DIY white paint tinting. How to tint and paint walls correctly. What is tinting

While creating unique interior apartment or private house, everyone wants to give the rooms a special look. Today, the building materials market is oversaturated with a variety of different paint and varnish products. Manufacturers supply oil-based, water-based and acrylic-based paints that allow the use of color. This tinting product is distinguished by its richness and wide range of shades. To understand how to choose a color for acrylic paint, you must know its composition, properties, features, advantages and disadvantages.

Features and benefits

Inorganic or organic substances (pigments) are added to the base of color materials, various additives, surfactant, stabilizer and technological components. By purchasing acrylic paint colors, the buyer receives a high-quality, reliable product.

The color is tested before entering the market and is certified. It doesn't have harmful substances, so it is completely safe to use.

Color for acrylic-based paints has a number of special advantages. The main ones are:

  • easy application;
  • quick drying;
  • light resistance;
  • a wide range of tones;
  • excellent grip various surfaces(concrete, brick, wood).

Acrylic color is added in small portions to the base white paint until the desired shade is obtained. The paint should be mixed very carefully. Tinting should be done in a single tank: with precise calculations of the required amount of coloring matter in different tanks, the composition may differ in color. After diluting the color, use a roller, spray gun or ordinary brush to apply it to the surface.

This paint must be applied strictly to a clean, dry surface. Before painting, it is better to treat the surface with a special preparatory solution, for example, an acrylic primer. This will allow the paint to better adhere to the surface of the base. It is worth considering: colors are added immediately before painting surfaces. Then the color turns out bright. If this rule is not followed, the color will settle on the bottom of the paint container, and the shade will not be rich enough.


There are several types of tinted substance.

  • Paint (this composition must fully correspond to the paint and varnish material used).
  • Paste (implies ease of use, allowing you to adjust the shade when mixing).
  • Dry composition (the most affordable, the only disadvantage is the limited range of colors).

To create, dilute and obtain the correct tone for uniform coloring of the plane, you need to take tinting paint. This type of paint is created by mixing the main base shades with a coloring element - color.

There are 6 basic colors:

  • blue;
  • green;
  • black;
  • red;
  • yellow;
  • white.

In addition to them, there are additional tones (for example, mother-of-pearl). All shades are used for external or interior decoration. When painting surfaces inside a room, light colors (for example, blue, beige or yellow) are usually used more.

How to choose?

Before purchasing a color scheme for acrylic paints, you need to familiarize yourself with some nuances. It is necessary to take into account the lighting of the room when choosing the products that will be used in a given room. You need to buy paint and varnish material and colors from the same manufacturer. Manufacturers who produce only paint offer products with different compositions.

You should pay attention to the containers with the supplied material. The container should have a small neck. This feature is determined by the need to count the exact number of drops during tinting. Before purchasing a color, you need to familiarize yourself with the shade map. This way you can choose required material to get the intended shade.

If there is any remaining unused color after finishing the job, there is no need to throw away the material. You can add ordinary water to the container, then put it away for storage without stirring the composition. The material retains its properties for five years. The amount of tinting material cannot exceed 20%. If the proportionality is violated, the characteristics are reduced paint and varnish materials. If you follow the recommendations, the paint coating will last a long time, while maintaining its properties.

Manual tinting

The human factor is considered decisive for manual tinting. IN this method has its pros and cons.

Let's note the advantages and disadvantages:

  • Carrying out the process directly at the site where the renovation work or construction.
  • Obtaining an individual shade (shades consisting of several individual tones).
  • Saving.

There were some shortcomings. With this method it is difficult to obtain the desired shade again. It is possible to make a mistake when selecting paints for dark tones. When tinting a special composition, this can lead to serious consequences.

Step-by-step mixing instructions consist of several steps:

  • Prepare several separate plastic containers.
  • Before tinting acrylic paint, you should find the appropriate color the desired shade.
  • 100 ml of base paint is poured into one container.
  • Add a few drops of one or more dyes.
  • The base is mixed with the color until the tone is uniform.
  • Having received the desired color, paint a small area.

After drying, you can evaluate the resulting color. finishing coating in natural or artificial light. If the resulting tone satisfies the requests, the main volume is tinted. Subtract 20% from the required volume of color so that the resulting shade of the coating matches the desired one. The color will look brighter over a larger area.


Machine mixing of paint and varnish material is controlled by a computer using a standard type of recipe contained in the program. If necessary, you can re-get an identical color.

