When to sow basil for seedlings? Growing basil through seedlings. Growing basil from seeds for seedlings, planting and care in open ground, types and varieties with photos. How to plant basil with seeds for seedlings

Of course, you use basil as part of ready-made spice sets, and perhaps add fresh herbs of this beautiful plant to salads and marinades. Have you tried growing basil yourself? It's very simple. He all year round Can grow in an apartment on a windowsill. But still, the largest supply of fragrant leaves can be made only when grown in summer time V open ground. I suggest growing seedlings of any variety of basil easily and with pleasure.

Basil is an annual herb widely known for its medicinal properties, also used in cooking. It contains a rich content of carotene, vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, but the greatest value is, of course, essential oils, due to which the plant has a special spicy aroma. Growing basil in temperate climates for a long time it was difficult, because its homeland is hot India. However, now breeders have already developed varieties that can take root in our summer cottages. Therefore, do not beware, choose the appropriate variety of this wonderful plant and, observing some subtleties when planting, you can please yourself and your loved ones with many delicious dishes with a spicy hint of basil.

Soaking basil seeds

Essential oils create a very tight shell on the seeds, so when sowing them in the ground, they should never be soaked, because. they will stick together, and we simply will not be able to distribute them evenly over the surface of the earth. But when planting basil seedlings, when you have time and comfortable conditions at home, it is better to soak the seeds. You can do this from the end of February to the end of March, the main thing is to choose a time when stable warmth sets in in your region.
For soaking a small amount of Basil seeds should be wrapped in a piece of cloth and tied with thread. Then place the resulting bags in a container with well warm water(about 40 °C), leave for 20 minutes until cool. This procedure must be done three times, after which the bags with seeds are placed in a plastic bag and left for two days in a warm place 25-28 degrees, ventilated from time to time.

Sowing basil for seedlings

Planting Basil Seeds

Before opening the bag, it must be washed in clean water. You can plant basil seeds either in a common tray with further picking, or in separate cups of three. Seedlings that sprouted in separate containers do not need to be planted. When they grow up, they can be immediately planted in the ground, the bushes will turn out lush and will perfectly cover each other.
So, let's proceed directly to planting the seeds. The soil should be very light, but nutritious, so humus can be added to the mixture of soil and sand.
Before planting, the soil must be well watered with warm water; heat-loving basil will thank you for this. In the future, when watering seedlings, it is also better to use warm water.
Pre-soaked seeds need to be evenly distributed over the surface of the earth and sprinkled with earth, a maximum of half a centimeter will be enough, cover the container with film and place in a warm place, maybe on a radiator. In three days the bath will need to be ventilated. It is important not to miss the moment when the seeds germinate and move them to a bright place in time or turn on additional light so that the seedlings do not stretch out. On average, the first seedlings of soaked seeds appear in 5-7 days. Dry seeds germinate in up to two weeks.

Basil pick

Basil is ready for picking when the first two true leaves have developed well. This is in about 20 days. When picking, we deepen the seedling to the cotyledon. We let the elongated stem form a spiral. Don't forget to water when it dries out.

How to pick basil

It takes about two months from germination for basil seedlings to reach the stage ready for planting. If you increase the lighting, this period is reduced.
It must be remembered that basil is a true southern plant, so it is better not to rush into planting it in open ground, wait for warmer weather. You can start planting it a little later than peppers and eggplants.
We choose a place in the ground protected from the wind. the soil should be light but well fertilized. The distance between plants is 20-25 cm and approximately the same row spacing.

Takes pride of place among spice plants, because its rich smell cannot be compared with anything. Spicy herb sprigs are an indispensable addition to salads and other dishes. Many gardeners also use basil as a decorative decoration flower beds. Compact low bushes with varied shapes and leaf colors look good as a border. In addition, during flowering, insects, which are pollinators for the garden, flock to the smell of small white flowers, but pests, on the contrary, scatter from it.

Growing such useful grass from all sides is not very troublesome. Basil is an annual plant and reproduces well by seed. Depending on when you need to get the first harvest of fragrant leaves, you can plant basil seeds:

  • for seedlings;
  • into open ground.

Growing basil seedlings

Sowing seeds should not begin in early April. In order for the seeds to germinate faster, they must first be soaked for 3 hours. Place drainage in pots or low containers and fill them with soil mixed in equal parts from:

  • peat;
  • humus;
  • garden soil.

