What is the deadline for the exam results? How long are Unified State Exam results valid?

The unified exam replaced entrance exams to educational institutions of various profiles. Now enrollment is based on the scores obtained in passing exams at school.

To enroll in secondary and higher institutions, you must provide a document indicating that you have passed school exams in a specialized subject and the number of points. In this regard, many people have a question about how long the Unified State Exam is valid, and what will happen if this deadline is exceeded.

Validity period of the Unified State Examination

Current legislation does not oblige schoolchildren to enter educational institutions in the year of passing school exams. There are many reasons for delaying further education, for example:

  • Military service;
  • family circumstances;
  • disease;
  • job responsibilities;
  • detention.

Currently, the period during which documents can be presented for admission to educational institutions is 4 years. An exception may be when serving as a military personnel.

What to do if the Unified State Exam deadline is missed?

In practice, there are situations when a person did not take exams at school at all, or in his graduation years, admission to educational institutions was carried out according to different rules. However, a document with school exam results is required for admission. The following categories are exceptions:

  • disabled people who, due to their physical condition, did not pass the Unified State Exam;
  • Foreign citizens;
  • persons receiving a second education.

Everyone else should provide USE results. In this case, when answering the question about how long the Unified State Exam lasts, you should keep in mind that after a 4-year period the unified exam will have to be taken again.

Citizens who did not take the Unified State Exam for one reason or another, including those for whom such an obligation was not provided, should contact the local education department. You will need to write an application for admission to take the Unified State Exam.

The exam will be taken at the location indicated by the educational organization. You must first obtain a document confirming admission to the exam.

A citizen can apply for examinations to the school where he received his general education.

After passing the exams and receiving the result, you can submit documents to the chosen educational institution. In this case, the question of how long the Unified State Exam is valid can be answered, as in previous situations, the period should not exceed 4 years.

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Not every graduate wants to decide his future for the next few years immediately after passing the Unified State Exam. Some want to wait and figure out where they really want to go. Others go to serve in the army. Therefore, for many, the question of the expiration date of the received certificate is relevant.

Until 2012, the exam results were valid for only a year and a half. But the rules have changed. The validity period of the certificate has increased significantly.

Unified State Exam 2013

Exam results obtained in 2013 are valid for four years. They expire in December 2017. 2017 is the last chance to enroll somewhere with the results of 2013. Fortunately, you can always retake the exam, even with current results.

Unified State Exam 2014

The Unified State Exam passed in 2014 is valid until 2018. Also - for four years. In 2014, it was decided to cancel the issuance of results on paper. All results are available in digital format, which makes life much easier for graduates.

Everyone receives a personal login and password for the site, where you can find out your personal results at any time. The certificate can be printed upon request of the student.

Unified State Exam 2015

The 2015 Unified State Exam is valid until 2019. The deadline expires in December.

If you wish, you can retake the Unified State Exam if you are unhappy with the result. Both certificates received will be valid. You can represent any of them, if you wish.

Unified State Exam 2016

The results of the Unified State Exam passed in 2016 will be valid until 2020. Also 4 years, the terms have not changed recently.

Unified State Exam 2017

If you took the Unified State Exam in 2017, the results obtained will be valid until 2021. No changes are expected.

How long are Unified State Exam results valid?

Year of examination Best before date
2013 4 years (until 2017)
2014 4 years (until 2018)
2015 4 years (until 2019)
2016 4 years (until 2020)
2017 4 years (until 2021)

Initially, the validity period of the Unified State Exam was very short: 1.5 years. But modern certificates are active for 4 years. Whether there will be new changes, time will tell.

Quick answer: 4 years (as of 2016).

The Unified State Exam is a unified state exam, which is centrally conducted on the territory of the Russian Federation in secondary educational institutions, including schools, lyceums and gymnasiums. Serves as both a graduation exam from school and an entrance exam.

The experiment on introducing the Unified State Exam began in the early 2000s, when the exam was held in several republics, as well as in two regions. By 2006, more than 900 thousand students took the Unified State Exam in almost 80 regions throughout Russia.

Many schoolchildren, as well as future students, ask the question: how long does this same Unified State Exam last? As of 2012, results were valid for 1.5 years, so if you took the exam in 2012, it is no longer valid.

In 2013 the situation changed. From that time until the time of writing this article, the validity period of the Unified State Exam is 4 years. We give you the text of the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 20, 2013 N DL-344/17 “On the validity of the results of the unified state exam”:

The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia reports on the validity of the results of the unified state exam obtained before the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) came into force on September 1, 2013.

