What symptoms characterize the somatoform vegetative dysfunction of the nervous system? Somatoform disorders (F45) MKB 10 Disorder of the Vegetative Nervous System

For vegetative-vascular dystonia, various, often bright subjective symptoms of the disease that do not correspond to a significantly less pronounced objective manifestations of one or another organic pathology. The clinical picture of vegetative-vascular dystonia largely depends on the directional of vegetative disorders (the predominance of vague or sympathetic).
Vagotonia. Children with Vagotonia are characterized by many hypochondria complaints, increased fatigue, decrease in working capacity, memory disorders, sleep disorders (difficulty falling asleep, drowsiness), apathy, indecision, injury, tendency to depressions.
The decline in appetite in combination with overpressive body, poorly tolerant of cold, intolerance of stuffy premises, feeling of zrayafiness, feeling of air shortage, periodic deep breaths, feeling "lump" in the throat, as well as vestibular disorders, dizziness, pain in the legs (more often in the night Time), nausea, unmotivated abdominal pain, skin marble, acrocyanosis, pronounced red dermographism, increased resistance, saloon, tendency to a fluid delay, transient eaps under the eyes, frequent urination to urinate, hypersivation, spastic constipation, allergic reactions.
Cardiovascular disorders are manifested by pain in the field of heart, bradyritemia, a tendency to reduce blood pressure, an increase in the size of the heart due to the reduction of the tone of the heart muscle, the muffle of heart tones. The ECG detect sinus bradycardia (bradyritium), extrasystoles are possible, the lengthening of the R-Q interval (down to the atrioventricular blockade of the I-II degree), as well as the shift of the ST segment above the isoline and the increase in the amplitude of the T. T.
Children with sympathicotonia are inherent in temperament, hot temper, mood variability, increased pain sensitivity, fast distractions, scattered, various neurotic states. They often complain about the feeling of heat, feeling of heartbeat. At sympathicotonia, an asthenic physique is often observed against the background of an increased appetite, the pallor and dry skin, a pronounced white dermographism, a cooling of the limbs, numbness and paresthesia in them in the mornings, an unmotivated increase in body temperature, poor tolerance of heat, polyuria, atonic constipation. Breathing disorders are absent, vestibular uncharactertes. Cardiovascular disorders are manifested by inclination to tachycardia and an increase in blood pressure during normal heart sizes and loud tones. The ECG often detect sinus tachycardia, the shortening of the interval R-Q, the shift of the ST segment below is a glued token of T.
Cardiopsychoneurosis. With the predominance of cardiovascular disorders in the complex of existing vegetative disorders, it is permissible to use the term "neurocirculatory dystonia". However, it should be borne in mind that neurocirculatory dystonia is an integral part of a wider concept of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
Vegeth-vascular dystonia in children can flow latently, implemented under the influence of adverse factors, or permanently. It is possible to develop vegetative crises (paroxysis, vegetative storms, panic attacks). Crisal conditions arise in emotional overloads, mental and physical overvoltage, acute infectious diseases, sharp change of meteorological conditions and reflect the breakdown in the system of vegetative regulation. They can be short-lived, continuing for a few minutes or hours, or long (a few days) and flow as vaginsular, sympathetic adrenal or mixed crises.
* Vaginsular crises are accompanied by a suddenly developing pallor, sweating, a decrease in body temperature and blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pains and a sharp bowel obstacle, occasionally - by Pokinka. Syncopal states are possible, attacks of pain in the heart area (pseudo-sundicated syndrome), migraine or choking, resembling an attack of bronchial asthma.
* Sympatheadolar crises are accompanied by a feeling of anxiety and fear of death, chills, headache, tachycardia (often paroxysmal), an increase in blood pressure, lifting the body temperature (up to 39-40 ° C), dry mouth, frequent ureas, polyuria.
Vegeth-vascular dystonia has some features in children of different ages. So, in preschoolers, vegetative violations are usually moderate, subclinical, with the predominance of signs of Vagotonia (increase in the tone of the parasympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system). In adolescents, awesome-vascular dystonia proceeds more hard, with diverse and pronounced complaints and frequent development of paroxysms. Increasing the vagus influence they are accompanied by a significant reduction in sympathetic activity.

The ICD-10 has been introduced into the practice of health throughout the territory of the Russian Federation in 1999 by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia from 27.05.97. №170

A new revision (ICD-11) is planned to be planned in 2017 2018.

With changes and additions to WHO.

Processing and transferring changes © MKB-10.com

Classification of vegetative dystonia on the ICD-10

What is the Item Code on the ICD-10? A doctor will answer this question. Vegeta dystonia and neurocirculatory dystonia for the international classification of diseases (ICD-10) has a universal international code G90.8. Although due to the lack of a specific focus, this disease refers to the class of diseases of the nervous system, and specifically, to the subbock "Other diseases and disorders of the NA" (on the ICD-10 range of codes here from G90 to G99). It is proved that the diseases of the CNS affect all organism systems. They are particularly subject to children of younger and adolescence, and after puberty, the testimony of statistics go down.

International definition

The classic scientific definition of VDC is dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system in violation of the functions of various organism systems and the absence of organic changes.

The symptoms of the BDT for mixed type. The disorder of the vegetative system leads to certain deviations in the work of cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems (such symptomatics is characteristic of the vegetative nervous system dysfunction, the code of which, according to the ICD-10 F45.3, but this classification is conditional). Although the nature of the disease itself is not yet sufficiently studied, and they are relating to the class of complex-diagnosed.

There are classic symptoms of VDCs:

  1. Sharp jumps of pressure, nothing justified (critical readings can be both over the top and lower level).
  2. Violation of heartbeat rhythm (usually accompanied by nasal bleeding, decrease in the temperature of the limbs).
  3. Sleep impairment (most often it is insomnia, to cope with which is possible with the help of potent means or alcohol).
  4. Headaches.
  5. Constant weakness (reluctance to work, apathy, lethargy, drowsiness during the day).
  6. Mood swings, aggressiveness, nervousness.
  7. Problems with vision and hearing.
  8. Memory disorder.
  9. Problems with digestion (diarrhea, constipation, unfortunate vomiting, constant nausea).
  10. Panic attacks.
  11. The intolerance to the strong heat or heavy cold.
  12. Pathological attacks choking, shortness of breath.
  13. Ikota.
  14. Sexual disorders are possible.

All this symptoms are sufficiently conditional. Symptoms can be combined (EMD on mixed type), periodically disappearing and returning again. In many ways, the nature of the course of the disease depends on the age of a person, its nature and the presence or absence of chronic diseases. The hypertensive type of FMRs, in addition, is characterized by failures in the work of the heart, strong pain in the field of sternum, sweating.

Types of VD

Based on certain, typical symptoms of the FMR is divided into the following types.

  1. Cardiology type of ISR or neurocirculatory dystonia. With this type of disease, the pain focus is localized in the chest area, on the left side. It can be tangible strips, tingling, or just a very strong, degrading pain that appears at any time of the day or night, even when the physical load threshold (or peak of physical activity) is not exceeded. NCD is the most serious type of disease, the treatment of which is associated with certain difficulties.
  2. Bradycardic type ISR. A similar type of disease is most often found in young people. The main cause of the disease lies in a unprecedented reduction in the frequency of heart cuts, which in turn leads to a reduction in the saturation of the brain of oxygen. As a result, lethargy, the apathy, constant feeling of fatigue, depression, and in particularly severe cases it is impossible to carry out any meaningful actions.
  3. The arrhythmic type of FMR. This disease is manifested in permanent and unpredictable blood pressure jumps, is accompanied by clouding consciousness, feeling of foolishness, dizziness, weakness. This type of disease is characteristic of those who have certain problems with vessels and spine.

Specialists distinguish between Hypertensive type (most often developing in people leading a low-wear lifestyle) and a small child may suffer from the hypotonic type (this type of disease may suffer; it is manifested in the form of reduced blood pressure). The ICD-10 is most often given such diagnoses as hypertensive disease (arterial hypertension) with the code I10-I15.

What are the causes of the ailment?

Causes of vegetative dystonia. According to statistics in the risk group (people who are subject to vegetary-seeking disorders) are those who lead the wrong, unhealthy lifestyle:

  • spend little time in the air;
  • experiencing constant stress at work;
  • we work on harmful production or are engaged in severe physical labor.

