Brownish discharge at 39 weeks pregnant. Brown discharge before childbirth. week of pregnancy. How does the expectant mother feel?

The last month before childbirth can bring with it new symptoms, and the 39th week of pregnancy is no exception. Allocations can greatly change their character before childbirth, and this causes unnecessary worries.

Allocations at week 39 increase and are normal, but they can also talk about pathology. So that you don't miss dangerous symptoms or the beginning of childbirth, this article is written.

Normal discharge at 39 weeks pregnant

The end of pregnancy is the time of preparation for childbirth, your body changes, and the nature of discharge from the genital tract changes. Even earlier, they could be slimy and quite plentiful, but now you simply cannot do without daily pads. The cervix ripens, while it softens, shortens and opens slightly. By the time labor begins, she will be free to skip 2 fingers. Throughout the pregnancy, the cervix was closed with a mucous plug, which departs, for someone gradually, for someone at once in the form of a dense lump of mucus.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, spotting in the form of abundant mucus streaked with blood is a complete norm, and they should not cause you much concern. There is not much blood, its source is the cervix, it is literally threads in abundant transparent or whitish mucus, resembling protein. This is the bottleneck. You should not have any other selections.

39 weeks of pregnancy, discharge in pathology

White discharge

In the last months of pregnancy, your thrush may worsen. This extremely unpleasant disease is dangerous in that during childbirth, candida can infect the skin and mucous membranes of the child, while in a newborn, thrush is not only a cause of suffering, it is dangerous for him, as it causes difficulties with the formation of normal intestinal microflora and other organs, and it is very difficult being treated. If you are already 39 weeks pregnant, white discharge with itching and a sour smell is a reason to seek treatment immediately, childbirth can begin any day, and you need to get rid of the fungus before it starts. It is much easier to treat a mother than to deal with this trouble in a newborn later.

Bloody and brown discharge

brown discharge at 39 weeks, they can be in an extremely small amount normal, like thin streaks when the mucous plug leaves, but in most cases they are a warning and dangerous symptom. The appearance of a daub if you are 39 weeks pregnant, brown discharge that leaves stains on linen is a danger symptom, as well as similar bloody ones. At 39 weeks, any bloody discharge can signal placental abruption, this is a threat to the life of the child. Blood requires only one action from you - immediately call an ambulance. Itself future mom should try to lie down and move as little as possible, because the bleeding may increase, you can’t go anywhere on your own, and even more so, you can’t go.

Yellow and greenish discharge

Yellow discharge at 39 weeks, green, thick, with a bad smell - a sign of infection. Ordinary mucous discharge may also look yellow if left on linen for a long time, but they do not smell, if you do not smell too pleasant, and even more so, the discharge is accompanied by itching and burning - this indicates the presence of a genital tract infection. Both gonorrhea and the usual colpitis caused by Escherichia coli can give such a picture, in any case it is very bad to get this before childbirth, treatment is necessary.

Any doubts about the normality of discharge for you during pregnancy should be a reason to consult a gynecologist.

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, discharge can occur for various reasons. 39th week of pregnancy - brown discharge is absolutely not dangerous. They may occur after intimacy. But when the 39th week of pregnancy comes: mucous discharge should alert you. Since it could be infection which can harm both you and your baby.

Any discharge or bleeding that appears in the last stages of pregnancy is always a cause for concern. You need to know how to respond to them and what to do in such situations.

What does the color of the discharge say

If the mucous discharge has a pinkish color or streaks of blood after an internal gynecological examination or sexual contact, this indicates rubbing of the cervix, which is quite sensitive during this period.

In particular, the 39th week of pregnancy can carry brown discharge that appears within forty-eight hours after intimacy or a doctor's examination.

This is considered normal, but you should notify your doctor about this, who in this case will most likely advise you to refrain from sexual intercourse until delivery.

The appearance of mucous secretions Brown color or blood pink in combination with contractions indicates the onset of labor, which should also be notified to the doctor. Bright red spotting may be associated with placental abruption.

At 39 weeks pregnant, this type of discharge may be a sign that the baby may be in danger. In such a situation, you should immediately contact the hospital. In no case can one expect the return of relatives home, the best option an ambulance will be called.

Allocations in pathologies

If the thrush worsened when the 39th week of pregnancy approached, the mucous discharges have White color. This disease can become dangerous because it can infect the mucous membranes and skin of the newborn.

Thrush will cause difficulties with the formation of the normal microflora of many organs, which will be too difficult to cope with in a newborn child.

In the case when white mucous discharge appears, accompanied by itching and a sour smell, you should immediately consult a doctor, because at a gestational age of 39 weeks, childbirth can begin at any time, and before they begin, you need to get rid of the fungus. This is much easier to do than after getting rid of a similar problem in a child.

Any doubts that have arisen in connection with the appearance of mucous secretions during pregnancy become a reason to consult a gynecologist. It is necessary to consult a doctor immediately in order to prevent the occurrence of undesirable consequences as soon as possible.

Continued next. page

Discharge during discharge of amniotic fluid

This is another sure sign of close childbirth. Amniotic fluid can come out in small portions (i.e., leak for several days) or pour out at once in quite in large numbers with rupture of the fetal bladder. In the latter case, we can talk about the beginning of labor, so you need to urgently go to the hospital. Contractions usually follow. Most often, amniotic fluid leaves in pregnant women in the morning, lying down or when getting out of bed.

Normally, these secretions are liquid, clear, clean, with a sweet smell. A pinkish or yellowish tint is acceptable, as well as a small amount of they contain white flakes (these are traces of the original lubricant covering the baby's body). Sometimes the waters are colored in greenish or brownish shades, this indicates that the original feces of the fetus have entered them. In this case, there is a danger of the baby swallowing amniotic fluid, which is not entirely good. You need to go straight to the hospital.

So, normal secretions in a pregnant woman at the 39th week, the mucous membranes are transparent or white without the appearance of an uncomfortable condition (itching, redness, bad smell). Brownish mucous membranes and with small streaks of blood indicate the passage of the cork and close delivery.

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fetus at 39 weeks pregnant

This is the penultimate week of pregnancy, if we take into account the ideal 40-week duration. But childbirth can occur a few weeks earlier or later, which is the norm. At 39 weeks of gestation, the fetus is completely ready for independent functioning. The lungs are fully matured and will work immediately with the first portion of the inhaled air. The digestive system is able to receive, move, digest and assimilate food: villi have already formed on the mucous membrane, the pancreas produces the necessary enzymes. True, the baby's intestines are still sterile, but after the very first meal, bacteria will begin to colonize it.

The little heart works properly, pumping blood throughout the body, and the kidneys, removing metabolic products through the mother's excretory system. The amount of amniotic fluid at the 39th week of pregnancy is noticeably reduced, but they do not stop being updated every 3 hours, and this happens until they leave.

The baby's vision is already well developed: he not only reacts to light and darkness, flickering and movement in front of his eyes, but is also able to focus his eyes at a distance of 20-30 cm, that is, while feeding, he will see your face! Be sure to smile at him!

The development of the central nervous system crumbs. This process will continue after his birth.

A child at the 39th week of pregnancy is already very beautiful and looks like a baby: the skin has smoothed out and acquired a pleasant pinkish tint, folds and cheeks have appeared, fluff and original grease have almost completely disappeared. Despite the cramped space, he continues to grow and get better: his total height (size) already exceeds 50 cm, and his weight reaches 3500 g. Of course, these data are very individual.


The uterus tightly envelops its tenant, so the mother feels almost every movement. Try to capture this moment in your memory: it will never happen again...

