What are the signs of pregnancy in the earliest stages? All about the signs of pregnancy before and after the delay. Lower back pain is an indirect sign of pregnancy

A friend told me that after 2 days from conception she felt that she was pregnant and this confidence grew stronger in her every day.

But with my three pregnancies, I guessed about each of them only after a delay.

However, if conception has taken place in the body, then changes begin and you can notice the earliest signs of pregnancy and then just confirm your guess with a pregnancy test or by donating blood to check the hCG level.

When to expect the first symptoms of pregnancy?

If you are a sensitive type of woman, then within a week after conception you may notice early symptoms of your situation.

Interesting! It happens that a woman knows the date of conception down to the day, although she did not consciously plan the pregnancy, she just gets the feeling that you are not alone.

Conventionally, all signs of pregnancy can be divided into 2 large groups:

  1. Signs of pregnancy before missed period
  2. Signs after a missed period.

Let's deal with both so that you don't worry in vain and can determine whether your pregnancy has taken place.

Signs of pregnancy before delay

Subjective sensations

Pregnancy can only occur after ovulation. This happens differently for each woman, but on average 12-14 days after the start of the last menstruation.

But sometimes ovulation can occur earlier or later due to hormonal changes in the body or stress.

Usually ovulation manifests itself in one way or another at the body level. If you carefully observe your feelings, you may notice:

  • nagging pain in the side or lower back,
  • increase in the number of secretions,
  • increased sexual desire.

Even if you had intimacy with your husband on the day of ovulation, it is too early to look for symptoms of pregnancy in the first week after it. And nausea or headache during this period are most likely not associated with pregnancy.

9-10 days after ovulation, subjective sensations may already appear that can indicate pregnancy:

  • Loss of strength and fatigue.

This occurs because the immune system naturally declines so that the embryo can grow and develop. After all, whatever one may say, it is a foreign object for your body, but this is how nature provided for its consolidation and growth inside the mother.

  • Deterioration in general health.

Absolutely all expectant mothers encounter this problem. The cause of increased fatigue is progesterone, the level of which increases sharply during this period. As a result, you may feel sleepy all the time.

This symptom usually accompanies pregnant women until the beginning of the second trimester. However, by the beginning of the third, increased fatigue may return again. In this case, the cause will be weight gain and a growing belly, which often prevents expectant mothers from getting a full night's rest.

  • Change of mood.

One of the first early signs of pregnancy before a delay is mood swings, from tearfulness to excessive joy. Emotions replace each other with terrible speed and abruptly move from negative to positive. Mood changes will continue throughout pregnancy. This is normal, but it’s hard for those close to you.

  • Changes in appetite.

You may experience an aversion to food, or, conversely, suffer from brutal hunger and eat non-stop.

  • Changes in taste.

Already in the first weeks after conception, you may notice that some foods make you feel sick, and you are drawn to others. You can start eating non-standard combinations of foods: herring with oranges - this is something that is very typical for the capricious state of pregnancy.

  • Change in libido. Usually you want intimacy more and more often.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area. This is due to increased blood circulation in the pelvis.
  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Dizziness and fainting.

Most often they occur from pressure changes or poor nutrition. During pregnancy, nutrition becomes more important than ever. Your well-being and the health of your unborn baby will depend on nutrition.

  • Increased breast sensitivity. Some women note that they cannot even touch their mammary glands.
  • Chills or feeling hot, which constantly replace each other. At the same time, body temperature does not change;
  • Toxicosis.

Usually, expectant mothers are very frightened by possible early attacks of nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting. In most cases, pregnant women begin to feel sick around the 4-5th week of conception. But sometimes these dates shift and early toxicosis occurs already in the first month. In addition to nausea, headaches, pressure surges, apathy, weakness, and reluctance to eat any food may occur.

  • Heartburn.

This symptom refers to those that can occur at the very beginning of pregnancy and accompany the expectant mother until the birth itself. In the early stages, this occurs due to a sharp change in hormonal levels.

  • Sensitivity to odors. At this time, you may feel disgusted with your favorite perfume, and for example, the smell of gasoline or paint will seem quite attractive to you.

If you notice at least some of the listed signs, you should not immediately run to the pharmacy for a test, since even the most expensive and sensitive of them are not able to detect pregnancy earlier than 3 weeks have passed since the start of the menstrual cycle.

External changes

If nausea, headache or changes in appetite are purely individual, then almost all pregnant women pay attention to changes in their appearance immediately after conception. In this case, the following are possible:

  1. Swelling of the arms, legs or face.
  2. The appearance of acne. This change in appearance is associated with changes in the hormonal background of the expectant mother. Acne can occur even in those who have never experienced it before.
  3. Redness of the face, which is associated with increased blood circulation in the body.
  4. Breast augmentation.

The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages include enlargement (swelling) of the breasts and a change in the shade of the nipples to a darker one.

Sometimes, even before the date of menstruation, a woman may notice that her bra has become too small for her. However, even a slight touch to the breast can cause discomfort and even pain.

  1. Implantation bleeding.

Physiological changes

  • Increased basal temperature. If you have been planning a pregnancy for a long time, you are probably familiar with the method of measuring basal temperature. Measuring it throughout the cycle, you can notice that in the middle it rises to a value of 37 degrees, and then after some time it decreases. If this decrease is not observed, then fertilization has probably occurred.

Signs of pregnancy after a delay

Absence of menstruation - this symptom is the most reliable sign of pregnancy. Therefore, as soon as your period does not start on a certain day, you immediately begin to suspect your new condition.

Although there are a number of reasons that can cause a delay: changes in weather or climate conditions, stress or overexertion.

