How to choose the best option for this. Buying a banknote counter: how to choose the best option. Natural ventilation of the cottage

Some useful tips for newbies

Today it is difficult to find a business that does not have a presence on social networks or at least does not consider this promotion option. There are many reasons for this, the most important of which is the ability to reach specific segments of the target audience. In addition, in recent years, social networks have introduced a lot of new tools, for example, for creating storefronts or booking tickets, and continue to develop systematically. Today we will tell you what to do if using SMM seems appropriate to you, but you have no idea how to choose someone who will put this locomotive on the rails and control it.

Agency or freelancer?

Let's consider both options.

Advantages of contacting a private person:

Price. The main reason why freelancers are chosen rather than agencies is the lower price tag, plus the willingness to work with almost any budget

Flexibility. Freelancers, as a rule, do not rely on complex infrastructure in their work and are ready to adapt to the specifics and “wants” of their customers

Advantages of using an agency:

Reputational baggage. A business with a long history, as a rule, is sensitive to its accumulated reputation and strives in every possible way to ensure that all clients are satisfied

Transparency. It’s usually easier to “break through” an agency for cases and real reviews than freelancers

Regular reporting. Typically, this item is already included in the internal regulations of digital agencies by default.

Replaceability of employees. For example, if your manager falls ill, another will temporarily replace him, which reduces the likelihood of missed deadlines due to the human factor

Criterias of choice

Regardless of whether you are looking for an agency or a freelancer, pay attention to the following points:

Specialization. It is important that for the performer SMM is not an applied activity, but one of the main services. Agree, it’s difficult to learn how to build houses and treat arthritis equally well, especially in a short time, and for the sake of one client

Experience. Despite the fact that the SMM services market is relatively young, it is better to choose specialists with 3-5 years of experience. Social networks, like new car, it is necessary to feel, understand how they react to certain actions, literally at the cellular level to feel the characteristics of their audiences. One or two years is not enough for this

Achievements. As a rule, the effectiveness of SMM specialists is assessed according to the KPIs initially approved with the customer. KPIs can be: the number of subscribers, the number of likes/shares on posts, the number of tickets booked or promo codes sold, etc. Don’t be lazy, study the cases of the future contractor, find out how he himself describes his successes. Usually, if there is something to be proud of, agencies post such cases on their own websites

Client POOL. The larger and more famous brand- the higher the likelihood that the candidate you have chosen has high expertise. But it is worth keeping in mind that some agencies tend to embellish reality a little and include in the list of clients even those who were provided with very tiny, one-time services

Own pages on social networks. Does everyone remember the saying about the shoemaker and boots? Considering that the SMM business cannot boast of high margins, many performers (especially freelancers) do not have the resources (and sometimes the need) to regularly update their own pages. However, studying them will help you get an initial idea of ​​the artist.

Reviews. It is important not only to understand the ratio of positive/negative reviews. Ideally, it’s worth asking former clients for details: whether it was easy for them to maintain communications with the contractor, whether he “went off the radar,” whether there were any problems with accepting work, etc.

Budgets and services

Agencies and freelancers face two different scenarios. The former often sell services in the form of ready-made packages; freelancers are more inclined to create individual, tailored specific customer. According to experts, the average minimum budget that agencies are willing to work with is 25,000-40,000 rubles per month, freelancers - 5,000-10,000.

All agencies are conventionally divided into five price segments: Economy (budgets can be less than 25,000), Low (25,000-50,000), Medium (50,000-100,000), High (100,000 - 150,000) and Premium (over 150 000).

It is important not to confuse budgets and the cost of services, since in the first case it may mean not only the cost of the work done, but also the amount of money spent on promoting pages/posts (that is, paid to social networks).

The size of the budget primarily depends on the set of actions that need to be taken, as well as on the subject of the business and the characteristics of the client’s target audience.

A slightly less important factor is the geographic location of the SMM contractor. It is logical that the services of a Moscow specialist will cost more than, say, in Voronezh.

