Katyrin sergey nikolaevich president of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry biography. Katyrin sergey nikolaevich. Machinery production for agriculture

, All-Russian Popular Front


Vladimir Putin will hear business

It was originally planned that the president would go to visit Yuri Konov in the Gribanovsky district of the Voronezh region, presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov told RBC daily. But because of the distance (about 200 km from the regional center), it was decided that he would come to Voronezh himself. By his decree, Putin returned the title of Hero of Labor on March 29, and on May 1 he was awarded the first five laureates, including Yuri Konov, a mechanic with 38 years of experience.
link; http://rbcdaily.ru/economy/ 562949987042065

Sergei Katyrin: The investment climate in Russia has worsened due to the case of Mikhail Khodorkovsky

During the appeal to the participants of the VI Congress of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) new chapter organization Sergey Katyrin promised to work actively to improve the investment climate in the country. According to the new president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, “because of the excitement around the Mikhail Khodorkovsky case” there were more emotions than studying the details of the case, but despite this, the case of the ex-head of Yukos contributed to the deterioration of the investment climate in Russia.
Read completely: http://top.rbc.ru/economics/ 05/03/2011 / 554251.shtml

Katyrin: The excitement around the "Khodorkovsky case" worsened the investment climate

MOSCOW, March 4. The excitement around the "Mikhail Khodorkovsky case" worsened the investment climate of the Russian Federation, and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry intends to work to improve it. This opinion, as reported by RIA Novosti, was expressed by the new head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of the Russian Federation Sergey Katyrin at his first press conference in this capacity.
link: http://www.rosbalt.ru/2011/03/ 04/825585.html

Sergey Katyrin: the Yukos affair pushed investors away from Russia

As "Special letter" has already reported (here), Sergei Katyrin, who previously worked as vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, was elected the new head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry yesterday. According to him, the second "Yukos case" damaged the investment climate in Russia. “The excitement around this business did not serve our image in terms of investment attractiveness. I fully admit that it is so, ”said Sergei Katyrin at a press conference.
link: http://www.specletter.com/ news / 2011-03-05 / 22812.html

Yevgeny Primakov nominated Sergei Katyrin to the post of head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry

President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Yevgeny Primakov, who is leaving this post in March, announced on Wednesday his intention to nominate the vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sergey Katyrin for the post of the new head of the chamber. "I will nominate a candidate for the post of President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Sergey Nikolayevich Katyrin," Primakov said at a meeting of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, where issues of holding the next sixth congress of the chamber on March 4 are being considered.
link: http://www.rg.ru/2011/03/02/ primakov-anons.html

Sergey Katyrin becomes the head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Former vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sergei Katyrin became the head of the department instead of the resigned Yevgeny Primakov.
link: http://infox.ru/authority/ mans / 2011/03/04 / Glavoy_ Torgovo_promy.phtml

Sergey Katyrin took over as President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Sergey Katyrin was elected President of the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The decision on his appointment was made at the sixth congress of the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Friday, March 4, ITAR-TASS reports.
link: http://er-portal.ru/about/ text.shtml? 18 / 9398,110989

Instead of Primakov, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry was headed by Sergei Katyrin

The candidacy was proposed by the former prime minister and the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service himself. The election of Sergei Katyrin was announced at the Congress of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
link: http://www.specletter.com/ news / 2011-03-04 / 22775.html

Sergei Katyrin elected as CCI President

Due to the fact that the President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Yevgeny Primakov refused to nominate himself for the presidency of the Chamber for a third term, two candidates were proposed for the presidency: Vice President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sergey Katyrin and President of the Novorossiysk Chamber of Commerce and Industry Igor Zharinov. The participants of the sixth congress of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry elected Sergei Nikolaevich Katyrin, who previously served as vice-president of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as the new president of the Chamber, by an alternative open vote. Viktor Dmitriev, General Director of the Association of Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, which has been a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry since 2003, noted that Sergey Katyrin took an active part in the development of the domestic pharmaceutical industry and provided support to Russian pharmaceutical manufacturers. “I am sure that after his election as the head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, we will have new opportunities for interaction,” V. Dmitriev said.
Read completely: http://www.rbcdaily.ru/market/ partnernews / 151131.shtml

The Public Chamber has determined a new structure

The Public Chamber of the Russian Federation of the third convocation yesterday elected leaders and decided on its structure. The number of commissions was reduced from 17 to 11, there were four intercommission working groups. Vyacheslav Glazychev and Nikolay Svanidze, who have been working in the chamber not for the first time, considered that "only time will tell how good such a structure of the chamber is."
link: http://viperson.ru/wind.php? ID = 619731 & soch = 1

