Potassium for flowers at home. Homemade food for indoor plants and flowers. Fruit peels as food for indoor flowers

Flowers - what could be more beautiful? This is probably why we, summer residents, grow them not only on our own garden plots, but also at home. It’s especially nice when snow is blowing outside the window, and beautiful flowers are blooming on the windowsill in the room, isn’t it?

Today I propose to talk about important nuance, without which it is problematic to grow healthy, beautiful, lushly flowering plants - about natural fertilizers. If at the dacha we always fertilize the plantings, then when it comes to house flowers, some people neglect fertilizing. And in vain.

When to feed

You should feed your home flowers much more often than we sometimes think. This need is caused, first of all, by the limited area of ​​plant nutrition. And even if your flowering pet grows in a large spacious pot, this does not mean that it has enough minerals. In any case, the plant greatly depletes the soil and therefore needs additional feeding.

Part of the way out of the situation will be to periodically transplant the plant into a new nutritious soil substrate. But the supply of nutrients contained in this very substrate will last for about two months, but not for six months or even a year, as many beginning gardeners believe. And after these very two months, the plant, especially if it begins to bloom or actively grow, must be fed. The only exception will be plants that have entered a dormant period: temporarily they do not need feeding.

The signal that you urgently need to start fertilizing your home flowers is:
slow growth;
weak elongated stems;
pale, weakly colored, excessively small, drooping leaves;
reluctance to bloom;
poor disease resistance, yellowing and dropping of leaves, the appearance of various spots on them and other signs of ill health.
Ideally, of course, it’s better not to let this happen, so let’s talk about what natural fertilizers we can use for our pets and how exactly.

1. Sugar

Perhaps the most popular natural fertilizer used to feed indoor flowers is ordinary sugar. Yes, yes, exactly sugar, you didn’t think so. History is silent about who was the first to think of using it as a fertilizer for plants, but we can successfully use this method to feed our own flowers.

What are the benefits of feeding with sugar?

From chemistry lessons we remember that sugar breaks down into fructose and glucose. The first is of no use to us, but the second, that is, glucose, performs 2 functions at once. First of all, it serves as a source of energy for all plant life processes (respiration, absorption of various nutrients, etc.), and secondly, it is an excellent building material, promoting the formation of complex organic molecules.

True, there is one caveat: glucose is an excellent builder only if it is well absorbed, and carbon dioxide is necessary for it to be absorbed. In case of insufficient concentration carbon dioxide, once in the root zone of plants, sugar will turn from a builder into a food source for various molds, root rots, and so on. Therefore, together with feeding plants with sugar, it makes sense to use one of the EM preparations, for example, “Baikal EM-1” - such joint feeding will be 100% useful.

How to feed plants with sugar

To prepare “sugar” top dressing, dilute 1 tbsp. sugar in 0.5 liters of water or simply sprinkle with sugar and then pour the soil into flower pot.

How often can you use sugar for feeding?

You should resort to feeding home flowers in this way no more than once a month, so don’t overdo it.

Sugar or glucose?

Instead of sugar, you can feed your home flowers with ordinary glucose, which is sold at the pharmacy. Such fertilizers will be even more effective than “sugar” ones. To do this, 1 tablet of glucose needs to be diluted in a liter of water. It is also necessary to water or spray plants with “glucose” water no more than once a month.

2. Spilled coffee

An excellent fertilizer for all house flowers (and not only house flowers) is coffee beans, especially since this fertilizer does not need to be specially prepared. Simply, after drinking a cup of coffee, do not pour out the coffee grounds, but mix them with soil in a flowerpot. Thanks to this simple technique, the soil will become looser and lighter. In addition, the acidity of the soil will increase and there will be more oxygen in it.

What flowers love coffee?

When using sleeping coffee as a fertilizer for home flowers, remember: not all flowers benefit from increased soil acidity. Fertilizing with sleeping coffee is useful not only for house flowers; many plants love them, including: azaleas, gladioli, lilies, all types of roses, rhododendrons and many evergreens.

