Kim Jong-un who is according to his horoscope. Kim Jong-un - biography and activities of the leader of the DPRK. Labor concentration camps

Kim Jong-un is the leader of North Korea, North Korean political, state, military and party leader. The head of the DPRK became the successor to the country's former leader Kim Il Sung in 2006. The name of Kim Jong-un is associated with many terrible discoveries and actions: nuclear weapons, missiles, parades of the military power of the DPRK.

In Pyongyang, the head of North Korea, Kim Jong Il, and the ballerina Ko Yong Hui gave birth to a boy who was destined to inherit his father’s work. The ballerina was not the official wife of the head of the DPRK, nor was his first favorite, actress Song Hye Rim. The boy's biography is not replete with details.

His studies took place abroad, but there are no documents confirming Kim Jong-un’s studies at the Berne International School. Since no official papers were found, it can be assumed that the training was at home. South Korean intelligence found materials from which the future head of state studied in Switzerland, hiding under the name Eun Park.

The head of state received further education at the University named after his illustrious grandfather, then entered the Military University. People first started talking about Kim Jong-un when his father Jong-il fell fatally ill. All power was to pass to the brother-in-law of the current ruler, who managed all affairs during the illness of the head of North Korea. His mother intervened and called him the beloved son of the head of state.


They began to prepare Kim Jong-un for a high post, giving him the title of “Brilliant Comrade.” After some time, he headed the country's State Security Service, and almost immediately he became the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. The leader of North Korea was elected to the post of Chairman of the Central Committee of the Labor Army. During the parade in honor of Kim Il Sung, his grandson appeared before the people.

The mother persistently ensured that there were no blank spots in her son’s biography that could prevent him from taking a high position. The new ruler was distinguished by the audacity of his political program. The people of North Korea endured the arbitrariness of the ruler who came to power for 26 long years.

Kim Jong-un loved show executions. More than seventy such public murders were committed. Those who opposed the head of state and who were accused of corruption fell out of favor. The power-hungry young ruler mercilessly dealt with his own uncle. Moreover, he could easily kill the accused himself. But despite all the cruelty of the country’s leader, there are some positive aspects of his power:

he closed the camp for political prisoners, abolished serfdom, allowing families and individual groups to unite. Now part of the harvest was given to the government, and most of it was allowed to be kept for oneself. Directors were given more rights at enterprises, and partnerships with China were preserved. New technologies began to be introduced, people began to live better, the economy took the path of development.

Personal life

Even the personal life of the head of the North Korean people has no evidence of events. The media have rather meager facts about the life of the head of the DPRK. The leader of Korea is married to a dancer. His wife gave birth to two children two years apart.

The head of the country is overweight, which affects his health. Among the ruler's diseases, diabetes mellitus and hypertension were discovered. Despite his illnesses, Kim Jong-un enjoys basketball and loves pop culture. Prefers films starring Mel Gibson.

Nuclear program

Kim Jong-un does not lose sight of the development of the nuclear industry. He gave the order to test nuclear weapons and launched an artificial satellite. Such tests of the head cause horror among the local and neighboring populations of the DPRK. All the leading countries of the world have imposed sanctions against North Korea, but this did not affect the head of the DPRK, since he has certain interests in staying in the world with the help of a nuclear program.

The country has long-range warheads that can reach the United States of America. Thus, North Korea instills fear in its partners. The leader of the DPRK made two statements at one of the party congresses. In the first, he indicated that nuclear weapons would be used in the country only as a means of defense. The head of North Korea announced that the state has a hydrogen bomb and is ready to test it.

Kim Jong-un now

Kim Jong-un continues to remove potential competitors for the post of leader from his biography. So he destroyed his half-brother, forever protecting himself from possible challengers. In fact, or for the sake of PR, North Korea announced that an assassination attempt had been made on the head of state.

