Kano isa dagaz weight loss. Runic weight loss: is there a proven one? Is it possible to lose weight with the help of runes

Runes for weight loss are used in cases where the usual methods of losing excess weight do not work. Symbolism allows you to get a quick and safe result for human health.

Staves are collected runic symbols. They are created by superimposing one sign on the second. Why resort to the help of ancient runic symbols:

  • changing bad habits - eradicating the cause of obesity or overeating leads to liberation from food addiction;
  • improving well-being - a person does not reproach himself for mistakes in the past and freely looks into the future;
  • improvement of internal processes - ancient signs favorably affect the general metabolic processes, they strengthen the immune system, start cleaning the body;
  • if the cause of excess weight is in the negative induced from the outside, then the runes allow you to make the strongest energy decoupling.

Give ancient signs of rejuvenation, if the runic weight loss is created from equal parts - separate signs. Each sign carries its own energy and affects a person. They are used in combination.

In order for the runic symbols to work, in parallel, a person does work on himself. He refuses toxic and harmful food, puts the body in order - this starts the internal metabolic processes.

Through efforts, a person shows determination and a mindset for a quick recovery.

The moral side of treatment with runes is very important: if there is no trust in the staves, then the result will be unsatisfactory.

Proven runes for weight loss

Runic formulas are created for a complex effect. The signs work separately, but together, reinforcing each other, they act for several days.

The selection of runes depends on the goals of the practice.

Runa Isa affects the physical body of a person. The sign stops weight gain, stops its accumulation in a few days.

Isa provides the primary result when the weight stops at a certain point. If you use the rune separately, then after the termination of its work, the practitioner is obliged to engage in intense physical activity.

Rune Yera is a sign of spiritual purification. The ancient symbol brings relief, liberation. Jera is used to drive away fears, get rid of attachment or bad habit.

For this reason, the symbol serves to treat psychological dependence on food. Without Yera, therapy for jamming problems works much worse.

Dagaz sign cleanses the body. She gets rid of excess weight separate parts body.

Protects Degas from anorexia, as a result of a panic fear of gaining weight again. The rune provides correct, but rapid weight loss.

Kano, like Isa and Dagaz, will come in handy in the weight loss program. The symbol is responsible for the transformation of the soul and body.

How to write a runic formula for weight loss?

Becoming created with his own hands. Through touch, involvement in work, the practitioner transfers his energy to the ancient alphabet.

Gradually, starting from the base, and ending with the last fixing sign, a person creates a powerful tool. The main advantage of staves is that beginners can write it without preparation.

Rules for applying ancient symbols:

  1. For these purposes, use the basis - paper, wood, stone. In some cases, the base is replaced with glass or fabric.
  2. Use paints of certain colors. They allow you to unleash the power of the runes. It is better to choose red and black paints without impurities of other shades.
  3. During the application of symbols, their strength is strengthened by another technique - visualization. Presenting the result, the practitioner charges the runes and directs their impact.
  4. Apply symbols according to drawings and clear schemes. Fix it yourself appearance runes are not allowed.

With runes for weight loss, as with any other magical attribute, you can’t joke. Caution, respect, responsibility are important qualities for a practitioner who achieves stable results with the help of runes.

The final stage of applying runes is an expression of gratitude. The practitioner is grateful for the powers given to him.

The strongest runic combination with a reservation

Will enhance the effect of the stav pronounced slander. Like visualization, the chosen phrase directs the runes in the right direction.

The strength of the combination is determined by the mood of the practitioner. He is the main source of strength. To reinforce the work of the formula, they optimize each stage of creating a stav.

The practitioner chooses a natural base, and in case of weight loss, it is better to apply standing on the body. If it is printed on a piece of paper, it is kept next to oneself: the runic symbolism is always located next to the body.

Another condition for a strong stav is the determination of the term of his work. Speaking a slander, the practitioner gives the runes time, but sets the exact date for the cessation of their impact.

An important stage is the choice of a rune so that a person loses weight, and losing weight through a runic becoming does not harm his health. Mannaz or Fehu promotes weight control on one indicator. Kano or Dagaz improve the condition of the body when the number of calories is sharply reduced or a person goes on a strict diet.

Runic form for fast weight loss must contain Hagalaz and Yera in order to a sharp decline weight did not cause other problems - anxiety, loss of control, lack of desire to stop.