The advantages of computer tinting include:

  • accuracy and speed of the process;
  • re-obtaining the desired shade;
  • correct selection of paint when creating a dark shade;
  • wide range of resulting tones.


  • the impossibility of carrying out tinting directly on the construction site;
  • inability to create complex shades;
  • quite high cost.

For more information about tinting paint, see the following video.

A person spends most of his time in an apartment or house. Our mood depends on what view the apartment has. A very popular option for decorating walls at the moment is painting them.

A variety of wall paint colors expands your options design solutions in creating an individual interior.

A little about choosing a room design

There are two design options:

  1. Thoughtful design, right choice Wall paints should match your character, worldview and habits. You can design rooms that are similar to each other.
  2. The second option is that all rooms can vary significantly if the palette of paint colors for the walls is chosen correctly.

Today, the use of paints, especially luminous ones, is considered especially fashionable when decorating a room.

All that remains is to select the right colors for the walls, learn how to prepare paints, and paint the rooms correctly.

What is color

Kohler is a paint that has a particularly rich color. It is used to obtain the required shades of various paints: alkyd, latex, oil, water-dispersed, etc. A wide variety of colors for painting walls allows you to obtain paint of any shade.

Using color

The color is organically used when painting facades and decorating interiors.

Tinting techniques are especially in demand among people with a rich imagination.

The use of color allows you to create complex shades of paint. Such paints are not sold in stores; they cannot be made using a tinting machine. The color is used when added to various paints. It is added to latex, adhesive, and water-dispersed paints.

For example: only by hand can you get the color of currant or orange juice.

How to choose the right color

The color is available in two versions:

  • with organic pigments;
  • with inorganic pigments.

Color made from natural pigments has a more saturated color, but will quickly deteriorate when exposed to sunlight.

Inorganic color is very resistant to fading, but has a less saturated color and a small scale color range. Available indoors.

As a rule, the color comes in the form of:

  • powders;
  • solutions;
  • pasta.

The best way to select colors for painting walls is to do it yourself. It will be cheaper, and you can get the color you planned. By manually preparing the paint, you have a wider range of colors for the walls.

You can entrust the selection of colors for the walls to a special machine. They are available in large hardware stores. However, the resulting paint may not provide accurate color reproduction.

How to mix paint correctly

The mixing technique involves performing several steps:

  1. Decide on quantity required material, it’s better to prepare more than not have enough later.
  2. It is best to start choosing a color for the walls by making a sample.
  3. It's called a probe a small amount of the desired color of paint for painting the walls. It is prepared in a small container in which a few drops of color are added to 100 mg of paint. By stirring, you get the desired shade.
  4. If you know how many drops you added to obtain the required color, then recalculating the entire volume, you will get required quantity color scheme
  5. At the next stage, you need to check how the resulting color scheme looks on the wall. The color of the finished paint does not always match the color of the tint on the wall.
  6. The applied paint must dry. The resulting surface should be viewed under the lighting that prevails in the room.
  7. The choice of paint color for the walls should correspond to the design objectives, the lighting of the room, and fit organically into the interior.
  8. The next step is getting the right amount of paint. Knowing the amount of color per 100 ml, it is easy to recalculate the need for the required amount of paint.
  9. Constantly stirring the paint, add color in a thin stream.

We must remember! Adding color to various paints is done strictly in a given ratio. The color should be mixed in one container.

What colors are there?

To obtain the desired color, various paints are used as a base:

  • water-based;
  • oil;
  • silicone;
  • silicate;
  • mineral.

Color can be added at the rates indicated in percentages below:

  1. Add no more than 20% color to water-based solutions.
  2. IN oil paints up to 2% color is added.
  3. Up to 5% can be added to other types of paints.

The choice of paint for the walls in an apartment depends on the type of room and the solution to design problems. The choice of paint color for the walls is influenced by the taste preferences of the owner and the location of the room.

Water-based paints

Water-based paints are especially popular. Paints of this type are an emulsion consisting of water, polymer particles and coloring pigments.

Water-based wall paint has no toxic odor and is environmentally friendly. It adheres firmly to the surface to be painted, does not crack, and is highly resistant to fading. It doesn't take long to dry completely.

The price of water-based paints is significantly lower than their analogues.

