Class hour “Politeness. Class hour on the topic: "Politeness" Magic words about politeness class hour

Class hour for 3rd grade "Let's talk about politeness"

Class hour: 3rd grade
Subject. Let's talk about politeness
formation in younger schoolchildren of value orientation and the ability to formulate moral judgments;
developing students’ skills to behave in accordance with moral standards and etiquette rules;
teach children to evaluate their own politeness, as well as the politeness of other people.
show the importance of observing moral rules of communication that help create an atmosphere of trust;
develop skills and habits that facilitate the establishment of contacts in communication;
evoke the need to use polite words in speech, compile a dictionary of the most frequently used “polite” words in communication.
Duration of using the presentation in class: 20 - 25 minutes.
Equipment: laptop, TV
Progress of the class hour.
1 Organizational moment.

- Guys, show me what mood you are in. If it’s good, then pull yourself up on your toes and raise your arms up. If it’s bad, sit down and hug your knees with your hands.
Watching a cartoon
- Let's start the class hour by watching a cartoon
- Conclude what important things will be discussed at today’s class hour? Why did you think that?
Every child should be polite
Even a kitten knows politeness.
You shouldn't be rude to old people
And do not give way to puppies.
After eating at lunch,
You must say “thank you” in response,
If you did something bad,
You have to say “sorry.” I'll open it
I tell you a secret: “goodbye”, “hello” -
These words will help you and me,
And all our suffering will instantly disappear!
Updating basic knowledge. Statement of educational problem.

What is the topic of the class hour? / politeness /
- What goals will we set for ourselves?
Discovery of something new.
introduction teachers and children - experts (Slides 2 - 3).
Do you know what it means to be polite? What kind of person do you consider polite? Can a person who knows all the words always be called well-mannered?
- Politeness and ability to behave depend on the overall development of a person. V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “You live among people. Your every action, your every desire is reflected in people. Know that there is a line between what you want and what you can.” People have always treated kindness and politeness in a special way.
Politeness is one of the most important qualities of a well-mannered person. Teacher. Let's try to determine what kind of “experts” you are in the rules of politeness. (Slides 4-5).
To do this, let's play the game "Polite - Impolite." I will name the situation, and you must say whether the actions in it were polite or not. If everything was correct, then you will clap your hands, and if not, you will stomp your feet.
Working in groups is the solution to the problem.
Problematic question: What does it mean to be polite?
Now we will work in groups. For each group a situation is given, discuss them together and give an answer on what to do.
Students in the class are divided into four micro-groups. Each micro-group is given texts and assignments for them. After reading the texts and discussing in groups, a representative of each group makes a conclusion for the rest of the micro-groups.
The topic of the lesson is also determined - “Are you polite?” (Slide 6-14).
Physical education minute.
- I suggest you relax and solve funny riddles. These riddles are special. If they teach kindness and politeness, then in response they should say in unison: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” Be careful, listen, don’t get distracted, say the right words at the right time, and remain silent when confronted with a harmful riddle.
Which of you, waking up cheerfully,
"Good morning!" will he say firmly?
Who's okay with you?
Bag, books and notebooks?
Which one of you is silent like a fish?
Instead of a kind “thank you”?
Tell me which one of you, brothers,
Forgets to wash your face?
Which one of you is in a cramped tram?
Gives place to elders?
Who wants to be polite
Doesn't it offend kids?
Pupil. In the everyday life of a polite and well-mannered person there are always words that we call “magic”. With the help of these words, you can even restore a good mood to a sad or offended person.
Game “Dictionary of Polite Words” Game “Dictionary of Polite Words” (Slides 15 - 22)
- Now let’s find out if you know polite words.
Each micro-group stands up and finishes the poetic lines in chorus.
- Only a polite, well-mannered and kind person is most often treated kindly by people around him. Such a person is loved and respected. He will always have friends with whom he will not be bored. But, by the way, there is no time for a polite person to be bored. He will always find something to do or do. What do you think a polite person can do?
- Help adults, clean the house, water flowers, care for pets, shine shoes, go to the store, play with younger ones, take care of loved ones, much more.
Working with cards. Lexico-spelling work. (work in pairs) (Slide 23)
Teacher. Explain the meaning of the words in the right column (There is a discussion in micro-groups, using the “Dictionary of Synonyms”, “Dictionary of the Russian Language”).
- Describe yourself and your actions using the words in this table. Start like this: “It seems to me that when communicating with other people I...”