The main runes for dropping extra pounds need a reservation. Without it, signs do not work for long or do not work at all.

Reservations for runic formulas

A slander is a specific phrase. It is said once when the practitioner creates a rune or uses it as an affirmation.

To get rid of body fat, the slander must respond in the heart of a person. Through simple words the practitioner refers to himself, says that he is confident in the decision to lose weight. And his whole being agrees. Then the runic becoming will work with lightning speed.

It works in three directions at once. It marks the boundaries of the ancient signs. The slander activates energies, forces coming from outside. Stops the spoken phrase Negative influence from the side. An example of an effective weight loss clause:

Let these runes make me (the name of the practitioner) get rid of unnecessary kilograms (it is better to guess the number). Let my desire come from my strength. Let the runes take effect now. Let the becoming stop as soon as its time passes (the end date of the work is guessed). Let the symbols work without harm to my body and mind. Becoming I activate now and it serves only me!

Popular runic weight loss rates

Proper weight loss is a welcome change. They do not disturb the energy balance of the body. Act gradually, but carefully.

Popular rates are time-tested. They don't give too much and they don't take too much.

To make extra pounds disappear before our eyes, it is better to choose a formula:

  • weight loss;
  • weight loss formula 2;
  • formula Menu from Trap.

Using individual runes, a person is not protected from the consequences of rapid weight loss. Safety for the soul and body is guaranteed by becoming. It is created for a specific purpose and rarely harms a person.

Weight Loss Formula

The stave uses 7 different runic signs. Two Dagaz are taken as a basis. The symbol is applied first. It symbolizes change and works from a slander.

The second sign is applied to Eyvaz in a straight position. The rune allows you to move more in the right direction. From the first days, the practitioner forgets about bad habits.

Turisaz is depicted in a mirror image. They are used to destroy mental blocks - installations that prevent you from losing weight.

Kenaz in a mirror image burns fat. Extra pounds disappear in a short time.

After Kenaz, Berkan is immediately applied. This rune softens the complex process for the body

Two symbols Laguz are used in the stav. The symbol strengthens the result and removes toxins from the body. It was used in ancient times for complete cleansing of the body.

The final part of Weight Loss is the three signs of Algiz. They do not affect the physiology, but the psychological state of the practitioner.

Algiz reduces stress levels, prevents the development of depression and alienation from society. Without a rune, the combination is incomplete. She is incapable of working with a weak-minded person.

Weight Loss Formula 2

Advanced Weight Loss. It helps to reduce weight, rejuvenate the body, put the body and soul in order.

Complex action is provided by ancient symbols - they work together:

  1. Hagalaz. Serves as a destructive force. It relieves the practice of the cause of gaining excess weight.
  2. Turisaz. The symbol cleans from slags. In order for toxins to completely leave the body along with Turisaz, an overweight person switches to proper nutrition.
  3. Laguz. The rune removes toxins accumulated not only in cells, but also in the mental body of a person. Cleaning is painless.
  4. Hyera-Perth. Weight loss is associated with negative changes - extra skin or stretch marks. The Yera-Perth combination keeps the body in good shape. Provides a rejuvenating formula.
  5. Dagaz-Algiz. Final combination. Responsible for ensuring that the weight does not return. In parallel, Dagaz-Algiz strengthens the immune system.

The maximum term of the formula is no more than 2 months.

The Trap Menu Formula

For people with a bad habit of overeating, a unique formula has been created. It excludes sports, but also protects health from excessive stress, when a person constantly loses weight and gets better.

Used in the Soul-Yera formula for protection. The formula without protective elements only works on people with strong energy.

The main element is Teyvaz. It fills a person with vital energy. The operator is ready for change, he yearns for it.

Complements Teyvaz rune Raido. It enhances the desire to engage in an active life. Awakening is the main message of Raido. The symbol helps to reduce the load if the practitioner visits the gym.

Turisaz is applied third. The rune reduces cravings for sweet and junk food. There is a decrease in appetite, but without starvation. A person practices proper nutrition and enjoys it. Inguz is the final part of the stav: it symbolizes metabolic processes, speeds up metabolism.

Runes to improve physical condition

With the help of ancient signs, a person increases endurance. He becomes active and no longer dependent on the imaginary pleasures of food.

Runes for strengthening the body are used separately or as part of an effective stav.

Soul awakens the desire to take care of yourself. It pushes a person to walk in training and protects his body from stress.