  1. Surface.
  2. A layer of putty is applied.
  3. It is imperative to eliminate all irregularities on the surface.
  4. Cover up the cracks.
  5. Sand it.
  6. Most often, walls are painted using wallpaper specially pasted for this purpose.
  7. Before painting the walls are coated

Time ready-made solutions When choosing a color, the paints have already passed, and the water-based emulsion beloved by many has ceased to be associated only with a white ceiling. The use of tints allows everyone to achieve the best color solutions by adding and mixing them with white paint. However, in order for tinting to be successful, it is necessary to choose the optimal color for water-based paint and know how to tint the composition correctly.

Why is it beneficial to use color?

They are of organic origin in the form of soot, umber, chromium oxide, and ocher. Due to their poor light fastness and ability to fade under the sun's rays, they are more often used for interior work. And inorganic: they have a more muted color palette, but are lightfast and fade less.

The use of mother-of-pearl color is very popular. This coloring pigment is perfectly diluted in water-based paint, allowing you to obtain a smooth surface on various textured substrates: plaster, wood, plasterboard, putty.

In addition, it has other equally important advantages:

  • affordable cost;
  • no special tools are required when using it;
  • ease of use allows you not to involve specialists in the work;
  • painted surfaces do not fade even when exposed to direct sunlight.

The choice of colors offered by manufacturers today is extremely diverse.

Rules for color selection

To make the right choice, it is enough to test the color based on the color at a specialized retail outlet. Modern manufacturers also develop special tables for calculating the amount of color for water-based paint, and provide samples of both basic shades and mixed shades obtained by combining them in equal proportions.

When deciding how to choose the right color for water-based paint, you need to pay attention to the following important aspects:

  1. It is best to select the desired tone in the room where the coloring will be done in order to evaluate it in a natural and electric lighting. In daylight, the paint may appear paler or, conversely, brighter.
  2. The base that is to be painted also matters. The sample offered at the point of sale may have significant differences in texture from your surface, so there may be differences between shades.
  3. You should also consider how much coloring composition will be needed per 1 kg of material. This is necessary to purchase the required amount of dye. In the future, the desired color may not be available for sale for various reasons, and you will have to do the tinting yourself, selecting the shade, guided by the artistic mixing table different colors.
  4. The tinting concentrate should be purchased from the same brand, since the colors are the same different manufacturers often differ in shade.
  5. In order for consumption to be economical and dosage convenient, it is better to choose the coloring substance in a container with a narrow neck. This will allow you to dilute the color in the water-based paint drop by drop, stirring the composition until a uniform color is obtained. If you add a lot of tinting concentrate at once, the color may become too saturated, which will spoil the raw material.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the coloring base. It should be snow-white in color without foreign impurities, which during tinting may interfere with obtaining the desired shade. For example, if there are yellowish impurities in the working material, instead of a delicate peach shade, you can get a beige color.

How to tint water-based paint correctly

Water-based paint is tinted either independently or using a special machine, in which all specified proportions are observed. Stores offer this service at free of charge However, the shade created by the machine does not always live up to expectations.

To mix colors, first prepare small, clean containers, preferably made of glass or plastic. You will also need a construction mixer or a wooden spatula, rags, and a backing made of paper, plastic film or thin cardboard.

When tinting paint at home, follow the following sequence of actions:

  • pour 100 ml of the base material into the prepared containers;
  • add 5-6 drops of dye, mix well;
  • start adding a couple of drops of other shades, experiment and evaluate the result;
  • record in a notebook what color tint was added and how much was added, this will allow you to calculate the required dye consumption for the tone you like;
  • do not forget that paint that has dried on the surface becomes less saturated and bright.

Test the resulting options on the surface during the experiment and evaluate the result obtained after about 5–6 hours. If everything suits you, you can start tinting the required volume, focusing on the proportions in your notes.

How to dilute the composition before starting painting work

Pour the required amount of water-based paint into the prepared container. Shake the bottle of coloring mixture thoroughly until it reaches a uniform consistency. Enter the desired shade in predetermined proportions, stir well.

In order for the quality of the composition to be optimal, the dye should be no more than 3% of the total mass of the water-based emulsion, that is, the color consumption per 10 liters of paint is 300 g.

To achieve the desired effect, test the resulting composition on work surface, let it dry, examine it in different lighting.

Before painting the surface with tinted paint, stir the mixture thoroughly again, since coloring pigments tend to settle to the bottom.

