Glue titanium wild waterproof that can be glued. Glue "Titan": technical characteristics. Quality mounting adhesive - strong bond

Glue "Titan" is an excellent assistant in carrying out various construction works. It is unlikely that any such tool can compare with it. It firmly fixes various finishing materials. How much glue is required for various surfaces, what characteristics are inherent in it, we will analyze in detail.

To understand the advantages of this tool, let's dwell on its characteristics:

  • Russian-made glue is particularly resistant to various loads and high humidity;
  • when the mass hardens, it acquires the consistency of foam;
  • use glue "Titan" can be used for both external and internal work;
  • consumption is economical;
  • the composition does not include solvents hazardous to humans;
  • when changing climatic conditions, the elasticity remains the same;
  • there is no smell.

You can buy "Titan" in any of the following forms:

  • universal, used when gluing wood, linoleum, polystyrene foam;
  • adhesive mastic, which is used for concrete, cement, brick, wood, drywall, foam;

  • liquid nails intended for metal, ceramic, wooden structures, polyurethane.
  • How to apply?

    By choosing a universal adhesive "Titan", you can apply it on various surfaces, which will significantly save your budget. He will be able to replace the various tools that are required during construction.

    The instruction says that before applying the product, the surface should be degreased. The adhesive layer should be thin, but if the surface is porous, two layers will be required. If a ceiling tile is mounted, the adhesive is applied by making gaps. The agent dries for 5 minutes, and then the surfaces to be glued are connected.

    The glue will dry for no longer than an hour. As for the glue line, he will need a day for this.

    Glue-mastic is applied pointwise with a spatula. When it is applied, the surfaces to be bonded will need to be attached to each other and fixed for 3 seconds. The adhesive will set in 20 seconds and dry in 12 hours.

    Watch the video to learn how to apply:

    Liquid nails can be used on surfaces with pronounced defects that can be removed with a thick adhesive layer.

    Important! Before you stick something on a whitewashed wall or ceiling, you need to clean off the whitewash, as well as prime the surface. The composition of the primer includes denatured alcohol and glue.

    Where is it applied?

    You can use "Titan" glue when performing various construction works:

    After the Titan glue is completely dry, it can be masked using various finishing materials.

    How to remove and dilute the agent?

    Cases when it is required to remove glue from various surfaces are not excluded. To remove it from clothes you will need:

    • cardboard;
    • a hammer;
    • gauze;
    • nailfile;
    • laundry soap.

    Put the clothes on cardboard and cover the glue stain with gauze. Then tap it with a hammer. The remaining pieces of glue are peeled off with a file. After that, you can start washing with the use of laundry soap in hot water.

    You can learn more from the video:

    To remove the dried composition from another surface, you will have to use a solvent. The dissolved stain will be removed quickly. The rest is scraped off with a spatula.

    To dilute the adhesive, use alcohol, denatured alcohol, or a disinfectant liquid containing alcohol. Nail polish remover will do the job perfectly if it contains isopropanol and butyl acetate.

    Important! Those who have dissolved Titanium with acetone have experienced that the adhesive begins to curdle, so this liquid should be used with caution. They can only dilute the adhesive composition in a certain proportion: 4 parts of glue will need 1 part of acetone.

    Having considered the main specifications glue "Titan" it can be concluded that it can not only glue surfaces, but is also perfect as a hermetic agent, due to its high moisture resistance. The most important thing in the work is to strictly follow the instructions and follow all the rules. Only in this case, the glued surfaces will last for a long time.

The main and important subject of repair and construction today are adhesives and sealants. They are widely used in wallpapering, fixing ceiling, floor or wall tiles, sealing walls or other surfaces. They are also widely used in everyday life, for example, for gluing toys, for restoring defects in furniture and other interior items.

Adhesives and sealants Titanium is a high-quality and effective product, which is famous and widespread not only among builders, but also among ordinary users. Such an extensive scope of use of Titanium glue is explained by good technical qualities. It provides a tight and durable fastening of finishing materials made of foam, wood, polyvinyl chloride to various surfaces, for example, from concrete, gypsum or cement.

Main characteristics and method of application

The use of Titanium glue also contributes to savings, it is distinguished by affordable prices compared to other brands of glue. Its packaging can replace several products due to the following qualities:

  • on the condition of a smooth, even and fat-free surface, the adhesive is applied in a very thin layer, while its effectiveness is not reduced;
  • sets quickly, only 2-5 minutes are enough for this;
  • it will take less than an hour for the glue to dry completely, and the seam will become strong the next day.

