How to certify a work book for a bank? How to properly certify a copy of a work book (sample) How to fill out a work book, a copy for the bank

The work record is considered one of the main legal documents. It is confirmation of official employment.

Its original is always kept by the employer throughout the entire period of employment, and is not issued until the moment of dismissal. There are cases when, when receiving a loan, banks need to provide a copy of a document to confirm employment.

Many people have a question about how to certify a work book for a bank and what pages are needed for certification.

In what cases is it necessary

Information on employment may be needed by various organizations, including banking institutions. The work book is certified to the bank for the following purposes:

  • In case of obtaining a loan.
  • To receive subsidies.

Until recently, to provide Money clients did not need a copy of their work record from the credit department.

However, with the increase in outstanding loans and insolvency of clients, some institutions have tightened their requirements for issuing them and added information about work activity to the required package of documents. ATTENTION!

By providing a certified copy, the client thereby confirms his financial solvency.

Certification procedure The HR department is responsible for storing and maintaining all documents of the organization, including the work book. Assure this document Not only the HR employee has the right.

The chief accountant and the employer himself have such powers. Certification of the book is a step-by-step process.

  1. It is important to know how this process works correctly. What you need to do to get a copy of the document:
  2. Contact the HR department with a written request to provide a copy of the book. The HR employee must provide a sample for completing the application. If this is not the case, then it is drawn up in any form addressed to the head of the organization. If a copy is required by the bank, then this information is indicated in the appeal.
  3. A copy of this document must be certified by the manager or head of the human resources department.

It is not always necessary to certify a copy of all pages of the employment document. For a bank, information relating to a certain period of time is sometimes sufficient.

However, with the increase in outstanding loans and insolvency of clients, some institutions have tightened their requirements for issuing them and added information about work activity to the required package of documents. Sometimes it is enough to certify only the last sheet.


The document has legal force for one month from the moment it is certified and issued. It will be valid for the provision of banking services. Further, the legal force is lost, but its validity period for the bank can be either increased or decreased.

To do this, the personnel officer writes down a specific date, from what date and until what date this document will be valid. These entries must be completed on the last page of the photocopied book.

The relevance of the current period is lost when a new note appears in the book, for example, about the layoff of an employee.

Requirements for the procedure

The copy must be executed correctly, otherwise it will not have legal force. Primary requirements:

  • A copy of the document can be provided either by photocopying or by text typed on a computer. In this case, a copy should be made only from the original sample document.
  • The first step is to make a copy of the title page with the employee’s initials. Blank sheets do not need to be photocopied.
  • Each page must have a special mark “Copy is correct,” which is done manually or using a stamp.
  • Under this inscription there must be the signature and surname of the employee certifying the document with a description of his position. The date of certification and the official seal of the organization are also affixed.
  • The prepared sheets must be stapled or sewn with thread.

It is also possible to certify not every page of the document. In this situation, all sheets are stitched and numbered. On the last page the entry “Stitched, numbered and number of pages” is indicated. Then a stamp and a certification mark are placed.

Design of the last sheet

Photocopy last page document is certified in a special way. On it, in addition to the inscription “Copy is correct,” the phrase “Currently working”, the record number, the position of the specialist, as well as the signature, surname of the official and the date of certification of the copy must be indicated in writing.

IMPORTANT! The organization's seal must be present. The seal imprint cannot be placed on a blank part of the page; it must affect part of the text and signature. Otherwise, the copy of the document will be considered invalid.

Unemployed citizens

How do you need to get a photocopy of a work book for a banking organization for people who do not work and have a work book in their hands?

To do this, you need to contact any notary office. For the notary, you must provide a passport and make a statement about the need to certify a copy.

The notary, having reviewed this application and agreed to provide such a service, makes a photocopy of the book with the inscription “Copy is correct,” puts the date and signs.

The validity period of photocopies of pages certified by a notary office is the same as the validity period certified by the HR department. The employee has a legal basis to receive a copy of the certified book.

It's important to remember that Failure to issue a document within the established three-day period may result in a fine for the employer. An incorrectly executed document can be a reason for refusing a loan to a client, as well as other unpleasant consequences.