The head of the DPRK disappeared from the press for a month and a half. The President of America took advantage of this

One of the constant topics of all Russian-Chinese negotiations is Korea. And today there were not alarming, but optimistic messages coming from the peninsula. The leader of South Korea and his wife arrived on a visit to their northern neighbor.

The DPRK was so happy that the first day of the negotiations was spent on a ceremonial reception. Kim Jong-un treated his guest to shark fin soup and pickled white bell roots.

For ten years, the President of South Korea has not set foot on the asphalt of Pyongyang. And today - flowers and bows from hospitable neighbors. The historic visit, the need for which has been talked about for so long all over the world, took place. The two leaders, like teenagers in love, rode through the streets of the North Korean capital, leaning waist-deep out of the hatch of a limousine. Moon Jae-in was moved to tears.

“If South Koreans see how warmly we are welcomed here, they will be very proud.” They, just like us, believe that this summit will bring abundant fruits, - said President of the Republic of Korea Moon Jae-in.

On both sides of the 38th parallel, great hopes are placed on this meeting; Koreans sincerely believe that the leaders of their countries, after walking around Pyongyang almost in an embrace, will decide to unite the countries.

— As a citizen of South Korea, I am very pleased. I hope that at the end of the summit we will see significant changes for the better,— businessman Jun Jong Sun shared.

— It would be great if after President Moon’s visit to Pyongyang, Kim Jong-un visited Seoul. I wish for a speedy reunification of South and North Korea. I hope our economy will be strong, said DPRK Army soldier Song Yun-Jai.

Kim Jong-un today seems to be ready, if not for full-scale unification, then at least for maximum rapprochement. The top leader, on a wave of all-Korean love, announced this almost openly today.

“A warm welcome for President Moon Jae-in means that our people expect serious results from this meeting. After all, together we have already been able to achieve a lot. I think that we should not forget about the hopes and expectations of the people, but should work at a faster pace and achieve greater success,- North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

It is clear that if Ying and Eun sign at least one solid trade and economic agreement, then life for the northerners will be better and more fun - you won’t be satisfied with the missiles with which they scare the world. The south is also waiting for its share of pleasant bonuses.

“I hope this summit will bear fruit, namely, that President Moon will help stabilize relations between the United States and North Korea.” Thus, our ties with North Korea, the USA and China will become stronger, the economy will begin to grow,- says trading company representative Kim Ok Man.

After the historic handshake at the border at the beginning of the year, this is the third meeting between the president and the Brilliant Comrade (this is one of Eun’s official titles). After this visit, both Koreas will be able to live completely differently.

“If the negotiations are successful now, a disarmament roadmap will be developed.” It is quite possible that some of the next steps will be to strengthen economic, political, cultural and other ties,— noted political scientist Oleg Vedutov.

Both leaders are absolutely sincerely confident that it is not in vain that they are meeting again. Of course, there is no talk of complete and unconditional love the very next day, but there is reason for optimism - there is only one people. And they love their leaders equally - the artists at the opera could not start the concert for ten minutes - they had no time for them.

On the first day of the meeting, Ying and Eun only had time to talk about business for two hours. Most of the time, the North Korean comrades surprised the distinguished guest with cultural events, displays of happy children, scientific achievements and fed shark fins with bellflower roots. Tomorrow promises to be more eventful. Politically.

North Korean political figure, leader of the party, army and people, who since 2011 has held all the highest state (Chairman of the Civil Code of Defense, Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Marshal of the DPRK) and party (Chairman of the Labor Party, deputy of the Supreme People's Assembly) posts in the country. Kim Jong-un is also the youngest sitting head of state in the world.

Was born Chen Eun in 1982 (according to the unofficial version of world intelligence services in 1983 or 1984) in the family of the North Korean leader Kim Jong Il and his favorites - ballerinas Ko Young Hee. Jong Un became the second heir to his father's power - after his also illegitimate older brother Kim Jong Nam (killed on 13 February 2017 in Kuala Lumpur).