You are probably looking forward to giving birth: after all, the state of heaviness in the whole body and discomfort not only tired for a long time, but reached its peak. The uterus with all its weight presses on bladder, which makes going to the toilet seem endless! To maximize bladder emptying, lean forward when you urinate and don't rush to get up. You also experience strong pressure on the perineum and pelvis, which causes aching, stabbing and shooting pains that radiate to the legs. It hurts to walk, it’s uncomfortable to sit, it’s hard to lie down, sometimes it’s impossible to find a comfortable position for sleeping…

Nevertheless, despite the weakness and fatigue, it is not known where most mothers get strength and inspiration from: the “nesting syndrome” begins. A woman with a twinkle in her eyes begins to put things in order in the house, creating coziness and comfort for the whole family and especially its new member. This is perhaps the most pleasant feeling before childbirth. It allows mom to be distracted and charges her with the necessary optimism. But don't overdo it. Now it is necessary to conserve strength for childbirth, so take the role of a foreman, and let your relatives carry out your instructions.

Do not forget about daily walks, because the child needs oxygen now more than ever: the placenta begins to age and no longer performs the functions assigned to it so diligently.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the cervix begins to shorten and open. You will begin to feel the baby's head in the pelvis between the thighs, which presses on the bottom of the pelvis.


The belly at 39 weeks of gestation has most likely already dropped. In nulliparous women, this happens a few weeks before childbirth, in multiparous women it can happen right the day before, and in some cases the stomach does not fall at all. But the baby is already rushing to the exit: its presenting part (the one with which it will appear into the world), in most cases this is the head, enters the pelvic area. The doctor can feel it during examination - both externally and internally. The tone of the abdominal walls decreases - and the bottom of the uterus deviates slightly anteriorly.

The belly is just huge! The skin is strongly stretched, which is why it often itches, the navel can bulge outward. Don't let that worry you: after giving birth, everything will fall into place.

In recent weeks, you have had the good fortune to watch your baby dance: your stomach was literally shaking. Before the birth, the discos stop, the baby calms down, but you still have to feel his movements every day, they just aren’t so active anymore - it’s too crowded inside for activity.

Weight at 39 weeks pregnant

Neither big belly, nor continued weight gain by the baby should no longer affect your own weight at 39 weeks pregnant. By this time, the total increase for the entire period of gestation was 11-16 kg (plus or minus). And now you don't have to get better. On the contrary: before childbirth, a woman usually loses a little weight (literally 1-2 kilograms) due to increased excretion of fluid from the body. It's planned by nature preparatory stage: a woman should be flexible and mobile in order to give birth easier.

Therefore, do not stop weighing: a sudden underweight will alert you to early delivery.

Often a woman's appetite disappears a few days before giving birth. But it also happens that there are no special changes in this regard.


Sex at 39 weeks pregnant is actually sex before labor starts. Is it possible and worth it to practice? Doctors answer this question differently, and each couple must decide for themselves. Until recently, doctors imposed a strict ban on intimacy in the last 6 weeks of pregnancy. The main argument for this position is that orgasm stimulates uterine contractions and can cause premature birth. Now they are no longer afraid of you, and this point of view has long been refuted. You should focus solely on the well-being of a woman. Some of them are quite tired and feel unwell, so in recent weeks they have not experienced attraction to their spouse. But many, on the contrary, need intimacy with him, want to feel loved, desired, needed. Sex at 39 weeks of gestation is not forbidden if the integrity of the fetal bladder is maintained, and future parents need to be close to each other. Moreover, doctors around the world have long come to the conclusion that sex before childbirth is the best natural stimulation for them, and in some countries it is even recommended to have sex after the start of regular contractions in order to prepare the cervix for dilatation and, in general, facilitate and speed up the delivery process. The fact is that male secretion contains the hormone prostaglandin, which prepares the cervix, and endorphins released in the mother's body during sex act as a mild pain reliever.

However, the future dad should be extremely affectionate and careful. And if mom feels pain and discomfort during sex, then it is better to stop it.

Pain at 39 weeks pregnant

In the last weeks of pregnancy, you probably already experience aching pains in the lower abdomen, which portend an imminent birth. The training contractions became more painful than before. The movements of the child also often cause pain to the woman. When you try to stand up or change the position of the body, you may experience pain in the abdomen, side, back.

39 weeks pregnant photo

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the perineal region hurts the most: the baby has sank and presses on the pelvic floor. You may also feel this pain in the lower back (lower back and sacrum).

Due to the divergence of the bones in this area, aching, sometimes sharp pain appears. Shooting and stabbing pain also radiates to the legs, especially while walking.

When real contractions begin, the pain will grow and intensify. It is important to learn how to relax in response to pain, so if you still have a day or two, then use it to master relaxation and breathing techniques.

In addition, the chest may begin to hurt at 39 weeks of gestation. This is not strange, because very soon she will have to feed the baby: the production of colostrum has already begun.


Because of this, you may notice milk coming out of your breasts. In no case do not squeeze out colostrum: observe hygiene, wash your breasts at least 2 times a day, gently blot the liquid on the nipples.

If the mucous plug has not yet begun to move away, then this can happen now. However, the whole process usually takes several days (or even weeks), since most often the mucous plug comes out in parts, and not all at once. This is indicated by the discharge of thick, viscous mucus at the 39th week of pregnancy. It is clear, white, yellowish or creamy in color, but may also contain blood streaks.

The discharge of the mucous plug is one of the harbingers of childbirth, but does not mean that they have already begun. Therefore, calmly continue your business, considering only that the cervix is ​​​​now open to infections, which means that sex and bathing in stagnant water should be canceled. Brownish or reddish marks in the mucus indicate that the birth is likely to be several hours away.

However, if the discharge of the mucous plug is accompanied by bleeding, then you must immediately go to the hospital, since premature discharge of the placenta is possible.

In addition, the impending birth portends the discharge of amniotic fluid. They can leak in small portions, which you observe as a clear liquid from the genital tract. And it happens that the fetal bladder bursts, and the water flows out at the same time, in a stream - you certainly won’t miss this.

Most often, the water breaks in the morning when a woman gets out of bed or has not even gotten out of bed yet, but in general this can happen at any minute. At the same time, many hear a muffled pop that precedes the outflow of water. The opening of the fetal bladder and the discharge of water is not accompanied by any pain.

Usually after this labor activity begins. If the waters receded immediately, literally gushed out of you, then do not wait for contractions, but immediately get ready for the hospital. Do not worry if the contractions have already become intense, and the water has not yet broken: this often happens already in the maternity hospital, and it is possible that the fetal bladder will be specially pierced - this does not mean anything bad.

Normally, the amniotic fluid is clean and transparent, and may contain white flakes of the original lubricant that the baby was covered with. They are odorless or have a slightly sweet smell. However, sometimes meconium, the baby's original feces, gets into the amniotic fluid, and there is a high risk of it being swallowed by the baby. This condition is a little dangerous, so if the water is greenish or brownish, you need to go to the hospital immediately.

Harbingers of childbirth

We have already considered many of the signs of childbirth. In particular, we know that before childbirth, the stomach aches, the lower back, back, perineum, legs, and also the bones of the hip joint hurt. The stomach itself drops, which makes it easier for a woman to breathe, work gastrointestinal tract getting better a little, and this nasty heartburn, which has been annoying the expectant mother for so long, may even disappear! But more frequent trips to the toilet: due to the pressure of the uterus, the bladder and rectum are forced to empty more often. Sometimes even an upset stomach occurs, as if you were worried - this is the work of hormones preparing the body for childbirth.

You will again remember what sharp mood swings are, or rather, your relatives will remember this. Let them not take to heart your nervousness, which can grow especially strongly from the moment regular contractions begin.

Appetite before childbirth usually decreases (although not always). And last but not least, this leads to a slight decrease in body weight.

Meanwhile, the baby is also preparing for birth. And besides the fact that he descends and puts pressure on his mother's crotch, he still behaves more modestly - he practically calms down. However, periods of calm can be replaced by increased activity (as far as possible in cramped conditions): the baby is working out the tactics of action in childbirth.