In some cases, an employee is required to provide information about his place of work, confirm his length of service, etc. For many organizations, for example, a bank, a certified copy of the work record is the most important information. How to get it?

Concept of this document

How to certify a work book for a bank? A work book is a document that contains the history of a citizen’s work activities. It contains information about the person for whom it is registered (ABJ, date and year of birth), his education (for example, higher, secondary vocational, etc.), profession and specialty. They provide a certified copy of the work record book (for the bank) to the employee at his first place of work by the HR department. There is no need to pay for its production. The document contains data on admission to a position, transfer to another position, assignment of class rank, dismissal, and others. Each entry is certified by the signature of the person responsible for personnel records management. A record of termination of relations with the employer must be certified by the personal signature of the employee.

A little about the history of the document. In the mid-eighteenth century in France, when applying for employment, they began to require a document from the last employer. This measure became necessary due to the growing number of vagrants who did not have a permanent place of residence, often changed jobs, and the like. About thirty years later, work books were introduced, in which information was entered from different places citizen's work.

Is this innovation convenient? Undoubtedly. Yes, there is more bureaucracy, but the level of order in the workplace has also increased. Now people were hired for labor positions about whom little more than nothing was known. Accordingly, you can immediately rely more on a specialist whose place of work has been previously confirmed (or rely on him to a lesser extent). Everything has positive (order) and negative (bureaucracy) aspects. Something must be sacrificed to obtain good.


The Labor Code of the Russian Federation is the main document regulating the relationship between employer and employee. The 225th Government Decree of April 16, 2003 determined the form of the document, the rules for its maintenance, storage, etc. The Ministry of Labor, in turn, issued instructions for filling out the document in question (Decree No. 69, dated October 10, 2003). There are no requirements for certification of the work record book. A sample work book certified by the employer for the bank was previously compiled on the basis of State Standard 6.30-2003. This legal act has already lost force. It was replaced by the state standard GOST R 7.0.97-2016.

The initial date for innovation was set in July 2017. However, the above standard came into force only a year later. In general, there were few changes. However, significant innovations will affect the need to send a document to a third-party organization, for example, when providing a certified copy of a work book for a bank. Despite the non-binding nature of state standards, it is better to be guided by them for a unified approach to document preparation and the absence of misunderstandings between organizations.

Why do you need a copy of the work permit?

Since the employer does not have the right to hand over the original work report, a certified copy is made for submission to other organizations. It may be needed in the following cases:

  1. When searching new job. A potential employer may need to confirm the candidate’s required experience with an official document, as well as the absence of unacceptable reasons for dismissal (for example, being drunk at the workplace, violating labor discipline). In some cases, to fill a position it is necessary to go through a competitive selection process, the materials for which include a work book.
  2. Certification of work record for the bank. This need arises if a person intends to obtain borrowed funds for a consumer, car, mortgage or other loan. If wage such a subject is transferred to the same organization to which the loan application is submitted, then the bank does without a work book.
  3. To calculate pension payments. The amount of such salary depends on the length of service, which is confirmed by the work book. A copy is sent to Pension Fund RF.
  4. When producing a foreign passport. In this case, the list of mandatory documents of the Federal Migration Service includes a copy of the labor document.
  5. If the original is lost. If the work book has been lost, then it is possible to restore the data using a copy. When such an incident occurs due to the fault of the employer, he himself is engaged in its restoration. In another case, the employee independently reproduces the recordings, for which it is necessary to make a tour of all the organizations in which he had to work.
  6. Adoption. Bodies making decisions about the transfer of a child to new parents rely, among other things, on labor data to assess the stability of the financial situation and employment of applicants for adoption.
  7. Receiving funds from the budget. There are known cases of requiring the original document for such purposes, which is illegal.
  8. Part-time work. May be required for external part-time work, that is, additional work in another organization. Mandatory provision in this case is not provided. However, information about the main place of work may be important to the employer. For example, if an employee is employed in a civil service position, then the main employer must become aware of his combination of jobs and he gives his consent or disagreement to the additional work. Within two years from the date of separation from service, new employers, including those working under contract agreements, must notify the previous organization of hiring.