Before sowing the seeds, moisten the substrate with a solution consisting of potassium sulfate, superphosphate, urea and potassium chloride. For 5 liters of water you need to take 0.5 tsp. each drug.

Form shallow grooves and place the seeds in them, keeping row spacing of about 4 cm. To create a humid microclimate, cover the tops of the pots with film and place in a warm place with a temperature of at least 25 degrees Celsius. Until the seeds hatch, the film should be periodically lifted for ventilation, and when the seedlings sprout (after 5-7 days), the cover should be completely removed.

Picking into separate cups can be done when the bushes have 1-2 true leaves, and when they grow at least five, pinch the tops for bushiness.

Since basil is very heat-loving, seedlings should be planted in open ground at the very end of May. To ensure that lush bushes have enough space to develop, leave a distance between them of up to 40 cm.

Sowing seeds in open ground

If the goal is not to get an early harvest, in early June you can sow the seeds directly into the garden bed. The essential oils contained in the seeds inhibit their germination, so it is recommended to pre-water the holes (for example, 1 ampoule of Zircon per 5 liters of water) to speed up germination. After sowing, cover the bed itself with film and do not remove it until shoots appear.

Caring for basil plantings

Spicy grass loves not only warmth, but also water and fertilizing. It is necessary to water the basil regularly, but make sure that the moisture does not stagnate in the beds, otherwise the roots of the plant may rot.

As for fertilizer, once a month it is necessary to fertilize basil with nitrogen to stimulate the active growth of green mass. If seed collection is not planned, the flower stalks must be removed. This way young and tasty side shoots will form on the bushes and they can be removed several times during the season.

Basil: sowing and picking, video

Basil is a herbaceous aromatic plant, a favorite spice, which is successfully used in cooking for preparing first courses, meat, vegetable dishes, sauces and fresh salads, both fresh and dry. A spice originally from Asia, basil was worshiped in Iran, Ceylon and India, and later its multifaceted aroma was appreciated by Europeans. Translated from Greek, “basil” means “royal” or “royal.” There are several varieties herbaceous plant, which differ appearance bush, aroma and color of leaves. Different types fragrant basil is grown in all corners of the world. In our latitudes, purple basil is the most popular, and Italians cannot imagine their dishes without the fragrant leaves of green basil. How to grow fragrant basil on your own summer cottage and how to care for the plant?

Basil - annual plant, which forms a small branched and decorative bush 20-60 cm high (depending on the type and variety of the plant). Basil leaves vary in shape, color and size. They can be bright green, purple, oval and oblong, large and small.

But between all the variety of colors and shapes of leaves, there is one main similarity - this is their divine spicy aroma that they exude. Basil is a heat-loving plant and is afraid of frost; as a rule, it is grown as seedlings. The flowering time of the plant is mid-summer; inflorescences appear at the ends of the shoots, consisting of several small flowers of various shades: white, pink, light purple. The calyxes, stems and leaves of the plant are slightly rough to the touch; it is in them that the glands with essential oil are located, which gives the basil a spicy, pleasant aroma.
In addition to the widespread use of basil in cooking, the properties essential oils contained in its leaves are used in folk medicine for the treatment of headaches, bronchitis and fever. Regular addition of basil to food helps improve immunity.

Types and varieties of basil

There are more than 70 types of basil in nature. They differ in the height of the bush, shape, size and color of fragrant leaves. Let's look at the most popular types and varieties of plants.

Sweet basil (camphor, common). A type of basil known all over the world. A plant with branched foliage. The bush is tall, from 55 to 70 cm. Its stem and leaves are slightly pubescent, the aroma is soft, peppery, reminiscent of cloves. The best varieties fragrant basil:

  • Magical Michael basil is a branched variety;
  • Mammoth basil - the leaves are large and have a sharp, spicy taste;
  • Genovese Gigante basil is the most beloved variety of Italians.

