Which lamps are suitable for suspended ceilings? How to choose spotlights for ceilings. Which light bulbs are best for suspended ceilings?

Installation of suspended ceilings is a labor-intensive process for a number of reasons. The need to use exclusively professional equipment, the need for experience and qualifications in handling film during the work, and the complexity of the associated work are just a small list of difficulties that will have to be encountered during the installation of a stretch ceiling. The question of how to choose lamps for installation on a suspended ceiling, taking into account their features, advantages and disadvantages, is also important, because in addition to the aesthetic side of the issue, proper lighting is also necessary for completely natural reasons. Poorly selected lamps may well spoil the visual perception of a stretch ceiling, but this is far from the most important thing, because the wrong choice can also very well lead to deformation or complete destruction of the canvas, excessive strain on a person’s eyes and fatigue. Properly selected lamps for a stretch ceiling, in turn, will not only emphasize the overall style of the room’s decoration, but will also provide comfort in everyday life. You need to choose the type of lamps, mounting method, power, number of lamps and much more. It can be extremely difficult for a beginner to decide on all the necessary selection criteria, and it is still necessary to take into account various nuances that influence the choice.

Is having plenty of choice good or bad?

Today the market is ready to offer the owner a huge variety of different types of lamps, some of them are specific and most effective in clearly defined conditions, others can be called universal. However, there are several main points that the owner of suspended ceilings should pay attention to before deciding to use certain lamps. First of all, it is extremely important to take into account the characteristics of the room when choosing a lamp. Even the most beautiful chandelier will look out of place if it is too large for the room. If the ceilings are low, then you should not chase too large-scale lighting structures; inconspicuous spotlights will be more ergonomic. In addition, the use of lamps for suspended ceilings should be based on the characteristics of the chosen material for the canvas. For example, contact of vinyl, a material for a stretch ceiling, with a lamp in which high-power lamps are installed will lead to deformation, the appearance of folds and, quite possibly, ruptures. Also, in the case of vinyl, lamps should be used exclusively in conjunction with a thermal insulation ring. Naturally, the installation must be appropriate.

If we touch on the topic of the main criteria for choosing lamps for a suspended ceiling, then there are only a few of them, however, it is worth treating each one with all the attention. Lamps for suspended ceilings are selected based on the characteristics of the room, the planned power, the number of lamps and lighting elements, the ability to use several lighting sources at once in the form of one interconnected structure, the cost of the element itself and its installation, guarantees, of course, style, design and external characteristics . Moreover, many owners put the last criterion as the highest priority. So, for example, spotlights are practical, simple and relatively affordable. However, many people prefer classic chandeliers precisely because of the flexibility of this element in terms of aesthetics. For owners of suspended ceilings, it is important to decide which criterion is the most priority for them and base their choice on it.

Lamps for low ceilings

Often, suspended ceilings are the only objectively available alternative for owners of old apartments. These apartments have one very unflattering feature in common - low ceilings. The main criterion for choosing a lamp in this case is the power and number of lamps, the distance from the ceiling sheet directly to the light source and the type of lighting element. First of all, you should consider a regular chandelier. In this case, the main risk of choosing the wrong lamps for suspended ceilings is the possibility of completely deforming the finish or completely burning it. Provided there is a small distance from the lamp and the suspended ceiling, this is a very real possibility, moreover, very often confirmed by practice. If the owner of suspended ceilings decides to use a chandelier, then the distance from the lighting elements for the canvas should be at least 30 centimeters. If the suspended ceilings themselves are located too low, but quite acceptable, then the chandelier will reduce the comfort of being in the room to zero. It is also desirable that the lamps be covered with opaque shades that diffuse the light. This will reduce the level of lighting in the room, but will protect the ceiling from deformation. In this case, not just any chandeliers will be suitable, however, first things first.

Chandelier and suspended ceilings, is it possible?

Chandeliers for suspended ceilings should be selected carefully. In this case, it is necessary not only to determine the lamp power, the number of lighting elements, but also the type of chandelier. Often, several simple and quite affordable variations of a chandelier with a certain lamp power are used for a suspended ceiling. First of all, these are classic flat chandeliers, in which the lamps are located behind a small, matte “plate” or an element similar to it. The light from the lamp dissipates faster, which allows you to use this type of chandelier 15-20 centimeters from the stretch ceiling. The lamp itself, even being the only light source in the room, shows good lighting performance. Chandelier sellers will help you choose lamps directly. However, it is always better to choose lamps with a slightly lower power, since there are several of them in the lighting element. The second type of chandelier is a classic ceiling lamp on a long leg with one lamp in the shade. Perhaps, this type of chandelier is one of the best, as it allows you to select the lamp power exactly according to the selected criteria, the shade will provide faster light dispersion, and the design flexibility will amaze even the most inveterate critic of this lamp.