Sergey Katyrin: More than three hundred experts are registered in the Register of the CCI ESPERT CIS system

More than three hundred experts are registered today in the Register of the Unified System of Expert Evaluation of the Quantity, Quality and Completeness of Goods "CCI EXPERT CIS". Vice-President of the RF CCI Sergei Katyrin told the FC-Novosti correspondent about this.
link: http://viperson.ru/wind.php? ID = 488890 & soch = 1

S. Katyrin: It is fundamentally important to change the structure of the MB

“There are much fewer concrete actions than words have been said,” - this is how the vice-president of the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sergey Katyrin described the policy pursued in the country in the sphere of supporting small business. According to him, although this sector of the economy is paid in recent times increased attention, however, no cardinal changes occur. “We have not gone very far both from the point of view of the development of legislation and from the point of view of solving specific business problems,” S. Katyrin stated.
link: http://viperson.ru/wind.php? ID = 488900 & soch = 1

Sergey Katyrin: Small business needs support

At the meeting of the Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Russian Federation Sergey Katyrin and the media representatives discussed the problems of small business in Russia and ways to solve them.
link: http://viperson.ru/wind.php? ID = 466989 & soch = 1

Sergey Katyrin: Microfinance as a lever for the development of MB

In 2006, Professor Mohamed Yunus received the Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution to the microfinance system. Now his experience is invaluable. For our country, the professor's visit turned out to be very opportune. At a round table in the hall of the Savoy Hotel, a discussion was held on the topic “The path to the middle class: how microfinance can help a start-up business”.
link: http://viperson.ru/wind.php? ID = 466991 & soch = 1

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry will help Adygea to promote investment projects

In Adygea, a seminar "Investment Communications Management" was held.
Before the start of the seminar, Chairman of the Board of the National Direct Investment Agency Igor Vdovin and Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Sergey Katyrin met with the President of the Republic of Adygea Aslan Tkhakushinov.
link: http://viperson.ru/wind.php? ID = 445815 & soch = 1

Sergey Katyrin: The head of the customs service called the VAT the most 'corrupt' tax

Director of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) of the Russian Federation Andrey Belyaninov considers value added tax (VAT) to be the “most corrupt” tax that needs to be replaced.
link: http://viperson.ru/wind.php? ID = 466966 & soch = 1

Sergey Katyrin: Once again about loans ...

"One step forward, two back" - this is how he described the process of formation legislative framework in the field of small business, vice-president of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sergey Katyrin. During round table“Experience in lending to small and medium-sized businesses in Russia. Innovations in lending ”, he noted that a package of bills to develop the federal law on small and medium-sized businesses has not yet been adopted. However, the vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry positively assessed the government's policy in providing financial support to small businesses. In this area, he noted, “a huge step forward” has been taken. For example, just this year from federal budget about four hundred million rubles were allocated to support entrepreneurs. The regions are also striving to provide financial support to small businesses. The participants of the round table called the experience of the capital the most productive in this direction.
link: http://viperson.ru/wind.php? ID = 466993 & soch = 1

Sergey Katyrin: An agreement on cooperation was signed between the chambers of commerce and industry of the Russian Federation and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

An agreement on cooperation between the chambers of commerce and industry of the Russian Federation and Vietnam was signed today during the Russian-Vietnamese business forum held in Moscow. The agreement was signed by the vice-presidents of the chambers of commerce and industry of the two countries - Sergey Katyrin and Doan Zui Huong.
link: http://viperson.ru/wind.php? ID = 488935 & soch = 1

We have someone to work with

The Public Chamber of Russia has almost decided on the list of non-profit organizations (NPOs) that will share 250 million rubles from the federal budget. On Thursday, a meeting of the competition committee will be held, at which it will be finally determined which of the NGOs public figures consider the most worthy of receiving state grants. Sergei Katyrin, Chairman of the Competition Commission, Deputy Secretary of the Public Chamber, told Stran.Ru about the selection mechanism, the course of the competition and the meaning of state "investments" in the development of civil society.

Sergey Nikolaevich Katyrin(October 2, 1954, Moscow, USSR) - since March 4, 2011 - President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.