Fehu gives a surge of strength. Nautiz, if used in a stav, allows you to limit the consumption of harmful products. As a result, a person wakes up, begins an active lifestyle.

Strengthening runes are activated with the help of one of the natural elements. The practitioner acts on the formula with air, water, or burns it.


Runic becoming helps in the process of losing weight. They bring relief from the influence of a bad habit. Changes necessary for a person lead to recovery - weight loss.

Becoming for weight loss allows you to comprehensively affect the human body and reduce stress levels. Choose a formula with simple but effective elements. To activate them, use the natural element. Each combination has its own lifespan.

30.10.2015 admin

runic magic has established itself as an effective tool in solving many of the most difficult life situations. In addition to being used as a means to know the past and the future, runes can also heal the mental and physical bodies of a person. Apply runic magic Anyone can after a short course of study.

General information about runes

Runes are non-fictional symbols of modernity, this is a writing system that arose in Europe in the second century AD. There is an opinion among scientists that it was the runic writing that was transferred to the inhabitants of Europe by our earlier ancestors in order to transfer magical knowledge.

Runic signs have changed several times over the history of their existence. But not only their appearance, internal value and the symbolism also changed.

Our ancestors used runes to:

  • Carrying out rituals associated with the birth of a person and his burial;
  • As writing (only in small villages and settlements);
  • In times of active hostilities, runic inscriptions showed wanderers the way to shelters.

The use of runes by our ancestors was kept under the strictest secrecy at a time when magical practices were persecuted.

With the help of runes, you can perform the following manipulations of the magical plan:

  • Opening energy flow channels;
  • Closing channels of energy flows;
  • Setting protection for one object and several;
  • Putting protection on magical work using a different magical technique;
  • Restoration of energy circulation in the human energy column;
  • Restoration of the human aura structure;
  • Discovery of the future and past of man;
  • Energy correction of the past and future of a person.

Rune principles

No wonder manipulations with runes are called runic rituals. The word ritual in the narrow sense of the word means ordered actions of a magical nature. A ritual is a systematization of knowledge and skills to achieve a goal. When conducting a ritual with runes, even if it is just getting an answer to one question, you should carefully prepare for it.

For those who work with runes, there are several rules that should be followed in this matter:

  • The ban on the use of alcoholic and stimulant drugs;
  • When conducting complex runic rituals, it is worth adhering to a diet in nutrition;
  • A clear awareness of the need to obtain the result for which the ritual is performed.
With regard to limiting the use of alcoholic and stimulant drugs, everything is very clear, a clear mind is needed to obtain the desired result. To improve the effect of working with runes, you can use incense and essential oils. Exist whole system selection of aromatic oils for work with runic systems.

Diet in nutrition is also needed for better concentration to get the desired result. Of course, you don’t have to switch to strict fasting, but it’s worth limiting the intake of animal food and fats in a few days. Without a clearly posed question, a clear and specific answer will not come from the runes.

To improve concentration, it is worthwhile in advance:

  • Master the meditation practice;
  • Learn to manage Qi energy;
  • To undergo a diagnosis for the presence of negativity, if it is present, it is worth postponing runic rituals to attract money and love to life.

Diagnosing negative programs on a person with the help of runes is another way to use them, which is actively used today not only in Europe, but throughout the world. Of course, in order to practice serious runic rituals, you need to take a course of special training, but almost everyone can get answers to simple questions and help in life situations.

Runic symbols for weight loss

The problem of excess weight worries many, but few have tried the magical effect of runes for weight loss. It is worth remembering one nuance of working with runes for weight loss, it is best to choose the waning cycle of the moon for this.

So, the runes that help get rid of extra pounds:

  • Isa- the rune of cooling, freezing of all processes, in the fight against extra pounds, it will help stop the process of gaining excess weight and allow other runes to do their job;
  • Hyères- a rune of redirecting energy in the right direction, this rune can not only get rid of excess weight, but also energize the entire body;
  • Soulou is able to restore lost energy and the balance of fats in the body;
  • Hagalaz- breaks down fats well;
  • Berkana- accelerates the process of losing weight, but at the same time makes it soft;
  • Dagaz- embodies the changes themselves that are necessary, that is, losing weight in exactly those areas that are needed;

These are the main runes that are used to achieve the goal of losing weight. They can be used both one at a time and in the form of a weight loss bet.

