Card wish list. Funny forfeits for adults. Vida Games for Fanta

It is impossible to imagine that an article with such a title could have appeared in a women's magazine thirty years ago. From the section " Useful tips“In such magazines one could learn how to get rid of moths, make a face mask from cucumbers and starch a linen tablecloth. Magazines published recipes for salads and appetizers for festive table, but recipes on how to diversify sex life, they didn’t give it.

Of course intimate relationships between a man and a woman is an area of ​​their personal life that is closed to outsiders, but if they freeze at one point, this does not bring joy to either party. Today this topic is discussed more freely and uninhibitedly, and many couples do not hesitate to use erotic games from time to time in order to rekindle cooled passion.

Why are erotic games needed?

Erotic games- This is not only an expression of sexual emotions. With their help, you can diversify your intimate relationships, awaken your former passion and interest, and they also help you understand the needs of your body and make your most immodest dreams and fantasies come true. They give you the opportunity to find out what your partner really expects from intimacy, and will add a “zest” (or even “spice” - for those who like more intense sensations) to sexual relations.

Some games can be quite sophisticated and require the presence of certain props. For others, nothing is required other than the desire to please your partner. So, what games can be recommended for those who have decided to diversify their sex life?

Games that do not require dressing up or special surroundings

1. Blind kiss

This game is quite simple, but that doesn't mean it's boring to play. One of the participants is blindfolded. He holds his hands behind his back - according to the rules of the game, he is not allowed to use them. The second player takes any position and freezes without moving. He “orders” those areas of the body where he would like to be kissed. The first participant kisses his partner at random. The game continues until the blindfolded player completes the “order”. After this, the partners change roles. The game can go on for quite a long time - the first player can deliberately miss, and the second can specifically name hard-to-reach areas of the body.

2. Beach

Another fairly simple and uncomplicated game for two, which nevertheless can bring a lot of fun to both parties. A wide beach towel is spread on the carpet or bed. One player rubs the partner's body with massage cream or lotion, trying not to miss anything. Such a gentle and at the same time sensual massage will make the skin more receptive to further caresses. You can rub each other at the same time, not forgetting to exchange affectionate words and kisses.

3. Guess what I'm thinking about

One of the players makes a sexual wish (kiss my lips, stroke my breasts, etc.). The second participant looks into the partner’s eyes and tries to guess what he is thinking about. Both players are not allowed to say a word. The guesser can begin an action and observe the partner’s reaction. The one who makes a wish is allowed to give hints with a look, smile or movements. The role change occurs after the first player's wish is fulfilled.

This game for two is a great way to fulfill those erotic desires that both participants are embarrassed to tell their partner out loud. They can also figure out each other's sexual preferences and give each other maximum pleasure.

4. Magic deck of cards

For this game you need to take the most ordinary playing deck with an arbitrary, but always even number of cards. Participants divide the deck into 2 parts: black and red. The main thing is that the number of cards of “black” and “red” suits is equal. The girl takes the red half of the deck, the young man takes the black half. Next, each card is assigned an erotic desire. Desires can be written down on a separate sheet of paper or directly on the card. For example: Ace of Hearts - French kiss, King of Hearts - striptease, Queen of Hearts - foot massage, etc. Give freedom to your sexual desires and do not limit yourself to familiar caresses, because immodest fantasies will make the game much more interesting.

The cards must be shuffled and placed face down. Players take turns taking cards. If a girl takes out a card of a black suit, she fulfills her partner’s wish, which he made for this card. The young man, accordingly, fulfills the girl’s wish if he gets a “red” card. If one of the players draws a card of “their” suit, then the right to move passes to the other participant.

This is how a magical deck of cards will help you forget about conventions and unleash your most immodest erotic fantasies.

5. Time bomb

Very often, couples reduce love foreplay to a minimum, trying to move on to the “main thing” as soon as possible, and do not think that in this case a very important emotional component of the sexual relationship is lost. This game helps focus on foreplay and kissing and teaches players to take their time and enjoy the love game.

You need to set an alarm or timer for 20 or 30 minutes. Partners caress each other until this period of time expires. Then you can gradually increase the playing time. A long foreplay will awaken “dormant” imagination and ingenuity, and sexual relationships will sparkle with new colors.

Dress-up games, or erotic role-playing games

So-called role-playing games also add variety to intimate relationships. Many couples refuse this kind of games, explaining their reluctance by the lack of acting abilities. But in fact, behind their refusal there may be embarrassment, fear of seeming funny or ridiculous, inability to liberate themselves, or fear that sexual fantasies will not be supported by their partner. Therefore, trust and willingness to play along with a friend are the main conditions role playing games for two.

