What impregnation is better to impregnate the walls of the bathhouse. How to cover linden lining in the steam room of a bathhouse. Available methods for processing lining

Tradition to build on summer cottages or in country houses wooden bathhouses have existed for quite a long time. This material is safe for human health, but due to its natural properties it is prone to rotting and the development of fungus and mold. How should you treat the bathhouse to avoid this?

Floor protection

Wood is traditionally used for flooring. The organic substances contained in the material make it less resistant to various negative factors. This can be minimized using special compounds.

The design of the floor requires the presence of logs. Due to their location, they are protected from direct sunlight, temperature changes, and direct contact with water. But saunas are zones high humidity. Therefore, condensation, capillary moisture, living organisms are factors that negatively affect logs.

Bathroom floor design

When a bath is treated, building codes define two types of measures aimed at protecting wooden elements.

Structural protection

Proper arrangement of the underground space is the key to preventing the board from rotting due to condensation. In particular, it involves ventilation equipment between the flooring and the joists. Mechanical hydraulic protection is also used for protection. It involves the use of gaskets made from bitumen-containing films.

Chemical protection

Impregnation of floor beams has antibacterial value. It is best to treat joists with water-washable compounds, since these parts are not directly exposed to precipitation or regular washing (especially with aggressive agents). Biological protection of log baths and saunas is carried out with an antiseptic, which is based on linseed oil, a solution of wood resin, copper salts, and urea. Treatment with beeswax also gives good results. These compounds, in combination with properly done ventilation, protect the joists from rotting.

It should be remembered that it is better to warm up oil compositions before application.

It is important to remember that covering boards in a bathhouse with machine sanding is not The best decision. Excessively high chemical activity is not suitable for the constant humidity of a sauna.

Traditionally, sauna logs are recommended to be treated with solutions containing borax, silicate glue, potassium dichromate, and vinegar. Today there are compositions on sale that can be called an antiseptic with broad functions:

  • protection from damage by living organisms;
  • giving wood fire-resistant qualities.

The compositions used to treat bath or sauna logs should not lead to significant shrinkage of the wooden elements. At the same time, maximally closing the pores of the ends of the boards is their main task. Factory mixtures are applied exclusively in a cold manner in several layers. After the impregnation has completely dried, the wood should be coated with polymer paints.

Door protection

In a sauna, as a rule, there are several rooms with different purposes. You can use a door to separate the washroom from the locker room. This element requires special care aimed at preserving its original appearance and extending its service life. For wooden panels, this requirement takes on special significance.

Doors purchased for saunas most often already have treatment against rotting. Therefore, additional impregnation from moisture is not required. Most often, canvases are painted.

How to paint the doors leading to the sink? The dye must meet the following requirements:

  • protect the tree from temperature regime saunas;
  • extend service life;
  • provide aesthetic appeal.

  • high level of vapor permeability (similar to antiseptic treatment);
  • possibility to re-paint the surface;
  • a wide selection of pigments that can highlight the natural texture of wood.

Often, stain is used to treat doors made of natural wood, which also helps solve the problem of protecting the surface. It is important to remember that large imperfections are filled with putty with a special compound. Its color is selected in accordance with the shade of the varnish, oil or stain used.

Processing shelves and benches

Saunas and baths are impossible without shelves or shelves. Just like other parts of the structure, they are made of wood. It should be remembered that the same impregnations cannot be used for them as for the floor, walls or ceiling. As you know, steam room conditions require strong heating of all surfaces. If unprotected parts of the body come into contact with a hot bench, a person may receive a severe burn. Therefore, impregnations should not form films.

The wooden shelves of the steam room can be treated with those intended for saunas. oil compositions. A universal protective composition with wax is also suitable. Example: Supi Saunavaha product produced by Tikkurila. This impregnation is suitable for treating almost all sauna surfaces: window frames, walls, shelves, ceiling.