The correct spelling of the rune for weight loss

A large number of staves for weight loss:

  • they are written on a sheet of paper, not applied to glass and wood;
  • written in black or red pencil. If you write Isa on the problem area with a red felt-tip pen, then it will activate very quickly and will freeze the process of building up adipose tissue right there.
  • Runes should be correctly applied to paper, connecting visualization.

How to draw runescripts?

As a rule, descriptions of activated runes are attached to runescripts, staves. It is worth drawing them in the order in which they are listed in the description of the runescript.

This becoming is written from right to left and in the sequence in which the runes are depicted.

Shown here:

  • Turisaz- promotes the breakdown of fat;
  • Quort- promotes fat burning;
  • Laguz- Promotes its excretion from the body as a liquid.
  • Uruz- tones the body;
  • Solo- rune zakrepa, which guarantees a positive outcome.

How to use runes correctly?

Many practitioners advise updating the staves every lunar cycle. If the description for the rune stav indicates that you need to apply it to the material and carry it with you, then it’s better not to put the sheet with runes in your wallet, unless it’s money magic, of course, but to wear it like an amulet on your body. You can also sew a rune, embroider it on clothes. If the rune is made of stone, it can be worn as a piece of jewelry.

If the rune is intended for long-term wear, then it is worth cleaning it in water at least once a month. It is immersed for a day in purified water, you can put the container with the rune on the windowsill so that it is saturated with lunar and solar energies.

Today, many people use runes and I really want to recall the basic rules for working with them, for successful work:

  • Purposefulness;
  • Careful preparation;
  • The correct selection of a combination of runes;
  • Correct use.

It’s not worth experimenting on your own at the beginning of runic practice, you should trust the professionals, conduct several proven rituals, and then, having identified which one is the most suitable, expand the methods of working with it. This practice will definitely bear fruit, it is also important A complex approach working with runes.

The stakes are always more effective than the runes separately, you should not be afraid to work with the stakes, you should expect a positive result.

Apply the formula only on paper, which you will keep with you throughout the duration of the runes.

Important: do not apply this particular formula to the body. During the day, a person takes a bunch of poses - and in each pose the runes look different, for example, they can turn over and give the opposite effect! Therefore, in order not to get fat and not mislead the Universe, write the rune formula for weight loss on paper or a piece of leather, or any other natural material.

Be sure to read before applying and activating the formula.

The formula looks like this:



“This runic formula helps me lose weight and lose weight by ... kilograms within (specify your term) without harm to my physical and mental health, without negative events in my life, only in a pleasant, safe, positive, bright and easy way. This formula works from the moment it was written until the result. May it be so for the common good of others! I thank the runes for the work.

After your weight returns to normal, the runes should be given to any of the elements - water, fire, earth or wind - with words of gratitude for helping you lose weight. This is a must!

Purpose: runic becoming for weight loss, volume reduction, fat burning, initiates the transformation, starts the process.

(From zef): Checked, working. It also not only shifts the situation, but also works on other levels, gives energy to change nutrition, information about what is best to do, all this comes "accidentally" in the process, can initiate cleansing in family relationships, additional cleansing such as stopping the shedding of the negative from the karma of the family, detecting damage, as well as going to a specialist like an endocrinologist "completely by chance and naturally", all this lines up in a chain, so it's better to bet on long time, it is better to draw on your hand and be sensitive to what you need to do, do not ignore the event chain. If you feel that the rune has worked out its own and built a method for losing weight, you can put other staves on the same topic, further down the chain. (staves work well). Also, the “minus 60 system” (not a diet, but a food distribution system for the day) goes well with the rune, but also if you listen to the rune and to yourself, the food will rebuild itself.

Sample clause: Let this runic formula make me (full name) lose weight by "so many kilograms." Let the DRF carry out what I have agreed, using only my personal strength. Let the DRF begin its action now. Let the DRF cease its action as soon as it fulfills what I have agreed. This runic becoming works without harm to the mental, physical and energy health of the full name. I activate this runic becoming right now with my breath, so be it. And there is!

It is put: Applied to the body with a marker and updated as it is erased. You can draw on a photo or on paper indicating your full name or make a plaster

Responsibility: When placing a runic becoming, you should be aware of the diagnostics and security measures,you take responsibility for the process and stipulation . If you are not confident in your abilities, you can seek help for a consultation. or to the author of the runic stav by finding his contacts on the Internet.

