Plywood doll houses drawings and dimensions. Plywood dollhouse: the advantages of plywood as a material, step-by-step instructions for making and decorating. Arguments for DIY

Dollhouse- every girl's dream. Store shelves are full of a variety of options for houses, but prices often bite a lot. You can give your daughter a lot of positives by making a house with your own hands. So you and the baby can choose wallpaper, accessories, as well as the desired size of the future house. In our article you will find several master classes, drawings and templates at once that will help you make a house for dolls.

House for dolls photo

House for dolls drawing

Dimensions are in millimeters.

House for dolls made of cardboard, diagram with photo

The dimensions of the parts in the diagram are indicated in millimeters.

Big house for dolls from boxes with your own hands, step by step with a photo

Most affordable way to make a dollhouse is to make it out of cardboard boxes, which can be found in every house. In addition, the house itself can later be pasted over with the remnants of wallpaper, any other paper, painted or sheathed with fabric. Also, over time, you will have the opportunity to finish building new rooms and floors.

To create a cardboard house, prepare:

  • large cardboard box;
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • Scotch;
  • materials for decoration.

First, cut the box in half.
The larger the box you choose, the larger your home will be. For barbie dolls, a box is suitable, for example, from a microwave, and for dolls or small toys, you can also use small boxes.

Cut the flip top parts of the box from each of the halves.

Cut out the front part of the roof from one of the cut pieces. On one side of the second piece, we make a rectangular cutout with a clerical knife, which will serve as an exit to the stairs. Using scotch tape, we glue the parts.

From the remains of the box, cut out 2 parts for the roof and the floor for the floor in the attic. In the floor we make exactly the same rectangular hole for the stairs. We glue the parts with tape.

We will draw a drawing of windows and doors on the front side of the house, and then cut out all the details with a clerical knife. Cut out 2 stairs from the rest of the box, glue it with tape.

Video how to make a house for dolls

How to make a house for paper dolls

Girls who are fond of paper dolls will certainly like houses for them. Making paper houses is easy, and most importantly, they appearance completely depends on the child's fantasies. Adult girls will be able to make such houses on their own, and absolutely crumbs cannot do without the help of adults.

The very principle of creating houses for paper dolls is somewhat different from creating houses from cardboard or plywood. The most profitable material for such houses in terms of durability is cardboard. Drawings of furniture are applied to this, cuts are made for doors, windows, wardrobes and beds so that the dolls can rest and have a snack. You need to approach the creation of each of the rooms with special attention and arrange the rooms in a logical order so that from each room there is an exit to the next.

House book.

With the help of the book house, paper doll lovers develop not only their imagination, but also fine motor skills. The pages of such a house can be made of thick cardboard, and each of them can be pasted over with office paper or wallpaper and drawings can be applied to them.

On each spread of the booklet, a room is drawn in a specific theme: kitchen, hallway, bedroom, bathroom and nursery. The child can put his puppet heroes at the table, bathe in the bathroom, put him to sleep, brush his teeth, pushing them into the slots in the appropriate places. Such a house can be put on a corner, or you can just flip through.

House in a notebook.

Houses in notebooks are also convenient for playing with paper dolls. Each spread is also designed in a specific theme. Household items are cut out of colored paper and glued to a place previously drawn for them. Each door opens, on each shelf you can put the necessary items in everyday life: clothes, shoes, a towel, a comb, a toothbrush, dishes, books, toys, etc.

House 3D.

It is very easy to create 3D houses for paper dolls. A4 sheets are folded in half and drawings are drawn on each half. For example, on the lower part there is a floor and a bed, and on the upper part there is a window and a wardrobe. Putting the sheet on the table with its bottom part, it will give the impression of a full-fledged room. To keep the structure better, and the sheets do not wrinkle, each of them is recommended to be glued to thick cardboard. Each of the rooms is thought out so that there is a transition from it to the second or a door to the street.

DIY plywood house for dolls, drawing, master class

Plywood houses tend to last much longer than paper or cardboard houses. First you need to make a drawing of the future house. We suggest using our drawing. All measurements are in centimeters.

  • plywood sheet 8 mm;
  • pen or pencil;
  • ruler;
  • jigsaw;
  • construction nails 1.2x20 mm;
  • super strong glue "Installation";
  • white paint for facades;
  • paint brush;
  • sandpaper of different grain sizes;
  • drill.