Fill the remaining color for water-based paint in the bottle with water, so it can retain its original characteristics for 3 years.

Despite huge selection Of the various shades of paint that manufacturers currently offer, the picky consumer is not always able to find what he needs. In this case, you can create the desired shade for yourself yourself and enjoy the chosen color.

Let's first understand the concept of tinting and color. The concept of “color” has several meanings in various areas. The so-called “folk” meaning of this term means a certain color or shade, and experts call color a composition that is ready for use.

Tinting is a process where paint is mixed or thinned, the purpose of this process is to achieve the desired shade of color.

You can do the tinting yourself or, if you doubt it, own strength, you can order ready-made tinting from a company that specializes in this.

In what cases is it necessary to perform tinting? It is performed if:

  1. It is necessary to select a shade in accordance with the design of the apartment.
  2. A small piece of the painted surface has become unusable, and there is no point in repainting the entire surface.
  3. During the renovation, you made a mistake in calculating the required amount of paint, and now you cannot find the shade you need on sale.
  4. Choose shades that will harmonize.

Thanks to tinting, small redecorating will be a successful replacement for the front of intricate painting works.

Currently, there are several types of tinting.

Computer tinted paint

First, let's look at computer tinting. This is a version of our modernity. What is it? You choose the shade that you need, and using a specially created program, you can easily calculate the amount of paint and dye that you will need. With the computer method, you are not limited in the amount of paint. This method is unique.

It has the following advantages:

  • the tinting produced will be accurate and fast;
  • you can tint any type of paint.

Manual tinting

There is also traditional hand tinting. Of course, this method will not give you the same clear results as the computer method. To carry out manual tinting, you purchase white paint and tinting paste. The more tinting paste you add, the more intense the resulting shade will be.

U manual method has its advantages:

  • you can do the tinting yourself;
  • it is convenient and economically beneficial.

But using manual tinting, you will not achieve dark, rich colors. And also, if you need additional paint of a similar shade, then you are unlikely to be able to exactly repeat your result.

Pay attention to the lighting in your apartment - it will certainly have an impact on the shade you choose. So, if the lighting is artificial, then any shade you choose will have a yellowish tint. Daylight will give a more realistic picture. All your interior items will be reflected in tinted color.

Cool colors in artificial light will appear one shade darker. It's green, blue. Orange and yellow, on the contrary, will seem lighter to you. If your interior contains some bright objects (furniture, textiles), then the selected monotonous colors will fade against their background and get lost.

Also keep in mind that paint applied to a small area and a large area will seem different in shade to you. Especially if you apply it vertically. Based on all this, before you settle on any shade, take into account all the features of your room.

In the painting world there is such a thing as tinting systems. This is the use of base paint and color. Colors are deep or opposite colors. The pigments that make up them are organic or inorganic. Organic pigments are typically used for richer shades.

But such pigments have the following disadvantages:

  • not every surface can be coated with such a composition;
  • paint with such pigments is short-lived, under sun rays it will fade over time.

Colors with inorganic pigments have a limited color range, but they are not afraid of the influence of atmospheric phenomena.

The production of colorants is carried out in different versions:

  • pastes,
  • paints,
  • dry mixes.

The paste contains dispersing resins; it is also possible to have a type of paste where there is no substance used for bonding.

There are pastes different types- there are universal pastes that are suitable for any paint, and there are specialized pastes designed for specific paint materials. The pastes are easy to use; when mixing, you can easily adjust the desired shade. But they have disadvantages: the pastes do not have formal properties of color and saturation. The final shade may be unexpected for you.

The composition of tinting paints does not differ from the paints and varnishes for which they are used:

  • water emulsions,
  • acrylic,
  • oil
  • others.
By combining white paint and pigments, you will get the color you need. If you need a very bright and saturated color, then the existing colorant does not need to be diluted.

The advantage of dry compounds is their low price. But the color range of such pigments is very narrow, and correcting the desired shade is very difficult, since such pigments should not be added to a color mixture that is ready for use.

What you will need for this process is a container of the mixture, a drill with an attachment, a small reservoir for placing a test portion, white base paint, and color scheme.