The wrong lifestyle leads to a decrease in immunity, the body and natural, genetic barriers weaken.

Vegeth-vascular dystonia (ICB-10 G90.8 code) of different types is evolving for the following reasons:

  1. Long stay in the state of the nervous voltage. It may be associated with the responsible work, personal troubles, but it leads to a failure of the internal organs.
  2. Chronic lack of sleep. The reasons for breaking sleep mass, but if not to give the brain as a long time to relax, then certain coordination failures occur in its work.
  3. Diseases of the back and spine. Osteochondrosis, scoliosis - these are the problems that lead to the failure of the central nervous system, which means that the failures in the work of almost all internal organs.
  4. Incorrect meals First, the improper nutrition leads to an imbalance in the body of vitamins and trace elements, which in turn leads to a failure in the work of many internal organs and the central nervous system. And secondly, the improper nutrition can lead to obesity, and excess weight affects the work of the heart muscle. All this leads to the development of VD.
  5. Injuries of any kind, especially the spine and head, lead to a violation in the work of the autonomic nervous system and the development of VDR.
  6. Sedentary lifestyle. The absence of regular loads leads to the weakening of the heart muscle, to a failure in the work of all internal organs.
  7. Hormonal changes. In the risk group there are teenagers, women during pregnancy and climax, persons suffering from thyroid diseases, liver. Ovarian dysfunction in women can cause NCD development.
  8. Genetic predisposition. Usually, IT develops in children if the mother during pregnancy behaved the wrong lifestyle or was in a state of severe stress.

It is no possibility to determine the cause of the VDR yourself. But if the above-described symptoms have acquired a chronic character, you should immediately consult a doctor and insist on detailed diagnosis.

Diagnostic work of the doctor. The doctor's physician independently diagnose ICC cannot, it needs not only to carry out various tests, but also to attract various specialists to consult. Although a certain algorithm for actions can be lighted.

Conducting an interview with the patient: the doctor must understand the possible causes of the appearance and history of the disease, the intensity of symptoms.

Inspection: Changing the color of the skin, dysfunction can tell a lot to a specialist about which pathological processes flow in the patient's body.

Holding an ECG (eliminate the problems in the work of the heart or, on the contrary, to identify them).

Reovazography - study of the filling of vessels.

Consultations in profile specialists to identify abnormalities in the work of the body systems and in the work of the NA.

Only after all studies and consultations, the patient can be diagnosed and prescribed proper treatment.

Treatment methods

Treatment of vegetative dystonia. Complex, systematic treatment must be carried out in order to cope with internal and external factors provoking the appearance of the ICC:

  1. The doctor must recommend to lead to the norm of work and recreation: a person with ICC should sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  2. Appoint the healing physical education: Gymnastics, swimming or classes on a treadmill or exercise exercise.
  3. Recommend advice with a nutritionist who will help bring the system to normal.
  4. Register the reception of sedatives.
  5. Make to refuse bad habits or explain the direct dependence of aggravation of the state of alcohol and smoking.
  6. Appoint advice with a psychologist.
  7. Appointment of vitamin complexes.

The doctor will have to have a comprehensive treatment of all chronic diseases, eliminate all infectious foci in the body in order to prevent the development of VDR.

Prevention measures

For the prevention of the disease, it is necessary to undergo dispensarization once a year. Attend special resorts and sanatoriums. At the occurrence of relapse, it is necessary to refer to the doctor, since the launched EMD of any type can lead to the development of other diseases (for example, to gastritis, bronchial asthma).

Code of Vegeth Vascular Dystonia on the ICD-10

Vegeta dystonia (VDC) is a syndrome characterizing vegetative dysfunction. This pathology relates to diseases of the nervous system. Due to the lack of a specific cause and vague symptoms, the ICC-10 does not have a specific classification and is indicated as G90.8. Thus, the ICD-10 vegetual-vascular dystonia characterizes as one of the disorders of the nervous system, but not as an independent disease.

Causes of violations

Pathology is manifested as a failure in the work of the vegetative nervous system. This disease occurs about each third adult, regardless of the place of residence and age. Vegetative dysfunction in children occurs about 30%. As a rule, the first symptoms appear in childhood or adolescence.

The disease is characterized by failures in the work of the internal organs. Causes of development of the EDRC:

  • emotional and physical overvoltage;
  • hormone imbalance;
  • stressful situations;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • bad habits;
  • infectious diseases;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • passive lifestyle.

Often, the first manifestations of vegetative dystonia appear after transferring diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) or mental disorders. The body produces mechanisms for protection against diseases of the nervous system, so with the slightest stress or overwork, these mechanisms are included in the work and symptoms of dystonia appear. Such a response of the immune system is produced after neurological and mental disorders, as well as transferred infectious and viral diseases.

Improper nutrition, no regular physical activity, obesity and sedentary lifestyle can be an impetus to the frustration of a vegetative function.

Vegetative dysfunction develops with violations of the hormonal background, during pregnancy and at the occurrence of menopause. Pathology may appear against the background of the diseases of the cervical spine or diabetes mellitus.

The development of syndrome also affects genetic predisposition. Harmful habits, such as smoking and alcohol abuse, also provoke violations of the vegetative nervous system.

Vegeta dystonia is a syndrome describing vegetative violations. There are several types of VD. Distinguish between dystonia:

  • hypotonic type;
  • hypertensive type;
  • cardiac type;
  • mixed type.

Each type of disease is characterized by characteristic symptoms.

IAS hypotonic type

IRRs on the hypotonic type manifests itself at an early age, and they suffer primarily women. Violation is developing against the background of reduced blood pressure (100 mm. RT. Art. And below). Symptoms of disorders are nonspecific and manifested in each patient individually. The following signs are often found:

  • convulsions of the limbs;
  • heart rate violation;
  • breathing problems;
  • headache;
  • fainting;
  • problems with digestion.

Patients complain about the convulsions of the lower extremities, especially at night. Hands and feet are angry even in hot weather. It is possible a violation of heart rhythm, especially after a minor physical activity. Breathing problems are expressed to make a deep breath. Breathing is usually superficial and rapid. Patients often complain about headaches, as well as dizziness.

Problems with digestion are expressed by diarrhea, frequent heartburn, impaired defecation.

Some patients note neuropsychic disorders - panic attacks, fear attacks, sudden irritability or depression. Often, hardware is accompanied by a breakdown of sleep, constant fatigue and apatine.

This form of the vegetual-vascular dystonia code on the ICD 10 does not have due to the general nature of the symptoms. The same due to the problems with the diagnosis of violations.

Hypertensive type of violation

IT for hypertensive type, as it becomes clear from the name, develops against the background of increased pressure. As a rule, the symptoms of pathology are manifested when the patient's pressure rises.

For this form of the disease, the following symptoms are characterized:

  • noise in ears;
  • headache;
  • violations;
  • nervous voltage;
  • tremor fingers;
  • problems with coordination of movements;
  • panic attacks;
  • nausea;
  • violation of memory and concentration of attention.

The noise in the ears is accompanied by a violation of vision. Patients complain about the appearance of flies in the field of view. All this is associated with an increase in blood pressure. Often, patients complain about nervousness, nervous overvoltage, sudden anxiety. These symptoms may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

In some patients, there are problems with the coordination of movements - the gait is rapid, fussy. There is a violation of the concentration of attention and sudden attenuation of memory.

Such a form of violation leads to disability due to problems with attention and memory.

Due to the lack of clear symptoms, for this type of ICC code on the ICD-10 has not been assigned. The ICD-10 refers a vegetual-vascular dystonia to general neurological violations.

Cardial type of violation

Cardial vegue violations are developing against the background of cardiovascular problems or due to disruption of metabolism and endocrinological diseases. The disease is characterized by cardiological, tachycardic or bradycardic syndrome, whose symptoms are not manifested simultaneously.

The most common cardiological syndrome, it is found in nine cases out of ten among patients with cardiac VDR. At the same time, patients complain about pulling pain and discomfort in the heart.