The uterus has long begun to train, periodically contracting. But when the labor begins, the contractions will become real.

Many mothers worry that they will miss the beginning of childbirth, but this is in vain: believe me, you will immediately understand that this is it. Firstly, the fact that the ice has broken will tell you the discharge of the mucous plug and amniotic fluid. Secondly, even if this does not happen, you will not miss real contractions: they begin to repeat every 10-15 minutes, then every 5 minutes, then even more often, while the pain grows all the time: try to relax and rest as much as possible between contractions. If your appetite suddenly woke up, then have a light snack (it’s good to be ready for this in advance).

From this moment, real labor activity begins, and you are already moving into a different status - women in labor.

Delivery at 39 weeks pregnant

Now you need to focus on yourself and the baby. Help each other, listen to each other, breathe properly, follow all the instructions of the medical staff.

The longer you stay on your feet, the better, so walk around during contractions, stopping to rest. When contractions begin to feel intense pain, it's time to apply breathing techniques. During the fight, breathe evenly, deeply, calmly - this will moderate the pain and save strength for the second period.

Do not rush to push - this can only be done at the doctor's command when the cervix opens completely. Then push no matter what, stopping only as directed by the doctor. Don't be embarrassed by unexpected urination or other unforeseen nuances - they don't matter to anyone right now. It is very important to take a comfortable position of the body during attempts - this point should ideally be discussed with the doctor in advance. In the period between attempts, it is extremely necessary to relax and rest, restoring the spent forces as much as possible.

In the second stage of labor, when the baby is born, you will need a lot of strength and effort. It is important to give your best. different women experience this period of childbirth differently: some feel simply inhuman fatigue, others seem to be reborn and accumulate all their resources.

Your thoughts should now be directed in one direction: the baby is trying very hard, and you are obliged to help him to be born as easily and naturally as possible. Don't be afraid of anything! Do not be afraid of pain: it will not exceed the threshold that you will not be able to overcome, nature has taken care of this.

Relax as much as possible and remember everything you read and heard about in preparation for childbirth. The most important thing is that childbirth at the 39th week of pregnancy is timely and physiological. The baby is fully matured and absolutely ready for birth, he did well, because he chose the right moment for this.

Immediately after the birth of the child, obstetricians will clamp the umbilical cord, and when it stops pulsing, they will cut it. Ideally, the little one should be attached to the mother's breast - this is the best outcome of childbirth for both you and the baby. Getting your baby's first colostrum is incredibly important! This is his immunity, health and strength. But first, if the baby suddenly swallowed water with meconium, obstetricians will clear its bronchi from the contents (that is, they will carry out lavage).

38th week40th week

39th week of pregnancy: fetal development, weight, movement

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the length of the fetus averages 51-52 cm, its weight is approximately equal to 3500 g. The diameter of the head increases to 92.5 mm, the chest to 97.8 mm, and the abdomen to 101.3 mm.

The baby is completely ready to be born. The presenting part, whether it be the head or the pelvic end, descends into the pelvic cavity and does not change its position even before birth.

The bones of the skull of the fetus are pliable, pliable sutures and fontanelles remain between them, formed by elastic cartilage tissue. This allows the head to change its configuration and pass freely through the mother's birth canal. The growth of the fetus occurs mainly due to the lengthening of the limbs and torso. The fetus has a fairly large head, approximately? body length, well developed rib cage and a shoulder girdle, a rounded, protruding tummy and a less developed girdle of the lower extremities.

A child born in this period is able to hear and distinguish external sounds well, and even see an object located at a distance of 20-30 cm from his eyes. He can distinguish bright colours from muffled, and even reacts to the movement of the subject in question.

The placenta already ceases to cope with its functions, it becomes thinner and bleeds more and more, it slows down metabolic processes. The thickness of the placenta at the 39th week of pregnancy is only 34.65 mm. The child begins to experience a lack of oxygen (hypoxia) and nutrients.

39th week of pregnancy: how a woman feels

At the 39th week of pregnancy, a woman is in anticipation of meeting her baby. The last few weeks have been the hardest for her. Despite the fact that a woman is waiting for the first contractions to appear and the decisive moment of pregnancy to come, the arrival of childbirth often comes as a surprise to her and close relatives. In order not to get completely lost, prepare in advance the things that you will need in the maternity hospital, have your passport, exchange card and insurance certificate with you.

At the end of pregnancy, a woman increasingly seeks solitude, avoids stories about childbirth, about children's health problems, takes care of her psyche and tries to be calm.

The abdomen falls low, the bottom of the uterus is at a distance of 34-35 cm from the pubic joint. The movement of the child is felt well and the woman must control the number of movements. Ten felt movements in 12 hours is the norm for this period of pregnancy.

How does childbirth begin? Usually, by the 38th week of pregnancy, a woman has already heard many stories from her friends about contractions, about the outflow of amniotic fluid. But there is usually no clear picture of when she should go to the maternity hospital.

A harbinger of childbirth is the discharge of the mucous plug, which closed the cervical canal throughout the pregnancy. The mucous plug comes off as a result of the opening and shortening of the cervix and usually contains a slight admixture of blood.

Childbirth portends the appearance of irregular contractions. A woman's stomach pulls, the tone of the uterus begins to rise, starting from the bottom of the uterus, then the excitement spreads to the lower segment. Contractions - harbingers, unlike real contractions, are not regular, do not lead to the opening of the cervix and are not generic forces. After a while, the contractions become regular, that is, at regular intervals. From this moment, the actual birth begins.

Often childbirth portends the discharge of amniotic fluid. The outpouring of water contributes to the development of contractile activity of the uterus and the appearance of contractions.

At the very beginning of childbirth, a woman has a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the perineum and vagina, pain in the lower back intensifies. In some pregnant women, the onset of labor provokes mild nausea, diarrhea, and frequent urination.

Do not rush to the maternity hospital if the contractions are weak, not regular, rarely occur, and the fetal bladder is still intact. Harbingers of childbirth may appear a few days before the development of this labor activity. Wait a little and when the contractions begin to appear at regular intervals, become strong and long enough, take the prepared things and documents and go to give birth.

If the amniotic fluid has broken, then you need to go to the maternity hospital as soon as possible. Violation of the integrity of the membranes opens the way for infection from the vagina into the uterus and can lead to intrauterine infection.

39th week of pregnancy: discharge from the genital tract

In anticipation of childbirth, a woman should monitor the nature of the discharge from the genital tract, so that if changes appear, take the necessary measures in time.

Mucopurulent and purulent discharge from the genital tract is a sign of a sexual infection. You should immediately consult a doctor and undergo treatment to prevent infection of the child during childbirth.

The release of a large lump of mucus from the genital tract is most likely a sign of the discharge of the mucous plug that closed the entrance to the uterus during pregnancy. The passage of the mucous plug is a sign of imminent childbirth.

Liquid, cloudy water-like discharge from the genital tract is characteristic of premature rupture of amniotic fluid. At the slightest suspicion of a discharge of water, even if the stomach does not hurt, there are no contractions, you should immediately go to the maternity hospital.

Bloody discharge from the genital tract is a symptom of premature placental abruption, which threatens the life of the mother and child. If spotting occurs, call an ambulance immediately, do not try to get to the maternity hospital on your own, as movement can provoke increased bleeding.

39th week of pregnancy: nutrition for a pregnant woman

At the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy, when the uterus has sunk down and no longer presses so hard on the stomach, the woman has a desire to eat more. Keep yourself in control, remember that overloading your body before childbirth is not the best thing to do. It is recommended to even slightly reduce the amount of food consumed in order to unload the intestines and remove excess water from the body.