Play out the situation: (work in groups) (Slide 24)
Teacher. Guys, now “magic” words will appear on the screen, and you will try to explain when and how they need to be pronounced. What kind of expressions are these - words of greeting, gratitude, or maybe requests. Is the task clear? Let's start. (One representative from each micro-group).
The game “Magic Words” is playing (Slides 25-43).
Speech by the guys - experts.
Pupil. Do you know what date November 21st is? No, it's a pity! November 21 is International Greetings Day! Yes, yes, greetings.
The idea of ​​this holiday belongs to two American young men, the McCormick brothers, who proposed in 1973 to celebrate a day of friendship and mutual understanding between the peoples of all countries of the world (Slide 44).
Teacher. All greetings have one thing in common - “a wish for good and well-being.” The code of decency in the East contains an ancient verse: “A person who is not familiar with the rules of politeness, who does not observe decency, brings harm not only to himself, but also to others; shame falls on the heads of his parents and all persons who have and do not have anything to do with him” (Slide 45).
Pupil. Another wonderful date. January 11 is World Thank You Day. The most “polite” date of the year! The word “thank you” has been known in Russian since the 16th century. It comes from the words “God bless” - this phrase in Rus' was used to express gratitude. Now “thank you” is a new word that means “I thank you and wish you all the best.”
(Slide 46).
Teacher. Words of gratitude are signs of attention; they are verbal “strokes” and can warm you with their warmth. Every day we say “thank you” to each other, so it is very important to remember that true gratitude is only that which comes only from pure heart!
A well-mannered person cannot be evil, because good manners are real when they are sincere and natural. This means good manners are always next to kindness, a friendly attitude towards each other and towards the environment.
Student. February 17 is Spontaneous Kindness Day, one of the recent initiatives of international charitable organizations. In Russia, this holiday is practically not known at all. It is assumed that on this day people should try to be not just kind, which is self-evident, but infinitely and selflessly kind (Slide 47).
Teacher. We recognize a person not only by words, but also by gestures, by the expression of his face. It turns out that when talking, people attach only 7% importance to words, 38% to intonation, and 55% to facial expressions and gestures. One wrong gesture can completely change the meaning of spoken words (Slide 48).

Teacher. A smile is especially highly valued in communication. Vladimir Soloukhin spoke about this very well: “Almost everything in a person is intended for himself... except for a smile. You don't need a smile for yourself. If it weren't for the mirrors, you would never even see her. A smile is intended for other people to make them feel good, happy and at ease with you” (Slide 49).
Lesson summary.
Reflection task.

Teacher. Look carefully at the screen and think about what this picture might be called (Slide 50-51).
Student answers
– Remember the colors of the rainbow, draw it in your notebook and fill each color strip with the quality that you think you have.
Exhibition of works.

    Equipment: multimedia presentation, clarity (crossword, toy, stars)

    Progress of the lesson


    I. Organizing time

    Hello guys, now we offer you to solve the crossword puzzle. Having solved it, we will highlight the key word, which will be the topic of our today's class hour.

    1. Both in France and Denmark

    They say goodbye...(goodbye)

    1. Never get involved in someone else's conversation,

    And you better not... (interrupt) adults

    1. When we are scolded for our pranks,

    We say sorry... (please)

    1. When you are guilty, hurry to say:

    “Please,...(please excuse me)

    1. Even a block of ice will melt

    From a warm word... (thank you)

    1. Saying goodbye to each other

    We'll say...(goodbye)

    1. Don't be too lazy to tell your friends

    Smiling:...(good afternoon)

    1. How beautiful it is

    Kind words...(thank you)

    1. How similar are the words “reign”

    On a friendly note...(hello)

    1. You shouldn’t blame a friend for being offended,

    Better get him soon...(sorry)

    Whatman paper with a crossword on the board. Keyword"Politeness".