Rules for making a copy of this document

After an appropriate request, an employee of the HR department may be faced with the task: “How to properly certify a work book for a bank?” Its solution is similar to certification to other organizations. First of all, the employee expresses his need to perform the procedure in question. To do this, he writes a statement, which must be responded to within three working days from the moment of its submission. This period is specified in Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If the employer does not meet this requirement, the employee has the right to contact the labor inspectorate to take administrative measures, including a fine. In small companies, you can get a document faster by contacting the HR officer orally.

A copy of the work book, certified by the employer, can be obtained for the bank in two ways. The first option provides for a certification mark on each page of the copy. In this case, the sheets can be fastened with a regular stapler. The second version of the sample certified copy of a work book for a bank requires putting a number on each page of the copy, sewing the sheets together, sticking a piece of paper indicating the number of sheets, the signature of the certifying person and his position, and sealing it with the seal of the organization. It is more reliable to use the first method, taking into account the current position of the judicial authorities. All sheets on which there are entries are copied. There are no standards for the arrangement of labor pages on paper, the location of marks of an HR employee or manager, printing, and so on. However, it is better to place each page of the work on a separate sheet to avoid quibbles from the receiving party. Application additional information in the work book cancels its previously made copies.

How to certify a document for a bank

Some personnel officers, when asked to certify a work book for a bank, require a sample. If it is not there, then it is enough to follow the steps below sequentially to avoid errors.

So, instructions on how to certify a work book for a bank or other third-party organization:

  • copies of all completed sheets are made on a copy machine;
  • on each sheet received, a stamp or inscription is placed in its lower part with the content “Copy is correct” or “True” (or other wording using this word);
  • next to the above entry, a stamp is placed or the position of the authorized person is written down, his signature and transcript are placed (this is usually an employee from the personnel department, the chief accountant or the direct head of the organization);
  • the date on which the certification was made is indicated;
  • the organization’s seal is affixed so that it partially overlaps the copied contents of the work document and the signature;
  • information about the storage location of the original is entered;
  • if necessary, supplemented with the entry “currently in operation.”

When flashing a copy, the necessary inscriptions are made on its last sheet. Added to the specified order of actions for fastening sheets. This happens using a needle and thread, or holes are made in the paper with a hole punch through which the thread is passed. Its ends remain on the back side of the document, and a piece of paper is pasted on top of them, on which the number of sheets fits.

Innovations introduced from 07/01/2018

It is especially important to take into account the new rules for those concerned about how to certify a work book for a bank. The above-mentioned GOST, which came into force in 2018, contains a clause that provides for indicating the storage location of the original work book. Not only the name of the employing company is indicated, but also the details of the case in which the original employment document is located. Information about the case may be missing if the scale of the organization is small enough and work books are located in a safe. Therefore, the work book certified for the bank has undergone changes.


The number of sheets in a work book is limited. When there is no room left for notes, the insert begins to fill up. It is sewn into the work book, on the first page of which its series and number are written. There can be several inserts, there is no limit to their number. It is certified by the signature of the personnel officer or boss and a seal as soon as it begins to be filled out. This is its distinctive feature. How to certify a work book for a bank with an insert? Additional sheets are certified in the same way as the rest.

Sample entry

How to certify a work book for a bank? A sample taking into account all the above nuances may look like this:

"Right. The original work book is located at JSC Employer in file No. 42 for 2017

HR Manager Sokolova (Sokolova S.S.) 08/09/2018.”


Borrowers are often interested in the question: “How long is a certified work book valid for a bank?” Today there are practically no open-ended documents. This also applies to their copies. After all, significant changes may occur during the period from its production to delivery. There is no answer in the regulations. This applies not only to the deadline for a copy of the work book for the bank and for other third-party organizations. They are the ones who set their own rules, which indicate no later than what time the document must be certified. When consulting with specialists, as well as when inspecting information stands, you can familiarize yourself with a sample of a certified copy of a work book for a bank, as well as its validity period. Many banks accept it as one month. This applies to loans for a variety of purposes.

Based on the period during which the certified document has legal force, it is worth making further plans for working with the bank. Otherwise, it may happen that the validity period of the certified copy expires, and the organization’s employees have not yet had time to complete all the necessary procedures. A lot of time will be lost to restore the certified copy and to resume all financial transactions, which in some banks are carried out promptly, and in others, on the contrary, rather slowly.