Possible offerings into the woods after the stipulation : honey (One), if you decide to stipulate not on your own strength. Or a standard list, depending on whose energy it is placed on. If we put it on our own, then we don’t bring anything anywhere.

Removed after: erased from the hand or burned (if put on paper), after a while, with words of gratitude

Mannaz - determine who is losing weight

Kenaz - disclosure, transformation, renewal, fire melting excesses of the body, change

Raido - weight loss progress, changes in the body

Teyvaz - active perseverance of the planned weight loss

Nautiz is a compulsion to achieve weight loss.

In an effort to be as attractive as possible, both ladies and men resort to a wide variety of means, sometimes not quite traditional. But one who understands magic is well aware how effective some systems of magical symbols can be. They are widely used to participate in fate, divination and help in a variety of issues.

Runes are especially powerful., one of the most ancient signs that have survived to this day. The power of the runes is used to solve a variety of life issues. Those who are concerned about the issue of enhancing their own attractiveness will be helped by weight loss runes tested with a pattern and runes for beauty and sexuality.

Runes are nothing but symbols of the most ancient alphabets of some peoples of Scandinavia and parts of others European countries . The general public is most familiar with the runes of the druids. Their writing system consisted of 28 runic characters. Another popular alphabet is Germanic, which includes 24 runes. Otherwise, it is called the Elder Futhark.

There were a lot of runic alphabets. There were 5 Scandinavian alphabets. 2 belonged to the peoples living in the modern territory of Denmark. Another 5 were used jointly by the Swedes and Norwegians. All these runic alphabets - Scandinavian, Danish and Norwegian-Swedish - are also called the Younger Futhark.

How to use runes correctly?

It is the Elder Futhark that is considered magical and the most effective. Alas, only a few of the 24 runes have survived to our time, so the runes of the Younger Futhark are now in use. According to an ancient legend, the runes were given to the supreme god Odin at the time of his meditation and high insight. For this reason, runic signs have long been considered:

  • something divine
  • endowed with supreme power,
  • magical.

Many centuries ago, they were painted on stone or wood and carried in a special canvas purse (small bag). Trying to find out their future, they were taken out of the purse at random one by one and made a special alignment.

Now there are runes on both stone and wood. But you can simply depict - "write" - runes on paper or even on the body.

They have a special power runograms- magical talismans, which are made individually for each person and life situation. Runes can be depicted on various things that you want to endow with magical power or protect from an evil eye.

For example, on entrance doors in the house, on some little thing of a child, or even on one's own body. If you want to lose weight, then write the runes either directly on the body or on a small piece of paper that should always be with you.

To draw runes, it is better to have a special marker (or a helium pen) in red, black or of blue color. It should only be used for these purposes and nothing else. Hide this marker and don't let anyone use it. It will be a "sacred tool" only for drawing runescripts.

You can depict runes on the body only in those places that an outsider will not see that are hidden under clothing. It could be the belly or inner side shoulder. If you are using runes for beauty and attractiveness or weight loss, then it is best to draw them on the stomach.

How to draw runescripts?

Even on your own body (and especially on him!) runes must be applied correctly. They must be drawn in such a way that some virtual observer, the one who stands in front of you, can read them correctly. By no means a mirror image! Of course, the signs you wrote should not be shown to anyone.

Runes for weight loss are best applied to the stomach. This is the region of the so-called lower chakras, which are responsible for the bodily. Symbols applied to the anterior abdominal wall enhance attractiveness, correct some personal qualities and even protect against negative energy from the outside.

Runes can be depicted in a column or in a line. At the time of writing, it is important to stipulate what the desired duration of the runes is. If the runes are slightly worn out, and the result you need has not yet been obtained, then they can just be circled again. After the characters you have written have had the desired effect, they can be washed off, and this can be done with a simple make-up remover milk or even alcohol. The removal tool does not play a special role.

The main thing to remember is that even after the runescripts have been erased from the body, they will still have an effect on it for 2-3 days. If you are not ready to use your body as a notebook, just write the runes on a piece of paper with the same red marker. Carry it always with you, keep it carefully from prying eyes and burn it when the signs have their effect. Washing off the runes from the body or burning a sheet with their image, be sure to respectfully thank them.