After finishing eight years of school, he entered the road technical school, continued his studies at the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute, but did not work in his specialty. He began studying economics at the MGIMO School of International Business.

work experience

Since 1979, he held public positions in the Komsomol:

  • From 1979 to 1983 - Deputy Secretary, Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute.
  • From 1983 to 1986 - head of a sector, deputy head of a department, head of a department of the Moscow City Committee of the Komsomol.
  • From 1986 to 1990 - commander of the Moscow City Student Detachment, head of the department of the Moscow City Committee of the Komsomol.
  • From 1990 to 1991 - General Director of the Youth Association "Moscow Student Group".

In 1991, he began to work in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, created in the same year, as head of the Main Department for Coordination of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, took an active part in its creation and development, is considered one of the founders of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Was a member of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In 1992, he became Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and held this post until 2011. The main directions of Katyrin's activity in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry was coordination with domestic and foreign business associations.

Katyrin was a member of the first, second and third composition of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and the government council for nanotechnology. In 2011, he signed the Appeal of representatives of the public against information undermining of confidence in the judicial system (the so-called "Letter of Fifty-Five").

On March 4, 2011, at the VI Congress of the CCI, by an overwhelming majority of votes (433 out of 437 delegates), Katyrin was elected president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, replacing Yevgeny Primakov, who had resigned in February. In 2014, he was elected Chairman of the Board of the SCO Business Council.

Married, daughter Irina and son Ilya. He is fond of winter sports (skiing, snowboarding, hockey).

Social activity

Anti-Corruption Charter

Katyrin was one of the initiators of the creation of the Anti-Corruption Charter of Russian Business, the main goal of which is the implementation by Russian companies of special anti-corruption programs based on internal control procedures. Deliberate refusal of preferences, implementation of procurement activities based on open tenders, transparent financial control, personnel training, active assistance to security officials in this area. On September 20, 2012, the Anti-Corruption Charter was signed at the XI Investment Forum in Sochi by four main associations of Russian business: the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the All-Russian public organization of small and medium-sized businesses "OPORA RUSSIA", the All-Russian public organization " Business Russia ".

Primakov Readings

On Primakov's birthday, Primakov Readings have been held at the World Trade Center since 2015 at the Mercury Club base. The purpose of the forum is to unite the country's leading politicians and economists to work out an optimal strategy for the development of Russia in the near future. Sergei Katyrin became the initiator and main organizer of the Primakov Readings.


He was awarded the Orders of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, Honor, Friendship, medals For Labor Valor, In Commemoration Of The 850th Anniversary Of Moscow, In Commemoration Of The 1000th Anniversary Of Kazan.

In 2015, Katyrin received the Impulse of Kindness award in the category For Leadership in Promoting Social Entrepreneurship. In particular, the creation of a Coordination Council for the development of social business and entrepreneurship in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry was noted. Katyrin donated the monetary prize to the charity foundation “Center for Helping Homeless Children”.

RBC's Person of the Year in the Non-Profit Organizations category.

Honorary Chairman of the Kennel Union of the Republic of South Ossetia.


Katyrin's activities as chairman of the RF CCI have been repeatedly criticized in the press for a number of positions. In particular, he was accused of embezzlement, misappropriation of funds, withdrawal of CCI assets and manipulation of the securities market. The attempt of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation to challenge the criticism in court and demand a refutation of the information published about him was unsuccessful. Katyrin was publicly accused of patronizing and complicit in corruption ..

Katyrin has never in his life independently engaged in business, but, nevertheless, for many years he worked in the structure of the RF CCI, which is an association of commercial structures. Critics point out that his figure does not appear to adequately understand the needs of the business.

Sergei Nikolaevich Katyrin(October 2, Moscow, USSR) - since March 4, 2011 - President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.


Was born on October 2, 1954 in Moscow. After finishing eight years of school, he entered the road technical school, continued his studies in, but did not work in his specialty. He began studying economics at the MGIMO School of International Business. Since 1979, he held public positions in the Komsomol:

In 1991, he began working in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, created in the same year, as head of the Main Department for Coordination of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, took an active part in its creation and development, is considered one of the founders of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Was a member of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In 1992 he became Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and held this post until 2011. The main directions of Katyrin's activity in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry was coordination with domestic and foreign business associations.

On March 4, 2011, at the VI Congress of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, by an overwhelming majority of votes (433 out of 437 delegates), Katyrin was elected President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, replacing Yevgeny Primakov, who resigned in February. In 2014, he was elected Chairman of the Board of the SCO Business Council.

Married, daughter Irina and son Ilya. He is fond of winter sports (skiing, snowboarding, hockey).


RBC's Person of the Year in the Non-Profit Organizations category.