You can start with ready-made role-playing game scenarios. In the future, when couples understand whether such games are suitable for them, they will either abandon them or be able to come up with their own erotic scenarios. Those who actively practice sexual role-playing games even enjoy the selection of “props,” mentally or out loud voicing their wildest dreams.

1. Teacher (or teacher) and inexperienced student (or student)

In the game, a couple acts out the seduction of a naive and inexperienced student (student) by an experienced teacher (teacher). To play, you will need appropriate clothing and some attributes of the learning environment, for example, a table, textbooks, a pointer, etc. You can start with innocent stroking and kisses and gradually increase the intensity of passions. You can play for several days in a row: the teacher gives the second player “ homework": for example, master a certain sex position and then strictly check its performance.

2. Nurse and patient

One of the most popular and widespread sexual role-playing games. The woman plays the role of a caring nurse, and the man plays the role of the patient. The nurse supposedly carries out the doctor’s orders - gives the patient a massage, gives him medicine (fruit, chocolate or even a glass of wine can act as medicine), etc. The patient is allowed to “be capricious”, demanding increased attention from a charming girl in a white coat: for example, he can ask to examine him not only with his hands, but also with his lips. To play the game you will need nurse clothes. You can sew red crosses on your underwear or draw them on your body with lipstick.

3. Maid and guest

Another popular plot in role-playing games for two. A pretty maid without complexes willingly fulfills all the desires and whims of a man. The maid's costume consists of a white apron and a dust broom. You can also play Alternative option games: the modest, touchy maid fulfills the guest’s demands at first timidly and reluctantly, but then she gets more and more into it and, no longer embarrassed, submits to the man.

4. Online store courier and customer

The man plays the role of the courier, the woman the customer. The piquancy of the scenario is that the woman allegedly ordered goods from a sex shop. She invites the courier to check the quality of the goods, and he, of course, readily agrees. Unlike previous scenarios, this game does not imply the obvious dominance of one of the partners. There is no need for special suits: casual clothes (a T-shirt and trousers for a man and a robe for a woman) are enough. Some couples may already have the necessary props - goods from an intimate store. But even such couples need to buy something new to add an element of novelty to the relationship.

5. Movie star and paparazzi

The plot of the game is as follows: a famous actress in an evening dress and sexy lingerie returns home after filming. A paparazzi photographer hides with a camera behind a curtain or behind a chair. The actress begins to undress and notices the camera flashes. A small scandal breaks out, but since the photographer is sweet and charming, the woman allows him to take a series of erotic photographs. Gradually the photo shoot moves into nude mode.

Role-playing game scenarios can be modified by changing the details of the plots, adjusting them to suit your tastes, desires and dreams. For example, in the game “Courier and Customer,” you can “mix up” the address and deliver the order to an unsuspecting housewife who has no idea how to use these “things.” An uninhibited courier will happily teach the girl all the intricacies of love.

There are no losers

The best thing about erotic games for two is that there are no winners or losers. Such games are not a competition of erudition, intelligence, speed or skill. The main prize goes to both participants. It is important not to be shy in expressing sexual desires and emotions. There are no restrictions in such games, except those set by the partners themselves. You can do whatever brings pleasure to both parties, because that’s what erotic games are for.

Funny forfeits for adults

A game of forfeits will amuse any company and help make the holiday unforgettable. Choose from the proposed tasks the most interesting and suitable for your company. The cards can be placed in a hat, in a beautifully designed box, or on a tray.

Players take turns drawing forfeits at random, reading the assigned tasks aloud and demonstrating their creative and acting abilities.