Not coffee alone

Not only coffee, but also tea leaves are often used as fertilizers for home flowers. Unfortunately, it can give not only positive, but also negative effects. Undoubtedly, such additives will make the soil in the flower pot looser, but do not forget that black flies (sciarids) simply “adore” tea leaves in the soil, so be careful.

3. Citrus and other fruits

The peels of tangerines, oranges and even bananas can turn into excellent fertilizer for house plants. True, for this you will have to “conjure” them a little.

To prepare citrus fertilizer, their zest must be crushed, filled with about a third of a liter jar and filled to the top with boiling water. After infusing this “citrus” fertilizer for 24 hours, remove the peels, and again bring the water in the jar up to a liter in volume, adding clean water, and water our flowers.

Fertilizer is prepared from banana peels in approximately the same way: grind them, fill a liter jar halfway and fill it to the top with water. Let the fertilizer sit for a day, then filter it, throw away the skins, and fill the jar to the top again clean water.

Unlike citrus fruits, banana skins can be added directly to the soil substrate: when replanting home flowers, add some pre-dried and crushed banana skins to a pot of nutritious soil. Over time, they will rot and feed the plants with microelements, which will have a beneficial effect on the growth of green mass.

You can also use citrus zest and banana peels to make nutrient mix for feeding plants. To do this, fill up to a third of a three-liter jar with chopped zest and banana peel (in equal parts). Add 2 teaspoons of sugar and, filling everything with warm water, let it brew for 3 weeks in a warm place. From time to time, such a nutritious mixture needs to be shaken, but don’t worry - it gives off a very decent aroma :) After 3 weeks, you will get a light yellow, cloudy liquid that stores well in the refrigerator. For feeding, it should be diluted with clean water 1:20 and safely used once a month.

4. Ash

The benefits of ash as a fertilizer are underestimated by many, but in vain. After all, ash contains potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc and even sulfur. Moreover, potassium and phosphorus are contained in the ash in a form that is easily accessible to plants, which makes ash one of the best fertilizers for flowers.

How to use ash to fertilize home flowers

To feed the flowers, ash can simply be mixed with the soil when replanting plants. This way you will not only make the soil substrate more nutritious, but also disinfect it, so that the roots damaged during transplantation will definitely not rot.

You can also use the ash to prepare liquid food for home flowers. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of ash in a liter of water.

5. Yeast is an excellent growth stimulator for home flowers.

Did you know that yeast can be used not only for making delicious kvass and yeast dough? It turns out that yeast can be used to prepare an excellent growth-stimulating solution for feeding plants.

Yeast secretes a lot of useful substances that actively stimulate plant growth, such as phytohormones, B vitamins and auxins. In addition, yeast contains cytokinins, hormones that help regulate cell differentiation and division; the presence of these substances also has a beneficial effect on plants.

By the way, unlike most home-made fertilizers, so to speak, yeast fertilizers have been repeatedly studied by scientists. As a result, it has been proven: thanks to them, the activity of microorganisms in the soil sharply increases, rapid mineralization of organic matter occurs and the release of carbon dioxide significantly increases. Therefore, feeding plants with a yeast nutrient solution is equated to feeding with a complete mineral fertilizer.

How to Make a Yeast Nutrient Solution

To prepare yeast dressing, dissolve 10 grams of yeast and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar in 1 liter slightly warm water. If you don’t have regular yeast on hand, you can use dry yeast by dissolving 10 grams of dry yeast and 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar in 10 liters of water. Regardless of what kind of yeast you used to prepare the nutrient solution - regular or dry - let it sit for about 2 hours before feeding the plants. Then the solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5 and the soil in pots with plants is watered with it.

6. Onion cocktail

The familiar and beloved onion, without which it is simply impossible to imagine our kitchen, can be successfully used not only in cooking. "Life-giving cocktail" made from onion peel, will have a beneficial effect on the growth of all domestic plants without exception - because it contains a complete set of microelements.

