Short-term deposits in Sberbank. Profitable deposits from Sberbank of Russia. Deposit "Manage" - withdrawal without loss of interest

For many, registering a deposit with Sberbank is an opportunity not only to save money, but also to increase its volume. Why not? The bank is reliable, stable and in the near future will only strengthen its position in banking system Russia. But the first thing you should do is find out what interest rates on deposits in Sberbank in 2016 are valid today. Below we will look at popular deposits.

“Save” deposit

  1. Decent interest rate:
  • In national currency - 6.3-9.07;
  • In European currency - 0.01-1.17;
  • In United States dollars - 0.05-2.22.
  1. It is impossible to replenish this deposit - interest is accumulated only on the amount that was initially invested.
  2. The shortest period for which funds can be invested is a month, the longest is three years.
  3. You cannot withdraw funds (even partially) while the deposit is open.
  4. There is a minimum deposit limit that must be met during opening:
  1. Interest is calculated monthly. In this case, interest-bearing funds can be withdrawn or transferred to a card account. It is possible to capitalize interest payments, that is, add them to the total amount of the deposit.

Deposit “Top up”

If the main goal is not only saving money, but also gradually accumulating it, then this type of deposit is best suited. Main conditions:

  1. The interest rate that is charged on the deposit amount is:
  • In national money - 6.85-8.07 percent;
  • In euro currency - 0.25-2.01;
  • In US currency - 0.10-1.07.
  1. A deposit can be opened for a period of 3 months (minimum) to 3 years (maximum).
  2. Unlike the previous type of deposit, there is the possibility of replenishment.
  3. Cash withdrawals are prohibited during the contract period.
  4. There is a lower deposit limit, which is:
  • For national currency - 1000 rubles;
  • For US currency - 100 dollars;
  • For the EU single currency - 100 euros.

As in the previous type of deposit, accrual is made every month. At the same time, you can manage the money received in different ways - withdraw it or allow it to be added to the total amount of the deposit (agreed upon at the time of execution of the agreement).

Deposit "Manage"

The “Manage” deposit was created for people who plan to withdraw funds and do not want to lose the interest already accrued. The terms of the deposit are as follows:

  1. Interest rate charged:
  • In national currency - 5.85-7.31;
  • In euro currency - 0.2-1.8;
  • In US currency - 0.05-0.86.
  1. The deposit can be withdrawn for different period(minimum - 3 months, maximum - 3 years).
  2. Depositing and withdrawing money during the term of the agreement is allowed.
  3. Minimum limit when making a deposit:
  • For national currency - 30,000 rubles;
  • For US currency - 1000 dollars;
  • For the EU single currency - 1000 euros.
  1. Interest payments occur, as in previous cases, monthly. In this case, the amount of accrued funds depends on the amount remaining in the account. The money that was accrued for a certain period of the deposit can be capitalized or withdrawn by the client.

Knowing what interest rates are currently on deposits in Sberbank in 2016, you can quickly make a decision and get maximum profit. At the same time, we must not forget about the existence of a number of other popular deposits:

  • Gift a life. Accrual per year - 8.35% (rubles);
  • Multicurrency. Accrual per year - 6.88% (rubles);
  • International. Accrual per year - 2.70% (pounds sterling).

How do interest rates on deposits in Sberbank differ in 2016 today, and what is the current information regarding the entire banking sector in our country. In more favorable periods for the economy, deposit rates for individuals were quite attractive and completely covered all possible risks of inflation, but how has the situation changed today?

Why did it become necessary to again touch upon the topic of interest on deposits for individuals? The thing is that Sberbank changed the rates on such deposits this year. Moreover, unfortunately, the changes occurred precisely in the direction of lowering rates. The bank's management emphasized that this is not a radical measure, but only a reaction to the general decrease in interest rates throughout the country and in other banks too. This trend has been observed since the beginning of this year.

The question remains: how much have the interest rates on deposits in Sberbank in 2016 for pensioners and other people changed today? Is it profitable at such rates to put money in the bank at interest? We propose to look into these issues together within the framework of this material. Will it happen this year?

About different deposits

Like any other bank, the largest bank in our country has more than one deposit offer. This line concerns different possible types of managing your money. Offers differ in terms of terms and amount of money allocated. It is clear that the longer the term of the deposit and its stay in the bank, the higher the maximum interest on the deposit you can get in the end.