In addition, it is necessary to consider a chandelier in the traditional sense, namely a complex structure with a large number of lamps and decorative elements. Such chandeliers are used quite rarely, and it is quite clear why. A suspended ceiling coupled with such lamps can quickly turn into a wrinkled or burnt surface, since there is simply nothing to diffuse the light in such a chandelier. In addition, a lamp of this type is extremely difficult to install directly in the context of work with a suspended ceiling. It is necessary to select the correct fasteners, insulate the contact point, etc. Traditional chandeliers, as most domestic owners are accustomed to seeing them, are distinguished by their massiveness and scale. At the same time, the actual installation of a stretch ceiling also requires a certain space. As a result, the mounted chandelier will not easily disturb the people living in the apartment, but will also reduce the lighting efficiency, since the main angle of incidence of the light will be in an area that is uncomfortable for the human eye. In addition to chandeliers, today other types of lamps are also selected for suspended ceilings, for example, spotlight analogues.

Spotlights - the best choice?

The question of how to choose spotlights for a suspended ceiling is becoming increasingly relevant today for a number of reasons. Perhaps the first and most significant advantage of such a light source is space saving. Probably everyone has seen small, built-in lamps with one lamp on a suspended or suspended ceiling structure. Such lamps are economical and affordable, which allows you to use several lighting elements at once, distributing them evenly around the perimeter of the ceiling. From the point of view of efficiency and optimal choice in terms of the light source, spotlights are truly the optimal choice, since, unlike a single central element, symmetrically located lamps cover more space with light. In everyday life, spotlights are also good because they are easy to install and replace. The lamp itself is not very powerful and is not very efficient, but if you place several of them symmetrically on the ceiling, the effect becomes quite obvious. Spotlights illuminate the entire ceiling space, which is also useful if you need to emphasize a structure or a specific element. A spotlight is also used if vinyl is chosen as the material for the canvas. The low power of the spot lighting element lamp does not heat the canvas; in addition, overheating will be eliminated by a special thermal insulation ring.

However, it was not without its drawbacks. The spotlight contains a halogen lamp, which burns out much faster than analogues available on the market. In addition to frequent replacement, the owner of a suspended ceiling should also think in advance about the number of lighting elements, since the low power of the lamp is not capable of providing full illumination in the room on its own. There are also minor drawbacks in aesthetic terms. Spotlights are located very close to the stretch ceiling, which gives the effect of glare on the canvas. This effect is not always pleasant to the human eye; glare can irritate or cause eye fatigue. This is especially true for the glossy surface of PVC film. However, there are a huge number of variations of lamps available on the market; it is quite possible to choose spotlights without glare, but they need to be selected in relation to a specific material. So, for example, if the suspended ceiling is made on a fabric basis, then a spotlight is an excellent solution in terms of the ratio of quality and price criteria. It is also worth remembering that the thermal insulation ring should be selected carefully, otherwise the lamp during operation will be in a halo of light reflected from the material of the ring. Such a halo is capable of illuminating the space behind a suspended ceiling. The question of how to choose spotlights for suspended ceilings is not as simple as it seems; there are many of these lighting elements, and a hasty choice in this case is inappropriate.

LED lighting on the ceiling: pros and cons

The decor of a room with suspended ceilings is often adjacent to the LED strip fasteners along the perimeter of the ceiling. The LED strip illuminates the ceiling from the inside, creating spectacular shimmer on the canvas. By experimenting with different decor options, you can create a unique style; fortunately, many color variations, including combined ones, will help you decorate the ceiling in the most appropriate way. Installing LED backlighting is extremely simple; just mount the box and then attach the tape to a self-adhesive base. For suspended ceilings, LED strip is good as an additional light source because PVC film allows you to create a unique play of light and shadow. In the decor of suspended ceilings, there are often design options that illusorily imitate night or day. LED lighting in this case is a charming element of the composition. Both LED strips with constant light and with various variations of effects are suitable for stretch ceilings. In this case, everything depends directly on the owner and his vision of the design of the room. From a technical point of view, LED backlighting is a strip with evenly spaced lighting elements and transistors. The more elements per centimeter of tape, the more powerful the backlight. To attach the strip to the ceiling, there is a self-adhesive base on the back of the strip with lighting elements.

In practice, the question of how to choose a lamp for a suspended ceiling is multifaceted, since the wealth of choice often leads the owner to prefer an unsuitable or completely inappropriate light source. Which lamps are better and which are contraindicated for suspended ceilings cannot be said with a full guarantee. It is important to choose the most suitable lamp for each specific case. Even the most beautiful suspended ceilings can be ruined by the wrong choice of lamp. However, in the case of possible damage to a person’s eyes, the aesthetic side of the issue seems like a trifle. Which lighting to choose, which spotlights are better and what type of chandeliers are suitable for low or high ceilings - here is a small list of the most common customer requests. What can you advise in this case? What ceiling was installed, namely what materials were used, what goals the owner sets for the lamps and on what criteria his choice is based - these are the main points on which the owner must give an intelligible answer, then the problem of choice will become insignificant. A stretch ceiling in itself is quite a beautiful solution, and coupled with the right lighting it can sparkle with new colors.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


Installing lighting fixtures will help transform a room with a suspended ceiling. With their help, you can not only place light accents on various decorative elements, but even divide the room into several zones. You need to choose lamps for suspended ceilings wisely and thoroughly, be it a spot version or a soffit light bulb. Properly selected light sources will help you design an optimal lighting system and at the same time save on energy consumption.