Processing of ceiling and wall panels

When deciding how to treat the inside of a bathhouse, attention should definitely be paid to the surface of the walls and ceiling. The choice of impregnation is determined by the material used. Most often these are logs or lining (narrow boards of natural origin). You can choose special varnishes for them. The advantages of these compositions are the preservation of:

  • appearance;
  • useful properties.

For walls and ceilings this is of great importance. After all, their surface is exposed to high temperatures and sweat. Poor-quality impregnations will not protect against rotting and can negatively affect the health of people in the sauna. It is recommended to choose compositions based on acrylic. They can be safely used in high temperature environments - bad smell will not be felt.

By treating the walls and ceiling with varnish, the user gets rid of the need to carry out preparatory work. If you coat surfaces with protective compounds, they will be easier to clean later.

It is important to remember that when visiting a sauna a person touches not only the shelves, but also the walls with unprotected parts of the body. Therefore, when treating floors, benches and the adjacent part of the wall, experts recommend choosing compositions that prevent excessive heating. To make work easier, you can apply them to the entire wall panel.

The ceiling does not require such careful selection of materials. It can be coated with compounds that make the material resistant to humidity, temperature, and allow it to breathe. It doesn't matter how hot the surface gets.

Purchasing paint and varnish materials Coating logs from the inside of a room is preceded by a careful study of the composition and properties. For example, the “Sauna” mixture has antiseptic properties. The resulting polymer coating protects the ceiling and walls from moisture and repels dirt.

By treating the ceiling and wall surfaces with the Natura mixture, the consumer receives a room with the natural color of wood. Although you can give the walls any other tone.

Do you want the ceiling to have shine? Supi Arctic mixture is suitable for this task. It is also suitable for walls. In addition to shine, the ceiling will be endowed with good dirt-repellent properties. The composition is also easy to color.

All bath surfaces should be treated with special compounds. This will help extend the life of the room and eliminate the likelihood of rot developing.

How and with what to cover the lining inside the bathhouse

Building a bathhouse involves a lot of hassle, and they all play an important role in the final result. Take, for example, the lining with which the interior of the bathhouse is lined: it’s not enough to secure them correctly using a heat-reflecting layer, but you also need to cover the wooden surface with protective agents.

But we will look at how and in what specific way in this article.

In the bathhouse it is very important to follow all safety rules, thermal insulation, vapor barrier and moisture insulation

The steam room is the most important part of the sauna

If you want your bathhouse to be comfortable, cozy and durable, you need to choose high-quality materials for its finishing. Not everyone knows, but most of the wood species offered by suppliers are not suitable for extreme conditions, sometimes created in the steam room.

High humidity and temperatures of 100 degrees, or even higher, have an adverse effect on them.

Therefore, when building a bathhouse with your own hands, make a choice from the proposed options:

  • Linden is a soft and light wood. Its structure is resistant to high humidity and does not delaminate due to hot air.
    It is also considered an extremely delicate material that does not leave splinters when working with it.
  • Aspen has gained popularity due to its easy processing and low cost.
    A good option for cladding work with clapboards in a bathhouse. and for mounting shelves from it.
  • Alder is the most beautiful of the domestic tree species: the texture is bright and expressive. If it is very important for you that the bathhouse is not only functional, but also beautiful, you should pay attention to alder.

The price of Russian wood is in an acceptable range, which cannot be said about exotic varieties: not so affordable for many Russian citizens. However, they have increased resistance to high temperatures and are not afraid of moisture.

If you make a steam room from such materials, you will succeed once and for all.

Rich and beautiful color of tropical Abash wood

Most of them are not sold in many Russian cities, so it is not surprising that for some it will seem like a luxury to attach exotic materials to the walls of a bathhouse.

Protective products for the steam room

And yet, how to cover the lining in a bathhouse in order to increase its service life and give the wood structure resistance to the destructive effects of moisture?

The first thing you should do is refuse and cross out the option with ordinary wood varnish: not only is it afraid of high temperatures, it also emits an unpleasant odor.