The minimum package, as a rule, contains the most basic services:

Content plan development

15-30 publications (posts) per month

Progress report/achieved KPIs

In more expensive packages (from 40,000-60,000 rubles per month and above), the following options may be found:

Visual design of pages

Dealing with Negative Feedback


Video promotion (in particular on YouTube)

Content branding (watermarks on photos, unique hashtags, etc.)

Viral seeding at third-party sites, etc.

What to ask at a meeting

Before we tell you exactly where to look for contractors, we suggest you study one more small cheat sheet.

What you should find out from the contractor during a detailed discussion of the project and what to pay attention to at the first meeting:

Record for yourself whether the future contractor has prepared for the meeting with you. Good sign, if he tried to form his own opinion about the future project the day before, studied the current state of affairs (found your pages, made the appropriate notes)

Try to understand whether the contractor has his finger on the pulse of the industry. In SMM, as in SEO, the rules of the game change quite often, so it is extremely important to find an artist who regularly monitors trends and innovations. If you don’t know how to formulate a question, just ask about the latest changes in social media algorithms and what impact this has had. If they tell you right away what has changed in Last year- Amazing

If you contact an agency, find out if you will have access to a direct contractor. This can greatly simplify life in case of urgent tasks.

Ask which achievements the future contractor considers most significant. As a rule, creativity is less important for business and statistics are more important. If a performer thinks exclusively in terms of the “beautiful” and “unusual” series, this is an alarm bell. Any creative is only good if it works, and if it works, then where are the indicators?

Where to look for contractors

Systematized information about agencies can be found in the SMM agency directory. Company cards contain a wide variety of data: from location and specialization to prices and professional awards received.

Those who find it difficult to make a choice in this way can be advised to hold a tender. To do this, you need to fill out a special form. Ideally, at the “Tell me more about the task in more detail” step, you not only insert a description of the project, but also your personal requirements for the customer (for example, their physical presence in your city, experience with specific social networks or topics, what you represent, etc. .).

After this, all you have to do is wait a couple of weeks (usually tender organizers set a date for summing up the results 2-3 weeks after the start of accepting applications) and then you can choose whose competitive application best suits your task and financial capabilities.

Computer telephony boards - how to choose best option?

We will talk about PCI and PCI Express cards, which are widely used by small and medium-sized telecom operators, Internet providers, contact centers, as well as system integrators in projects where solution flexibility is important, low price and good scalability.

Computer telephony boards are also called IP telephony boards, as well as FXO/FXS boards and E1 boards (depending on functionality). These cards are inserted into computer motherboard slots - PCI or PCI Express. Analog (FXS or FXO) or digital (E1) are connected to the boards telephone lines. Instead of the term “board,” the term “card” can be used, just as the term “video card” is used along with “video card.” The term "card" may seem more accurate, since IP telephony cards are often assembled from several boards that are connected to each other or inserted into one another.

What to consider when choosing the boards you want to use in a project

In our review we will touch upon the products of several companies playing in the IP telephony card market in Russia - Sangoma, OpenVox, KTS, Cronyx, AGAT-RT, ATCOM, Digium. Here we discuss technical specifications, and the summary table below will help you navigate the price ratios and availability of boards in warehouses.

Form factor (size)

Some manufacturers produce some boards in one form factor, and some in another. If you do one project per year, then it is unlikely that the manufacturer’s commitment to the form factor will determine your choice, and if your business consists of a few or even dozens of projects per year, then it will be easier for you to work with a supplier who will always supply you with boards of the required shape -factor, no matter what telephone ports and how many you need.

It rarely happens that you need to install an E1 or FXO/FXS board in arbitrary equipment. You've probably already calculated specifications server that you will use as a mini-PBX or gateway, and maybe even bought it. It would be a shame if you buy cheaper cards and they don't fit into a case that's too small. Servers in 19" wide rack-mount cases typically require low-profile cards that are no more than 2U high, and not all manufacturers have them.

PCI or PCI Express?

