What year of the zodiac is 1979. Horoscope zodiac signs by year, eastern animal calendar. Time was determined by the Chinese zodiac

Each of us wants to know whether he is compatible with the one he loves, whether he will be happy in marriage, what the sex will be like and how long this love will last. To find out this, just turn to the advice of the horoscope.

Chinese horoscope

In China, a calendar has been adopted, according to which every year for 12 years passes under the sign of one of the animals. And each zodiac sign under which a person was born gives him certain character traits, and also determines his destiny. Therefore, sometimes, to find out the compatibility of two people in a relationship, marriage or sex, you just need to compare both signs.

But first you need to determine in which animal year you were born. To do this, you just need to look at the small table.

Having found out which zodiac sign, according to Chinese horoscope, you belong, and which one your soulmate belongs to, you can go to the next table, which will tell you how long-lasting your couple’s love will be. According to the Chinese horoscope, there are 4 types of partner compatibility.

Compatibility of a couple in relationships with each other

He She
Equal Union
Rat, Dragon, MonkeyCat, Goat, Boar
Bull, Snake, RoosterTiger, Horse, Dog
Cat, Goat, BoarRat, Monkey, Dragon
Tiger, Horse, DogBull, Snake, Rooster
Spiritual Union
Rat, Monkey, DragonBull, Snake, Rooster
Bull, Snake, RoosterRat, Monkey, Dragon
Tiger, Horse, DogCat, Goat, Boar
Cat, Goat, BoarTiger, Horse, Dog
Romantic union
Rat, Monkey, DragonTiger, Horse, Dog
Bull, Snake, RoosterCat, Goat, Boar
Tiger, Horse, DogRat, Monkey, Dragon
Cat, Goat, BoarBull, Snake, Rooster
Patriarchal Union
Rat, Monkey, DragonRat, Monkey, Dragon
Bull, Snake, RoosterBull, Snake, Rooster
Tiger, Horse, DogTiger, Horse, Dog
Cat, Goat, BoarCat, Goat, Boar

What does the Chinese horoscope promise for your couple? With the help of this table, the zodiac signs will lift the veil of your Destiny for you.

According to the Chinese horoscope, couples from an equal union have the same highly developed intelligence. Lovers or spouses in this case have similar aspirations and ideals.

If your zodiac signs have formed a spiritual union, it means that each of you has gone through a lot, experienced difficult life troubles, and now, having matured for a serious relationship, have united in one couple.

Your compatibility is so great that you will always be each other’s support and support. In addition, each of you will constantly improve yourself, pushing the other to its development. Such a couple will be wise in love, and over time they can achieve the highest harmony. The main thing is not to get hung up on the little things!

But the signs of the zodiac, united in a romantic union, very often have that very “love at first sight”, which can then continue after the wedding. After all, the guy will constantly give his beloved various gifts, arrange pleasant surprises, and the girl will try to fulfill the whims of her chosen one in sex, and their house will always be open to numerous guests. But for a long-term relationship, these zodiac signs should not be alone with each other for too long. In this case, even small separations of a few hours will refresh feelings and breathe even more passion into their connection. Patriarchal connections, according to the Chinese horoscope, most often occur among adults for whom it is important to start a family and raise children.

For such a couple, the most important thing is children and home, in which they will constantly maintain a glow of warmth and comfort. In this couple, the groom or husband is the head of the family, who is responsible for his beloved woman, and she, in turn, must be solely responsible for ensuring that they

family hearth

never went out. And if one of them tries to change their role, then at that very moment the couple may break up.

  • Vector communication between partners
  • But according to the Chinese horoscope, there is also a vector connection between the signs of the zodiac. In this case, the relationship is very difficult, while one of the partners is the master of the other, and the second, accordingly, must always obey him in everything.
  • Couples who have such a connection include:
  • Rat - Monkey;
  • Monkey – Snake;
  • Snake - Goat;
  • Goat - Tiger;
  • Tiger - Ox;
  • Bull - Dog;
  • Dog - Rooster;
  • Rooster - Cat;
  • Cat - Dragon;

In this case, the first in the pair is the master, and the second is the servant. Such couples are characterized by tension in their relationships, their quarrels create a lot of negative emotions, and jealousy and scandals exhaust both. This is a case of compatibility between two people, when it’s bad to be apart, but it’s impossible to be together, although lovers greatly depend on their relationship and love. In addition, after many exhausting years, the master can slightly loosen his grip, and then the servant, having become disobedient, can breathe new life into their couple.

Willingness to “give” in accordance with the horoscope

There is an opinion that in any relationship, one partner gives the other all his love and care, and the other only receives it. The Chinese horoscope absolutely agrees with this. Indeed, in accordance with the zodiac sign under which a person was born, he becomes a “giver” - a source of love or a “taker” in a couple, and therefore a detector. Moreover, if the compatibility between these partners is great, then they do not suffer at all from the fact that one has to give the other all their tenderness, love and care.

The sources of love among men are those born in the years of the Horse, Dog or Tiger, their love is romantic, but those born in the years of the Monkey, Rat and Dragon are sources of controlled love. The difference between them is that romantic lovers often idealize their partner, which means many times they make mistakes in their choice, but the sources of controlled love are great experts on the female soul and love not an imaginary lover endowed with invented qualities, but an ordinary earthly woman.

Men born under the zodiac sign of the Rooster, Bull and Snake are, in turn, attacking detectors, and those born under the signs of the Pig, Cat and Goat are attractive. At the same time, when attacking detectors very actively seduce women, this means, oddly enough, that they are cold towards their object of love, but they are afraid to approach those whom they really love. And attraction detectors believe that they need to pay as little attention to their partner as possible, and then their beloved will be devoted to them all her life.