There are also offers where during the deposit period you can withdraw part of the money or, conversely, replenish the deposit, as a result of which you can receive even more high interest rates. Rates for different deposits with different conditions, of course, will be different. But, in principle, they are not very different from each other.

Deposit "Save"

This account cannot be replenished during the period for which, according to the concluded agreement, money is deposited in the bank. There is also no possibility of partial withdrawal of money. The rates on this deposit today range from 5.5 to 7.7 (in rubles), from 0.01 to 2 in US dollars and from 0.01 to 0.66 in euros, when viewed in annual percentage terms.

Taking into account capitalization and the rate indicated above for different types of currencies, this is very a good option investing money. But here you need to immediately take into account the fact that this deposit cannot be replenished or partially withdrawn from it if such a need suddenly arises. However, the advantage of the deposit is that it can be closed early. Closing conditions are not the most pleasant, but there are certain benefits on this issue.

As for the period for which the deposit is opened, the depositor can accept independent decision. The time frame is quite vague and can range from just one month to three years. The minimum you can deposit into your account is 1000 rubles or 100 dollars or euros. The interest rate will directly depend on the size of the investment and the term of the agreement.

If we continue to consider the interest rates on deposits in Sberbank in 2016 for today for this deposit, then it must be emphasized that there are two types of this deposit. One is called “Save Online”, and the second is simply “Save”. The second type of deposit is designed for pensioners. The first one, as the name implies, can only be opened via the Internet. The second deposit with its most favorable conditions is offered only to pensioners.

Important! The first type of deposit, taking into account capitalization, can give a yield of up to 8.26% in rubles, 2.33% in US dollars and only 0.91% in euros. For pensioners, the maximum rate applies for a specific period, but regardless of the investment amount.


Here again the name speaks for itself. You can top up your deposit while the money is in the bank. But there is still no possibility of partial withdrawal of the amount. Rates in annual terms will be for rubles from 6.08 to 7.10%, in US dollars from 0.01 to 1.85% and in euros from 0.01 to 0.55%.

You can open such a deposit in Sberbank for a period from three months to three years. Rates, taking into account the capitalization of interest, will be as indicated above for different types currencies. As for the minimum size and other conditions for placing money in the bank, everything will be exactly the same as described for the “Save” deposit. But the difference is that you can top up your deposit with amounts starting from 1000 rubles and from 100 dollars or euros, depending on the currency in which the deposit is opened.

It is possible to open this deposit even without visiting the bank; to do this, it will be enough to use the Sberbank Online service. Pensioners can open such a deposit, and special conditions for this category of citizens remain. How to cook delicious .


You can replenish this deposit account, plus a partial withdrawal service is available. As for annual rates, for rubles it is from 5.78 to 6.59%, for US dollars it is from 0.01 to 1.64%, and for euros it is from 0.01 to 0.35%, respectively. You can replenish your deposit and withdraw money from it under clearly defined conditions. There must be a minimum amount left in the account. As a rule, we are talking about 30,000 rubles or 1,000 US dollars, euros. You can open a deposit via the Internet.


We continue to consider interest rates on deposits in Sberbank in 2016 today. This deposit has an important distinctive feature: the deposit is opened in three currencies at once. In rubles, US dollars and euros. Tabs can earn on such a deposit when currency rates fluctuate. The period for placing money is from one to two years. Moreover, the minimum investment size is interesting, which is 5 rubles, dollars or euros.

As for the maximum rate, it will be 6.19% for ruble deposits, 1.67% for US dollars and only 0.40% for euros. These rates are indicated taking into account capitalization. You can top up your account, and you can also withdraw some money from it early. But only if all additional conditions specified in the contract are met.


Again, you can open a deposit in several currencies at once, but here we are not talking about the common US dollars and euros, but about rarer currencies. For example, at a maximum rate of 2.7%, you can open a deposit in British pounds, at a rate of 0.75%, you can open a deposit in Swiss francs, and so on. True, there will be no capitalization of interest here, and income can only be received at the end of the period, which is set by the investor independently from a month to three years. The minimum investment amount must be significant, from 10,000 pounds or francs. How to prepare.

"Gift a life"

This deposit in Sberbank can only be opened in national currency. It must be said that the interest rate on a deposit in Sberbank in 2016 is currently higher than in the deposit options already considered. It reaches 7.35%, the minimum deposit amount must be 10,000 and it is placed for only one year.