Tinting stages:

  1. Preparing a test portion. Before making a large volume of the mixture, test a small portion. Otherwise, you just might ruin all your material. Pour some paint (100 ml) and a few drops of the color mixture into our small reservoir. When you get the shade you need, remember how many drops you added.
  2. Carrying out experimental tests on the working surface. As we already mentioned, the color on the surface may be different from the color of your mixture. Therefore, we take our test dose and try it on small area working surface. We wait for it to dry and see what happens. Keep in mind that different lighting will give different shades.
  3. Production of the main volume of material. If you are completely satisfied with what came out in the trial version and on the work surface, then you can proceed to the main volume. How to calculate the required amount of color? Subtract 20% from the trial doses received. That is, if you added 7 drops of one color and 2 of the other to the sampler, then per liter of paint you will need not 70 and 20 drops, but 56 and 16 drops. When the mixture is evenly stirred, test the surface again. Don't forget about different lighting.

The main thing is not to rush when tinting. Take your time and achieve desired result. Otherwise, you risk ruining all your existing materials, or achieving a color that doesn’t suit you. Please note that it is better to prepare more paint than is needed.

If you don't have enough paint, choosing exactly the right shade is a very difficult task. And, most likely, the shades in different containers will differ. The remaining amount will be useful to you in the future, when the time comes for corrective repairs. Pour the excess into a jar and close the lid tightly.

You need to tint large paints in one container, otherwise, if you need to repeat the shade, you will have difficulty calculating the required volume. When you are faced with a choice of color, it is better to choose one contained in bottles with a narrow neck - it is more convenient to calculate the number of drops. If you choose another one, you can use a syringe for these purposes.

In order to select the desired color and the amount of color required, you can use a special table for mixing colors.

To ensure that the resulting material is evenly mixed, attachments of various sizes can be attached to the drill.

It is better to choose paint and color from the same company, this guarantees the achievement of maximum results when mixed. As a rule, the color scheme comes with information about the required volume of base paint.

When painting an apartment, study the color scheme in advance. It is known that some colors have a calming effect on a person, while others, on the contrary, cause irritation and aggression.

Table. Mixing colors.

Color nameMix to get it
Pink 90% white + 10% red
Royal Red 5-10% blue is added to red
Tomato red Add 5% brown and yellow to red
Crimson Blue base + a little white, brown and red in equal proportions
Chestnut Add 5% brown and 3% black to red
Red If you want to lighten red, add white
Orange Add up to 30% red to yellow
Yellow Yellow - lighten with white, darken with red and brown
Olive Green base + 10-20% yellow
Turquoise green Add up to 25% blue to green
Bottle green Yellow + 20-40% blue
Turquoise blue In blue 10-15% green
Royal blue In blue 10-15% black and 2% green
Dark blue Blue + 5% black and 2% green
Grey In white to 5% black
Medium brown Add red and blue to yellow in equal portions, add white if you want to lighten it, darken it with black.
Golden brown To yellow we add 10% blue, white and red, the more yellow, the higher the contrast.
Mustard In yellow, 5% black and red + 1-2% green
Beige Add white to brown while stirring until the desired tone is obtained, add yellow for brightness
Pink gray In white up to 5% black or red
Gray-blue In white up to 5% light gray + 1% blue
Green-gray In white 5% light gray + 1% green
Gray coal Black is added to white until the desired tone is achieved (with constant stirring)
Lemon yellow In yellow 5% white and 1-2% green
Fern green color Add black, green and white paint in equal parts to white
Forest green color Green is diluted with black (up to 5%)
Emerald green Yellow diluted with white (less) and green (more) paint
Light green Yellow is diluted with white (5%) and green (10%) paint
Aquamarine Add up to 35% green and 5% black to ball paint
Avocado Add black and brown paint to yellow in equal parts (up to 10%)
Royal purple Red color is diluted with yellow and blue paint
Dark purple We dilute the red tone with black and blue paint
Mandarin, orange In yellow paint up to 10% red and up to 5% brown
Reddish chestnut Red is diluted with black and brown
Orange White diluted with red and brown
Burgundy red color Add 5-10% yellow, brown and black paint to red paint in equal parts
Plum In red, 10% black and blue and 5% white
Chestnut Add white, red and black paint to yellow in equal proportions
Dark brown In yellow paint, 10-20% each of red, white and black
Black Black is lightened to different tones of gray with white

materials on the topic

Drawing is a very exciting and at the same time useful activity for children. of different ages, it allows them to develop fine motor skills of their hands, imaginative thinking, children's fantasy and imagination. The industry that produces varnishes and paints produces paints, with their help children can engage in creativity, which over time can develop into a profession.