As you can see, according to the Chinese horoscope, there are equal numbers of “giving” and “taking” men, but there are much more “taking” women. Those born under the sign of the Dog, Tiger or Horse are attack detectors, who are characterized by devotion and excessive romanticization of their lover; Rats, Monkeys or Dragons are attractive detectors who conquer their chosen ones with their inventiveness in sex; and those born under the sign of the Cat, Goat and Pig are independent detectors who are absolutely passive in relationships, and who do not seem to care at all about compatibility with their chosen one.

And the only sources of love among women are those who were born under the zodiac sign of Snake, Rooster or Bull. If they are in love, they are ready to fight for their love to the bitter end!

As is clear, a person’s character and life, in general, are influenced by a huge number of qualities that do not depend on him. For example, a name or a zodiac symbol. The year of birth is also given special significance. According to eastern horoscope, there are 12 animals that are zodiac signs. Each of them patronizes one calendar year. By carefully examining a person’s date of birth, it is possible to give a fairly complete and accurate description of his nature, preferences, and warn
any problems in life and even avoid serious illnesses. Let's look at the year 1979 as an example. What animal was he? What traits do its representatives possess?

Year of the Land Goat (Sheep). Common features

Many people sometimes wonder what animal year 1979 was according to the eastern calendar: Goats or still Sheep? Both of these friendly creatures are considered patrons of that period. In the eastern calendar there is another example of a double designation of the year: Cat and Bunny. During this calendar period, you can safely allow yourself little whims - for example, relax in nature or take an unplanned trip in the company of friends. According to the Chinese horoscope of 1979, the patron saint is the Goat or the Sheep. And he was not very suitable and measured in terms of money and politics. But balance was gradually restored. Sometimes the best solutions to emerging problems came by themselves, regardless of the presence or absence of competence or prudence. This year can safely be considered sometimes more suitable for creative people - for example, for comedy actors.

Positive traits of a person born in the year of the Goat (Sheep)

Such a person is truly the prototype of elegance and artistry. The year 1979 according to the eastern calendar was under the auspices of perhaps one of the most charming symbols. A person born specifically at this time is considered sophisticated and even somewhat feminine. The Goat (Sheep) symbol is generally recognized as the emblem of ladies. Such natures are shy, sometimes pampered. They love to listen to discussions about themselves and enjoy taking advice from other interlocutors. They often rely on someone else’s worldview. A person born in 1979 is never dependent on the situation and easily adapts to virtually any lifestyle, if at the same time he is provided with at least a small level of safety and security.

Often such natures differ from all other characters by their special tenderness and refinement of manners, as well as wisdom. They are often very religious. Such people are also no strangers to a passion for magic and the occult. These natures are prone to charity. They want to live a quiet, peaceful and relaxed life, dreaming of a happy and materially successful marriage. They often shine in some direction of creativity. They are quite smart and have good taste.

Negative traits

According to the eastern calendar, 1979 is the period of the capricious Goat (Sheep). This very trait is the main disadvantage of similar people. Such natures are prone to pessimism and invariable thickening of colors. They are capable of boring their interlocutors, friends and acquaintances, and often hesitate in the process of accepting even the most usual solution. These people are very undisciplined and are always late everywhere and everywhere. They completely lack a sense of belonging, which is why such individuals are often accused of dishonesty. Many representatives of this sign do not have a sense of responsibility. Such people usually do not occupy leadership positions because they are designed to report to others. Their next, very significant, shortcoming is the desire to live well at the expense of others. Therefore, among people born this year, there are many lovers of arranged marriages.

What should you be afraid of?

What animal is 1979? Completely incapable of any kind of commerce. Therefore, people born during this period need to avoid any kind of business and independent financial investments of a significant scale. They won't make businessmen. Such individuals cannot speak well; it is difficult for them to express their thoughts. Such people will not make competent and successful commanders. Therefore, they also need to beware of all positions related to military affairs.

Celebrities born in the year of the Goat (Sheep)

How true the properties stated above are can be judged by famous people, which were born specifically under the sign of such an animal. In the year of the Goat (Sheep), Christopher Columbus, Archimedes, Michelangelo, Alexei Tolstoy, Misha Gorbachev, Anton Chekhov, Bulganin, Mikoyan, Prus, Balzac, Mark Twain, Sorge, Yaroslav Hasek, Karl Liebknecht, Potemkin, Gauguin, Pushkin were born. You see, this list contains very strong personalities of their time, who made many fundamental discoveries and left a striking mark on history. Despite all the shortcomings and disadvantages of this sign, you should always strive for something new in your own life. This also applies to those quite young people today whose date of birth is in 1979. Whatever animal in the eastern calendar you touch, it always has a completely unique opportunities, which can bring fame and universal recognition to its representatives.

Affairs with other signs

Not all people can bring satisfaction and happiness into the life of a person born under the sign of the Goat (Sheep). Comfort will be provided by those whose emblems are Pig, Cat and Horse. The last representative simply will not attach importance to whims, because there is great selfishness at work here. These character flaws will even amuse the cat a little. But the Pig will endure exactly to the extent that the Goat does not cross all conceivable boundaries in its own whims.

All other signs simply will not be able to withstand such a person next to them for quite a long time. Similar combinations also apply to people whose date of birth fell in 1979. Who according to your horoscope should not be allowed to get very close to you? For example, Bull. Such people give quite a lot to their own family, but at the same time they are demanding and expect the same in return. And individuals born under the sign of the Goat think, mainly, only about themselves. A relationship with someone born in the year of the Dog will not lead to anything great. This applies to both love and work. An alliance between two chronic pessimists is doomed to failure. This is especially true for those whose date of birth fell in 1979. What animal was he? Land Goats are very passive and dependent creatures.