Motherboards with the PCI bus were produced in several versions with a bus supply voltage of 3.3 V and 5 V (modern motherboards only support 3.3 V). Many manufacturers make different boards for different options PCI and require the buyer to be careful when purchasing: a board designed for a different bus voltage will refuse to work with a non-native bus (and, most likely, it simply cannot be inserted into the connector). Other manufacturers of boards make them universal, suitable for installation in PCI slots with any power supply, with automatic voltage detection; Such boards can work with any PCI variant.

The PCI Express bus, the most common in modern servers, still has only one power supply option. However, when choosing PCI Express cards, you need to look at the connector length: PCI Express cards are available in PCI Express x1, x2, x4 and x8 variants. The higher the multiplier, the longer the connector. Before purchasing, the buyer should look at the connector where he is going to insert the card: if the connector on the server motherboard is shorter than the connector on the card being purchased, the card cannot be inserted there, and it will not work. Some manufacturers specifically make their boards for the PCI Express x1 slot, since such boards can be installed in any motherboard.

An important point is the availability of the required board configuration for each of the buses: if the manufacturer produces boards, say, with four E1 ports for all PCI variants and for PCI Express, then you are more free in choosing equipment for your project: if during the design process you need to change more Expensive new server with a PCI Express bus to a cheaper workstation with a PCI bus, you won’t have to redo the entire project and choose telephony cards with a different number of ports.

Support for Asterisk and other software PBXs

The very first and therefore most common software mini-PBX is Asterisk. Besides it, there are several other products that are gradually conquering the market. Among them, the open ones Freeswitch, CallWeaver, Yate and the commercial 3CX stand out. Boards from some manufacturers are equally easy to configure to work with any software, other boards are designed to work with a specific software mini-PBX and are tested only in working with it. Sometimes a system integrator simply does not have time to deal with several board models because the project must be completed urgently. In this case, it may be advantageous to buy a more expensive board that you already have experience configuring rather than choosing different boards for each project.

Number of ports

All telephony cards differ in the maximum number of supported ports, this applies to analog cards with FXS and FXO ports, and digital cards with E1 ports. There are analog boards with support from 1 to 12, 16 and 24 ports and digital boards with support from 1 to 8 E1 ports.

The more ports on one board, the more profitable the purchase: firstly, if you already need many ports, it is enough to buy just one board, and secondly, if you only need a few ports for now, it will be much cheaper to expand in the future and buy a new server you won't have to.

The benefit is especially noticeable when purchasing boards with E1 ports: only 2 boards with 8 E1 ports each allow you to connect up to 16 E1 streams to one server.

Technical implementation

Based on the experience of the experts interviewed for this article, it is advisable not to worry about these technical details if the project involves running the equipment at half capacity, and the server in which the telephony cards are installed will not provide anything other than voice and fax transmission.

Boards, especially multiport boards, must be designed to withstand high load. However, “should” does not mean that all manufacturers design them this way. For example, multiport boards from most manufacturers generate an interrupt every time data arrives at one of the ports, while it is much more efficient not to jerk the processor every time an event occurs on a port, but to generate an interrupt when data has already collected in several ports. At low load the difference will be small, but if your server is a highly loaded mini-PBX with two or more E1 ports, then the savings can be 10-20% of processor time.

The presence of such subtle features, and not even always reflected in the technical documentation, such as the interrupt mechanism, the quality of the hardware echo cancellation algorithm, the ability to recognize DTMF codes in hardware and automatic hardware recognition of transmitted faxes makes the boards more profitable: the central processor can perform tasks that no one else will not perform, and purely telephone functions will be transferred to the telephony board.

In the summary table below you can compare the small technical details of the boards different manufacturers and decide whether freeing the CPU from purely telephone functions is important to you or not.

However, if the server is planning voice mail, IVR, playing music to a waiting subscriber, and especially a gateway to the GSM network, the central processor will definitely be busy anyway, and there is no need to load it additionally. In such a situation, a more advanced telephony card that can take on more functions will be a real salvation.