Then you need to divide your priorities into:

Imported funds

Supi Saunasoja (manufacturer Tikkurila)– protective acrylic, intended for treating walls, floors and ceilings in steam rooms and rooms with high humidity. It can be either colorless or tinted.

Color solutions for the steam room

The main advantages are:

  • After application, it forms a water-repellent and dirt-repellent surface, which remains unchanged even at temperatures of 120 degrees.
  • The product contains a component that prevents the appearance of mold on the treated surface.
  • Can be used for wooden materials, and concrete structures.

The only drawback is that Supi Saunusoy cannot be used for ceilings in a bathhouse.

  • First of all, you need to make sure that the humidity in the room is at least 75% and the temperature is not lower than 5 degrees.
  • The surface to be treated must be clean: dirt and dust must be removed.
  • After cleaning, the walls are slightly moistened and you need to wait until the water dries. There may be loose wood fibers in some places that need to be sanded down.

Instructions for applying protective acrylic:

  • Supi Saunasoja is applied to the surface in two layers.

Note! It is advisable to ventilate the room.

  • The first layer, if tinted, is diluted with water up to 20%. With a colorless composition there is no such need.
  • The second coat should be applied continuously, treating several boards at a time. This will help avoid color difference.

For your information!
To get acquainted with the color and see how it will look on the lining, apply a little product to a separate board.

Apply two layers to a small board to achieve the final result.

You can take care of the treated lining only after a month, when the wood is completely saturated with the protective agent.

It is best to use SupiSaunapes - a product designed specifically for the care of rooms with high humidity.

Interier Sauna (manufactured by Belinka) is a modern colorless antiseptic (based on acrylic resin and water), designed for treating all wooden elements in rooms with high humidity, except ceilings.

Belinka is one of the leading companies producing varnishes and paints in Slovenia

If work with this product is carried out at temperatures below 10 degrees, the surface may turn yellow.

  • Before using colorless glaze, you should thoroughly clean all elements to be treated from wood chips and dirt.
  • The container with InterierSauna is thoroughly mixed.
  • Apply the protective agent in two layers using a brush or roller.
  • The first layer is painted at a temperature of about 20 degrees and with a minimum humidity of 65%.
  • The second layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried, at least 3 hours.
  • Use stainless steel tools, otherwise rust stains may appear on the walls over time.
  • After the first application, about an hour later, it is advisable to sand the surface with fine-grained sandpaper. This will have a positive effect on the final result.
  • InterierSauna is the answer to the question of how to cover the lining in the dressing room.

Russian funds

Aqualak Eurotex Sauna - colorless varnish based on wax and water. Suitable for all types of walls, floors and ceilings, however, it should not be applied to canopies.

It is absolutely colorless, so it does not have any negative effects on the loss of wood paints.

This is what a protective product from a domestic manufacturer looks like

Main features of the Eurotex Sauna scuba tank:

  • The treated surface practically does not absorb water, which has a positive effect on operation.
  • The product contains an antiseptic that prevents the appearance of fungus, mold and the development of other microorganisms on the lining and other wood elements.
  • The product is environmentally friendly, non-flammable, and does not emit toxic fumes over time.

Do not use Eurotex Sauna after the expiration date.

How to apply Aqualak:

  • The surface must be completely cleaned and sanded. If there was already some kind of protective varnish on it, the wood should be sanded to avoid contact of one product with another.
  • After careful preparation, the first layer is applied using a brush or roller.
  • The next layer must be applied no later than after 40 minutes. If the drying time is increased, the surface is completely dry after an hour, then when applying it you should, as it were, rub the aqualac into the wood.

The room is ready for use after three days, with preliminary heating of the bathhouse.

Important! Re-processing of the lining should be done after 3-4 years.

Pirilax is a complex of antiseptics and various protective agents used for all types of premises: with high humidity and high temperatures .

For new surfaces (newly constructed pairs), it is best to use products called Terma and Prime, designed for comprehensive protection of walls:

  • Fire protection.
  • Anti-corrosion coating.
  • Antiseptic properties.
  • Dirt and moisture repellent base.