The big advantage of this deposit is that interest on it can be withdrawn every three months. There is no possibility of additional replenishment or partial withdrawal. But after six months, you can close the deposit early and retain two-thirds of the interest rate. The peculiarity is that every three months the bank transfers 0.3% per annum of the investment amount to a charitable foundation of the same name.

Separately, it should be noted that the bank always allows you to make holiday deposits, when interest is withdrawn specifically for the holidays. For example, on Victory Day you can make a deposit at maximum interest. Or place money on the “Grateful Hearts” deposit at a rate of 8.5% per annum. Will there be an increase in 2016?

This is all the relevant information on the topic of interest rates on deposits in Sberbank in 2016 for today. As you can see, everything here depends on the size of the deposit, the period of placement of money and the amount of funds that are planned to be placed. Is not best interest, which have existed throughout the banking history of our country, so perhaps there is no need to rush into investments.

Inflation in 2015 was almost 13%. Moreover, this figure does not fully reflect the situation in the country. Thus, the cost of many goods and services has become much higher.

During an economic crisis and stagnation, a person tries to find ways to at least preserve his savings. Some people invest their money in real estate, securities, precious metals. If you don’t have a lot of funds, you should think about the possibility of opening your own deposit. This will help at least somehow save your money from depreciation.

Sberbank is the largest and most reliable bank in Russian market. He is constantly developing new proposals, including deposits. Each product has its own conditions and features, so let’s look at profitable deposits in Sberbank with interest in 2016.

Contribution "Happy Year"

Among Sberbank's offers, this type of deposit has the highest profitability. The annual interest rate depends on the size of the invested funds. The situation looks like this:

  • with a deposit of 150 thousand to 1 million rubles, the yield will be 9% per year;
  • for amounts from 1 to 10 million rubles, an increased rate is provided - 9.5% per annum;
  • if a client deposits more than 10 million rubles into the account, then the profitability increases to 10% per year.

All interest is transferred to the client's account once. This happens after the deposit expires. It is extremely unprofitable to terminate the contract ahead of time. In this case, the interest rate is reduced to 0.01%. In fact, such an investment will not even bring profit. The term is the same for all investors – 9 months. The deposit amount cannot be increased.

You can open a deposit not only in rubles, but also in dollars and euros. For these two currencies, the deposit conditions are slightly different:

  • the duration of the deposit is 10 and 18 months, respectively;
  • minimum amount – 3 thousand of the corresponding currency;
  • annual yield can vary from 1.8 to 3.1% for a dollar deposit and from 1.3 to 2% for a deposit opened in euros.

Other conditions are the same as for deposits in rubles.

“Gift of Life” contribution

Almost anyone can become an investor under this offer, since the minimum amount is only 10 thousand rubles. Regardless of the amount of money on the deposit, a single interest rate of 8.35% is applied.

Clients who have chosen this type of deposit cannot place another part of their funds on it, since this is not provided for by the terms of the agreement. Investors do not have the opportunity to withdraw money before the set time.

“Save” deposit

The interest rate for this type of deposit depends on the chosen currency.

It is defined as follows:

  • for rubles, the yield varies from 6.3 to 9.07% per annum;
  • for dollars – from 0.05 to 2.22% per year;
  • for the euro – no less than 0.01 and no more than 1.17% per annum.

For those who have made a deposit via the Internet, more favorable interest rates apply. They are:

  • for ruble deposits from 6.5 to 9.52%;
  • for deposits in euros from 0.01 to 1.43%;
  • for dollar deposits from 0.1 to 2.49%.

The exact percentage is determined individually. This takes into account the size of the deposit and its validity period. To get the most advantageous offer the client can pre-calculate interest rate using a special online calculator. There is a benefit for pensioners - the maximum possible interest rate is applied to their deposit.

The client chooses the duration of the deposit himself. The period can vary from 1 to 36 months. The deposit does not provide the opportunity to deposit or withdraw even part of the available money from the account.

Deposit "Manage"

This deposit has very flexible conditions for depositors. Duration can range from 3 to 36 months. Such a deposit can be opened by any person who has savings of at least 30 thousand rubles (for foreign currency deposits– at least 1 thousand dollars or euros, respectively).

The most favorable interest rates for a deposit opened at a bank branch are as follows:

  • for ruble deposits – 7.31%;
  • for deposits in euros – 0.86%;
  • for dollar deposits – 1.8%.

An even more attractive offer is to open a deposit through Internet banking. There, the maximum percentage increases by 0.31%, 0.26% and 0.24%, respectively.