Cinnamon basil. The second name of the species is Mexican. The plant is up to 60 cm high, the leaves are shiny, it blooms with lilac flowers. The leaves of this species have a distinct cinnamon aroma, hence the name of the species. Among the varieties we can highlight:

  • Cinnamon
  • Tender early

Purple basil. The most common type of basil grown in our region. The leaves of the species are bright, reddish-purple in color with a strong fragrant aroma. The castings are large, fleshy, with a tart taste; they are used to prepare many Asian and Caucasian dishes. The most common varieties:

  • Purple
  • Mauritanian
  • Table

Lemon basil. Semi-spreading low plant up to 35 cm tall with branched foliage. The soft green leaves exude a zesty lemon aroma and have a lemony taste. Gardeners prefer to grow the following varieties of lemon basil:

  • Citric
  • Spark

Green basil. Low bushes reach a height of up to 45 cm. The leaves are light green in color, have a light aroma and delicate taste. Among the well-known varieties are:

  • Green cornflower
  • Tone

Black basil. A bright and unusual type of basil. Its stems and leaves have a rich dark purple hue, sometimes black. It has an excellent spicy and fiery aroma. Widely used in dried form. Known varieties:

  • Baku
  • Ruby of Cairo

Red basil. Branched bush of small height. The leaves are colored lilac-red, fragrant. Known varieties:

  • Generous
  • Eastern guest

Growing Basil

Basil is a heat-loving crop that requires soil fertility. By observing all the optimal conditions for growing the fragrant spice, you can grow a rich harvest of basil in your dacha. You can grow the plant both in your garden bed and on your windowsill. Planting spicy basil in open ground is possible in two ways: seeds or seedlings, which is the best option landings.

Site and soil for basil

Choose a site for growing herbs that is sunny, well heated and protected from drafts. Basil prefers light, fertile and well-drained soil. You can plant the plant after growing it on the site vegetable crops, such as potatoes, tomatoes, legumes.
The soil for planting must be prepared in the fall. The bed for planting the crop must be dug up to 20-25 cm and organic fertilizers added to the soil at the rate of 1 square meter soil:

  • humus (compost) - from 3 to 5 kg;
  • superphosphate 22-25 grams;
  • potassium salt -15 grams.

When digging up the soil, remove all weed rhizomes so that they do not interfere with the development and growth of young basil seedlings. It is necessary to completely clear the area of ​​weeds to obtain high yields.
In the spring, the area prepared for planting basil must be leveled with a rake and mineral fertilizers added to the soil per 1 square meter:

  • nitrogen fertilizers 10-20 grams;
  • phosphorus 30-40 grams;
  • potassium 10-20 grams.

Planting basil in open ground as seedlings

Planting basil in the form of seedlings is a popular way of growing a spicy crop to obtain high yields in early dates. Basil seeds should be planted for seedlings in late March or early April.
Stages of work:

  1. Prepare containers or boxes for planting seeds. Containers must have drainage holes, as the soil must not be over-moistened. A drainage layer (small pebbles, polystyrene foam, expanded clay) is placed at the bottom of the container.
  2. Prepare the planting soil. The soil for seedlings should be light, enriched with humus and peat.
  3. Basil seeds must undergo a disinfection procedure before planting. Prepare a saturated solution of potassium permanganate and soak the seeds in it for 2 hours.
  4. Place the seeds on the surface of the soil, maintaining a distance of 5 cm from each other. Sprinkle them with a small 1 cm layer of soil. The seedlings must be covered with transparent material: film or glass. Regularly ventilate the crops and spray them with a spray bottle.
  5. Germination of basil seeds occurs at a temperature of 23-27 degrees Celsius. After 7-10 days, expect the first shoots to appear, which will need moderate watering with warm water as the soil dries out. The film must be removed and the container placed in a warm, well-lit place, such as a windowsill.
  6. As soon as the first leaf grows, the basil seedlings can be planted in separate pots, choose a volume of 5x5, 6x6 cm. About 10 days after planting the seedlings, they need to be fed with mineral fertilizers. Prepare a solution for 1 liter of water: 2 g of nitrate and 3 g of superphosphate.
  7. At the beginning of summer or the end of May, after the appearance of several strong leaves in the amount of 4-5 pieces, young shoots can be planted in the ground.

Basil: planting in open ground

At the end of May, when the soil has already warmed up sufficiently (up to 15 degrees), seedlings from pots can be planted in beds, keeping a distance between bushes of 25-30 cm. The depth of planting a bush in the ground is about 10 cm. The soil should not only be well heated, but and moistened, so it is necessary to water it well before planting. A young plant should be planted so that its main bud and lower leaves are located above the ground. For planting, choose a cloudy day so that the sun does not burn the tender leaves of the young plant.
To grow the bush and obtain lush leaves, the top of the basil must be pinched at the stage of appearance of 5-6 full-fledged leaves. The plant will begin to grow in breadth. As a result, you will get thick, lush bushes of fragrant greenery. When the first inflorescences appear, they should also be removed in a timely manner for the further development and growth of the bush.