    How do you understand the meaning of this word? What kind of person do we call polite?

    II. Introductory talk

    “Nothing is given to us so cheaply and nothing is valued so dearly as politeness.”

    Politeness is the quality of a person for whom respect for people has become a daily norm of behavior and a habitual way of communicating with others. The word “Politeness” comes from the Old Slavonic “vezhe”, i.e. "expert" Being polite means knowing how to behave.

    Did you know there is a holiday dedicated to politeness?

    How many of you know why polite words are called “magic”?

    They perform a miracle. Someone said to you, smiling, “Hello,” and you are in a good mood. - What miracle words do you know?

    That's right guys, how many “magic” words do you know!

    III. Main part

    And now your classmates have prepared a poem by S.Ya. Marshak “If you are polite.”

    Prepared students read the poem. (3 readers)

    Guys, what useful tips did you learn from this poem?

    That's right, well done! You should always be polite to others.


    Now, guys, let's help the sun collect rays! You see that the rays of our sun make up “bad” words and it does not smile at us. Let's select antonyms, replacing “bad” words with “good”, opposite ones. Words: “rude, angry, greedy, sad, grief, enmity, deception, cruelty, cowardice.” Well done guys, now our sun has smiled on us again!

    There is a big sun - it is in the sky. And there is a little sun - it shines in each of us. This is our kindness. A kind person is one who loves people and helps them. A kind person loves nature and takes care of it. And love and the desire to help warm us like the sun.

    A game

    Now we will play with you. Our game is called "Polite - impolite." Rules: - If we call it a polite act, you raise your hands. When an impolite act occurs, you clap your hands. Let's start guys.

  • Say hello when you meet.
  • Pushing and not apologizing.
  • Whistle, shout, make noise at school.
  • Give way to elders.
  • Do not stand up when the teacher addresses you.
  • Help climb the stairs.
  • Say goodbye when leaving.

That's right guys! How did you cope with this task together?


Now we will conduct a test with you. After summing up, each of you will find out whether he is polite with his friends. (The test is presented in the form of a presentation)

Test results:

More Answers A:

Perhaps it's time to sit down and think about why no one helps you in difficult situations. True friendship involves mutual help and support. Show your friends that you are ready to help them at any second.

More answers B:

You are a wonderful friend! You can be relied on at any moment. Interesting events and adventures with friends await people like you at every turn. The most important thing is that your friends know that they can always rely on you!

More answers Q:

You worry about your friends, especially when they find themselves in difficult situation, but friendship is not just about having a good time. Your friends should be sure that they can always count on your help. You have great potential to become a true friend. Think about how to implement them.

Here we have summed up the results of the test. We hope that each of you will decide for yourself whether he is polite with his friends, or whether you should think about your behavior.

And now we, with the help of.....

IV. Summing up (Final part)

Let's read the oath now.


We swear to be polite.

Always say “Thank you”.

Good afternoon and goodbye,

There is no greater title in the world.

We swear to be good

And forget laziness and rudeness.

Learn etiquette, the science of remembering this.

We swear to be good.

Guys, remember this oath and follow it.

Being polite is not just for a short time. You should always be polite. We must be polite in public places, at home, on the street, with loved ones, and with strangers. After all, politeness adorns all human actions and is one of the best character traits.

Our class hour has come to an end. Guys, what useful tips and rules did you learn from our lesson today? (answer)

Let's be polite to each other!

We thank you for your active participation in the lesson. Goodbye!

Class hour “Politeness for every day” Goal: to develop students’ skills to behave in accordance with moral standards, rules of conduct, and rules of ethics.

Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows their face. I. Goethe. “Nothing costs us so little and is valued so dearly as politeness.” Cervantes. - Politeness begets politeness. E. Rotterdam. - Beware of what you do not approve of in others. - Don’t do to others what you don’t wish for yourself.