A sufficient amount of protein should remain in the diet, mainly found in dairy products, fish, and cereals. But the proportion of animal fats can be completely reduced.

Unlike early dates, at the end of pregnancy it is recommended to increase the intake of carbohydrate foods. Carbohydrates no longer threaten to gain excess weight, but they will maintain the necessary amount of energy in case of childbirth. Semolina, white rice, biscuits, biscuits, sweet yogurts, cottage cheese desserts All of this is now allowed. When choosing sweets, always give preference to natural products, and instead of chocolate bar with filler, it is better to eat a bun with homemade jam.

Complex carbohydrates, such as fiber, which contribute to normal bowel function, should still be consumed in sufficient quantities, which means that bread, wholemeal pasta, raw vegetables and fruits are very good for nutrition.

39th week of pregnancy: preparation for childbirth

You probably already want to complete the pregnancy and are waiting for the moment when you take the baby in your arms. Everything has its time! Try to distract yourself from the desire to rush things, switch your attention to something more constructive. Is there anything else you would like to do while your time is yours? Go to the cinema, to the theater, to a concert, chat with childless friends, arrange a pleasant shopping experience for yourself. Or maybe do yoga and meditation, soak in the bath with a book, take a walk alone. Any way that makes you enjoy the current moment useful for preparing for the birth of a child.

Your body is making final preparations for childbirth. The cervix softens; at any moment, the mucous plug can come off, after which your baby will be born within a few days or hours.

39 weeks pregnant is the time when the baby is ready to be born and welcome his parents. The child can already exist as an independent organism, independently performing its vital functions. The picture shows a full-term baby surrounded by a small amount of amniotic fluid. The placenta is visible above the baby's head. Still through the umbilical cord, and its length is now equal to the height of the child, all the necessary nutrients enter the baby's body. The growth and maturation of internal organs, bone and cardiovascular systems continues. There is very little left before the birth.

Raspberry leaves have long established themselves as an excellent tool for preparing the cervix for childbirth. If you drink a decoction of raspberry leaves daily for a couple of months before childbirth, the muscles of the uterus will contract more easily and less painfully, which will greatly help you during the second stage of labor (attempts). In addition, such preparation will significantly reduce the risk of medical interventions, which is very important for the proper course of childbirth.

Closer to childbirth, the amount of amniotic fluid becomes less and less, although they are still updated every three hours and will continue to do so even when labor begins. You should no longer gain weight, but the baby continues to grow. At 39 weeks, it weighs an average of 3300 g and reaches more than 50 cm in length.

Fetus at 39 weeks pregnant: movements

And, since the baby is already quite large and already occupies almost the entire uterine cavity, there is nowhere for him to move. Accordingly, if before that you could observe the periodic "dancing" of the crumbs in the tummy, now it will only push you from the inside from time to time.

Although he already has nowhere to move, the baby, nevertheless, tries to move. Moreover, through movements, the child trains coordination and gradually builds up muscle strength. The intensity and nature of the movements should continue to be monitored: the masik should respond about 10-12 times a day. If the baby shows excessive activity, pushes hard and often, or, conversely, his movements are felt weakly and rarely, inform the doctor immediately: a change in the nature and frequency of movements in one direction or another indicates trouble.

Baby at 39 weeks pregnant Heart, lungs, intestines, kidneys - everything is ready to ensure the life of the baby outside the womb. However, the processes of development and improvement do not stop, and will continue after birth. In particular, the central nervous system develops unevenly.

The pancreas began to produce enzymes that will break down the food that enters the baby's stomach. But beneficial bacteria will begin to populate the intestines only after tasting - now it is sterile.

In most cases, immediately after birth, the intestines of the newborn are emptied with meconium. But it often happens that this happens even in the womb before the onset of the birth process (most often the cause is a lack of oxygen in the last stages of pregnancy). In such cases, doctors and obstetricians who take birth carry out a special procedure to cleanse the bronchi, called lavage. As before, all nutrients reach the child through. But in the last weeks, she begins to age: her life is coming to an end. The umbilical cord will be cut after childbirth only when it stops pulsing. And only then does the birth of a child's place take place - the last third.

Future mom

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the baby is already completely ready for independent existence, but ideally, the pregnancy should still last this and next week. But you should have been fully prepared for childbirth a few weeks ago. Although this does not mean at all that the expectant mother is obliged to lose her peace and be in constant expectation of the onset of contractions.

If the bags for the maternity hospital are packed, and you are psychologically ready for the events that await you, then you should not care. But it's easy to say, but not easy to do, right? Some anxiety and nervousness are still present. The main thing is to listen to the baby, talk to him, calm him down before giving birth, but ask him not to linger - the time is approaching.

You will certainly understand what “began”: cramps will appear in the lower abdomen, repeating 5 times an hour, and then more often; you will feel pulling pains in the lumbar region; Perhaps the water will break and spotting will appear. IN initial period after childbirth, the mother may wake up with an appetite - prepare yourself some kind of light, low-fat snack in advance.

Childbirth at 39 weeks of gestation: harbingers

In the meantime, it hasn’t “started”, listen to yourself and track down possible changes that will tell you about the imminent onset of childbirth. Shortly before the start of labor activity, a woman learns about her approach by changes in appetite - it decreases significantly. The weight of a pregnant woman can also decrease: many successful mothers say that if the weight does not stop at the end of pregnancy, then it decreases by 1-2 kg.

False contractions, which until this time were painless and infrequent, are now becoming more intense, tangible. In addition to the fact that contractions begin to appear more often, they occur against the background of pulling belly and lower back: pulling pain, ringing the lower abdomen and lumbar region, is another of the harbingers of childbirth. You can distinguish false contractions from real ones - and many expectant mothers are very afraid to confuse them - by changing the position of the body. Do you feel like you are giving birth? Get up, walk around the apartment, sit down on the chair again. If the contractions have passed with a change in body position and type of activity, then it’s too early to go to the hospital.

The mucus that appears in the vaginal discharge will tell you about the approach of childbirth - it can be either transparent or pinkish, brown. An admixture of mucus is particles of a mucous plug that closes the entrance to the uterus. Now the cervix is ​​gradually softening and contracting, preparing for childbirth, so the cork particles come out. But you can see the mucus plug itself in the form of a lump of mucus, possibly streaked with blood, the volume of which is approximately 2 tablespoons. The passage of the mucous plug is another of the signals that childbirth is about to begin.

Many women have a nesting instinct before childbirth: it’s not known where the strength and irresistible desire to spruce up the house, making it as comfortable as possible, appear. Do not deny yourself such pleasure, but entrust hard physical work to assistants. Save your energy for the most important event in your life.

In the last days before childbirth, a woman may also notice disorders in the digestive system. Diarrhea, nausea, indigestion, perhaps even vomiting - all of these symptoms may well precede the onset of labor. Well, in the meantime, it’s calm in the tummy, provide the baby with a sufficient supply of oxygen - go for a walk. But do not go far and be sure to take it with you.

Belly at 39 weeks pregnant: pulls, hurts, dropped

Lowering the abdomen is another sign by which you will know about the imminent onset of childbirth. The idea is that the stomach drops between 36 and 38 weeks of pregnancy, but this can happen now. Or not happen at all - some women do not observe a lowered belly until the onset of labor. If the stomach sank, you will definitely feel relief: breathing becomes easier, disgusted heartburn recedes. Instead, there is a need for more frequent urination: the uterus presses on the bladder, which means that the need for more frequent emptying increases.

Do not worry if you suddenly find pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back. Drawing pains with localization "lower abdomen-lower back" at the 39th week of pregnancy is one of the variants of the norm, indicating the approach of childbirth.

Pain at 39 weeks pregnant

So, we already know about the nature of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back - these are the consequences of preparing the body for the upcoming birth and its attempt to tell the woman about their inevitable approach.

