What a Sagittarius husband. Sagittarius man in bed and love relationships. Compatibility between Sagittarius man and Virgo woman

Sagittarius is a hunter by nature. He strives to win a woman, stops at nothing to win the favor of his chosen one, but after achieving the goal he often grows cold and loses his passion. The Sagittarius man is a perfectionist in love. He is looking for his ideal. If he is lucky, he finds his one and only remains faithful to her all his life. But if something doesn’t suit him or he just wants new sensations, without a twinge of conscience he will start an affair on the side. Among these fiery men There are many bachelors who change lovers throughout their lives. A single person simply hasn’t found his mate, so different partners are his salvation from loneliness, because they can’t live without communication. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by their love of freedom and relaxedness. Their energy is more than enough for girls, creativity, and work.

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Sagittarius in relationships

Sagittarians are mercantile and selfish in relationships. They calculate in advance what they can get from an alliance with a woman if we are talking about a long-term relationship. They expect praise from their partner for their merits.

Work comes first for them, and only then family. Marriage is seen as a partnership. They often start office romances if it helps them move up the career ladder.

Sagittarius is a skilled manipulator. He never gives himself over to love without reserve.

Able to look at his relationships from the outside with a sober look. When dating a Sagittarius, it is impossible to immediately understand whether he is really in love or whether such a relationship is simply beneficial for him.

Having changed several lovers, a man of this sign understands that perfect women do not exist. These findings are disappointing, but natural optimism prevails. Sagittarius comes to the conclusion that since he is not destined to meet the ideal, there is no need to be sad about this, because there are many pretty girls around.


At the same time, he himself is jealous. He has a hard time dealing with his wife’s betrayal and is capable of causing hysterics and scandal. Very hot-tempered. Owner by nature. Considers not only physical intimacy, but even the praise of another man to be treason.

He loves love affairs and is ready to have sex anywhere. If the wife has strict morals or is too complex, Sagittarius will begin to look for a replacement for her. To keep him, you will have to experiment a lot with the image, awaken his imagination role-playing games. One day he might suggest a threesome. His wife needs to be prepared for any surprises.

Sagittarians are known for being irresponsible. They don’t know much about children because they haven’t fully grown up themselves. . They can make a lot of mistakes in raising a child, but children love their Sagittarius dad for his cheerful disposition, carelessness, and willingness to always play pranks.

A smart, bright and strong woman, who, in a man’s opinion, is not up to his level, will be able to retain a representative of this zodiac sign.

Sagittarius loves to teach, so there is no need to show your superiority, even if the lady understands some issues much better. A man of this sign, like Pygmalion, sculpts his Galatea. It is important not to give him the opportunity to bring his life partner closer to the ideal, because for him the search for perfection is much more important than the result.

The statement “When you reach a goal, you understand that the path was the goal” fully characterizes Sagittarius and shows his attitude towards the woman he loves.

If a spouse wants to achieve harmony in family life and find stability with this fickle man, she needs to create comfortable conditions for him. He is a man of mood. May demand unrestrained communication or become depressed and want to be left alone. In moments of sadness, Sagittarius needs to be alone. You shouldn't go to him with questions. A woman who begins to suspect him of cooling off will still not get an answer. You just need to wait until Sagittarius comes out of depression and becomes the same. He himself will let you know when he needs a partner.

Often the wives of Sagittarius are women who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of marriage, because a wife will never be more important than work. Representatives of this sign enter into marriage as a deal. They need a caring spouse, ready to help in their career, promote their husband upward, and look after him like a mother. The wife's mistake is trying to change her husband. He will never change, so it is useless to educate and shame him.

In bed, Sagittarius feels good with representatives of all signs. He willingly starts affairs, as he considers himself an unsurpassed lover. They forgive him for betrayal, since he is charming, restless, inexhaustible in inventions. With him, even a mature woman forgets about age. After a breakup, Sagittarius rarely suffers for a long time, but women are often left with a broken heart.

It is clear that such an impulsive man loves variety in bed. He has a well-developed imagination, so he surprises his partner again and again. The instinct for procreation is strong in him, so there is nothing to be surprised if it turns out that two girls are pregnant from him at the same time.

A guy under 35 is mainly looking for adventure, so you shouldn’t try to ring him earlier. By the age of forty, many begin to settle down and start a family. But even married Sagittarius is looking for adventure on the side.

Sagittarius falls in love with all his intimate partners, and sincerely. But one should not mistake passion for love, because he is rarely capable of deep feelings.