If you need to “cure” infected wood, you can use Nortex: Wood Doctor and Bleach.

Convenient container with a tight-fitting lid can be stored for several years

The information described above will help you choose the necessary bath product, but you should know some subtleties in order to avoid adverse consequences:

  • How to paint the lining in the bathhouse? The question is formulated incorrectly, paint the lining in damp room, for example, in a steam room, is not recommended at all.
    It prevents the wood from breathing, which will negatively affect the service life of the material. The paint is suitable for rooms where there is no exposure to high temperatures and humidity. Therefore, it is better to ask what to cover the lining with.
  • Is it possible to treat curtains in bathhouses? Not advisable. Even if you purchased a high-quality imported product, this does not mean that it is harmless for contact with the body.
    It’s one thing to touch walls, which, if touched, are done extremely rarely and for a short period of time; another thing is the canopy: full and prolonged contact.

For your information! Untreated wood is more useful and even has a healing effect.

  • Is it possible to apply scuba gear on a wet surface? No. Be sure to dry all walls and floors before starting work. Look at the packages with protective products; they usually indicate the permissible range of humidity and temperatures during operation.
  • If the lining inside the bathhouse is treated with paint or varnish, can it be coated with an antiseptic? Alas, it’s impossible. Careful paint removal work must be carried out.
    The photo below shows one of the ways to remove finishing material.

You can use a special scraper to remove varnish from wood

If you still have any questions, maybe something was not clear, then we have attached an article with a step-by-step process for applying protective varnishes to the lining. After viewing it you will receive Additional information about how to paint the lining inside a bathhouse without harm to health.


In order for the wooden surfaces of your bathhouse to remain as attractive and delight you with their unique colors and aromas for many years, after final installation they need to be treated with special impregnations.

Everything is important in the bath

When building a bathhouse, it is important to comply with all rules and sanitary standards (as with any construction). All labor and financial costs: ventilation, vapor barrier, heating, insulation and wood finishing (preferably wooden paneling) are only two-thirds of the work. The final, third part is wood processing.

The average buyer usually chooses lining from the following wood for lining a bathhouse:

  • aspen - it is loved for its ease of processing, beautiful texture and low cost. It looks good when finished, but requires careful maintenance. Once every 3 years, everything must be cleaned and re-opened with protective agents;
  • alder is an excellent domestic material with good resistance to cracking, dampness and high temperatures. Due to the relatively low price and excellent qualities of the wood, alder lining is popular both among professional craftsmen and beginners;
  • linden is the queen of decoration. Despite the higher price category, lining made from it is legally recognized the best material For interior decoration baths, especially steam rooms.

Its wood can quickly accumulate heat and release it slowly. Even at the highest temperatures it is impossible to get burned on such coatings. The color, appearance and unsurpassed aroma of this tree delight the eye and soul for a long time.

Lining made from other types of domestic trees, such as larch, cedar, oak, is already much higher. But the price of this wood is justified by its excellent technical characteristics. And it is much cheaper than “overseas” products: Cedrella, Ofram, Meranti. You can buy such a board only in big cities - exotic wood costs a lot of money.

Lining on construction site sold with a price tag - “bathhouse lining”. But! It's made from natural wood, which means that the surface made of it is capable of absorbing moisture, drying, and cracking. And bath conditions: dampness, temperature changes, can hardly be called ideal for preserving wooden products and coatings in their original form. It is the natural desire of every owner to extend the life of their bathhouse, especially if it is made with their own hands.

Here the question arises: how to cover the lining in the bathhouse? Not every varnish or impregnation is approved for use in indoors, especially in the bathhouse. Firstly, varnishes are flammable; secondly, they are toxic.

The old-fashioned way of treating wood in a bathhouse was to impregnate it with vegetable oil in two stages. This event is repeated every six months. You can, of course, use a blowtorch and an emery wheel once every 2-3 years. But, with each such treatment, the wood becomes thinner, therefore, the service life of the product decreases.