By the way, when planning the load on a server, as a rule, you should expect that one server will perform purely telephone functions - circuit switching, voice and fax transmission, and the billing database, call logging, call recordings and other service information will be stored and processed on another computer . For small mini-PBXs with several FXS ports, this is not so important, but for larger configurations it is highly desirable, since voice processing operations take place in real time, and no one wants the voice to disappear in the middle of a conversation due to the fact that the server decided to start recording the DBMS cache in the background or searching for a file with a recording of an old conversation.

Echo cancellation

It’s worth writing a separate article about echo cancellation and the reasons for the appearance of echoes, but in short, echo is something that shouldn’t happen in a phone conversation. Echo cancellation can be responsible for: terminal devices- telephones and PBX equipment (on long-distance lines, echo cancellers on PBXs in Russia have been installed since the times of the USSR).

In some cases, it is required that the mini-PBX take over the elimination of the echo. The best available echo cancellation hardware in telephony cards operates at 1024 samples per second, canceling echoes that occur with a delay of up to 128 milliseconds.

The echo cancellation function can be performed by a telephony card, or perhaps by a software mini-PBX itself, for example, Asterisk. When hardware echo cancellation is enabled, software echo cancellation should be disabled, and vice versa. The presence of hardware echo cancellation makes the board more expensive, but it unloads the computer. It is recommended to use hardware echo cancellation whenever the number of simultaneous calls exceeds 10-12, and for low-power or high-load computers it should always be used.

The implementation of IP telephony can be slowed down in various organizations precisely because Low quality communication, and the reason for poor quality may be poor load calculation. If the main tasks of voice transmission and echo cancellation are entrusted to the telephony card, quality has a good chance of increasing and satisfaction will increase along with it.

DTMF recognition

The chip that performs hardware echo cancellation is often tasked with hardware recognition of DTMF codes, which is important for IVR systems, since tone dialing is used to navigate through the voice menu - those same DTMF codes: “press 1 to find out your balance, press 2 to contact the secretary."


Many manufacturers of cards with FXS/FXO ports use modules. Most often, a module supports two FXS ports or two FXO ports; some manufacturers make “hybrid” modules - one FXS port and one FXO port on one module. Digium card modules are sometimes called "mezzanines" (in general, a mezzanine is any additional card that is inserted into the main one).

The more modules one board supports, the more convenient it is: say, for 12 FXO modules supporting 24 FXO ports, one modern telephony board is enough. Different manufacturers have such boards different sizes, for example, not all of these boards are installed in 1U and 2U servers in size. Before purchasing, you should study the manufacturer’s website, find out the exact size of the board, and measure the space inside your computer. If the motherboard is poorly configured, then inserting a long board may be prevented by memory inserted perpendicular to the PCI Express slots.

Some manufacturers make telephony boards that support up to 24 FXO or FXS ports, but by attaching side-mounted add-on boards rather than by making the main board long. Such short and wide builds can help if the server case is not spacious enough.

Modules from some manufacturers are suitable only for some models in the product line, while modules from others are suitable for all models. FXO/FXS modules from different manufacturers are incompatible with each other (with the exception of OpenVox and Digium).


Some card manufacturers ensure their compatibility only with Asterisk on any platform, while others only provide compatibility with software for Linux. The most experienced manufacturers provide drivers and other useful software for all operating systems.

Known to the community

Any equipment requires careful handling: you must carefully read the instructions, install the appropriate software and configure it as required by the specific case. Not everyone has the experience, patience or qualifications to do it all correctly the first time. Therefore, on the forums of IP telephony specialists there is no end to newcomers asking more and more new questions.

If you use little-known or unpopular solutions, then you shouldn’t expect advice from a guru: at best, you will be advised to replace the equipment with something more well-studied by the community. This does not mean that this advice should be followed blindly, because both the manufacturer and distributor of equipment new to the market can help understand the problem. Sometimes this may require knowledge of English - if the board manufacturer is located in China, the USA or Canada. Google Translate and Multitran will definitely help. You should not be embarrassed to ask questions, nor should you buy unsuitable equipment just because it is famous.