  • Tachycardic syndrome is manifested by the increase in cardiac rhythm, as well as a decrease in performance.
  • Bradycardic syndrome is characterized by a decrease in cardiac rhythm and sudden headaches. Often patients complain of severe sweating and pre-real states.

Under the ICD-10 vegal dystonia of this type is not classified, the international classifier relates this type of violation to a neurological violation.

Mixed type of pathology

Mixed Vegeta Dystonia is often a hereditary disease. Pathology may appear against the background of the problems of the cardiovascular system and as a result of some neurological disorders.

The Mixed Type is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • changing heart rate;
  • vision impairment;
  • new heart pain
  • panic attacks;
  • nervous voltage;
  • vegetative crises.

This form of pathology is characterized by a sudden change in blood pressure, it can raise dramatically, or suddenly decreased, which causes the symptoms of the violation.

For a mixed type of vegetative violation, crises are characterized, which are accompanied by a violation of motility, sudden chills and tremor fingers. Patients note a sudden violation of vision (mining in the eyes), reduced hearing (noise or ringing in the ears), as well as problems with speech.

The second name of VDC is neurocirculatory dystonia or NCD. On the ICD-10, neurocirculatory dystonia is classified as a neurological violation.

Somatoform dysfunction

One of the forms of dystonia is the somatoform dysfunction of the vegetative nervous system. Pathology is characterized by a violation of the operation of the internal organs without the physiological or pathological cause of the violation.

Somatoform dysfunction is manifested at an early age in children and adolescents. The violation affects those organs whose activities are regulated by the autonomic nervous system.

The following symptoms are characteristic of moomatoforming dysfunction:

  • pain in the heart pain;
  • arrhythmia;
  • shortness of breath, difficulty breathing;
  • violation of the function of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • problems with urination;
  • pain in the joints;
  • neurological and mental disorders.

Pain in the heart of the heart is concerned with the patient at rest or at exercise. Often patients complain about arrhythmia. Possible respiratory disorders - shortness of breath, stripped superficial breathing, the inability to take a deep breath.

From the head of the gastrointestinal tract is possible disruption of digestion, constipation or diarrhea. Often the child notes a sudden stomach disorder during a stressful situation.

Issuing problems are mainly worried about children. This is manifested by Enuresis and frequent urges to urination while in the public.

Bolt in joints are episodic. They suddenly appear, enhanced with the load and also suddenly disappear.

Patients are prone to hypochondria and the development of depressive states. Many noted sleep disorders, non-profitable fears and anxiety, suddenly increasing irritability and nervousness.

Diagnosis of pathology

The diagnosis of ICC is associated with difficulties caused by the absence of specific symptoms. Signs of vegetative dystonia are characteristic of a variety of different pathologies of the cardiovascular system, internal organs, as well as for some types of mental disorders.

To make a diagnosis, it is important to exclude the pathology of the internal organs. For this purpose, inspection and consultation of the cardiologist, endocrinologist, neurologist and a gastroenterologist are shown.

It is necessary to draw the following surveys:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • checking the activity of the brain and the state of the vessels;
  • MRI of the internal organs.

In case of suspicion of FMR, it is necessary to consult with the therapist. After inspection and analysis of patient complaints, the doctor will send to the next specialist.


Regardless of the type of dystonia, treatment is carried out symptomatatically. If the patient has sharp blood pressure jumps, it is prescribed drugs to normalize these indicators. Also prescribed medications to improve the blood supply of the brain.

In the treatment of dystonia, antidepressants and tranquilizers are used. Frequently prescribed sedatives. It helps to remove the nervous overvoltage and normalize the night's sleep of patients, as well as get rid of neurosis and irritability.

Patients show the reception of vitamin and mineral complexes to strengthen the nervous system. Usually prescribe preparations with a magnesium content and vitamins of group V.

Along with medication treatment, you need to stick to the diet and the day mode.

In the hypotonic type of disorder, frequent power is shown, but in small portions. You should give preference to products with a vitamin C, which normalizes vascular tone. The menu must prevail fresh fruits and vegetables. In the hypotonic type, natural coffee and green tea is shown.

With the hypertensive type of ICC, it should be excluded from the menu fatty varieties of meat and the rally broths, increase the amount of liquid consumed to two liters per day, as well as abandon coffee and salt.

Smoking and alcohol consumption aggravates the course of the disease and contributes to deterioration of well-being, therefore, it should be refused from bad habits.

In order to get rid of ITRs, there will be a long-term comprehensive treatment. It is important to adhere to the following rules.

  1. Daily walks in the fresh air have a positive effect on the nervous system. We recommend walking in a duration of at least two hours a day.
  2. Patients showing moderate physical activity. It can be yoga, cycling or swimming.
  3. Patients are important to be able to relax. To do this, it is recommended to master breathing techniques.
  4. The working day should be normalized. It should be noted for sleep at least eight hours a day.

ITR is not a deadly disease, but it can significantly worsen the quality of life. This pathology leads to a decrease in working capacity and neurological disorders, so it must be treated. Timely appeal to the doctor will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms literally for 4-5 weeks, so it is not necessary to postpone treatment.

VDC codes in the ICD 10

Basic codes IAS in the ICD

The diagnosis of "Vegeta Distonia" is exhibited only in our country - the ICD-10 does not distinguish the VG into a separate disease. Therefore, the alphanumeric numerical designation of the disease is selected based on the prevailing symptoms of the VDC and identified during the diagnosis of disorders.

Vegeta dystonia is indicated by the code in the G00-G99 range. These figures indicate the pathology of the nervous system. For example, the disease can be encrypted:

  • G99.0 * - Vegetative neuropathy in endocrine and metabolic disorders;
  • G99.1 * - includes other violations of the vegetative nervous system leaking against the background of concomitant diseases;
  • G99.8 * - denotes updated NA disorders during diseases classified in other categories.

VG-10 may have a cipher R45, which denotes the symptoms related to the emotional sphere of a person.

  • For diagnosis encoding, the R45.8 subhead is often used, which is decrypted as "other symptoms and features relating to an emotional state".
  • Code F45.3 Use mainly psycho-neurologists. The alphanumeric encoding determines changes in the well-being in adult patients with a symptom complex of disorders characteristic of sombulator dysfunction VNS.

When issuing the code of the disease, the type of VDC is also taken into account - hypertensional, hypotonic or mixed nature of the syndrome.

Codes for hypertensive forms of dystonia

The hypertensive version of the ICC is characterized by a periodic increase in the digits of blood pressure. Hypertension manifests itself:

  • uncomfortable sensations;
  • pronounced headaches;
  • nausea;
  • decline forces.

The cipher is selected based on the development of hypertension:

  • Code I10 indicates primary hypertension. The patient does not diagnose organic pathologies that can cause pressure jumps.
  • The i15 cipher is used if hypertension for EDR is secondary and develops against the background of any pathology.

The main ICB-10 code can be complemented by others depending on the diseases associated with EMPs.

Codes for the hypotensive form of dystonia

Dystonia hypotension manifests itself:

With an acute attack of arterial hypotension, the following symptoms appear:

  • darkening before eyes;
  • sweetness and uncertainty of gait;
  • pronounced dizziness;
  • fainting (in severe cases).

The hypotonic type of EMDs are more often referred to as F45.3 code, which denotes the somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Also, the disease is encrypted with codes:

  • I95.0 - idiopathic hypotension;
  • I95.1 - orthostatic hypotension arising when rolling;
  • I95.8 - Other types of hypotension;
  • I95.9 - Hypotension of unspecified etiology.

To choose the right section in the international classification of disease, the doctor carefully collects history, determines the mechanism of development of the disease and establishes the effect of organic pathologies.

Neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) is encrypted in the international classification of disease Code F45.3. So the moimatorm dysfunctions occur with the episodes of heart rate disorders and with the instability of the blood pressure.

How codes are exhibited for children from

The presentation of the CCT code on the ICD in children does not differ from the encryption of diagnoses in adult patients. The development of dystonia in a child may be due to:

In this case, VDC is secondary pathology, so first indicate the alphanumeric designation of the primary disease. Dystonia, developing in a child, encrypts children's neurologist.

International Classification of Diseases - a document approved by the World Health Organization. According to the generally accepted position, certified doctors, leading reception in private and public medical institutions, are required to use in their practice these standards of disease encryption.