Again, due to the preparation of the body for an early birth, you now probably feel pain in the pelvic region, in the sacrum, in the pubis. The body actively produces the hormone relaxin, the main task of which is to soften and relax the ligaments and bones. Plus, the softened pelvic bones at this stage gradually diverge, preparing the baby for the most favorable conditions for traveling through the birth canal. So mommy has to endure the pain caused by such changes in the body, and expect childbirth, after which the pain will go away on its own.

Surely you are already familiar with pain in the sacrum, in the back, in the spine. This is the result of a mixture of center of gravity and increased loads. For the same reason, pain in the legs is common. In addition: due to compression of the femoral nerve, you may feel a shooting, aching pain in the back of the leg, sometimes reaching to the knee. Recommendations for minimizing pain in the back, legs, sacrum are the same: their regular unloading, sleeping in the correct position, good rest, wearing a prenatal bandage.

By the way, by this time you may feel that your chest hurts. Do not be surprised and do not be afraid: the breasts have now noticeably increased and become heavier, very soon they will be needed to feed the baby. In the meantime, you patiently remove colostrum from the nipples and endure the usual pain and heaviness in the chest.

Discharge at 39 weeks pregnant

An important point of this week is vaginal discharge: normally, they should have a light milky color, a uniform consistency and a slight smell of kefir. Do not be surprised to notice a slight increase in discharge from the genital tract - this is a normal symptom of the 39th week of pregnancy. Also, you should not be afraid of the presence of mucus impurities in the secretions: transparent, possibly with a shade of pink, brown, beige, mucus is particles of a mucous plug that still covers the cervix.

But here - mucopurulent discharge, cheesy or flaky, green or yellow color should be a reason to see a doctor. Changes in discharge in this direction clearly indicate the development of any of the genital infections, and while there is still a little time left, it is necessary to undergo treatment. Indeed, if this is not done and the infection remains with the mother, the woman will most likely “share” this very infection when the baby travels through the birth canal.

Do not postpone a visit to the hospital if you notice even small amounts of amniotic fluid. You will recognize amniotic fluid by finding a thin, watery discharge, possibly a slightly yellowish tint. The outpouring of amniotic fluid is a sure sign that childbirth will begin in the very near future. At the same time, water cannot always be poured out immediately, in one stream: it is possible for the amniotic fluid to discharge in small portions. This happens when the integrity of the membranes is worn out or broken, and poses a certain danger to the child - if the integrity of the membranes is broken, he becomes vulnerable to infections. That is why the appearance of amniotic fluid cannot be ignored in any case.

Contact the ambulance operator without delay even if you find yourself bleeding. Blood from the genital tract is a sign of detachment of a normally located placenta, a serious pathology that threatens the life and health of the baby. True, vaginal spotting may also indicate placenta previa, only doctors have probably already ruled out this condition through preliminary multiple examinations.


Ultrasound at 39 weeks of gestation is usually not required, however, there may be individual indications for repeat ultrasound. As before, during an ultrasound scan, the doctor examines the baby, its size, and determines the degree of development.

Again, the condition of the uterus, its size, the degree of maturity of the cervix will be assessed. An important criterion is also the assessment of the quality and quantity of amniotic fluid. The degree of maturity of the placenta will definitely be established: at the 39th week of pregnancy, the placenta is more often in the third degree of maturity. The higher the degree of maturity of the placenta, the greater the degree of its deterioration. But for the time being, the placenta continues to serve a good service - through it, antibodies from the mother come to the baby from the mother, which take part in the formation of the immune system.

Ultrasound at 39 weeks of gestation will also give an idea of ​​​​the location of the umbilical cord, eliminate the risk of entanglement with the umbilical cord of the fetus. Keep in mind that cord entanglement is not an unambiguous contraindication for natural childbirth: the umbilical cord is 55-65 cm long, which makes it possible for a woman to give birth on her own, and the umbilical cord itself is removed from the baby's head immediately after birth. But, even if the umbilical cord is short, and the loop around the neck is tightened at the moment the baby passes through the birth canal, doctors, when monitoring and controlling the birth process, respond quickly and can decide to perform delivery by caesarean section.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

At week 39, the stomach becomes stony, it becomes difficult to even take two steps, it pulls the lower back so much. The 39th week of pregnancy for many mothers generally becomes the last before childbirth, more precisely, it is at this stage that the main miracle occurs - the birth of a baby.

Pregnancy 39 weeks - fetal movements

Fetal movements are a very important self-diagnosis parameter at 39 weeks of gestation. It is traditionally considered the norm of about ten movements per day, and if the number of movements increased or decreased sharply, you should immediately call the doctor, perhaps something is wrong, and the baby is very uncomfortable, but he cannot say about it.

39 weeks of pregnancy - harbingers of childbirth

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the harbingers of childbirth make themselves felt by almost everyone, even if the very birth of the baby will occur only after a few days. In any case, you need to be ready and pack your bag to the hospital in advance, warn relatives about what to do and how to be, and do not go out yourself without an exchange card. Even the bakery.

39 weeks of pregnancy - the stomach turns to stone

Some mothers can be very annoyed by the so-called training contractions, which the first time you really want to take for real ones. But they are very easily distinguished from childbirth - false contractions are painless and irregular, they are accompanied by only a slight discomfort in the abdomen and back. But if at the 39th week of pregnancy, the lower back is pulled so that there is no strength to endure, the stomach turns to stone, and it seems that the contractions become painful and regular, then this is already a sign of the process that has begun.

Diarrhea at 39 weeks pregnant

Diarrhea at 39 weeks of pregnancy is also one of the harbingers of childbirth, the body is cleansed for the future process of childbirth. The same goes for slight nausea or lack of appetite; before giving birth, many women experience a complete reluctance to eat anything.

39 weeks pregnant - signs of childbirth

One of the first signs that labor will soon begin is the prolapse of the abdomen. However, this does not mean that it will “start” right now, it may take several days before the contractions become active. Secondly, quite often there are pain in the abdomen, pubis, sacrum and pelvis. This is due to the fact that the body is actively preparing the birth canal for the unborn child, the cartilage softens to allow the baby to pass through the pelvis. There is nothing terrible or unbearable in this pain, it is easily removed by gentle massage of the sacrum and wearing a bandage. And also one of the signs of an approaching birth at the 39th week of pregnancy is breast swelling, it seems unbearably heavy.

Discharge at 39 weeks pregnant

It is very important to track vaginal discharge at 39 weeks of gestation, as they can tell a lot about the expectant mother. In the normal state, the discharge is white, they practically do not smell and have a homogeneous consistency. At a certain point, the mucous plug may come off - this is a direct harbinger of future childbirth, a completely normal thing. But if you see wet spots on the linen, transparent or greenish, then this is a reason to urgently call an ambulance - the amniotic fluid leaves. In the normal state, they have no color, and a green tint is a sign of fetal hypoxia, with which you need to quickly go to the hospital and remove the child. Waters can both pour out completely in one go, and leak, but it is impossible to miss their release.

And, finally, spotting at 39 weeks of gestation may indicate placental abruption, and in this case, you need to call the ambulance just as urgently, this is very important, you need to remove the baby immediately.

Tell friends:

  • How to induce contractions?

39 weeks of pregnancy or the middle of the ninth month - the period when the baby in the womb is already fully formed, grown up, strong and ready to go out. It can be compared to a small watermelon, which is about 50 cm long and weighs 2900-3200 g.

During this period, the maturation of all organs of the baby is completed, the functional activity of which does not differ from the work of the body of an adult. Every day the fetus falls lower and lower, which serves as a prediction of the approach of childbirth. The child's lungs are fully formed, so he is quite ready to take the first portion of oxygen on his own. The pancreas produces enough enzymes for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. But beneficial bacteria enter the intestinal flora only with the ingestion of colostrum from the mother's breast.