First of all, we transfer our drawings to plywood and cut out every detail with a jigsaw. For a quick assembly of the house in the future, we recommend that you sign every detail.

On the details where you decided to place the windows, we make their markup.

Since the parts are in the middle of the sheet, we first drill several holes, and then cut it out with a jigsaw.

We carefully sand every detail.

We assemble the house according to the drawing. First, we glue the parts, and then, for greater fixation, we drive in a pair of nails on each joint.

After the house is completely assembled, we paint it in White color... You can choose any other.

How to make a house for dolls without glue, diagrams

Here is such a house turned out from the drawing above.

A simple one-story house template.

How to make a house for a barbie doll

House made of paper for dolls, step by step with a photo

In order for the house to hold, and on its floors it was possible to mark the furniture and the dolls themselves, we would recommend that you use cardboard as a basis.

To create a house you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • stationery knife;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • glue Moment Crystal;
  • pieces of wallpaper or other paper for wall decor.

First of all, on a piece of cardboard, you need to draw a drawing of the future house. We used a cardboard blank with dimensions of 110x74 cm.

We bend the 2 side walls of the house. In order to make it more convenient to bend them, before the process itself, walk the blunt end of the scissors along the future bend lines.
Cut 2 rectangles from a piece of cardboard with dimensions of 50x30 cm and 25x27 cm. This will be the floor between the first and second floors and the partition between the rooms on the first floor. We glue it.

We cut out another blank for the floor and for the partition on the second floor, as well as blanks for the attic. Then we cut out the windows with a clerical knife and glue the house from the middle with wallpaper or paper.

We glue the house outside with wallpaper. The roof can also be pasted over with wallpaper, or, for example, you can cut the cardboard into strips of 3x31 cm and overlap them. Frames for windows are also made of cardboard or ordinary colored paper according to measurements of the cut window.

Having made a dollhouse for your daughter with your own hands, you will give her a whole game world, in which she can develop her imagination.

There is probably no little girl in the world who would not dream of a doll house. You can buy a variety of toy cottages in stores that look like the real thing. It is worth trying to make a house with my own hands... The mini-house is designed for small dolls, other toys that the child plays with. It can be made from a beautiful box with compartments, plywood, fabric. The house will also perform the function small cabinet for toys.

Making the structure does not take much time, effort, requires a minimum amount of materials, the child will definitely be delighted! An easy way to please a baby is to make a dollhouse with your own hands from cardboard, boxes, plywood. How to do this - we will describe below.

Hanging house from a box for lalalupsi, other small dolls

What you need:

  • square box;
  • colored tape, adhesive tape;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper for scrapbooking.

How to make a house - step by step

DIY cardboard floor house

Before starting work, choose the suitable drawings of the house, it is worth figuring out which material is better to use, how to cut holes, glue rooms so that the structure is strong and stable.

How to choose cardboard, boxes?

An important material is the boxes, or rather the cardboard from which the boxes are made. Difference different types cardboard is shown in the photo below:

The cardboard structures shown in the left photo are strong, stable, and do not deform under the weight of subsequent floors. The cardboard floor shown in the picture on the right may bend under the weight of the next floor and have to start over.

How to cut out rooms correctly?

Carving out rooms isn't easy. After looking at many photographs of the houses, it can be seen that some of the holes are framed. This is the most convenient hole option. Removing the entire side is a mistake! Such a room will tremble, disintegrate, and look unsightly. The frame (albeit without the bottom part) needs to be cut out in cardboard boxes, which need to be combined, increasing the interior of the rooms. To understand what this is about, it is worth looking at the visual aids in the form of pictures below.

This is how a room is created from one box: you need to designate the future access hole, leave 5 centimeters for the frame, cut the hole.

Step-by-step drawings of a house consisting of two boxes

Connecting Rooms - Stitching Walls

To prevent the dollhouse from falling apart, you need to provide a strong connection between the rooms. Reliable way connecting rooms from cardboard boxes - stitching.


  • gypsy needle,
  • thick thread
  • pliers.

Cardboard is sewn with the simplest large stitches.

Regardless of whether the boxes are combined with an open connector or with a door opening, we always follow the rule: we sew along the edge!