Modern equipment changes quickly, but the company's approach to development remains constant. If a company started out by copying other people's designs five years ago, in most cases it will take quite a few years to develop a high-quality independent product line. Remember: Toyota began producing cars according to the American model in the 30s of the 20th century, and achieved real success only in the 80s... Some companies that began their lives this way (for example, AvtoVAZ) never became manufacturers of modern high-quality cars, despite enormous resources. Therefore, you need to be careful when buying products from domestic and Chinese manufacturers that copy the circuitry and ideas of market pioneers: their prices are lower than those of North American competitors, but the quality of the products and technical support may cause criticism.

Distributors in Russia

Digium - Mototelecom, PBX Design, IT Connection
Sangoma - Halokwadrat
OpenVox - All4Net

Board manufacturers in Russia

KTS - VoipTech
Cronyx - KronixAlder - Agat-RT

Pivot table

* Popular rumor, not without reason, has always considered the ATS Design company, which owns the site and with which a number of other long-known and popular sites among IP telephonists, including, to be a distributor of Digium boards. On the Digium website, the company “Mototelecom” is listed as the only official distributor in Russia. The ATS Design company is listed there as a reseller. In St. Petersburg, the sale of Digium boards is carried out by the company IT-Connection, which also positions itself as an official distributor, although the Digium website does not confirm this status. All of these companies have warehouses in Russia, but you should check with the relevant companies whether the cards you require are in stock can be guaranteed.

OpenVox boards are fairly accurate clones of Digium at a lower price, but are inferior to them in two points: firstly, OpenVox does not make a clone of the Digium board immediately after the release of the new model, but several months later, and secondly, there are still some technical differences .

For example, in a relatively recent study (April 11, 2010), which was carried out in Israel (a detailed report on it), it turned out that OpenVox boards sometimes lose IRQ interrupts, which leads to parts of words being dropped out in a conversation, while Digium boards work stably .

The same study noted that under high load, OpenVox boards with one E1 port lost up to 7% of calls, and when processing several calls simultaneously, the processor load from OpenVox significantly exceeds the load on the system in which the Digium board is installed.

In general, it has been noticed that cheaper boards can handle the load less easily.

The production of telephony boards is not the main business of the KTS company, which is probably why I have heard complaints both on the Internet and in personal communications about poor technical support and the fact that the likelihood of buying a non-working or poorly functioning board is quite high.

Alder boards are usually produced in a standard version, but you can also order them in a special version, then one board can accommodate up to 64 FXS/FXO ports or up to 8 E1 ports. The number and price of boards in such an order should be discussed with the manufacturer individually.

A favorable microclimate in a house is the key to the health and comfort of the people living in it. AND important role Proper ventilation plays a role in creating optimal meteorological conditions inside the cottage. You can think through the air exchange system yourself by studying the principles of its operation and making certain calculations. You will learn how to do this from this article.

Schematic representation of the ventilation arrangement for a cottage

Why do you need to ventilate your house?

Modern houses are built from high-quality thermal insulation materials. This ensures the tightness of the structure, but creates barriers to air circulation throughout the premises, making it impossible to supply it from the environment naturally (through leaks in walls, windows and doors).

Cottage ventilation performs several functions:

  • organizes the supply of clean and fresh air in residential and office premises;
  • ensures the purification of air masses from harmful impurities, preventing the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms;
  • removes waste streams, harmful fumes, carbon dioxide outside the house, preventing them from stagnation, moisture accumulation, and the appearance of fungus and mold;
  • creates favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions for human life, the safety of housing and interior items.

Note: a person spends most of his life at home, so it is important that the air he inhales is fresh and clean.