What should other signs expect in the year of the Goat (Sheep)

Combination of horoscopes

People whose birth fell in 1979 should not only be governed by eastern interpretations. We have already found out what kind of animal he was, and we have barely even revealed the hidden character of similar persons. But what do the combinations of a goat with the usual zodiac signs mean?

  • Aries. Here is the Goat-Wrestler. All her life she will resist her own flexible nature and try to become the favorite.
  • Calf. A goat with a crazy amount of charm. Very idle, requires the care of friends.
  • Twins. Constant tricks and antics. A goat with a violent character.
  • Cancer. A person with a very good will.
  • A lion. A very proud Goat with a huge number of internal and external contradictions.
  • Virgo. Provides only services that do not require significant effort.
  • Scales. A goat with all the makings of a triumphant. But she is prone to cheating in relationships.
  • Scorpion. Ardent and very passionate nature.
  • Sagittarius. Determination itself. Often useful.
  • Capricorn. Thinker goat. He does everything with a bit of imagination.
  • Aquarius. Magical personality. The brain is only at the service of its own whims.
  • Fish. Creative person. Inspiration never leaves her for a minute.

As is clear, a person’s character and life in general are influenced by a huge number of qualities that do not depend on him. For example, a name or a zodiac symbol. Special meaning They also give the year of birth. According to the eastern horoscope, there are 12 animals that are zodiac symbols. Each of them patronizes one calendar year. By examining a person’s date of birth in detail, you can give a fairly complete and accurate description of his nature, preferences, prevent any troubles in life, and even avoid serious illnesses. Let's take 1979 as an example. What animal was he? What traits do its representatives have?

Many people sometimes wonder what animal year 1979 was according to the eastern calendar: Goats or still Sheep? Both of these peace-loving creatures are considered patrons of that period. In the eastern calendar there is another example of a double designation of the year: Cat and Rabbit. During this calendar period, you can safely indulge in small whims - for example, relax in nature or take an unplanned trip in the company of friends. According to the Chinese horoscope of 1979, the patron saint is the Goat or the Sheep. And he was not very suitable and calm in terms of finances and politics. However, balance was gradually restored. Sometimes best solutions the problems that arose came by themselves, regardless of the presence or absence of competence and prudence. This year can safely be considered the most suitable time for creative people - for example, for comedy actors.

Positive traits of a person born in the year of the Goat (Sheep)

Such a person is truly a model of elegance and artistry. The year 1979 according to the eastern calendar was under the auspices of perhaps one of the most charming symbols. A person born specifically at this time is considered sophisticated and even somewhat feminine. The symbol of the Goat (Sheep) is generally recognized as a symbol of ladies. Such natures are timid, sometimes pampered. They love to listen to conversations about themselves, and gladly accept advice from other interlocutors. They often rely on other people's opinions. A person born in 1979 is never dependent on the situation and easily adapts to almost any lifestyle, if at the same time he is provided with at least a minimum level of safety and security.

Often such natures differ from all other characters by their special tenderness and refinement of manners, as well as wisdom. They are often very religious. Such people are also no strangers to a passion for mysticism and the occult. These natures are prone to charity. They want to live quietly, peacefully and calmly, they dream of a happy and materially successful marriage. They often shine in some direction of creativity. They are quite intelligent and have good taste.

Negative sides

According to the eastern calendar, 1979 is the period of the capricious Goat (Sheep). This very trait is the main disadvantage of such people. Such natures are prone to pessimism and constant exaggeration. They are capable of boring their interlocutors, friends and acquaintances, and often hesitate in the process of accepting even the most simple solution. These people are extremely undisciplined and are constantly late everywhere and everywhere. They completely lack a sense of ownership, so such individuals are often accused of dishonesty. Many representatives of this sign do not have a sense of responsibility. Such people usually do not occupy leadership positions, as they are created to be subordinate to others. Their next, very significant, drawback is the desire to live well at the expense of others. Therefore, among people born this year, there are many lovers of arranged marriages.

What to watch out for

What animal is 1979? Completely incapable of any kind of commerce. Therefore, people born during this period need to avoid any business and independent financial investments significant scale. They won't make businessmen. Such individuals do not know how to speak beautifully; it is difficult for them to express their thoughts. Such people will not make competent and successful commanders. Therefore, they also need to beware of any positions related to military affairs.

Celebrities born in the year of the Goat (Sheep)

How true the characteristics stated above are can be judged by famous people who were born specifically under the sign of such an animal. In the year of the Goat (Sheep), Christopher Columbus, Archimedes, Michelangelo, Alexei Tolstoy, Mikhail Gorbachev, Anton Chekhov, Bulganin, Mikoyan, Prus, Balzac, Mark Twain, Sorge, Yaroslav Hasek, Karl Liebknecht, Potemkin, Gauguin, Pushkin were born. You see, this list contains very strong personalities of their time, who made many fundamental discoveries and left a bright mark on history. Despite all the shortcomings and disadvantages of this sign, you should always strive for something new in your life. This also applies to those fairly young people today whose date of birth is in 1979. Whatever animal in the eastern calendar you touch, it always has completely unique abilities that can bring fame and universal recognition to its representatives.

Relationships with other signs

Not all people can bring joy and happiness into the life of a person born under the sign of the Goat (Sheep). Comfort will be provided by those whose symbols are the Pig, Cat and Horse. The last representative simply will not attach importance to whims, since there is tremendous selfishness at work here. These character flaws will even entertain the cat a little. But the Pig will endure exactly to the extent that the Goat does not cross all conceivable boundaries in its whims.