The application of the ICD codes is important not only to study the characteristics of pathologies and determining the frequency of their detection. Thanks to the universal encoding, patients do not think about how they will talk about their diagnosis of doctors who do not speak their tongue.

Vegetative dysfunction syndrome

What is vegetative dysfunction syndrome (SVD)? The word "syndrome" itself reminds that this is not a disease, but a certain set of symptoms arising in the presence of certain pathological processes in the body. Dysfunction denotes disruption of the operation, the proper functioning of the organ or system. In this case, we are talking about a vegetative nervous system, which is one of the departments of the nervous system of the body.

Code of the ICD-10


Vegeta dystonia is a fairly common condition. About 80% of the adult population have a confirmed diagnosis of VDC, with the number of women with this diagnosis significantly exceeds the number of men with the same problem.

But the syndrome of vegetative dysfunction can not be considered a purely adult pathology. The first signs of VNS pathology can be seen in childhood, and clinical manifestations of dysfunction are already observed in the ease and older.

Epidemiological studies of school-age children showed that only 10% of children and adolescents do not have complaints about the work of the vegetative system of the body. In various regions, the number of schoolchildren, with great probability, you can make a diagnosis of vegetative dysfunction ranges from 50% to 65%, and this is already a reason to seriously think about the problem and causes of its occurrence.

Causes of vegetative dysfunction syndrome

Vegetative dysfunction syndrome is known to many of us as a vegetative dystonia (VDC). To accurately establish all the reasons for this state, doctors have not yet succeeded, but no doubt is involved in the emergence of the following factors:

  • Heredity (the likelihood of a disease in humans, whose relatives had or have such a diagnosis, 20% higher than those of the rest of people, in whose clause was not observed).
  • Generic injuries and pregnancy of the mother proceeding with complications can be the causes of the emergence of the IAS.
  • Weak motor activity from childhood.
  • Intense psycho-emotional state at work and in the family for a long time.
  • Systematic overwork, both mental and physical.
  • Permanent stresses at work and home, nervous overvoltage.
  • Premenstrual syndrome and urolithiasis can also be caused by the development of VDR, since systematic irritation of peripheral sections of the vegetative nervous system (VNS) occurs.

Risk factors

At risk factors, ITC can also be attributed:

  • Cereal brain injuries and tumors affecting the subcortical structures of the brain.
  • Hormonal imbalance in the development of certain diseases of the endocrine system, as well as during pregnancy, menstruation and menopause in women.
  • Various infectious diseases with focal lesions.
  • Long-term overvoltage of forces and mind.
  • Different intoxication (poisoning) of the body in everyday life and production.
  • Various operations, especially with the use of anesthesia.
  • Too big or insufficient body weight.
  • Disorders of the day with insufficient time for recreation of the body.
  • The presence of bad habits.
  • Moving or temporary stay on the territory with another climate (unusual humidity and air temperature, as well as a shift in sleep and wakeful time).
  • Osteochondrosis of the spine in any manifestations.


A vegetative nervous system, which is sometimes also called visceral, ganggalionic or autonomous nervous system, performs a regulating function for all organs, glands and vessels. Due to it, the constancy of the inner medium of our body and reactions remain well to navigate and adapt to the environment.

In the dysfunction of the vegetative system, the organs and vessels lose the ability to react correctly to the signals supplied by the body or incoming. The vessels begin to expand, then narrowed without much the reasons for discomfort and deterioration of well-being. A thorough examination in this case does not reveal any serious pathologies in the body, and all unpleasant sensations can be associated only with the improper work of the autonomous department of the nervous system.

Sometimes SVD is called sindrosis of moomatoform vegetative dysfunction. This is due to the peculiarities of its manifestations when neuropsychic reactions cause quite real physical sensations.

The development of the pathological process contributes to the weak stability of the body to stressful situations, as a result of which the normal functioning of the self-regulation system is disturbed, i.e. The vegetative nervous system. Hereditary factors Plus Certain external conditions are able to affect the nervous regulation in the body, which leads to the emergence of numerous symptoms of VDC.

Despite the fact that the very condition of vegetative dysfunction is generally not dangerous, it causes many unpleasant sensations that adversely affect the quality of human life and the possibility of a full-fledged employment.

Symptoms of vegetative dysfunction syndrome

Vegetative dysfunction syndrome is the condition of the body characterized by multiple and varied symptoms affecting various organism systems. Along with different sources, you can find about 150 different symptoms and in the region of 32 syndromes of clinically manifested disorders in the body indicating EMD.

The most frequent symptoms of the VDR are: dizziness and headache, hyperhydrosis (reinforced sweating) palms and stop, frequent urination urination not related to diseases of the genitourinary system, a slight increase in temperature without any reasons, fever. In addition: violations in the sexual sphere, reinforced heartbeat, undefree fear, states close to crumpled, pallor of the skin, jumps of blood pressure, apparent air shortage due to an infallible breath. And from the head of the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, frequent belching, problems with the chair (diarrhea), drilling in the stomach, etc.

Vegetative dysfunction syndrome often proceeds with angiospasms. Angiospasm is a compression of brain vessels and peripheral vessels in the limbs. Often they are accompanied by headaches on the background of a feeling of compression or pressure on whiskey, a frontal part or a back. The appearance of such pain is associated with sharp inclons, changes in weather conditions, decrease in blood pressure and sleep disorders.

The most common syndromes, accompanying MDRs:

  • Cardiovascular, or cardiovascular, syndrome (skin pallor, jump hell, heart rate disorders, etc.)
  • Respiratory, or hyperventive, syndrome (difficulty in breathing, apparent lack of oxygen, breast pressure, etc.)
  • Mental disorders syndrome (feeling of fear, anxiety, insomnia, etc.)
  • Asthenic syndrome (ambulance fatigue, incomprehensible weakness, weather change sensitivity, etc.)
  • Syndrome of cerebrovascular disorders (pain in the head and dizziness, noise in ears, faint).
  • Neurogastral syndrome (incomprehensible stomach pains, feeling of heartburn, difficult to swallowing liquid food, constipation, etc.).

The symptoms of the VDC is so wide that it is simply impossible to describe all of its manifestations, but already under the above symptoms you can make certain conclusions about the possibility of developing vegetative violations in a separate case.

Features of the manifestation of vegetative dysfunction syndrome in people of different ages

Vegetative dysfunction syndrome in children and newborns may be a consequence of the improper flow of pregnancy and generic lesions, as well as to have a genetically conditional character. Oxygen starvation of the brain of the fetus with a disadvantaged course of pregnancy and for childbirth, as well as generic injuries and diseases arising in the first days of the baby's life, can negatively affect the development and operation of VNS. Vegetative violations in such children most often affect the digestive (accumulation of gases in the intestines, frequent joining and belching, the absence of good appetite) and immune (frequent colds) of the body system, and also manifest itself in the form of frequent whims and conflict nature of the child.

Vegetative dysfunction syndrome has its continuation and development in adolescents during puberty. Active changes in the functioning of internal organs at this age are faster than the adaptation of the body to these changes and the formation of the neuroregulation of these processes. It is with this that the emergence of new symptoms, such as periodic pain in the heart, frequent dizziness and head pain, fast fatigue, nervousness and anxiety, worsening attention and memory, jumps or steadily elevated blood pressure values.

In adults, vegetative dysfunction syndrome has a slightly different flow, since aggravated chronic diseases of the nervous, digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular systems with their symptoms are associated with disruption of nervous regulation. Plus additional hormonal splashes associated with the hacking of a child (pregnancy and childbirth) and the completion of the childbearing age (Climax).


During the vegetative dystonia distinguish 2 stages:

  • aggravation when symptoms are especially clear and in all their diversity,
  • remissions - weakening or complete disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.

For its flow, SVD may be permanent or paroxysmal. The permanent course of the disease is characterized by smoothness of the appearance of symptoms, without enhancing and weakening. Vegetative dysfunction syndrome with vase vegetative paroxysms is held in the form of peculiar panic attacks, when signs of vegetative violations are becoming more pronounced, but we will noticeably weaken.


Since IAS has a wide variety of symptoms associated with the work of various organs, and the symptoms of the state of different people may differ, in medical practice it was customary to classify several varieties of syndrome. Their names already give an idea of \u200b\u200bpossible symptoms.