  1. Show without words what you like to do in your free time
  2. Looking in the mirror and without laughing, say enthusiastically 5 times the phrase: “I look the best today!”
  3. Try to bite yourself on the elbow, saying: “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite!”
  4. Pantomime a champagne bottle opening
  5. Go up to 5 other participants, shake their hands and say: “I am the king. Very nice, I am the king!”
  6. Hide behind the back of a chair and shout loudly 3 times: “I’m completely fine!”
  7. Choose any of those present and confess your love to him in an original way
  8. Sing any song as if you are very drunk
  9. Hold your nose with your hand and say the phrase: “I have the most pleasant voice in the world!”
  10. You are lucky - the whole company is taking the rap for you: everyone comes up to you and expresses their admiration or pays a compliment
  11. Say in a sexy voice: “Are you sad and lonely? Then call me...” Then it is no less tempting to dictate your phone number
  12. “Saddle” a chair and “jump” on it, shouting at the same time: “You can’t be late for adventure!”
  13. Come up with affectionate nicknames for 7 players (for example, “cutie”, “handsome”...)
  14. Looking in the mirror, compliment yourself for a minute, without laughing.
  15. Depict any profession so that the other players can guess
  16. Be a “mirror” for a few minutes (copy the facial expressions and movements of everyone who wants to look in the “mirror”)
  17. For a minute, stroke yourself on the head and stomach at the same time, but in different directions.
  18. Approach any of the players, make a scary face and say: “Well, here we are!”
  19. Explain how to make scrambled eggs without saying a word
  20. Say the phrase: “I like to dance” in different intonations (joyful, sad, indifferent, surprised, languid)
  21. Sing any song while holding your nose with your hand
  22. Talk about elephants for 1 minute
  23. Stand on a chair and talk about your life in five sentences
  24. Make a toast in the “Chinese” way
  25. Read any children's poem with a Caucasian accent
  26. Shout loudly 3 times “People! I love you!"
  27. Say 3 tongue twisters quickly
  28. Show guests how to eat a banana erotically
  29. Pretend to be an astrologer and predict any 2 players' futures
  30. Fall to your knees and repent of your three most significant sins
  31. Choose any two players and, together with them, depict the dance of the African tribe Mumba-Yumba
  32. Bow to five players different ways without repeating
  33. Tell everyone: “I’m sad, don’t disturb me!” and sit for 1 minute with a sad expression on your face (other players need to try to make you laugh)
  34. Draw your portrait with your eyes closed
  35. Portray a capricious lady who demands her husband to buy her a diamond ring
  36. Portray a capricious husband who is unhappy with dinner
  37. Freeze in a certain pose, depicting a sculpture. You need to stand without moving for several minutes. Other players can approach and change the pose of the “sculpture”.
  38. Take any item and try to sell it to one of the players, praising and advertising its useful qualities
  39. Play a journalist: approach any of the players and interview him, asking ten tricky questions
  40. Take an unusual group photo: arrange the participants, choose the surroundings
  41. Depict scales using pantomime
  42. Sing the song “Two Cheerful Geese” while blowing kisses to everyone
  43. Call someone you know and ask to be allowed to spend the night
  44. Depict famous person for other players to guess
  45. Draw a man in a dentist's chair
  46. Make a comic self-presentation: tell other players why they should be friends with you (marry you, marry you, etc.)
  47. Draw any 5 emotions on your face so that other players can guess them
  48. “Pretend” to be a stranger for 10 minutes and speak only in “gibberish” language
  49. Show with accelerated movements how a woman puts on a makeover (does makeup, tries on outfits, etc.)
  50. Depict the gait of a man walking barefoot across hot coals
  51. Talk like a robot for three minutes, asking questions to other participants in the game
  52. Depict a chicken that unexpectedly laid an egg
  53. Without opening your lips, say the proverb: “He who laughs last laughs best.”
  54. Within three minutes, quickly answer questions from other players, but you cannot say “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”