All these factors can “push back” your period by 1 to 5 days. If the delay lasts longer, and there are no obvious signs of infection, most likely you can be congratulated on a successful conception.

What other changes in your physiological state should lead you to think about a possible pregnancy?

External changes

  1. Constipation. These may be the first signs of pregnancy after a delay. Intestinal motility slows down due to the hormone progesterone, which relaxes all smooth muscles. This is necessary so that the uterus does not contract and reject the implanted embryo. To cope with constipation, add more vegetables to your diet and drink more water (read the article: Constipation during pregnancy >>>).
  2. Bloating. Unfortunately, such symptoms can bother the mother throughout pregnancy. Read more about bloating during pregnancy >>>
  3. Tingling in the lower abdomen is an early sign that may indicate 2 conditions:
  • the imminent onset of menstrual periods;
  • completed pregnancy and uterine growth.

Physiological changes

  1. Exacerbation of hemorrhoids, which is associated with increased blood circulation in the pelvic area;
  2. Reduced blood pressure. This is why some may feel weak, dizzy, or even lose consciousness;
  3. Decreased immunity. Most women claim that before finding out about their situation, they caught a runny nose or a viral infection;
  4. Increased salivation. It is often accompanied by nausea;
  5. Frequent urination. This symptom is typical for all pregnant women. The reason for frequent urination lies in the increase in the volume of circulating blood. Over time, the problem becomes even worse, since the main cause will also be joined by the uterus, which is continuously increasing in size. It begins to put pressure on the bladder, causing the urge to urinate (see the article Frequent urination during pregnancy >>>).

But, if in addition to this, there are other symptoms of pregnancy that were observed before the delay, then, with a high degree of probability, you will soon become a mother.

However, The most important and reliable sign of pregnancy is a delay in the cycle.

As soon as this happens, you can take a pregnancy test or donate blood for hCG (read the article

Every woman who dreams of becoming a mother uses many methods to determine pregnancy. If menstruation did not occur at the scheduled time, you felt some of the signs presented above, and using traditional methods you saw a positive result - it’s time for you to visit a gynecologist.

Pregnancy is an important and exciting period in a woman’s life, and the expectant mother wants to know about her situation almost from the first days.

Signs of early pregnancy

1. nervousness

This is one of the first symptoms. Everything irritates you and you lose your temper. It seems that those around you are acting like idiots. The thing is that your body is adjusting to a different hormonal background.

2. makes you feel nauseous

An indisputable symptom of pregnancy and the cause is early toxicosis. You feel nausea or vomiting when eating. Perhaps slight dizziness.

3. I want to eat something salty

The food seems bland, you really want to eat a pickled cucumber :) This symptom of pregnancy is caused by a change in taste preferences.

4. sensitive breasts

Usually this happens later, but sometimes in the early stages. Your breasts swell and become more sensitive, and there is a feeling of heaviness in your chest.

5. missed period

Undoubtedly, this is the main sign of pregnancy. If you notice a delay, then go to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test. It is recommended to carry out the test in the morning.

How to determine pregnancy in the early stages using traditional methods?

Women are curious creatures. They always want to find out about their “interesting situation” as early as possible. Even in the old days, they managed to find ways to confirm their guesses. In the Middle Ages, girls mixed urine with red wine. If the solution became clear, it meant that conception had occurred.

Today it is also possible to perform a pregnancy test without modern test pens or strips. So, the most popular folk methods for determining an “interesting” position in the early stages:

  • Method 1: Fill the container with urine (preferably morning urine). Then drop iodine into the container with urine. If the iodine dissolves immediately, the woman is not pregnant. If iodine remains on the surface of the urine, this indicates the birth of a new life.
  • Method 2: Soak the paper in urine and pour a few drops of iodine onto its surface. Lilac (purple) color indicates pregnancy, blue indicates a negative result.
  • Method 3: Monitor the color of your urine for several days. In pregnant women, from the first days of pregnancy, the hormonal levels change, the urine becomes dark yellow and becomes more concentrated not only in the morning, but throughout the day.
  • Method 4: Boil your own urine, preferably in a metal container, and after it boils, pour it into a glass container. If a woman sees flakes in the form of precipitation, we can safely assume that she is pregnant.
  • Method 5: Pour a spoonful of soda into the container with urine. If there is a pregnancy, then the soda will simply settle. Otherwise, the soda will react in the form of a hissing liquid.
  • Method 6: Feel the stomach. They say that there is a point on the abdomen of women (7-8 centimeters below the navel), which begins to pulsate during pregnancy. To test this method, lie on your back, relax and place your fingers on this point. If there is a pulse, it means pregnancy has occurred.

It is quite difficult to reliably determine pregnancy in the early stages. However, there are many early signs - subjective, external or diagnosed by a doctor, which can confirm or deny the presence of a delicate situation in the first weeks.

How to determine pregnancy

Tests during pregnancy are not always correct at 1 week and cannot give a 100% accurate result. To ensure the reliability of the test results, it is better to wait a few more weeks.

Only blood test for hCG may indicate pregnancy, since this indicator increases sharply during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, even Ultrasound will not give a reliable answer. The ultrasound procedure is effective for women who have been planning a pregnancy for a long time. It will help clarify the readiness of the uterus and the maturity of the follicle as a whole.