Advice from lawyers for making the correct copy of a work book for a bank

Most often, the bank will not issue a loan without a work book. Therefore, in order not to run there several times due to registration errors, the employee needs to check that the document was prepared correctly. Although banks without a work book will not be able to verify the official employment of the borrower (and this is the point of providing the document), appearance and the presence of all the necessary records, seals and the like can also play a role important role. There are some nuances highlighted by lawyers that are typical for submission specifically to a financial institution:

  1. Formulation of the entry. Most often, documents, not only work books, are stamped or the phrase “Copy is correct” is written. Everyone is already accustomed to this phrase, and this is the first thing that comes to mind when associated with a copy of a document. In the new state standard 2016, the word “True” is used. It is better to follow this option.
  2. Place of certification. Where exactly to write the necessary information is not strictly regulated. One condition must be met - the recording does not cover the basic information contained on the copy. The text itself is written clearly and legibly.
  3. Responsible person. The certified copy shall indicate the title of the position and the surname and initials of the person certifying the copy. This is either the head of the company himself, or a person appointed by him by order to be responsible for maintaining and storing labor records.
  4. Location of the original. This aspect was discussed in detail in the article. It remains to be said that even before the introduction of the new rule, some banks asked to indicate such information. Today, it is important not to forget that if you need to certify a work book for a bank, the sample adopted before the summer of 2018 must be updated.
  5. Confirmation of current place of work. The very fact of making a certification note with the date and other necessary information should indicate that the person is still working in the organization. However, some banks may require a corresponding phrase on the copy.
  6. Number of pages per sheet. To save paper, you can place up to four pages on one A4 format. In some organizations this is allowed, but for a bank it is better to adhere to the ratio of one page of labor = one sheet of paper.
  7. Seal. A company may have several seals. It is best to put the main round seal on a certified copy of the work document. You can also use the stamp of the personnel service (if available). HR officers often make the mistake of putting a stamp on a blank area of ​​the sheet. It should capture a partially copied document page.

Certification of a work book for a bank for each citizen Russian Federation is a very important step. It is the book that reflects his work activity, reasons for dismissal and other information. It is extremely undesirable to lose it, because restoring the information will require visiting all the organizations in which the person was employed. Some of them may cease to exist at that time, others may be located outside the citizen’s place of residence. It is strictly prohibited to hand over the original of this document to the employee before his dismissal. If, at his own peril and risk, the employer nevertheless committed such an action and the document was lost or damaged, then he will have to restore it on his own.

Ministry of Health and social protection took the initiative to abolish work books as a mandatory document. Today, the Ministry of Labor proposes the transition to electronic versions of such documents. According to the survey, citizens of our country are not against such an initiative, but with the preservation paper media. From 2020 they plan to begin transmitting to in electronic format important documents to the Pension Fund.

How to properly certify a copy of a work book (sample)

In the relationship between an employer and a citizen when the latter fulfills his job responsibilities essential has a registration procedure necessary documents. A special place among them is given to the work book. The responsibility for maintaining it rests entirely with the employer. And it is he who, after receiving the employee’s request, must issue a certified copy of such a document. Fulfilling this requirement may be difficult, since a sample of the correct certification of a copy of a work record book by the provisions of the labor legislation of Russia has not been approved or developed.

Registration of labor relations

The main document regulating the relationship between employee and employer is Labor Code Russian Federation.

In addition to fulfilling the obligations listed in the above-mentioned articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer must maintain work books for its employees. Entries in them, as follows from the content of Article 66 of the Code, must be made after five working days from the date the relevant individual begins to perform official duties.

The Government of the Russian Federation, by its Resolution No. 225 dated April 16, 2003, approved the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers. These regulations are mandatory for use by employees, as well as organizations and individual entrepreneurs.

Clause 3.26 of GOST contains a sample certification of a copy of a work book. The same norm specifies all the details necessary for proper registration of compliance of a copy of a document with its original:

  • mark “True”;
  • position of the employee who performed the certification;
  • his personal signature and its transcript;
  • date of certification of the copy;
  • affixing a seal imprint.