What lamps can be installed in a suspended ceiling?

On the modern market you can find a wide range of lighting sources for decorative lighting and more. The offered lighting devices differ from each other in design, power, type of mounting and other parameters. At the same time, if almost any type of lamp can be installed on a regular ceiling, then with a tension analogue it is not so simple. It is necessary to take into account the heating of the canvas, because a glossy or vinyl surface made of film does not tolerate high temperatures, so there are limitations on the power of lighting devices. Kinds:

  • Spot. Such lamps for suspended ceilings will help illuminate a large, dark space or diffuse the light. They are installed in suspended ceilings, usually in several zones at once. Their advantage lies in the possibility of installation on a ceiling of any height. On the market you can find the widest selection of point lighting sources of different colors, types and shapes.
  • Stationary. Stretch ceilings with lamps look very impressive if you make the right choice. A ceiling chandelier can be great for this purpose. The distance from the ceiling to its light bulb should not be less than 25 cm to prevent overheating of the canvas. In addition, you can install several pendant lamps in a row.
  • Raster. Recessed luminaires for fluorescent suspended ceilings can be divided into a separate group. They are made in the form of metal cellular structures equipped with a reflective grille. In most cases, they are used in large rooms.
  • LED Strip Light. This lighting element is great for creating dramatic lighting. LED strips are usually used for installation in multi-level suspended ceilings. In this case, they are placed along the perimeter of one of the tiers. Experts recommend using this tape on a matte surface with a height of at least 2.7 m.


Before you buy lighting devices, familiarize yourself with their varieties. Depending on the method of fixation, ceiling and pendant chandeliers and lamps are distinguished. Point lighting sources are divided into overhead and built-in. Installation of spotlights in an overhead type suspended ceiling is carried out by installing special adjustable racks. Built-in analogues are fixed to the main ceiling before installing the tension one. As for the types of light bulbs, the following are used for suspended ceilings:

  • halogen light bulbs;
  • fluorescent energy-saving;
  • incandescent light bulbs;
  • LED;
  • fiber optic threads.


If you are looking for a more or less universal option that is suitable for any room height, then you need to buy a spotlight. In most cases, they are installed at the rate of: 1 device per 1.5-2 sq.m of room area. An inexpensive option that is great for creating an individual and original room design is:

  • model name: Piano Led 071014R;
  • price: 286 rub.;
  • characteristics: material of fittings, lampshade - metal, color - chrome, lamp - LED, power - 1 W, lighting area - 0.5 sq.m, degree of dust and moisture protection - IP20, height - 10 mm, diameter - 38 mm;
  • pros: cheap, compact;

A more powerful LED ceiling lamp is Maturo 70264 from Lightstar (Italy). This lighting fixture is suitable for a room of almost any size:

  • Model name: Maturo 70264;
  • price: 1342 rub.;
  • characteristics: frame material, lampshade - metal, color - chrome, LED lamp, power - 9 W, degree of dust and moisture protection - IP20, height - 15 mm, diameter 95 mm;
  • pros: excellent performance, good lighting;
  • cons: expensive.


These lamps are often installed in public buildings: offices and offices. They are very rare in residential interiors, but despite this, they are sometimes installed in suspended ceilings. Panel-type lamps are a box with a transparent plastic lid, through which light is diffused. At the same time, it is possible to choose the scattering of any pattern and color. One of the products in this category:

  • Model name: Cabrera C0042;
  • price: 1461 rub.;
  • characteristics: frame material, lampshade - metal, color - white, lamp - LED, power - 6 W, degree of dust and moisture protection - IP20, glow color - cold, lighting area - 3 sq.m, height - 35 mm, diameter 105 mm;
  • pros: good area of ​​illuminated space;
  • cons: cost, size.

The next option is more compact, but also more expensive. The country of origin is Spain, the device is part of the Saona series:

  • model name: Saona C0190;
  • price: 1881 rub.;
  • characteristics: frame material, lampshade - metal, color - white, LED bulb, power - 6 W, degree of dust and moisture protection - IP20, cold glow, lighting area - 3 sq.m, height - 25 mm, diameter 90 mm;
  • advantages: illuminated area, more compact dimensions compared to analogues;
  • cons: expensive.