Early signs of pregnancy

The earliest signs of pregnancy How does it manifest itself and why does it occur in the first weeks of pregnancy?
Nausea From the first weeks of the birth of a new life, a woman may feel discomfort in the stomach, which is accompanied by nausea. This symptom especially bothers women in the morning. This is explained by the fact that the expectant mother’s body undergoes hormonal changes. In this case, it is stress for the body, because in the first months of pregnancy it perceives the fetus as a foreign body. Therefore, nausea often worries the expectant mother.
Headache, migraine It is possible that the woman has previously had attacks of headaches due to stress or lack of sleep. But in the early stages, the headache is systematic. This occurs due to an increase in hormone levels in the body, and also in women, blood pressure drops sharply, which leads to migraines. Usually the pain subsides by the end of the first trimester, when the hormonal balance stabilizes.
Breast tenderness and enlargement This symptom appears a little later, somewhere towards the end of the first and at the beginning of the second week. The breasts swell greatly, harden, touching causes discomfort and even pain. You should also pay attention to the nipple area. If the nipples darken, this may indicate the birth of a new life.
Malaise This condition constantly accompanies a pregnant woman from the first weeks. She may feel a complete loss of strength and even pain. Also, a woman begins to get tired of the simplest things. During this period, the expectant mother can really get sick, because the immune system weakens significantly, as the body is busy “arranging a home” for the baby.
Bloody or yellowish discharge Sometimes a girl may see a “yellow mark” or bloody droplets on toilet paper. Usually girls think that this is premenstrual discharge. Such symptoms may indicate that the embryo has attached to the uterine wall. This happens on days 6-12. This phenomenon is also called implantation bleeding. Therefore, this symptom can confirm a woman’s guesses about her situation.
Drowsiness or insomnia These two opposing conditions can haunt the expectant mother in the very early stages. Since everything happens individually for each girl, therefore the signs are different and contradictory. Drowsiness is explained by the fact that the body spends all its strength and energy on restructuring. Therefore, the expectant mother may feel weak and sleepy. Insomnia usually affects busy women or those who work hard. This makes them very exhausted and tired. Even fainting cannot be ruled out.
Enhanced sense of smell and taste buds This symptom appears almost after the first days of conception. A woman distinguishes odors more clearly, her sense of smell becomes “sharp,” and her favorite smells cause nausea or disgust.

A pregnant woman may want to eat incompatible foods. And also add dishes to her menu that previously caused her rejection. It is absolutely true that women's taste preferences change dramatically during pregnancy.

Mental change This symptom does not go unnoticed by any pregnant woman. Hormonal fluctuations that occur in a woman’s body actively affect her psyche and perception of the outside world. Expectant mothers become irritable, angry, or, on the contrary, whiny and infantile. In any case, if a woman suddenly realizes that some inexplicable things have begun to happen to her mood. If she can express a million emotions in five minutes, then most likely she will become a mother in the near future.
Fever A fairly common occurrence during pregnancy. Usually, after the placenta begins to function, the temperature subsides. On average, the temperature stays between 37-37.4 degrees.
Increased appetite The girl may experience a constant feeling of hunger. Increased appetite is normal among pregnant women. This is due to the fact that the body requires a lot of strength and energy to “transform”.
Pain in the lower abdomen, lower back Quite often, girls are bothered by nagging pain in the lower abdomen and discomfort in the lumbar region. Girdle pain can be a sign of pregnancy, although most girls may believe that this is a symptom of PMS.

First signs of pregnancy before delay

There is a special period in a woman’s life that her memory will preserve forever. This is 9 months of waiting for the baby. And the first weeks of this wonderful situation are some of the most memorable - the woman is overwhelmed by a whirlwind of emotions and experiences! Are there signs of pregnancy in the first week? Let's understand all the nuances of physiological and obstetric timing.

Carrying a baby lasts for 40 so-called obstetric weeks. In other words, this period can be identified as 280 days or 10 lunar months. Each lunar month consists of 28 days, and not 30 or 31, as we used to think. The obstetric “age” of pregnancy is determined by the gynecologist: he begins to calculate the period from the first day of the last menstruation.

A regular and always the same length monthly cycle today is perhaps an exception to the rule. There are many factors that can shake the fragile balance in the female body. We will not go deeper, we will only note that there are poor environmental living conditions, addiction to smoking, and chronic diseases of the female genital organs, which from time to time bother the weaker sex. In this regard, calculating the exact time of ovulation is simply unrealistic. For convenience, experts use the obstetric gestational age, rather than the natural (embryonic) one. It turns out that the first week of an “interesting” situation is considered probable. There are, for example, cases where fertilization has occurred, but menstruation still begins after that.

Let's imagine this situation: a woman turned to a gynecologist due to a delay in her period and a positive pregnancy test. It would seem that the first signs of pregnancy are obvious. However, the doctor will definitely ask about the date of the first day of the last menstruation. It is from this number that the obstetric period after conception begins to be counted. For example, the natural period of pregnancy from the moment of fertilization can be 3 weeks (but no one can know this for sure), and according to obstetric calculations - all 5 weeks. This means that the notorious 9 months of waiting for a miracle is a somewhat distorted idea of ​​the gestation period of a baby, because doctors do not measure pregnancy in ordinary weeks. If you are just at the beginning of your journey, be prepared to calculate your due date using the obstetric method, so as not to get confused and speak the same language with your gynecologist.

The same shift is observed in the trimesters into which pregnancy is usually divided - these are not three ordinary months. In fact, trimesters can last more or fewer days than there are, by the way, in September, October and November.

And although conception may not have happened in the first obstetric week, we have something to discuss. For example, how to notice signs of pregnancy before your period is missed and how to identify pregnancy symptoms in the first week.