According to unconfirmed reports, Kim Jong-un studied at an elite school in Bern, Switzerland. According to the official version of the DPRK, their future national leader underwent individual home training.

Since 2008, through the efforts of his own mother, he began to make his way to political Olympus in connection with the news of Kim Jong Il’s fatal illness. The latter, before his death, appointed Jong-un as head of the State Security Service. December 24, 2011 (three days after my father's death) he was officially approved as Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and a little later as Chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea. At that time, Eun was only 26 years old.

From the first months of his reign, Kim Jong-un showed himself as a devoted successor to the work of his ancestors - the DPRK continues to develop its own nuclear program, conduct missile tests, violating UN resolutions; in 2013, the DPRK launched a satellite into orbit. All this is accompanied by radical threats from Kim Jong-un against Japan, the United States and their satellites. These statements further worsen North Korea's international position. North Korea's only and main foreign policy partner is China, with which the DPRK has established trade.

In domestic politics, Eun also went further than his predecessors - he has already broken the record for the number of death sentences - currently more than 70 people. The young leader was also noted for organizing public executions of officials, including his own uncle, accused of attempting a coup.

Kim Jong-un carried out a series of economic and agricultural reforms, the goals of which are: decentralization of production, development of domestic and foreign trade, growth in the number of small enterprises, creation of local economic zones open to international investment, as well as increasing the welfare of the population.

Little is known about the personal life of the young leader - he is married to Ri Sol Ju, with whom he has two children, presumably born in 2010 and 2012. Kim Jong-un is a fan of world pop culture, in particular he loves watching NBA matches, movies with Mel Gibson and supports Manchester United. According to data from 2009, Jong-un had diabetes and suffered from hypertension caused by obesity. His craving for smoking also contributes to this.

In 2014, the action-comedy “The Interview” was released worldwide, starring Seth Rogen and James Franco, in which Kim Jong-un was the main antagonist. The DPRK government has repeatedly expressed protest and sharp criticism of the film, which was nevertheless released in limited release in cinemas and on the Internet.

Kim Jong-un is one of the bloodiest dictators in the world, who poses a number of geopolitical threats to the planet. The name Kim Jong-un is associated with pompous military parades, statues of leaders, missile launches, weapons of mass destruction and Asian “Stalinism”, which horrifies world leaders.

The main business of the life of the leader of the DPRK was the creation of powerful nuclear weapons, with the help of which Kim Jong-un intends to turn his enemies into radioactive ash. At the same time, in his native country, the leader is considered a “great reformer” who changed people’s lives for the better by providing the people with rights and freedoms that Koreans had never even dreamed of before.

Kim Jong-un's uncompromising nature and abundance of threats and statements have made the North Korean leader the butt of jokes in other countries. The Internet is filled with memes with Kim Jong-un, the residents of the Comedy Club wrote a number about the meeting of the North Korean dictator with and, and starred in the action comedy “The Interview”, where Kim Jong-un is declared the main villain.

The biography of Kim Jong-un consists of complete mystery. According to official information, the leader of the DPRK was born on January 8, 1982 in Pyongyang, but intelligence sources claim that Jong-un is a couple of years younger and was born no earlier than 1984. The parents of the future politician were the North Korean leader and the ruler’s favorite, ballerina Ko Yong-hee. Jong-un became the second potential heir to his father - Jong-il's first-born was Jong-nam, who was born to the head of the DPRK by actress Song Hye-rim, like Jong-un's mother, who was not officially married to the leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Kim Jong-un's education, like his childhood life, is reliably hidden from society. It is known that Jong-un studied at the Swiss international school in Bern, but the leadership of the educational institution assures that the DPRK leader did not cross the threshold of this school. According to North Korean intelligence services, Jong-un received his knowledge individually at home and did not receive a single diploma from European universities.

