Who are godfather and godfather? And what kind of relationship should they have? Who is godfather and what is his role in the modern world? Who is godfather

About some simple things

Today we will try to find for ourselves the answer to the question of who the godfather is, and to understand what responsibilities he has, how he should behave in order to correspond to his position. A modern young man is an educated person who grew up in conditions of unlimited access to any information. But its excess often leads to the fact that young people do not know some of the simple basics of life and traditions of their people. Now many young people simply do not understand how their family works, and do not know who the godfather is and who the godfather is, and what responsibilities lie on them, although they see them constantly on holidays, as well as at large family feasts.

Who is godfather?

To answer the question of who the godfather is, we must first turn to Christian doctrine, namely the Bible. The Bible says that children are responsible for the sins of their parents. Thus, it turns out that godparents, as well as the child they baptized, are not just a tribute to custom, but a spiritual family before God.

In modern thinking, it is believed that godfather is a kind and fair man who should spoil his godson with various gifts from time to time. Previously, men were carefully and carefully chosen as godfathers, since the person who baptized a child became not only a spiritual mentor, but also actually a guardian of the one he baptized.

Is godfather a spiritual father?

Over the years, the high spiritual connection and deep religious meaning have faded into the background, and now the godfather is a person who, first of all, should help provide for the child financially, help parents care and raise him when they themselves do not have enough time for this, and spend some part of your leisure time with him. Thinking about who the godfather is, we no longer remember those high spiritual values ​​that used to be the basis for this and filled it with sacred, special meaning. All that remains of the ritual is the practical part, which, however, does not interfere with fulfilling one’s “nepotistic” duties for the benefit of the child.

Particular attention should be paid to the other half of the godfamily, namely the godmother. Kuma, as a woman who baptized a child, feels a special connection with him and therefore is called upon to protect him, to warm him with her love just like her own child.

So, godfather and godfather are...

From all of the above it turns out that in modern conditions godfather is a person who must complement the father and take care that the child grows up in normal conditions, and the godfather is a woman who must give a part of her heart to the child, and, if necessary, be ready to replace his own mother. It’s not without reason that they say: “Godfather and godfather are one Satan,” - only mutual care for one’s godson can instill in a child those values ​​of the godfather that we could observe in Kievan Rus, or in the circles of the Sicilian mafiosi. In general, the “godfamily” is an old, but still relevant social institution, the age of which only indicates that it has been tested by centuries of practice.

The birth of a child is a trembling moment in the life of every family. Parents learn the joy of fatherhood and motherhood, and gain responsibility for the well-being of their child.

Therefore, they approach the choice of godparents for their baby with all seriousness. The concepts of godfather and godfather are familiar to many, but most people do not quite correctly interpret these definitions. Who is this godfather? Let's find out!

Kuma: scientific definition

According to the explanatory dictionary, a godfather is a godmother in relation to the parents of the child whom she baptized and the godfather. This is a man who, adhering to Christian traditions, during the sacrament of Baptism, holds the baby over the font and makes a vow before God. She undertakes to be the child’s spiritual mentor and teach him the laws of life, helping him not to make mistakes.

The godfather or godmother thereby takes responsibility for the child whom she baptized. This is essentially the baby's second mother. Therefore, it can also be called a receiver.

Although godfather and godfather act as strangers to each other, that is, they are not married and are spiritually pure among themselves, but at the moment of the sacrament, together with their godson, they form a special spiritual family. The relationship between them can be warm and friendly, but sexual intercourse is unacceptable. Despite the abundance of sayings and sayings in folklore on the topic of close relationships between godfathers, they have always been considered a great sin intimate relationships between them.

The mother of the child himself is also called godfather in relation to his godparents. From the moment of baptism, godfathers become spiritual relatives to each other, on a par with blood relatives.
According to a centuries-old tradition, after the sacrament of Baptism, natural parents “buy” their child from their godfathers in order to raise him until adulthood. In return, they give them treats and gifts: a new shirt, bed linen or terry towel.

Kuma: responsibilities of a second mother

The second mother is rightfully considered the guardian of the baby whom she baptized. She must accompany her ward through life, warning him against adversity. The godmother can act as an adviser in many matters as the godson grows up, helping not to get confused at the crossroads of fate, choosing a profession, and deciding on a soul mate.

If a child loses his parents for any reason, godfathers or spiritual mentors must take him in to raise him.

The title of godfather is very honorable. In the old days, the godson certainly congratulated his mentors on Christmas and Easter, presenting gifts he made with his own hands: knitted new clothes, embroidery, and wood crafts.