On sale you can find a large assortment of light bulbs that can be built into suspended ceilings. When choosing a suitable option for a matte or glossy canvas, pay attention not only to the power of the lamps, but also to the brightness of the lighting. In addition, when ordering products from an online store with delivery by mail, please note that the photo does not always correspond to reality. One of the built-in options:

  • Model name: Lega HI ADJ MR16 011020;
  • price: 340 rub.;
  • characteristics: frame and lampshade made of metal, color – white, lamp – halogen, base – GU5.3, power – 50 W, illuminated space – 2.5 km.m, height – 5 mm, diameter – 85 mm;
  • pros: power, reasonable cost;
  • cons: none.

Recessed lighting sources in most cases are used not for decorative purposes, but to illuminate a specific area. Another good option:

  • model name: Difesa Piano 006881;
  • price: 683 rub.;
  • characteristics: metal frame, glass shade, color – matte chrome and matte white, halogen bulb, base – GU5.3, power – 50 W, lighting area – 2.5 sq.m, height – 15 mm, diameter – 95 mm;
  • pros: good lighting, good parameters;


Often overhead lamps are purchased for stretched fabrics. To install them, adjustable racks are mounted, which are then covered with fabric. The device body and the film do not come into contact with each other due to fixation using a special ring. If desired, you can choose fixed or rotary devices. After installation, the latter can be adjusted in the required direction. Alternatively, you may be interested in:

  • Model name: Elektrostandard 1070 a035973;
  • price: 437 rub.;
  • characteristics: type – overhead spot, style – modern, height – 60 mm, length – 160 mm, diameter – 135 mm, color – white, materials – plastic, metal, power – 13 W, lighting area – 0.7 sq.m ;
  • pros: optimal power, appearance;
  • cons: small lighting area.

Check out the parameters of another product from the same brand. Compared to the previous version, the device has a square lampshade:

  • Model name: Elektrostandard Dls020 a035325;
  • price: 678 rub.;
  • characteristics: type – Downlight, style – modern, height – 38 mm, width and length – 225 mm, color – white, material – plastic, power – 18 W, lighting area – 9 sq.m;
  • pros: suitable for large rooms;
  • Cons: more expensive than analogs, made only of plastic.


Pendant lights on a suspended ceiling are more common because... their method of fixation is simpler. A durable ceiling hook made of reinforcement is secured to the place where the lampshade is installed before the canvas is tensioned. After installing the ceiling, the chandelier is hung on this same hook. An interesting option with a good degree of dust and moisture protection of 20 IP is the device:

  • cost: 6144 rub.;
  • characteristics: style - loft, height - 920 mm, diameter - 370 mm, color - yellow, material - metal, total power - 180 W, lighting area - 9 sq.m, mounting method - mounting plate, number of light bulbs - 3 pieces;
  • pros: design, good lighting, durability;
  • cons: high cost.

A more original option is the Luce Solara 5064 lamp, which can be successfully used in both home and official interiors. The design of the device is thought out to the smallest detail and is made in the best traditions of the Art Nouveau style:

  • Model name: Luce Solara 5064/9S Smoke;
  • price: RUB 12,928;
  • characteristics: style - modern, height - 1000 mm, diameter - 585 mm, shade color - gray, base - chrome, materials - glass, metal, power - 40 W, illuminates up to 18 sq.m, number of lamps - 9 pieces:
  • pros: great for large spaces, excellent design;
  • cons: very expensive.


If you are planning to order the most economical and durable lamps, then pay attention to devices with LED bulbs. They are able to create natural, volumetric and panoramic lighting. Such devices do not emit heat and are great for decoration. With the right choice (photos in online stores do not always correspond to reality), LED lighting devices can visually increase the height of the ceiling. One of the inexpensive options:

  • Model name: Ecola GX53LED;
  • price: 350 rub.;
  • characteristics: power – 8.5 W, color temperature – 4200, size – 27x75 mm, color – natural white, average service life – 30 thousand hours;
  • pros: reasonable cost, good durability;
  • cons: none.

Another excellent option for installation in a suspended ceiling is a square-shaped lamp from Albes. With its help, you can illuminate large spaces without spending a lot of electricity:

  • model name: UNIVERSAL LED Albes;
  • price: 856 rub.;
  • characteristics: power – 36 W, dimensions – 595x595 mm, degree of protection – 20 IP, luminous flux – 4000 Lm, total thickness – 19 mm;
  • pros: powerful, suitable for large rooms;
  • cons: more expensive than analogues.

Energy saving

Such products are characterized by good safety and low energy consumption. They can be placed in the canvas itself, as well as outside it. Compact fluorescent light bulbs do not overheat, which is very important for suspended ceilings. A relatively inexpensive, but quite suitable option for a wide variety of premises would be products from Ecola:

  • Model name: Ecola GX53;
  • price: 250 rub.;
  • characteristics: power – 9 W, temperature (color) – 2700, color – warm white, size – 27x75 mm, service life – about 8 thousand hours;
  • advantages: low cost, compactness;
  • cons: service life.