Basil: planting by seeds

Residents of the southern regions can plant basil seeds directly in open ground. As a rule, at the end of May, when the crop is planted, there are no longer night frosts in these regions, and the soil has time to warm up to 15 degrees Celsius. If you live in the northern or central part of the country, then it is recommended to use the seedling method of growing basil, which was discussed above. Basil is a heat-loving crop. Even slight temperature fluctuations, a drop in temperature or night frosts can damage the seedlings.

Before planting, the seeds must be disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate. Prepare shallow holes for planting in advance (0.5-1 cm); the soil should be sufficiently moist and loose. Plant seeds individually, or preferably in pairs for greater germination, keeping a distance between plantings of 3 cm, and between rows of 30 cm. After sowing the seeds, the area should be covered with film, creating a small greenhouse for the seedlings. As soon as the seeds germinate, after about 7-10 days, the film should be removed.

Caring for Basil

Caring for basil is easy. It requires regular watering and loosening of the soil, and weeds must be destroyed. It should be remembered that basil does not tolerate waterlogging; the root of the plant can rot from excessive moisture. Water the bushes as the soil dries out.

During the active growth of greenery, the bushes need to be fed with fertilizers. The first fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizer is carried out even before the inflorescences are formed (ammonium nitrate 15 g/m2). After about a month, you can add phosphorus fertilizer (superphosphate 10-15 g/m2) to the soil.

Basil bushes should be well lit; if the plant does not get enough sunlight, its growth decreases, the leaves become small, and their taste deteriorates. Basil grows and produces lush greenery before the onset of autumn cold weather. You can dig up bushes and transplant them into indoor pot and move it indoors for the winter. This way you will have fragrant greens on your table all year round.

How to grow basil at home, on the windowsill

You can grow an aromatic spice on a windowsill. The main conditions for a successful harvest: a sunny south window, fertile, light-draining soil and regular watering of the plant. You can grow basil in a pot from seeds or using cuttings. You can buy cuttings in a store or dig them from the garden. Planting cuttings is the most easy way growing aromatic bushes, they take root easily and quickly begin active growth. Growing basil in a pot from seeds is a longer process. When planting in the autumn-winter period, the seedlings will require additional lighting with a lamp, since in insufficient light the shoots will begin to stretch upward.
Before planting in the soil mixture, soak the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate for several hours. Prepare pots for planting with drainage and soil mixture (1 part vermicompost and 2 parts coconut fiber). Planting depth is 1 cm. After planting, the pot is covered with a transparent bag. At a room temperature of 22-25 degrees, the first shoots will appear in 5 days. Next, the plant needs standard care - provide it with watering, good lighting and warmth.

Diseases and pests

Basil is not susceptible to attack by insect pests and is resistant to many diseases. But under unfavorable growing conditions, the plant is most often affected by fungal diseases:

How to protect basil from infection with fungal diseases:

  1. It is not recommended to grow an aromatic crop in one place for more than 2-3 years.
  2. Before planting in the ground, seeds must be disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate for 2 hours.
  3. The plant must be planted sparingly
  4. It is recommended to “dust” the soil with the ash of deciduous trees
  5. Maintain regular and moderate watering of basil bushes, avoiding waterlogging of the soil.
  6. Ventilate seedlings that are temporarily covered with film regularly.
  7. When you detect the first signs of the disease, remove the plant from the garden bed along with a clod of earth.
  8. On initial stage Spraying the bushes with onion peels is effective against fungal diseases. (pour boiling water over the husks and leave for 24 hours). Spray the basil with the strained solution.

Basil pests

Among dangerous pests Spicy greens are secreted by aphids and field bugs.

  • Aphid. This pest causes irreparable damage to the plant by sucking juice from its leaves and stems. The plant becomes lethargic and stops growing. A solution of tar soap (100 g of grated soap in 10 liters of water) is very helpful in the fight against aphids. Among the chemicals that are effective are: Karbofos, Akarin.
  • Field (meadow) bug. Damage to basil is caused by both adults and its larvae, feeding on the sap of the plant. In pest control, the use of Karbofos Bankola, Actellika is effective

Harvesting and drying

When the plant reaches a height of 10-15 cm, its leaves and shoots can be cut into greens and used to prepare aromatic dishes. If you want to dry leaves for the winter, best time for harvesting - the beginning of flowering of the plant. It is during this period that the aroma of greenery is most saturated with essential oils. Basil can be dried in two ways:

Basil should be dried at a temperature of no more than 35-36 C, since at high temperatures its essential oils will evaporate. Well-dried stems and leaves wash well into powder and are ready for use. Dried basil should be stored in glass or earthenware containers with an airtight lid. Storage time is from 3 to 4 years.