When a godson got married, godfathers were necessarily invited to the celebration and seated at the head of the table along with their blood parents. Having already become an adult, the godson continued to honor and respect his spiritual parents, if necessary helping them in case of weakness or illness.

Kuma is not a heavy duty. The main task of a spiritual mentor is to teach the newly found child to love, rejoice and be friends. The easiest way to do this is by example!

Despite the fact that many traditions that came to us from time immemorial have already been forgotten, today most children in the countries of the former USSR are baptized. In this case, it is customary to choose godfather and mother. From the right choice It depends on whether the baby will have two additional people close to him in the future or not.

Kumovya are, in fact, relatives

Before the christening, the baby’s parents usually think for a long time about who exactly will be the child’s godfather. Godmothers are exactly godparents. Moreover, this degree of relationship is established not only between blood and godparents, but also between the newly-made father and mother themselves.

Godfathers are not blood relatives, but rather spiritual ones. It is for this reason that such relationships are not registered in official documents and acts.

Where did nepotism come from?

This phenomenon has its roots in the history of early Christianity. Initially, even the blood parent himself could baptize a child. Subsequently, the approach to baptism and the spiritual connections established as a result of this sacrament changed somewhat.

Nepotism came to the territory of the Eastern Slavs from Byzantium along with Christianity itself. It should be considered that only in X-XII centuries The first godfathers appeared on the territory of modern Russia and other CIS countries. This is due to the fact that previously Christianity in Rus' was a singular phenomenon and met serious resistance from the masses.

How do they become godfathers?

To do this, it is necessary to baptize the child. As a result of this event, spiritual connections between the godfather and the godfather are established, as well as their relationship with the child and his parents. At the same time, they become second parents to the baptized person and are called godparents.

What should godfathers and godfathers do in church?

Previously, it was accepted that no stranger should see the sacrament of baptism. Even my own mother and father were not allowed to participate in this procedure. In the church there were only the priest, other church servants, the baby, and the future godparents, dad and mom. Nowadays, most often, clergy meet the child’s family halfway and allow all those invited to the ceremony.

During the sacrament, the godparents take turns holding the child in their arms. It is customary that before baptism they must purchase a cross and festive clothes for the baby. Sometimes the child’s blood parents bear all expenses.

After the end of the sacrament, a feast is usually held. The godfather and godfather, as well as their newly minted ward, are the main heroes of the occasion. They most often participate in competitions and also raise money for the child’s parents. One of the most common traditions is beating a pot of porridge. To prevent the porridge from crumbling and clay shards from scattering to the sides, the pot is wrapped in a scarf or sheet. Subsequently, the godfather and godfather put the porridge on plates and give everyone a piece of the pot for good luck. In this case, everyone must give some amount for the treat. The largest pieces of the pot and especially the largest spoons of porridge are given to those who are the most generous.

Responsibilities of godparents

Previously, everyone who was chosen as godfathers took their duties quite seriously. The fact is that if a child was deprived of his blood parents and other close relatives, then it was the godparents who took upon themselves his upbringing. Currently, orphans are already sufficiently protected by the state, so there is no such serious need for such guardianship.

We said that, in essence, godfathers become relatives. As a relationship, this is not enshrined in any documents or acts, but one should not consider the appointment to such a high “position” to be formal. The fact is that only those people who themselves have undergone this same sacrament have the right to become godparents. As a result, they take on certain spiritual responsibilities, which many consider much more important than even legal ones.

Most often now, the duties of godparents are reduced to periodic visits to the child and their godfathers. In this case, the baby is usually given gifts.

How to choose godparents correctly?

Nowadays, when deciding who to take as a godfather, most often the choice falls on the best friends of the mother and father of the child. In fact, this approach is not entirely correct. The fact is that not every friend, even the best one at the moment, will be able to carry out with dignity the tasks that will be assigned to him. Therefore, before making a choice, you need to think carefully. In addition, it is quite important that godparents have the physical opportunity to visit the child at least once every 2-3 months. Otherwise, it will be difficult to talk about any connection between them and their ward.

The godfather plays a big role in the process of raising a girl. Who is the godfather in this case? The godfather is the second father for the baby. It is through the example of these two men, if, of course, the godfather takes sufficient part in raising the girl, that she will learn how young people should behave towards her. As a result, if the godfather and blood father do not set a very good example, there is a high probability that her future husband will suffer from the same shortcomings.

As for the godmother, she should become a real second mother for her godchildren. If she does not visit her charges from the first months and years of their lives, then in the future they will not perceive her as a relative. Her task is to help the children's blood mother in raising them. At the same time, for many, close relationships with their godchildren become their first experience of communicating with children. In this case, the newly-made godfather will gain knowledge that will help her in raising her own children.