According to Part 2 of Article 70 of the Federal Law, the results of the Unified State Exam for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs are valid for four years following the year in which such results were obtained.

At the same time, in accordance with paragraph 4.3 of Article 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education,” which became invalid due to the entry into force of the Federal Law, the validity of the certificate of the results of the unified state exam expired on December 31 of the year following the year in which it was received.

Thus, as of September 1, 2013, certificates of the results of the unified state exam issued after January 1, 2012 (hereinafter referred to as Unified State Examination certificates) are valid. Considering that the Federal Law changed the validity period of the results of the Unified State Exam, the validity period of the specified Unified State Examination certificates after September 1, 2013 is four years following the year in which such results were obtained. Consequently, admission to organizations carrying out educational activities in undergraduate and specialist programs is allowed based on the results of the unified state exam, confirmed by Unified State Examination certificates issued in 2012 and 2013 and valid until the end of 2016 and 2017, respectively.

D.V. Livanov

If you took the Unified State Exam in 2015, then it will be valid until 2019.

Not only schoolchildren in our country are familiar with the concept of the Unified State Exam, but also their parents. Everyone knows that this is a centrally organized holding of a unified state exam on the same day and at the same time for all secondary educational institutions in our state. Such an exam plays the role of both graduation and entrance exams for universities.

Its features are:

  • application of tasks of the same type;
  • a unified system for assessing examination papers.

The results of the state examination are recorded in the corresponding document - a certificate, or, as it is popularly called, a certificate. From it you can find out how many points the graduate received and in what subjects. Also, anyone can retake the Unified State Exam in subsequent years.

Rules for conducting the Unified State Exam in 2018

For several years now, the official information portal “USE.ru” has been operating, where anyone can familiarize themselves with the following information:

  • what is the Unified State Exam;
  • what are the rules for its conduct;
  • how many subjects are required;
  • Is there any news regarding the Unified State Examination across the country and regions?

In addition, the portal contains a lot of useful information both for state exam participants and for applicants to universities.

One of the important points in preparing for the unified state exam is to become familiar with the rules for holding it in 2018, which are highly undesirable to violate. These include the following main points:

  1. Where and at what time participants take the exams - in centers specially equipped for this; the start of the tests is set for everyone - at 10.00.
  2. Is it forbidden to leave the audience during the test - you can leave accompanied by a responsible person, and only for a good reason (at this time, the participant’s work is handed over to the observer, who makes an appropriate note on it).
  3. How to correctly fill out the exam form - all entries are made with a pen with black gel paste (for example, the form provides an example of writing numbers and letters), starting to fill out the answer field from the first cell.
  4. How to correct mistakes - it is forbidden to paint over the field with a proofreader or erase it with an eraser; there is a special field on the form for corrections.
  5. Do you need documents to prove the identity of the participant? An identity document is required (usually a passport).
  6. What you can use during the state exam - rulers, calculators, protractors, reference materials (during tests in mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, foreign languages).
  7. Is it possible to retake the state exam if you receive a low result? Since last year, this can be done in compulsory subjects.

If observers or organizers notice violations of the exam rules, the violator will be asked to stop performing tasks and leave. In this case, a corresponding entry is made in the protocol of the state examination and in the participant’s examination form.

Innovations in the Unified State Exam 2018

This year, the Ministry of Education decided to change some rules for passing the unified state exam:

  1. The number of attempts to retake tests in core subjects (Russian language and mathematics) has been increased - up to 3 times per year, which depends on the desire of the participant.
  2. Questions that require an unambiguous choice of the correct answer are excluded from KIMs in history, social studies, geography, computer science and ICT (this was already done in 2015 with tasks in two compulsory subjects).
  3. History is given not in the form of test questions, but in the form of an essay on a relevant topic.
  4. Universities themselves can increase the passing scores for admission, which should not be lower than the number of points officially established in the region.

Such an update of the rules in 2018, according to psychologists, will reduce the psychological burden on participants in state exams.

Subjects and tasks for the Unified State Exam 2018

School graduates in our country often ask the question: how many compulsory subjects will be included in the Unified State Examination in 2018? The experts answer: two – mathematics and Russian. Physics and a foreign language have not yet been introduced as compulsory this year; for now, they can be chosen at will. In addition to the four listed, chemistry, computer science and ICT, biology, history, geography, social studies, and literature are also offered for passing (these subjects are optional).