Although he seeks extreme sex in sex, his sexual capabilities are far from perfect. But Sagittarius does not lose heart, because flirting, languid glances, love games are much more important than the act itself. He is aroused by touching his back and head. She pays special attention to foreplay and loves both receiving and giving affection. He can be satisfied by touching with his hands and mouth.

They adore slender women's legs in elegant shoes. Stockings are a special fetish for them. Therefore, to seduce him, you need to get a lace pair.

Compatibility and Eastern horoscope

If we talk about compatibility, then Sagittarius has the best compatibility with Gemini and Virgo. Representatives of these signs can withstand all the antics and whims of their partner. Leo and Scorpio, out of pride, self-esteem and jealousy, will not tolerate the childish behavior of this man, who is ready to flirt with all the women around.

Brief characteristics according to the Eastern horoscope:

  • Boar (Pig) is friendly and peaceful. A generous lover and a fairly reliable husband, as he values ​​comfort and stability. A materialist in life.
  • The dog is looking for an ally in love. He is devoted, but excessive revelations make his partner jealous.
  • The Rooster is known for being rebellious and brave. I am ready to wait a long time for my happiness. When he finds the ideal, he fights for the attention of his beloved to the last. Often disappointed in love.
  • The Monkey values ​​his authority and organizational skills. A passionate lover, but fickle in his feelings. It will not be easy for his wife.
  • The goat leads a stormy life before marriage. After marriage he settles down. In marriage he remains faithful. This is a man with noble impulses and pure thoughts.
  • The horse is fickle, but for the sake of true love a man is ready to do anything. Prone to frequent mood swings.
  • The snake cannot boast of constancy. He is afraid of being tied down, so he is in no hurry to get into a serious relationship. A difficult partner to live with, since not every woman manages to stay on the pedestal of perfection.
  • The dragon is stubborn and proud. He chooses brilliant girls to match himself. In a quiet family life, he wastes all his charm, he becomes bored. Loves praise, even if he hasn't done anything extraordinary.
  • The rabbit is sophisticated and friendly. The ideal loving father. Does not seek connections on the side. You can be confident and calm with him.
  • The tiger is not influenced by others. He values ​​freedom. Original and stubborn. Marriage is not easy, however, not everyone succeeds in bringing the matter to the registry office.
  • The bull is a reliable family man. A man born this year is influenced by the Ox, so he is more serious and calm. He makes a faithful spouse.
  • The Rat always thinks about the future. He searches for a suitable partner for a long time, and when he finds him, he often remains faithful.

Although the Sagittarius man is characterized by inconstancy and frivolity, it is still possible to charm him. It’s much more difficult to keep you close, because he strives to slip away and breathe the air of freedom. Marriages entered into in youth often break up. If a woman is looking for a serious relationship, it is better to pay attention to Sagittarius, who has never been married and has already reached the age of 35. The greatest happiness awaits women married to a Rabbit, Ox, or Pig.

5 /5 (8 )

Sagittarius men were born between November 22 and December 21. They are very sincere and charming, sometimes they even resemble harmless teddy bears. With the help of the astrological characteristics of this sign, we will find out whether this is really so, so we will consider further characteristics of a man with the zodiac sign Sagittarius.

Character of a Sagittarius man

The Sagittarius man always strives for social justice, personal and spiritual freedom. He is characterized by independence and independence, the presence of a philosophical mindset. New horizons are constantly opening up for this captivating nature. No matter how life turns out, Sagittarius never ceases to be a true optimist. He never complains about his life, so those around him often think that fortune is very favorable to this man and consider him a real lucky man who is not in danger of anything bad. Sagittarius maintains faith in a bright and happy future, he rarely has to deal with life's blows and losses.

The representative of this sign is distinguished by his sociability and friendliness and does not hide anything from others. This man considers himself the most diplomatic person in the world, and does not even think about the fact that directness and frankness can hurt someone very much.

Often Sagittarius does not stay long in the parental home; he wants to be independent. This man really likes to travel; our hero can be called an incorrigible romantic of the roads. The state of anxious anticipation, excitement and anticipation of something new and unknown gives Sagittarius a feeling of some euphoria.

3 out of 9 are irresponsible

Due to the constant desire for something new, the Sagittarius man becomes a superficial person - he cannot concentrate on one thing. Very often, personal life and career suffer from this. Inattention and irresponsibility are the main problems of Sagittarius. He does not fulfill many of his sincere promises because he is simply unable to do so.