How to make an onion cocktail

There is nothing complicated in preparing a cocktail from onion peels, the only caveat is that it cannot be stored for a long time, so this dressing must be prepared anew each time. So, to prepare an onion cocktail, you need to pour about 50 grams of onion peel into 2 liters hot water, bring the broth to a boil and, after boiling for about 10 minutes, let it brew for three hours. After the broth has cooled, filter it and spray the plants.

7. Humus

Humus truly is universal fertilizer, which is used with equal success both for feeding plants in the garden and for feeding indoor flowers. That is why many flower growers rightly believe that you simply will not find a better fertilizer: nutritious and easily accessible, it has a lot of advantages.

But humus is different from humus, and if the main qualities of various types Since this fertilizer is approximately the same, different house plants prefer different humus as fertilizers. For example, ficus, palm trees, citrus fruits, dieffenbachia and monstera love humus based on bird droppings, the effect of which is much higher than that of fertilizing with mullein. This is due to the fact that bird droppings are several times more nutritious than mullein, and that is why it is used for feeding most indoor plants must be used very carefully, using only for large and fast-growing species.

Before use humus with bird droppings it needs to be diluted with water (10 grams per 3 liters of water) until the liquid has a faint cloudy greenish tint, and before fertilizing the flowers, the soil in the pots should be watered a little with ordinary water.

To feed other indoor flowers, it is best to use leaf humus- for example, by adding it to the soil substrate during plant transplantation. Leaf humus contains a number of elements necessary for plant nutrition. In addition, it significantly affects the structure of the soil, improving it significantly.

You can feed the flowers humus based on cow (pork, etc.) manure, for which 100 grams of humus are diluted in 10 liters of water.

When using humus to fertilize your home flowers, be prepared for the fact that the pots will emit a not very pleasant smell for some time, which will disappear within a few hours. There will be no smell only if you use humus prepared using accelerated technology, which does not contain weed seeds or pathogens. True, it is not recommended to use it as a liquid fertilizer: it must be mixed with the soil during plant replanting, using it as a loosening agent for heavy soils.

8. Vegetable decoctions

The use of vegetable decoctions (not salted, of course) for fertilizing is quite doubtful, but many believe in the miraculous effect of such an unusual fertilizer, arguing that the vegetable decoction is very nutritious for house plants and can only benefit them. I personally cannot say whether this is so - this feeding did not affect my flowers in any way, but I could be wrong; I will be glad if you convince me.

9. Aquarium water

Ordinary aquarium water can be an excellent alternative to store-bought fertilizers. It contains a large number of substances that perfectly stimulate plant growth, it is very soft and has a neutral pH. But it is recommended to use it for fertilizing in the spring or early summer - at the moments when the plants begin to actively grow leaves and shoots. But starting from mid-summer, it is better not to use aquarium water for home flowers.

Again, everything is good in moderation, so you need to feed the plants with aquarium water no more than once a month, otherwise a lot of microscopic algae, once in the soil of a potted flower, will multiply greatly, as a result of which the soil will turn green and sour.

10. Succinic acid

Succinic acid, a substance obtained after processing natural amber, has many useful qualities, which is why it is widely used, including for feeding home flowers.

Succinic acid is obtained in the form of a white crystalline powder, somewhat similar to citric acid what is it in appearance, and to taste. To prepare a nutrient solution, dilute 1 gram of the drug in 5 liters of water. This liquid can not only be watered, but also sprayed on house plants. Begonias, aglaonemas, citrus fruits, chlorophytums, ficuses, haworthia, prickly pear and fat plants are especially fond of such feeding.

Please note: you can use succinic acid to feed home flowers no more than once a year, otherwise you risk getting reverse effect.