A similar procedure is enshrined in the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces dated 08/04/1983 N 9779-X, from which you can also find out how a copy of the work book should be certified.

An important addition introduced by the said Decree is that when certifying a copy of a document, it is necessary to affix the organization’s seal.

Making a copy of the work book

In most cases, issuing a copy of the work book in the manner prescribed by Russian regulations is sufficient. However, for specific situations the design algorithm may be slightly different.

For example, in order to answer the question of how to certify a work book for a loan, you must be guided by the requirements of a particular bank, since there is no regulatory procedure for such registration.

Having analyzed such requirements, it can be noted that for most banks, a copy of the work book must contain both general details and a note that the employee continues to work in the organization to the present day.

A condition for the correct certification of a work book is the need to put marks on each sheet regarding the correspondence of the copy to the original. As practice shows, it is impossible to stitch such a document by certifying only the stitching.

This requirement is mandatory for cases of issuing copies of work records. For most other documents, it is permissible to use certification not for each sheet, but only for the stitching.

Why do you need a certified copy of the work record?

The list of cases when an employee may need a copy of his work record is quite wide. It is not limited to just obtaining a loan.

For example, a copy of the work book may be required when a Russian citizen receives a foreign passport. Order of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs dated March 29, 2016 N 4270 does not contain a mandatory requirement to provide a copy of the work record book. However, information about the work individual must be indicated in the appropriate field of the application according to the data set out in the work book. For this purpose, you should request a certified copy from your employer.

Also, some consular offices of foreign countries, as part of the package of documents required to obtain a visa, may require a copy of the book to be provided to them. Each country independently develops such a list.

All employees are recommended to have a certified copy of their work record book. This document will be useful, for example, if its original is lost or damaged. An example of certifying a copy of a work record book for this case is indicated in paragraph 3.26 of GOST, given above.

In addition to the cases mentioned above, a copy of the work record may be required to compile a resume and provide it for review by a future employer.

The employee may need a certified copy of the specified book if he guarantees a loan from a third party. A sample of an employer’s certification of a work book for a bank (regardless of the purpose of its provision) can be downloaded from this link. Such authentication can also be used to provide it to other organizations.

It should be emphasized that the list of cases when an employee may require a copy of the work record is not established by law and is not exhaustive. It is subject to adjustment taking into account life circumstances and different goals.

Where can I get my work book certified if I don’t work?

If certain events occur, a copy of the work record may also be required from a non-working citizen. IN in this case The employer will not be able to assure her.

For a non-working citizen, a notary can certify a copy of his work record book. By virtue of Article 77 of the Fundamentals of Russian Legislation on Notaries, it is he who is endowed with the right to testify that a copy of a document is faithful to its original. In this case, only the fact of correspondence between the original and its copy is verified. The notary does not check its contents.

It should be remembered that the notary provides his services on a reimbursable basis. The employer is obliged to certify a copy of the work record book absolutely free of charge.

The work book reflects all the information about the person’s place of work, as well as his previous work experience. Therefore, such a document is often required for presentation in various public and private institutions. However, it must be kept by the employer and the original can only be issued in exceptional cases.

In all other situations, the employer is obliged to issue a copy of the book, certified in the prescribed manner. I am an entrepreneur, and therefore I often have to issue such documents. Therefore, in this article, I will tell you what a certified copy should look like in the current year.

Every employer should know that the records of his employees are required to be kept by him. And he bears full responsibility for them. The issuance of books to employees is strictly regulated by Labor legislation, namely Article 62. It says that it is allowed to provide the original only if it is necessary to submit it to Social Security. And the employee who received it from Social Insurance is obliged to return it to the employer no later than 3 days. In all other cases, a copy or extract of the book must be issued.

If the original is lost, the employer is obliged to issue a duplicate, including all the information that was indicated in the book. However, it is not always easy to recover records from other employers, as documentary evidence of their existence will be required. In the absence of such evidence, the employer can only enter the information available to him and the total number of working years.

For failure to comply with the rules for storing the book, a fine may be imposed on the employer and organization. For an official it will be no more than 5 thousand rubles, and for an organization 30-50 thousand rubles.

Therefore, in order to avoid this liability, documents should be stored in a safe in an archival manner.