  1. Vegetative dysfunction syndrome on the cardiac type is inherent in the feelings associated with the work of the heart (tingling in the heart or novice pain, heart rate disorders, arrhythmias, high sweating).
  2. Vegetative dysfunction syndrome on hypertensive type is characterized by an increase in blood pressure. It is inherent in the following symptoms: pain in the head, fog before your eyes or flashes, sliding with a deterioration of appetite, sometimes vomiting, hyperhydrosis, nervous tension, fears. The same symptoms may also indicate the presence of hypertension, but in this case the use of medicines to eliminate them is not required. Usually enough fully rest.
  3. The syndrome of vegetative dysfunction on the hypotonic type shows itself symptoms of reduced blood pressure. Against the background of lowering the pressure of the house. RT. Art. The feelings of weakness and chills appear, the skin becomes pale with a cold later, there are difficulties with inhalation and gastrointestinal disorders in the form of heartburn, nausea, stool disorders. The vegetative dysfunction syndrome of this species may flow with lipotic states (the reaction close to fainting with the weakening of the pulse and decreased blood pressure).
  4. Vegetative dysfunction syndrome on the Vagotonic type often makes itself felt in childhood in the form of quick fatigue, poor sleep and gastrointestinal disorders. Adult to these symptoms can add decrease in blood pressure, breathing problems, slowing down heart rate, saliva, coordination disorders.
  5. The syndrome of vegetative dysfunction on mixed type is the most common view of the EMD. It is inherent in the symptoms of various types of vegetative violations plus some others, for example, disorders of erection in men, trimming and pre-real states, depression, etc.

This information is enough to deliver a certain diagnosis. But it must be borne in mind that the thing is cunning. Today you can prevail some symptoms, and tomorrow symptoms can radically change. Therefore, in any case, there is a need to appeal to a specialist if you notice at least some of the above symptoms.

According to the characterization of the causes causing somatoform vegetative disorder, and their impact on different departments of the autonomic nervous system can be distinguished:

  • over-segmental vegetative dysfunction syndrome and
  • segmental disorder VNS.

The central department of VNS has 2 submissions. Adventure, or higher, vegetative centers are concentrated in the brain, and segmental (lower) - in the brain and the spinal cord. The latter disorder happens rarely, and can be caused by tumor processes, the presence of osteochondrosis of spine departments, various infections and associated diseases of the brain. All other reasons for EDRs cause precisely needless vegetative violations.

Complications and consequences

The danger of FMR is that its symptomatics is similar to the manifestations of various pathological processes, such as migraine, osteochondrosis, heart attack, etc. This causes certain difficulties in the diagnosis of this state. And the wrong diagnosis may have unpleasant, but in some cases, very dangerous consequences.

One of the complications of the SVD can be considered panic attacks, which are still called sympatho-adrenal crises against the background of a vegetative dystonia, because at this moment there is a large emission of adrenaline into blood. But adrenaline is not so safe, especially in large quantities. It is adrenaline that helps increase blood pressure and braking the work of the heart, being a frequent cause of arrhythmia.

Great emission of adrenaline stimulates the production of its oppositeness - translation, providing the braking process after excitement due to adrenaline. Therefore, a person after panic attack feels tired and broken.

And finally, prolonged emission of adrenaline contributes to the exhaustion of adrenal substances and leads to such a serious disease as adrenal insufficiency, which can provoke a sudden stopping of the heart and the death of the patient.

Another complication of ICCs are vagin-compound crises with significant insulin emissions. It lead to a decrease in blood glucose level, and man begins to seem to seem that his heart stops, the pulse slows down. A significant weakness appears in the patient, it is darker in the eyes, it is covered with cold later.

A large amount of insulin is also dangerous as its disadvantage. Insulin in excessive amounts contributes to an increase in the blood pressure and blockage of the vessels, due to which the blood circulation and the supply of organs and tissues of the body deteriorate.

Such here are critical states depending on the severity of the syndrome can last from 10 minutes to 1 hour, and this should already be forced to think about the consequences of such reactions of the body and turn to the doctor for advice and treatment in time.

Perhaps, the syndrome of vegetative dysfunction itself and does not entail special harm or danger to a person, but life he can sway significantly. And not only with negative sensations, but also difficult to be corrected by the consequences of the EMR, which has its beginning in childhood, as problems with adaptation and complexity in learning and carrying out work.

Diagnosis of vegetative dysfunction syndrome

Since SVD is a multisymptomic disease, and its manifestations can affect various organs and systems, which makes syndrome in symptoms with some other diseases (osteochondrosis, myocardial infarction, CNS disease, gastritis, etc.), the diagnosis of this state can cause certain difficulties. And the doctor is impossible to make a mistake, because there is health and even the patient's life on horse.

Therefore, it is very important for setting the right diagnosis to exclude or confirm the presence of other serious diseases with similar symptoms. It is for this purpose that the instrumental diagnosis is carried out, which may include the following procedures:

  • electrocardiogram to eliminate heart diseases (carried out in a calm state and after certain physical exertion),
  • electroencephalogram and doppler can help eliminate diseases of the blood vessels and brain,
  • tomography of the head to identify the diseases of the brain and various tumor processes,
  • Ultrasound of various internal organs depending on the symptoms,

In addition, for determining the vegetative dysfunction syndrome, blood pressure and pulse are carried out, as well as biochemical analyzes of urine and blood.

Differential diagnosis

The formulation of the final diagnosis is carried out on the basis of differential diagnosis, taking into account the testimony of instrumental and laboratory surveys. The collection of anamnesis plays a very large role in the diagnosis of SVD, which is why it is very important to tell the doctor, what symptoms are present when they appeared and how they show themselves in various situations, which preceded the emergence of this symptoms.

Who to contact?

Treatment of vegetative dysfunction syndrome

Due to the extensive symptoms and a variety of causes causing syndrome, the treatment of SVD is carried out in several directions:

  • Stabilization of the psycho-emotional state of the patient (the exclusion of stress, withdrawal of fears, etc.).
  • Treatment of a possible concomitant disease.
  • Removing the main symptoms of
  • Prevent crises.

The appointment approach should be purely individual with all the symptoms and patient complaints. Neuroleptics, sedative, nootropy, cardiovascular, etc. can be used in the treatment of SVD.

  • "Teraulizhen" - a complex drug that has a sedative, antiemetic, sleeping pills, antitussive and other actions that are simply indispensable in the treatment of FMR. The drug is shown to use from 7 years.

Dosage and method of application. Adults depending on the state and the desired effect are prescribed from 5 to 400 mg. per day, divided by 3-4 receptions. Children preparation is appointed individually depending on the age and body weight.

The drug has many side effects and contraindications with which it is necessary to familiarize themselves before the start of receiving the drug. Reception of the drug eliminates the separation during the treatment of alcohol and occupation of activities requiring concentration.

  • "Fenazepam" - Tranquilizer that has a sedative and hypnotic effect. It removes the nervous tension, neurity-like and depressive states, as well as convulsive reactions. This drug is indispensable for vegetative crises.

Dosage and method of application. Daily dose of the drug - from 1.5 to 5 mg. Divide it by 2-3 times. Morning and daily rate - 0.5 - 1 mg, evening - 2.5 mg. The dose can be enlarged on the recommendation of the doctor. Usually the course of treatment is 2 weeks, but it can be extended to 2 months.

Causes various side effects by many systems and organs that are not dangerous to life, but unpleasant, as well as medicinal addiction. The drug is prescribed from 18 years. Contraindications for use Pregnancy and lactation, shock conditions, glaucoma, respiratory failure, Miastic. Before starting treatment, the drug must be consulted with a doctor about the possibility of its use in conjunction with other medicines.

If the SVD symptoms grow up, and the "phenazepam" was not at hand, you can do the usual "Corvolol"that is almost all home first-aid kits and female handbags. 50 drops dissolved in a small amount of water to prevent the development of a vegetative crisis against the background of nervous overvoltage.

In case of insufficient effectiveness of the tranquilizers of the "Fenazepam" or "Sedukesen", especially in the case of a hypertensive type of SVD, preparations can be assigned to effectively lower pressure and eliminating symptoms of arrhythmias.