If you follow all the rules for growing and caring for a heat-loving plant, you can provide your whole family with aromatic, spicy and healthy herbs all year round. By seasoning your favorite dishes with dried basil, you will give them an extraordinary taste and spicy oriental aroma.
How to properly plant basil seedlings, watch the following video:

Basil is one of the most beloved and popular spices that came to us from distant India. Despite the fact that the plant’s birthplace is a country with a warm climate, it can be grown in almost any region. In the southern regions, spice can be sown directly into open ground, while in the northern and middle lane plant seedlings. Growing from seeds, as well as caring for the plant, is quite simple. Let's figure out how to plant basil seedlings at home.

Description of culture

Basil is known and loved by many for its spicy taste and bright aroma. It grows as a lush medium-sized bush, sometimes reaching almost a meter in height. Being a southern plant, it loves warmth and sun, but does not tolerate cold. Loose soil with good drainage properties is best suited for planting so that water does not stagnate. Optimally - black soil and sandy loam.

Basil grown in Russia is an annual plant. His root system It does not lie deep, and the spice along with the roots can be easily removed from the garden bed and replanted in a pot. Planting basil seedlings at home will not be difficult even for a novice gardener.

Regardless of the type of basil, the time to plant basil seedlings is the same: March.

Flowering occurs in August; small black fruits later appear in place of white or pink small flowers. During flowering, the plant attracts pollinating insects, being a honey plant. Therefore, it is often also planted in order to attract them.

Planting seeds for seedlings

If you want to get strong plants, you need to know how to plant basil seedlings correctly. You need to sow the seeds in the second half of March, two months before planting the plant in the ground. The spice is ready for transplanting into the beds 35-30 days after the shoots appear.

Prepare containers for planting seeds, at the bottom of which be sure to place a layer of drainage material. Before sowing as seedlings, the seeds themselves must be soaked in water for at least three hours to remove the essential oil, which will prevent them from germinating. Buy ready-made or make your own soil mixture for planting basil. It should be loose and consist of:

  • rotted compost (2 parts);
  • peat (4 parts);
  • washed sand (1 part).

Be sure to sift the resulting mixture. Then steam it in a water bath to destroy fungal spores and weed seeds that might be in the compost or humus. A seedling mixture bought in a store can be shed with a solution of potassium permanganate or an antifungal agent, for example, Fitosporin.

How to plant basil seedlings:

  • place the earthen mixture into prepared containers;
  • compact it so that there is a centimeter left to the edge;
  • make small grooves and place seeds in them to a depth of no more than one centimeter;
  • lightly compact the soil on top again and water gently.

Seeds should not end up on the surface of the soil.

After this, cover the containers with film, a plastic bag or glass and place in a warm, well-lit place. This is necessary in order to create a greenhouse effect inside, which will allow seedlings to appear faster. At this point, the sowing of basil seedlings is completed, now all that remains is to wait for the shoots to emerge.

Seedling care and picking

Seedlings emerge ten days later at temperature conditions 20-25 degrees. When the basil has sprouted, the covering material must be removed. To prevent young shoots from stretching, growing basil from seeds to seedlings occurs at a temperature of no more than 20 degrees. The soil should not be over-moistened; the water in the pan after watering should not stagnate. Otherwise, it is likely to be damaged by the black leg, due to which all seedlings may die.

After the basil has a couple of true leaves, it can be picked. To do this, use the same mixture as when sowing, with the addition of two tablespoons of ash and a tablespoon per 5 liters of soil. Fill the seedling containers with this mixture, make holes in which to place the seedlings, carefully distributing the roots in the hole. Cover with soil and compact.

The question often arises whether it is possible to bury basil when picking. No, this is a mistake; after picking, the seedlings should remain at the same planting depth as the seedlings.