The inconsistency of this inharmonious man can offend others. The words of a representative of this sign can be very sarcastic and eccentric, and because of his talkativeness, he is not able to keep other people's secrets. Independent Sagittarius is often perceived by people as an overly self-confident person, and humor - as caustic irony and bad manners. But conscience will not torment the representative of this sign; he is not at all used to worrying for a long time.

Watch the video. Sagittarius Man - love horoscope: relationships, love, sex.

Sagittarius man

The charm, generosity, and sincerity of the life-loving Sagittarius man attracts the fair sex to him, as well as men who want to have such a friend. This romantic can conquer any heights thanks to hard work, the ability to find a common language with people and the ability to make the right decisions.

Openness and friendliness are positive character traits of a representative of this sign. Among the shortcomings, one can note excessive straightforwardness, reminiscent of some rudeness. It is not for nothing that Sagittarius is considered the most freedom-loving sign. He will be able to sacrifice a lot to remain free and independent. The minion of fate will achieve a lot in life.

In a relationship

This ideal romantic always has enough female attention. Sagittarius is not prone to deception, so you can be completely confident in the truthfulness of the words about love for you. Sagittarius likes to talk about himself and his life, he will not hide anything. Already on the first date you can find out almost everything about him.

It is very easy to understand this man’s attitude towards you, because with his entire appearance he shows what feelings he has inside. Having become fascinated by you, Sagittarius will begin to conquer you. Your flirting with others will cause a storm of emotions in Sagittarius, he will not remain silent.

Sagittarius falls in love very easily, so do not be surprised by the numerous romances of this womanizer. Having received a refusal from the lady, he quickly finds himself another lover. However, it is worth noting that you give 100 percent to each of your relationships.

From the first meeting with him, you may think about marriage. This man's feelings are hidden, like the underwater part of an iceberg. By maintaining a certain distance in relationships, he controls the most difficult life situations. It is likely that he will be able to convince you to change your attitude towards something or overcome your shyness in sex.

In love

A representative of this zodiac sign falls in love very quickly and can just as quickly lose interest in his chosen one. He does not strive for a serious relationship because he is afraid of losing his freedom. Jealousy and suspicion will only push him away. Being in debt to someone, promising something, entering into a marriage will become an unbearable burden for him. The desire to conquer new heights will never fade. The Scorpio companion will have to learn to show great patience and share the lifestyle of her chosen one. But at any moment her lover could leave cozy home and go in search of incredible adventures.

75% are the first to break off a relationship

Don’t be surprised that he has a long trail of offended and abandoned women behind him. But this does not evoke a feeling of compassion in him, since he has little sympathy for him. Strong, strong-willed, persistent - a real superman - he will make an indelible impression on you. You will admire him and hang on his every word. This is what will shake the usual bias towards the weaker sex.


Women strive to marry him. They are captivated by his self-confidence, self-esteem, correct and respectful attitude towards his partner. Sagittarius cannot be called a sophisticated and sophisticated lover, but the passion of this man is strong and has an exciting effect on women. It is necessary to overcome periods of sexual apathy, and then amazing moments of love await you. Otherwise, everything can become extremely boring.

You will not be able to keep Sagittarius with the comfort of home, family ties. All this is of no particular value to him. A marriage union can be long and happy only when Sagittarius reaches adulthood and gains some experience and wisdom.

The ideal wife for him will be the woman who shares his life views. Thanks to common interests, their marriage has every chance of being long-lasting. The wife’s task will be to create an atmosphere of prosperity and ease of communication, take care of the housework and always be on top. The Sagittarius husband must prove himself as a true protector, provider and wonderful father. However, the wife will have to take for granted the fact that from time to time her lover will not only flirt with other women, but also have affairs on the side.

The representative of this sign is not used to sitting in one place. Yours family life will be filled with constant parties, outings into nature, active communication with friends, in general, you definitely won’t be bored.

The spouse will have to put up with constant delays at work and the frequent absence of her loved one. If the wife does not give her husband the freedom of action that he so needs, then conflict situations can't be avoided.

In sex

You will find a consummate lover in a Sagittarius man. Although he is not very creative sexually, any initiative you take will be supported by him. In addition, Sagittarius is a true master of erotic massage; the slightest touch on your body gives him great pleasure.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Sagittarius man.

He is well aware of the location of erogenous zones on female body and skillfully uses this, giving you maximum pleasure. This skilled lover is very excited by the sight of beautiful female legs. Our hero can also be called a kind of fetishist in sex. Don't be surprised if he wants you to keep your shoes on. high heels or fishnet stockings during the process of intercourse. Most representatives of this sign prefer oral and anal sex.