Honorary Chairman of the Kennel Union of the Republic of South Ossetia.


Katyrin's activities as chairman of the RF CCI have been repeatedly criticized in the press for a number of positions. In particular, he was accused of embezzlement, misappropriation of funds, withdrawal of CCI assets and manipulation of the securities market. The attempt of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation to challenge the criticism in court and demand a refutation of the information published about him was unsuccessful. Katyrin has been publicly accused of patronizing and complicit in corruption. ...

Katyrin has never in his life independently engaged in business, but, nevertheless, for many years he worked in the structure of the RF CCI, which is an association of commercial structures. Critics point out that his figure does not appear to adequately understand the needs of the business.

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Notes (edit)

  1. ... RIA Novosti (March 4, 2011). Retrieved May 12, 2015.
  2. ... Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. Retrieved May 12, 2015.
  3. ... For the good of the Fatherland. Retrieved May 12, 2015.
  4. www.rg.ru/2011/03/05/katyrin-tpp.html. . Russian newspaper(March 5, 2011). Retrieved May 12, 2015.
  5. ... Rossiyskaya Gazeta (March 4, 2011). Retrieved May 12, 2015.
  6. Evgeny Romanov.... Glance (March 3, 2011). Retrieved May 12, 2015.
  7. ... CCI-Inform (September 10, 2014). Retrieved May 12, 2015.
  8. ... Gazeta.ru (May 16, 2015). Retrieved May 12, 2015.
  9. A. Bondar.... 50 plus (May 21, 2015). Retrieved May 12, 2015.
  10. “In the second half of 2008, with the approval of the Vice-President of the RF CCI, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Expocentre Katyrin concluded a deal to purchase 5 exhibitions from the family private company Maxima at a price of 497 million rubles. Independent appraisers estimated the cost of the exhibitions at 250-300 million rubles less. The transaction price was “adjusted” virtually, according to the so-called profitable principle, when the basis was an increase in proceeds from the sale of these exhibitions during 2009-2012 by an average of 15-20% per year. A retrospective analysis of the volume of proceeds from these exhibitions in 2006-2008, on the contrary, showed the dynamics of the decline. The prices, figuratively speaking, are taken from the "ceiling" and Mr. Katyrin was aware of this. The actual results for 2009-2010 fully confirmed the expert opinion of independent appraisers on the inadmissibility of an unreasonable income-based valuation method. For 2009-2010, the proceeds from these exhibitions are 2-2.5 times less than what is included in the calculations. In my opinion, the so-called kickbacks for this transaction amounted to at least 200-250 million rubles. "
  11. According to information from the official biography.


An excerpt characterizing Katyrin, Sergei Nikolaevich

Entering his office, Pierre closed the door and turned to Anatol without looking at him.
- You promised Countess Rostova to marry her and wanted to take her away?
- My dear, - Anatole answered in French (as was the whole conversation), I do not consider myself obliged to answer interrogations done in such a tone.
Pierre's face, which was pale before, was contorted with fury. He grabbed his big hand Anatol by the collar of his uniform and began to shake from side to side until Anatole's face assumed a sufficient expression of fear.
- When I say that I need to talk to you ... - Pierre repeated.
- Well, that's stupid. A? - Anatole said, feeling the collar button torn off from the cloth.
“You are a scoundrel and a scoundrel, and I don’t know what is holding me back from the pleasure of crushing your head with this,” said Pierre, “speaking so artificially because he spoke French. He took the heavy press in his hand and lifted it menacingly, and at once hastily put it in its place.
- Did you promise to marry her?
- I, I, I didn't think; however, I never promised, because ...
Pierre interrupted him. - Do you have her letters? Do you have any letters? - Pierre repeated, moving towards Anatol.
Anatole glanced at him and immediately, putting his hand in his pocket, took out his wallet.
Pierre took the letter handed to him and, pushing away the table on the road, fell onto the sofa.
- Je ne serai pas violent, ne craignez rien, [Don't be afraid, I won't use violence,] - said Pierre, responding to Anatole's frightened gesture. - Letters - once, - said Pierre, as if repeating a lesson to himself. “Second,” he continued after a minute's silence, getting up again and starting to walk, “you must leave Moscow tomorrow.
- But how can I ...
“Third,” Pierre continued without listening to him, “you should never say a word about what happened between you and the countess. This, I know, I cannot forbid you, but if you have a spark of conscience ... - Pierre several times silently walked across the room. Anatole was sitting at the table and biting his lips with a frown.
- You cannot help but understand that besides your pleasure there is happiness, the peace of mind of other people, that you are ruining your whole life because you want to have fun. Have fun with women like my wife - with these you are in your right, they know what you want from them. They are armed against you with the same experience of debauchery; but to promise a girl to marry her ... to deceive, to steal ... How do you not understand that this is as despicable as nailing an old man or a child! ...
Pierre fell silent and looked at Anatole with a questioning, not angry look.
- I do not know this. A? - said Anatole, cheering up as Pierre overcame his anger. “I don’t know this, and I don’t want to know,” he said, without looking at Pierre and with a slight tremor of the lower jaw, “but you told me these words: mean and the like, which I comme un homme d" honneur [as an honest man ] I will not let anyone.
Pierre looked at him in surprise, unable to understand what he needed.
- Although it was face to face, - continued Anatole, - I cannot ...
- Well, do you need satisfaction? - Pierre said mockingly.
- At least you can take back your words. A? If you want me to fulfill your desires. A?
“I’m taking it, taking it back,” said Pierre, and I ask you to excuse me. Pierre glanced involuntarily at the severed button. - And money if you need it for the road. - Anatole smiled.
This expression of a timid and vile smile, familiar to him from his wife, exploded Pierre.
- Oh, mean, heartless breed! - he said and left the room.
The next day, Anatol left for St. Petersburg.

