Thoth tarot consultations. Business and finance, in professional activities

Lon Milo Duquette.

Six of Cups


Sun in Scorpio.
10°-20° Scorpio.
November 2 - November 12.
Original title: Lord of Pleasure.
The initial composition in the Golden Dawn system: from the clouds at the bottom of the card a hand is extended holding stems of lotuses or water lilies. Six flowers bend over the bowls, one over each; Water pours from the lotuses into the bowls, but the bowls are not filled to the brim.
Color of Tiphareth on the Queen's scale: yellow (golden).
Colors of the Sun on four scales: orange; golden yellow; juicy amber; amber with streaks of red.
Scorpio colors on four scales: greenish-blue; dull brown; very dark brown; a mixture of bluish-gray indigo and brown.
Formula: Six (Tiferet) + Cups (Beria) + Sun in Scorpio = PLEASURE.

At the stage of the Six of Cups - Pleasure, who dwells in the magnificent palace of Tiphareth, the solar sephira - the suit comes into balance again. The Four and Five of Cups became a thing of the past and were forgotten like a bad dream (after an overly hearty dinner and an extra glass of wine). As soon as we opened our eyes, a dizzying understanding overtook us: we found ourselves in the very card that is a direct reflection of the Ace of Cups. The sun is unimaginably happy in the sphere of Tiphareth and shines twice as warmly and pleasantly as usual, generously illuminating and warming Scorpio in his sensual and cheerful incarnation. If the Six of Cups appears first in a reading, it is difficult to resist the temptation to stop there and not guess further. This card is simply amazing. And Crowley is of the same opinion:

“The title of this card, “Pleasure,” must be understood in the highest sense: it implies well-being, ease, satisfaction and harmony of natural forces, without requiring the slightest effort or strain. The idea of ​​fulfilling desires, both natural and artificially caused, is alien to this card. But here the implementation of the sexual Will is clearly presented: the governing sephira, the planet, the element, and the sign indicate this.” .

The sea ripples in long, gentle waves, and the lotuses literally dance, weaving their stems into symmetrical patterns and arcs. Water flows again from the lotuses into the bowls, but does not fill them to the brim. Four of the six bowls are tilted and seem about to fall; but in fact they are pressed tightly to the stems by the very pressure of the water.

© Lon Milo Duquette. Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot. Weiser Books, 2003.

© Translation: Anna Blaze, 2007.

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The Ace corresponds to the Sephira Kether, located on the Middle Pillar of the Tree of Life directly above Tiphareth (Six). - Note translation

The Book of Thoth, p. 199. - Note L.M. Duquette.


This card in its meaning is in many ways similar to the previous card of the suit of Cups." Luxury ". However, in the qualities it reflects there are absolutely no characteristics such as kindness, honesty or decency. However, unlike " Abundance “Here the aspect of sexual desire and sexual satisfaction is much more intensely manifested.


"I get great pleasure from sex with you. I don't know how this will end, but all I need is you."


Strong sex drive and sexual satisfaction in relationships; mercantile interest; mature and stable relationships; confidence in the financial viability of the partner.


Sexual preoccupation or increased sexuality; materialistic approach to life; high balance; self confidence; ability for independent actions and decisions.


Successful course and development of business; significant profit; high paying job; job satisfaction; stable position in the position.


Sustainable positive dynamics of recovery.

Once upon a time, when I was in the tenth grade, in one smart book on sex education, I read the following phrase: “Sex life is, of course, not everything that the family life of a man and a woman consists of, but if it is not in order, then nothing else It can't be okay." And having now reached the age of forty-five, I have repeatedly become convinced that this statement is very close to the truth. The pleasure people get from sex often turns into an obsession for which they are willing to sacrifice everything. However, it is obvious that, despite the real importance of this side of our relationships, the role of sex in modern society is very much exaggerated. In the end, we are not animals to forget about everything else for the sake of physical pleasure. Traditional family values, our responsibility to our children, wives and husbands are incomparably more important than the demands of our lustful nature. Fatigue with new partners is just as inevitable as with old ones. So think carefully before you “throw yourself into the pool headlong,” destroying what has been built over the years and making unhappy those with whom you have shared your successes and failures for many years. Without a doubt it's not worth it.