A luminaire with an energy-saving GX70 bulb from the same manufacturer will help reduce electricity costs by up to 80% compared to incandescent lamps. Such a device heats up slightly and does not dazzle the eyes:

  • model name: Ecola GX70;
  • price: 364 rub.;
  • characteristics: power – 20 W, temperature (color) – 4100, size – 42.5x111 mm, service life – about 10 thousand hours;
  • pros: gives even light, suitable for most rooms;
  • cons: costs more than analogues.

How to choose

Each type of lighting fixture has its own light bulb; for example, an incandescent lamp cannot be screwed into a fixture for LED models, because they have different sizes. In this regard, decide in advance on the type and shape of the lamp and lamps before purchasing them for the stretch fabric. When choosing, it is important to consider the nuances:

  • Recessed luminaires must be equipped with internal sides and not heat up more than +60 degrees.
  • It is best to give preference to frosted light bulbs.
  • To visually enlarge a ceiling of several levels, you need to install spotlights at each level.
  • Cast built-in devices are not suitable for installation in tension fabric.
  • To install 20 or more point elements, it is best to group them in each zone with separate power supply. This approach will help reduce power consumption.

There is a misconception that it is customary to install only small lamps on suspended ceilings. Familiar large chandeliers can also be used well to illuminate a room. But here it is important not to overdo it with the size, since a large-diameter lampshade can heat up and deform the ceiling, and also ruin the appearance. At the moment, a large number of forms of lamps, different from each other, have been invented.

The question of how to choose spotlights for suspended ceilings always remains relevant. They are divided into three types:

  1. Overhead - installation is carried out on specially installed rings, which are placed after the wires are supplied.
  1. Built-in lamps are small, discreet and unobtrusive. As a rule, installation is carried out using springs that press the lamp tightly to the ceiling.
  1. Suspended - these include absolutely all types of chandeliers, which are fixed using a hook attached to the base of the ceiling slab. This method is very simple, but you need to remember that more durable structures should be installed for bulky lamps.

How to choose lamps for suspended ceilings? The choice of spotlights is an integral stage in arranging a room. The most inexpensive and easiest to install are surface-mounted lamps. They are usually used as additional lighting, since the lamps are low-power, and as recessed ones they are ideal for main lighting.

Spot pendant lamp, ideally matched to the interior

Criterias of choice

The design concept shows that it is possible to equip multi-level lighting systems. It is a combination of central, local and .

There are rotary and static models. Which one is better is a controversial issue, but it is better to choose rotary ones, as they are more mobile. Knowing which lamps can be installed in a suspended ceiling and which cannot, you can avoid damage to the ceiling.

It is very important to know in advance how to choose a lamp, where and how many lamps and devices will be installed. After installing a stretch ceiling, changing the number of lighting fixtures will not be possible.

One of the design options for a suspended ceiling is panel lighting.

It looks like a separate panel against the general background of the suspended ceiling, built in from the inside. This type is used mainly in offices, as it looks ordinary and unsaturated.

For a residential building, you should use bright and colored panels - they will make the design special. The devices are capable of generating only diffuse light because they are located under the panel.

A focal lighting device, otherwise known as a downlight, is a more well-known and widely used lighting device. It is often found in apartments and recreation rooms. A downlight provides directional general illumination of the area where attention needs to be focused.

The devices are mounted at different depths depending on the installation method and the types of lamps used.

Lamps are often combined with each other to create an extraordinary interior.

Lamp housings are made of aluminum, and lighting fixtures are also made from it.

The diffuser for lamps is often made of plastic. It is used to create light of the desired shade. Diffusers are also made of glass, but in this case their cost increases significantly. This is the best choice of lamps for suspended ceilings.

Conventional “Ilyich light bulbs” are not used due to the fact that they quickly overheat and have a long base.

The most suitable lamps:

  1. LED.
  2. Energy saving.
  3. Halogen.

LED lamps are most suitable for installation on a suspended ceiling, as they practically do not heat up and therefore will not damage the ceiling. They are used in rooms with low ceilings, since 5 cm is enough for installing a diode lamp. It has a long service life and is very economical, but it is expensive. The LED base can be of two types, which will allow you to choose lamps and not be afraid that the lamp will not fit.

Applications of LEDs

LED lights

They produce a stream of light that is pleasant and does not tire the eye. Lamps can be of different colors and shades. They choose them, limited only by their imagination.

All diode lamps are conventionally divided into two types:

  1. The lamp is located inside.
  2. The lamps are located outside the housing.

Simply put, lamps can be called indoor or outdoor.

Which lamps are best for a suspended ceiling is a capacious and complex question, the answer to which mainly depends on the opinion of experts.

A luminaire with a lamp located outside is the best choice for use in a suspended ceiling. It has the best characteristics and generates light that is pleasant to the human eye.

Lighting using built-in diodes is used for additional lighting and dividing the room into zones. The lighting fixture emits a directional stream of light.