The bright representative of this series of drugs is "Reserpine", eliminating psychotic states against the background of increased pressure. Take the drug after meals, starting with a dose of 0.1 mg 1-2 times a day. Gradually, the dosage increases to 0.5 mg per day. The multiplicity of admission to 3-4 times per day increases.

Contraindications for the use of "reserpine" can be increased sensitivity to components, depressive states, slowdown heart rhythm (bradycardia), ulcerative diseases of the stomach and intestines, severe cases of heart failure. Possible side effects: weakening the rhythm of the heart, redness of the eyes, the feeling of drying the mucous nose, sleep disorders, weakness and dizziness.

In the hypotonic type of SVD, the doctor may prescribe a drug Synokarb, stimulating the effect of the nervous system with a simultaneous increase in pressure.

The method of application and dose of the drug. Tablets are accepted before meals, preferably in the morning, so as not to cause sleep disorders. Dosage preparation is purely individual. Recommended initial dose - 5 mg. Subsequently, it can be increased to 50 mg per day. With prolonged use, the dose is 5-10 mg per day. The daily dose can be taken unite or divided into 2 receptions.

Side effects: May appetite can decrease, dizziness and anxiety will increase, insomnia appears. Allergic reactions are possible, an increase in blood pressure.

With caution it is necessary to take the drug simultaneously with the "phenazepam". Incompatibility with monoaminoxidase inhibitors and some antidepressants. Contraindicated drug during pregnancy and hypertension.

Medical treatment of vegetative dystonia must be supplemented with a reception of vitamin preparations and vitamin and mineral complexes. Assigns such vitamins like "Quadevit", "Decamivit", "Multitabs", "Vitrum" and others.

Treatment of SVD methods of physiotherapy

It is important to note that in the case of vegetative dysfunction syndrome, there is no need for medication therapy. If the disease proceeds smoothly, with a weak severity of symptoms, you can do the methods of physiotherapy and traditional medicine. With paroxysmal treatment of the disease and noticeable severity of symptoms, these methods are used in a complex with pharmaceutical preparations.

With this pathology, very good results gives physiotherapeutic treatment in the form of massage procedures, acupuncture, electroscone (effect on the brain of the pulsed current of low frequency), galvanization (effect on the body by constant current of weak power and voltage), electrophoresis with sedatives.

A positive effect at SVD has water procedures, such as therapeutic baths, including baths with mineral waters. Perfectly soothes the nervous system and tones the body massage effect of a jet of water when using a shower of Charcot. In addition, patients with vegetative dysfunction syndrome are shown: swimming in the pool, active walks in the fresh air, therapeutic physical culture and respiratory gymnastics.

The main part of physiotherapy methods is aimed at removing the nervous stress, the consequences of stress, fears, help the patient calm down and relax so that the body can relax and intensify its forces on the fight against pathology. After all, in the diagnosis of ICC, it is often enough to calm down and relax that the symptoms of vegetative syndrome disappear.

Folk Medicine and Treatment of Vegetative Dysfunction Syndrome

Methods of traditional medicine in the case of SVD are so diverse and diverse, how not all the symptoms of this pathology are not met. All of them is almost impossible to list, but, nevertheless, the most interesting and affordable recipes of folk treatment should be stopped. After all, such treatment is often not only effectively, but also nice, and there is less contraindications than in pharmacy means. So, it can be used during pregnancy and in other cases where the use of synthetic preparations is undesirable.

Patients with cardiac and hypertensive type of SVD can be advised by the preparations from hawthorn. They are able to significantly strengthen the heart muscle, normalize blood circulation and lead to hell. The fruits of the hawthorn can also be consumed in the fresh form, and in dried (tincture, decoctions, teas).

One of the most delicious drugs of traditional medicine for the treatment of vegetative dysfunction syndrome is a warm homemade cow milk from a brine of fragrant flower honey divoved. Such a sweet drink and nerves will calm down, and sleep will strengthen.

Another tasty and useful vitaminer: Mix the Kuragu (200g), figs, nuts and raisins (25 g), grind the composition in a meat grinder or blender. Once a day, it is better in the morning, to take therapeutic delicacy on 1 tablespoon, drinking it with fermented with fermented with milk products (kefir, prokobvash). After a monthly rate of reception of a delicious drug, it is necessary to make a weekly break, and repeat the course again.

This tool will not seem tasty, but it is no less efficient than the previous ones. 5 lemons juice mix with a glass of honey and chopped garlic (5 medium heads). Insuit the mixture for a week, take it before eating three times a day on a teaspoon about 2 months.

Do not hurry after the New Year holidays to throw out a forest beauty on the garbage, because the pine needles are not only a beautiful vitamin remedy, but also an indispensable assistant in strengthening the heart and vessels. It is necessary to take it in the form of tea or infusion (7 art. L. Crushed pine needles on 1 liter of boiling water).

Folk medicine for removing SVD symptoms practices treatment with the following herbs and herbs:

  • The grass and flowers of daisies pharmacy are able to intensify the work of the central nervous system and the VNS, while possessing the sedative effect, the ability to remove the nervous tension, expand the vessels and remove the muscle spasms. Use in the form of tea or infusion (1 tbsp. L. Herbs on a glass of boiling water).
  • Valerian Dosage is a sedative that has a beneficial effect on the heart and nervous system. Apply in the form of an infusion of grass on water, alcohol tincture or tablets.
  • The grassland grass, which is called heart grass, also has a soothing effect on the nervous system, relieves pain in the heart and severe heartbeat. It can be used in the form of tea, infusion or pharmacy alcohol tincture. For the preparation of infusion take 3 tbsp. l. The herbs are poured with a glass of boiling water and insist about 1.5 hours. Take up to eating 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day.
  • Mint and Melissa, boiled in the form of tea, will help calm the nervous system and relieve the tension accumulated in the day, giving you a calm dream and a full-fledged rest. These herbs will help effectively fight with headache with vegetative dysfunction syndrome.
  • All of the above herbs can be used for the adoption of therapeutic baths. For this, 250 grams of any of herbs or a mixture of herbs are boiling about 10 minutes in sufficient water and insist within an hour. The decoction is filtering and added to a warm bath. The taking time of herbal medicinal baths - from 15 to 30 minutes.

Homeopathy in the treatment of SVD

The variety of symptoms of vegetative dysfunction syndrome in the same patient leads to the fact that several medical drugs are prescribed at the same time to remove unpleasant symptoms. Long-term reception of a large number of synthetic agents may adversely affect the work of the body's output systems, such as liver and kidneys. Therefore, more and more patients are inclined to homeopathic treatment, safer and fairly effective (efficiency of more than 85%).

Among the popular homeopathic drugs are distinguished by heart and sedatives.

  • Cardioic - homeopathic preparation, the action of which is aimed at normalizing the blood pressure and heart rate, as well as removal of pain in the heart.

Take the drug in front of breakfast (in 15 minutes) 5 granules under the entire dissolution of the monthly course. When cries, the tool is taken two and even three times with a period of 20 minutes. The course of treatment can be repeated in 2-3 months.

  • Krahonin is a hearty preparation with a noticeable sedative effect. Released in the form of a solution. It has a lower effect on blood pressure, eliminates the fears of cardiac rhythm and pain in the heart area, calm the nervous system. Allowed to use from 12 years.

Dosage of the drug: from 10 to 20 drops on a half-table of water (100 g) per reception. A troped reception of the drug is shown during the day. Usually the course of treatment implies 2-3 weeks.

  • Nervochiel is a homeopathic preparation that has a calming effect, removes depression, improves sleep. Allowed to use from 3 years.

Take the tool three-time 1 tablet, not chewing, delaying in the mouth until complete dissolution. It is recommended to take the drug for half an hour before meals or an hour after it. The usual course is 2-3 weeks.

  • Notta - a preparation with a pronounced sedative effect. Soothes the nervous system, removing overexcitation and fears accompanying vegetative dysfunction syndrome improves sleep quality. Released both in tablets and as an alcohol solution.

Dosage preparation for adults: 1 Tablet Go 10 drops three times a day half an hour before meals or an hour after it. For children up to 12 years old, the dosage is 2 times less (5 drops or half the chalk). And tablets and drops need to hold some time in the mouth, not swallowing. Drops can be drunk, dissolving them in a tablespoon of water. With crishes, it is possible to take the drug every half hour to 8 times a day.