The code of decency in the East contains an ancient verse: A person who is not familiar with the rules of politeness, who does not observe decency, brings harm not only to himself, but also to others; shame falls on the heads of his parents and all persons who have and do not have anything to do with him.

Proverbs: In someone else's house, do not be observant, but be friendly, Treat them with food, but not forcefully, People go to mass when the bell rings, and to dinner when called, Where they are welcome, do not attend, and where they are not welcome, do not go forever, In When visiting, you must also take them to your place. Know how to invite people, know how to greet them.

Situation one Mom and dad went to the cinema. They'll come soon. Natasha is home alone. Watching the Travel Cinema Club. Call. Nikolai Ivanovich is at the door. He works with his father. Hello, Natasha. Dad is at home? Dad is gone, Natasha looks impatiently at the guest. Her hand is on the latch. It's a pity. Goodbye. What would you do if you were Natasha?

Situation two There was a knock on the door. Sergei, continuing to eat, shouted: Come in, it’s open! Marina appeared on the threshold. This was a complete surprise. They know each other, of course. But she lived far away and did not study in his class. What should you do first? What to do with dinner: continue or leave it? Can I ask why Marina came? If she urgently needs a book, which she will have to look for a long time on the shelf in next room, what should I do?

Situation three Soon, back to school. The homework was not done yet. And my mother asked me to peel the potatoes and wipe the floor with a damp cloth. But Igor will not get down to business. In the morning, his neighbors and two brothers stopped by for a minute. And they still don’t leave. We played table hockey. They trained Tusya, a lapdog, to apprehend a criminal. We practiced sambo techniques on the mat. They emptied the bowl of sweets. Then they found a songbook and began to sing songs. Send them home? What about the owner's debt? Fulfill the owner's duty? What about the lessons? What about mom's request?

Dear friends. Educating yourself is always very difficult. Even very, very smart dolphins and very, very kind elephants cannot do this. But real people educate themselves all their lives. And they start from childhood. Yes Yes. When any boy or girl tries his best to always be a polite and kind person in everything, it means that this child has already begun to educate himself.

Commandment: Control yourself among the confused crowd, cursing you for the confusion of everyone, Believe in yourself in defiance of the Universe, and forgive their sins to those of little faith. Let the hour not strike, wait without getting tired, Let liars lie, do not condescend to them, Know how to forgive and do not seem, by forgiving, to be more generous and wiser than others.

Learn to dream without becoming a slave to dreams, And think without deifying thoughts, Meet success and reproach equally, Not forgetting that their voice is deceitful. Stay quiet when your own word cripples the rogue in order to catch the fools, When your whole life is destroyed and again You have to recreate everything from the basics,

Know how to put everything that you have accumulated with difficulty in joyful hope on the line, lose everything and become a beggar, as before, and never regret it. Know how to force your heart, nerves, body to serve You, when in your chest everything has been empty for a long time, everything has burned out, And only the will says: Go!

Stay simple when talking with kings, Stay honest when talking to the crowd, Be straight and firm with enemies and friends, Let everyone reckon with you in their own time. Fill every moment with meaning, The inexorable running of hours and days, Then you will take possession of the whole world, Then, my son, you will be a man.

1. To expand students' knowledge of polite and kind words, polite communication, polite speech and their application in life events. 2. Learn to use polite words appropriately, 3. Politely greet, say goodbye, thank, express a request. 4. Cultivate respect for elders and a friendly attitude towards each other.

Class hour in 4th grade.

Topic: "Let's talk about politeness"

Lesson objectives:

To expand students' knowledge of polite and kind words, polite communication, polite speech and their application to life events.

Learn to use polite words appropriately,

Politely greet, say goodbye, thank, express a request.

Cultivate respect for elders and a friendly attitude towards each other.

During the classes

I. Org. moment. Teacher's opening speech.

- What means of communication do you know?

(Children say "smile")

- A smile is especially highly valued in communication. Look, almost everything in a person is intended for himself: legs - to walk, mouth to absorb food, eyes - you need to look at everything yourself except a smile. A smile is intended for other people to make them feel good, happy, and at ease with you.

- Smile at each other.

Smile for me.