Pierre went to Marya Dmitrievna to inform about the fulfillment of her desire - about the expulsion of Kuragin from Moscow. The whole house was in fear and excitement. Natasha was very ill, and, as Marya Dmitrievna secretly told him, on the same night as it was announced to her that Anatole was married, she was poisoned with arsenic, which she quietly took out. After swallowing it a little, she was so scared that she woke Sonya and told her what she had done. In time, the necessary measures were taken against the poison, and now she was out of danger; but all the same she was so weak that it was impossible to think of taking her to the village and was sent for the countess. Pierre saw the confused count and the tear-stained Sonya, but he could not see Natasha.
Pierre dined at the club that day and from all sides heard talk about an attempt to kidnap Rostova and stubbornly refuted these conversations, assuring everyone that there was nothing else, as soon as his brother-in-law proposed to Rostova and was refused. It seemed to Pierre that it was his duty to hide the whole affair and restore Rostova's reputation.
He fearfully awaited the return of Prince Andrei, and every day he stopped by to visit the old prince about him.
Prince Nikolai Andreevich knew through m lle Bourienne all the rumors circulating in the city, and he read that note to Princess Marya, which Natasha refused to her fiancé. He seemed more cheerful than usual and was looking forward to his son with great impatience.
A few days after Anatole's departure, Pierre received a note from Prince Andrei, who informed him of his arrival and asked Pierre to visit him.
Prince Andrey, having arrived in Moscow, at the very first minute of his arrival, received from his father a note from Natasha to Princess Marya, which she refused to the groom (she stole this note from Princess Marya and gave it to Prince m lle Bourienne) and heard from his father, with additions, stories about the abduction Natasha.
Prince Andrew arrived the evening before. Pierre came to him the next morning. Pierre expected to find Prince Andrei in almost the same position in which Natasha was, and therefore he was surprised when, entering the drawing room, he heard from the study the loud voice of Prince Andrei, who was talking animatedly about some kind of Petersburg intrigue. The old prince and someone else's voice occasionally interrupted him. Princess Marya went out to meet Pierre. She sighed, pointing with her eyes to the door where Prince Andrew was, evidently wishing to express her sympathy for his grief; but Pierre saw in Princess Marya's face that she was glad about what had happened and how her brother had received the news of the betrayal of the bride.
“He said he expected it,” she said. - I know that his pride will not allow him to express his feelings, but still better, much better he endured it than I expected. Apparently, this was supposed to be ...
- But is it really all over? - said Pierre.
Princess Marya looked at him in surprise. She did not even understand how she could ask about it. Pierre entered the study. Prince Andrey, quite changed, obviously rejuvenated, but with a new, transverse wrinkle between his eyebrows, in civilian dress, stood opposite his father and Prince Meshchersky and argued heatedly, making energetic gestures. It was about Speransky, the news of his sudden exile and alleged betrayal had just reached Moscow.
“Now all those who admired him a month ago are judging and accusing him (Speransky),” said Prince Andrey, “and those who were not able to understand his goals. It is very easy to judge a person in disfavor and blame all the mistakes of another on him; and I will say that if anything good has been done in the current reign, then all good has been done by him - by him alone. - He stopped when he saw Pierre. His face trembled and at once assumed an angry expression. “And the offspring will give him justice,” he finished, and immediately turned to Pierre.
- How are you? You're getting fat, ”he said animatedly, but the newly appeared wrinkle cut even deeper into his forehead. - Yes, I'm healthy, - he answered Pierre's question and grinned. It was clear to Pierre that his grin said: "I am healthy, but no one needs my health." Having said a few words with Pierre about the terrible road from the borders of Poland, about how he met people in Switzerland who knew Pierre, and about M. going on between two old men.
- If there was treason and there were evidence of his secret relations with Napoleon, they would be publicly announced - he said with fervor and haste. - I personally do not like and did not like Speransky, but I love justice. - Pierre now recognized in his friend the need, too familiar to him, to worry and to argue about a matter that was alien to himself only in order to stifle too heavy inward thoughts.
When Prince Meshchersky left, Prince Andrei took Pierre by the arm and invited him into the room that had been reserved for him. The bed was broken in the room, there were open suitcases and chests. Prince Andrew went up to one of them and took out a box. From the box he took out a bunch of paper. He did everything in silence and very quickly. He got up and cleared his throat. His face was furrowed and his lips pursed.