Modern protective products are made on a water or wax basis. Both foreign and domestic manufacturers offer impregnations specifically for saunas and steam rooms, washrooms and rest rooms. If you want to figure out how to paint the lining in a bathhouse, then it’s not difficult to find your way - everything is written on the labels and there are clear instructions.

But for informational purposes you need to know:

  • what is intended for painting lining, say in a washing room, is not suitable for working in rooms with high temperatures;
  • what is intended for protective coating of walls or ceilings is not suitable for covering racks and shelves in a steam room. The protective layer can create a special film that heats up depending on the temperature and even the amazing ability of linden will not protect you from burns;
  • If the manufacturer for a bathhouse wrote that you need to paint the surface once, you should paint it only in one layer. Increasing the thickness of the layer will not only lead to unjustified consumption of material, but will also deprive the wood of its ability to breathe;

Important! The resulting film will make the surface slippery and, as a result, dangerous. In addition, a thick layer will crack, and moisture will cause the wood to rot.

  • Strict adherence to the manufacturer’s recommendations is the key to economical consumption of material and the creation of high-quality protection for wooden surfaces.

The first thing to do after installing the panels is to saturate the lining with an antiseptic and fire retardants. .

  • It happens that the smell of such impregnations is sharp and “chemical”. Don't let this bother you. The smell will disappear after the solution is completely absorbed and dries.
  • The Finns are leaders in the production of excellent wood protection products. Their impregnations penetrate deeply into the material and protect the wood from mold and rot for a long time. The antiseptic solutions “Polysept” and “Metacid” have proven themselves well. They act both as an antiseptic and as a preservative;
  • Danish manufacturers of antiseptic primers offer a wide range of quick-drying products that do not change the color of the wood: Tikkurila, Teknos; Domestic manufacturers offer no less high-quality products: “Wood Doctor”, “Senezh”, “Neomid”.

Protective measures

Procedure for antiseptic treatment:

  1. the wood must be dry and clean;
  2. The first places to be processed are the cuts, cuts, and ends;
  3. processing is carried out in a ventilated room at a temperature not lower than +5 0;
  4. The air humidity in the room should be at least 70%.

The antiseptic is applied with a roller, brush or spray (take care of the means in advance personal protection).

The second stage of work consists of directly applying protective coatings: varnishes, gels, azure. For rooms with high temperatures, choose products that oil based. The oil will be absorbed into the wood, and the protective layer will remain on top, taking care of it imperceptibly.

For the dressing room and washing area, varnishes based on wax or water based. They contain products that have water-repellent, bactericidal and protective properties. Here general recommendations It’s difficult to give - it all depends on the chosen remedy. You should be given an initial consultation in the specialized store where the product is purchased, and then proceed strictly according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Important! Among the craftsmen there is no clear solution on how to paint the lining inside the bathhouse, directly in the steam room. It's all about the high cost of protective materials from famous manufacturers, so some people prefer not to paint, leaving it as is. Choose based on your preferences.

When using the bathhouse, regularly keep the room clean, ventilate and dry the rooms. Cleaning should be done after each visit. Combine general cleaning with a thorough “technical” inspection. All damage should be treated immediately with protective agents.

WITH general rules You've read it, let's move on to the products.

Popular protective equipment


The Finnish company Tikkurila provides water-based protective varnish Supi Saunasoja for indoor wood processing for floors and ceilings, as well as for treating concrete surfaces.

Tip: Before applying the varnish of your choice, make sure that it is exactly the shade you need - paint it on a small piece of clapboard taken from waste lumber.

The varnish is applied in two layers. To apply the first, the varnish is diluted with water (the proportion is indicated in the instructions). The second layer is applied after the previous one has dried, but without adding water.

The exposed surface acquires dirt-resistant properties, which makes cleaning much easier. Even at high temperatures in the steam room, the coating does not lose its properties.


The Slovenian manufacturer Belinka supplies our market with colorless azure Interier Sauna.

