Health Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Health Committee. Targeted programs develop the industry

Hello, friends! Surely most of you do not like officials and try to avoid going to offices. But life, as we know, is a complex thing, and therefore it is impossible to completely exclude communication with employees of one or another administrative structure. Including when it comes to health, and therefore medicine in general.

Where to complain? To administrative bodies

Sometimes you have to literally knock on the thresholds of institutions such as a health committee, management, department or even ministry. The names of these administrative structures may be different, but the scope of activity is similar - as a rule, the scale of this activity changes.

Most often, we contact these institutions with a complaint about a doctor or medical institution that has not provided or provided us with unsatisfactory medical care. This usually happens when it is not possible to find the truth at the lowest level of the system. The doctor does not admit his mistake, the head of the hospital or clinic brushes you off. Where to go? As they say, up the chain of command.

Targeted programs develop the industry

Of course, it would be incorrect to imagine the activities of committees and departments only as an opportunity to file a complaint in anticipation of a positive decision. Their activities are much broader - first of all, it is the implementation of social policy in the territory of the city, district, region, and country as a whole. Not in the broad sense of the word, but in one of the areas – healthcare.

As you know, social policy is proclaimed one of the main ones in the activities of our state. That is why federal, regional and municipal budgets are adopted as socially oriented. Particular attention is paid to the adoption of targeted programs in education, healthcare, construction, public utilities, etc.

By adopting these programs to implement state health policy, employees of institutions at various levels are working to create a regulatory framework, which results in the issuance of various orders and regulations. It is very important that these documents are relevant, competent, and contribute to solving existing problems.

Health care at the highest level

Next, it’s up to their implementation, but that’s a separate conversation. Let's take a closer look at what exactly the functions of health care committees and departments are, how they are structured, who is on them, what rights the chairman has, etc.

If we consider the issue in accordance with the hierarchy, first of all it is worth turning to the activities of the State Duma. This is one of the two highest legislative bodies of power in the state, whose activities are regulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

What does he do?

The State Duma adopts laws that are binding. However, from the moment a particular law is submitted for consideration to its adoption, time passes and a lot of work is done. It falls on the shoulders of committees - the main bodies of the Duma. If we talk about healthcare, the Committee for the Protection of Citizens' Health deals with issues of legislative activity.

Everything we talked about above - preparing issues for consideration at meetings, issuing an opinion on them, participating in the consideration of federal budget projects in industry areas, considering citizens' appeals, etc. - is only some part of the work carried out by the committee.

Who's in charge

It includes subcommittees dealing with narrower issues - the circulation of medicines, demographic policy, improving the system as a whole, etc. The committee is headed by a chairman, since 2016 he has been Professor Dmitry Morozov. In total, the committee has 20 people.

How feedback works

In the modern age, every self-respecting institution understands that it is impossible to do without Internet technologies. Almost all of them - and even at such a level as a State Duma committee - of course, have an official website. On it you can learn about the tasks facing the committee, events held, composition, chairman, news, announcements of upcoming events, etc.

Contacts are indicated in a separate block: anyone can contact the chairman’s reception office by phone numbers listed on the website, by email, or by using the feedback form. The site also contains links to institutions that may be useful to citizens. For example, to the official website of the President of Russia or the Ministry of Health.

A very good form of feedback from people is a hotline. Today, such a form can be found on the official websites of many organizations. For example, the Moscow Department of Health. The website of the Health Committee of St. Petersburg indicates the telephone number of the unified information and reference service, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation - a multi-channel telephone, etc.

Even in small settlements, not to mention large cities and regions, opportunities have been created for contacting administrative health care institutions. And if you don’t yet have your own department or department, you can get an appointment or contact online the official in charge of these issues.

Let's sum it up

To briefly summarize, let's say this: committees and similar institutions in the healthcare sector are engaged in organizational and legislative work to implement government policy in this area. For this they:

  • Develop and accept programs. For example, one of them is the federal “Program of State Guarantees of Free Medical Care to Citizens.” The Healthcare Development program is expected to be implemented by 2020. The list goes on.
  • They are engaged in the prevention of diseases, trying to prevent them from spreading in a certain area.
  • Monitor drug supply issues.
  • They teach the population about sanitation and hygiene, and also form a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.

Officials also pay attention to building feedback with the population, timely and effective response to complaints and appeals from citizens.

In this article we talked about how the work of health care committees and departments is structured in our country. We hope this information was useful to you. If you want to express your opinion on the issues raised or leave comments on the article, visit our website, we will continue the dialogue.