Differences between cottage and apartment ventilation

Structurally, a mansion differs from a city apartment, therefore the air exchange in it is organized differently. The difference is:

  • location. The air outside the city is cleaner than inside it, so a simplified air filtration system can be used in the cottage;
  • autonomy of the structure. The apartment is part of a multi-storey building, so it is easier to organize local ventilation for it and connect this system to the general building system. When building a cottage, it is necessary to design a completely autonomous ventilation system, correctly placing its main components, shafts and risers, and considering its proper relationship with other communications, such as water supply, heating, sewerage;
  • availability of specialized premises. IN country house Often there is a basement, a swimming pool, a sauna, and they require a special ventilation regime.

Air exchange of a private house

Features and nuances of designing an air exchange system in a cottage

When arranging the system, take into account:

  • area of ​​the structure;
  • the purpose of each room;
  • climatic features of the area where the mansion is located;
  • frequency of use of the building (permanent or seasonal residence).

Ways to organize cottage ventilation

In a private house, air exchange can be arranged in three main ways:

  • organizing the supply and removal of air naturally;
  • using forced ventilation (including heat recovery);
  • by combining the two previous systems.

Natural ventilation of the cottage

This is the simplest and oldest way to organize air exchange in the house, based on natural conditions. Due to the difference in pressure and temperature inside the cottage and outside, natural draft occurs, ensuring the circulation of air masses throughout the rooms. Under its influence, waste and contaminated streams are removed from the house, and clean, fresh ones enter their place outside.

The easiest way to organize air exchange in the house is natural

In buildings old building The air flow was carried out through the gaps between the logs, leaks in the doors and window frames, and the outflow occurs through the stove pipe. But in modern houses this scheme does not work because their walls are insulated with airtight thermal insulation materials. Windows and doors are also made as airtight as possible, which makes air flow through them impossible. And stoves are no longer built in cottages. How to organize natural air exchange in the cottage in this case?

Ventilate rooms through open windows and vents are impractical, since this leads to heat loss and dust entering the house. For high-quality air exchange in a cottage, it is necessary that the flows move at a speed of up to 0.2 m/s. Therefore, to bring fresh air from the street into the walls of the building, or window frames special valves are installed. They are small holes covered with gratings.

Supply valves allow a flow of sufficient volume to provide people with oxygen, ventilate rooms, which does not create drafts and requires large quantity heat for your heating. If necessary, this valve can be closed, for example, if it is too cold outside. It can also be equipped with a noise suppressor or filter to prevent street sounds from entering the house and improve the quality of incoming air.

Note: modern models of supply valves are equipped with humidity sensors, so the holes open/close automatically, depending on weather conditions.

To remove exhaust air from the cottage naturally, air ducts - pipe systems - are provided. Their outlets are located in the most contaminated and frequently used rooms in the house -,. For a more presentable appearance, they are covered with decorative grilles.

Air ducts are provided to remove exhaust air

To remove exhaust air from the premises, draft is needed. To do this, the external outlet of the air outlet pipe is installed at a height of 0.7-1 m above the roof ridge. The hole is covered with a special umbrella, which protects the highway from precipitation and the entry of birds and small animals into it.

Please note: the presence of air ducts must be provided for at the design stage of the cottage; installing them in a finished house can be problematic.

Before organizing air exchange in a cottage naturally, you should weigh all its advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of the system:

  • low cost, no operating costs;
  • ease of installation;
  • quiet operation.

Disadvantages of natural air exchange in the house:

  • dependence on weather conditions. IN summer time when the difference in temperature and pressure inside and outside the cottage is practically zero, there will be no draft;
  • lack of control over the volume of incoming and outgoing masses. This can lead to excessive cooling of the premises, or stagnation of waste materials in them;
  • heat loss in winter time. In the absence of additional heating of the inflow, part of the heat of the house is spent on bringing it to a comfortable temperature;
  • the system will not cope with the load if the cottage has a sauna or swimming pool.

Disadvantages of natural air exchange in the house

Forced ventilation of the cottage

If it is impractical to use natural ventilation at home, or it is ineffective, it is equipped mechanically. For this purpose, high-tech equipment is used. It consists of:

  • supply and exhaust fans;
  • air heaters/coolers;
  • filters;
  • air duct networks;
  • valves that prevent the formation of reverse draft.