Early signs of pregnancy before your period

The moment when signs of pregnancy appear is individual for each woman. For example, some expectant mothers in the most incomprehensible way begin to latently feel the changes that are happening inside. And even though this may seem completely fantastic, sometimes pregnancy is “hinted” by… prophetic dreams that impressionable women tend to trust. Sometimes a completely inexplicable feeling awakens: a woman’s attention is drawn to images of babies or children making noise in the yard.

But even if a woman, inspired by an amazing premonition, rushes to the doctor, the specialist’s verdict is unlikely to please her. The first week after fertilization is very difficult to confirm, and modern medicine cannot always do this. Doctors do not trust premonitions, but the specific first symptoms of pregnancy.

Yes, the uterus may seem engorged, and the walls of the vagina may turn bluish, but the appearance of these signs is quite possible even before menstruation. Therefore, after an examination, the gynecologist, most likely, will not please the expectant mother with a definite answer. This is not surprising, because the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages (1 week) are still absent, since menstruation has just ended and fertilization has not yet occurred. In other words, the very first symptoms of pregnancy that a woman can actually feel and notice appear 2 or 3 weeks after the end of her period, that is, somewhere from the middle of the first month of a special situation.

Signs of pregnancy after conception before menstruation

Conception lasts on average two weeks. This period begins with sexual intercourse and ends with a delay in menstruation. What important signs of pregnancy can be detected in the first weeks?

After fertilization, the female body begins to actively rebuild all its functions and systems into a new, enhanced mode. Of course, because now a new life has arisen and is growing in mom’s belly! Not all the first signs of pregnancy will seem pleasant to a woman - in an attempt to adapt and meet the needs of a developing baby, the body is sometimes subject to painful deformations. A pregnant woman needs to be calm and patient, because the most valuable prize in the world awaits her!

So, what unusual changes in the female body may hint at a new addition to the family? Let's find out whether all pregnant women experience the same set of symptoms, and why these signs actually arise.

Signs of pregnancy: spotting and spotting

A few blood-like spots on her underwear will, of course, confuse a woman who lives in anticipation of good news. What is this – untimely menstruation?

Yellow-brown moderate discharge after conception is called implantation bleeding, which can roughly be called early signs of pregnancy in the first week. Smear marks appear 6 to 12 days after the expected conception: at this time, the embryo is implanted into the loose surface of the uterus in order to securely attach itself there. Sometimes the presence of these specific secretions goes unnoticed. In the case when smears on underwear appear after a delay in menstruation, it is better to consult a gynecologist on this issue - there is a possibility of miscarriage!

Signs of pregnancy: increased basal body temperature

Basal body temperature rises in the second half of the monthly cycle. To track changes in this indicator, body temperature in the rectum is measured every morning for several days in a row. Please note that this should be done after waking up and before getting out of bed. If there is pregnancy, basal temperature readings will fluctuate above 37 0 C: 37.1 – 37.2 0 C (in some cases up to 38 0 C).

The increase in basal body temperature is influenced by the high level of concentration of the hormone prolactin, which appears in the body with the onset of pregnancy. This sign is significant only in the first two weeks after conception; at the end of this period, the basal body temperature stabilizes.

Signs of pregnancy: general weakness

Some pregnant women who are not yet aware of their situation feel like they have a cold. This sensation occurs due to increased body temperature in the first 10 to 14 days after conception. Against this background, fatigue, inattention, and weakness occur. Moreover, the body, devoting all its strength to strengthening and maintaining a new life in the womb, can actually “come apart”: a woman develops a runny nose, a sore feeling in the throat and a headache.

Signs of pregnancy: painful discomfort in the mammary glands, a significant increase in their sensitivity

For many women preparing for motherhood, the very first sign of an “interesting” situation is a change in breast sensitivity. The mammary glands become noticeably engorged and react painfully to any careless touch. Moreover, every day this discomfort only increases. But in some cases, the breasts do not hurt at all, which is especially surprising for women who always endure painful premenstrual syndrome before their next menstruation.

You should also pay attention to the skin around the nipples - if it is noticeably darkened, this may indicate pregnancy. In addition, another very convincing sign that conception has occurred can be a clear liquid that is released from the nipple if you press lightly on it. In this way, the breasts prepare for the long process of natural feeding.

Signs of pregnancy: a tight balloon feeling in the abdomen, unusual tingling sensations inside the uterus, bowel dysfunction such as constipation or diarrhea

A feeling of strong fullness in the abdomen and specific sensations “below the belt” indicate that the rapid process of preparing the body for bearing a baby has begun. Blood flows intensely to the pelvis, and the volume of the uterus begins to grow. This is how we can explain the feelings of women who claim that they feel the uterus from 1 to 2 weeks after conception. There may also be discomfort in the form of bloating and intestinal upset. For a woman who is about to become a mother for the second time, one of the first signs of pregnancy in some cases are hemorrhoids and varicose veins. In first-time mothers, these unpleasant diseases may appear with the onset of the third trimester of pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy: constant feeling of fatigue and weakness, forgetfulness

Emotional changes in the form of rapidly changing mood, excessive sentimentality, aggressiveness or anxiety are hormonal “tricks”. At the very beginning of pregnancy, the body begins to actively produce progesterone, which suppresses the central nervous system, thereby causing constant fatigue and drowsiness. True, after the 10th week of pregnancy, this “sleepy” quagmire disappears from a woman’s life, since the placenta, fully formed by this time, begins to produce its own hormones, which stimulate the sluggish course of all mental processes in the body.