All other signs simply cannot stand such a person next to them for quite a long time. Similar combinations also apply to people whose date of birth fell in 1979. Who according to your horoscope should not be allowed too close to you? For example, Bull. Such people give quite a lot to their family, but at the same time they are demanding and expect the same in return. And individuals born under the sign of the Goat think, mainly, only about themselves. A relationship with someone born in the year of the Dog will not lead to anything good. This applies to both love and work. The union of two chronic pessimists is doomed to failure. This is especially true for those whose date of birth fell in 1979. What animal was he? Land Goats are very passive and dependent creatures.

What other signs should expect in the Year of the Goat (Sheep)

Combination of horoscopes

People whose birth fell in 1979 should not only be guided by eastern interpretations. We have already found out what kind of animal he was, and we have even slightly opened the curtain on the secrets of the character of such persons. But what do the combinations of a goat with the signs of the Zodiac we are familiar with mean?

  • Aries. Here is the Goat-Wrestler. All her life she will resist her malleable nature and try to become a leader.
  • Calf. A goat with a crazy amount of charm. Too idle, requires the care of friends.
  • Twins. Constant pranks and tricks. A goat with a violent temper.
  • Cancer. A person with a very good will.
  • A lion. A very proud Goat with a huge number of internal and external contradictions.
  • Virgo. Provides only services that do not require significant effort.
  • Scales. A goat with all the makings of a triumphant. But she is prone to cheating in relationships.
  • Scorpion. Ardent and very passionate nature.
  • Sagittarius. Determination itself. It is often useful.
  • Capricorn. Thinker goat. He does everything with a bit of imagination.
  • Aquarius. Mystical personality. The mind is only at the service of its own whims.
  • Fish. Creative person. Inspiration never leaves her for almost a minute.

The characteristics of people born in 1979 depend on the year of which animal it was. They are under the rule of the Goat (Sheep). This is a cheerful and sociable sign that can adapt to any environment. Goats are extremely charming and peaceful, but they are not short of temper. They quite often quarrel with others over trifles, and since this sign is characterized by uncertainty and indecision, it only incites conflicts, but never fights to the bitter end. Representatives of the Year Goats do not know how to lead, they adhere to the position of performers, therefore they choose powerful and strong people. Each representative of this sign dreams of finding a rich patron, sitting on his neck and enjoying a calm and irresponsible life.

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    general characteristics

    Some signs, objects, plants, symbols, numbers and other aspects are significant for those born in the year of the Goat:

    In the Chinese horoscope, the Goat is characterized as a gifted and creative person. This is a rather eccentric nature, the representative of this sign is friendly, but sometimes shows causeless hostility, he can be both soft and tough, elegant and sloppy. Those born in 1979 are under the rule of the earthly element, which gives them earthiness, but this influence is not clearly reflected in a person’s character; a true Goat will always have its head in the clouds.

    At heart, every Goat is a real artist, she constantly plays, so much so that she herself sometimes does not understand where reality is and where the stage is.

    This sign has well-developed intuition, he knows how to predict events and often uses this. Goats love to manipulate others, and thanks to their innate instinct, they know exactly when to make the right lunge. Those born this year love to live at the expense of others, so they use their skills for their own benefit.

    However, the Goat cannot be called greedy or greedy; she just likes to attract attention to herself and benefit from everything. Despite his waywardness and unpredictability, a person of this sign can be:

    • flexible;
    • kind;
    • tender;
    • caring.

    Only all these qualities can immediately turn into aggression and quarrelsomeness, because the Goat is quite fickle, its mood changes several times a day. A representative of this sign always does what comes into his head. And the inherent imagination of those born this year often leads people to completely unthinkable ideas.

    The Goat is an uncontrollable sign, subject to its influence it is easy to rise, so it does not have time to really think about decisions before it begins to act. Quite often this behavior leads to trouble. In difficult times, the Goat rushes home and hides behind the backs of its loved ones, since it is a domestic animal that does not know how to live independently in the wild.

    Positive sides

    Goats are honest and tactful, they do not like to be deceived, and they themselves try to avoid lies. The representative of this sign is quite open, he does not hide his intentions, so it is difficult to accuse him of cunning manipulations. However, the Goat constantly manipulates those around her, but it is impossible to reproach her, since she initially marks her path.

    The Goat is very inquisitive, so it listens with genuine interest to other people's advice and opinions. It is pleasant to communicate with her, as she sincerely delves into every word of her interlocutor, not forgetting to admire his intelligence and talents. Because of this behavior, many consider Goats to be stupid, but the naivety of this sign gives a person a special charm, which is why people are drawn to him.

    Representatives of this sign often use the help of others, since they do not know how to achieve something on their own. They adequately assess their own strengths and do not take on impossible projects alone. If someone helped the Goat, she will definitely thank her.

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    Negative sides

    Those born in the year of the Goat are characterized by instability and inattention. Frequent mood swings bring chaos to this person's life. He is quite fussy, but fusses stupidly.

    In critical situations, when you need to act quickly, you should not rely on the Goat. She loves a calm and relaxed environment, and if she needs to mobilize, this sign panics and rushes in different directions.

    A representative of this sign often gives up on things he has started, because he likes to tackle several projects at once, but in the end he cannot cope with the volume. This is also due to the fact that the Goat does not know how to set specific goals and make plans. She floats with the flow, and when faced with obstacles, she turns to the side. In business, her stubbornness only hinders her; she does not like to understand situations, but she has a superficial opinion on everything, which she often defends to the detriment of her own interests.