Sagittarius rarely has incidents in bed, and if they do happen, they will never blame their beloved for it, but will treat them with a sense of humor. In general, the Sagittarius man is an excellent lover, capable of giving joy to his partner, receiving pleasure from it.

100% reject indecisiveness in bed

Your constant indecision and hesitation drives a man into a frenzy. He himself always knows what he wants, and cannot understand how it is possible to be so indecisive. It seems completely natural to him, having once determined the goal of sexual satisfaction, to consistently achieve its implementation.

He loves to examine all the erogenous points of his partner, as if creating a sexy portrait of the desired woman.

In progress

This man is used to being an outspoken leader and will never hide it. He hates pressure from his superiors. Having felt it, he will immediately begin to search new job where there will be no pressure.

Suitable professions for fearless Sagittarius are those that involve risk. He may well become a judge, athlete, detective, traveler, firefighter or rescuer.

In friendship

Friendly relationships with Sagittarius are like the alchemical element ether - they seem to be there, but they seem to not be there. Sagittarius will be happy to help everyone he meets and will be ready for friendly relations with him. He sincerely believes in the honesty, kindness and nobility of all people, attributing to them the qualities of his character, and this is completely wrong. He will have to pay for such an erroneous opinion. Having found himself in trouble, Sagittarius realizes how in reality he has few real friends who are ready to help, and perhaps even none.

Thanks to Sagittarius's sociable, pleasant nature, spending time with him is a pleasure. There is never a dull moment with this erudite person. As they say, a friend is a friend in need, but everyone can relax in restaurants and have fun. Sagittarius should seriously think about this.


The ideal companions for a representative of this zodiac sign would be Libra, Aquarius, Scorpio, Aries and Capricorn.

However, they will have to come to terms with the freedom-loving nature of Sagittarius and share his interests. Taurus and Cancer have good chances of building strong relationships with Sagittarius; they will be able to provide him with comfort.

Weak sides

The Sagittarius man often commits impulsive actions, for which he later pays. He does not think about what consequences his actions will lead to. The representative of this zodiac sign does not tolerate objections, which complicates relationships with other people.

In everyday life it is common for him to show his laziness.


The persistent and cheerful character of Sagittarius helps them conquer any heights. They are not afraid of change, they are always open to everything new and interesting. Sagittarius often patronize the weak, receiving from them love, devotion, tangible help and support in return.

How to behave with him

Sagittarians are characterized by such qualities as love of freedom and great vitality. This attracts the fair sex to them.

You need to adhere to some rules of behavior to win the heart of a Sagittarius:

  • You should be similar in life views and interests to your chosen one. For this man, the external attractiveness of a woman is inferior to the similarity of thinking. The beloved of a representative of this sign is simply obliged to love the same as he does. Learn to share with him all the hobbies of your chosen one. Over time, your union with this subject will be filled with a bottomless feeling, you will appreciate and respect each other more and more. Thanks to spiritual and intellectual closeness, you will never get bored together and will not notice how time flies while talking about love, sexual feelings and hatred, life and death, and other mysteries of everyday life;
  • Be thrifty. Sagittarians love and appreciate when their home is cozy and smells of delicious food. In addition, you must create a comfortable atmosphere in your family nest, where there will be no room for quarrels and conflicts, which your lover perceives so negatively. He will never be around a scandalous woman;
  • Don't limit your freedom. In you he should find not only a mistress, but also good friend. Freedom-loving Sagittarius gives his preference to easy, unburdensome connections rather than strong relationships. Try to remain a mystery to him, give him unusual surprises. Do everything so that his admiration for you knows no bounds;
  • Build trust. Such a man will build a serious relationship only with a woman whom he can completely trust. However, he won’t refuse sex for one night either (he really loves this activity);
  • You must have qualities such as sociability, curiosity, and a good sense of humor. The representative of this sign gives preference to inquisitive, sociable, uncomplicated women with a sense of humor. Suspicious, jealous, narrow-minded, boring people will never be able to win such a man.

How to understand a Sagittarius man

It is quite difficult to understand what motivates a representative of this sign when making any decisions. It’s easier to accept this person as he is and love the chosen one for it.

9 out of 10 will never change

Remember that Sagittarius will never change; all your attempts to change something in him are absolutely useless. If you can’t come to terms with this, then it’s better to break up so as not to torture yourself or him. He adheres only to his own truth, without attaching importance to the opinions of others.