Signs of pregnancy: distorted perception of smells, tastes, aversion to favorite foods. Excessive salivation

The reason for this is early gestosis (toxicosis), whose painful influence some women were “lucky” to experience already at the very start of pregnancy. Poor health prevails starting from the second week after conception and, unfortunately, can accompany most of the “interesting” situations. Dramatic changes in gastronomic preferences, extreme aversion to certain foods are the result of a deep restructuring of the body at the level of the central nervous system.

If vomiting occurs more than 5 - 6 times a day and depends not only on the time of eating, you should immediately discuss this problem with your doctor.

Signs of pregnancy: nagging pain in the lower back, headache like migraine

A dull pain begins to shoot through the sacral area, but this symptom can also appear in the last weeks of pregnancy. Headaches in pregnant women are observed due to a sharp increase in the amount of hormones in the blood. And although these signs are familiar to all pregnant women without exception, they can rather be called indirect indicators of pregnancy.

In the second trimester, hormonal levels stabilize and the expectant mother returns to good health.

Signs of pregnancy: feeling hot and chills

In the first weeks after pregnancy, a woman often feels hot and cold. At this stage of preparation for pregnancy, all processes in the body resemble a swing: body temperature rises, blood pressure drops, which explains the dramatic changes in the pregnant woman’s well-being. The same reason gives rise to alternating periods of depression and high activity.

Signs of pregnancy: frequent urge to pee

Frequent urination is also caused by a hormonal boom in the body. In addition, a lot of blood flows to the pelvic area and kidney function is distorted for some time. By the second trimester, this symptom does not disappear, but, on the contrary, intensifies, and therefore it is classified as part of the general picture of pregnancy. This can be explained by the gradual growth of the uterus, which begins to “oppress” the bladder more and more.

Signs of pregnancy: copious vaginal secretion

Due to the fact that large volumes of blood enter the pelvis, the volume of vaginal discharge also increases. They serve as a kind of protection for a woman and her baby from pathogenic microorganisms, as they contain a high concentration of hydrogen ions.

However, this phenomenon also has a significant drawback: a moist, viscous environment promotes the rapid proliferation of yeast, which is the causative agent of candidiasis, one of the most unpleasant female diseases. At the first symptoms of thrush, you should immediately consult a doctor for proper treatment; if you delay, there is a risk of infection of the fetus. In addition, a history of thrush during pregnancy can cause ruptures during childbirth.

Signs of pregnancy: delay of the next menstruation

This is perhaps the most eloquent sign of pregnancy. If the next “red” days do not appear on the monthly calendar, you can safely use a pregnancy test and go to the antenatal clinic.

As already noted, in the first days after conception, a woman may experience vaginal discharge that resembles scanty bleeding, but this phenomenon should in no way be confused with menstruation. In order not to be tormented by doubts, it is better to immediately come to see a doctor for an answer. Sometimes a delay does not indicate pregnancy, but some gynecological disease.

Signs of pregnancy before delay: tricks of traditional medicine

Modern medicine is in its prime today, but this was not always the case. By what signs did women determine their position in the early stages, when there were no ultrasounds or accurate tests yet?

There are several interesting folk ways to suggest with a high probability that you are expecting a baby. All of them are harmless to your health.

  1. So, iodine. Yes, yes, a mandatory attribute of a home first aid kit that is familiar to all of us. Add 1 drop of iodine to the container with urine and observe: if it remains on the surface - our congratulations to you, if, after dissolving, it disappears - this time, unfortunately, nothing happened.
  2. The second method also involves iodine. Drop it onto a piece of gauze soaked in urine. An indicator of pregnancy will be the color that the brown antiseptic acquires as a result of a reaction with urine: purple means you are pregnant, blue means you are not.
  3. The following folk method for determining pregnancy in the early stages is very original: take two small onions and plant them in cups of water. On one, wish for motherhood, on the other, wish for no pregnancy. Whichever bulb sprouts first will determine the answer to your question.
  4. Many women, as we have already noted, trust their dreams and dream books. Thus, from time immemorial, dreams that feature fish or water have been considered “pregnant”. If a woman dreams that she is fishing, this is the most convincing “symptom” of pregnancy, says popular wisdom.

Of course, the signs listed above cannot claim to be 100% reliable. The same people came up with an apt phrase - writing on water with a pitchfork. Indeed, if you received the good news of your pregnancy through fortune telling on a sprouted onion, treat this as a good omen, but do not regard it as a diagnosis at an appointment with a gynecologist. After a missed period, go see him for an official verdict!

Signs of pregnancy: diagnosis of pregnancy in the first weeks

There are two options for determining pregnancy:

  1. Blood test for the hCG hormone.

Using these two methods, pregnancy can be diagnosed in the first week before the delay, but one cannot say that the result will be unambiguous. But the use of these methods after the failure of menstruation provides quite reliable information about the woman’s condition. The fact is that after a delay due to conception, hormonal changes in the body occur at an accelerated pace: for example, if pregnancy develops correctly, the level of the hCG hormone in the blood increases by 2 times every day.

If we talk about an ultrasound in the first week of an expected pregnancy, the device will be able to “see” only the corpus luteum in the ovary. This still doesn’t mean anything, but an experienced doctor can assume conception based on the size and degree of development of the corpus luteum.

A miracle happened: first you discovered several of the above signs of pregnancy in the early stages, and a little later you received official confirmation - there will be a baby! Straighten your shoulders, take a deep breath and smile - you are at the beginning of a long and amazing journey. Get used to the status of a future mother and don’t be afraid of anything!

The first signs of an “interesting” situation. Video

Pregnancy is a very important event in the life of any woman. For some it is joyful and long-awaited, for others it is the opposite. But, one way or another, everyone wants to know about the beginning of the development of a new life as early as possible - if possible, already in the first days after conception.