The fetus at the 39th week of pregnancy has a fairly developed vision, which helps to determine the volume and contrast of objects, distinguish colors, and respond to movements. He still breathes and eats with the help of the placenta and umbilical cord, receiving all the necessary nutrients from the mother's body. Photos at 39 weeks of gestation and videos will provide an opportunity to examine the baby in more detail, his habits and reactions.

What happens to the stomach

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the stomach begins to stony

At the 39th week of pregnancy, a woman is on the verge of a new round in her life. After all, very soon she will give rise to a new life, hug and press her beloved "lump" of happiness to her chest. At the same time, in expectant mothers, bursts of joy may alternate with increased nervousness. This is due to the maturing fear of childbirth.

Physiologically, a woman does not experience significant changes, but they still exist. The first thing that characterizes pregnancy at 39-40 weeks is the stomach turns to stone. It hardens, pigment spots may appear. Do not panic if it pulls the lower abdomen. This condition indicates the approach of childbirth. The fetus presses on the pelvic floor, provoking the appearance of pulling pain.

Expectant mothers may find that the stomach hurts like during menstruation and pain in the lumbar region appears. Due to the high position of the uterus, nausea may occur. Thus, nature takes care of the health of the woman in labor, preparing her body for future childbirth.

The thirty-ninth week of pregnancy is the time when the body of the woman in labor actively produces the hormone relaxin, which is responsible for relaxing and softening the muscles. During this period, the bones of the pelvis gradually begin to diverge, paving the birth canal for the baby. Therefore, you will have to endure pain in the name of your child. Obstetricians advise wearing a prenatal bandage belt. It will significantly reduce pain in the back, lower back, pelvis and legs.

Fetal movements

At 39 weeks pregnant, the baby moves less

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, mothers notice that their baby has calmed down and moves a little. And this is not surprising, because there is much less space in the womb.

The baby has taken a generic position and is already waving his arms and legs much less. In this case, the perturbations do not disappear completely. They become rare, but more sensitive. In most cases, the activity of the baby directly depends on the lifestyle of the mother.

As a rule, if the expectant mother is active before the deadline, the baby will also behave restlessly in the stomach. Often the child is more restless at night. Perhaps, in this way, he prepares his mother for the hard nights that lie ahead of her. Nervous breakdowns and uncomfortable posture also affect the condition of the baby.

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, a caring mother should have at least 10 movements per day. If their number is less, it is worth making another visit to the doctor. On the later dates the risk is irrelevant.

What will the discharge at 39 weeks of pregnancy tell?

At the 39th week of pregnancy, it is necessary to monitor the discharge to the doctor

Some secretions are quite physiological and do not cause concern. Their transparent nature may indicate the beginning of the discharge of amniotic fluid. If the fetal bladder bursts immediately, then the waters will leave instantly and they cannot be confused with something. But it is also possible that they will leave for several days.

Allocations with blood impurities may be the exit of the mucous plug. But if this process characterized by the presence of bleeding, it is necessary in urgently visit a doctor, as there is a risk of detachment of the placenta from the uterine wall.

White discharge at 39 weeks of gestation runs the risk of becoming a cause for alarm, especially if they resemble cottage cheese in consistency, and also cause irritation and redness. Candidiasis (thrush) in the last stage of pregnancy is dangerous for both the mother and the baby, since during childbirth it can become infected with a fungal infection, the treatment of which is complicated by the tiny age of the child. Candidiasis greatly softens the tissues of the vagina and the woman in labor is at risk of getting numerical tears.

Yellow discharge without a characteristic odor is normal. Another thing is if they smell sharply, which indicates the presence of bacterial infection, inflammation in the ovaries or fallopian tubes.

Brown discharge may be the result of an obstetric examination or sexual intercourse. In this case, they disappear throughout the day. Brown discharge is associated with the release of the mucous plug and the onset of labor literally after a couple of hours. Also, brownishness indicates the aging of the placenta, as a result of which the baby will not receive the norm of nutrients, which can cause starvation and hypoxia in him.

In any case, any doubts about the discharge require consultation with a doctor. Only an experienced specialist will be able to accurately determine their nature and eliminate the problem, if it certainly exists.

Sex at 39 weeks pregnant

Sex at the 39th week of pregnancy is possible with the well-being of the expectant mother

Can I have sex at 39 weeks pregnant? Doctors answer this question ambiguously. Some of them believe that intimate relationships in the last stages can cause premature birth due to uterine contractions during orgasm. Others, on the contrary, argue that sex stimulates regular contractions and speeds up the process of the first stage of childbirth. The uterus opens faster, reducing pain.

But both sides are of the same opinion that sex should be guided by the woman's well-being and the body's need for it. It is necessary to avoid sudden movements and be extremely careful.

Signs of an upcoming birth

Maximum attention to your body is the main task of a pregnant woman in the last stages. At 39 weeks of pregnancy in the body of a woman, the production of the hormone progesterone, which was assigned to the preservation of pregnancy, is sharply reduced, and the amount of the hormone estrogen increases, the effect of which is aimed at preparing for childbirth. What are the main harbingers of childbirth?

  1. The stomach drops as the baby's head is inserted into the small pelvis. At the same time, the upper part of the uterus also descends and no longer presses on the stomach and lungs, allowing the pregnant woman to breathe easier and not feel the former heaviness.
  2. Leakage of water or their complete discharge. In this case, you immediately need to pack your things and go to the maternity hospital.
  3. A sharp weight loss of one and a half kilograms, the disappearance of puffiness. If the expectant mother noticed that the trace of the elastic band of the socks on her leg had disappeared, childbirth is just around the corner.
  4. Removal of the mucous plug. This is a fairly common symptom. It is important to understand what it is here. Mucus plug - accumulation of mucus with blood streaks, with a total volume of 2-3 ml. But if, the future woman in labor noticed copious spotting, you should immediately contact the obstetrician.
  5. Diarrhea at 39 weeks pregnant and increased urination is another sign of imminent labor. The fact is that squeezing the pelvic organs by the fetus leads to loosening of the stool. In addition, an increase in the concentration of estrogen is a leading indicator of the approach of childbirth.
  6. Discomfort in the lower abdomen, aching pain and pulling sensations.
  7. The appearance of periodic contractions, the same in time and having the character of acceleration.

The second pregnancy is not distinguished by prenatal sensations. Their symptoms are identical. The only difference is the birth process itself, which in most cases is much faster due to the accelerated passage of the child through the birth canal. The mother's body "remembers" its first "experience" quite well. You should trust him and then everything will be fine.

How to induce contractions?

Trying to induce contractions on your own can harm mom and baby

On average, obstetricians set the period of bearing a child from 38 to 42 weeks. It depends on the health and well-being of the mother.

In no case can you independently provoke the birth process. Excessive "self-activity" can cause complications and caesarean section.

There are times when the deadlines have come, but there are no contractions. In this case, doctors stimulate the woman to contractions. Often, nature itself lets the expectant mother know about the readiness for childbirth. This explains the fact why pregnant women in the last stages are so eager to say goodbye to the "interesting" situation. But what can and cannot be done to cause contractions?

The most common "grandmother's" method is nipple stimulation. Their massage must be done carefully so as not to infect. Sex is another method to speed up the birth, but on the condition that it ends with the wife's orgasm. intimate relationship causes uterine contractions. The most natural way to induce labor is walking and physical exercise. It is important not to overdo it with them. And if there is no desire to climb with a damp cloth, wiping the floors, it is enough to scatter boxes of matches and put them back, bending over each one individually.

Under no circumstances should heavy loads be carried. The permissible weight in the last stages of pregnancy is no more than 2 kg. Excessive loads can only aggravate the situation.