It is necessary to "immobilize" the boxes in the workplace, where they can move under the influence of the applied glue, disperse, it will be difficult to work, it is easy to spoil the final result. Below are 3 examples of stitching rooms.

In the drawing, 2 boxes without holes are connected. It is necessary to "grab" the middle in several places so that after gluing the cardboard does not move.
The second drawing shows an example of sewing boxes with a hole.

Note. In this and the following drawings, for better visibility of the seams, some of the walls of the rooms are "hidden".

The third drawing shows an example of sewing boxes with a door opening.

Connecting ceilings to floors

  1. Sew the ceiling and floor close to the edge - this is a single rule for walls and ceilings.
  2. There is a second rule: you need to immobilize the "dangling" elements - the parts indicated in the figure below:

Now we start sewing. The outer edges are sewn together first, then the inner edges.

At the end, we fix the dangling elements, sew along the line of their contact.

Attention. Dangling elements located on the floor of the upper floor and on the ceiling of the lower floor, if they do not overlap, we hem each one. The diagrams below show such a situation. I:

What if the dangling elements do not touch each other and a hole is formed?

  • If the situation occurs on the ceiling, it's okay.
  • If the hole is in the floor, it must be closed.

There are 3 ways to close the hole.

  1. The first is to choose a different box.
  2. The second is to rotate the cardboard box 180 degrees vertically (the hole will move to the ceiling).
  3. The third is to fill in the hole, you need to insert a piece of cardboard of the appropriate size (the same thickness as the entire cardboard), then sew, as shown in the diagram below.

Shapes and sizes

Above is the basic knowledge of sewing a dollhouse out of cardboard boxes. Which option to choose depends on the builder. By choosing boxes, you can manipulate the size, distribution of rooms, create a tiny one-story house or a huge multi-level villa. Below are several diagrams showing the addition of the next floors of the dollhouse. The boxes can have different heights, widths, depths, giving the house a special shape.

Photo of the decoration of cardboard houses

Dollhouse made of plywood, photo

The plywood house is a real challenge. Plywood is more difficult to work with than cardboard. It is worth preparing for the work in advance. What is important is the plan, the design of the house, drawn on a sheet with dimensions. Below are instructions on how to build a dollhouse out of plywood step by step.

Drafting a project

It is advisable to draw the project on a sheet of paper. The scale may look like this: 2 cells per sheet = 10 centimeters. It is so easy to calculate the real dimensions of the house. The house can be made small or a larger structure - with 2-3 floors.

  • The small house in the diagram has dimensions: width - 60, height - 57 centimeters.
  • The large house shown in the picture is 120 centimeters high and 80 centimeters wide. Depth - 22 centimeters.

Calculation of the amount of materials required tools

Below is the calculation for production big house.

Necessary materials:

  • hardwood plywood 4 mm thick, dimensions 90/22 centimeters (side walls) - 2 pieces;
  • plywood 4 mm, dimensions 80 × 22 centimeters (lower and upper parts of the structure) - 2 pieces;
  • plywood 4 mm, dimensions 79.2 × 22 centimeters (floors) - 2 pieces;
  • plywood 4 mm, dimensions 50 × 22 centimeters (roof) - 2 pieces;
  • plywood 4 mm, dimensions 30 × 22 centimeters ( interior walls) - 2 pieces;
  • plywood 4 mm, dimensions 60 × 20 centimeters (front wall with a chimney);
  • laminated fiberboard 3 mm 120 × 80 centimeters (back wall);
  • acrylic paint for wood.

Tools and accessories:

  • glue for wood;
  • hammer, nails;
  • jigsaw;
  • sponge roller;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Plywood painting. Plywood elements need to be coated acrylic paint... The finished product is much more difficult to paint. Hypoallergenic paints are now available, drying in 20-30 minutes. The paints are non-toxic, odorless and can be used indoors.
  2. Construction of a rectangular frame... When the paint is dry, you can start building a rectangular cottage. You will need: plywood 4 mm, dimensions 90 × 22 cm (side walls) - 2 pieces; plywood 4 mm, dimensions 80 × 22 cm (lower and upper parts of the structure) - 2 pieces. On the tangent edges of the individual plywood elements, glue must be applied, matching them with each other at right angles, we fasten the connection with small nails. 4mm plywood is very fragile, so accurate nailing is important. Attention, the use of glue is necessary! Without its binding properties, nails will fall out of the plywood, and work is wasted.
  3. Building separate floors... The next step is to attach the shelves that will serve as the floor for the individual floors. The shelves consist of 2 plywood sheets measuring 79.2 x 22 cm each. In the project, each floor is 30 cm high. On a rectangular structure, measure 30 cm from the base, then another 60 cm from the base. Draw a horizontal line to mark the place where the first shelf is attached, draw it with glue, attach the shelf to the line. Do the same job 60 cm from the base. Then, nail the 2 shelves to the side walls.
  4. Rear wall cutout. It's time to make a back wall of laminated fiberboard measuring 120 × 80 cm. On the long sides of the board, measure 30 cm from the top edge. Mark the center of the top edge - this is the future roof. Draw 2 lines from the top of the roof to the places marked at a height of 30 centimeters from the top, you get the outline of a triangle. Using a jigsaw, cut out the shape of the house along the lines you have drawn.
  5. Rear wall mount. We cover the edges of the fiberboard with glue, attach to the house, fasten with nails.
  6. Roof. For the roof, 2 pieces of plywood 50 × 22 centimeters each were used. Apply glue to the triangular edges of the fiberboard and one shorter edge of the plywood. Glue the roof to the edge of the house by joining both plywood sheets at right angles. Reinforce the structure with nails.
  7. Chimney. Cut out the shape of the chimney with a fragment of the facade from plywood 60 × 20 cm in size. Don't forget to cut out the bathroom door. The first element needs to be glued, then nailed to the edge of the top shelf and roof.
  8. Separating walls. The last stage of construction is the insertion of dividing walls that form individual rooms. Use 2 x 30 x 22 cm plywood. It is necessary to place the plywood in the space of your choice between the floors. You can move them freely, changing the size, arrangement of rooms.

Below are some unique hand-made plywood doll houses.

Wooden house - master class

The products presented below will require experience, skill. A dad will be able to make a house made of wood, who will not spare the time and energy to please the baby.

DIY house bag - photo

Mom can make the next house. Original idea- bag house. Sewing it is not difficult. The girl will be able to take the bag to the kindergarten, to play with her friends for a walk.


It is difficult to imagine a nursery without toys. But there are differences between toys and toys, many of them imply a kind of "addition": a garage for a typewriter, an airfield for an airplane and, of course, a do-it-yourself dollhouse made of plywood for your beloved Barbie.

Doll houses: features of choice

These constructions are very popular and varied.

But in practice, the main determining factor, both when buying and when self-manufacturing, is the age of the child, and not beauty or versatility.

  • It is still difficult for a baby from 1 to 3 years old to handle small complex objects. Her dolls are unpretentious - plastic or rag, designed for a short life. Accordingly, the dollhouse should match: small., Durable, without complex decorations and complex forms of furniture. The design is as simple and durable as possible. Wood is recommended as the material, birch plywood is suitable.
  • A child from 3 to 5 can make a toy more serious. More dimensions are needed, the layout is more complicated, here you can already install doors, balconies, and verandas. Product dimensions are matched to the size of the dolls. Furniture may not be available: let the child choose the sets on his own. But you can attract him to the decoration: choose a color, a wallpaper pattern, and so on.

Material - wood or plywood. They will no longer try the product for a "tooth", but they will certainly disassemble, assemble, and settle in the room, which is too big for this cat, Murzik.

The option for a girl from 5 to 10 should be complex and multifaceted. The scheme of a dollhouse made of plywood is selected according to the needs of the child. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the change in the nature of the game: a girl or boy does not just repeat everyday scenes, but builds a plot, fantasizes, attracts popular cartoon characters.

The toy house becomes a playground for school, kindergarten, hospital and shop. Its parameters increase in accordance with your favorite dolls - as a rule, it is Barbie or Winx. In the photo - an option for Barbie.

Material selection

There is not much choice here, since safety is a very important factor for a nursery.