The reason to suspect pregnancy for most women of reproductive age with a regular cycle is a delay in menstruation. Doubts are finally dispelled by two strips of self-test and the conclusion of a local gynecologist.

In this article we will talk about the very first signs of pregnancy before a delay; a woman can feel them already 1 week after conceiving a child.

What happens in the body?

First you need to understand how fertilization occurs, and only then talk about what signs of pregnancy may be in the early stages of its development. When a woman's egg matures, it leaves the ovary and travels down the fallopian tube. If the conditions are normal, then she is fertilized by the most active sperm.

Due to the fact that the speed of sperm movement is small, no more than 2 mm per hour, the fertilization process can take a long time. When this happens, the division of the zygote begins. In addition to starting to divide, she needs to find a place in the uterus where she can attach in order to receive the necessary nutrients.

After fertilization, the egg moves to the uterus and this can take one to two weeks. Only after the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus can we say that pregnancy has occurred.

When can you expect the first manifestations?

Early symptoms of pregnancy can be observed as early as 8-10 days after the fertilization of the egg. This period may vary, depending on the body's sensitivity to hormonal changes.

In medical practice, there have been cases where women recognized fertilization already on the 5th day. In this context, we are talking about women who listen carefully to their body and feel the slightest fluctuations in their condition. On the 20th day of the cycle, signs of pregnancy take on a characteristic appearance.

You can confirm your position only after the formation of reliable symptoms. It is not possible to detect signs of pregnancy on the first day after conception.

Signs of pregnancy: TOP 10

You can recognize the first symptoms indicating pregnancy by the following signs:

  1. Lack of menstruation;
  2. Enlargement and tenderness of the mammary glands;
  3. Changes in taste preferences;
  4. Frequent urination;
  5. Fatigue and drowsiness;
  6. Increase in basal temperature;
  7. Nausea;
  8. Vaginal discharge;
  9. Frequent urination.

The pregnancy process is full of interesting and pleasant moments. And the birth of your baby will open up a whole new world and become a new page in your life.

Lack of menstruation

The most obvious and well-known symptom is that you notice that your period is not on time. But, despite the fact that this symptom is most often attributed to pregnancy, there are a number of other reasons that can lead to a delay. For example, severe stress, serious illness or surgery.

On the other hand, many women note the presence of menstruation already during pregnancy. For some, they will continue for several months or even the entire pregnancy.

Increase in basal temperature

Don't be lazy: watch your basal temperature throughout your cycle. If you are pregnant, your temperature will either rise to 37 degrees or drop sharply for one day in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. This process is called “implantation retraction.”

There may be two reasons. Firstly, from the middle of the second phase, the production of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for raising the temperature, decreases, but if you are pregnant, it begins to be produced again. Therefore, temperature fluctuations occur. Secondly, during pregnancy there is a release of the hormone estrogen, which lowers the temperature.

Enlargement and tenderness of the mammary glands

Breast enlargement and darkening of the nipples during pregnancy are observed in almost 100% of patients. In some cases, already in the very early stages, a woman feels discomfort from the fact that the bra becomes somewhat tight.

Important: a sharp increase in breast sensitivity and even pain when touched is possible.

Breast growth

Despite the fact that this symptom is not considered indispensable, most women experience it. If pregnancy has occurred, the mammary glands enlarge in exactly the same way. If only one gland enlarges, or some part of it swells, this indicates the presence of diseases.

Feelings of nausea and vomiting

The most well-known primary symptom of pregnancy is nausea. Many women who have given birth claim that nausea in their case occurred ten or fourteen days before the expected menstruation. Whatever nausea torments you too much and does not become unbearable, try eating a cracker or a low-fat cookie on an empty stomach, and also try switching to fractional meals. Eat often, but in small portions, and in no case should you eat rarely and in large quantities.

Change in taste preferences

The increasing level of hormones causes a change in taste preferences. Those food combinations that were previously unacceptable for a woman become objects of preference and vice versa. Also, a woman may experience a metallic taste in her mouth.

Vaginal discharge

After 6-12 days from the moment of conception, spotting may appear. Their volume is small - within a few drops. The appearance of discharge is one of the signs of the successful introduction of a fertilized egg into the endometrium of the uterus. This sign of pregnancy is not typical for all women; it is only one of the variants of the norm.


An unpleasant sign of a possible pregnancy that can annoy a woman for the entire nine months is heartburn. In the first four months, this is caused by hormonal changes. But after the fourth month and until the ninth, this happens because the baby, growing up, puts pressure on many internal organs, and mostly on the stomach.

Breast discharge

During pregnancy, colostrum may well be released from the breast; this is absolutely normal for all pregnant women. The discharge should be clear and not abundant. This is called galactorrhea. Milk, colostrum or a milk-like fluid is released from the nipples, and such discharge can begin on any day of pregnancy, even in the very first days after conception, but it will end, or rather, go into another state only with breastfeeding.

Changes in well-being

About a week after conception, a woman may feel unusual fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, and apathy. At this stage, expectant mothers may experience headaches. The reason for these sensations is the increased production of pregnancy hormones, which from now on will affect the woman’s body for the entire 9 months.

Frequent urge to urinate

A very common and reliable symptom, the first week of pregnancy is constantly accompanied by frequent urination and other similar troubles. This may be a consequence of cystitis - a very terrible and unpleasant infectious disease. Symptoms of cystitis include increased frequency of trips to the toilet, pain during urination, fever and severe fatigue. Every woman can get cystitis after conception, and this is not due to infection, but to an increase in progesterone production.