Varieties of glue Titanium



Titanium Styro 753 (Professional) glue. The name of the materials to be glued - building materials, finishing materials, including mineral wool and bitumen. It is applied to works with walls, heat-insulating plates, a roof and wall panels.

It has antibacterial, thermal insulation features, does not have a pungent odor. It belongs to the type of polyurethane, has a blue color, is packaged in cylinders weighing 750 ml, is quite budgetary in terms of its cost, which is different regions about 490 rubles.



Multi Fix (Professional) glue. The area of ​​bonded materials is quite extensive and includes fiberglass, mirror amalgam, mineral wool and cork. Possesses high values ​​of properties of sealing, resistance to ultra-violet beams and vibration. Used to install moldings, ceramic tiles, mirrors and other finishing and installation work. Absolutely colorless, packaged in 290 ml cartridges, with an average cost of 299 rubles.

Polymers instead of bones and tendons. These are not new body prostheses. It's about glue. In the Neolithic era, that is, the late Stone Age, it was boiled from bones and sinew. Looking at modern jelly, it is easy to believe that they can make glue.

Later, vegetable resins were added to the bonding mixtures. Glue based on them and animal fat was found in the tomb of Tutankhamen. The substance was poured into a vessel, apparently, assuming the need in the afterlife.

This indicates the importance of the glue. Its modern variations are mostly polymeric. Such glue is not put in the tombs, but it still means a lot. What are some names worth. Today's review will be devoted to "Titan". That was the name of the Greek gods. According to legend, they held the sky on their shoulders. What is holding glue "Titan"?

Description and properties of glue "Titan"

The basis of the glue "Titan" is polyurethane. Its constituents isocyanate and polyol are taken from crude oil. The synthesis was carried out in the 1930s in America. In the 1950s, the polymerization of the substance was carried out there. The result was foamed varieties of polyurethane, for example, polystyrene. The abundance of air in it allows you to insulate the material of the house.

Polystyrene is hard. In glue "Titan" polyurethane is liquid. The product looks like PVA. "Titan" is packaged in different cylinders, bags and bottles, depending on the destination. We will talk about it in a separate chapter.

In addition to polyurethane, "Titan" can include dimethyl ether, propylene, 4-4-diphenylmethane, their isomers and homologues. So called substances of a similar composition, but a different structure. In the case of homologues, there are additional CH 2 groups.

The exact composition and proportions of the components give variations in the structure and appearance of the Titan. It is not always whitish, like PVA. There are transparent types of glue. There is even a semblance of polyurethane foam. Differences from it are the absence of a secondary expansion.

Giving it, the polyurethane foam also shrinks. "Titan", having expanded once, no longer changes its volume. In addition, the adhesive has the best adhesion to concrete. Adhesion refers to the ability to penetrate into the upper layers of other materials, to adhere to them.

Types of glue "Titan"

Mounting adhesive "Titan"- a brand under which a number of products are hidden. It covers various building and renovation needs. Main types of glue 4:

  • Liquid nails "Titan". Liquid nails are understood as glue with a fine fraction filler. It makes the mixture paste-like and, as it were, concretes it, allowing the surfaces spaced apart to be held together. It is no longer required to have a tight fit, pressing the planes. Metal, wooden, ceramic, polyurethane and PVC objects can act as planes.

  • Glue-mastic "Titan". In cooking, mastic is a mixture of gelatin, sugar and water. Glue took from her only ductility, density and plasticity. The composition is designed for the connection of polystyrene, polyurethane, gypsum and plastered surfaces. Cement-lime substrates, wood boards and brickwork are also amenable. Application of glue "Titan" category "mastic" begins with mixing the composition. It grabs in 20 seconds, and completely dries out in 12 hours.

  • Powder glue "Titan". Universal glue composition. Like other adhesives for them, "Titan" is diluted with water. Powder advantage in antiseptic supplements. They block development. Appearing on the wallpaper and the surface of the plaster, it penetrates the walls in the form of spores. They are invisible and difficult to remove. Priming with Titan glue eliminates the risk of surface contamination.

  • Glue-foam "Titan". It works on the principle of conventional foam, also consisting of polyurethane. When exposed to air, it polymerizes. Contact with atmospheric moisture leads to the release of carbon dioxide. It inflates the polymer. This is where the foam comes in. Windows sit on it with equal success and door frames, Wall panels. However, information on the use of adhesives of the series is collected in a separate chapter.