This deposit provides for monthly accrual of accumulated interest, which can be withdrawn or added to existing funds if desired.

Deposit “Top up”

You can open this deposit at a bank branch or through the Internet banking system. In the second case, higher interest rates are provided. For deposits made through a branch, the following annual yield is provided:

  • 8.07% in rubles;
  • 1.07% in euros;
  • 2.01% in dollars.

The deposit is available to people even with a minimum level of savings. To open, you need to have 1 thousand rubles or 100 euros or dollars.

An important advantage of such a deposit is the possibility of unlimited replenishment at any time. But you won’t be able to withdraw money ahead of time.

The duration of the deposit can vary from 3 to 36 months.


All these proposals will not help offset rapidly rising inflation. Opening a deposit will only give your savings the opportunity to depreciate less.

Despite the fact that Sberbank offers its clients a small range of deposits in 2016, here you can easily find exactly the deposit that is best suited. The maximum interest rate is 10% per annum. There are programs that provide partial withdrawal, replenishment, as well as monthly capitalization.

"Save" program

Each client who has chosen this program can choose capitalization or refuse it. In the first case, the maximum interest rate will be 9.07% per annum, and in the second, 8.05%.

Based on the name of this deposit, funds are deposited for a certain period and nothing can be done with them. Partial withdrawals and deposits are not provided. The term of the deposit varies. The minimum period is 1 month, and the maximum is 3 years. It is possible to open an account in rubles, dollars and euros. If an account is opened in dollars, the interest rate will be 2.22%, and in euros 1.17%. To open a “Save” deposit you need 1000 rubles or 100 dollars/euro.

Closing a deposit early is extremely unprofitable. IN in this case Sberbank pays 0.01% per annum if the funds have been in the account for less than 6 months and 2/3 of the interest provided if the money has been in the account for more than 6 months.

Special conditions are provided to pensioners. Thus, in standard cases, the maximum rate is provided when depositing more than 700 thousand rubles, and for pensioners it is assigned automatically, regardless of the amount deposited.

When depositing from 1,000 to 100,000 rubles for one year, able-bodied citizens are provided with an interest rate of 7.55% without capitalization and 7.82% with capitalization. If you deposit 2 million rubles or more, you can receive 8.05% or 8.35%, respectively.

Automatic renewal is provided.

"Manage" program

This program is ideal for clients who plan to withdraw and deposit funds into their account during the entire term of the contract. However, withdrawals are possible up to the non-reducible balance. The maximum interest rate is 7.31% with capitalization and 7.2% if interest is paid monthly into a separate account.

The “Manage” deposit can be opened for a period from 3 months to 3 years. The minimum amount is 30 thousand rubles, 100 dollars or 100 euros. You can top up from 1000 rubles or a similar amount in foreign currency.

It is most profitable to open an account for a period of 6 to 12 months, since in this case the maximum interest rate is provided. So, if you deposit 2 million rubles for a given period, you can get 7.2% without taking into account capitalization or 7.31% with its use.

It is important to understand that pensioners are always entitled to the maximum interest rate, regardless of the amount. Automatic renewal is provided. The interest rate may change to the one that will be in effect at the bank at the time of extension of the deposit term.

Replenish program

This deposit only allows you to deposit funds into your account, without the possibility of partial withdrawal. To open this deposit, 1 thousand rubles or 100 euros/dollars are required. The deposit period is from 3 months to 3 years. The maximum yield is 8.07% per annum. Pensioners are automatically accrued the maximum percentage. Efficient citizens must invest at least 2 million rubles for up to 12 months to receive the most favorable conditions.

If capitalization is not required, interest is paid monthly into a separate bank account.

"Happy Year" program

This deposit provides the highest return: up to 10% per annum, but for this you need to invest at least 10 million rubles. The minimum amount for opening a deposit is 150 thousand rubles. When opening an account in national currency, the minimum contract period will be 9 months, and when opening in dollars or euros, 10 months. Partial withdrawals or deposits are not provided.

“Gift of Life” program

With this deposit you can get up to 8.35% per annum. At the same time, 0.3% per annum is transferred quarterly to the charity fund. You cannot deposit or withdraw money during the contract period. The minimum amount to open an account is 10 thousand rubles for a period of 12 months.