Despite all the safety of drugs used in homeopathy, their admission without prior consultation with the doctor can not only not have the right effect, but also impose irreparable harm to health when using them in childhood, during pregnancy, as well as in individual intolerance to individual components of homeopathic agents. .

Somatormal dysfunction of the vegetative nervous system- A group of disorders that are manifested by the symptoms of damage to internal organs or systems of organs, however have no objectively registered framework. Complaints are presented by patients in such a way as if they are due to the physical disorder of the system or body, which are mainly or completely under the influence of the autonomic nervous system, i.e. Cardiovascular, gastrointestinal or respiratory system. The urinary system is partially included in their number. The most frequent and vivid examples belong to the cardiovascular system ("heart neurosis"), the respiratory system (psychogenic shortness of breath and the IKOT) and the gastrointestinal system ("neurosis of the stomach" and "nervous diarrhea"). Symptoms are usually two types, none of which indicates the physical disorder of the affected organ or system. The first type of symptoms on which the diagnosis is largely based, is characterized by complaints reflecting objective signs of vegetative arousal, such as heartbeat, sweating, redness and tremor. The second type is characterized by more idiosyncratic, subjective and nonspecific symptoms, such as the sensations of fleeting pain, burning, gravity, tension, sensation of inflating or stretching. These complaints patients refer to a particular organ or system (to which vegetative symptoms may also relate. A characteristic clinical picture is made up of distinct involvement of the vegetative nervous system, additional non-specific subjective complaints and permanent references of the patient to a certain body or system as the cause of its disorder.

Many patients with this disorder have guidance on the presence of psychological stress or difficulties and problems that are represented by the disorder. Nevertheless, a significant part of patients who meet the criteria for this disorder, unagreering psychological factors are not detected. In some cases, insignificant violations of physiological functions are possible, such as ICOT, flatulence and shortness of breath, but they themselves do not violate the basic physiological functioning of the relevant organ or system.

Depending on the nature of specific complaints, the following variants of somatoform vegetative dysfunction are distinguished:

  • Somatormal dysfunction of the vegetative nervous system of the heart and cardiovascular system (includes: cardioneurosis, neurocirculatory asthenia, and Costa syndrome).
  • Somatormonal dysfunction of the growing nervous system of the upper departments of the gastrointestinal tract (includes: psychogenic aerophage, passing, gastric neurosis, psychogenic dyspepsia, pylorospasm).
  • Somatormal dysfunction of the vegetative nervous system of the lower gastrointestinal tract (includes: irritable intestinal syndrome, psychogenic diarrhea, flatulence).
  • Somatormonal dysfunction of the vegetative nervous system of respiratory system (includes: hyperventilation of psychogenic cough, psychogenic shortness).
  • Somatormal dysfunction of the vegetative nervous system of urinary organs (includes: a psychogenic increase in urination frequency and dysuria).
  • Somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system of other organs or systems

Symptoms of somatoform dysfunction of the vegetative nervous system:

Unlike other somatoform disorders, the clinical picture makes up from distinct involvement of the vegetative nervous system and subjective complaints relating to a certain body or system as a cause of disorder, and if they are similar in nature with those with other somatoform disorders, their localization does not change over Diseases.

One of the most frequent in the structure of the sodetographic vegetative dysfunction of the cardiovascular system is a cardialgic syndrome, which is characterized by polymorphism and variability, the absence of a clear irradiation, the occurrence of a day against the background of emotional stress, a duration of hours - a day, physical exertion does not provoke, but makes it easier. Often cardialgia are accompanied by anxiety, patients do not find themselves places, moan and eat. The feeling of heartbeat with this form of disorders only in half of the cases is accompanied by a pulse increase to 110-120 - 120 beats per minute, it is intensified, especially in the lying position. Unstable increase in pressure to 150-160 / 90-95 mm Hg, which appears against the background of stress, can also occur during sombormal disorders. It is characteristic that when treating greater efficacy compared to hypotensive drugs, tranquilizers have.

The structure of the somatoform vegetative dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract includes dysfagia, which arises against the background of an acute psychotrauma, is accompanied by painful sensations in the procured area. Its feature is that as a result of the functional spasm of the esophagus, it is usually easier to swallow solid food than liquid. Gastralgia is distinguished by the inconsistency and lack of communication with food intake. Aerofagia is also characteristic of somatoform disorders, accompanied by a sense of constraint in the chest and frequent exhaust air, and the IKOT, which appears, as a rule, in a public place and resembles a crock of a rooster. With somatoform vegetative dysfunction of the respiratory system, there are sensations of incompication, shortness of breath against the background of stressful situations, more often in a closed space, disappearing during sleep. The lack of signs of pulmonary heart failure also draws attention, even with a long-term course of the disease and the inconsistency between complaints and often normal rates of pneumotometry. In addition, the laryngospasm and defenders are often. Subsequent attacks are provoked by psychotrauming situations. A urologist can take for a sign of a disease of the genitourinary system noted in somatoform vegetative dysfunction Pollakiuria, arising only in the absence of the possibility of using the toilet, or a psycho-beanted urine delay ("urinary stuttering"), which occurs in the presence of outsiders. In this case, the data of laboratory tests of urine and instrumental examination will be within the normal range. The rheumatologists, patients with somatoform vegetative dysfunction often fall due to the presence of long-term subfebilite and hyperpathy in the limbs. However, these symptoms are not racks, volatile, provoke stressful situations and do not depend on physical exertion and weather conditions.

Diagnosis of somatoform dysfunction of the vegetative nervous system:

Somatormal dysfunction of the vegetative nervous system is usually manifested by a combination:

  • Specific complaints (complaints about the disorder of a certain system of organs, for example, the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs);
  • Nonspecific complaints (common vegetative lability);
  • Emotional disorders.

For a reliable diagnosis, all the following signs are required:

  • symptoms of vegetative arousal, such as heartbeat, sweating, tremor, redness, which are chronic and cause anxiety;
  • additional subjective symptoms belonging to a specific organ or system;
  • concerns and disadvantages about the possible serious (but often uncertain) disease of this body or system, and repeated explanations and deception on this account doctors remain fruitless;
  • there are no data on a substantial structural or functional: violation of this organ or system.

Differential diagnosis:The differentiation of generalized anxiety disorder is based on the predominance of psychological components of vegetative arousal with generalized anxiety disorder, such as fear and alarming premonitions, as well as the absence of permanent assignment of other symptoms to a specific organ or system. Vegetative symptoms can occur with somatizable disorders, but compared with a number of other sensations, they do not have severity, nor consistency and are also not attributed to the same organ or system.

Treatment of moiety of vegetative nervous system dysfunction:

The main role in the treatment belongs to psychotherapy. Pharmacotherapy has the goal of creating psychotherapy capabilities and is carried out to correct the accommodated symptoms. The choice of drugs in each case is determined by the features of symptoms and related manifestations. For pharmacotherapy, the following drug groups are used: the drugs of the first choice are antidepressants (tricyclic and SSRS groups); The drugs of the second selection are beta blockers and normatimics; At the initial stages of treatment, a combination of antidepressant with benzodiazepine is possible; Neuroleptics are also used with a sedative effect, as a reserve drugs with a pronounced alarm, which is not possible to stop benzodiazepines. In addition, the therapy of somatoform disorders must be supplemented with vasoactive, nootropic drugs and veget stabilizers.

Somatoform Vegetative Dysfunction is complex in terms of diagnosis of the disease. It has many symptoms of both somatic and mental nature. Moreover, patients suffering from them feel the signs of the disease quite acutely, which violates their professional implementation. Therefore, in everything, with regard to the disease, it should be understood in detail.

Overview of SVD disease

Somatoform Vegetative Dysfunction (SVD) more often detect in men of a call age or in individuals who undergo an urgent complexity or participate in direct combat. This is a disease that manifests itself with a mass of nonspecific symptoms and requires detailed diagnosis. Its purpose is to eliminate the structural anomalies of the heart and arrhythmias, as well as lesions of the central nervous system.