Certification procedure

When creating copies, you must start from the first page of the book, which contains basic information about its owner. Then all pages with entries are copied. The last one should be a sheet with a record of this employer. Next, you need to certify the copies made in a specially provided way. There are 2 main options:

  1. You can certify each sheet separately.
  2. You can staple all copies by first numbering each of them. And certify the bound document.

It is more convenient to use the second method, since in this case you will need to put the certification in only one place. If you use the first method, each copy made will have to be certified.

The certification procedure will be as follows:

  1. We write “Correct” or “Copy is correct”. Both of these formulations can be used at your discretion.
  2. We indicate your position, full name and signature. Not all employees have the right to certification, so only authorized people should do this.
  3. We put the seal of the organization, if the company uses it. In cases where the employer does not have a seal, you must write the phrase "Believe without seal".
  4. Specify the date.

This entry must be made on each page and on each turn of the sheet if you made a copy on both sides. The bound copies into one document are also filled out in the same way. But in addition to this, you will also need to indicate the total number of pages in this document. Each sheet containing a copy is numbered.

On one of the sheets it is necessary to make a note that the person is still working today. Usually this inscription is made where a copy of the last entry in the book was made. If all copies are bound into one document, then such an inscription is made on the same sheet where the certification is carried out.

The following persons have the right to make copies and have them certified:

  • Head of the organization;
  • HR department employee;
  • the entrepreneur himself;
  • accountant.

Other persons cannot indicate their position and sign. Otherwise, the document will be considered invalid.

New rules

This certification procedure was in effect until July 1. But now there are new rules that must be followed by every employer. In addition to all the above requirements, a new mandatory inscription was introduced, without which the copy will also be considered invalid. This inscription must contain information about the storage location of the original book.

This may simply indicate the safe of the HR department, accounting department, or the number of the employee’s personal file, where all his documents are stored. Such a signature is made in one place, in the same place where it is indicated that the person has been working until the present moment.

Common mistakes

All employees responsible for this must know the procedure for certifying copies. But at the same time, each employee is obliged to check the correctness of the document issued to him. Because it is he who will have to go several times to the organization where this copy is required if it is not certified correctly. When checking a certified copy, pay attention to the following common mistakes:

  1. Not all sheets bear the signature of the person being certified. This situation only applies to cases where the copies are not stitched into one document.
  2. Not everywhere there is a stamp “Copy is correct”. Sometimes the employee is in a hurry and stamps very quickly. Therefore, there is a risk that he will miss one or two pages. This error also only applies to unflashed copies.
  3. The employee who certified the copies does not have authority. Pay attention to who exactly is responsible for certifying documents in your company.
  4. There is no inscription indicating that the employee continues to work. This is a very important inscription without which it is not clear until what point the person worked.
  5. There is no new requirement for information about the storage of the original book. Now, without this inscription, a copy of the book will not be accepted.
  6. The company's seal stamp is affixed to a white sheet of paper without touching the copy itself. The stamp must touch at least part of the copy made.

Knowing the main nuances and common mistakes, you must carefully check the issued document. Also, the employee himself should pay attention to how the copy is certified, and whether all pages of the book are photocopied. You can learn more about this from the video presented.

Need for a copy

There are many situations when this document is required. Remember that if you are officially employed, no one has the right to demand the original book from you, except Social Insurance. In all cases, you may only provide a certified copy. To obtain it at large enterprises you usually need to write a written application. In smaller organizations, a verbal request can be made. You must be given a copy within 3 days.

A copy may be required:

  • when contacting a credit institution;
  • when applying for additional work;
  • when applying for benefits and allowances;
  • when obtaining a visa to travel to another country.

Also, such a copy can be useful in various other situations. Based on the document provided, you can find out the following information about the person:

  1. His total length of service. Depending on the number of years of work, you can determine how experienced and accustomed a person is to working.
  2. Number of jobs. If an employee often changes positions and organizations, this indicates that he is not permanent. This information usually has a bad effect when applying for a job or issuing a loan.
  3. Positions held. This information may indicate a certain level of income of a person, as well as his professionalism. If a person has climbed up the career ladder, then he will inspire more confidence in the bank.
  4. Reasons for dismissal. In each case when a person changes jobs, the reason why he left is indicated. There are situations when this happens not at the request of the employee, but due to his negligent attitude to work. Such a record will not benefit the employee.