  • Wood is the best option because it is durable and does not cause allergies. In addition, the tree is easily processed and cut, so how to make a house out of it raises no questions. The only recommendation is to use a minimum of dyes and use only water-soluble paints.
  • Plywood sheet - especially birch, is also quite suitable option... The material is durable and lightweight, and is quite suitable for do-it-yourself work. Preference is given to non-moisture resistant - FBA on albuminocasein glue. The glue does not emit any fumes and is of animal organic origin, so it is much safer than urea or melamine. In the photo - a plywood house.
  • Particleboard - you can use it too, but only in toys for older children. It is categorically impossible to try chipboard on the "tooth". In addition, only chipboard with a low emission class is suitable for a nursery.

Materials and tools

Before deciding how to make a toy according to the scheme, you need to prepare all the necessary materials.

  • Birch plywood - 5–7 mm thick.
  • Jigsaw or jigsaw.
  • Joiner's glue, PVA glue, scotch tape.
  • Corrugated cardboard for the roof.
  • Ruler, tape measure, pencil.
  • Materials for decoration: paints, pieces of wallpaper, self-adhesive film, pieces of fabric, and so on.

How to make a dollhouse with your own hands from plywood according to the scheme

A drawing of the product can be found on the relevant sites, or you can develop it yourself. In the first case, you just need to transfer the finished parts to a plywood sheet and assemble the product. In the second case, there is no step-by-step instruction, but the dollhouse can be designed for the most non-standard sizes for any doll.

In any case, the toy will be unique, since even when using a ready-made scheme, the design is selected according to the child's taste.

The dimensions of the plywood dollhouse are selected in accordance with the dimensions of the dolls. If the finished drawing does not fit in these parameters, but suits as a design, all the details just need to be proportionally increased. The number of walls can also be varied. The front wall is traditionally absent, which allows the dolls to move freely.

However, with the large dimensions of the toy, this may not be enough, therefore, another wall is removed - the back or side, and the rest of the work is done according to a step-by-step scheme.

  1. Drawings of a plywood dollhouse are made on paper. Calculate the dimensions of all parts, taking into account the fastening tolerances.
  2. The details are transferred to plywood. If there is no great experience in such matters, it is better to first make the elements out of paper, and, after making sure that they correspond to the plan, transfer the drawing to a plywood sheet.
  3. With a jigsaw or an electric tool, parts are cut out of the material: back, side walls, internal partitions, floors, and so on. Door and window openings are cut into the "walls". The photo shows a working moment.
  4. All corners must be sanded with sandpaper.
  5. Following the step-by-step instructions, the parts are assembled with glue. The joints are glued with tape. The rear wall is mounted last.
  6. The internal partitions are fixed in the same way.
  7. A roof is cut out of corrugated cardboard and glued to PVA glue. From wooden rulers, you can cut steps for stairs and window elements, assemble the door frame and paste over it with foil.
  8. Then they begin to design: paints, wallpaper, fabric are used - everything that is at hand. Furniture can be used ready-made or made yourself from cardboard or matches, for example.

The video shows a step-by-step sequence for assembling a toy house.

Do you want to please your daughter and give her a doll house? Read how to make a home for Barbie, Monster High with your own hands from cardboard, plywood and MDF.

What girl does not like dolls and does not dream that they have a real home with spacious rooms and furniture? Such a toy will not only entertain the baby, but also make her director's play more complex and varied. As you know, while playing, children learn and develop, and parents must make an effort to organize the conditions for this development.

Do-it-yourself dollhouse for barbie: diagram, photo

There are certainly more simple options to make daughter a house for a doll:

  1. Buy ready. But they cost exorbitant money. At the same time, the plastic parts turn out to be fragile, they do not attach well to each other, the house is constantly falling apart.
  2. Organize your home in a closet, bedside table or bookcase. Probably, parents in their distant childhood did it themselves. The option is good because, firstly, there is no need to spend extra money, and secondly, the child will learn to use substitute objects in the game. The downside is that sooner or later the daughter will say that the house is not real, she will want to have something more believable, with wallpaper, windows, etc.

Then mom and dad will have to decide how to make this toy themselves. First of all, decide on the size. If the house is intended for a doll like Barbie or Monster High, it will turn out to be oversized. The height of each room will be at least 30 cm, width, so that you can put a doll bed in the house, 40 cm or more. For dolls and toys - figures, you can make a more compact "housing".

DIY plywood house for Barbie.

IMPORTANT: In practice, the doll house takes place as a complete piece of furniture. Having decided to make one, you need to think about where he will stand in the room.

