the window manufacturer in their data sheet. As a rule, the marking contains the company logo, the date of manufacture of the glass unit, and information about the components used. If there are no markings, you should be suspicious of the glass unit in front of you.

Other obvious factors are that you should avoid windows with cracked glass units, or if there are chips and other defects in the plane or at the ends. If, when studying the perimeter of the chambers, a liquid sealant substance has noticeably leaked, then the sample in question was clearly made at home, in violation of production standards. The condition of the outer layer of sealant will also indicate low quality: if in excellent double-glazed windows it is perfectly aligned and smooth, then in counterfeit products cracks and inhomogeneities are noticeable.

No less important is the geometric accuracy of the shape; to determine the quality of the product, diagonals are measured. If, on a window side of 1.3 m, the diagonals differ from each other by more than 3 mm, then the dimensions of the product are not met accurately enough. In the case of a window side up to 2.3 m, the deviation from the norm will be a difference of more than 4 mm. To find out how much the thickness of the glass unit meets the standards, a caliper is used, and deviations of a millimeter or more are not allowed.

Continuing to study the geometric perfection of a double-glazed window, prepare a square - when measuring displacements of the glass plane, a deviation of more than a millimeter is a defect, regardless of the thickness of the product. To visually understand whether there is steam and moisture inside the glass unit, look through it at the light.

All specified deviations indicate that the product does not meet the standards. By paying attention to these factors, you can be guaranteed to choose the ideal double-glazed window without consulting specialists.

The characteristics of plastic windows are also largely influenced by how thick the internal partitions and external walls of the profiles are made. For example, if the thickness of the outer walls is less than 2.5 mm and the thickness of the partitions is less than 2 mm, the window is not recommended for installation in residential premises, schools, offices and hospitals, since proper protection from cold air will not be provided. Such windows are suitable only for warehouse complexes or garages and workshops. Also, excessively thin walls limit the size of window structures - it will not be possible to attach durable fittings to them, which means large windows will be too fragile.

However, it is impossible to check the thickness of the internal partitions by eye, so the main condition for choosing quality windows– contact reliable companies. And remember that in addition to thermal insulation, sufficient wall thickness in the profile ensures the stability of the window geometry, its strength and resistance to mechanical stress, so you should beware of unfamiliar brands - in this case, there is a high risk of getting a fake product.

Also responsible for the strength of the profile is a metal reinforcing element, which is installed in the middle chamber of the window, the largest of all. A metal insert is necessary, since even PVC modified with chemical additives still remains a fragile material. And only a reinforcing liner will make the future window sufficiently resistant to impacts and other loads. Also, all window fittings, which are abundant in modern products, will be securely attached to the metal.

The insert is made in the form of the letter P or has a square shape and is cut from a sheet of metal with a thickness of one and a half to two mm. Also, in order to reliably resist the negative effects of corrosion, the reinforcing element is made exclusively from steel coated with a protective zinc layer.

Be sure to check the presence of a reinforcing profile when purchasing, since without it, the windows will be guaranteed to deform in hot weather, just as in cold weather. And although it is unlikely that the double-glazed window will collapse because of this, problems during closing and deterioration of tightness are guaranteed.

The impact of low temperatures on plastic windows

A particularly important parameter when choosing PVC windows is their frost resistance, because the temperature in your premises will depend on it when low temperatures set in. The degree of resistance to temperature changes is marked with a special index, and in Russian climatic conditions windows marked “M” are required. It means “frost-resistant,” which means the windows will retain their properties even in frosts down to minus twenty degrees.

Note that cold resistance, among other characteristics, is indicated in the technical data sheet of the window, and you can easily check this. The document states that the profile is of the frost-resistant or normal type, then these windows can be purchased without fear, since they provide for the use of the window at low temperatures.

Choosing a suitable plastic window seal

In order for double-glazed windows to reliably retain heat and at the same time not allow extraneous sounds to pass through, they must be sufficiently airtight. This most important quality of PVC windows directly depends on the quality of the sealant used. Sealing agents should be laid around the entire perimeter of the window sashes. If this condition is not violated, then cold air and humidity will not be able to penetrate into the room through the window, and you will not be disturbed by street noise.

What qualities does a high-quality seal have:

    High strength characteristics

    Sufficient elasticity

    Long lasting color fastness

    Resistant to both high and low temperatures

    No irritating “chemical” odors

If, during the operation of the window, the sealing material has worn out and lost its characteristics due to chemicals, temperatures or mechanical influences, then it can be completely replaced on your own. The main thing will be the correct choice of material, because there are a large number of different options to seal the window. They differ not only in price, but also in some key characteristics. The most popular sealing materials among consumers are silicone, thermoplastic, rubber, and thermopolymer.

We extend the service life of the seal

And yet, in order to avoid premature wear of the sealing elements, it is necessary to properly care for them. First of all, they require regular cleaning from accumulated contaminants and lubrication - silicone oil or, in its absence, ordinary glycerin, may be suitable for this.

Please note that sealing materials do not tolerate cleaning agents and solvents, both synthetic and organic. Instead, it is better to wash off the dirt using a cloth soaked in a solution. warm water and neutral household cleaning products, and after drying, be sure to apply a lubricant. Such simple care for seals can extend the service life of PVC windows by several years, which means you will spend less on their repair or replacement.

Decorative qualities of plastic windows

Interest in windows with a plain white profile is rapidly declining, and products with “wood” decor are becoming increasingly popular. To give a certain color, the profile can be processed with polymers, for example, an acrylic coating is applied, or lamination is performed. In windows of a higher price category, special overlay strips made of metal or wood are responsible for the color; they are attached to the profile with special fasteners from the outside and inside of the window.

However, if you are interested in imitation of noble wood, you should be prepared for a slight increase in price. In addition to cost, decorated windows also differ in other qualities. For example, a profile with a dark color will heat up somewhat faster, which means that such a product must have a reinforcing metal liner, regardless of whether the window is small or large in size.

In addition to color characteristics decorative side also affects the geometry of the window, so the standard shape is increasingly inferior to windows with rounded corners or even more complex products.

So, when choosing plastic windows, you can easily choose products that are acceptable in quality and price - just follow the tips presented in this article. Pay special attention to the quality of double-glazed windows and carry out mandatory maintenance in a timely manner. installed windows- then you will save yourself from unnecessary costs, and your home will be quite light, quiet, warm, and therefore comfortable for many years.