Halogen lamps are distinguished by their clarity, brightness and directional flow. They are, of course, inferior to diode lamps in terms of service life and energy saving, but superior to incandescent lamps. Due to their small size they can be used to solve design problems.

Fluorescent lamps are the most economical, but have quite large dimensions. At the moment, designers offer lamp models that are so elegant that you don’t even need a housing for them.

The decision to choose a lamp is always up to the consumer.

LED Strip Light

This tape is an ergonomic type of lighting device. It is a strip with diodes on one side and an adhesive surface on the other. Used as main lighting, but can also be used for additional lighting.

LED strip will be the best choice for matte ceilings. The room does not particularly need bright light, so 30–60 diodes per meter are often used. LEDs with a dim white glow are used. You can use brighter diodes, but they will require a separate power supply.

Which is better: a chandelier or spotlights?

In general, the choice of lamps is based on your own preferences and design features of the room. For the living room, the best option would be a chandelier of almost any size, and for the kitchen and bathroom it is better to use spotlights.

As for spotlights, they are used as additional or decorative lighting.

Selection of lamps

The lamps are suitable for suspended ceilings of any type and design. They are very popular due to their low cost and easy installation. For suspended ceilings, there are many lamps of different shapes, sizes and shades that can be used in any room. LED lamps are often used.

For long service life of suspended ceilings, you need to carefully choose a lamp that will meet the following requirements:

  1. For spotlights, the temperature should be no more than 60 degrees, otherwise the canvas will deteriorate.
  2. Ceiling lamps should have a power of no more than 35 W.
  3. The edges of the lamp should not have sharp ends. During installation, the sharp end may damage the blade.

Using spotlights with a movable element will allow you to place accents on the desired parts of the room. To hide installation defects, the spotlight must have a wide edging.

How to choose a lamp for suspended ceilings? What lamps are best to use for suspended ceilings? This is a difficult question, and factors such as the texture of the canvas, the features of the room and the light bulbs used should be taken into account. For a matte surface, the best choice would be a classic lamp; for a glossy surface, decorative lamps would be the best choice. Chandeliers with open diode lamps will add bright colors to the room. They will not cause harm, which means they can be placed directly under the canvas. External and built-in lamps are used.

The ideal option for a stretch ceiling is considered to be those chandeliers that completely cover the lamp with a lampshade or are directed downwards, otherwise the hot lamp can damage the canvas. When using halogen lamps, the chandelier should be positioned 30 cm from the ceiling surface.

Selection of chandeliers

In most apartments, the ceiling height is no more than 2.6 meters. Most chandeliers are designed for higher ceilings. Not every chandelier is suitable for such a ceiling, so you need to take a responsible approach to choosing the shape and length of the chandelier. Lamps suitable for all rooms are called universal.

Lamps in the form of glass plates or classic chandeliers with legs are usually used. The branches of the chandelier are directed both down and up. This choice depends on the design of the room and the preferences of the buyer.

Not everyone likes small, dainty lighting fixtures and wants a massive, wide chandelier. In such cases, it is necessary to provide durable fasteners and make a better installation.

An LED chandelier is an excellent option for decorating a suspended ceiling. It will look ideal in the bedroom and children's rooms, as the light is moderately bright, soft and subdued. A chandelier that is used for decoration and design is called decorative.

An integral advantage of chandeliers of this type is a service life of at least 10 years.

Chandeliers undergo a special inspection, which tests the quality of assembly and the correct color temperature. This test makes it possible to remove defects at the lamp manufacturing stage.

Interior lighting is often done using chandeliers. Place the chandelier under the suspended ceiling. Such lighting is divided into two types: cold and warm light. Suitable for all areas and types of lighting.

When installing the canvas, it is very important to choose the right light source. Too powerful lamps can damage the material of the stretch ceiling. You have to be careful. To choose suitable lighting for a stretch ceiling, you need to take into account the size of the room and some other factors.

Some people believe that it is appropriate to install LED spots for suspended ceilings. This is wrong. You can also install large chandeliers. But it is not recommended to choose massive structures, as well as plate-shaped structures. The latter can damage the canvas because they fit tightly to it. High temperatures and poor air circulation spoil the material.

There are several designs that are suitable for the canvas, depending on the fastening:

  1. Overhead. The structure is installed on overhead rings. They are mounted into the canvas after the power has been supplied.
  2. Built-in. They are small in size and blend into the canvas, so they do not attract attention. They are mounted using spring fasteners, which will allow the lamp to be tightly pressed to the ceiling.
  3. Suspension. A hook is installed in the ceiling slab on which the chandelier is hung. This method is suitable for all chandeliers that are not too heavy. For heavy structures, additional fastenings are installed.

The first and second types are spotlights that are installed inside.