No money - no development, no modernization, no new jobs. Today finance, or rather lack of it, is a big problem for entrepreneurs. Can you solve it?

There is already enough money in banks, which should be more actively invested in the Russian economy, says Sergei Katyrin, President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. What else needs to be done for business to live well in Russia, he told Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

Knocked at the authorities

Sergei Nikolaevich, the chamber is located on Ilyinka: not far from the White House, the Kremlin is just a stone's throw away. You can say that you are close to the authorities. And the authorities always hear you?

Sergey Katyrin: I would say this: business through its organizations has learned to work much better with the authorities. Today she is already much more attentive than before, not only listening to business, but also listening to it.

For example, recently it was proposed to increase VAT and a number of other taxes. This will not happen, because we, on behalf of the business, proved to the authorities and showed them on the facts that such a decision would not improve tax collection, but would certainly cause business degradation.

Here is the latest example: The SME Corporation and the Bank of Russia are implementing a program of concessional lending to small and medium-sized businesses in priority sectors (for medium-sized businesses at 10 percent per annum, for small businesses at 11 percent) known as Six and a Half. The lower credit threshold was set at 50 million rubles.

But the poll of the chamber showed: most of all, small business today needs loans of 10-15, maximum 20 million rubles. At a meeting of the Presidential Council on Strategic Development and Priority Projects, we raised this issue, and the threshold was promptly lowered to 10. Lowering the credit threshold will increase the number of small businesses participating in the program and contribute to their development. And this will help solve the problem of bringing the number of jobs in small business to 20 million people in 2018 (today - 16.5 million).

Of course, not everything turns out this way and not all at once. But we are persistent: we return to the topic, knock and more and more often seek the desired answer.

Is the absence of contradictions between government and business possible?

Sergey Katyrin: No, no, this is impossible by definition. Governments all over the world are always striving to get more from business, and business is looking for how to legally (or illegally) give less.

But at the same time, they need each other. There is only one way out: look for common ground, make mutual concessions, find solutions that suit everyone. There must be a reasonable compromise, and we always strive to reach it. However, a compromise of interests is at the heart of any prosperous society, so there is no discovery of America here.

Infographics: Leonid Kuleshov / Elena Berezina

The climate is warming

Will we ever have good weather for small businesses?

Sergey Katyrin: There is a state strategy for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. If we fulfill it, then we will ensure at least tolerable weather.

So far, we have 5.6 million SMEs accounting for about a fifth of GDP. In developed countries, SMEs achieve 40 percent or more of GDP. If you try, then it is quite possible to rise to this figure.

What is the greatest need for small businesses today?

Sergey Katyrin: In cheap money. It is necessary to simplify the access of small and medium-sized businesses to financing. And in this regard, the Six and a Half Program is a good example.

It is necessary to reduce the administrative burden, provide infrastructure support - the same access to engineering networks, for example. It is necessary to include small and medium-sized businesses in the production chains of large enterprises. Government purchases and purchases from state corporations can and should become a reliable sales market for them.

The business gave the first place in corruption in some regions to law enforcement agencies

The SME Corporation is now actively involved in these and other issues - we have long and long been convincing the authorities of the need to create such an institution for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Now the corporation exists, it works.