- How did you feel?(Joyfully)

I I. Introduction to the topic of the class hour.

Eastern wisdom.

Politeness is a coin that costs nothing but gives pleasure to the recipient.

-How do we understand these words?

-What do you think will be discussed during class?

-Let's determine the topic of our lesson.

-Let's talk about politeness today.

III. Setting a learning task

Reading of the poem “Lapusya” by a student of S. Mikhalkov

I do not know what to do -
I started to be rude to the elders.
Dad will say:
- Open the door!

Fake it, hero! -
I answered him angrily

I answer:
- Close it yourself!

At dinner mom will say:

- Bread, honey, pass it!

I whisper stubbornly in response:

- I can not. Give it yourself!

I love my grandmother very much

I'm still rude to her.

I really adore my grandfather
But I also object to my grandfather...
I do not know what to do -
I started to be rude to the elders

And they come to me:
- Darling,
Eat quickly, the soup is getting cold!

And they come to me:
- Grandson, -
Lie down, honey, on your side!
I'm so appealing

I hate it, I can't stand it,

I'm seething with indignation

And that's why I'm rude.

2. Analysis of the poem.

What can you call such a boy?

Why is he acting this way? (- The boy speaks rudely to his parents because he does not know polite words and rules of politeness.

- He was rude to everyone because he was spoiled.

-He became rude because he didn't like the way he was treated. He considered himself an adult, but he was constantly called little.

- And what expressions “Give it yourself!”, “Close it yourself!”? rude, impolite, they simply need to be banned. They offend the interlocutor and spoil the mood.)

Conclusion: You cannot express your grievances with rudeness.

How can we help him?

Have you ever had such situations?

Why do we need to be polite? (lifts people's spirits, makes their life easier)

What works mention politeness?

IV. Children's discovery of new knowledge

-What kind of person can be called polite? ( Polite people are well-mannered people who follow the rules of behavior accepted in society.

A polite person is polite, attentive, easy to establish and maintain contact with, tries not to cause trouble, does not insult in word or deed,A make sure that the people around you feel pleasant, comfortable - good.)

-How was the word “polite” formed? (preparation by children)

The word polite was formed from the Old Russian word “vezha”, using the suffix “liv”. “Vezha” is an expert (“to know” - to know). The literal meaning of the word “polite” is knowing oneselflead.

Let's see. What does the word politeness mean in the ethics dictionary.

Politeness is the quality of a person for whom respect for people has become a daily norm of behavior and a habitual way of communicating.Iwith others.

What is politeness? Politeness is polite speech, polite actions)

- But is the frequent use of “polite” words always an indicator of a person’s politeness?

- But listen to what happened to one boy during recess:

At a break

During recess, the boys were running around like crazy. And Igor, of course, is the fastest. And, not surprisingly, he rushed into the teacher in a hurry, almost knocking her down. Anna Vasilievna stopped Igor and asked:

- What needs to be said?

- Hello! - Igor answered.

After these words the guys laughed.

- Why did the guys laugh when they heard Igor’s answer?

- Can Igor be called polite, because he uses polite words in his speech? (no, why?

- So, in order to be polite, is it enough to use “polite words” in your speech?

- How should they be consumed? (Right.)

V. Primary consolidation

Who knows how to use magic words correctly? Let's check it now.

Show sadness, fear, anger, surprise on your face and show it to your desk mate. And now with your hand"once"and drove away the sad mood and showed joy.

1. Ask for a pencil. (give it to the one who asked more politely)

2. Say hello. (with a friend, with a teacher)

3. The student lost his phone. Your actions.

4. You stepped on a student's foot. Your actions.

I am very glad that you know polite words and know how to use them. Let's read them again.

Teacher: Now let's play.

Game “Don’t make a mistake, please”

I will ask you to complete the task, but you must complete them only when I call the “magic word”.

Stand upPlease ! Hands up!please , clap your hands!Stomp.Jump upPlease . Hands forward.

I said hands forward!

Sit down, Please !

VI . Independent work in pairs.

- find synonyms for the word polite

Find antonyms

VII . Situations:

1). Dramatization(prepared in advance)

Hello. Who is this?