Kim Jong-un appeared on the political horizon of the DPRK in 2008, when rumors began to circulate about the fatal illness of his father Jong Il, who led the country at that time. Then the North Korean throne was prophesied to the adviser to the North Korean leader, Chas Song Thaek, who at that time actually held the governing apparatus of the DPRK in his hands and was Kim Jong Il’s brother-in-law. But the “cards” lay out differently - thanks to his mother, who back in 2003 convinced the entire leadership of the republic that Jong-un was his father’s favorite son and his only successor, in 2009 it was he who became the leader of the race for the post of leader of the DPRK.

Shortly before his father's death, Kim Jong-un received the title "Brilliant Comrade" and was appointed head of the North Korean State Security Service. On November 24, 2011, he was officially proclaimed the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Korean People's Army, and a few days later he was elected chairman of the Central Committee of the country's ruling Labor Army. The first time after his appointment as the leader of the DPRK, Kim Jong-un appeared in public only in April 2012 during the Parade dedicated to the centenary of his grandfather.


The policies of the youngest North Korean leader, who came to power at the age of 26, are filled with sheer uncompromisingness and audacity.

Kim Jong-un is not particularly humane in the internal politics of the DPRK. During his reign, he executed more than 70 people, which became a record among all the rulers of the country. The leader of the country likes to organize public executions of officials who, in his opinion, are carrying out activities against him.

Accusations of corruption were also a frequent reason for executions. Some foreign media even admire Kim Jong-un’s policies, calling on the authorities of their own countries to fight corruption just as effectively.

At the same time, Kim Jong-un is actively engaged in reforms in the DPRK, in which he has achieved considerable success. His reform achievements include the closure of camps for political prisoners, changes in the so-called “serfdom”, as a result of which people had the opportunity to create agricultural production units from several families, and not from entire collective farms, and to give the leader only part of their harvest, and not the whole , as it was before.

Kim Jong-un also decentralized industry in the DPRK, transferring “many” powers to enterprise directors. From now on, managers can hire staff themselves, set their salaries and choose the direction for marketing their products. In addition, the North Korean leader managed to maintain “friendship” with his practically only strategic partner – China, which is North Korea’s main trading partner.

As a result of Kim Jong-un's reforms, the standard of living of citizens increased, the introduction of new technologies and the development of the country's economy began.

Personal life

The personal life of Kim Jong-un, like his entire biography, has no officially confirmed data. According to media reports, the DPRK leader has been married to dancer Ri Sol Ju since 2009. Sources also claim that the wife gave the North Korean leader two children, the first of whom was allegedly born in 2010, and the second in 2012.

It is known that Jong-un has health problems that are caused by his excess weight. Among the North Korean leader's chronic diseases, the medical card lists diabetes and hypertension, which have been tormenting him for several years.

In addition to “geopolitical games,” nuclear weapons and the internal politics of North Korea, the young ruler is interested in Western pop culture and basketball. During his leisure time, Kim Jong-un can devote time to watching American films with participation, and also likes to organize large-scale entertainment events.

Nuclear program

Kim Jong-un regularly poses a loud challenge to the whole world, proving his power with the “forbidden” nuclear method. Bypassing all UN Security Council resolutions, Jong-un continues his father’s work and develops the country’s nuclear potential, threatening to destroy anyone who tries to stand in his way.

His most high-profile actions during his reign were the DPRK’s entry into the “club of space powers” ​​in 2012, the third nuclear test in North Korean history in 2013, and the release of an artificial satellite into Earth orbit, which, as the North Korean leader promises, Kim Jong-un will do all of The world has been brought to the brink of nuclear war.

Kim Jong-un regularly conducts horrific tests that are not regulated by international law, and prioritizes the development of North Korean “nuclear weapons” of mass destruction, despite the harsh sanctions imposed on the DPRK by all the leading countries of the world.

According to the North Korean leader, the nuclear program is the only way for a small country like North Korea, which also does not develop vast reserves of expensive minerals, to achieve recognition of its own interests on the world stage.