And, of course, business needs a good climate. Unfortunately, there is pressure, especially on small businesses, and unfair competition, and extortions, and arbitrariness ... The Third National Rating of the investment climate in the regions not only ranked them in their deserved places, but also showed "pain points".

There is a very alarming moment: the first place in corruption in some regions, the entrepreneurs who participated in the survey, gave the law enforcement agencies. This is bad. Such moments can nullify the efforts of both the authorities and business associations, force entrepreneurs to go into the shadows or stop business altogether.

Bottom passed

Sanctions are a topic that is already hackneyed. And yet, what in your opinion was the most unpleasant for the business?

Sergey Katyrin: Restricting access to the external credit market. However, I believe that the economic component of the sanctions is still of secondary importance.

The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade estimated our direct damage from EU sanctions at 25 billion euros in 2015 (there are also higher estimates), which reduced Russian GDP by 1.5 percent. Yes, according to the European Commission, the sanctions cost the EU 0.4 percent of GDP in 2015 (€ 50 billion).

The sums are considerable, but the main harm lies elsewhere. The atmosphere of trust that we and the West have been creating for decades has been poisoned. This is a very bad lesson for the "post-sanction" future.

None of the meetings during the numerous business missions of the federal chamber and territorial chambers of commerce in the most different countries none of the foreign businessmen said they liked the sanctions. This once again testifies: sanctions are a purely political decision, so to speak, the continuation of politics by other means. But only.

At the forum "Russia Calls!" the president urged businesses to focus on domestic investment. Does this mean that there will be no Western investors?

Sergey Katyrin: This means that today there is enough money in our banks, which must be more actively invested in the Russian economy.

Do you think you heard the call?

Sergey Katyrin: I think that the state, the Central Bank and commercial banks can and should think over measures to moderate their excessive appetites and make loans, especially long-term money, available for business.

As for foreign investors, the main thing for them is that it is profitable and safe to invest. I would like to note that the capital outflow from the country is decreasing, the inflow is increasing, of course, not as fast as we would like, but it is increasing. I think that we have already passed the "bottom".

You, in spite of everything, seem to be optimistic about our economic future ...

Sergey Katyrin: And it cannot be otherwise. It is impossible to work without this.

How it was

A quarter of a century and 99 years

Today the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation celebrates its 25th anniversary. Although what it represents today, and what it all began with, is heaven and earth.

“The material base practically all came to us from the Soviet Chamber,” says Sergey Katyrin, “including our current building on Ilyinka. in the field of legislation, in the field of external relations, etc. We had to work in the market, start from scratch. The old economy lay in ruins, the new one was in nursery age. In such an environment, it was necessary to learn to represent the interests of business, in fact, to create an institution development of entrepreneurship, which has not really existed in the country yet. "

By the way, the first chamber in the world was created in August 1599 in Marseille, and in 1650 the term "chamber of commerce" was legalized in France.

And in 1727, Catherine I made the first attempt to create an association of merchants and industrialists in Russia and issued a decree ordering "a certain number of manufacturers ... to come to Moscow for a council at least for one month in winter, and when they demand a decree about any important matters. it is necessary for them to report to the Commerce Collegium. " The Charter of the Moscow Exchange Committee, approved in 1869, included the function of representing the interests of entrepreneurs.

And only on October 19, 1917, the Provisional Government adopted a decree on the establishment in Russia of the full-fledged chambers of commerce and industry that are familiar to us.

In Soviet times, of course, there were also "development institutions". For example, in November 1921, the North-Western Chamber was created in Petrograd, and in December 1922 the Eastern Chamber was opened. Next spring will mark the 85th anniversary of the union of these two organizations in the All-Union Chamber of Commerce (later the CCI of the USSR).

"This year we celebrated the centenary of the British-Russian Chamber of Commerce, we participate in this mixed chamber. And finally, on October 19, 1991, a quarter of a century ago, the regional Russian chambers (there were less than 20 then) and a number of business structures held a constituent congress RF CCI ", - recalls the head of the chamber.

Today the country's CCI system includes 180 chambers, more than 50 thousand enterprises and organizations, more than 200 unions, associations and other business associations at the federal level and 500 business associations at the regional levels.

Perhaps the former Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov will replace the scandalous head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sergei Katyrin.

According to sources from The Moscow Post, Mr. Fradkov will soon head the RF CCI. The current head of the structure distinguished himself by complete inactivity and scandals. They started talking about the official's resignation back in 2015. It was reported that President Katyrin could be dismissed due to the inefficiency of the target and financial and economic activities of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. What's behind the dry wording?