This hormone improves the health of the fetus and creates relaxation in the bladder. Due to such strong relaxation, the channel remains open, and the desire to go to the toilet appears even with an empty bladder. If you do not have intense pain, relax and experience this symptom, but if you still have pain, you need to see a doctor and undergo treatment. Cystitis is not something to joke about; it is better to cure its initial stage than to fight the chronic one.

Reliable signs of pregnancy

These undoubted manifestations 100% indicate pregnancy. Their detection is possible from the second week of gestation and later, so they are considered late.

  1. Ultrasound confirmation of the presence of the fetus.
  2. Recording the fetal heartbeat using instrumental methods - CTG, PCG, ECG, and also from 15 weeks using a stethoscope.
  3. Detection of the head, arms and other parts of the fetus, possibly moving it during palpation.

To make a reliable diagnosis, it is important to take into account the opinion of a specialist. During a medical consultation, you can find out on what day the first signs of pregnancy appear and how to distinguish them.

Rapid pregnancy test results

The rapid test, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, gives objective results five or more days after the first day of expected menstruation. However, such tests often give erroneous readings (usually erroneous negative readings).

This happens due to the fact that the test reacts to the amount of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin in a woman’s urine. Levels of this hormone increase slowly in the first months as pregnancy progresses. In the case when you need to find out about the onset (or non-occurrence of pregnancy) before five days of delay, you can do a test in the laboratory; it has more objective results.

An increase in the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine also occurs with certain tumors of the uterus.

What are the signs of a pathological pregnancy?

A dangerous symptom of pregnancy is severe pain in the abdomen, uterus and fallopian tubes. With or without fever. The appearance of such even not very painful sensations, and the absence of menstruation, is a sign of a woman’s life-threatening ectopic pregnancy.

In such cases, the woman is urgently examined and, if indicated, operated on, since delay can lead to serious problems with women’s health and even death. This happens extremely rarely, so do not be alarmed in advance, but simply see your gynecologist in a timely manner.

What should a woman do at the first symptoms?

At the moment when the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception, it is necessary to contact an antenatal clinic. If the diagnosis is confirmed and the expectant mother wishes to continue the pregnancy, then she is registered. Carrying a child is a great responsibility that the expectant mother takes on. In order for the baby to develop healthy, a woman needs to give up any bad habits and pay attention to her diet and lifestyle.

Pregnancy from the very first week leaves its mark on a woman’s condition. After the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, hormonal changes begin in the woman’s body.

They manifest themselves with certain symptoms that can be used to diagnose pregnancy at an early stage.

The most favorable time for conception is the period of ovulation, which occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Ovulation occurs when the follicle ruptures and an egg ready for fertilization is released.

If for some reason there is a disruption in the menstrual cycle, the timing of ovulation may shift and conception may occur earlier or later than the middle of the cycle.

The mature egg enters the fallopian tube, which contains sperm. The most active of them penetrates the membrane of the egg and fertilizes it. Then it begins to move towards the uterine cavity. Along the way, the egg divides and by the time it enters the uterus it turns into a fertilized egg, consisting of several hundred cells.

Implantation of the fertilized egg occurs 7-10 days after ovulation.

After entering the uterus, the fertilized egg does not immediately attach to its wall, but remains in a “suspended” state for 2 days. During this time, it prepares the surface of the uterus for implantation, relaxing its tissue. This is necessary so that the walls of the uterus do not reject the foreign body.

More often, attachment occurs to the posterior wall of the uterus, since it is thicker, many vessels are concentrated in it, and better conditions are created for the development of the embryo.

Implantation may fail for a number of reasons:

  • hormonal imbalance (change in the concentration of progesterone, estrogen, glucorticosteroids, prolactin, etc.);
  • unpreparedness of the endometrium (uterine mucosa) for implantation. The thickness of the endometrium for successful attachment of the fertilized egg must be at least 7 mm;
  • fibroids (benign tumor) of the uterus.

If the fertilized egg fails to implant, menstruation will begin and it will leave the uterus along with the menstrual flow.

Hormonal changes after implantation

After the implantation of the fertilized egg, the active work of the body begins, aimed at the proper development of the child.

A woman faces hormonal changes that affect the functioning of all body systems.

At the site of the burst follicle, it appears - this is a temporary formation responsible for the production of progesterone.

Progesterone is a hormone necessary for the implantation of a fertilized egg and the normal development of pregnancy. Malfunction of the corpus luteum can lead to miscarriage or.

During the division of a fertilized egg, the rudiments of the future embryo and membranes (chorion) appear. The chorion produces a special hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

Based on the presence of this hormone in the blood, pregnancy can be predicted with a high degree of probability. In rare cases, it is not associated with pregnancy, but with certain diseases.

Subjective first signs before delay

The first signs of pregnancy before a delay are based on the woman’s feelings.

They are characteristic of pregnancy, but their severity may vary: in some women they appear more strongly, in others they are absent altogether. Moreover, it does not matter whether it is the first, second or third pregnancy, any woman can feel early signs of pregnancy, regardless of age, nationality, social status, etc.

Even before your period is missed, the first sign of pregnancy may be chest pain. They appear at 1-2 weeks of pregnancy.

The breasts swell, become more sensitive, any touch causes pain.

The initial sign of pregnancy before the delay may be increased pigmentation of the nipples. This symptom does not always appear; in some cases, women do not feel any discomfort in the chest.

Another, so to speak, popular sign of pregnancy can be slight bleeding from the genital tract.

The process of attachment of the egg to the wall of the uterus may be accompanied by implantation bleeding.

A woman may mistake it for premenstrual discharge. They can last from several hours to days.