It is specially designed and used to protect wood in baths, baths, and saunas. Before applying a layer of glaze, the manufacturer recommends treating the surfaces with Belinka Bas, which prevents the development of insects. Accordingly, the question of how to cover the lining in the dressing room is automatically closed when using products from Belinka.

Attention! Some types of wood after impregnation with Interier Sauna may turn yellow at temperatures of 100 0 and above.

The glaze is applied in two steps with a brush or roller. It dries within an hour, but there is no need to rush - apply the next layer after 3 hours, after lightly sanding the already painted boards.


Among domestic manufacturers, the leadership rightfully belongs to the Rogneda company. Their Eurotex Sauna aqualak competes well with foreign analogues. It is effective even with prolonged contact with hot water.

The wax in its composition provides a water-repellent effect, and special additives provide reliable protection against mold, which stains and destroys wood.

The interior of the bathhouse is traditionally decorated with wood materials. For cladding, lining is most often used. Typically, a sauna consists of three sections - a dressing room, a washing room and a steam room. The hallway serves as a dressing room and storage of bath accessories (robes, brooms, basins, etc.). In some cases, in the same room they not only steam, but also wash. The lining inside the bathhouse is constantly exposed to high temperatures, hot steam and water. Therefore, the question arises - how to cover the lining in the bathhouse?

Previously, passenger cars were lined with thin boards inside. Over time, the thin profiled board began to be called clapboard. Lumber is made in the form of thin panels joined together locking system"tenon and groove".

Cladding board-lining

Types of wooden profiles

Before processing the lining in the bathhouse, you need to select the type of profile. Woodworking enterprises produce five types of panels. The boards have different shapes cross section:

  • standard;
  • calm;
  • Europrofile;
  • eurolining;
  • American.


The cross-section of the board looks like a trapezoid, the edges of which are beveled at an angle of 30 degrees. There are longitudinal ventilation grooves on the back side of the panel. The side surfaces have a groove on one side and a tenon on the other. The tenon is made somewhat narrower than the groove. When saturated with moisture, the protrusion swells, the lock becomes dense and practically inseparable.


Boards of this type have rounded longitudinal edges. Otherwise, the lumber is similar to the above type.

Sectional view of the Shtil cladding board


The board has a wide tenon, which makes the connections particularly reliable. Because of this property, they try not to use this type of finishing for baths. Moisture saturation can lead to cracking of the locking fasteners.


The surface of such materials looks like boards interspersed with thin depressions. A high tenon forms a gap between the panels, this creates a beautiful wood texture. On the back of the panels ventilation ducts do not allow condensation to form, which prevents rotting of the sheathing wood.

Eurolining assembly


The profile, unlike eurolining, has a beveled edge, which gives the impression of laying the boards overlapping. This type of cladding is used for finishing the facades of wooden houses.

In addition, the shape of the boards is imitated by plastic and MDF panels. Bathroom walls are not decorated from these materials due to poor technical characteristics.

For finishing interior walls Two types of profile are acceptable: Standard and Shtil. This follows from the fact that finishing with such boards is the simplest and most cost-effective.

Wood requirements

The main part of the bathhouse is the steam room. Therefore, the requirements for facing a steam room are special. The boards are used from domestic types of wood. These are linden, aspen and alder.

When heated, softwood lumber begins to release resinous substances. Touching hot resin may cause burns. Sticky stains on the walls cause a feeling of discomfort.

Processing of wooden walls

An aggressive environment is a destructive factor for wooden cladding in a steam room. You can come across the opinion of “experts” that the wooden surface in a bathhouse does not require treatment. The wood should only be sanded. To prevent fungus from developing and the humid environment to not stagnate, you need to periodically ventilate the room and this is enough.

As for the professionals, they categorically insist on the need to process the wood. Wood impregnation creates a dirt-repellent and water-resistant coating that eliminates the occurrence of wood deformation due to temperature changes.

Pre-treatment of wood

Before treating the lining in the steam room, it is impregnated with an antiseptic. wooden sheathing walls It is necessary to use antiseptic agents intended for baths.