1. Improving the quality and accessibility of medical services provided by private multidisciplinary clinics in the Russian Federation;

2. Representation and protection of property interests of Committee members;

3. Promoting the protection of collective rights and representing the legitimate interests of Committee members;

4. Influence on the development by the representative and executive authorities of the Russian Federation of legal, economic and social policies that meet the professional interests of the members of the Committee, and assistance in its effective implementation;

5. Promoting the development of private multidisciplinary clinics in Moscow and the Russian Federation;

6. Promoting the development of the market for the provision of private medical services and creating favorable financial and economic conditions for members of the Committee;

7. Representation and protection of the interests of Committee members in international organizations.

Committee members include:

∙ FAS Expert Council on the development of competition in healthcare;

∙ Working group under the Department of Regulatory Impact Assessment of the Ministry of Economic Development;

∙ Public Council of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow;

∙ Public Council under the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Moscow;

∙ Public Council for Entrepreneurship at the Prefecture of the Central Administrative District;

∙ Expert Council on the development of competition in the field of circulation of medical products of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia;

∙ Working group of the Committee on Health Protection of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

∙ Working group to develop the concept of organizing the healthcare system of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

∙ Working group of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”;

∙ Public Council of the “PPP Development Center”

The most popular books in the summer among residents of the capital were the works “Laurel. A non-historical novel" by Evgeny Vodolazkin, "Heavenly Postman Fedya Bulkin" by Alexandra Nikolaenko and "Food Block" by Alexey Ivanov.

It was installed on Industry Square in front of pavilion No. 57 “Russia – my history”. The opening date of the monument was not chosen by chance: on this day in 1941, the Battle of Smolensk began in the main Moscow direction. It killed 127 of the 260 workers of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, who went to the Moscow People's Militia as part of the 13th Rostokinsky Division.

As a result, it will become eight to ten percent cheaper to build and reconstruct commercial buildings outside the Third Transport Ring. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced this. He noted the importance of ensuring that all of Moscow is developed comprehensively and with dignity.

This was reported by the Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Public Relations and Youth Policy of the city of Moscow Alisa Kryukova. In addition, the second training block in the “Media” direction will be launched in the fall. Depending on the need and needs of volunteers, new educational blocks will be opened; they will be introduced in stages.

The first city road assistance system, “Road Patrol,” was created in May 2017 on the basis of the Data Center. 27 crews go out on patrol routes every day. Since the beginning of 2019, they have provided assistance to drivers of faulty cars 5 thousand times, to those involved in road accidents 8.5 thousand times, towed damaged and faulty cars 3.1 thousand times and issued 4.4 thousand European protocols.

During the period from 2019 to 2021, the commissioning of 3 million square meters is planned in TiNAO. m of non-residential real estate. This is the same amount as was built over the previous six years: from 2012 to the end of 2018. These are schools, kindergartens, clinics, as well as facilities through which new jobs will be created.

The Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government on issues of urban planning policy and construction spoke about this. “Recently, the internal mechanisms and structures of the organ for the concert hall in Zaryadye Park were delivered to Moscow. Now installation and commissioning work is in full swing,” noted Marat Khusnullin.

More than 2,000 festive fireworks will be launched from self-propelled combined fireworks launchers of caliber from 105 to 310 mm based on a KamAZ vehicle located on Poklonnaya Gora. In total, more than 50 types of fireworks will be launched into the sky; the explosion domes will exceed 300 m in diameter.

The restrictions will be in effect from July 13 to July 21. This is necessary for priority passage of compensation buses. Due to the construction of the Big Circle Line of the metro, the section of the Sokolnicheskaya line from the Universitet station to the Kommunarka station will be closed from July 13 to 21.

The website and domestic browsers Yandex and Sputnik will establish a secure connection that protects both the transmitted data packet and the channel between the user and the portal. The secret key converts the transmitted information using an encryption algorithm that is approved by the FSB of Russia and complies with GOST. This was announced by the Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Information Technologies Artem Kostyrko.

It is expected that more than 100 thousand residents and guests of the city will take part in the celebration. This was announced by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the City of Moscow Maxim Liksutov. On this day, about 3.5 thousand people will line up in the world's largest bicycle figure, which may get into the Guinness Book of Records.

It is planned that it will gather more than 20 thousand participants. The column of cyclists will start at 22:00 on the Kremlin embankment and will travel about 11 kilometers along the central streets, embankments and boulevards of the capital and finish on Suvorovskaya Square.