A narrower classification of "Titan" is associated with the application. So, among the wallpaper powders there are for paper, vinyl, fabric canvases. To liquid nails applies glue "Titan" for mirrors. But, there are also universal compositions. They are even used as. To do this, denatured alcohol is added to the glue - ethyl alcohol mixed with methanol.

Is in the product line of the brand and ceiling adhesive"Titanium". It belongs to the category of mastics, good for tiles made of gypsum, polystyrene foam, polystyrene. All instructions on the packages are in Russian. The brand, by the way, is also domestic. Entered the market in the 1990s.

Characteristics of the glue "Titan"

Properties of glue "Titan" depend on its type. In the form of foam, for example, the composition ignores ultraviolet radiation. Usual mounting foam it darkens and makes it brittle. "Titan" is used in street work. If the foam is covered with other “facades”, then only for the sake of beauty, and not the safety of the sealant.

In a foam can glue "Titan" transparent, but the output becomes cloudy. When solidified, the mixture becomes light beige. The gas bubbles are enclosed in closed "honeycombs". They do not communicate with each other.

Therefore, Titanium foam is resistant to moisture. This makes the material suitable for facade works. For internal "Titan" is also ideal, because it does not contain freon. These are gases in which methane is mixed with ethane.

They talk about the dangers of the mixture. However, it is not she herself that is harmful, but the emitted tetrafluoroethylene. It is formed at temperatures above 400 degrees. That is, foams with freons are potentially dangerous only in case of fire.

However, during it, there are poisons to stand out from. The emphasis on the absence of freons in Titan glue is more of a marketing ploy than a real advantage.

Are common characteristics of glue "Titan" in foam and in the form of mastic - heat resistance. When frozen, the product can withstand at least 140 degrees. The wallpaper series cannot boast of a sim.

On the other hand, Titanium powder adhesives have narrowly focused advantages. The first of these is slipperiness. It allows you to move the canvases on the wall, adjusting the pattern on the wallpaper. To make them easier to stick, the Titanium powder dissolves in water without the formation of lumps. This is the second plus of mixtures. They dry in 5 minutes.

Application of glue "Titan"

Question, what glue "Titan" glues has dozens of answers. Even artificial leather is bonded with brand mixtures. Therefore, the use of "Titan" is wide. If the ancient Greek gods held the heavens on their shoulders, then the hero of the article is supported by repairs and the sphere of arts and crafts.

Floor and ceiling blocks. Under ceramics, the hero of the article replaces cement mixture. Under moldings and plinths "Titan" also regularly serves. Double-glazed windows, slopes for them, door frames are mounted on the adhesive foam.

Replacing the "Titan" of competitors is driven by a low consumption of the mixture. On square meter wallpaper, for example, takes 1 liter. However, on some surfaces, all 20 liters are spent per square.

The exact figure depends on the porosity of the base. Glue "Titan Wild" fills in the voids. This is extra volume. On a flat and dense surface, the consumption of mixtures is several times less.

The use of the hero of the article, like other adhesive compositions, is fraught with the mixture getting on clothes, floors, furniture. They sort out the outfits, waiting for the Titan to solidify.

In solid form, it is covered with gauze and tapped. Shatters like glass. It remains to shake off the fragments and wash off small particles stuck in the fabric fibers with warm water and soap.

When removing mixtures from domestic surfaces and facades, the question arises, how to dilute titanium glue. Suitable: alcohol, disinfectant liquids with it and denatured alcohol. On packages with solvents, you should look for "butyl acetate" and "isopropanol". They are even in nail polish remover. So, it will also help get rid of glue stains.

For 4 shares of "Titan" take 1 part of the solvent. Therefore, acetone is suitable for cleaning surfaces, but it is risky to use it to dilute a thickened mixture.

Price glue "Titan" and reviews about it

The price of glue "Titan" depends on the type and volume of the mixture. Half a liter of universal, for example, costs from 100 to 220 rubles. For a liter they take from 210 to 370. Is it worth paying? Customer reviews will tell you about this:

  • “This glue is outdated. I took for ceiling tiles, because in a nearby store there was only "Titan". It turned out that it needs to be applied to the ceiling, wait 5 minutes, then glue the block and press it for another 5 minutes. Masochism right. I felt like a titan holding the sky. Glue does not justify the name.
  • “I appreciate the Titan for its resistance to water. When the glue is dry, even bathe it in the bath. It is easy to clean from hands, seizes surfaces tightly. The main thing is to hold for 1-3 minutes. I use for small repair work, satisfied".