Installation of timber sheathing under the lining

Prepare boards for impregnation as follows:

  1. Panels are cleaned of various contaminants grinder or sandpaper.
  2. The wood is washed with a weak soda solution.
  3. Next, you need to cover the boards in 2 layers of antiseptic.

Temperature conditions and humidity levels in the waiting room, washing room and steam room are very different. Despite this, experts recommend preparing the cladding according to one scheme. It is best to treat the wood before installation. After fixing the lining, all that remains is to restore the damaged processing surface.

Wall protection in the steam room

After antiseptic treatment, the final coating of the lining is made. We need to resolve the issue of how to cover the lining in the steam room. Experts advise using several types of materials to protect lumber:

  • oil;
  • dye;


Linseed oils and drying oil are used as processing. Such impregnation is acceptable in the washing room and dressing room. Oil coating does not withstand heat and high humidity. This affects the durability of wood cladding.


After treatment with drying oil, the lining is often painted. The paint is oil based. Synthetic dyes are not used in sauna conditions because of their ability to emit toxic fumes, which is dangerous in a small confined space.


Of all materials, furniture varnish is considered the ideal coating for wooden walls. However, this type of lining processing must be treated with caution. The fact is that the product mixed with a solvent in the steam room of the bath will fill the air with harmful fumes for a long time. Without adequate ventilation, the room will remain unsafe for the people in it.

Protective acrylic varnish does not cause such negative effects. Products of this type are most suitable for covering walls in a steam room. The treated surface can withstand heated air up to 120 o. The retail chain offers a wide selection of acrylic coatings designed for hot rooms with high level humidity.

Technology of applying a protective layer

Before starting work, prepare the following tools and materials:

  • acrylic lacquer;
  • solvent;
  • brush;
  • tray;
  • rags and sponge;
  • personal protective equipment (respirator, gloves, goggles, work clothes).

Process the lining before installation. This is done this way:

  1. The lumber is laid out in one row on a pallet.
  2. The surface of the cladding is polished.
  3. An antiseptic is applied to the tree.
  4. After drying, the wood is coated with acrylic varnish in 2 layers.
  5. A day later, the boards are fixed to the wall sheathing.
  6. Coating imperfections are filled with varnish.
  7. The bathhouse doors are kept open until the wall cladding is completely dry.

Caring for lining coating

During the operation of the bath, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the walls in the steam room. You need to follow a few simple rules:

  • after each visit, the bathhouse is thoroughly ventilated;
  • wash the walls with a cloth without using chemical detergents;
  • darkening wood is treated with bleach.
  • Contaminants are cleaned off with sandpaper and the varnish coating is restored.

Restoration of protective coating

To extend the service life of the lining, it must be re-treated every two years.

Most owners of private houses and summer cottages build steam rooms and baths. The construction of such facilities has become popular for many reasons. According to tradition, people in the bathhouse cleansed their bodies and were healed of many diseases. In order for a bathhouse or steam room to become truly healthy, it is necessary to properly treat the wood. We will learn from the article how it is recommended to treat the inside of a bathhouse or steam room.

Why is impregnation of wooden walls necessary?

Special attention should be paid to the arrangement of an object such as a bathhouse or steam room. The room must be resistant to high humidity and temperature changes. Traditionally, deciduous trees are used to build bathhouses because they have a number of advantages:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • Beautiful appearance;
  • nice atmosphere.

To improve your health and find peace of mind, you need a pleasant atmosphere close to natural conditions. Natural wood has everything necessary and gives a person its energy, natural warmth, and health. Wood in its own way technical specifications surpasses many modern materials. The only drawback natural material- it cannot retain its natural qualities for a long time without special processing.

In the old days people used simple remedies for processing - oil or wax. Of the inexpensive oils, we used sunflower oil without a specific odor. More expensive oils were also used - anise, lavender, rose. Some expensive oils were added to refined oil and a richer and more pleasant smell was obtained.