Relationships between godfathers

Many are tormented by the question of whether it is possible for people who have baptized the same child to marry. Naturally, no difficulties arise with the legal side of the issue. Nepotism is not blood relationship, so it cannot act as an obstacle.

As for spiritual kinship, it does not affect documents. Difficulties may arise if two godparents want to get married. Many clergy believe that there is already a spiritual relationship between godfathers and that it cannot be destroyed under the pressure of carnal desires. In fact, there are no prohibitions on weddings between godparents of the same child. So the clergy have no reason to refuse to perform this sacrament. Naturally, you should not insist on holding a wedding if the priest considers it impossible. There is only one way out - to look for another priest.

The absence of obstacles is justified by the fact that previously, for example, only one adult was needed to baptize a child. He had to be the same gender as the baby. One of the main responsibilities that he was entrusted with was teaching the child Christian values. For example, if a boy was baptized, then only a godfather was needed. Who is the godfather in this situation? Receiver. And the child was called perceived.

It is worth noting that the sacrament of baptism still imposes some restrictions on marriage. For example, godparents should not marry the child’s natural parents. In addition, marriage between godparents and their godchildren is prohibited. There are no other restrictions according to canonical literature.

The moment of the birth of a child remains the happiest in the life of any parent. At the same time, a lot of pleasant troubles await them, which are associated with observing rituals and caring for the baby.

Remains mandatory passing the sacrament of baptism. This is not accidental, because during the bathing of the baby his second, spiritual birth occurs. For the second birth, that is, baptism, he will also need “second” parents.

They are the godfathers, who are usually the couple's closest friends. It is worth noting that godfather and godfather play the role of peculiar relatives, but the degree of relationship remains specific.

There are no blood ties with them, and there is no official process, so such kinship is not recognized by the state. The connection is entirely spiritual and is based on church sacraments.

It should be understood that within the framework of church doctrine, each birth requires its own parents. The fact is that birth is considered to be an original sin, therefore, in the process of baptism, other parents are required who will act the baby's receivers.

They are called the godfather and godmother. They get their names as a result of the process itself, associated with immersing the baby in a special font in which the cross is placed.

At the beginning of the sacrament, the baby is held by his birth mother, after which he is handed over to his godmother. Thus, oaths will be taken by which the new parents undertake to provide proper care for the baby, as well as set him on the right path in accordance with the teachings of the church.

In such a situation, it would be reasonable to ask: what role do the real mother and father of the newborn play? They will still remain the main people in their child’s life, but from that moment on, second parents are obliged to take an active part in his development as a moral Christian.

A complete family will consist of four parents and a baby, which will now receive double attention. These family ties become indestructible, and responsibility must be fully accepted by the godfathers.

The baby, who has just been baptized by his godfather and godfather, becomes their godson. For him they are godmother and godfather. For biological father and mother, godparents are godfathers. The same family connection is created between the godfather and godmother.

What are the characteristics of kinship?

Today, many people forget about the traditions that created a certain way of life for their ancestors. Thus, godparents are increasingly chosen incorrectly, without taking into account the dogmas of the church. And according to the norms of religion, it is forbidden for communication between godparents ended by marriage.

Thus, people who are spouses in worldly life cannot act as godfathers. If a couple has a common godson, then they can never marry (among themselves).

Every family has different situations. So the father of the child is not always the one who is the mother’s husband. The latter cannot act as a godparent, which is prohibited by church law. And the most terrible sacrilege associated with the sacrament of baptism is the betrayal of a spouse with godfathers.

Folk custom also believes that godfathers act family relatives. Therefore, they are included not only in the guest list for various holidays with the participation of the godson, but also provide a place in the family memorial.

During the wedding of their godson, godsons are required to be present and give gifts corresponding to those of the biological parents. Therefore, they take place next to the latter.

In a situation where parents are unable to attend a child’s wedding due to early death, then it is the godfathers who take on the responsibilities for organizing the holiday, and also perform all the functions that are assigned to biological parents.

The orphanhood of a godson in the presence of godfathers is an unprecedented thing. In the event of the death of parents, the godfather and godmother must decide who will the baby stay with until he grows up?, but even after that they must provide all the necessary support for the formation of a godson in this life.

It is worth noting that the second godparent does not have the right to remove himself after the child remains with the other parent. He should take even more part in the life of his godson, providing him with everything necessary for normal development.

Between the godfathers themselves there should also be friendly relations. They should congratulate each other on Christian holidays, as well as name days. Godchildren should also give gifts to their godparents. It's good if they are made by yourself.