When installing such a system, purified air at a comfortable temperature simultaneously enters the house and exhaust, polluted air is removed. The specified air exchange parameters allow ventilation to operate in a completely automatic mode.

Note: the system can be equipped with a heat recuperator - a device that allows you to heat the incoming flow at the expense of the outgoing flow. This will significantly reduce heat loss in the cottage.

Forced supply and exhaust ventilation is the most effective method ventilation of the cottage. Its work does not depend on natural factors and is completely adapted to home conditions.

Since this air exchange system is quite complex, its development should be carried out exclusively by specialists. It requires competent layout of the network of highways, correct determination of their length and diameter, and selection of equipment of the required power. All this will result in rather high costs for the development, installation and maintenance of the system, but at the same time favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions and comfort for all inhabitants of the cottage, the safety of the building itself and all its contents are guaranteed.

Please note: the design of ventilation and the house itself is interconnected, therefore it is carried out simultaneously.

Forced supply and exhaust ventilation

Arrangement of air exchange in a cottage using a combined method

In order for ventilation in the house to be effective, natural ventilation is enhanced with the help of technical units, or its operation is organized completely by force.

If air enters the cottage naturally in insufficient quantities to meet the needs of the residents and maintain a favorable indoor environment, its supply is artificially arranged. To do this, air intake openings are installed in the building envelope, and the channels are equipped with air supply units. Clean and fresh air enters the premises through air ducts, the openings of which are covered with decorative diffusers.

Advice: this ventilation system is quite bulky and expensive; it is much easier to arrange the inflow in a natural way.

If the supply of fresh air is established, but the natural exhaust system cannot cope with the volume of waste, their removal is forced. For this purpose, fans are installed in the internal outlets of the exhaust ducts. Such devices are most often needed in rooms that are frequently used - in the bathroom, in the kitchen. They can be turned on by pressing a button, simultaneously with the light, or work automatically (when equipped with special sensors that respond to the level of moisture in the air). You can organize exhaust air removal in this way yourself.

Second gasket option forced exhaust in the cottage - the outlet of air ducts from the kitchen and bathroom into one channel, equipped with a fan and other additional equipment. This air exchange system is more complex than the previous one, so it must be designed and installed by specialists.

Plus exhaust ventilation, organized forcibly in that it prevents the stagnation of contaminated and waste masses in the premises of the cottage. When they are removed, a vacuum of air is created, and it begins to be sucked in from the street through the supply valves. The disadvantages of this system are its irregularity, exhaust devices only work when they are turned on.

Features of establishing the circulation of air masses in various rooms of the cottage

Ventilation of living rooms

It is enough to provide the premises in which people live (living room, bedroom, children's room) with a regular flow of fresh air, which helps to displace waste materials to the places where they are taken in and discharged. Submission clean air can be organized through supply valves or air ducts. And for the circulation of masses between rooms, you can leave a gap under the doors, or make small ventilation holes in their lower part.

Organization of air exchange in the kitchen

This is a service, intensively used room that needs increased ventilation. Moisture vapors, grease particles and odors released during cooking must be disposed of immediately so that they spread throughout the house. Therefore, the kitchen should provide not only general house ventilation, but also local ventilation - presented in the form of an exhaust hood above the hob.

Advice: these two systems must be combined in such a way that they work effectively in the areas entrusted to them, but interfere with the functioning of each other.

Air exchange in the kitchen using a hood

Ventilation of the bathroom

In hygienic areas it is often observed high humidity, accumulation of unpleasant odors. Natural ventilation It won’t work here; you’ll need to organize forced air exchange. To do this, just install exhaust fans the necessary power, which will facilitate the removal of contaminated waste materials outside the house.

Advice: to avoid the penetration of unpleasant odors from the bathroom into another room of the cottage, you should not combine ventilation ducts leading from these rooms.