The next step is the choice of materials. Typically, dollhouses are made from:

  1. Cardboard boxes and cartons. The budget option, you do not need to spend a lot on the purchase of materials. Also, you do not need to think about with what fasteners to assemble the house, you will only need any glue and adhesive tape. The big minus of the house is that it is fragile, hygroscopic, and gets dirty easily. You can't put heavy furniture on thin shelves. A cardboard house for a doll is not suitable for small children who do not know how to calculate strength while playing.
  2. Plywood. A more practical and also cheaper option. A sheet of plywood is covered on parts for a toy house with your own hands using an ordinary jigsaw. The toy turns out to be more solid. But porous plywood must be painted or pasted over so that it does not absorb dust and moisture, does not swell, and fungus does not start in it. Another drawback of this material is that it is not easy to connect thin sheets of plywood together so that they hold tightly, the house does not fall apart.
  3. Wood, MDF. The most practical and expensive option. The house will turn out to be of a very high quality and durable, stable and safe. It will not fall apart, even if the child hangs on it with all its weight. MDF is easy to process, the structural elements are firmly connected to each other with self-tapping screws, and their caps can be drowned in the thickness of the material. MDF gives absolute freedom to house decor ideas.

IMPORTANT: It must be remembered that a child will play with the house, and, most likely, this dimensional toy will stand in the children's room. Materials for it must be hygienic, environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic, non-toxic. If, after priming or painting, the house exudes an odor, you need to let it weather.

Although the house is intended for children from 3 years old, that is, the age at which the director's game is already formed, you need to pay attention to the presence of small details in it that you can choke on.
Before proceeding with the procurement of materials for the dollhouse and directly proceeding to its assembly, it is necessary to make a plan or diagram. It will help you calculate how much material you need to buy. The details will match each other, they will turn out to be tightly connected. Stable and beautiful house for toys will delight the child and will not spoil the interior of the apartment.

Diagram of a doll house with dimensions.

How to make a dollhouse out of the box?

The girl really asks for a dollhouse, has it been decided to urgently and cheaply make it out of cardboard boxes? Well, then you will need:

  • the boxes themselves (by the number of rooms, from 2 to 6 pieces)
  • thick cardboard
  • scissors
  • stationery knife
  • ruler
  • PVA glue or any other for paper
  • paints, colored paper, self-adhesive wallpaper, kitchen oilcloth, corrugated paper, ribbons, braid, bows, other improvised material for house decor

IMPORTANT: Any boxes will do as long as they are of the right size and tight enough. For dolls the size of a Barbie (29cm or 31cm, scale 1: 6) or Monster High (26-28cm), it is most likely to take boxes from household appliances.

  1. The boxes are stacked in two floors, two rooms each. On the second floor, you can also equip one room and a veranda.
  2. The boxes are fixed with glue and adhesive tape. To make the parts stick well, they organize a press from ordinary clothespins.
  3. The roof of the house can be made out of a box by cutting it in half diagonally, or cut out of sheets of cardboard.
  4. In the side walls, windows are measured, drawn and cut out with a clerical knife.
  5. The interior decor of the house is being carried out. Ceilings, floors and walls are pasted over with colored paper, the remnants of wallpaper, self-adhesive or oilcloth. You can also make cornices, window sills, baseboards, and other entourage from improvised means.

House for a doll from boxes: tools and materials.

House for a doll from boxes: stages of production.

How to make a do-it-yourself dollhouse out of cardboard?

Parts for a dollhouse can be cut out of thick cardboard, perhaps all from the same boxes for household appliances.
A drawing is definitely needed here, for example, this:

Diagram of a house for a Barbie made of cardboard.

You will need:

  • cardboard
  • scheme
  • pencil and ruler
  • glue, scotch tape, electrical tape
  • stationery knife
  • paints, felt-tip pens, old wallpaper, oilcloth, corrugated paper for interior and exterior decoration of the house
  1. The drawing is drawn or found on the Internet and printed. The details of the house are cut out.
  2. Marking is done on cardboard. It is better to cut out the cardboard parts not with scissors, but with a knife, then their edges will be even.
  3. Sections that will not join can be tied with tape or tape.
  4. The cut out parts of the house are assembled into grooves or glued together.
  5. They create the interior decoration of the house. If mom and dad are creative, they can paint the house by hand.