You should think seriously before you start building a serious relationship with Sagittarius, because you will have a very difficult time, you will have to learn to understand this man.

To understand Sagittarius and find him the right approach, you must remember:

  • Sagittarius loves freedom and values ​​it very much. Becoming the wife of a Sagittarius will be very difficult. Most representatives of this sign perceive marriage as a complete restriction of their freedom. This mentality pushes this man to marry a woman who is not against an open relationship or simply pretends to be one. Do not forget that even if you become the legal wife of freedom-loving Sagittarius, you will not be able to count on constantly spending time together and marital fidelity. Having fun outside the home, in a “fun” company, he may someday meet someone who suits him better, and then he will leave his former love without hesitation. Only a woman with a strong character and temperament in sex, whose heart cannot be completely subdued, can truly excite him. And in character - firm, self-confident - this is the real ideal! It is she who will hold her lover in constant voltage in everything;
  • This man is a worthless esthete. He always takes care of his appearance and tries to be well-groomed. He demands the same from his companion. The wife should always look chic, even at home. In addition, he should see in her his like-minded person;
  • Sagittarius simply cannot stand scandalous women. Finding out relationships is not an activity for him. He won't even listen to you, and you will lose your loved one forever.

Watch the video. Tarot forecast for Sagittarius for 2018.

What does he like

If you are confused or your feelings are extremely heightened, intimacy with this subject will bring you the deepest satisfaction. He masters the art of subtle sexual caresses, for which he does not require crazy passion - just warm feelings of real intimacy are enough. All your hesitations will be dispelled by common sense in the sexual sphere.

Many women want to please this man. You can't be too persistent - this can scare off Sagittarius, and he will want to run away from you.

You should not hint to Sagittarius that you want to be a legal wife. He himself must take the initiative.

An incredibly sociable, dynamic and successful Sagittarius man is attractive to women. But the problem is that it cannot belong to just one partner, striving with all her might to learn as much as possible about this world. Love for him is an interesting adventure, which, alas, cannot last long. However, having studied the main character traits of a Sagittarius man, an intelligent girl will be able to make him an exemplary husband and family man.

The Sagittarius man does not like monotony and boredom

He strives for a change of impressions and events, loves to travel, learn new things and communicate. A change of partner and a new relationship for a Sagittarius man is an opportunity to fill his life with fresh emotions. Therefore, keeping him for a long time is not an easy task, but it is completely solvable. You can adapt to his busy rhythm of life and offer, instead of short romances with a thousand women, love with one, but who can always be different and interesting. Probably, such a change will be something new for him and will not leave him indifferent.

2. The Sagittarius man values ​​freedom.

He views any boundaries and restrictions as oppression, and strives with all his might to break out. Therefore, his chosen one will have to show feminine wisdom, leaving him, if not complete freedom of desires and actions, then at least a reasonable part of it. And the longer this “leash” is, the longer and stronger the relationship in the couple will be. Such tactics will make it much easier to bind Sagittarius to you than strict control and pressure.

The Sagittarius man loves to give gifts.

There is enormous generosity in his soul, so Sagittarius does not skimp on beautiful signs of attention for his girlfriend, such as luxurious bouquets of hundreds of roses, exquisite jewelry decoration and expensive restaurants. Sagittarius in love is ready to lay the whole world at the feet of his chosen one. He loves to bring joy and gives his gifts with all his heart, without showing off or demanding anything in return. And if the beloved asks for help, then Sagittarius, without hesitation, will give the last thing, as long as she is happy.

Flirting for a Sagittarius man is a way of life.

If flirting is an art, then Sagittarius masters it masterfully. He easily makes acquaintances, directing all the power of his charm to the object of his sympathy. Everything is used - sparkling jokes, eloquence, beautiful compliments, languid glances and body language. And sooner or later the “victim” gives up, finding himself in the cleverly placed networks of Sagittarius. Because this assertive man knows how to get his way!

For a serious relationship, the Sagittarius man is looking for a like-minded woman.

Of course, he does not remain indifferent to beauties with long legs and third breast size. However, this interest will not move beyond entertainment for several times if the girl does not demonstrate to the Sagittarius man that she is ready to accept his lifestyle and his hobbies. So the chosen one will have to, if not fall in love, then be lenient towards all Sagittarius’ hobbies - from fishing to traveling around the world. And sincerely rejoice at his success!