Wood is highly hygroscopic, so it quickly absorbs moisture. Loose wood tissue becomes a favorable environment for the penetration of microorganisms. Can immediately settle in such an environment whole line insects They spread quickly and destroy the structure of the tree. At normal moisture levels in wood, tannins and resins will serve reliable protection from various insects and fungal infections. Even under such conditions, the wood must be impregnated by special means. At high humidity The wooden structure will be constantly subjected to:

What should you consider when choosing?

Modern manufacturers offer many different products for wood processing. Before choosing an impregnation, you should identify the purpose of its use:

Impregnation for wood must have many qualities, the main thing is to provide the material with reliable protection and not reduce its ability to pass air. The decoration of the interior is very environmental friendliness of the product is important. This quality is especially important if there is high humidity indoors. Such conditions will provoke the release of harmful impregnation components.

There are special requirements for wood impregnations. After coating the surface, there should be no film left on it. When the temperature in the bath increases, the coating should not release components harmful to health.

Types of wood impregnations

All impregnations intended for coating wooden surfaces are divided into types, depending on the composition of the components and the method of their application:

  • gels;
  • solutions;
  • aerosols.

All impregnations are produced chemical or organic based. Any of the varieties has a water-repellent effect. Most often they are universal means for covering wooden surfaces:

  • protection from moisture and high temperature;
  • resistance to damage by fungal life forms and harmful insects.

In terms of their composition, they can be water-soluble or oil-soluble. There are also combined impregnations in the form of paints and varnishes that have protective effects against moisture and harmful microorganisms. Many of them have additional qualities - fire resistance and dirt-repellent properties.

Antiseptic impregnations contain toxic substances and are therefore considered aggressive chemicals. When using them, you must follow the instructions for use.

Water-soluble and oily products: their features

All water-soluble antiseptics are made on an acrylate base. This composition has a complex effect on wood in the form of protection from harmful influences:

  • moisture;
  • biological damage;
  • pollution.

The disadvantage of such compositions is the rapid leaching from the structure of the wooden coating. For this reason, it is necessary to coat the surface more often than with other products. To preserve the properties of the impregnation, it is advisable to coat the surface additional protection in the form of a thin layer of waterproofing. It should not contain film-forming substances.

The advantages of water-soluble compositions are the inability of the products to affect the color of the surface, its texture and the absence unpleasant odor. You can buy this product for sale in the form of a dry mixture or solution.

Oil-based impregnation penetrates deeply into the surface of the wood. Wood-protective oil retains the properties of wood for a long time, despite frequent wetting of the surface. This oil contains an unpleasant and pungent odor. This is the only negative.

Due to the high toxicity of the preparations, many of them are not recommended for impregnation of wooden surfaces indoors. However, subject to safety precautions, certain types of oil can be used to treat baths. Impregnations based on wax and oils tend to compact the material. This allows the wood to retain its natural qualities for a long time and give the structure wear resistance and strength.

Alkyd-oil based impregnations give a good effect. With their help, the hygroscopicity of the material is preserved, deformation and cracking of wood is prevented. After oil treatment, the wooden surface acquires good decorative qualities. Many of these products are easily absorbed and are colorless primers.

Oil-wax suitable for processing various surfaces inside and out, although the quality is inferior to synthetic products.

To keep wood in good condition, it is recommended to treat it with protective agents. at least once every 2 years. The best time Autumn is considered for processing. In the spring season, the movement of tree sap begins. They provoke the formation of rot, so it is very important to process the wood in a timely manner in order to maintain the integrity of the structure and protect it from rot.

It is recommended to apply antiseptics only to new wood before using the bathhouse or steam room. The old surface must be cleaned of coating (paint, varnish), as well as dirt and dust. After this, apply the composition using a soft wide brush or roller. When everything is completely dry, you can use the bathhouse.

If you approach the issue of coating a wood surface correctly and apply impregnation correctly, you can preserve it for many years and enjoy a steam bath with health benefits.