In addition to the 10 most popular fertilizers for home flowers, there are several more options that are used less frequently, but this, according to their supporters, is no less effective:
filtered water left after washing meat and fish is also considered a good flower fertilizer; However, I was not able to find scientific confirmation of this fact, maybe you were luckier? If you have already had the opportunity to verify the miraculous power of such supplements, please tell us about it in the comments;
Some gardeners use water from washing cereals to feed home flowers: buckwheat, rice, millet, etc., which contains iron, silicon, phosphorus and magnesium;
eggshells, according to many lovers of home flowers, are also very useful. It is buried in the soil during plant transplantation, and the water used for irrigation is infused on it, but whether it is actually a top dressing is a question. Yes, eggshells do contain a large amount of calcium, but it is practically inaccessible to plants, and then what is the use of it? Moreover, a very limited number of indoor flowers are distinguished by their love for calcium, and its excess in the soil only contributes to the fact that plants begin to develop chlorosis. So it turns out that the use of eggshells as a fertilizer is very doubtful, except that it can become excellent drainage;
Toothpaste and tooth powder also serve as fertilizers for home flowers. To prepare a mix with tooth powder, you need 3 tbsp. spoons of powder, 3 tablespoons of wood ash and 1 tbsp. spoon copper sulfate dilute in a liter of water. There is no need to infuse this fertilizer; it can be used immediately after preparation. You can prepare fertilizers with toothpaste very easily and quickly: dissolve a third of a tube of toothpaste in 1 liter of water, this fertilizing will provide nutrition to the roots of the flowers, and they will acquire a healthier appearance.

And lastly, before using fertilizers for home flowers, remember a few simple rules:
do not feed plants transplanted into new soil earlier than after 2 months, because nutritious soil also contains fertilizers, the excess of which will only lead to the death of the plant;
before fertilizing the plants, water the soil with plain clean water, this will help you not to destroy them if the fertilizer turns out to be concentrated;
all weakened or diseased plants must be fed very carefully, using a fertilizer solution of significantly lower concentration for these purposes; There is no need to fertilize all year round; house flowers only need fertilizer in the spring-summer period.

When using various fertilizers for home flowers, try not to overdo it, because everything is good only in moderation, and an excess of nutrients will disrupt the uniform development of your plants and can cause their death. That is why fertilizing must be correct and as balanced as possible, only in this way can it be beneficial.

Well, it seems that I have listed all the most popular natural fertilizers for home flowers, although I could be wrong. Maybe I didn’t mention the fertilizer that you use successfully? Please tell us what you use to feed your house plants and why?

Surely, many will agree with the opinion that flowers are one of the most wonderful creations of nature. Since ancient times, flowers grew only on the street, but gradually people learned to grow flowers at home so that they could delight us with their beauty all year round. Even when there is snow, blizzard and frost outside the window, a picturesque flower can stand on the windowsill and remind us of summer. However, strong, healthy, blooming bright color flowers and other indoor plants cannot be obtained without the use of fertilizers. It is best when flower food is natural. In this article we will talk about how best to fertilize plants, when is the best time to do it and with what.

When do plants need feeding?

You need to fertilize your indoor plants much more often than you think. This is explained by the fact that the feeding area for indoor plants and flowers is limited; even the largest pot cannot provide the flower with the nutrients that it would receive from the soil on open ground. You can get out of this situation by trying to transplant the plants into a new bud from time to time. But after two months after transplanting into new soil, the plant again begins to show signs of insufficient nutrition. Thus, based on the characteristics of indoor plants, you can determine the time when fertilizing will give the best results.

Signals for the need to recharge:

  • Slowdown in growth rate.
  • The color of the leaves becomes paler, the leaves themselves decrease in size, and they fall off.
  • The flower stops blooming and falls off without even opening.
  • The appearance of yellow leaves, the appearance of spots on the leaves and other unpleasant moments.

What natural fertilizers can I use?

For home flowers, it is best to use natural fertilizers, treat plants folk remedies. Let's look at what products can be used as plant food.

1. Cane or beet sugar. The most common natural fertilizer among home plant lovers is regular sugar, both cane and beet. Glucose, which breaks down to form sugar, is the energy source for numerous processes within plants. Another function of glucose: construction. However, glucose does its job perfectly in the presence of one condition: carbon dioxide.

To ensure that sugar bait gives good results, use the following recipe: dissolve one tablespoon in half a liter of water and pour the solution over the plant. This solution should be used maximum once a month.