For weight loss and weight stabilization, several combinations of runes are used. The most effective magic formula that will help you lose weight quickly and with pleasure is as follows:

Uruz - Dagaz - (write your name here) - Laguz - Kenaz - Isa

Runes need to be drawn in the middle of the abdomen and on the left palm. On the stomach, runescripts are drawn from left to right, on the hand - starting from the wrist towards the fingers. It is better to depict the magic formula with a blue or black marker and it must be updated every day. This is a must!

You need to draw runic signs exactly as they are shown in the illustration, in no case turning them upside down, otherwise the result will be exactly the opposite of what you want.

So, on the stomach we write the magic formula from left to right, the top of the runes is where our head is, the bottom is, respectively, the legs. In the palm of your hand, we begin to write from the wrist (we also depict the runes straight, and not upside down). The last rune should be inscribed at the base of the fingers.

There are also several runic combinations that are consonant in meaning. For example, in order to more easily endure the refusal of food or a decrease in the volume of normal portions, you can use the following runes:

Mannaz - Berkano - Fehu - Vunyo

They are help you think less about feeling hungry, on obsessing over it and getting full in much smaller portions. The magic formula works especially well in the first few days, when the diet is especially difficult. Gradually, the body gets used to this diet and it is easier to cope with a reduced diet.

Another formula will help well, without loss in terms of health, to survive the period of starvation:

Isa - Kano - Dagaz.

If the first two runes are rearranged and the result is the formula "Kano-Isa-Dagaz", then such a combination will contribute to the active burning of fat in the body and the renewal of all processes, and hence the overall rejuvenation.

The rune "Kano" means "fire, burning, burning", "Isa" helps to ensure that the burning process lasts in time, and is not a short-term phenomenon. The sign "Dagaz" symbolizes transformation, changing oneself.

Any of the three indicated combinations of runes are applied with a red marker on the left forearm, as always, from left to right, “head” up.

Another formula is "Yera - Sovelu - Hagalaz - Sovelu - Hyera"- will help to significantly reduce appetite, but at the same time increase energy and give strength. This combination is, as it were, framed by the Hyera rune, which helps to restore normal, natural metabolism and regulate the hormonal balance of the body.

Runograms should be applied in the morning, before meals. The formula should also be updated every day, for as many days as necessary to achieve the desired effect.

Runograms of female and male charm

Runograms are also successfully used to enhance female and male attractiveness. Moreover, for each gender there are separate symbols. For example, the runes for female attractiveness are as follows:

Berkana — Berkana

Moreover, one symbol is drawn on the left wrist. The second "Berkana" is depicted on the right. After applying these runes to the body, a deep, unconditional femininity wakes up in a woman, before which men simply cannot resist.

To rejuvenate the body, you can use the following combination: Hyera - Pertre - Inguz - Berkana

And in order to promote the regeneration of the skin, rejuvenation and elasticity of the skin, you should draw a runogram on the body: Algiz - Laguz - Pertre - Sovelou

To become more feminine, self-confident, but not aggressive, but soft, the combination will help: Laguz - Berkano - Gebo - Soulo This runogram is also a love amulet of very strong action.

There are also special runes for male attractiveness, endowing the representatives of the strong half of humanity with courage and charisma, which especially attracts ladies. The runic formula for masculinity and attractiveness is as follows: Teyvaz - Gebo - Uruz - Soulo

Applied to the body, this runogram will help attract the attention of ladies, create harmony in personal and sexual relations, will give the carrier a symbol of sexuality and even help increase potency. Each rune in this formula has its own meaning and direction. For example, the first - "Teyvaz" - is a rune of determination. Once it was used by warriors to help and gain power in competitions and fights on the battlefield. Now she will help to achieve career heights.

The second rune - "Gebo" - symbolizes partnership. It will help to find harmony in both love and business relationships. The third - "Uruz" - is intended solely to increase male strength. If a man has problems regarding men's health, then this rune is especially shown to him. It will help restore youth and potency. The fourth rune - "Soulo" - is a very powerful symbol of power. In ancient times, it also denoted the sun.

A powerful runic symbol for male attractiveness and good luck in love affairs can also be drawn using the following runes:

  • "Teyvaz", "Inguz" - runes of masculinity;
  • "Soulo" - will highlight the bearer of runes among other male representatives;
  • "Vunyo" - this rune is in the background in meaning and is aimed at ensuring that the upcoming date brings a lot of joy;
  • rune "Kenaz" gives passion;
  • "Berkano" symbolizes a woman who needs to be attracted.