The main care for seedlings is regular watering with warm water. When the fifth leaf appears on the seedlings, it is pinched to prevent stretching and provoke the growth of foliage. Next, the seedlings are regularly watered with warm water until planting in open ground. Basil can be planted in garden beds as early as May.

That's all the rules for planting basil seedlings at home, following which you will get a strong, healthy seedlings favorite spice.

Subtleties of sowing basil seeds for seedlings - video

Instructions for growing basil seedlings on a windowsill.

Purple basil is an excellent herb that is used in meat dishes and salads. Spicy bunches are not cheap, so if you want to grow such a crop, then you need to grow good seeds. And also properly care for plants. In this article we will tell you in detail how to grow basil from seeds.

When and how to plant purple basil seedlings?

Seeds are sown directly in pots if it is necessary to obtain seeds for the next sowing. If spicy herbs are enough for you, and you have no plans to sow basil next year, then you can sow directly into the ground at the end of May. But this way you will not be able to get high-quality, well-ripened seeds. If you want to sow your own seeds next year, we recommend that you sow in the first days of April. Seedlings are grown directly in wooden boxes or plastic containers.


  • Regarding planting, it is carried out in grooves half a centimeter deep. The distance between the rows should be approximately 5 cm, and each seed should be placed in the groove at a distance of 2 cm from each other. Please note that after the appearance of one or two paired leaves, it is necessary to pick the plants.
  • That is, transfer them to peat pots. To do this, choose peat pots measuring 5 by 5 cm. After planting, the plants are watered abundantly. And after a week they are fed with mineral fertilizers. Please note that after the sprouts appear, you need to turn on the backlight and illuminate the plants around the clock for 6 and 7 days fluorescent lamps.
  • After a week, you can reduce lighting to 16 hours a day. This is necessary for the plants to develop well and their root system to strengthen. If you don't do this, you will end up with a poorly flavored seasoning and the plant's roots will be weak.

How to prepare seeds and soil for planting purple basil seedlings?

Sowing of seeds is carried out in prepared soil. It must be prepared from equal amounts of turf, peat and garden soil. After this, the soil is treated with a nutrient solution, which is composed of urea, nitrate, and nitrogen fertilizers.

Before sowing the seeds, they must first be treated. That is, soak in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 3 hours. This will allow you to avoid some infectious diseases, as well as viruses.

Many gardeners pay attention to the fact that basil seeds contain essential oil, which prolongs the germination period of the crop. Therefore, if you want the sprouts to appear as early as possible, you need to wash them for one to two hours under warm water. running water. This is necessary to thoroughly wash off the oil. It is recommended to carry out the manipulation by first wrapping the seeds in gauze.

How many days does it take for basil to sprout after sowing?

At proper care and maintaining a constant temperature, the first shoots appear 10-15 days after planting.

When and how to plant purple basil seedlings?

Diving is carried out when 1-2 paired leaves appear. It is necessary to transfer the sprout along with a lump of soil into a peat pot.

How to grow purple basil seedlings on a windowsill: lighting, temperature, watering frequency

Growing basil on a windowsill is a great way to provide yourself with tasty and nutritious herbs for preparing a variety of salads and meat dishes. In addition, greens contain many essential oils, phytoncides, and vitamins that have a positive effect on the condition of nails and hair. To plant basil, you must perform the following manipulations.


  • Take fertile soil, best purchased in a special store. Ideal option the soil will become peaty. Moisten it and add weak solutions mineral fertilizers. Make rows half a centimeter deep, 3cm apart. Plant the seeds and cover with soil.
  • Next, you need to carefully spray the planting area with water using a spray bottle. Do not allow the seeds to wash out. After this, cover the top of the pot with film or glass and place it in a warm place.
  • In about a week or 10 days you will get the first sprouts. As soon as they hatch, you will need to remove the film from them and expose the plants for additional lighting. It will be best done with additional lighting using fluorescent lamps. Daylight hours should be 12 hours. Feed basil once a month with complex organic and mineral substances.
  • Regarding watering, you should not overwater the plant, because you can infect it with blackleg disease. Watering is carried out when the top layer of soil dries out a little. It is carried out with settled warm water. In addition, after diving, it is necessary to reduce the temperature to 17 degrees for a week.

How to feed basil seedlings on the windowsill?

Basil needs to be fertilized regularly. If you are growing seedlings on a windowsill, then you will need to initially fertilize the soil before planting the seeds. After this, feeding is carried out a week after the dive, and then a month later. It is best to choose combined fertilizers as a top dressing: humates, gummi. Based on organic fertilizers with mineral additives.