What Masha? Where is Irina?

Teacher Now listen to another dialogue.


Hello. Can I talk to Masha?

Hello. Masha is not at home. Should I give her anything?

My name is Katya, Masha and I study in the same class. If you don't mind, please tell Masha that I called.



All the best, Katya.


Which dialogue did you like best? Why?

Let's remember the rules for communicating on the phone.

(Individual message from a student)

1. Start any conversation with a greeting: “Good afternoon!”, “Hello!”

2. Find out if you are in the right place.

3. Don't forget to introduce yourself.

4. Make requests politely. Don't forget the wordsplease be kind.

5. Be clear about the purpose of your call.

6. Do not occupy the phone for a long time.


Compose your dialogue over the phone.

You called a friend, but you got the wrong number.

2) Listen to the poem “If you are polite” (Read by trained children)

If you
And they are not deaf to conscience,
You are the place
Without protest
Give in
To the old lady.

If you
In the soul, and not for show,
To the trolleybus
You will help
Disabled person.

If you
Then, sitting in class,
You won't
With a friend
Chatter like two magpies.

And if you
Will you help?
you mom
And offer her help
Without asking - That is, on your own

And if you
Then in a conversation with my aunt,
And with grandfather
And with grandma
You won't kill them.

And if you
Then you are in the library
Nekrasov and Gogol

You won't take it forever.

And if you

Will you return the booklet?
In a neat, not smeared
And the whole binding.

And if you
To the one who is weaker
You will be the protector
Do not shy away from the strong.

What manners and habits did you hear about?

VII I . Lesson Summary

Do you consider yourself a polite person? Test.

7-8 “yes” - you are polite

5-6 “yes” - you try to be polite, but you still need to learn

1-4 “yes” - still a lot to learn

IX . Reflection.

- And now, guys, I want you to evaluate your work in our lesson.

1 - I understood everything, I’m happy, I’ve become more educated, I’m ready to continue further;

2 - satisfied, but didn’t understand, I want to know more;

3 - I didn’t understand anything, I’m not happy.

- Attach paper berries to the politeness tree that matches your mood and your knowledge.

Polite words lift people's spirits, speak about the speaker's respect for the interlocutor, about his delicacy, tact, sensitivity, and willingness to provide a service to those who need it. You shouldn’t be stingy with kind words, you should try not to upset people with your inattention.

Publication date: 12/16/17

“Nothing costs us so little or is valued so dearly as politeness.” (M. Cervantes)

Class hour in 5th grade

Subject: The ABC of Politeness.

Target: To develop students’ ideas about politeness, speech ethics and communication culture.


Ø develop ethical standards behavior in society and communication with each other;

Ø develop the emotional and moral sphere of students;

Ø promote a culture of communication with each other, promote the self-education of the child’s personality;

Ø develop the skills to compare, analyze, generalize;

Ø develop students' speech:

Ø develop the ability to work collaboratively in a group

Equipment: cards with syllables, poster, epigraph cards, situation cards, poem text, cards with politeness rules

Form: conversation.

Methods: discussion, workshop on solving situations, games (simulation of life situations in story game).

Form of work: individual, group, pair work.

Technologies: problematic, vital, moderation.

Progress of the class hour.

1. Organizing time.

2. Motivation.

Teacher: Hello guys! I'm glad to see you all! Today we are going to an amazing country, it is unusual, it is not on the map, but it exists. Anyone can live in this country, but it has its own rules, its own customs, and anyone who violates these rules is automatically deprived of citizenship. So, let's try to get citizenship of this country. And to find out its name, you must collect the syllables that were confused by the wind. Each group has cards on the table. Let's get started! Let's see who can do it faster.

(The guys are collecting the name of the mysterious country)

Solved the mystery. Well done! What kind of country is this?

(This is the Land of Politeness).

Teacher: Amazing! So, guys, what do you think we will talk about today? What is the topic of our class hour?

(About politeness, about the polite attitude of people towards each other, about cultural communication.)