The Sagittarius man tirelessly rushes forward, and his chosen one will have to maintain this frantic pace so as not to lose sight of him. But the road with Sagittarius is so fun and interesting that there are many who want to run after him! A bright, interesting and congenial woman who knows how to understand and support him at the right moment can get a Sagittarius man. And it is with her that he will discover another facet of his nature - a caring husband and father.

Sagittarians are interesting and sociable conversationalists, so actively listen to them and ask appropriate questions. Demonstrate your mental alertness, let Sagittarius express himself. If you are slow-witted, find yourself another mate. Sagittarius only likes resourceful people who don’t dig into their pockets for words.

Those born under this sign have a subtle sense of humor and cannot stand bores who are unable to carry on a witty conversation.

If you love horses or dogs, you already have a topic to talk about. The same applies to cats, although to a lesser extent, because they are pets and Sagittarians love nature.

Romantic characteristics of Sagittarius

For your first date, choose an outdoor location. Go to the beach (a nudist one will do, because Sagittarius welcomes everything daring, outside the bounds of convention), organize a picnic in the forest, a horseback riding or skiing trip, or climbing the mountains. However, you must be sure that you will not fall behind your companion. Sagittarians have excellent endurance.

You can suggest an overnight trip without offending Sagittarius. He is very straightforward about sex and is okay with anything that seems adventurous or unusual to him.

A rock concert is also suitable - especially one taking place outdoors. Get tickets to a musical comedy or ballet - Sagittarians love these shows. They will enjoy any show with music and dancing.

If you're planning a party, don't invite too many people. Sagittarians prefer small companies where it is easier to make an impression.

Give gifts. Choose things that can be worn outside the home: gloves for driving a car, a woolen scarf. Products that appeal to the gypsy element in the soul of Sagittarius are suitable - a travel suitcase or a passport cover. The gift doesn't have to be luxurious. Its price is not the main thing, the most important thing is attention.

Remember - Sagittarius readily makes friends. If you strive for a closer relationship, everything is in your hands.

Partners for Sagittarius

Until the age of 29.5, Sagittarius should look for the best partners among the signs of Leo and Aries. All three are fire signs, and until the age of 29.5 their relationships are not as close and dependent as, for example, the relationships between water signs. Keyword in the relations of this group - independence. In their youth, Sagittarius may find a good partner in Taurus or Pisces.

After 29.5 years, Sagittarians begin to mature, they become aware of their true personality, which gradually becomes extremely restless and mentally. They are then often compatible with the two signs ruled by Mercury - Virgo and Gemini. People of these signs are highly intelligent and fascinate Sagittarians.

After 41.5 years, Sagittarius is already a developed personality, he has acquired self-control and the ability to look inside himself. At this time, he becomes very aggressive, domineering and, moreover, independent. Then he is very compatible with Taurus and Libra. Both signs can get along with powerful people.

Loyalty issues

In youth - poorly, with some exceptions of highly developed, intellectual types.
In marriage - average, and only if their spouses can tolerate their desire to be with the “crowd”. The best period for compatibility with Sagittarius is after 35 years.

Economics of love

If Sagittarius is not shy, he will always find that it is not profitable for him to enter into the game of the economy of love. He relies too much on chance and lives only in the future. He rarely thinks about that “distant black day” that could come tomorrow.

"Everything for love" - ​​beautiful and romantic relationship to life, but sooner or later Sagittarius must understand that no matter how unpleasant and idealistic it may seem, love and financial paths still cross.

Sagittarius, becoming elderly, are unpleasantly surprised to discover that there is a game of economic love; they are disgusted by the role of the buyer of love, it is beneath their dignity, and unworthy of the children of Venus. But when they recover from learning about the close intertwining of money and love, they become master manipulators, and, in the end, always win the game.

How to break up with a Sagittarius

When a relationship has run its course and you want to end it, you won't face much difficulty. Undoubtedly, Sagittarius himself already experiences similar feelings. Completing the novel does not require much effort from you.

You can speed up the outcome by being dictatorial and imposing your opinion on your partner regarding how he should dress and behave in society. Criticize the outfits of Sagittarius, his pets and friends. Be irritable. Pay attention to the worst side of any event. Sagittarius is an optimist who believes that good luck awaits him everywhere. Give him some sense on this matter.

If you want to get rid of a Sagittarius woman, become a gloomy, silent homebody. Demand that she change her job or her hairstyle. Refuse to go to a movie theater located far from your home. When going out, flirt with another woman.

If your Sagittarius friend is starting to get on your nerves, throw a crowded party with unwanted guests. Reproach Sagittarius for the impracticality of his new ideas, projects, and reckless plans.