Description of the Tarot card Six of Cups

The Six of Cups tarot card often depicts a salesman in a jester's outfit giving a little girl a flower in a cup, symbolizing a look back into her past childhood. White flowers in cups standing near the seller serve as a symbol of the fact that a person’s emotions have been purified to their most primary manifestations: only those feelings that lead a person to the original sources are left. Now he can bring them as a gift to someone who needs it, and the passion that is dangerous for others is transformed into universal love and sympathy.

General meaning and interpretation of the Six of Cups Tarot card in fortune telling and layouts

Direct card position

When appearing upright in a fortune telling or reading, the Six of Cups Tarot card takes us to the land of memories. It shows that the past is still alive in us, that we return to it in romantic dreams or in painfully nostalgic experiences. Happy memories, old friends or lovers hold a special place in our lives. However, Arkan also indicates that a person who has experienced a lot in the past begins to feel reborn to a new life.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Six of Cups is, first of all, a focus on the future in order to forget about the past, changes in life expected in the near future. The card advises not to become too attached to the past, since old feelings have already exhausted themselves and now only interfere with new experiences and moving forward.

The meaning and interpretation of the Six of Cups card in fortune telling and layouts for work, affairs and career

Direct card position

Here the Six of Cups in the upright position suggests that we perceive our work more romantically than pragmatically, and it is the ideal idea of ​​it that captivates us, and not the everyday routine. In creative professions this is even a plus, however, where accuracy and organization are required, this approach only hinders both us and those who work with us.

Reversed card position

When the Six of Cups appears in a fortune-telling or reading in an inverted position, it indicates that the existing problems are actually not as small and insignificant as they seem at first glance. And the reluctance to take a fresh look at your affairs, fixation on the past and adherence to old connections can not only worsen the situation in the present, but also slow down success in the future.

The meaning and interpretation of the Six of Cups card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

In general, good health, positive dynamics of recovery. Not very serious illnesses or minor complications after illnesses suffered in childhood are possible.

Reversed card position

Indicates the return of old diseases, relapses. Infectious diseases and heart diseases.

The meaning and interpretation of the Six of Cups card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

If the Six of Cups falls in an upright position in fortune telling and readings for love and relationships, most often it means warmth and kindness, characteristic of the period of fairy-tale love. Sometimes - memories of such a period. It is in this area that the dreamy, sometimes sweetly sentimental side of this card is most strongly expressed, although there is poetry and genuine romance in it. Arkan leaves no doubt that you will easily achieve what you want, not only without spoiling your relationships with loved ones, but also making them much stronger than before.

Reversed card position

Reversed, the Six of Cups predicts a truce, regardless of common sense or existing experience; indicates a situation that is more complex and problematic than it seems. If fortune telling is carried out on a new relationship, then the Arcanum foretells their futility.

The meaning and interpretation of the Six of Cups card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

Typically, the card describes old friends, former lovers - those who played an important role in the past.

Reversed card position

An infantile person living in past or imagined relationships.

Meaning and interpretation of the Six of Cups card as a card of the day

Today is a day of remembrance. Remember what you wanted, what you dreamed about many years ago, and what of this has managed to come true to date. Perhaps this will help you fulfill some forgotten desires. But, rather, you should expect that the past will give you advice or a hint for your life today - if, for example, you meet a person whom you have not seen for many years, or find something that has long been forgotten or lost.

Advice from the Six of Cups card in fortune telling and readings

Do not indulge in painful thoughts about what happened in the past for a long time. Try to spend as much time as possible with the people you care about.

Rider White values:

ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Moon in Pisces as a symbol of poignant, nostalgic memories, or Moon in Cancer as a symbol of romantic reverie.

This map takes us to the land of memories. It shows that the past is still alive in us, that we return to it in romantic dreams or in painfully nostalgic experiences. Such a detached and sentimental view of things can either clarify and brighten the picture of the world, or cloud and darken it. And, since the card is, in one way or another, connected with the past, if asked appropriately, it can point to some episodes or impressions of our childhood.

From the book: Hayo Banzhaf. TAROT SELF-TUTORIAL.
Translation from German by E. Kolesov.
Publisher: Center for Astrological Research, 1999