2. Coffee bait. Another excellent remedy for additional nutrition of home flowers is coffee. Another positive quality of this fertilizer is that it is easy to prepare: you just need to drink coffee. However, please note that not all houseplants tolerate coffee and its increased soil acidity. Instead of coffee, you can also use tea leaves.

When using tea leaves as fertilizer, remember that black flies love tea leaves.

3. Citrus dressing. peel of many tropical plants, such as tangerines, oranges, and bananas, can be used as an excellent bait for home flowers. Before using the peel, it must be prepared. The preparation is as follows: grind the citrus peel, then fill a liter jar one-third full with crushed citrus peel, and then fill it with boiling water. The resulting mixture should sit for 24 hours. After this, we take out the zest, add water to the jar to make one liter, and then water our flowers.

4. Natural ash. At first glance, it may seem that ash is unlikely to help solve problems with plant diseases. However, the first glance is wrong. Ash contains a lot of phosphorus, iron, zinc and potassium, which plants need so much. For indoor flowers, ash is used as follows: mix the ash with soil when replanting plants. You can also use ash in liquid form: one tbsp. dissolve the ash in one liter of water room temperature. We water the flowers with this solution once a week.

5. Yeast feeding. Probably, few people realize that yeast is an excellent tool for accelerating plant growth. Yeast owes its action to the elements contained in its composition. Conducted Scientific research have proven that under the influence of yeast, the activity of microorganisms in the soil increases and the level of carbon dioxide produced increases.

The recipe for preparing yeast top dressing is as follows: mix ten grams. yeast and one tablespoon of cane sugar. Dissolve the resulting mixture in a liter of water at room temperature. Let the solution stand for two hours, and then dilute the solution again with water in a ratio of one to five. After this, we water the ground around the house flowers.

6. Onion dressing. A product without which any dish in our cuisine seems unthinkable, onions can be used not only in cooking, but also in gardening. Onion fertilizer is prepared from onion peels; it has a positive effect on flower growth. You can achieve good results very quickly using the following recipe: pour fifty grams of onion peels into two liters of boiling water. Mix thoroughly and bring the broth to a boil again, then boil for another ten minutes. Next, the solution is infused for three hours. Next, you need to strain the broth and water the plants with it.

7. Vegetable broth. To date, the use of vegetable decoction for the treatment of home flowers has not yet been sufficiently studied. But numerous reviews indicate that this is a fairly effective method.

8. Aquarium water. If you do not want to spend money on expensive artificial approval, and you have an aquarium, then the water from it can be used as an excellent fertilizer. In aquarium water large quantities contains substances that accelerate the growth rate of home flowers. It is best to use this fertilizer in summer and autumn, when plants need additional nutrition, but in summer it is best to abandon aquarium water.

9. Succinic acid. What is succinic acid? This is a special substance obtained during the processing of natural amber. This stuff has a bunch useful properties, which make it popular among fertilizers for indoor flowers. Use the following recipe for preparing bait from succinic acid: take one gram of acid and dilute it in five liters of water at room temperature. The resulting solution can not only water the soil around the plants, but also spray their leaves.

Acid is a potent agent, so it should be used rarely, maximum once a year.

In conclusion, I would like to say that no matter what fertilizer you choose for indoor flowers, remember that you do not need to introduce it in the first two months after transplanting indoor flowers into new soil. Also, before you start fertilizing your home flowers, water the soil thoroughly; this will protect you from the death of plants if the concentration of the resulting fertilizer is too high. Follow the advice above and your flowers will always make you happy.

Every gardener who grows “green pets” wants to see lush flowering buds. There are a lot of flowering indoor plants. Among them are anthurium, camellia, clerodendrum, sinningia, alpine violet and others. However, it happens that home crops bought from the shelves in flower shops drop their buds at home, refusing to bloom.

There are many reasons for this behavior of plants: changes in microclimate, replanting, improper care, lack of lighting, lack of fertilizing. To bring the flower back to normal, specially developed fertilizers come to the rescue, designed to stimulate the formation of new buds, as well as the growth of the crop.