A simple cardboard house.

House made of cardboard for toys.

Cardboard house.

House made of cardboard, assembled on grooves. Cardboard house for small toys with a drawing.

VIDEO: How to make a dollhouse?

Drawing of a plywood dollhouse with dimensions

It is no longer so easy to make houses from plywood. Most likely, mom can't do it alone. It is necessary to attract dad, the little princess will surely thank him for the unique toy with her incomparable happy smile.
To make a house for Barbie they prepare:

  • plywood
  • jigsaw
  • a hammer
  • sandpaper
  • wood glue or PVA
  • masking tape
  • nails
  • wood primer, paint
  • scissors, pencil, ruler
  • materials for interior decoration of the house

Drawing of a plywood dollhouse.

Plywood dollhouse assembly diagram.

  1. The details of the house are very carefully cut out of plywood. They must match the drawing exactly. Also cut out window and door openings, if any. Windows can be made rectangular, round or triangular.
  2. All plywood parts are carefully sanded with sandpaper so that the child does not drive a splinter during the game.
  3. The details of the house are connected with construction glue, PVA glue or hammered together with nails. It is necessary to make a reservation, the glue gun with silicone will not hold plywood.
  4. Plywood is primed and painted.
  5. Think over and create the interior of the dollhouse. The walls in the rooms can be painted by hand with paint, painted in one color, decorated with the remnants of wallpaper, wrapping paper.
  6. The floor is also painted, scraps of carpet are laid on it, etc.
    It is recommended to make a staircase to a two-story housing for dolls from wooden rulers sawn to size.
  7. There will be any furniture in the house made of plywood - bought specially for dolls in toy stores, made with your own hands from cardboard, the same plywood or improvised means.
Making a house for Barbie from plywood: stage 1.

Making a house for Barbie from plywood: stage 2.

Making a house for Barbie from plywood: stage 3. Making a house for Barbie from plywood: the back side.

Making a house for Barbie from plywood: rooms.


DIY wooden doll house: drawings and dimensions

The dollhouse will be played by a girl from 3 to 10-12 years old. This toy, if it is beautiful and of high quality, will stand in the house for many years, permanently delight the baby and surprise the guests. It is definitely worth the effort and investment. Therefore, the best option will make it out of MDF.

  1. At the first stage of work, they think over the design of the house. You need to decide on the size, number of rooms, their shape, roof configuration. One-stop solutiontwo-storey house for 4 rooms with shed roof and an attic.
  2. For such a house, the main details are needed: a back wall, two side walls, two slats for the ceilings of the first and second floors, two vertical jumpers between rooms, a slat for the roof slope. It is better to order the cutting of these parts in a furniture or carpentry workshop. Under them all take MDF of the same thickness. Or, you can make the back wall and sidewalls, that is, the supporting parts of the structure, thicker, and the rest, auxiliary ones, thinner.
  3. In the side walls, and, if desired, in the back, window openings are cut.
  4. Window frames it is better to order in laser cutting, then they will turn out perfectly even and already mirrored.
    MDF is a heavy material, it will not take glue or ordinary screws. Connect the details of the house with self-tapping screws. The caps are drowned in the material and then masked with shavings with glue or polymer clay.
  5. The attic with a round window looks beautiful on the roof. It is also better to order it in laser cutting. The plywood attic is attached to the roof of the house with glue.
  6. To imitate the tiles and decorate the roof beautifully, they buy thin bamboo roller blinds, cut them to the size of the slope and glue them onto it. The attic is decorated in the same way. If the roller blinds are on the same thread, they can crumble when cutting. Then they must first be glued with ordinary PVA.
  7. It is convenient to mount the roof of the house on hinges so that it can be opened. In the "attic" then it will be possible to store dolls and their dowry.
  8. Window frames are planted in openings.
  9. Next, move on to decorating the walls. The simplest thing is to prime them and paint them in one color. You can also make an imitation brickwork... The bricks are first marked with a pencil, then cut out with a milling cutter on wood. MDF is primed and painted in the desired color. After the soil has dried, the indentations between the bricks are highlighted with a simple pencil or marker. To make the masonry look natural, color heterogeneity is betrayed with the help of crayons.
  10. "Bricks" are cut from porous egg trays different sizes and glue them around the windows.
  11. Completing the exterior decor of the house with artificial small flowers. They are glued at the base of the side walls, on the roof and attic.
  12. The ceilings and floors of the house are painted in the desired colors.
  13. A Barbie doll is a conditional model of a person 1 to 6, respectively, and her house. Scraps of old wallpaper or gift paper will look rough in it. Good decision- for each, find on the Internet a wallpaper with a picture that you like, reduce them proportionally in a photo editor and print in a typography. It is important to choose good paper... A regular photocopier will soon be wiped off, glue may appear on it, or it will wrinkle during pasting. Photo paper may not adhere well. Glue wallpaper on PVA.