Second decade of Scorpio from November 1 to 11.
Astrological equivalents: Virgo, Pisces, Venus, Neptune, Sixth and Twelfth Houses.
The second decade of Scorpio expresses the idea of ​​deep awareness of the hidden processes of the collective unconscious, which gives power over them. Observing the mechanisms of life and mastering them through the concept of their essence makes it possible to control the situation and elevates a person above others. This decade is ruled by the Sun, which controls the heart and at the same time the self-awareness of a person, merging feeling and reason into one. But, sometimes, Uranus or Neptune is considered the patron of this decade, since it does not abuse power, but tends to be reasonable about feelings, which can, as a consequence, lead to a somewhat detached view of the world. But its meaning is not in leaving for the other world, but in the ability to live in the present; this requires not only depth of thought, but also childlike spontaneity.
On the Tarot card, a seller, dressed as a jester, selling flowers, gives a flower to a little girl with a smile. On the tablecloth of the counter is the St. Andrew's Cross of Sympathy. The seller sells goods - this reveals the nature of Scorpio, a passionate acquirer of wealth and human emotions. But white flowers in cups serve as a symbol of the fact that emotions are purified to the most primary and immediate manifestations: only those feelings are left that lead a person to the sources of life. Now he can bring them as a gift to someone who needs it: a passion dangerous for others has been transformed into universal love and sympathy. Participation in the passions of the world is perceived by the seller as a game - hence his clothes as a jester. But this does not prevent him from showing love: his power in the world is expressed as compassion for people.
The trap is to put your group above others, a hostile opposition between friends and strangers.
In Pamela Smith's deck, this card signifies childhood, the past, and is depicted as children playing. This symbol reflects one of the sides of the SIX OF CUPS, which takes us back to the past.
But, basically, the SIX OF CUPS is still the card of Virgo, since through it the effect of the planet Venus in the sign of Virgo is strongly manifested.
Venus in Virgo is in its fall, and therefore the card bears the imprint of some kind of powerlessness. At this stage, the emotion is spiritualized and turns into love for the omnipresent. The appearance of this card in a reading may indicate a situation that requires you to tolerate, rise above vanity and true spirituality. This card seems to embody Virgo in all its highest manifestations: mercy, help, kindness, what the ancient Greeks called “therapy.”

In the upright position, the card means memories, past hobbies from whose influence you have freed yourself, disappeared people and things, past childhood, nostalgia, bringing joy to others. Lasting community, trust that is based on experiences together, true friendship. This may also mean love for the Motherland and the Motherland itself. An old friendship that does not cause communication difficulties. Feeling of harmony.

In an inverted position, the card, on the contrary, is all directed towards the future. It signifies new opportunities ahead; future events, expansion of worldview, anticipation of the future. The card may also signal that in the near future your plans may require adjustments, without which they may collapse.

In the foreground of the 6 Cups two people are depicted: a boy and a girl. Moreover, the boy is trying to hand the girl a heavy, even at first glance, vase of flowers.

A detail of the card that is often overlooked is the guard on the left side of the card, with his back to the viewer.

The children are dressed warmly, which suggests early spring or late autumn.


  • Nostalgia
  • Memories
  • Childhood
  • Joy
  • Help
  • Confidence

Key Ideas

  • Old friends
  • A little happiness
  • Home
  • Reasons in the past

Basic meaning

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6 Cups

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The meanings of the 6 (Six) of Cups (Cups) of the Tarot, which were proposed by Waite, are used practically unchanged today. The card talks about happiness, a happy past, childhood. All the negative meanings of the card disappeared over time, and the positive ones only intensified. And today, the meanings of the six Tarot cups speak of joy, friendly assistance, and the pleasure of meeting old friends.

Meaning in relationships

It is believed that children easily form relationships, and some radical psychologists insist that true friendship is possible only in childhood. The Tarot card 6 (Six) of Cups (Cups) precisely shows the meaning of true friendships. People feel sympathy for each other, but at the same time they do not strive to transform the relationship into love, to make it more intimate.

The card may indicate a group of like-minded people; a team united by common goals and beliefs; people who are used to working together and relaxing together.

Open - hole card

Open card. A good image is a children's playground where children meet, get to know each other easily, become friends and just as easily separate.

Relationship intensity

The card suggests intensive communication, joint games, and participation in collective processes. The intensity of the relationship ranges from medium to high.

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

The main relationship scenario is friendship. At the same time, the connection between people is not as close and strong as in the 3 of Cups. This has its pros and cons.

The 3 of Cups does not imply the presence of personal space, division into yours and mine - only ours. In the 6 of Cups, friends respect each other's personal space.

Having a secret space is very important for young children. A lockable box, a box with a lock, where they can keep their secrets and treasures. At 6 of Cups, adults will never open this box without asking. Friends respect your own opinion and the right to differ from them. A very good model for almost any type of relationship.

However, the connection between people is weaker than the 3 of Cups. There are no irreplaceable people here: leaving the group is not a crisis or a disaster for either the person or the group.