Part of the funds of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, allocated by the state, disappeared in the bank "Transportny", which was deprived of a license, and part - in unprofitable projects (OJSC "WTC-Krasnodar" and LLC "WTC-Saransk"). After Alexander Khinshtein's deputy inquiry into the theft of funds from WTC and the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry allocated for charity and did not reach the addressee, a criminal case was initiated, closed on non-rehabilitating grounds. The Main Directorate for Counteraction to Unfair Practices in the Open Market of the Bank of Russia is investigating manipulations with shares of WTC OJSC.

The fact is that thanks to Mr. Katyrin and his accomplices, the WTC sailed through Nikitas Brokerage Lemeted (offshore Troika Dialog CJSC) a consolidated block of shares in WTC OJSC (in the amount of 46% book value assets). Independent evaluation the market value of the shares was not produced. The Federal Law "On Joint Stock Companies" has been grossly violated. The ultimate haven for a significant part of the Yeltsin gift of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry was the offshore Roinko Interprise Lemeted.

We emphasize that for the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 35 million dollars, received from the sale of the industrial plant of the RF CCI, disappeared. By a strange coincidence, Valery Serov (general director of WTC OJSC) bought the object. The proceeds from the sale were intended for the purchase of laboratories through the ANO "Soyuzexpertiza" of the RF CCI. But the money simply vanished.

Note that one of the former high-ranking leaders of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, who had to leave - Valery Borodin also "shed light" on the situation in the organization. According to Borodin, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry has created a whole network of subdivisions of the "corruption" holding SOEKS (ANO "Soyuzexpertiza"), which actually sell forms of strict reporting to support foreign economic activity. The documents "for self-filling" presented to the journalists seemed to contain the seal of the Leningrad Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the signature of an official.

99% of commercial organizations in Russia vote against the RF CCI, as some observers say - with their feet. Mr. Katyrin has been personally responsible for recruiting new members for a very long time since 1992. Then he was vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. There are more than 5 million small and medium-sized businesses in Russia. More than two decades later, the CCI has only 50 thousand members, including the dummies and suckers of the CCI functionaries.

For comparison: the German Chamber of Commerce - 2.5 million members, the French National Chamber - 1.7 million members, the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry - 1.4 million members. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry itself is turning into a "dummy" that grinds state money.

Katyrin saws and is not shy?

The story of Sergei Katyrin's purchase of five exhibitions for 497 million rubles from the Maxima family shop is also noteworthy. Independent experts hired assessed the dubious purchase at 250-300 million rubles cheaper. The mournful financial result of rather flabby organized exhibitions confirmed the sad forecasts of the experts. Why overpay? Perhaps this is a form of kickback that Russian officials love so much.

Hiding behind the official biography of the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sergei Katyrin is a fantastically insolent story based on Part 1 of Article 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (case No. 231 / 22523-10). With Katyrin's direct participation, WTC OJSC sends 75 million charitable rubles to the Martha-Mariininsky Convent of Mercy. But the money didn't reach. The donations allegedly went to the St. Elizabeth Clinic Medical Center. Private practitioners purchased equipment for donations and started doing business on the territory of the monastery. The clientele - Katyrin himself and the employees of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, immediately forgot about the children.

The clinic was headed by Georgy Kalinovsky, a longtime acquaintance of Katyrin. The financial issues of the St. Elizabeth Clinic were handled by VM Komarova. (wife of the first deputy director for economics of JSC "WTC" Komarova EB). Kalinovsky was concurrently the director of Medical Leasing Consulting CJSC. He took the children's money and deftly bet for a reward of 15% medical equipment for myself.

But the clinic was also closed soon after. Here's what customers wrote: “Service is below average, Attached to them for work. They don't like repeated calls, treatment is below average. after the flu in a severe form with a fever, he was discharged to work. They did not take any tests, did not take an X-ray, and the right-sided bronchopneumonia worked for a week. For these doctors, the main thing is that you stay within the calendar framework! " Nobody asked about 75 million rubles from WTC OJSC and another 200 million through the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. What happened to the money did the monastery get at least 5%? This question would be nice to ask law enforcement agencies.

Katyrin also “helps” the children of Africa. Yes Yes. There is a "CCI mission" in Africa! It remained a secret for the public what instructions for Katyrin were carried out in Namibia. The main thing is not even that Katyrin has never independently engaged in business in his life. And the fact that money in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is constantly stealing or going to ... Africa. For Sergei Nikolaevich, rumors of resignation will soon become a reality. And there it is not far from the prison ...