Deposit "Multicurrency"

Based on the name, you can understand that it involves opening an account in several currencies, namely rubles, dollars and euros. The rate is only 6.88%, 1.78% and 0.91% respectively. To open you need 5 rubles/dollars/euros. The minimum deposit period is 1 year, and the maximum is 2 years. Partial withdrawals are not provided, but replenishment is possible. Capitalization is carried out quarterly.

Deposit "Pension Plus" - deposits for pensioners

This deposit offers only 3.55% per annum to its clients, but it can be opened for a period of 3 years. Minimum amount 1 ruble. Unlimited replenishment and withdrawal up to a non-reducible balance is provided.

This is the entire line of Sberbank deposits in 2016. Despite the low interest rate, it fully meets most customer requirements. At the same time, there is a full guarantee of receiving your Money at the end of the contract term.

Sberbank is the most popular credit institution among ordinary people. The organization does not provide the most favorable conditions on the market for investors. The operations of creating an account and withdrawing funds can be very complicated.

However, foreign currency deposits for individuals in Sberbank in 2019 are the most safe way save money from inflation and increase savings. Experts say that Sberbank is very similar to Swiss banks.

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The credit institution charges the deposit minimum interest, however service charges may apply. However, the client can be sure that nothing will happen to his funds.

Deposits with Sberbank are subject to compulsory insurance. The company strives to increase interest rates and improve the attractiveness of conditions for customers.

General overview of offers

Sberbank offers clients to become the owner of an account that will be opened in foreign currency. Investment conditions depend on the size of the deposit and the period for which the amount is placed.

Sberbank offers depositors a choice of 6 types of service packages, which can be opened during a direct visit to a branch of a credit institution, and 3 types of accounts that can be opened online by visiting the company’s official website.

The interest rates offered by the institution do not differ high size. However, this is compensated by the high reliability of the company. In addition, the owner of the funds can receive income from the difference between exchange rates.


Today, the “Multi-currency” deposit can be opened in 1 of 3 currencies. However, keep in mind that the interest rate can vary significantly depending on the type of account. So, if the owner of a deposit opens it in euros, then he can count on 0.01-0.05% per annum.

The deposit in dollars is charged from 0.01 to 0.91%, and in rubles - from 0.01 to 5.61%. The minimum amount is the same for all types of currencies – 5 units of cash. The deposit can be opened on 12 or 24 months.

The user must remember that it will not be possible to withdraw part of the funds before the expiration of the contract. Regardless of the chosen currency, the account can be replenished. Size minimum investment varies.

Its value must be at least:

  • 1 000 rubles;
  • 100 dollars;
  • 100 Euro.

There are no restrictions on the amount of replenishment if the operation is performed online.

A deposit can be opened in 3 currencies at once, but for this it is necessary to deposit the same number of units of funds into each account


“International” is a package of services that is unusual for the average person.

It can be opened in:

  • Swiss francs;
  • pounds sterling;
  • Japanese yen.

The interest rate depends on the currency in which the account will be opened. For francs it cannot exceed 0,01% . The bank is more loyal to owners of other currencies. Thus, yen can be charged up to 0,55% , and for pounds - up to 1,75% .

You can deposit funds for a period of time from 1 to 36 months. When choosing the duration of storage, the owner of the money must remember that it will not be possible to make a partial withdrawal before the end of the contract.

The amount of money you need to deposit into your account to open it varies depending on the type of currency you choose. Thus, an owner planning to open an account in yen will have to invest 1 000 000 , in pounds – 10 000 , in francs – 10 000 .


The “Save” deposit can be opened for a period from 1 month to 3 years. The interest rate depends on the selected currency type.

Rubles can be credited up to 6,91 , in euro – up to 0,30 , for dollars – up to 1,38 . The minimum opening amount also depends on the currency.

It amounts to:

  • for rubles – 1 000 ;
  • for dollars – 100 ;
  • for euro – 100 .

When choosing a package, the user must be prepared in advance for the fact that it will not be possible to withdraw part of the funds or deposit an additional amount into the account. For this reason, it is necessary to prepare in advance the full capital that the user wants to deposit in the bank.


The deposit can be opened at 91-1100 days. The type of currency chosen affects the interest rate. So, for rubles it is from 5.68 to 6.59, for euro - from 0.01 to 0.20, for dollars - from 0.01 to 1.17.

To open an account, you will need to invest:

  • for rubles – 1 000 ;
  • for dollars – 100 ;
  • for euro – 100 .

During the term of the agreement, you can top up your account, but you will not be able to get the money back.