By analyzing a person’s work activity, you can easily get a picture of his life. Permanent responsible people usually rarely change jobs. And people who are in search of themselves as employees usually do not stay in the work team for long.

Sometimes employees ask HR specialists. For example, a sample certification of a copy of a work book 2020 may be required to be submitted to an organization dealing with social security issues or to a bank to obtain a loan.

A frequent condition for processing any paperwork is confirmation of regular income. But since the original is issued only in exceptional cases, a sample copy of the work book, certified by the employer 2020, is more often used for this purpose.

It is necessary to certify and hand over a copy to the employee within three working days from the receipt of his request ( Art. 62 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In order to correctly draw up the document, it is necessary to take into account the new rules for certifying a copy of the work book from 07/01/2018, which we will discuss later.

How to certify a work book according to the new rules 2020

From July 1, 2018, the document must be certified based on the new requirements. Therefore, let's turn to GOST R 7.0.97-2016. It was planned to be put into effect on July 1, 2017, but by Order of Rosstandart dated May 25, 2017 No. 435-st.

According to the new GOST, the certification rules (in general, and not just the work book) now directly depend on the purpose for which a person needs a copy.

First of all, you need to make copies of all pages on which there are entries. They must have good quality. If a sample of a certified copy of a work book (2020) is prepared for submission to the Pension Fund of Russia, a bank or another organization, it should be certified in a certain order, indicating the location of storage of the original form.

An example of how to correctly certify a work book in 2020 for a third-party organization:

  • the document is marked “Correct”;
  • indicate the full name and position of the employee responsible for processing personnel documents;
  • the date of certification is indicated;
  • from 01.07.2018 it is necessary to indicate where the original is stored.

Many banks require that the sample certification of the work book from July 1, 2018 also contain a record that its owner “is currently working.” The new GOST does not indicate the need to include such a phrase in the document. But for banks, it is additional confirmation that the potential borrower has a permanent source of income and will be able to repay the loan. Therefore, if for credit organization The presence of this phrase is important, it needs to be included.

Below we have posted a sample of how to certify a work book, which is still in use (2020).

In order for the photocopy to have the proper appearance, its pages must be stitched. Folded sheets are stitched along the left edge. The edges of the threads with which they were stitched are sealed with paper. The date of stitching is indicated on the paper, and then the seal of the organization is affixed. The seal must partially affect the record and partially the document sheet.

If the document is issued for internal use, a record of the location of the form does not need to be made. We present to your attention a sample of how to certify a work record book in a new way.

Sample certification of a work book from 2018 for the company’s internal document flow:

  • the entry “True” is indicated;
  • Full name, position, signature of the personnel officer;
  • date of certification.

How to certify a copy of a work record since 2018

From 07/01/2018, at the bottom of a copy or extract from the Labor Code for a third-party organization, under the “Signature” requisite, you should indicate the location of the original document. The entry may look like this: “The original document is located in the personnel department of (name of organization).” How should the certification be formalized? For an example of how to certify a copy of a work record book from July 1, 2018, see below.

Where can I certify a document?

If a person works, to receive it he needs to apply to the personnel department of the enterprise where he works. An organization’s accountant can also issue a photocopy if he is entrusted with the management function and there is no HR department. The papers must be available within three days after receiving the application. They have no right to refuse him this.

If a citizen is unemployed, a notary can issue a copy of the Labor Code for him. To do this, you need to contact a notary office, presenting your passport and work record book to the notary. The notary copies the necessary pages, and then puts stamps and his signatures on them. They also make a corresponding entry on each page.

Errors when preparing a document

The following error is often encountered: the organization's seal captures the text or signature of the personnel officer (in this case it becomes difficult to read what is written in the copy) or is not in the place where it should be (fields marked by MP). The seal impression must be located according to the rules.

It should be especially noted that errors in copies are inappropriate. Also, corrections when writing wording are not allowed. A document executed incorrectly will simply not be accepted from an employee, as it will be considered invalid. If a mistake was made, you need to copy the necessary pages again and certify them properly.