Organization of air exchange in the pool hall, sauna

These rooms are characterized by an abundance of evaporated moisture, and therefore require the installation of a powerful exhaust system. But, at the same time, they must comply with certain temperature regime. The optimal solution would be to install forced air supply and exhaust systems.

Ventilation of the garage

The need to organize air exchange is due to the use of various lubricants, fuel, the presence of exhaust gases. At low concentrations they are safe, but when accumulated they pose a serious danger to human health. Air flow into this room may be minimal, organized in a natural way, but it is recommended to provide a mechanical hood.

Ventilation of basements and ground floors

Often in cottages there is a floor located below the surface of the ground, used for service purposes. It can accommodate a workshop, storage room, laundry room, gym... Ventilation of these rooms is also necessary. The places where fresh air enters are the vents or ventilation vents in the walls of the basement. Their number and location are determined by the area of ​​the basement floor and the nature of the use of the premises in it.

To remove waste materials, a ventilation pipe is laid, the internal outlet of which is located 20-30 cm below the ceiling level. The outer end of the exhaust can cut into the main line of the house and go out onto the roof. The removal of waste materials from the base can be organized separately. In this case, the outlet of the exhaust pipe must be located in such a place that unpleasant odors did not interfere with people, did not get into the house.

Tip: to regulate the supply and exhaust of air from rooms of irregular use, dampers can be installed in the air ducts. They will allow you to ventilate rooms manually.

The ventilation system is an integral attribute of a cottage, a guarantee of the health of all people living in it, the safety of housing and all property. If organized correctly, it will significantly increase the level of comfort in a country house.

For some reason (most likely to save money), many car enthusiasts prefer to wash their vehicles dishwashing liquid, washing powder or laundry soap.

However, this should not be done under any circumstances, since such detergents remove the paint layer and scratch the surface of the body.

There are special shampoos for washing cars that are characterized by increased softness and foaming. They do not contain detergent crystals or abrasive substances. Some car shampoos are designed to remove contaminants from the outer surface of the body, while others are designed to clean the interior.

What are the key characteristics of a good car shampoo?

    Firstly, it is easy to wash off any contaminants of both organic and inorganic origin. This quality is determined by the surfactants included in the car shampoo.

    Secondly, it has good foaming properties. Thick foam prevents scratches and microdamages on the body surface

    Thirdly, do not leave divorces

In addition to its main cleaning function, a high-quality car shampoo should have anti-corrosion properties.

Often when hand wash clean water sometimes not enough, so the detergent is not completely washed off the body. Inhibitors in shampoo eliminate this problem by forming a thin protective film on the cleaned surface. In addition to the aesthetic function (giving shine), it also has practical ones: water-repellent and antistatic.

Car shampoos are most often used for external work. Pink colour a variety of brands. They remove polish well, so they are used before polishing the car.

All shampoos of the same type have approximately the same composition, so price should not affect the choice.


Before using shampoo, you must carefully study the instructions - many of them need to be diluted with water. To wash the entire surface of the car, 3-4 tablespoons of concentrate are enough; when diluted with water, this amount will give quite a lot of foam. The optimal ratio of water and shampoo of a particular brand is indicated in the instructions.

You should not wash the car's surfaces with a sponge, as it collects tiny particles of dust and dirt, which, when in contact with the car's coating, work like sandpaper - they scratch the paint and remove the polish layer. To protect your car's finish, it is recommended to wash it twice a week.

After applying shampoo, you need to thoroughly wipe all surfaces with a soft cloth (or a special mitten), then rinse detergent water from a hose. If necessary, the car can be polished.

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How to quickly choose the optimal solution

In almost any company, during certain periods, temporarily free funds (VSD) can be “released” from circulation. Leaving this money just like that in the company’s accounts is highly inappropriate. Money should make money. Of course, investing money in bank deposits may not seem like the most the best option for investment, but still this is at least some income, which, if not colossal, will at least partially cover inflationary losses.
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To perform the further steps described in the article step by step, I recommend immediately downloading the file with the model to find a solution:

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