The deposit can be opened for a period from 3 months to 3 years. The amount of interest that can be earned on a sum of money depends on the currency in which the account will be opened. So, for rubles it is from 4.81 to 6.13, for euro - from 0.01 to 0.05, for dollars - about t 0.01 to 0.86.

The minimum amount to open an account is:

  • for rubles – 30 000 ;
  • for dollars – 1 000 ;
  • for euro – 1 000 .

The bank allows the owner who has chosen a tariff plan to deposit additional funds to your account and withdraw some funds if you urgently need them.


The account does not have a validity period. It can function until the owner decides to close it. The interest rate varies depending on the type of currency and the length of time the funds are held.

If a client invests rubles, he will be credited 1.5 to 2.3 percent, and if dollars and euros – from 0.01 to 0.1.

The owner can deposit any amount into the account to open it. The tariff implies replenishment during the entire period of operation and withdrawal of any amount.

Online deposit variations

Save Online

You can open an account and top it up online.

Information about the tariff interest rate can be found by examining the table below:

Sum Currency
Rubles Dollars Euro
1-2 months 6-12 months 36 months 1-2 months 6-12 months 36 months 1-2 months 6-12 months 36 months
More than 1000 5, 3% 6, 4% 6% 0, 01% 0, 5% 1, 2% 0, 01% 0, 01% 0, 2%
More than 10000 5, 3% 6, 4% 6% 0, 01% 0, 7% 1, 4% 0, 01% 0, 01% 0, 3%
More than 100000 5, 6% 6, 7% 6, 2% 0, 01% 0, 9% 1, 6% 0, 01% 0, 01% 0, 4%

To familiarize yourself with the terms of the service package, you need to study the information about the “Save” tariff.


The deposit can be opened online.

Information on possible interest income is provided in the table below:

Sum Cash
Rubles Dollars Euro
Up to 2 months From 6 months to 1 year 3 years Up to 2 months From 6 months to 1 year 3 years Up to 2 months From 6 months to 1 year 3 years
From 10000 0, 1% 0, 5% 0, 9% 0, 01% 0, 05% 0, 01%
From 30000 5, 5% 5, 7% 4, 7% 0, 2% 0, 7% 1, 1% 0, 01% 0, 15% 0, 1%
From 100000 5, 8% 6% 4, 9% 0, 2% 0, 7% 1, 1% 0, 01% 0, 15% 0, 1%

The conditions under which the client will be serviced copy the requirements of the “Top up” tariff plan, to open an account for which you need to visit a company branch.

Manage Online

You can become a deposit owner by visiting the bank’s official website on the Internet. By studying the table below, the user will be able to select the appropriate interest rate and the period for which the money must be deposited to receive the desired income.

Amount of money invested Selected currency
Ruble account Dollar account Account in euros
Deposit period
31-62 days 181-365 days 1100 days 31-62 days 181-365 days 1100 days 31-62 days 181-365 days 1100 days
From 1000 5, 8% 6, 2% 5, 6% 0, 01% 0, 4% 1% 0, 01% 0, 01% 0, 1%
From 10000 5, 8% 6, 2% 5, 6% 0, 2% 0, 65% 1, 2% 0, 01% 0, 01% 0, 2%
From 100000 6, 1% 6, 5% 5, 8% 0, 3% 0, 8% 1, 4% 0, 01% 0, 01% 0, 3%

To find out the terms of service, the user must study the “Manage” tariff plan, information about which is located above.

The client can open an account both in Russian rubles and become the owner of a deposit in any foreign currency, transactions with which Sberbank allows


How to open an account

To become the owner of the account and deposit the deposit amount into it, the user must:

  • Visit the nearest branch of a credit institution or go to the bank’s official website. Then you need to select a suitable tariff plan and the period for which the user is ready to transfer money to the institution. The most favorable interest rates accrued on deposits from 1 to 3 years.
  • Provide the required package of documents. To open a deposit, you only need a passport or other document containing a photograph and information about the citizen.
  • Sign the agreement and transfer the funds to the bank. In the paper, you can indicate in advance the people who will inherit the funds contributed.

The user can give the ability to manage capital to another person. However, in this case you will need to issue a power of attorney.

The bank offers holders of foreign currency deposits to take advantage of a special offer. A user who deposits funds in one currency will be able to receive them in another. However, if he wants to re-invest the converted funds, the interest on the deposit may be reduced.

What is the benefit