What kind of wishes can be made for the game of spin the bottle? help me please

  1. Ah. Now I understand how they cut it in Shararama. They vote!
  2. 1. Eat a whole lemon sprinkled with salt
    2. Run on your hands and feet in the entrance to several floors with the words I’m in a tank!
    3. Put women's and men's clean underwear on your head and play the next round in this form.
    4. Approach to a stranger(girl/guy) and say Hello, I'm a nice little guy who wants to hook up with you, is that okay?
    5. Put a cucumber, banana or something similar in shape into your mouth and say a sentence. Dear, are you coming soon? or something in this form.
    6. Confess your love to the unattractive saleswoman in front of the entire store.
    7. Put on 2 sweaters, 3 hats, gloves and felt boots and go like this to the nearest store for a bottle of beer. Suitable for summer.
    8. Make a trail of flour and sniff it into both nostrils. Fun effect guaranteed!
    9. Go to the trash can, bend over and say Mmm, how delicious.
    10. Drink mixed alcohol. You can mix 3 drinks and sprinkle pepper on top for greater effect.
    11. Drink 100 grams of alcohol and chew 20
    12. Run around the house with your arms raised and say White horses.
    13. Put your socks over your ears and sit like that for the entire next round.
    14. Dance a striptease with some object (mop, banana, door, shoe)
    15. Kiss the first guy/girl you don't know
    16. Walk up to a stranger and say My finger was in my butt and I won’t forget it!! !
    17. Get into the doggy position and sexually say Eaa, Eaa, Eaa or Ya, Ya, Zer good mein Führer!
    18. Stand near a high-rise building and shout Smoking 40 times, I want to smoke! !
    19. Putting a female tampon up your nostril
    20. The loser sexually removes the winner's sock.
    21. Drink 3 stopariks, do 10 push-ups between them
    22. Drink a glass of strong alcohol
    23. Take a broom and fly on it like Harry Potter
    24. Get on all fours and bark like a dog at any of the participants
    25. Roll a ball down the street with your nose
    26. Put on your skis and go outside. In summer
    27. Going to the store
    28. Prepares sandwiches and tea for everyone
    29. Orders pizza and pays for it
    30. Drinks a very strong cup of coffee.
    31. Eat whole bread without drinking. You can have a glass at the end
    32. On public transport, stand in the middle and sit down 10 times
    33. Ask a passer-by how to get to Kyiv. This is if you are in Russia
    34. Dance to your own music. That is, a person must create music himself with his lips, tapping, and so on, and not dance to it.
    35. Congratulations to everyone on March 8, when in fact it’s not March
    36. Confess your love
    37. Pick a flower from a flowerbed and give it to anyone you meet.
    38. Tell how passionately you want fruit (watermelon, grapes, apple). Be sure to show passion.
    39. Ask your neighbors for a glass of water (salt, sugar, etc.)
    40. Drink 2 liters of water in one gulp.
  3. Run down the street in your underpants shouting “I’m back from the army”
  4. dance, verse, kiss someone, draw hunger, sing Chin-gis-Khan's aria, do the splits, do 100 push-ups from the floor, lift a chair with one hand by one leg 20 times, put an egg on the table, undress while it burns match, tell a tongue twister, extract the root of 1025 (this is -35), squeeze out 40 drops from a just drunk bottle of vodka, twist the ring on your belt, crow 10 times, thread a needle for 10 seconds, inflate a balloon or a heating pad, eat a plate of pasta hands-free

Each game becomes more interesting if it is “heated up” with special rules, for example, a wish. Agree, it is much more pleasant to play in an atmosphere of excitement and fun. Especially when your opponent is a girl who with all her heart wants to defeat you. At such moments, the mind begins to calculate moves much more effectively, repeating over and over again: “You will not lose!”

And here's the happy ending, you win. But the trouble is, you don’t know what kind of wish you can make to a girl... But she is waiting, and mistakes are unacceptable here, because who knows who this girl will become for you in the future.

Based on the number of rounds

So what kind of wish can you make for a girl? Well, let's start with the fact that a lot depends on how many rounds are still ahead. After all, if this is a game of cards, matches or charades, then most likely this is not the last desire. Therefore, you should not rush to come up with an overly cunning plan.

In such cases, you need to relax and take things step by step. Desires should be simple and funny - this will lift the mood well, but will not tire the players too much.

What wish can you make for a girl in this case? Here are some examples of simple and fun tasks:

  • You can make a wish for an image famous hero(Pocahontas, Batman and so on), and the girl must show it. Believe me, such an action will definitely make her smile, but at the same time it will not greatly hurt her pride.
  • You can also make her put socks on her ears (clean ones, of course), and let her sit like that until the end of the next round.
  • As an option, you can consider outdoor tasks. For example, go up to the first person you meet and say something stupid. But such tasks are more suitable for playing in a large group, since taking turns running towards passers-by quickly gets boring.

Large-scale and long-term desires

But what kind of wish can you make to a girl if she only has one? You can’t get burned here, because who knows, maybe there won’t be a second chance. That's why you should first decide who she is for you.

Let’s say, if she’s just a friend, then you don’t have to be modest and think of something out of the ordinary. For example, become a slave for the whole day, and then force her to do all the dirty work: clean the house, do the laundry, cook. Overall, it all depends on how seriously she takes her promise to fulfill your desire.

You can also come up with a funny task that will amuse you greatly. For example, put skis on her in the summer and take her out into the yard. Or paint your face with black stripes, give you a broom and set the task of standing guard near the entrance for 10-15 minutes.

What wish can you make to your beloved girl?

The situation is completely different when you need to make a wish to the girl who has captured your heart. Indeed, in this case, you need to show your all in order to get the maximum benefit, but at the same time not spoil the relationship. Especially if they are just starting to get started between you.

So what can you come up with?

Firstly, you should use desires that can show the true nature of the chosen one. Let's say you take a fruit (any one will do) and force her to confess her love to him. But it’s not easy to say, “I love you, banana,” and to do it with all sensuality and eloquence.