    The Goat should be wary of nervous breakdowns and depression, since she has a rather pessimistic view of life, and her psyche is extremely unstable.

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    Goat Man

    The man of this sign is extremely emotional and open. It is interesting and pleasant to spend time with him, he is easy to communicate with. The Goat guy never interrupts his interlocutors; he is interested in other people's thoughts, so he listens carefully to everyone. He inspires trust in those around him, but you shouldn’t rely on him; this man’s selfishness is often expressed in the fact that he lets people down for the sake of his own interests.

    He cannot be called purposeful; a lot of hopes and fantasies are swarming in this guy’s head, but he has no clear plans for the future. He's not sure about own strength, therefore, he is inclined to engage in self-deception in what he fails. The Goat man convinces himself and those around him that he does not need significant victories, but this happens because he does not know how to achieve them.

    Having taken up a serious matter, a representative of this sign prepares in advance for failure; if he does not have reliable associates, then he rarely achieves anything.

    He is not looking for long-term and lasting relationships with ladies; he understands very well that any strong connection will result in obligations for him, and the Goat will never take responsibility voluntarily. Light flirting and rare meetings are a typical picture for a man in love of this year of birth. Only a very patient and cunning woman will be able to keep him close and marry her, who will gradually move to live with him, leaving him no chance of escape. Any wrong step by the girl will prompt the Goat to break up.

    The girl of this sign is sweet and charming, distinguished by good nature and mercy. People are drawn to her, because in her company they feel their own importance. The Goat knows how to admire others and does not hide it. She gives compliments to those around her for any reason. This woman is good at noticing little things that others won't pay attention to. If someone has had a bad haircut at a hairdresser, the Goat will find advantages in the hairstyle and will definitely calm the person down.

    In communication, she behaves easily and naturally, but all her connections are secular in nature.

    This lady rarely has bosom friends; the bulk of her circle are colleagues and friends with whom she supports superficial relationships. She is a true coquette and fashionista; she can spend hours talking about styles of clothing and cosmetics. You should not count on serious communication with her; she does not understand politics and social problems, since these areas of life interest her little.

    Many men like this type of woman, the Goat has quite a lot of fans, but most of them do not have long-term plans for her. The naive girl is often deceived by gentlemen, but she does not lose heart, but sincerely hopes that she will soon meet her prince.

    Her chosen one is usually an older, established and wealthy man. The goat is attracted to relationships that resemble the communication between a daughter and her father. She needs her lover to take care of her and solve her problems, while she is ready to completely surrender to his power.

    Constellation influence

    Representatives of the Goat sign, even those born in the same year, have characteristic differences in habits and behavior. This is due to the influence of the patronizing constellations.

    The following table highlights the characteristics of the Goat according to the zodiac sign:Zodiac sign
    CharacteristicAries (21.03 - 19.04)
    Aries knows what he wants from life, but in combination with the Goat, his sense of purpose decreases. A representative of this constellation shows stubbornness and perseverance only in winning the hearts of others. This person will never miss his chance to build strong relationships with people.Taurus (20.04 - 20.05)
    The thoroughness of Taurus brings down the flighty Goat. Such a person gravitates towards work, but due to the influence of the year of birth, he rarely manages to finish what he starts. In this combination, the representative of the sign is rather apathetic and lazy, since constant failures kill his passion for victories and achievements. However, the inconstancy of the Goat is lost here, this person is stable, for those close to him he becomes a faithful and devoted partnerHere the frivolity of the two signs merges into one. Gemini is incredibly charming, but you can't rely on him for anything. This is an extremely changeable and fickle person. It’s easy to communicate with him, but it’s unlikely to be possible to build a serious relationship
    Cancer (22.06 - 22.07)Cancer is touchy and melancholic, he loves to whine, and in combination with the pessimistic mood of the Goat, this person sometimes becomes unbearable, as he worries not only about current failures, but also about future ones. Cancers are excellent family men; they usually marry once and for all. But in order to win the heart of this representative of the signs, you will have to try very hard; only with the help of well-thought-out tactics can a marriage bridle be thrown on such a Goat
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08)This is a balanced and narcissistic person. Leo is used to resting on his laurels and looking down on everyone, and in combination with the sign of the Goat, he sits insecurely on his throne, constantly fearing that someone will overthrow his power. It is difficult to get along with this representative of the zodiac; he constantly demands increased attention, and if he does not receive it, he mercilessly breaks off contacts even with the closest people.
    Virgo (23.08 - 22.09)This is a reasonable and practical Goat who knows how to correctly calculate her strength. The pedantry of Virgo is little manifested in the character of this person, therefore in everyday life he is less critical and sarcastic than a typical representative of this constellation. You can rely on Virgo, she always achieves her goals and never lets her teammates down
    Libra (23.09 - 23.10)This is where the uncertainty and imbalance of the two signs collide. This is an extremely fickle and insecure person. Representatives of Libra and Goat prefer to choose strong and reliable partners who can take all problems into their own hands and protect them from making decisions
    Scorpio (24.10 - 22.11)Scorpio-Goat is jealous and eccentric, he knows how to achieve goals, but does not always choose good paths for this. He ignores the norms of morality and ethics, so he makes many enemies for himself. It is very difficult to build a relationship with him, Scorpio is suspicious, and the Goat is not confident in himself, this mixture results in a crazy jealous person who constantly causes scandals on this basis
    Sagittarius (23.11 - 21.12)Sagittarius is an extremely sociable and cheerful person, he is extremely independent and freedom-loving. In combination with the Goat, the representative of this sign becomes uncontrollable. He is not distinguished by devotion and stability; the frivolity and energy of this person does not allow him to stay in one place for a long time. Only an all-forgiving and patient chosen one can get along with him
    Capricorn (22.12 - 19.01)The negative qualities of the Goat are lost under the influence of the constellation Capricorn. This is a decisive and reliable person. You can build long-lasting and strong relationships with him, but life with him is gloomy and joyless. Here the pessimism of the signs manifests itself with redoubled force, this person does not believe in a bright future and splashes negative messages around himself
    Aquarius (20.01 - 18.02)The inherent qualities of the Goat fully reflect the characteristics of Aquarius. This is a true Goat. The only difference between the signs is that Aquarius is an optimist, so such a person never loses heart and always hopes for the best
    Pisces (19.02 - 20.03)The vulnerable nature of Pisces combined with the touchiness of the Goat results in a weak and whiny person. Pisces do not know how to live in reality, they constantly hover in their dreams, tend to idealize people and attribute to them non-existent positive qualities. This person is very often deceived, but thanks to his love of life and faith in luck he never gives up.