Teacher: Thank you, that's right. The topic of our lesson is "The ABCs of Politeness."

What do you think is the purpose of our lesson?

(Develop your understanding of politeness, speech etiquette, and rules of behavior in society).

Teacher: Well done! What do you guys think, what challenges are we facing?

(Repeat polite words, study the rules of polite and friendly communication with each other, learn to use polite words).

3. Conversation.

Teacher: Today our lesson is dedicated to politeness - what you need to learn from childhood in order to grow up to be real people, kind, sympathetic, and cultured. These are very important qualities for a person. What is politeness?

Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way

so that others feel good with you.

4. Work on speech ethics (work with a poster - “The Land of Politeness”)

Teacher: So, let's go! I will read the beginning of the phrase, and you must end it with a polite word (individual work).

1.Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word…. (Thank you)

2. The old stump will turn green when it hears.... (Good afternoon)

3. The boy is polite and developed, he says when meeting... (Hello)

4. When we are scolded for pranks, we say, sorry... (Please)

5.In both France and Denmark they say goodbye... (Goodbye)

Teacher: Thank you, well done! Everyone remembers polite words well!

The first region of our country is called "Words of greeting"

Have one representative from each group write one word on a poster (on flower petals).

(Children write words : hello, hello, good afternoon, good morning,

good evening, greetings.)

Teacher: Thanks guys. Let's continue our journey. To get to another region of our country, work in pairs and remember the words of apology and gratitude, requests and farewell.

(Children say the words: sorry, sorry, guilty; thank you, thank you, very grateful, very nice; please, be kind, be kind, it won’t be difficult for you; goodbye, goodbye, bye)

Teacher: What a great fellow you are! How well do you know these words! I hope that you not only know these words, but also apply them in life. Accordingly, the regions of our country will be called

"Words of apology and gratitude." (Sorry, sorry, my fault.Thank you, thank you very much, thank you, very grateful.)

"Words of request and farewell." (Please, I ask you, allow me, be kind, be kind, if it doesn’t bother you.

Goodbye, farewell, see you later, all the best, bye, stay happy.)

Teacher:Please write these words on flower petals for each region of our country. Thank you, guys, in our “Country of Politeness” beautiful flowers have grown of people’s kind and sensitive attitude towards each other. However, politeness can be expressed not only through words.

4. Game minute

Teacher: Expressing gratitude, people in different times performed certain actions. They could bow to each other at the waist, they could only bow their heads slightly, and the women curtsied.

Get up, turn to your neighbor, smile at each other and, in gratitude for the smile, bow, and let the girls curtsy.

Teacher: How wonderful you did! A person lives among people. People constantly influence each other. This influence can be unpleasant and painful if people do not take into account each other’s interests. It can be bright and warm if they care about each other. That is why people have developed rules of behavior. These rules are called politeness.

Lack of politeness is called rudeness. In response to one person's politeness, another expresses gratitude. .

5. Rules of politeness (game “Potty”)

Teacher: We all need to learn to be polite so that school can be a pleasant experience for both adults and children. Let's open a few important rules politeness for ourselves - this will be our first secret. These rules are in a magic pot.

(Children go to the table, take butterfly cards, read the rules and stick them on the poster.)

Politeness rules are printed on the cards:

Teacher: If we think about each other, we will be polite to each other, and in return for politeness we will respond with gratitude, then we will all be fine in class, at school and anywhere else.

6. Situational workshop.

Teacher: Well, let's see in practice how well you master the rules of communication culture. (Each group receives a task card, time to think - 1 minute)

Situation 1.

After work, mom cooked dinner, washed the dishes and went to wash the clothes. Dad went to the garden to water the cucumbers. And Petya sat comfortably on the sofa and began to watch his favorite program “In the Animal World.”

A polite person constantly thinks about the people around him.

Situation 2.

Marina was given a large set of markers for her birthday. The next day she proudly showed her gift to the girls at school. “I won’t give them to anyone while they are new,” she told her friends.

Be polite to your comrades.

Situation 3.

Kolya ran into the classroom and shouted:

- Hello, Gray!