It is believed that somatoformous vegetative dysfunction is a persistent imbalance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. SVD itself is divided into three types: SVD on cardiac, hypotonic and hypertonic type. They should be differentiated with heart disease, arterial hypo- and hypertension, which is solved during the implementation of opportunities for the urgent service. For this reason, women SVD are less common with men and adolescents. Although in 80% of cases, the diagnosis was not confirmed at the Central Medical Insulting Commission.

Syptomatics SVD

Competent diagnosis of SVD

With such a disease, as a vegetative nervous system dysfunction, treatment is selected individually depending on the prevailing symptoms. The diagnosis of SVD cannot be exhibited without a patient complaints that manifest themselves 2 or more years corresponding to the above criteria. It is also important to eliminate all organic diseases: congenital (or acquired) heartfall, arrhythmias, diseases of the thyroid gland, stomach ulcer (or 12-rosis), gastritis, Crohn's disease,

It is also required to exclude the possible that manifest themselves between somatoformistic disorders. This means that the patient needs to fulfill some studies: make general and biochemical blood tests, general urine analysis, blood glucose and hormones of the panel gland, write an ECG, perform echocardiography, FEGDS, ultrasonography of brachiocephalic arteries and thyroid glands. According to the results of the studies, the conclusion is made whether the diagnosed symptom complex is a manifestation of SVDs or relates to another disease.

Somatoformna Vegetative Dysfunction: Treatment

SVD is treated with several methods that combine pharmacotherapy, vitaminotherapy, the replenishment of the body's mineral balance, ergotherapy and physiotherapy. In pharmacotherapy, it is important to balance nootropic tools (or antidepressants) with cardiotropic. An example is the combination of the drug "Phenibut" or "Noofen" at a dose of 250 mg 3 times a day for 2 months with a "Tiotriazolin" at 100 mg 2 times a day 2 months. On the appointment of antidepressants, it should be consulted with a psychiatrist, which will appreciate the age and spectacular danger of drugs for the patient.

With such a disease, as a vegetative nervous system dysfunction, treatment also includes mineral therapy. It is proved that, for example, or the insufficiency of other valves are associated with urban magnesium imbalance. Replenishing its levels allows to reduce the manifestations of cardiac complaints and gravity of hypotension or hypertension.

Vitaminotherapy, especially the replenishment of vitamins C, E and D, as well as B1, B2, B5 and B6, is a rational requirement. However, these vitamin substances are badly absorbed while sharing. Therefore, coursework is required: 1 month vitamins of groups C, E and D, and then 1 month Vitamins B1 and B2, then 1 month B6 and B5. Of course, because in the thick intestine of a person, these vitamins are synthesized themselves, it should also be eaten fresh vegetables and greens without heat treatment.

Since the development of SVD plays a role to a low interest in its own health and neglect of the needs of the body, the replenishment of vitamins and minerals allows to reduce the severity of symptoms. Empty therapy during sanatorium-resort treatment (paid, because in the polyclinic vouchers are not issued to patients with SVD) will have a much more stable effect. But it is better to explain to the patient that even rest is for him at least because it does not have complaints during his rest.

Somatoform Dysfunction of the Vegetative Nervous System (ICD 10)

In international classification, this disease has been present since 1993. This pathology is found all over the world and does not depend on the characteristics of a certain race or nation. In ICD 10, somatoformous vegetative dysfunction is revised in V and VI headings. The first includes "mental disorders and disorders of behavior" (coded by code F0-99), and the second - "neurotic, associated with stress and somatoform disorders" (coded by the F45-F48 code).

F45 heading includes the following pathologies: somatized disorders, undifferentiated somatoform disorder, directly somatoformous vegetative dysfunction, hypochondriatic disorder, sustainable somatoform pain disorder and other unspecified disorders of nervous regulation. Soomatormal vegetative dysfunction itself is encoded and requires the exclusion of damage to organs innervated by the peripheral vegetative nervous system.


Many scientists today are convinced that somatoform vegetative dysfunction should be considered in more detail. This disease affects the social adaptation of the patient. At the same time, in a number of situations, a combined manifestation of SVDs and structural anomalies in Cedrez was proved. The broad practice of echocardiography made it possible to find out that the presence of additional chord of the left ventricle and the mitral valve of low degrees with minimal regurgitation. Recent pathologies are complicated by arrhythmias and lead to stagnant heart failure with age.

This means that somatoformous vegetative dysfunction should be regarded as a symptom complex (syndrome), requiring a physician further diagnosis aimed at identifying concomitant pathologies. Although in the pure form of SVD is a neurogenic disease, which binds to impaired balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic peripheral nervous system. Also, due to the social significance of pathology, it is important to establish clear diagnostic criteria for SVD. This will allow differentiate psychogenic and somatic diseases when performing measures to call for an urgent military service.

The diagnosis of "Vegeta Distonia" is exhibited only in our country - the ICD-10 does not distinguish the VG into a separate disease. Therefore, the alphanumeric numerical designation of the disease is selected based on the prevailing symptoms of the VDC and identified during the diagnosis of disorders.

Vegeta dystonia is indicated by the code in the G00-G99 range. These figures indicate the pathology of the nervous system. For example, the disease can be encrypted:

  • G99.0 * - Vegetative neuropathy in endocrine and metabolic disorders;
  • G99.1 * - includes other violations of the vegetative nervous system leaking against the background of concomitant diseases;
  • G99.8 * - denotes updated NA disorders during diseases classified in other categories.

VG-10 may have a cipher R45, which denotes the symptoms related to the emotional sphere of a person.

  • For diagnosis encoding, the R45.8 subhead is often used, which is decrypted as "other symptoms and features relating to an emotional state".
  • Code F45.3 Use mainly psycho-neurologists. The alphanumeric encoding determines changes in the well-being in adult patients with a symptom complex of disorders characteristic of sombulator dysfunction VNS.

When issuing the code of the disease, the type of VDC is also taken into account - hypertensional, hypotonic or mixed nature of the syndrome.

Codes for hypertensive forms of dystonia

The hypertensive version of the ICC is characterized by a periodic increase in the digits of blood pressure. Hypertension manifests itself:

  • uncomfortable sensations;
  • pronounced headaches;
  • nausea;
  • decline forces.

The cipher is selected based on the development of hypertension:

  • Code I10 indicates primary hypertension. The patient does not diagnose organic pathologies that can cause pressure jumps.
  • The i15 cipher is used if hypertension for EDR is secondary and develops against the background of any pathology.

The main ICB-10 code can be complemented by others depending on the diseases associated with EMPs.

Codes for the hypotensive form of dystonia

Dystonia hypotension manifests itself:

  • decline;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • yawning;
  • tachycardia;
  • inner trembling.

With an acute attack of arterial hypotension, the following symptoms appear:

  • darkening before eyes;
  • sweetness and uncertainty of gait;
  • pronounced dizziness;
  • fainting (in severe cases).

The hypotonic type of EMDs are more often referred to as F45.3 code, which denotes the somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Also, the disease is encrypted with codes:

  • I95.0 - idiopathic hypotension;
  • I95.1 - orthostatic hypotension arising when rolling;
  • I95.8 - Other types of hypotension;
  • I95.9 - Hypotension of unspecified etiology.

To choose the right section in the international classification of disease, the doctor carefully collects history, determines the mechanism of development of the disease and establishes the effect of organic pathologies.

Neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) is encrypted in the international classification of disease Code F45.3. So the moimatorm dysfunctions occur with the episodes of heart rate disorders and with the instability of the blood pressure.

How codes are exhibited for children from

The presentation of the CCT code on the ICD in children does not differ from the encryption of diagnoses in adult patients. The development of dystonia in a child may be due to:

  • somatic;
  • infectious diseases.

In this case, VDC is secondary pathology, so first indicate the alphanumeric designation of the primary disease. Dystonia, developing in a child, encrypts children's neurologist.

International Classification of Diseases - a document approved by the World Health Organization. According to the generally accepted position, certified doctors, leading reception in private and public medical institutions, are required to use in their practice these standards of disease encryption.

The application of the ICD codes is important not only to study the characteristics of pathologies and determining the frequency of their detection. Thanks to the universal encoding, patients do not think about how they will talk about their diagnosis of doctors who do not speak their tongue.