Composition and form of fertilizer

Many amateur gardeners are interested in the question of how fertilizers for flowering crops differ from others. Such preparations are designed to encourage the appearance of inflorescences. Fertilizers for abundant flowering mainly contain phosphorus and potassium. Nitrogen is contained in minimal quantities.

When buying packages with mineral complexes, you can find the NPK designation on them. It is she who determines the purpose of the drug, indicating the percentage composition of the above-described elements.

Plants need potassium for photosynthesis, proper vegetation, and resistance to the adverse effects of surrounding microflora. Phosphorus is the basis of energy. It controls metabolic processes within the plant and is responsible for its very reproduction. Phosphorus is especially important during the formation of buds, inflorescences, and seed ripening.

Nitrogen is needed for flowering crops, but in much smaller quantities. Excess of the element will result in an increase in green foliage at the expense of its abundant blooms. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to use a product with a high nitrogen content to feed domestic flowering crops.

In addition, the nutrient contains various microelements and vitamins that are important for healthy growth green spaces.

Fertilizer application timing

Sometimes gardeners think that a plant needs fertilizing only at the moment of rapid flowering. This formulation is not true. The period of bud formation is accompanied by flowering. Both the formation of inflorescences and flowering are the phase when the plant expends maximum energy. Therefore, make useful material your pets need it in both periods.

More often, houseplants form buds and also bloom from spring to autumn. During this period, crops require feeding with minerals.

There are also exceptions among representatives of indoor fauna. Let’s say it forms flower stalks in the fall and blooms in the winter, so you need to fertilize the crop with the arrival of cold weather.

During the period of growth and development, during dormancy, feeding flowers is not recommended.

The most popular fertilizers for abundant flowering

All preparations are divided into mineral and organic. Organic preparations are of animal or plant origin. Here you can highlight animal and bird droppings, peat bogs, and vegetable compost. These fertilizers contain elements that improve the structure of the soil, ensuring the best absorption of mineral fertilizers by the flower in the future. Added to the soil when transplanting or planting.

Minerals appear by processing raw materials and mining waste. These fertilizers will be needed when the substrate runs out of organic additives.

They produce nutritional fertilizers for plants with lush flowering in certain forms. The following fertilizers are available in flower shops:

  • in the form of tablets, sticks;
  • liquid preparations;
  • powdery substances;
  • granular products.

The most recognized and especially popular option is the liquid form. It is convenient to breed, use and store. Preparations in the form of tablets and sticks are easy to use: I stick them into the ground. Then, when watering, the substance dissolves, fertilizing root system. Powders with granules are used to save money when there are a large number of plants in the house.

Nowadays, the choice of fertilizing and fertilizers for flowering crops is huge. Among the manufacturers, European and Russian companies stand out, as well as companies from nearby foreign countries.

Below are the most famous and popular trade marks fertilizers, tested experienced gardeners and time.

  • Flower Paradise for flowering indoor and garden plants;
  • Pokon flowering plants;
  • Agricola for flowering plants;
  • Fertilizer good power for abundant flowering;
  • BonaForte for ornamental flowering plants.

These drugs contain potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. Many fertilizers include biologically significant elements: cobalt, copper, boron, molybdenum, zinc, manganese, iron. As well as biostimulants - succinic acid, thiamine, niacin.

When using different preparations for indoor flora crops, try not to increase the specified dosage from the manufacturer. After all, an excess of nutrients will disrupt the development of the flower and even provoke its death.

Therefore, any fertilizing and fertilizers must be correct and balanced, this is the only way they will be beneficial.

Fertilize green pets fully and in a timely manner, and they will delight you with abundant flowering and powerful greenery.

Growing indoor flowers is a favorite pastime for many. This is good for your health, and you have a natural decoration for your home. But in order to have a real flower garden in your apartment, you need to carefully care for it. Moreover, care must certainly include not only regular watering, lighting and replanting, but also high-quality flower feeding. Knowing how to feed indoor flowers at home, you can take care of your favorite greenery at the proper level.