Angelica EL

  • “The death grip of the Titan is both its main plus and minus. You don't always measure accurately. Sometimes, it is necessary to tear off and re-glue the part. In the case of the "Titan" thing is damaged. He rips off only with meat. But if you measure it 7 times and glue only 1, there is no price for Titan.

This characterizes domestic glue as a solid average. It is affordable, reliable, though not cutting-edge. But, the quality of the brand's products is constant, and the instructions for it are clear.

Not a single repair, like construction work, simply can do without hermetic compounds and glue. Today, these are common building materials that are used everywhere: fastening parts, structures, pasting walls and ceilings, sealing joints, gluing broken objects, defects, etc.

Glue can be different, as well as sealants, so before you stop at any, you need to find out all the advantageous and qualitative characteristics of each of them. I would like to start by considering the most common at the moment - Titanium glue and its instructions for use.

So, what is Titan glue? Construction experts believe that this is one of the most effective and high-quality products of a similar purpose, suitable for use by both professional builders and the most ordinary users.

Titanium glue can be used everywhere, for a wide variety of materials and surfaces, so without exaggeration it can be called a truly universal remedy. Fastening with such glue is considered durable and of high quality, so it earned its popularity for a reason.

Varieties of glue "Titan"

There are several types of the adhesive composition under consideration, each of which has a number of its own characteristics, disadvantages and advantages. In order to understand all this, it is necessary to analyze each of the available types in more detail. Let's start with rubber.

rubber glue

There are also several types of them, which we will now consider:

  • Nails of liquid type, have the name "Titanium 601", is considered a universal remedy. Perfectly glues together all materials of insulating type and finishing materials. The advantage of using glue is the ability to glue cornices, sockets of various types, panels, etc. The heat resistance of the adhesive is high, it can also be used for outdoor work. The price is affordable.
  • Titan Professional. Most often used for skirting boards, profiles, cardboard, particle boards, etc. It is considered resistant to temperature extremes, as well as pressure of atmospheric air. Elasticity is also high.
  • Metal liquid nails Professional. Excellent for gluing various types of glass, mirrors, etc. It is used exclusively indoors and buildings. The properties are similar to the generic .
  • Professional Classic. They can glue glass, aluminum surfaces. The main feature of this type of adhesive is that it has a high level of resistance to chemical type compositions.

Polyurethane adhesive "Titan"

These include Styro 753 glue. Designed for gluing building materials, bitumen and even mineral wool. Very often it is used while working with walls, heat-insulating type plates, as well as roofing.

The main features of the considered polyurethane adhesive are thermal insulation material with antibacterial properties. It is distributed to retail outlets in special cylinders, the volume of which can be 500-750 ml. The cost of such glue is considered affordable, but at the same time, an order of magnitude higher than the previous type.

Acrylic glue "Titan"

One of the varieties of acrylic glue. This type is widely used among consumers due to its quality characteristics. Can be used for cork and glass materials. Often, specialists in the field of decor use this tool, because the use of Titanium glue guarantees a neat and high-quality method of fastening parts.

Glue Express is intended for gluing ceramics, stone, wood, etc. It freezes very quickly, which is its main advantage. The color of this glue is white, it is packaged in 300 ml cartridges. The cost is below average.

Hydro Fix - it is excellent to glue ceramic, gypsum and wooden parts with this glue. Such glue is resistant to sudden and global atmospheric changes. After considering acrylic glue, let's move on to the topic - Titanium glue instructions for use.


Titan Polymer Adhesive, which has a wide range of applications, is used everywhere, it can be used for materials such as mineral wool, amalgam, fiberglass and other rare materials.

Professional builders use such glue during installation work, as well as in the process and. The advantageous characteristics of the considered type of glue include high level sealing abilities.

The influence of ultraviolet rays, even long-term, does not affect the quality characteristics of the adhesive. Its cost is not higher than analog products, which means it is affordable.

On what surfaces is Titan glue applied?

Since the range of use of the glue in question is quite wide, it became popular immediately after entering the market. building materials. As stated earlier. It is used to work with a wide variety of materials:

  • Tree;
  • Plastic;
  • Concrete;
  • Faux leather;
  • glaze;
  • Styrofoam, etc.

The considered adhesive composition "Titan" is used for strong fixation of the most different materials for finishing (gypsum and concrete).

Instructions for use of Titan glue

1. Before proceeding with the use of the adhesive in question, it is imperative to clean the surface, the part that will be glued.

2. It is also desirable to get rid of irregularities and defects on the surface of the part, plinth or other fixing material.