How to plant basil seedlings in open ground, can they be buried?

It is necessary to transfer basil seedlings to open ground at the end of May, at the beginning of June, when the threat of night frosts has passed. There is no need to completely dig up the plants. It is necessary to immediately transfer the peat pot into the ground and lightly sprinkle it with soil. After this, watering is carried out. In addition, if there are ovaries and flowers of the plant, in case of growing it for yourself, in no case should you pinch the top. You cannot remove the flowers, because in the end you will not get seeds.

Diseases of violet basil seedlings

Despite all precautions, basil, like any crop, is prone to various diseases.

List of diseases:

  • Blackleg. Occurs due to development certain type fungus and is caused by frequent watering, as well as poor loosening of the soil. Initially, a dark spot appears on the stem, which grows and squeezes the flow of all nutrients in the leaves of the plant.
  • Fusarium. This is also one of the types of fungus that occurs due to poor ventilation and in dense plantings, as well as when high humidity and high temperature.
  • Gray rot. One of the reasons for the appearance is the presence of spores in the soil, frequent watering and the formation of a crust on the surface of the soil.

The main measure to combat all these diseases is prevention. It is necessary to soak the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate before planting. And keep the purchased soil in the oven for 2 hours at a temperature of 120 degrees.

If you nevertheless notice that something is wrong with the plant, it is withering or dark spots are forming, you can treat it with a weak solution onion peel. In addition, in greenhouse conditions, it is recommended to dust the leaves of the plant with ash. The procedure is carried out once a week. Required condition is constant loosening of the soil, as well as regular watering and ventilation of the plant. It is necessary that the moisture does not stagnate in any case, and the soil on top does not become crusty.

Why basil seedlings stretch and fall: reasons

When growing basil, it can become very stretched and fall over. This is due to improper care of the plant. That is why it is recommended, after planting, to reduce the temperature to 16 degrees and reduce lighting to 16-12 hours a day.

Reasons for pulling seedlings:

  • Heat
  • Frequent watering
  • Blackleg
  • Excessive amounts of mineral fertilizers
  • Excessive planting density

If this does happen, there are several solutions. You need to spray the plant with a product such as Athlete. It will help stop cell division for a while. Therefore, later the plant will grow normally. Also another way to combat stretching is to lower the temperature. You need to lower the temperature to 16 degrees, and also reduce daylight hours to 10 hours. The procedure takes about a week.

How to grow basil on a windowsill in winter in a pot, in an apartment: conditions


  • Sow the seeds using the snail method. For more information about the planting stages, watch the video.
  • It is necessary to monitor watering. The ideal option would be to water 1-2 times a week, as the top layer of soil dries. It is necessary to pinch the plants after 6-7 pairs of leaves appear. The top part is removed. If you grow basil for greens, you also need to be sure to pinch off the top with the inflorescences, because it pulls a lot of nutrients onto itself, and you will get fewer juicy and nutritious leaves.
  • In general, basil is a rather demanding crop and it is necessary to properly care for it. After the first shoots appear, it is necessary to supplement the plants with light throughout the day for a week. After a week, when the sprouts grow, it is necessary to reduce lighting to 16-17 hours a day.
  • After a week, set the usual daylight hours to 12 hours. If the sun rises late enough and sets early, you can add additional light to the plants in the evening. Regarding fertilizers, the first application of fertilizers is carried out a week after planting. Complex fertilizers are used.

VIDEO: Growing basil in snails

How to properly collect basil on the windowsill in an apartment?

  • Basil must be harvested correctly. There is no need to completely cut out the plant. If you are not going to sell it or completely cut off the entire planting, if you need to pick a few leaves for cooking, choose the old side leaves for this.
  • At the same time, make sure that there are at least four side leaves that are on one stem. Because if you constantly pluck them, the plant will stretch upward, and not in width.
  • In addition, it is also necessary to pinch the top regularly. This is done when there are six to seven full lateral leaves. The top part, two leaves, and flowers are plucked off. If you do not need seeds, but only need a harvest, this pinching helps the bushes grow wider.

Growing the plant is quite simple. This is especially true for sowing. But this culture requires careful, constant care. Thickening of plantings is not allowed, and regular loosening of the soil is also necessary.

VIDEO: Growing basil on a windowsill