Probably everyone wants to achieve some bright and saturated paint colors, and sometimes it is necessary to impart a certain shade of paintwork. For such purposes, paint colors are used. Today I will tell you how to do tinting with your own hands and at home. After all, we often need to achieve a color that you simply cannot buy in a store, since it consists of several tones. The most interesting thing is that the color can be used not only for diluting paint, but also as a ready-made mixture for painting small surfaces. And today we will look at all aspects of this material.

Colors for paint

Varieties of pigments

Color for paint

I must say that now it’s very easy to choose the right color for your type of paint. Manufacturers present a wide range of pigmenting compositions that can be used independently. By the way, color can be added not only to paintwork materials, but also to plaster or putty, thereby giving it the necessary colors.

Important! When choosing the necessary pigment in the store, consider what kind of lighting will be in the room. The fact is that painted surfaces can have different shades. Artificial lighting will make cold colors muted and dark, but warm colors will brighten.

Table of proportions for mixing paints and colors:

When mixing colors and paints and varnishes, do not overdo it. While this may result in richer colors, it may simply reduce the quality and properties of the paint.

If we talk about GOST, then the colors are:

  1. Organic – the advantage of these is the presence of a bright and rich color. However, these compounds are very unstable to alkali.
  2. Inorganic - they have little color variety, but they are quite lightfast

Classification of materials

Adding color to paint

In order to understand which colors are suitable for certain types of paint, I decided to create a small but understandable table:

Important! Water-based paint is the most popular for use in private houses and apartments. That is why water-based paint colors can be called one of the most popular.

Consider some factors if you want to get the water-based paint colors you want:

  • Immediately calculate how much coloring composition you will need
  • Immediately look through the manufacturer’s catalogs, they indicate the color of the material and ready-made shades
  • If you want to mix several shades and get some complex color, then be sure to use mixing tables
  • When trying out new shades and colors, you shouldn’t immediately mix buckets of paint, try mixing a small amount of material and see the result. After this, you can safely mix a whole bucket of paint and varnish
  • After mixing a small amount of the color you require, apply it to the surface and wait for the paint to dry. After that, look at the result
  • A special attachment for the drill will help you thoroughly mix the entire mixture to the desired consistency. Only a good mix can achieve the desired result.
  • Do not forget that before applying the mixture to the surface, you need to stir it again.

Important! Although mixing paint and color is not difficult, you can use this service in hardware store. The idea is that many specialty stores have special automated machines that allow you to mix the paint to the shade you need. In this case, you won’t have to worry about the resulting color.

The price of such a composition is slightly higher than paint mixed with your own hands - this is worth taking into account when predicting your costs for color and paintwork.

DIY tinting

Adding red color

The mixing technology is very simple and does not require any special skills. A beginner who has no experience in painting surfaces can handle this task quite well. Do-it-yourself paint tinting is done when you want to paint a room in several different colors. Do not forget that the colors must be compatible with each other.

The sad thing about this process is that you won’t be able to mix the same shade twice in a row, so immediately calculate how much mixture you will need for coloring. The sequence of the process is very simple, take the color, add it to the white paintwork material and mix. However, keep some details in mind:

  1. Use only one container for mixing - there is a possibility that in different containers the color will turn out different
  2. Keep track of the percentage of materials - if you go too far with the color, you can lose the desired qualities, and if you add less than required, you will not achieve the desired shade
  3. Immediately calculate the amount of material used - you won’t be able to get the same color twice
  4. Don’t forget to do a test batch using a small amount of paint - by mixing the whole mixture at once, you can ruin the material and not achieve the desired color scheme
  5. Take your time to mix and apply the solution - everyone famous proverb works even in this case

By the way, if you have some color left and no longer need to use it, then do not rush to throw away the material. Take a container of color and add a small amount of water, but do not mix or shake the container. After this trick, you can store the color for up to five years. To obtain the most saturated shade, mix the pigment mixture and paint before applying to the walls - this can happen a couple of hours before painting.

When you mix the color you need in advance, that is, more than 3-4 hours before painting, there is a very high probability that the color will settle a little and therefore the resulting shade will not be as rich as initially.


There is no need to worry at all before you start tinting the materials you need. If you are not sure that you will get the right color the first time, then by writing down the proportions and steps, you can experiment in small containers. For those who do not want to waste their time, there are automated machines that can mix the shade you need. Take into account all the nuances when using color, and then you will get the shade you need.