    Compatibility with representatives of other signs

    The power of the earthly elements predetermines for those born in 1979 compatibility with those born in years ruled by the elements:

    • Earth;
    • Water;
    • Tree.

    Even if the characteristic features of the sign do not allow the Goat to get along with someone, you should pay attention to the year of birth according to the eastern calendar and the element corresponding to it, which can be determined using the following table:

    Each element is marked with a separate color:

    To determine the most suitable life partner for a Goat, you can use the following table:

    SignCharacteristics of relationships with Goats

    Bull (Buffalo)

    The hardworking Ox is annoyed by the wasteful Goat. He perceives her irresponsible attitude towards everything as disrespect for himself. They can get along well in domestic and intimate terms, but financial issues always cause violent scandals for them. There is no mutual understanding here, but something invisibly attracts partners to each other; if they start a family, they very rarely separate. In this union, the Goat finds reliable support and protection, and the Ox receives an obedient and dutiful partner. Friendship between these signs does not work out, and in work, the Goat tries to shift everything onto the shoulders of her partner, but he very quickly understands this and puts her in her place
    TigerThe brave and strong Tiger takes the leading role in this pair. The pliable and timid Goat suits him quite well, since he likes to command. However, if he notices her manipulation of him, he becomes furious. In this union, both feel comfortable, but often engage in violent fights. Both are quite easy-going, so they quickly make peace and live happily until the next fight. The Goat will never refuse a connection with the Tiger, unless he kicks her out; with him she feels calm and confident, because she can shift all her problems and worries onto him. Friendly relations often develop between these signs, but this is a superficial friendship; the Tiger does not take a frivolous partner seriously. A working relationship is possible for them, but only if they work in equal positions or the Tiger is the boss. When the Goat takes the leadership position, the Tiger refuses to obey
    Rabbit (Cat)This is a union of two weak and infantile personalities. They feel comfortable in each other’s company, but in case of any difficulties, both of them scatter into corners, accumulating a bunch of unresolved matters around them. The Rabbit (Cat) is still more stable than the Goat, so in the end he takes on the responsibility common problems and bears this load responsibly. They cannot separate, because they absolutely love their life together, when nothing disturbs their peace. The only thing that can separate them is mutual infidelity, but even when they learn about infidelity, these partners sometimes forgive each other. These partners are capable of becoming best friends, but support in this union is only moral. They get along well in a work team, but you shouldn’t count on great results from their activities, these signs do their work carelessly, it’s better not to trust them with a joint project
    The DragonIn this union, the Goat surprisingly turns out to be the main one. She cunningly manipulates the Dragon, using him to achieve common goals. Their relationship cannot be called even and smooth, since the Dragon is quite hot-tempered, but usually they manage to achieve harmony. If the Goat does not look to the other side, then the union of this couple promises to be very successful and productive. The dragon is a real owner and a jealous person, he will never forgive his chosen one for betrayal, you should not provoke him to jealousy, otherwise he will mercilessly break off even the strongest relationships. In friendship, the Dragon and the Goat make a strange pair; they cannot be said to be close, but something connects them. They are able to maintain friendly relationships throughout their lives. These signs will work well together, since the proactive Goat inspires the Dragon to work, so any business can be resolved in their tandem
    SnakeThe dreamy and inventive Goat can make an excellent match for the Snake. In this tandem, the Snake will bring to life all the grandiose plans of its partner, and the Goat will become its reliable assistant and ally. The wisdom of the Snake allows her to turn a blind eye to many of the shortcomings of her chosen one. The insight of this sign allows the Snake to see right through the Goat, but once convinced of the honesty of the partner, she relaxes and is imbued with trust. This couple knows how to find compromises, but most often there are no serious disagreements, so representatives of these signs live together quite happily. The Snake and the Goat will definitely become friends, but will never consider her best friend. As a result, the Goat will be offended and find a new friend. The work activity of this couple is perfect, both partners think in the same direction and actively solve the tasks assigned to them
    HorseIn alliance with the Horse, the Goat becomes very obstinate and quarrelsome. The horse does not hide its intentions to take the leading position in the pair. The Goat does not mind that someone will control it, but it fiercely resists, since it does not like the Horse’s methods. There are often conflicts over trifles, the Horse puts too much pressure on the partner, tries to take complete control over him, from this the Goat begins to be mischievous and often commits rash acts just to annoy the chosen one. As a result, the Horse gets tired of the constant scandals and breaks off the relationship. It is unlikely that these signs will become friends; they usually try to stay away from each other. You shouldn’t trust them in their work either, here everyone will create the appearance of working, but in the end it will turn out that neither one nor the other has done anything
    Goat (Sheep)This is a rather incendiary, but unpromising union. Two Goats feel good and have fun together, but they are not capable of a serious relationship with each other. They can keep in touch for many years, meet periodically, break up and get back together again. They do not trust each other, they often have scandals and conflicts based on jealousy. There is no need to talk about the strength and durability of their union, but such couples are unlikely to be able to separate forever. If these partners once fell in love with each other, then they will maintain contact for the rest of their lives. After a divorce, former Goat spouses often remain lovers, since in bed they make an ideal couple. The long-lasting friendship of these partners is destined for them from birth; they have a great time together and always find interesting things to do. In a working environment, two Goats get along well, but you can trust them with one project only on the condition that someone else carefully monitors their work
    MonkeyIt is difficult for the Monkey to get along with the Goat; the difference in outlook on life does not allow these partners to reach mutual understanding. Here the dexterity and cunning of the Monkey become a useless weapon, since the partner is more resourceful than her. The mutual sympathy of these signs is quite strong, but their relationships very rarely become strong and durable. Here everyone constantly tries to manipulate the other, but all attempts are in vain. The only thing that firmly binds these signs is friendship. When the love between Goat and Monkey passes, they remain friends. The joint work of this couple is unlikely to bring good results; both partners are rather irresponsible in their work, so they need strict supervision
    RoosterThe love of the Rooster and Goat is like a bright flame. In this union, both partners are explosive, passions rage between them, but often they result in violent conflicts. Both representatives of the signs are not known for their patience, so they quarrel over any issue. They can make a good couple only in adulthood, when each partner becomes calmer and wiser. Young couples of these signs will invariably quarrel and part as enemies. But the friendship between the Rooster and the Goat is extremely successful; these friends always stick together and form an unbreakable tandem. They shouldn’t work together; they’ll quarrel over some little thing and start doing nasty things to each other
    DogA devoted and stable Dog is able to get along with everyone, but the fickle Goat always brings confusion and discord into relationships. A harmonious union for this couple is hardly possible, but if the partners fall in love with each other and start a family, it will be very difficult for them to separate. A typical Dog gets married once and for all, but the Goat is unlikely to attempt a breakup, even if something doesn’t suit her, since in this tandem she lives for her own pleasure, shifting all her problems onto her chosen one. Their friendship is unlikely to develop. The Dog will quickly understand that the partner cannot be relied upon for anything and will break off contact with him. Joint work activity they are clueless. The Goat is superfluous in this pair, it only prevents the Dog from working productively, and does not bring any personal contribution
    Pig (Boar)This union is perhaps one of the most successful for the Goat. In this couple there is complete mutual understanding, peace and comfort. Sometimes partners get bored, but this does not affect the overall harmony of the relationship. Both completely trust each other, they are not visited by jealous suspicions, therefore the Pig and the Goat are firmly entrenched together, maintaining personal freedom and independence. In the everyday sphere of life, these partners are extremely similar; they do household chores on a whim, without making them their responsibilities. Thanks to this approach, they have virtually no disagreements. Here everyone finds what they need for themselves, so together they live happily ever after. In friendship and work, these partners have excellent relationships. Together they are always interested, they inspire each other to achieve achievements
    Rat (Mouse)The Goat and the Rat are drawn to each other as if by a magnet. They cannot communicate indifferently; either mad love or furious hatred always flares up between them. The compatibility of these signs is almost perfect, but partners do not always have the patience and wisdom to understand this. The Rat's temper prevents her from establishing contacts with the no less explosive Goat. However, if both partners show tact and delicacy at the beginning of communication, then they very quickly become imbued with unbreakable sympathy for each other. Here everyone must learn to give in and keep quiet, in which case the life together of this couple will become very happy. If these partners become friends, then it will be forever, but they are not suitable for working together, here everyone tries to shift responsibility for failures onto the shoulders of the other, and attribute successful results to the list of their own merits