Overhead structures are the easiest to install and quite economical. They will require low power lamps. This is due to the fact that the distance between the canvas and the ceiling slab will be small. Therefore, overhead structures are more suitable as an additional light source, since if they are mounted too bright, there is a risk of damage to the material.

Built-in ones are suitable for suspended ceilings if the distance between the canvas and the platform is large. Then you can use light sources of any power. They serve as the main lighting.

If you choose a suspended structure, the dimensions will depend on the size of the room. If the ceiling surface is matte, a classic light source will do. There are large chandeliers for glossy surfaces. LEDs are well suited for such lamps. They will not heat the chandelier and harm the material.

But still, for a stretch ceiling it is better to use built-in ones.

Also do not forget about solar illumination. If you have large windows, you can install a halogen or LED mounted light on the suspended ceiling as an addition.

How to choose spotlights for suspended ceilings without making a mistake?

Spot lamp designs are in high demand because they are easy to install and are not expensive. They can be different in shape and color.

When choosing a lamp for a suspended ceiling, some requirements are established:

  1. The heating temperature is below 60 degrees (if higher, the fabric begins to deteriorate).
  2. Power no more than 35 watts. This is necessary to avoid voltage surges.
  3. The room should have a mirror surface that could reflect light.
  4. There should be no sharp ends that could damage the canvas during installation.
  5. Most often, designs are sold with a built-in LED. If it burns out, simply replace it with the same one.

All of the above requirements are met by LED lamps for suspended ceilings.

If you need the light to fall evenly in the room, raster lamps protected by a grille are suitable.

Movable structures can also be installed. Thanks to special mounts, you can direct the light to individual parts of the room.

To choose the right spotlight for the ceiling, you need to consider the size and shape of the room.

Which light bulbs are best for suspended ceilings?

Simple incandescent lamps are practically not used, since they often burn out due to voltage surges and require greater depth for their installation.

That's why others will do. But their power should be limited:

  1. LED (no more than 40 watts).
  2. Fluorescent (up to 45 watts).
  3. Halogen (up to 35 watts).

Of all the listed light sources, the LED lamp is considered the best, since it does not heat up and does not damage the material.

LEDs are more suitable for rooms with low ceilings, since the distance between the ceiling slab and the canvas will be about 5 centimeters. The light is natural and does not hurt the eyes. Such light sources are more expensive than halogen ones, but they use much less energy and last much longer. In addition, when purchasing such lamps, you have the opportunity to choose a base. Therefore, you can choose lamps without fear that the lamps will be unsuitable.

LED light sources can be divided into two groups:

  1. The lamp is located inside.
  2. The lamp is located outside the housing.

LED bulbs on the outside of the housing are considered better because they diffuse light well. If it is built inside, the lamp will only emit a directional stream of light. Therefore, this option is appropriate if you need to illuminate a certain place in the room.

The LEDs begin to shine fully immediately after switching on.

Luminescent ones save a lot of electricity. They come in different shapes and sizes. Inside these lamps there is a spiral, which, thanks to ultraviolet radiation, distributes light. To avoid damaging your eyes, you need to place them 40 centimeters above head level. Also be careful when installing such a lamp as it contains mercury inside. LED lighting for suspended ceilings is used less frequently, as it can burn out from frequent switching on and off. Such lamps have the longest service life (up to 5 years). When you turn on the fluorescent lamp, you must wait until it warms up (about a minute).

Halogen lamps are similar to incandescent lamps. They serve as a good source of light, work for a long time, and do not burn out due to voltage surges. But you should not touch them with your hands, since the marks left behind damage the structure of the lamp. When installing such a lamp, it is better to use a clean rag or napkin.

Any of the three listed types of lamps are suitable for a spotlight. But be careful not to exceed the permissible power of the lamps to avoid possible troubles with the stretch ceiling film.

Where are spotlights used?

If we compare a chandelier and spotlights as a source of lighting for suspended ceilings, then their choice depends on the room. For example, a chandelier is suitable for the bedroom and living room, and spotlights for the bathroom and kitchen. The latter are better for small rooms and as an additional light source.

Point light sources are well suited for the corridor so that the ceiling does not catch the eye.

Also, point structures can be made moisture-resistant, depending on the room where they will be installed. For example, simple ones are better suited for the living room, and moisture-proof ones for the bathroom.

A lot also depends on the choice of lamp. For example, LEDs in suspended ceilings are well suited for the kitchen.

Spotlights can also be installed inside wardrobes with clothes.

Spotlights can be installed anywhere. They are suitable as the main light source for small rooms, or as an additional light source for large ones.


LED lamps are considered the best light source for canvas. They do not damage the material and can be used as the main and additional light sources.

Good luck with the renovation!!!

The use of suspended ceilings with interesting lighting is becoming increasingly popular; ease of maintenance, attractive appearance and a large selection of colors will make the room a real work of art. The market is full of various models of lighting fixtures for any ceiling covering, so it will not be difficult for the buyer to choose the most suitable and interesting model.