The changed hormonal background becomes, which causes apathy, loss of strength and drowsiness.

Such early signs of pregnancy can accompany a woman throughout the entire first trimester of pregnancy. To these are added changes in the emotional state of the pregnant woman: tearfulness, irritability and anxiety appear.

Many women are concerned about the malaise characteristic of colds: headache, feeling of weakness, nasal discharge,...

These symptoms are caused by a temporary weakening of the immune system characteristic of early pregnancy.

If a woman consults a doctor about an illness, she needs to inform him about the possibility of conception.

This will allow the doctor to select drugs that are safe in the early stages of pregnancy.

Accelerated blood circulation in the pelvic organs and changes in kidney function cause increased urination. If it is accompanied by a pulling or cutting pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. In this case, frequent urination may be a sign of the development of a genitourinary tract infection.

During pregnancy, blood flow to the pelvic organs increases and the uterus begins to grow.

An increase in the size of the uterus may be accompanied by a feeling of “fullness” in the abdomen, pain and tingling in the uterine area.

The primary sign of pregnancy before the delay may be diarrhea.

Diarrhea is not infectious and goes away quickly. In this way, the body reacts to the stress caused by pregnancy.

Don't worry about this - after a while the stool will recover. According to statistics, local gastrointestinal disorders in 65% of cases are obvious signs of pregnancy before the delay.

Looseness of the cervix, decreased turgor of the vaginal muscles. This is due to the action of progesterone, which helps relax muscle tissue.

Without waiting for an examination by a gynecologist, you can conduct a self-examination: insert a finger into the vagina and evaluate muscle tone. When palpated, in the event of pregnancy, the muscles will seem “boiled.”

Unusual signs of pregnancy include changes in taste preferences, excessive tearfulness, flatulence, heartburn, and decreased visual acuity.

Despite the abundance of signs indirectly indicating pregnancy, she may not experience any signs at all other than delay.

Personal experience

Let me start with the fact that I am a mother of 3 children and all 3 pregnancies were, so from the very first days after conception I listened to my body and carefully monitored all the changes that were taking place.

I would like to clarify that the early signs of pregnancy, which can occur 1-2 weeks after conception, are so subjective (even for one woman) that you should not try on all the sensations of other people on yourself.

So, for the first time, the earliest sign indicating pregnancy was pain in the mammary glands. The breasts became swollen, became very sensitive and hurt so much that it was impossible to lie on my stomach. This didn't happen before. My chest, of course, hurt, but not much. It was this fact that inspired me, and he gave it.

Planning for my second pregnancy lasted for six months. My health was fine. Before planning a pregnancy, my husband and I took the exam. But for some reason the test did not streak. I listened to my own body, and when my chest started to hurt, I ran for a test, but the results were negative. So, during the next cycle after ovulation, I noticed that my breasts did not hurt at all.

To be honest, I thought that this time my body decided to take a break and reward me with an anovulatory cycle. My chest never started to hurt. This time I didn’t even go for the test. However, it was this cycle that ended in pregnancy. And I did the test after the delay, and it showed a bright red second stripe.

Moreover, a few days after ovulation, I began to experience cystitis due to... I successfully cured my cystitis with Monural, and after 2 weeks I found out that I was pregnant. I don’t know if cystitis and colds can be called early signs of pregnancy. But I am glad that taking the antibiotic did not affect the child in any way.

The third time I got pregnant again the first time. Moreover, pregnancy occurred immediately in the next cycle after discontinuation of Regulon. This time the breasts were in normal condition. She began to swell slightly after ovulation. In principle, nothing foreshadowed pregnancy.

However, this time I set aside for myself the day when the embryo transfer was supposed to take place. On this day, my whole body felt weak, I wanted to lie down all the time and... By the way, this time the test did not show pregnancy before the delay. A weak second line appeared the second time on the 2nd day of the delay.

So, even for one woman, each new pregnancy manifests itself differently.

Ksenia, 34.

Objective signs of pregnancy before delay

One of the reliable signs of pregnancy before the delay is considered to be an increase in basal temperature (temperature in the rectum) above 37 ° C.

The obtained measurement results may be correct if certain conditions are met.

Basal temperature is measured in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. Before this, the woman must lie down for at least 6 hours.

Measurements should not be taken earlier than 2 hours after sexual intercourse, as the results will be incorrect.

The onset of pregnancy can be judged by the level of the hCG hormone. At home, its level in urine is determined using special tests.

In early pregnancy, a second faint line may appear on the test. In this case, it is necessary to repeat the tests over several days and monitor the change in the brightness of the stripes.

If the pregnancy is short, home tests may indicate that implantation has already occurred, but the level of hCG is still insufficient to detect it in the urine.

For correct results in the early stages, it is better to use with a sensitivity of 10 mIU/ml.

A false negative result can also occur for other reasons:

  • the test was spoiled or expired;
  • it was not the morning portion of urine that was used;
  • on the eve of the test, the woman drank a lot of liquid or took diuretics;
  • kidney disease;

If you suspect pregnancy, but a home test shows a negative result, a blood test is necessary.

HCG is detected in it earlier than in urine. Blood for analysis is taken from a vein, the analysis is given in the morning on an empty stomach or 4-5 hours after a meal at another time of day.

To confirm the result, it is necessary to take hCG over time. In the case of a normal intrauterine pregnancy, the level of the hCG hormone in the blood will constantly increase.

After the first signs of pregnancy appear, you must wait until your menstrual cycle is delayed and consult a doctor.

He will prescribe an ultrasound, which will clearly establish the fact of pregnancy and determine its development (uterine, developing or frozen).