    Celebrities born in the year of the Goat (Sheep)

    Many famous personalities born in the year of the Goat have become famous throughout the world. This is not surprising, because the influence of this sign helps a person to reveal his talents.

    Famous Goats in various types activities:

    Famous personActivity
    Alexander PushkinRussian poet, playwright, prose writer
    Benito MussoliniItalian politician
    Mick JaggerActor, producer, musician, vocalist of the rock band The Rolling Stones
    Mikhail GorbachevStatesman, politician, first and only President of the USSR
    Isaac AsimovScience fiction writer
    Astrid LindgrenSwedish writer
    Ivan BuninRussian poet and writer
    Mark TwainAmerican writer and journalist, social activist
    Robert DeNiroAmerican actor, producer and director
    Mikhail KalashnikovRussian and Soviet small arms designer
    Mikhail ZoshchenkoRussian Soviet writer, screenwriter and playwright
    Jonathan SwiftAnglo-Irish publicist, satirist, poet, philosopher
    Thomas EdisonAmerican inventor
    Honore de BalzacFrench writer

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    It all started when I ordered my personal...

Spiritual development

1979 - what animal? According to the eastern calendar, 1979 is the year of which animal?

April 3, 2014

As is known, the character and life of a person, in general, is influenced by a large number of aspects beyond his control. For example, a name or a zodiac sign. Particular importance is also attached to the year of birth. According to the eastern horoscope, there are 12 animals that are zodiac symbols. Each of them patronizes one calendar year. Having studied a person’s date of birth in detail, it is possible to give a fairly complete and accurate description of his nature, preferences, and prevent
any troubles in life and even avoid serious illnesses. Let's take 1979 as an example. What animal was he? What traits do its representatives have?