When installing a suspended ceiling, a person can choose almost any lamps or fixtures for it, based on fashion trends or their taste preferences. To install them, you only need to purchase special fasteners and hangers, and a hole of the required diameter is cut in the ceiling itself. Before purchasing lamps, you need to decide in advance on the model and type of lighting; this allows you to carry out the necessary preparatory work in advance and make the installation process the most comfortable and optimal.

In order not to spoil the expensive ceiling covering, you need to set certain requirements for lighting fixtures.

Requirements for lamps:

  • Spotlights should not emit a large amount of heat, this can damage and melt thin material;
  • There should be no temperature changes in the room, excessive heating or cooling of the ceiling covering;
  • It is imperative that specialists calculate the correct location of the lamps from the stretch ceiling itself to avoid damage.

Energy-saving and LED lighting fixtures meet the necessary requirements; they are better suited than incandescent or halogen lamps.

Spotlights for suspended ceilings: how to choose without making mistakes

In order not to get confused among the large number of spotlights, and to know which ones you need to choose, it is better to familiarize yourself with their varieties.

There are 2 types of spot lighting:

  1. The light bulbs are located outside - with such a location, the lighting device is located at a short distance between a regular and suspended ceiling, from which it is separated by a specialized platform. The advantage is that with such an installation, neither the thin ceiling covering nor the lamp itself is subjected to heat treatment. Experts note that the disadvantages are that the appearance deteriorates due to the inability to hide the thermal insulation ring;
  2. Finding light bulbs inside - this type of arrangement is more interesting and is more often used during repair work. When positioned this way, the lamp itself is located inside the stretch ceiling, creating less diffused light and interesting effects. Not all types of spotlights are suitable for such a solution - experts have many requirements for the lamps themselves. The location method does not allow it to cool quickly, so heat transfer should be at a minimum level. Energy-saving lamps will help get out of this situation; they will not only save the owners’ money, but also have a lot of positive properties, including small and weak heat transfer. Among the disadvantages - they are installed only if the distance between the main and tension covering is at least 6 - 10 cm.

Such lighting allows you to avoid using bulky lighting fixtures such as a chandelier; they are no longer needed, because it is easier to use small and neat-looking spotlights, they will save money and will be an excellent alternative in a room with low ceilings.

Which light bulbs are best for suspended ceilings?

Installing a stretch ceiling in a room can instantly transform its appearance and create an atmosphere of luxury and comfort. Today there are a large number of different colors, and you can choose the most suitable one for a given type of room. Following simple rules and choosing the necessary lighting will increase the service life of the ceiling covering.

Standard incandescent or fluorescent lamps can damage suspended ceilings; they tend to heat up very much, and if they are of a non-standard size, they will not look aesthetically pleasing.

The best option is to purchase lamps made from halogen, metal halide or LED. For a more impressive appearance of the ceiling covering, specialists can combine some types of approved lighting fixtures. Housings for lamps are made of cast aluminum, which is then painted with glossy or matte paint. In expensive types of lighting devices, a diffuser is made of glass, in cheaper versions, from multi-colored plastic.

The most effective option for combining different lighting fixtures is to install the “Starry Sky” system. Light and unobtrusive flickering allows the child not to be afraid of the dark and fall asleep peacefully, watching the little stars. It has a calming and calming effect on adults. To create such a miracle, a light generator is used, from which fiber-optic LED threads extend. A light glow at the ends of the threads creates a shimmer; in addition, in more expensive models, holders made of crystal or Swarovski rhinestones are attached; they serve as an additional diffuser and decorate the room. You can create the option of projecting LEDs onto the inside of a stretch ceiling - with such lighting, a normal surface will be visible during the day, and a scattering of twinkling stars will be visible at night.

Where are spotlights used?

Most often, spotlights are used for the following rooms:

  • Bathroom;
  • corridor;
  • Kitchen area.

In addition to spotlights, designers recommend using a chandelier to illuminate the room and as a decorative element.

There are certain tricks that allow you to choose the right lighting fixture - if the ceiling covering is matte, then you need to select a chandelier with directed light on the walls and floor, if the suspended ceiling is glossy, the light should be directed upwards.

A new product is LED chandeliers, which are often used for bedrooms and children's rooms.

They produce a soft, pleasant and subdued light, and their big advantage is their long service life - more than 10 years. The quality of such lighting devices is checked using a specialized test, where they look not only at the correctness of the assembled parts, but also at compliance with the required incandescent temperature - this allows you not to damage the expensive ceiling covering and eliminate defects at the first stage of inspection.

Lamps for suspended ceilings (video)

Using an LED strip greatly simplifies working with electricity and makes the interior much more interesting. Correct and uniform distribution of such lighting around the entire perimeter of the room makes it possible not to use other additional lighting fixtures, and the light is muted and does not blind the eyes of adults and children.

Lamps for suspended ceilings (photo)