Along with light exercises to stimulate contractions, wipe and massage the genital perineum with olive oil. This will help facilitate childbirth and possibly avoid ruptures.

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39 weeks pregnant: mucous discharge

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, discharge can occur for various reasons. 39th week of pregnancy - brown discharge is absolutely not dangerous. They may occur after intimacy. But when the 39th week of pregnancy comes: mucous discharge should alert you. Since it can be an infectious disease that can harm both you and the baby.

Any discharge or bleeding that appears in the last stages of pregnancy is always a cause for concern. You need to know how to respond to them and what to do in such situations.

What does the color of the discharge say

If the mucous discharge has a pinkish color or streaks of blood after an internal gynecological examination or sexual contact, this indicates rubbing of the cervix, which is quite sensitive during this period.

In particular, the 39th week of pregnancy can carry brown discharge that appears within forty-eight hours after intimacy or a doctor's examination.

This is considered normal, but you should notify your doctor about this, who in this case will most likely advise you to refrain from sexual intercourse until delivery.

The appearance of mucous discharge of brown or blood-pink in combination with contractions indicates the onset of labor, which should also be notified to the doctor. Bright red spotting may be associated with placental abruption.

At 39 weeks pregnant, this type of discharge may be a sign that the baby may be in danger. In such a situation, you should immediately contact the hospital. In no case can one expect the return of relatives home, the best option would be to call an ambulance.

Allocations in pathologies

If the thrush worsened when the 39th week of pregnancy approached, the mucous discharge is white. This disease can become dangerous because it can infect the mucous membranes and skin of the newborn.

Thrush will cause difficulties with the formation of the normal microflora of many organs, which will be too difficult to cope with in a newborn child.

In the case when white mucous discharge appears, accompanied by itching and a sour smell, you should immediately consult a doctor, because at a gestational age of 39 weeks, childbirth can begin at any time, and before they begin, you need to get rid of the fungus. This is much easier to do than after getting rid of a similar problem in a child.

Any doubts that have arisen in connection with the appearance of mucous secretions during pregnancy become a reason to consult a gynecologist. It is necessary to consult a doctor immediately in order to prevent the occurrence of undesirable consequences as soon as possible.

Continued next. page

Discharge during discharge of amniotic fluid

This is another sure sign of close childbirth. Amniotic fluid can come out in small portions (i.e., leak for several days) or pour out at once in a fairly large amount when the fetal bladder ruptures. In the latter case, we can talk about the beginning of labor, so you need to urgently go to the hospital. Contractions usually follow. Most often, amniotic fluid leaves in pregnant women in the morning, lying down or when getting out of bed.

Normally, these secretions are liquid, clear, clean, with a sweet smell. A pinkish or yellowish tint is acceptable, as well as a small amount of white flakes in them (these are traces of the original lubricant covering the baby's body). Sometimes the waters are colored in greenish or brownish shades, this indicates that the original feces of the fetus have entered them. In this case, there is a danger of the baby swallowing amniotic fluid, which is not entirely good. You need to go straight to the hospital.

So, normal secretions in a pregnant woman at the 39th week are transparent or white mucous membranes without the appearance of an uncomfortable condition (itching, redness, unpleasant odor). Brownish mucous membranes and with small streaks of blood indicate the passage of the cork and close delivery.

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fetus at 39 weeks pregnant

This is the penultimate week of pregnancy, if we take into account the ideal 40-week duration. But childbirth can occur a few weeks earlier or later, which is the norm. At 39 weeks of gestation, the fetus is completely ready for independent functioning. The lungs are fully matured and will work immediately with the first portion of the inhaled air. The digestive system is able to receive, move, digest and assimilate food: villi have already formed on the mucous membrane, the pancreas produces the necessary enzymes. True, the baby's intestines are still sterile, but after the very first meal, bacteria will begin to colonize it.

The little heart works properly, pumping blood throughout the body, and the kidneys, removing metabolic products through the mother's excretory system. The amount of amniotic fluid at the 39th week of pregnancy is noticeably reduced, but they do not stop being updated every 3 hours, and this happens until they leave.

The baby's vision is already well developed: he not only reacts to light and darkness, flickering and movement in front of his eyes, but is also able to focus his eyes at a distance of 20-30 cm, that is, while feeding, he will see your face! Be sure to smile at him!

The development of the central nervous system of the crumbs is still ongoing. This process will continue after his birth.

A child at the 39th week of pregnancy is already very beautiful and looks like a baby: the skin has smoothed out and acquired a pleasant pinkish tint, folds and cheeks have appeared, fluff and original grease have almost completely disappeared. Despite the cramped space, he continues to grow and get better: his total height (size) already exceeds 50 cm, and his weight reaches 3500 g. Of course, these data are very individual.


The uterus tightly envelops its tenant, so the mother feels almost every movement. Try to capture this moment in your memory: it will never happen again...

You are probably looking forward to giving birth: after all, the state of heaviness in the whole body and discomfort not only tired for a long time, but reached its peak. The uterus presses with all its weight on the bladder, which makes going to the toilet seem endless! To maximize bladder emptying, lean forward when you urinate and don't rush to get up. You also experience strong pressure on the perineum and pelvis, which causes aching, stabbing and shooting pains that radiate to the legs. It hurts to walk, it’s uncomfortable to sit, it’s hard to lie down, sometimes it’s impossible to find a comfortable position for sleeping…

Nevertheless, despite the weakness and fatigue, it is not known where most mothers get strength and inspiration from: the “nesting syndrome” begins. A woman with a twinkle in her eyes begins to put things in order in the house, creating coziness and comfort for the whole family and especially its new member. This is perhaps the most pleasant feeling before childbirth. It allows mom to be distracted and charges her with the necessary optimism. But don't overdo it. Now it is necessary to conserve strength for childbirth, so take the role of a foreman, and let your relatives carry out your instructions.

Do not forget about daily walks, because the child needs oxygen now more than ever: the placenta begins to age and no longer performs the functions assigned to it so diligently.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the cervix begins to shorten and open. You will begin to feel the baby's head in the pelvis between the thighs, which presses on the bottom of the pelvis.


The belly at 39 weeks of gestation has most likely already dropped. In nulliparous women, this happens a few weeks before childbirth, in multiparous women it can happen right the day before, and in some cases the stomach does not fall at all. But the baby is already rushing to the exit: its presenting part (the one with which it will appear into the world), in most cases this is the head, enters the pelvic area. The doctor can feel it during examination - both externally and internally. The tone of the abdominal walls decreases - and the bottom of the uterus deviates slightly anteriorly.

The belly is just huge! The skin is strongly stretched, which is why it often itches, the navel can bulge outward. Don't let that worry you: after giving birth, everything will fall into place.

In recent weeks, you have had the good fortune to watch your baby dance: your stomach was literally shaking. Before the birth, the discos stop, the baby calms down, but you still have to feel his movements every day, they just aren’t so active anymore - it’s too crowded inside for activity.

Weight at 39 weeks pregnant

Neither a big belly nor continued weight gain by the baby should no longer affect your own weight at 39 weeks pregnant. By this time, the total increase for the entire period of gestation was 11-16 kg (plus or minus). And now you don't have to get better. On the contrary: before childbirth, a woman usually loses a little weight (literally 1-2 kilograms) due to increased excretion of fluid from the body. This is a preparatory stage planned by nature: a woman must be flexible and mobile in order to give birth easier.

Therefore, do not stop weighing yourself: a sudden underweight will warn you of an imminent birth.

Often a woman's appetite disappears a few days before giving birth. But it also happens that there are no special changes in this regard.