3. The glue should be applied in a small layer and evenly over the entire surface of the part, the element that needs to be glued.

4. Since the adhesive dries very quickly, if it gets on any other surface, it must be wiped off immediately, because after drying it will be extremely difficult to remove them.

Glue "Titan" instructions for use are quite simple, as could be understood from the above information, among other things, such an instruction is written on each package of the adhesive mixture in question.

Construction has always been an important area of ​​human activity and profitable business, because with good demography and migration in countries and cities, the construction of residential buildings does not stop. Also, the repair of already finished premises that need to be updated due to the old age of structures and coatings is always relevant.

To make repairs or build any structure, you will need various construction equipment, equipment, materials, and the most important factor for the implementation of this type of work is qualified knowledge.

It is important not only to be able to carry out repair or construction work, but also to have knowledge of new products among necessary materials, which will reduce the construction time by several times.

For example, for external work to strengthen or restore the facade, as well as for gluing foam for wall insulation, foam glue is perfect. Among the wide variety of this type of connecting materials, Titan glue enjoys a good reputation.

Numerous reviews about this glue speak for themselves - the product is easy to apply, does not cause inconvenience during application (does not crumble on the sides, economically), and also has excellent quality (reliably fastens parts of the structure).

Compared to other similar means, this one is the leader among people who have used various means. As they say, everything is known in comparison - Titan glue bypassed other similar foams in terms of its high performance.

Of course, many inexperienced users often confuse it with foam for metal-plastic windows, which is a big mistake - you cannot compare these two completely different products. Therefore, when reading reviews, you need to pay attention to this factor.


Glue Titan technical specifications

Main Features this product are its quality indicators and properties that affect the scope.

Composition: propellant, diisocyanate, 4,4-diphenylmethane, dimethyl ether, isomers and homologues.

It has a blue color, after hardening it has the consistency of a stable foam. The curing method is moisture polymerization.

Temperature limits for cylinder storage, air temperature during use and surface temperature - from 0 / +10 to +30 degrees Celsius.

Since the Titan glue has high hardening qualities, the maximum time for correcting the glued surface is no more than 15 minutes. The adhesive foam begins to harden and fix within 2 hours after application, and complete hardening occurs within 24 hours.

Adhesive foam Titanium is used for fastening and gluing heat-insulating boards, external and interior decoration, has properties such as:

  1. adhesion values ​​with various materials(expanded polystyrene, brick, cement, mineral wool and others) are very high;
  2. resistant to high humidity, does not age and does not collapse for a long time, is not affected by mold, and also has high thermal stability, both to cold (from -60) and to high temperatures (up to +100);
  3. completely non-toxic - it does not contain, causing bronchial asthma and allergic reactions, MDI vapors (isocyanites);
  4. has no smell;
  5. does not need preparatory manipulations before use - immediately ready for use without mixing, diluting with water, and so on;
  6. economical and small packaging allows you to store Titanium Styro 753 glue in the required amount - it does not take up much space and is completely safe.

These data are taken not only from the descriptions provided by the manufacturer, but also from the reviews of ordinary consumers who used the tool to perform repair or construction work.

Areas of application of glue

This quality product can be used in the following construction areas:

  1. When installing and repairing external insulation systems.
  2. When repairing and fastening heat-insulating plates consisting of expanded polystyrene. Also, Titanium glue is suitable for the same purposes for fastening products from other, almost all known, building materials.
  3. Correction of gaps between layers of thermal insulation, as well as cracks that have arisen both inside and outside the building (walls, roof, suspended ceilings).

Adhesive foam after complete hardening can be easily masked - with paint, plaster and other finishing materials.


How to dilute titanium glue

You can dilute it with medical alcohol, denatured alcohol, as well as pharmaceutical agent"Disinfectant liquid" on an alcohol basis. Also suitable for these purposes is a nail polish remover based on butyl acetate and isopropanol.

You should be careful with acetone, as this substance can lead to glue folding. If alcohol products were not at hand, dilute the composition with acetone in the proportion of 1 part of acetone and 4 parts of glue.

How to remove

If glue gets on clothes, remove it as follows:

  1. Lay out the fabric on the cardboard.
  2. We put gauze on top.
  3. Gently tap the glue spot with a hammer.
  4. With our hands and with the help of a nail file, we remove the remaining pieces of the dried composition.
  5. We wash the item in hot water with laundry soap.

To remove adhesive from other surfaces, you can use a solvent to acrylic paint. Anything that cannot be removed will have to be scraped off with a spatula.