Close the windows at night, depriving Sagittarius fresh air. Make love only in the bedroom.

Waking up one morning, you find a note on your pillow informing you that from now on you are as free as your Sagittarius.

Sagittarius man in love

At your first meeting with him, you will feel a surge of vitality. He's funny, charming, witty, and you'll think you're the most attractive woman he's ever met.

Don't be fooled! If you look closely, you will see that he is watching every woman in the room. The truth is that he wants them all!

When a pretty woman enters the room, he approaches her, offers drinks, snacks, shows attention to her, does everything to charm her. He will be able to get her address and phone number, overwhelm her with phone calls, and shower her with flowers, sweets and other gifts.

In romantic relationships, he is an idealist and believes that the next one will be the One. No matter how many times he is disappointed, his optimism does not diminish. He believes that every day brings new opportunities. He is pleased to wake up in the morning and find that a new Tuesday has arrived.

He is sentimental and has a particularly sensitive heart. He wants to be in love, but he himself is careful in connection. None of his relationships last long, as he is naturally inclined to create problems out of nowhere. After this, his love of analysis kicks in, and he comes to the conclusion that the problem is insoluble.

He resists getting too close and doesn't like jealous women. He prefers relationships with those who have some experience, as they tend to accept love as easily as he does. He will please her as much as she pleases him, and he believes that there is a place for humor in every relationship.

He is not ready for a long, close relationship. He takes love too easily. When falling in love, he does not take on obligations. He should always have an emergency exit. He never knows clearly what he wants. He is able to convince himself that the most important thing in life is to know what you don't want.

Men born under the sign of Sagittarius are frank and talkative. The truth is not always pleasant, but Sagittarius is not known for tact. On the other hand, if he gives his word, you can rely on him. He is an easy, tolerant, understanding friend. But if he is your lover, become his shadow. He will want to help you grow. If he wastes time on you and you disappoint him, his affection for you will turn into hostility. He is sensitive even to criticism, even over small things and to silent disapproval. He strives for perfection and demands complete physical and spiritual compatibility from those he loves. However, criticism from him shows that he considers you close.

He loves secrets and will keep the relationship a secret, even when it is not necessary. Subject to moods and easily depressed, he can sometimes be irritable. Fortunately, this doesn't last long.

You may be surprised by his mood swings. He likes to do what he wants and does not make concessions easily. Experience tells him that he can achieve anything he wants.

He is very practical in financial affairs, but his weakness is that sometimes he wastes his energy on too small things. He comes across as a generous person. Loves luxury and gives expensive gifts.

He is a wonderful storyteller and a charming guest. He prefers small companies: too much company under one roof is unpleasant for him. In fact, he prefers to go without a roof. He enjoys wide open spaces under cloudless skies and stars.

He loves to travel. The endless change of landscapes, new faces, contacts, impressions perfectly correspond to the character of Sagittarius. He's the type of person who would go to the ticket office to buy a ticket to anywhere because "he has friends everywhere."

He is always looking for new knowledge, his curiosity is indefatigable, and he shows great interest in sexuality education.

A woman marrying a Sagittarius must remember that this man, married or not, always remains a bachelor at heart.

Sagittarius woman's love

She is the Don Juan of the Zodiac. She is unpretentious in choosing a lover. A man can attract her with one trait - enthusiasm, sense of humor, and she will not pay attention to his less desirable qualities. She will experiment in sex with a light feeling so that all partners remain friends.

However, she is incapable of deep emotional attraction and is more prone to follow the whims of romantic moods. She is passionate in love games. Each new lover is a token that she places on a lucky number. If the connection fizzles out, she will be philosophical about it. After a while, a new lover will appear, so is it worth being upset?

She's vain. In her adult years she will most likely do plastic surgery. One Sagittarius woman went to a famous Brazilian surgeon and, after spending several weeks there, with her face bandaged almost all the time, she managed to have several love affairs!

The Sagittarius woman loves to entertain and participate in fun. If things get boring, she's ready to cut her own throat if only she could interesting topic for conversation.

She doesn't know how to hide her feelings. Direct and frank, at the same time friendly and generous. She loves her freedom and nothing should stop her from traveling. She constantly needs variety and a source of inspiration. She can't be happy alone. Her happiness should be shared by those around her.