Tasks for state tests are called CMM (control measuring materials). Their demo versions for all 11 subjects for 2018 can be found on the official Unified State Exam website http://www.ege.edu.ru/ru/main/demovers/. But you should keep in mind: only demo options are collected here (starting from 2009)! They are for informational purposes only, so that anyone can understand the structure of the tasks (that is, have an idea of ​​the form of the questions, their level of complexity, and the correct formatting of written answers).

Unified State Exam 2018 results and their validity periods

Today, questions regarding the results of unified exams remain relevant for students of secondary educational institutions.

Information about the officially established minimum limits of Unified State Examination scores for admission to universities in our state is provided on the Unified State Examination.ru website http://www.ege.edu.ru/ru/universities-colleges/min_points_for/. Here you can check the preliminary results of the completed tests.

As for the validity period of the certificate with the results of state exams for admission, this period is 4 years (this rule was introduced in 2013). It is not difficult to calculate: the results of the Unified State Exam for 2018 are valid until 2022, for 2019 - until 2023, and for 2020 - until 2024. After this period, the need to pass the unified state exam will again arise. It should be remembered that the validity period also takes into account the month of passing the tests, that is, if you took them in May and June 2018, then in July 2022 the results will be invalid.

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As stated by the head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov, the procedures for technical support of the 2015 examination campaign have been fully implemented. All points of the Unified State Examination were checked, plans for the delivery of testing and measuring materials were approved, the operation of video surveillance equipment was adjusted, and all technical means were put in order.

The head of Rosobrnadzor emphasized that the department remains a priority task of transparency in conducting the Unified State Exam and creating equal conditions for all high school students during the exam.

At the same time, the statement of Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets about the need to strengthen control over the Unified Exam procedure in certain regions is of particular importance. As TASS notes, such regions, first of all, were named Tyva and the Stavropol Territory, which Golodets considers the most difficult according to exam forecasts.

The Deputy Prime Minister also called for special attention to be paid to organizing control over the Unified State Examination in the Bryansk and Lipetsk regions, Yakutia, Chuvashia, Bashkiria, Adygea and Kalmykia. Organizers expect special difficulties in regions where the Unified State Exam has not previously been taken, in Sevastopol, first of all.

During the main period of the Unified State Examination, approximately 1,000 observers will be involved in monitoring the conduct of exams in 30 regions. Also in 2015, the work of a special Corps of public observers representing the Russian Youth Union is envisaged.

Since this year for the first time graduates will take the oral part of the exam in foreign languages, Rosobrnadzor specialists have prepared a video instruction that describes in detail the procedure for passing the oral Unified State Exam using the example of the English language exam. Graduates independently decide whether to take the oral part “Speaking” or not. But only those who pass both the written part and the “Speaking” part will receive the maximum score. For such graduates, the foreign language exam will take two days: the written part - one day, the oral part - another.

A “hotline” was organized for exam participants, as well as for teachers and parents, which allowed everyone to clarify various questions regarding the conduct of the unified exam in 2015. According to Kravtsov, this time there were almost 50 percent fewer questions than last year. Most of the questions were of a clarifying nature, which is also an indicator of the readiness of capital and regional schools for the start of the certification campaign.

In total, the hotline received about 600 calls. According to the results of statistical processing, the most popular request was the question: “How to retake the Unified State Exam.” Also popular were questions about how long the results of the Unified State Examination are valid, about innovations in the examination procedure, about the participation of college graduates in exams and about the conduct of the State Examination.

Rosobrnadzor's answers to the most common questions received on the hotline

How to retake the Unified State Exam?

— Starting from 2015, citizens of the Russian Federation will have the opportunity to retake the Unified State Exam several times during the year. For retakes, your own schedule will be approved. It is planned to organize four periods: in February, April, June and September. In this case, it will be possible not only to correct the “D”, but also to improve satisfactory results. Elective subjects can be retaken starting in September of the current year.

How long are the results of the Unified State Exam 2015 valid?

— For four years, the results of the Unified Exam 2015 will be taken into account by the admissions committees of educational institutions, that is, until 2019.

Is it possible to enter a university this year with the results of the Unified State Exam 2010?

— As for the USE results of 2010 and 2011, they are no longer valid now. The law on extending the period of validity of Unified State Exam scores applies only to the results of the Unified Exam starting in 2012.

How to take the Unified State Exam after the expiration date of the Unified State Exam 2015 results?

You can take the Unified State Exam at any secondary school; you need to come to the school and discuss all the issues with the administration.