Sex at 39 weeks pregnant is actually sex before labor starts. Is it possible and worth it to practice? Doctors answer this question differently, and each couple must decide for themselves. Until recently, doctors imposed a strict ban on intimacy in the last 6 weeks of pregnancy. The main argument for this position is that orgasm stimulates uterine contractions and can cause premature birth. Now they are no longer afraid of you, and this point of view has long been refuted. You should focus solely on the well-being of a woman. Some of them are quite tired and feel unwell, so in recent weeks they have not experienced attraction to their spouse. But many, on the contrary, need intimacy with him, want to feel loved, desired, needed. Sex at 39 weeks of gestation is not forbidden if the integrity of the fetal bladder is maintained, and future parents need to be close to each other. Moreover, doctors around the world have long come to the conclusion that sex before childbirth is the best natural stimulation for them, and in some countries it is even recommended to have sex after the start of regular contractions in order to prepare the cervix for dilatation and, in general, facilitate and speed up the delivery process. The fact is that male secretion contains the hormone prostaglandin, which prepares the cervix, and endorphins released in the mother's body during sex act as a mild pain reliever.

However, the future dad should be extremely affectionate and careful. And if mom feels pain and discomfort during sex, then it is better to stop it.

Pain at 39 weeks pregnant

In the last weeks of pregnancy, you probably already experience aching pains in the lower abdomen, which portend an imminent birth. The training contractions became more painful than before. The movements of the child also often cause pain to the woman. When you try to stand up or change the position of the body, you may experience pain in the abdomen, side, back.

39 weeks pregnant photo

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the perineal region hurts the most: the baby has sank and presses on the pelvic floor. You may also feel this pain in the lower back (lower back and sacrum).

Due to the divergence of the bones in this area, aching, sometimes sharp pain appears. Shooting and stabbing pain also radiates to the legs, especially while walking.

When real contractions begin, the pain will grow and intensify. It is important to learn how to relax in response to pain, so if you still have a day or two, then use it to master relaxation and breathing techniques.

In addition, the chest may begin to hurt at 39 weeks of gestation. This is not strange, because very soon she will have to feed the baby: the production of colostrum has already begun.


Because of this, you may notice milk coming out of your breasts. In no case do not squeeze out colostrum: observe hygiene, wash your breasts at least 2 times a day, gently blot the liquid on the nipples.

If the mucous plug has not yet begun to move away, then this can happen now. However, the whole process usually takes several days (or even weeks), since most often the mucous plug comes out in parts, and not all at once. This is indicated by the discharge of thick, viscous mucus at the 39th week of pregnancy. It is clear, white, yellowish or creamy in color, but may also contain blood streaks.

The discharge of the mucous plug is one of the harbingers of childbirth, but does not mean that they have already begun. Therefore, calmly continue your business, considering only that the cervix is ​​​​now open to infections, which means that sex and bathing in stagnant water should be canceled. Brownish or reddish marks in the mucus indicate that the birth is likely to be several hours away.

However, if the discharge of the mucous plug is accompanied by bleeding, then you must immediately go to the hospital, since premature discharge of the placenta is possible.

In addition, the impending birth portends the discharge of amniotic fluid. They can leak in small portions, which you observe as a clear liquid from the genital tract. And it happens that the fetal bladder bursts, and the water flows out at the same time, in a stream - you certainly won’t miss this.

Most often, the water breaks in the morning when a woman gets out of bed or has not even gotten out of bed yet, but in general this can happen at any minute. At the same time, many hear a muffled pop that precedes the outflow of water. The opening of the fetal bladder and the discharge of water is not accompanied by any pain.

Usually after this labor activity begins. If the waters receded immediately, literally gushed out of you, then do not wait for contractions, but immediately get ready for the hospital. Do not worry if the contractions have already become intense, and the water has not yet broken: this often happens already in the maternity hospital, and it is possible that the fetal bladder will be specially pierced - this does not mean anything bad.

Normally, the amniotic fluid is clean and transparent, and may contain white flakes of the original lubricant that the baby was covered with. They are odorless or have a slightly sweet smell. However, sometimes meconium, the baby's original feces, gets into the amniotic fluid, and there is a high risk of it being swallowed by the baby. This condition is a little dangerous, so if the water is greenish or brownish, you need to go to the hospital immediately.

Harbingers of childbirth

We have already considered many of the signs of childbirth. In particular, we know that before childbirth, the stomach aches, the lower back, back, perineum, legs, and also the bones of the hip joint hurt. The stomach itself sinks, which makes it easier for a woman to breathe, the work of the gastrointestinal tract improves a little, and this nasty heartburn, which has been annoying the expectant mother for so long, may even disappear! But more frequent trips to the toilet: due to the pressure of the uterus, the bladder and rectum are forced to empty more often. Sometimes even an upset stomach occurs, as if you were worried - this is the work of hormones preparing the body for childbirth.

You will again remember what sharp mood swings are, or rather, your relatives will remember this. Let them not take to heart your nervousness, which can grow especially strongly from the moment regular contractions begin.

Appetite before childbirth usually decreases (although not always). And last but not least, this leads to a slight decrease in body weight.

Meanwhile, the baby is also preparing for birth. And besides the fact that he descends and puts pressure on his mother's crotch, he still behaves more modestly - he practically calms down. However, periods of calm can be replaced by increased activity (as far as possible in cramped conditions): the baby is working out the tactics of action in childbirth.

The uterus has long begun to train, periodically contracting. But when the labor begins, the contractions will become real.

Many mothers worry that they will miss the beginning of childbirth, but this is in vain: believe me, you will immediately understand that this is it. Firstly, the fact that the ice has broken will tell you the discharge of the mucous plug and amniotic fluid. Secondly, even if this does not happen, you will not miss real contractions: they begin to repeat every 10-15 minutes, then every 5 minutes, then even more often, while the pain grows all the time: try to relax and rest as much as possible between contractions. If your appetite suddenly woke up, then have a light snack (it’s good to be ready for this in advance).

From this moment, real labor activity begins, and you are already moving into a different status - women in labor.

Delivery at 39 weeks pregnant

Now you need to focus on yourself and the baby. Help each other, listen to each other, breathe properly, follow all the instructions of the medical staff.

The longer you stay on your feet, the better, so walk around during contractions, stopping to rest. When contractions begin to feel intense pain, it's time to apply breathing techniques. During the fight, breathe evenly, deeply, calmly - this will moderate the pain and save strength for the second period.

Do not rush to push - this can only be done at the doctor's command when the cervix opens completely. Then push no matter what, stopping only as directed by the doctor. Don't be embarrassed by unexpected urination or other unforeseen nuances - they don't matter to anyone right now. It is very important to take a comfortable position of the body during attempts - this point should ideally be discussed with the doctor in advance. In the period between attempts, it is extremely necessary to relax and rest, restoring the spent forces as much as possible.

In the second stage of labor, when the baby is born, you will need a lot of strength and effort. It is important to give your best. Different women experience this period of childbirth differently: some feel simply inhuman fatigue, others seem to be reborn and accumulate all their resources.

Your thoughts should now be directed in one direction: the baby is trying very hard, and you are obliged to help him to be born as easily and naturally as possible. Don't be afraid of anything! Do not be afraid of pain: it will not exceed the threshold that you will not be able to overcome, nature has taken care of this.

Relax as much as possible and remember everything you read and heard about in preparation for childbirth. The most important thing is that childbirth at the 39th week of pregnancy is timely and physiological. The baby is fully matured and absolutely ready for birth, he did well, because he chose the right moment for this.

Immediately after the birth of the child, obstetricians will clamp the umbilical cord, and when it stops pulsing, they will cut it. Ideally, the little one should be attached to the mother's breast - this is the best outcome of childbirth for both you and the baby. Getting your baby's first colostrum is incredibly important! This is his immunity, health and strength. But first, if the baby suddenly swallowed water with meconium, obstetricians will clear its bronchi from the contents (that is, they will carry out lavage).