Typically, a woman born under this sign is not averse to having sex with a promising partner, but she is much more interested in friendship, the exchange of ideas and romantic adventures. However, she can seduce, and it is sometimes difficult for a man to understand whether she has started a sexual game or is just looking for a friend. Phrase:

"Why can't we just be friends?" - most likely it was first uttered by a Sagittarius woman. Nothing can quickly cool down a reckless hobby than such a question!

She can't always sit still. Her apartment usually looks like she just moved in or is about to move out. She is ready to quickly part with a job or a man who does not interest her. After all, there is always something to do, so why endure boredom?

She is the ideal companion for those who want no day to be the same. When Arnold Bennett, famous English writer, said that the problem with marriage is its routine, he did not mean life with a Sagittarius woman. Her enthusiasm, willingness to meet halfway, sense of humor and wit will delight any man,

She is a good listener, a good companion for a man who loves sports and adventure, and a wonderful hostess who can liven up any party; interesting people are always drawn to her. What more could the most ungrateful man want!

Before you put this book down and go looking for a Sagittarius woman to light up your home with her presence, think about this: she is a seductress and an incorrigible flirt. She scares off many admirers with her know-it-all appearance. The worst part is that, in reality, her knowledge is not even enough to justify such an appearance.

Her frankness in matters of the heart misleads men. She does not try to restrain her desire to talk about other men she has known, and if her lover disappoints her, she will not hesitate to say so.

It is not surprising that many Sagittarius women end up as old maids.

Her impatient, impulsive nature always conflicts with her own interests. She would have lived a much better life if she had correctly assessed her strengths and weaknesses. She is one of those people who acts first and thinks later and never listens to the advice or warnings of others.

Although she seems capable of solving her problems on her own, this is deceptive. Having truly fallen in love with a man, she experiences a severe mental crisis.

Sensitive and touchy, she loves flattery. A man with a good tongue can easily win her heart. As a result, she often becomes a victim of unscrupulous men while there is no real person nearby. Childish and proud, changeable and flighty, she is difficult to understand and almost completely uncontrollable.

No one will ever be bored with him. This is a very impulsive, cheerful and restless person who is full of all kinds of ideas and fantasies. In love, he opens up to his partner and does not know how to hide any secrets. No woman who is also looking for an open and trusting relationship can resist his childlike spontaneity, huge heart and idealism.

Sagittarius man in love or what is Sagittarius love like?

He needs constant novelty, bright events and an active life. Therefore, he is almost always in search of his other half, who could also share his interests. It is easy to build relationships with him, since he simply does not pay attention to various minor troubles. Feelings such as jealousy, possessiveness and pressure are alien to him and therefore he will rarely plague his partner with suspicion.

Regardless of his affection and love, the most important thing for him will still be his freedom. He does not believe that relationships should bind him in any way and force him to do anything. Therefore, if he notices an encroachment on his personal freedom, the relationship will stop developing further. In view of this, despite his love for leadership, he will often give all the initiative to his significant other.

Sagittarius man in love - In search of Perfection!

A free lifestyle and personal relationships cannot be linked together. Therefore, when building a relationship, he needs to learn to sacrifice one thing or another. Do not forget about your obligations, as well as the responsibilities that arise in such relationships. But at the same time, love is not a cage where all dreams end. On the contrary, it is a new platform for developing your talents, invaluable support and constant enthusiasm.

If he learns to perceive relationships in this way, he will be able to achieve complete harmony with his beloved. It is also undesirable to rush into promises that he can make to others in a fit of emotion. First you need to test your strength and evaluate all the possibilities so that later there will be no difficulties with their implementation. It is worth forgetting about your straightforwardness, which can hurt his loved one.

Sagittarius man in love - The other side of the coin!

He has a very difficult time making responsible decisions regarding personal relationships. He gives more preference to free and non-binding relationships. However, this behavior scares off his partners and may cause him to miss out on love and end up alone. Fortunately, at a more mature age he is more in search of something stable, reliable and permanent.

One cannot fail to note his pronounced selfishness, when he can give up everything just to catch up with his dream or realize some fantasy. He always plunges headlong into new activities, so much so that he can completely forget about the people around him. It is undesirable to play with him, tease him and make him angry. To protect himself, he can put on a mask of sarcasm and greatly offend his beloved with sharp and caustic remarks.

The most important! The secret of a Sagittarius man in love!

He should pay more attention to his partner, who needs support and constant attention. In relationships, you should also learn to make decisions without fear of responsibility for your actions. A more serious attitude will help him build relationships that would suit him and allow everyone to remain themselves. His partner should not constrain him too much, as she will definitely break free.