Some gardeners are convinced that there is no need to purchase nutritional compounds too often for indoor plants at home. It would seem that you water them often, and the lighting in the apartment is not bad. However, in fact, homemade greens need feeding much more than you might think at first glance.

Feeding indoor plants should be done from time to time. And all because the flower grows in a limited space. It gradually absorbs everything useful that it finds in the soil, thereby depleting it. Sooner or later, the supply of nutrients in the substrate becomes very scarce, and the plants no longer have enough of it. That's when you need to feed the soil. Remember: even if your home shrub or other ornamental plant planted in a large spacious pot, one day it will not have enough minerals. And this deficiency must be filled by you.

There are also other experts who believe that indoor plants are quite simple sometimes, and fertilizing is not necessary. Perhaps, for the first time, this procedure will be able to prolong the active life of the flower. However, it still will not give the desired result if you neglect the need to apply fertilizer.

Make sure that home flower is already suffering from a poor supply of nutrients in the soil, you can use the following signs:

  • the plant develops too slowly or its growth has slowed down;
  • flower stems become weak;
  • leaves lose color and elasticity;
  • the flowering process stops;
  • the plant turns yellow and becomes much more susceptible to pest invasion.

Watering your houseplants with nutrient mixtures is a must if you want to keep them alive.

When not to feed flowers

It would seem that any feeding is always useful and necessary for your indoor flower garden. But provided that you apply fertilizer at the right time. If you feed home flowers at the wrong time, you can get the opposite effect. That is, you will only harm your indoor plants. In what situations is it recommended to delay feeding your home flower garden? First of all, forget about fertilizers for a while when the plant is damaged or simply sick. First, you need to rid it of such a scourge, and only after that begin to restore the weakened greenery.

Immediately after purchasing a new flower specimen, it is also worth postponing the addition of nutrient mixtures to the soil for a while. The thing is that in the store the plant is abundantly watered with various growth stimulants and other compounds. Therefore, the flower first needs to “digest” the existing beneficial substances.

Another period during which it is undesirable to fertilize is immediately after transplantation. By updating the soil mixture, you have already supplied the plant with vitamins.

Homemade recipes for natural fertilizers

Feeding home flowers with folk remedies is The best decision for any gardener. Firstly, it is much cheaper than purchasing store-bought nutritional mixtures. Secondly, home methods will bring much more benefits. That is why domestic flower growers for the most part prefer to supplement indoor plants with proven homemade decoctions and mashes.

It's time to consider what folk remedies can quickly stimulate development and growth indoor flower. Among the effective fertilizers prepared for indoor flowers at home, it is worth highlighting the following possible options:

  • dry yeast and cigarette ash. Yeast is generally considered a useful organic product, ideal for feeding almost any plant, indoor or garden. As for cigarette ash, it is simply scattered at the root of the flower. It is not only able to saturate greens with vitamins, but also perfectly protects against the appearance of various ailments. Domestic flower growers appreciate both the effectiveness of using cigarette ash and the ease of its use. To feed the plant, it is not necessary to dilute the powder with liquid or mix it with other ingredients. It is enough just to sprinkle the substrate in the pot with ash from time to time and then water on top;
  • sugar and banana peel. Fertilizing plants with folk remedies is always simple and inexpensive. But the result is what is needed. Since sugar contains a huge amount of glucose, it is very beneficial for indoor flowers. This product stimulates the formation of molecules and has a beneficial effect on plant development. It is not difficult to use. Simply sprinkle sugar on the top layer of soil and then water thoroughly. – another useful fertilizer for flowers. It contains potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. A tincture can be prepared from this product. To do this, fill the peel with water and leave until foam appears. The finished solution can be used for irrigation;
  • . Another useful remedy for flower growth. Succinic acid obtained by processing fossilized resin. It is enough to take one gram of the substance and mix it with five liters of water. Prepare such a solution at home, and you can not only water the plant with it, but also spray its leaves and stems.

Houseplants should be fed in accordance with basic rules. Only in this case can you count on full results.

Video “Natural fertilizers for indoor plants”

In this video you will learn about several of the best natural food for indoor plants.