Secondly, you can encourage her to answer any three questions honestly. In this case, you will need to think carefully about their content. For example, what type of guys she likes, the main qualities of a man, her favorite things, and so on.

Third, use creative thinking. Let your wishes be unusual and extraordinary. For example, ask her to imagine her dream world and have her describe everything that should be in it. If you are there, it means she definitely cares about you.

What kind of vulgar wishes can you make for a girl?

So, the game is nearing the end, the last wish remains, and, as always, there are only vulgarities in my head. Such is the nature of men, and, in fact, women too. What wish can you make to a losing girl? And not just a desire, but something with the flavor of strawberries and chocolate?

Well, you can make such a wish, but there are several nuances that you must remember.

  1. Type of relationship. You should not persuade a girl to dance a striptease if you are not her boyfriend. There is a high probability that the desire will be rejected and the relationship will deteriorate.
  2. Also, you should not put too much pressure, even if the agreement obliges you to fulfill your desire immediately after the game. After all, such tasks for some people can be a test that requires some kind of moral preparation.
  3. Be original and don't repeat yourself. After all, if one kiss on the neck looks funny, then a series of three may seem at least strange.

Often in groups we play entertaining games that make a party or any meeting fun. Everyone knows that to make games more interesting, you need to play according to desires. That is, the loser fulfills the wish that was invented by the whole company before the start of the game.

Games, as you know, can be different: card games, board games, video games, team games (football, basketball, etc.), rock-paper-scissors, etc.

In the following list you will find funny, crazy and really sick desires. Some wishes can be made in a sober company, and some are best made in a cheerful company, who will not take what they do to heart!

1. Go to the trash can, bend over and say “Mmm, how delicious.”
2. Run on your hands and feet in the entrance to several floors with the words “I’m in a tank!”
3. Put women's and men's clean underwear on your head and play the next round in this form.
4. Approach a stranger (girl/boy) and say “Hello, I’m a nice little man who wants to hook up with you, is that okay?”
5. Put a cucumber, banana or something similar in shape into your mouth and say the sentence “Darling, are you coming soon?” or something in this form.
6. Confess your love to the unattractive saleswoman in front of the entire store.
7. Put on 2 sweaters, 3 hats, gloves and felt boots and go like this to the nearest store for a bottle of beer. Suitable for summer.
8. Make a trail of flour and sniff it into both nostrils. Fun effect guaranteed!
9. Eat a whole lemon sprinkled with salt
10. Drink mixed alcohol. You can mix 3 drinks and sprinkle pepper on top for greater effect.
11. Drink 100 grams of alcohol and chew 20
12. Run around the house with your arms raised and say “White horses”
13. Put your socks over your ears and sit like that for the entire next round.
14. Dance a striptease with some object (mop, banana, door, shoe)
15. Kiss the first guy/girl you don't know
16. Walk up to a stranger and say “My finger was in my butt and I won’t forget it!!!”
17. Get into a doggy position and sexually say “Eaa, Eaa, Eaa” or “Ya, Ya, Zer good mein Führer!”
18. Stand near a high-rise building and shout “Smoke, I want to smoke!!” 40 times.
19. Putting a female tampon up your nostril
20. The loser sexually removes the winner's sock.
21. Drink 3 stopariks, do 10 push-ups between them
22. Drink a glass of strong alcohol
23. Take a broom and fly on it like Harry Potter
24. Get on all fours and bark like a dog at any of the participants
25. Roll a ball down the street with your nose
26. Put on your skis and go outside. In summer
27. Goes to the store
28. Prepares sandwiches and tea for everyone
29. Orders pizza and pays for it
30. Drinks a very strong cup of coffee.
31. Eat whole bread without drinking. You can have a glass at the end
32. On public transport, stand in the middle and sit down 10 times
33. Ask a passer-by how to get to Kyiv. This is if you are in Russia
34. Dance to your own music. That is, a person must create music himself with his lips, tapping, and so on, and dance to it.
35. Congratulations to everyone on March 8, when in fact it’s not March
36. Confess your love
37. Pick a flower from a flowerbed and give it to anyone you meet.
38. Tell how passionately you want a fruit (watermelon, grapes, apple). Be sure to show passion.
39. Ask your neighbors for a glass of water (salt, sugar, etc.)
40. Drink 2 liters of water in one gulp.

Any games at a party begin with weak desires such as doing 10 push-ups. With each stage it is worth raising the stakes, making the game more exciting! The funnier the task, the more fun people will have. Don't forget to take pictures of the losers!