- I just hit fat Svetka with my briefcase. It was funny when she fell into a puddle!

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

7. Summarizing. Reflection

Teacher: Now let’s listen to an excerpt from S. Marshak’s poem “If you are polite” (read by a trained student)

If you are polite
And they are not deaf to conscience,
That place without protest
Give in to the old woman.
If you are polite
In the soul, and not for show,
In the trolleybus you will help
Climb for a disabled person.
And if you are polite,
Then, sitting in class,
You won't be with a friend
Chatter like two magpies.
And if you are polite,
Will you help mom?
And offer her help
Eating on your own without asking.
And if you are polite,
Then in a conversation with my aunt,
And with grandfather and grandmother
You won't kill them.
And if you are polite,
Will you return the booklet?
In a neat, not smeared
And the whole binding.
And if you are polite, -
To the one who is weaker
You will be the protector
Before the strong, without timidity.

Teacher: Our class hour has come to an end. Look how our “Country of Politeness” has blossomed, how much politeness and kindness there is in it. Let's summarize. Please continue with the following sentences:

1.Now I know that...

2.Now I have learned...

3.For myself, I noted that...

Thank you for your opinions.

Guys, you must remember that respect is earned by the person who, following the established rules and norms of behavior (i.e., etiquette), does not forget that the main thing is not only what he does, but also how he does it it does, in what form. The same action in one case can be appropriate and beautiful, but in another - rude and tactless. It all depends on how much we take into account the circumstances, mood, and character traits of the people with whom we communicate.

Guys, you should remain friends. When you graduate from school, you will become workers, doctors, builders, captains... There are hundreds of professions, among them each of you will choose the one that will be the most interesting for you. But first of all, you must grow up to be real, good people: kind, brave, polite. And this needs to be learned.

So what is politeness? (The words are revealed: respect, attentiveness, caring, decency, tact, benevolence.

Long live kindness, respect and sensitivity to each other!

What is politeness?

These are words, actions, and external manifestations that characterize a kind attitude towards people. A person’s upbringing is characterized by certain signs of politeness, which are not limited to everyday ones. in polite words. The concept of politeness is deeper.

Until the 16th century, “vezha” meant “expert”, one who knows the rules of decency, generally accepted forms of expressing good attitude towards people.

Good manners manifests itself, first of all, in a person’s polite behavior. Showing politeness is not only words, but also the behavior of a person as a whole, when he is guided by the desire to show respect and kindness towards a person, to be tactful and attentive to him.

« Nothing costs us so little or is valued so dearly as politeness.”

(M. Cervantes)

Situation 1.

After work, mom cooked dinner, washed the dishes and went to wash the clothes. Dad went to the garden to water the cucumbers. And Petya sat comfortably on the sofa and began to watch his favorite program “In the Animal World.”


Situation 2.

Marina was given a large set of markers for her birthday. The next day she proudly showed her gift to the girls at school. “I won’t give them to anyone while they are new,” she told her friends.

Exercise: comment on the girl's action. What would you do in her place?

Situation 3.

Kolya ran into the classroom and shouted:

Hello, Gray!

I just hit fat Svetka with my briefcase. It was funny when she fell into a puddle!

Exercise: comment on the boy's action. What would you do in his place?

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.

S. Marshak “If you are polite”

If you are polite
And they are not deaf to conscience,
That place without protest
Give in to the old woman.
If you are polite
In the soul, and not for show,
In the trolleybus you will help
Climb for a disabled person.
And if you are polite,
Then, sitting in class,
You won't be with a friend
Chatter like two magpies.
And if you are polite,
Will you help mom?
And offer her help
Eating on your own without asking.
And if you are polite,
Then in a conversation with my aunt,
And with grandfather and grandmother
You won't kill them.
And if you are polite,
Will you return the booklet?
In a neat, not smeared
And the whole binding.
And if you are polite, -
To the one who is weaker
You will be the protector
Before the strong, without timidity.

Politeness shows how you treat other people.

A polite person always says hello and goodbye.

A polite person does not cause trouble or offense to another person.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

A polite person is friendly and attentive to other people.