Year of the Earth Goat (Sheep). Common features

Many people from time to time wonder what animal year 1979 was according to the eastern calendar: Goats or Sheep? Both of these peace-loving creatures are considered patrons of that period. In the eastern calendar there is another example of a double designation of the year: Cat and Rabbit. During this calendar period, you can safely indulge in small whims - for example, relax in nature or take an unplanned trip in the company of friends. According to the Chinese horoscope of 1979, the patron saint is the Goat or the Sheep. And he was not very favorable and calm in terms of finance and politics. However, balance was gradually restored. Sometimes the best solutions to problems that arose came naturally, regardless of the presence or absence of competence, as well as prudence. This year can safely be considered the most favorable time for creative people - for example, for comedy actors.

Positive traits of a person born in the year of the Goat (Sheep)

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Such a person is truly a model of elegance and artistry. The year 1979 according to the eastern calendar was under the auspices of perhaps one of the most charming signs. A person born at this time is considered sophisticated and even somewhat feminine. The sign of the Goat (Sheep) is generally recognized as a symbol of ladies. Such natures are timid, sometimes pampered. They love to listen to conversations about themselves, and gladly accept advice from other interlocutors. They often rely on other people's opinions. A person born in 1979 never depends on the situation and easily adapts to almost any lifestyle, if at the same time he is provided with at least a minimum level of safety and security.

Often such natures differ from all other signs in their special tenderness and refinement of manners, as well as wisdom. They are often very religious. Such people are also no strangers to a passion for mysticism and the occult. These natures are prone to charity. They want to live quietly, peacefully and calmly, they dream of a happy and materially profitable marriage. They often shine in some direction of creativity. They are quite smart and have good taste.

Negative sides

According to the eastern calendar, 1979 is the period of the capricious Goat (Sheep). It is this trait that is the main disadvantage of such people. Such natures are prone to pessimism and constant exaggeration. They are capable of boring their interlocutors, friends and acquaintances, and often hesitate in the process of making even the simplest decision. These people are extremely undisciplined and are constantly late anywhere and everywhere. They completely lack a sense of ownership, so such individuals are often accused of dishonesty. Many representatives of this sign do not have a sense of responsibility. Such people, as a rule, do not occupy leadership positions, since they are created to subordinate to others. Another very significant drawback is their desire to live well at the expense of others. Therefore, among people born this year, there are many lovers of arranged marriages.

What to watch out for

What animal is 1979? Completely incapable of any commerce. Therefore, people born during this period need to avoid any business and independent financial investments of a significant scale. They won't make businessmen. Such individuals do not know how to speak beautifully; it is difficult for them to express their thoughts. Such people will not make competent and successful commanders. Therefore, they also need to beware of any positions related to military affairs.

Celebrities born in the year of the Goat (Sheep)

How true the characteristics stated above are can be judged by famous people who were born precisely under the sign of such an animal. In the year of the Goat (Sheep), Christopher Columbus, Archimedes, Michelangelo, Alexei Tolstoy, Mikhail Gorbachev, Anton Chekhov, Bulganin, Mikoyan, Prus, Balzac, Mark Twain, Sorge, Yaroslav Hasek, Karl Liebknecht, Potemkin, Gauguin, Pushkin were born. As you can see, this list contains very strong personalities of their time, who made many important discoveries and left a bright mark on history. Despite all the shortcomings and disadvantages of this sign, you should always strive for something new in your life. This also applies to those people who are quite young today, whose date of birth is in 1979. Whatever animal in the eastern calendar you touch, it always has completely unique abilities that can bring fame and universal recognition to its representatives.

Relationships with other signs

Not all people can bring joy and happiness into the life of a person born under the sign of the Goat (Sheep). Comfort will be provided by those whose symbols are the Pig, Cat and Horse. The last representative simply will not attach importance to whims, since there is tremendous selfishness at work here. These character flaws will even entertain the cat a little. But the Pig will endure exactly to the extent that the Goat does not cross all conceivable boundaries in its whims.

All other signs simply cannot stand such a person next to them for quite a long time. Similar combinations also apply to people whose date of birth fell in 1979. Who according to your horoscope should not be allowed too close to you? For example, Bull. Such people give a lot to their family, but at the same time they are demanding and expect the same in return. And individuals born under the sign of the Goat think mainly only about themselves. A relationship with someone born in the year of the Dog will not lead to anything good. This applies to both love and work. The union of two inveterate pessimists is doomed to failure. This is especially true for those whose date of birth fell in 1979. What animal was he? Earth Goat- a very passive and dependent creature.

What other signs should expect in the Year of the Goat (Sheep)

Combination of horoscopes

People whose birth fell in 1979 should not only be guided by eastern interpretations. We have already found out what kind of animal he was, and we have even slightly lifted the veil of secrecy about the character of such persons. But what do the combinations of a goat with the signs of the Zodiac we are familiar with mean?

  • Aries. Here is the Goat-Wrestler. All her life she will resist her malleable nature and try to become a leader.
  • Calf. A goat with an insane amount of charm. Too idle, requires the care of friends.
  • Twins. Constant antics and antics. A goat with a violent temper.
  • Cancer. A person with very good will.
  • A lion. A very proud Goat with big amount internal and external contradictions.
  • Virgo. Provides only services that do not require significant effort.
  • Scales. A goat with all the makings of a triumphant. But she is prone to cheating in relationships.
  • Scorpion. Ardent and very passionate nature.
  • Sagittarius. Determination itself. It is often useful.
  • Capricorn. Thinker goat. He does everything with a bit of imagination.
  • Aquarius. Mystical personality. The mind is solely at the service of its own whims.
  • Fish. Creative person. Inspiration never leaves her even for a minute.