Friendship scenarios can be divided into yang and yin, boys and girls. In Yin, friends exchange recipes, books, go to the movies or exhibitions together, and then discuss what they saw. This friendship scenario is more typical of the card. The Yang variant is active. Friendly banter, shoving. It's a lot like puppies fussing. Theoretically, the card allows this, but this scenario is closer to 5 Staves.

In work relationships, people enjoy spending time together at work and after work. “We did a great job and we’ll have a great rest.”

  • in combination with the card: You can count on the friendly support of an influential person
  • in combination with the card: Your friends are true friends
  • in combination with the card: Harmony in relationships with friends and colleagues

Psychological condition

The psychological state corresponding to the 6 of Cups is smooth, calm, friendly. A person is confident in himself and his surroundings, he does not expect a trick. There is nothing that would make him worry or suspect others of unseemly actions and thoughts. On the contrary, he receives positive feedback from his environment and can count on friendly participation and support.

The person is friendly, open to communication, and experiences positive emotions. Relations are smooth, calm, non-demonstrative. Unlike the 5 Staves, participants do not compete with each other, but join forces to achieve results.

In combination with the suit of Wands

In combination with the suit of Wands
  • c: Ask friends for help with new ideas
  • s: Looks like you haven’t gotten together with your friends for a barbecue for a long time
  • s: Now you are in an extremely favorable period

Importance in health matters

First of all, the value of the 6 (Six) of Tarot Cups indicates good health. If we are still talking about diseases, then the map gives several reading options. Firstly, we can literally talk about diseases of children. Secondly, about childhood diseases that manifest themselves in adults. And thirdly, the card may indicate the consequences of diseases suffered in childhood.

As a treatment, the card offers the best of all possible methods: tea with honey, a warm blanket, a teddy bear. Friendly participation and care.

  • with a card: Chatting with friends can disappoint you
  • with card: Perhaps one of your friends is not entirely sincere with you
  • with card: Friendship begins to develop into love

Business and finance, in professional activities

Working with friends. The card may indicate that you are currently working in a fairly friendly team. The 6 of Cups emphasizes cooperation rather than competition. Collaboration between departments and colleagues, open exchange of information. Mutual training, help for those lagging behind, discussion of problems and real help to each employee.

Stability, controllability, controllability

Stable, manageable situation. To keep your income at a good level and even gradually increase it, you don’t need to put in a lot of effort. On the contrary, the card suggests that the situation is favorable, with a tendency to improve, and will remain so for quite a long time.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

It is very easy to work in a friendly atmosphere, in the company of like-minded people. Sincere, friendly relationships, cooperation, mutual assistance for the sake of a common cause are an excellent incentive for effective work. The principle is cooperation, not competition.
It’s good when there is no falsehood and hidden motives - everything is in plain sight! One for all and all for one.

General state of finances and trends of changes

Very good, stable condition. Right now the income is stable, constant, nothing threatens it. But this is an average level of income, not much, but not little - enough. The long-term forecast indicates that this balance will be maintained.

Positive and negative impact on income

Working in a team of friends and like-minded people certainly has a positive impact on performance. By joining forces, people achieve more than alone or in competition. But provided that this relationship is built on a true foundation, without exploiting the team spirit for selfish purposes.

One of the frequent cases that negatively affects income: under the guise of a “friend,” “comrade-in-arms,” or “like-minded person,” those who like to rake in the heat with the wrong hands may be hiding. Or the principle - perish yourself and help your comrade - is brought to the point of absurdity.

Another point is directly related to the meaning of “children”. The motto “All the best is for children” was transformed by traders into “All the most precious things are for children.” Buying children's goods costs a pretty penny, despite the fact that in most cases they are disposable consumer goods.

  • in combination with: Shadows of the past tear your heart
  • in combination with: Helping friends and helping friends can turn into disaster
  • in combination with: Some of your friends are jealous of you

Don't isolate yourself, discuss your problems with friends

Card of the day Caution

Think about whether those around you are really your friends

  • 6 of Cups in combination with the card: Friendships turn into a heavy burden.
  • 6 of Cups in combination with the card: Friendship or benefit?
  • 6 of Cups in combination with the card: Your friends are worthy people.

Questions to ask when drawing a card?

  • How does your past influence you?
  • Do those whom you consider friends consider you a friend?
  • What makes you seek the friendship of these people?
  • Do you help your children be happy?

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