North Korea's nuclear program, although it has become the butt of jokes, has already begun to raise concerns among other nuclear powers. Kim Jong Un said North Korea has developed warheads that can reach distant targets using long-range missiles.

Experts in the United States believe that this statement may already be true, although the press does not have reliable information about the new tests. Western experts also believe that Pyongyang’s statement that the country has already created missiles capable of reaching the continental United States is true.

Kim Jong-un now

On February 13, 2017, Kim Jong Un's exiled half-brother Kim Jong Nam was VX at Terminal 2 at Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

In May of the same year, North Korea announced an assassination attempt on its leader. The CIA and the South Korean National Intelligence Service hired a North Korean logger working in Russia to kill Kim Jong-un with a “biochemical weapon,” the Koreans say. This weapon is described as both radioactive and poisonous at the same time.

Since September 2017, North Korea has not started new ballistic missile tests, explaining this by health problems of the leader. In addition, in 2014 the leader is already six weeks. A number of publications have put forward theories about the seriousness of Kim Jong-un's illness and even suggested that he was dying due to an unknown “biochemical weapon” that was reported in May.

In November 2017, the US President wrote a series of tweets following his participation in the APEC summit in Vietnam dedicated to Kim Jong-un. Trump complained that at the meeting the North Korean leader called his American colleague names, calling him old, although Trump himself did not allow himself insults, although he could have called the Korean small and fat (remember, Kim Jong-un’s height is 175 cm). At the same time, the media recalled that Trump had repeatedly insulted Kim Jong-un, calling him crazy and a suicidal astronaut.


  • 2009 - Brilliant Comrade
  • 2011 - Supreme leader of the DPRK, leader of the party, army and people
  • 2012 - “Genius among geniuses” in military strategy
  • 2012 - Marshal of the DPRK

Kim Jong-un was born on January 8, 1982 in Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The boy was the youngest son of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il and his favorite Ko Yong Hee. Little Kim, under the name Eun Park, graduated from the International School in Bern. Since 2002, he studied individually at the Kim Il Sung University and the Kim Il Sung Military University in the DPRK. He was later awarded an honorary doctorate in economics by HELP University, a private Malaysian university.

In 2006, reports appeared in the press that badges with portraits of Kim Jong-un had been distributed to senior workers of the Workers' Party of Korea, which gave rise to speculation that Kim Jong-un would succeed his father as leader of the DPRK. In January 2009, the Trud newspaper reported that Kim Jong-il issued a personal directive to the leaders of the Workers' Party of Korea, where he named Kim Jong-un as his successor, which was later confirmed by the South Korean intelligence services.

At this time, twenty-six-year-old Kim Jong-un began to build a separate residence in Pyongyang. In April 2009, the South Korean news agency Yonhap reported that Kim had become a member of the DPRK National Defense Council. In January 2010, the Government of the North Korean Republic declared January 8, Kim Jong-un's birthday, a national holiday of the country. This was also seen as another confirmation of the impending transfer of power in the DPRK from Kim Jong Il to his son.

Kim Jong Il himself died on December 17, 2011 from a heart attack, but this was announced two days later. On December 24, 2011, in the central publication of the Workers' Party of Korea, the Nodong Sinmun newspaper, Kim Jong-un was named for the first time as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Korean People's Army. Late on the night of December 31 of that year, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea officially appointed him as the Supreme Commander of the country's armed forces. In mid-April 2012, during a military parade dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong-un made his first public appearance.

During his time at the head of the country, by the end of 2012, the DPRK entered the club of space powers, while violating two UN Security Council resolutions, thereby causing a surge of indignation from the international community. In February 2013, North Korea successfully conducted the third nuclear test in its history. The result of the actions of Kim Jong-un and other North Korean leadership, who ignored the UN Security Council resolutions, was a very negative reaction from the UN Security Council, which tightened sanctions against the North Korean regime.

In response to this, the leader of North Korea followed with threats about a possible preventive nuclear strike on the United States. At the same time, at the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea, Kim Jong-un noted that nuclear weapons would only be used as a means of defense.

Also, after Kim Jong-un came to power, the country began implementing economic reforms similar to the Chinese policy of “reform and opening up.” The state's attitude towards private business has become more loyal. A network of special economic zones has been created to attract foreign investment.

One of the first agrarian reforms was carried out, which consisted of a transition to “link”, family contracting. One family or two families living nearby were given the opportunity to create a contract called a “small link”. This “link” is given land for cultivation, and a significant part of the resulting harvest remains for the “link” itself. Before this, peasants worked, receiving fixed rations as payment. The reform led to a breakthrough in agriculture. Already in the first year of its implementation in 2013, a record grain harvest was obtained. In industry, state-owned enterprises were actually transferred to self-financing, gained significant independence and began to build relationships with each other on a market basis.

The implementation of reforms contributed to the rapid growth of private enterprises and the standard of living of the population. The process of dissemination of information technology has intensified in the DPRK: in 2014, smartphones worth 82 million 840 thousand dollars were imported from China.

At a military parade in Pyongyang in April 2017, dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il Sung, the DPRK demonstrated for the first time the KN-15 Pukkuksong-2 ballistic missiles for launch from submarines. North Korea is a major supplier of missile technology. The largest buyers of North Korean ballistic missiles have traditionally been Egypt, Syria, Libya, Yemen, the United Arab Emirates and Pakistan. It is assumed that the Iranian Shahab-5 and Shahab-6 missiles were created on the basis of Taepodong-2.

The meeting between Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump, which took place on June 12, 2018 in Singapore, became a global sensation. As a result, a joint declaration on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula was signed. The second meeting of the leaders of the DPRK and the United States took place on February 27, 2019 in Vietnam, at the Sofitel Legend Metropole hotel. As a result of the summit, the countries did not reach an agreement on further actions to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula.

After two months, April 24, 2019 Kim Jong-un first came to Russia on a personal armored train. Putin was expecting a guest in Vladivostok at the main entrance to Campus S of the Far Eastern Federal University on Russky Island. After this, the heads of state held a tete-a-tete conversation in the presence of only interpreters. Then the negotiations continued in an expanded format and took an hour and a half.

Chairman of the People's Republic of China June 20, 2019 arrived in the DPRK on a special flight to meet with Kim Jong-un. Negotiations between politicians took place in Pyongyang. The North Korean leader personally met Xi Jinping and his wife at the airport. The topic of the negotiations was cooperation between the two countries in the fields of education, culture, sports and tourism.

Chairman of the State Council of the DPRK Kim Jong-un and President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping June 20, 2019, following the results of the negotiations held in Pyongyang, they agreed on cooperation for the sake of a “bright future” of relations between states. In particular, Kim Jong-un announced his intention to strengthen friendly ties with the PRC and bring them to a higher level.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un June 30, 2019 met with US President Donald Trump. The meeting took place at the Panmunjom negotiation point in the demilitarized zone between North and South. The heads of the two countries shook hands. Trump then stepped into North Korean territory, becoming the first sitting US president to visit North Korea. After that, Kim Jong-un crossed the border in the opposite direction.

Chairman of the State Council of the DPRK Kim Jong-un July 11, 2019 officially became head of state after amendments to the constitution. Previously, the chairman of the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK was considered the nominal leader of the country.

Kim Jong-un family

Grandfather - Kim Il Sung, founder of the DPRK.

Father - Kim Jong Il, Great Leader of the DPRK from July 8, 1994 to December 17, 2011.
Mother - Ko Yong Hee, the third wife of Kim Jong Il, a former ballerina.

Wife - Lee Sol-ju (married since 2009), dancer.
They have two children.