Blanks for a dollhouse from MDF.

Window layout.

Assembled frame house.

Laser cut window frames.

Round attic window.

Roof attic.

Decoration of window openings and imitation of bricks.

Wallpaper 1: 6 in the children's doll room.

Interior decoration of the house.

Finished roof with imitation tiles and flowers.

The girl will play in such a house for hours.

IMPORTANT: The girl will play in the barbie house for a long time. To make it more convenient for her, it is better to make it on the leg. The raised structure also makes it easier to clean the toy.

VIDEO: K DIY drywall school house

How to make a doll house for monster high with your own hands?

The attitude of moms and dads to Monster High dolls is ambiguous. Some cannot stand them, they consider them crippling the psyche of a child. Others are inclined to think that stylish monsters stimulate the child's cognitive interest in myths and legends, as well as raise his self-esteem. Be that as it may, girls love monster dolls. And at some point, the daughter may ask her parents to make her a house for them.

Home for Monster High from whatnot.

IMPORTANT: The size and construction of the Monster High house is different from what is intended for Barbie. But with the finish you will have to tinker.

  1. Before decorating a house for monsters, it is worth learning more about the Gothic style.
  2. Monster High likes an interesting color palette: they combine dark black with rich pink, fuchsia, neon yellow and green. The same color combination should be used in the interior of the doll house.
  3. You need to think about how to play with glitter and black lace. The rooms of the monsters must contain gold and silver.
  4. The interior of the house of Monster High dolls also complements the elements with imitation of artistic forging: chandeliers, candelabra, fireplace grates, railings for stairs.
  5. The interior and exterior of the house use the Monster High symbols.
House with Monster High symbols. Lighting in the doll house.

Any girl dreams of having a big dollhouse. If you want to give your child such a dream, then make it with your own hands. How? Read the article.

Currently, toy stores sell not only dolls, but also many products and things for them. The most interesting thing is that for your favorite doll you can buy not only a car, but also a whole house with a large number of rooms. However - this purchase will not cost little money.

But after all, you can make a house yourself, and from different materials... A home for your favorite dolls, made by the whole family with their own hands, will delight your child. Especially if he takes an active part in making it.

How to make a dollhouse for Barbie with your own hands?

There are many variations of Barbie doll houses that are sold in online stores. However, you want your doll house to be completely different from others. To do this, use your skill and turn on your imagination.

Materials for the product:

  • Laminate, wallpaper residues
  • Pieces of old carpet, joiner's glue, water-dispersible - Moment
  • Jigsaw
  • Corrugated cardboard, colored to make roofing
  • Scotch tape, preferably double-sided
  • Roulette, ruler, pencil

Working process:

  1. Start by making a drawing on paper with precise dimensions.
  2. Then, using these patterns, cut out the laminate.
  3. You should have three walls (two - side and one back, and the back will consist of several laminate plates).
  4. You will also need horizontal plates - overlaps between the floors of the house and vertical ones - separating the Barbie doll's rooms.
  5. Make a roof, decorate it with colored corrugated cardboard.
  6. Glue the resulting structure with glue.
  7. Then wallpaper the rooms and lay the pieces of carpet on the floor.
  8. Decorate the walls with small children's drawings. Set up furniture for the dolls.

Do-it-yourself doll house for Monster High?

Many girls prefer to play with Monster High dolls. Houses for such dolls are not as glamorous as those of Barbie. Pink wallpaper on the walls will be useless for the gloomy Monster High. They are better suited dark wallpaper preferably with cobwebs in the corners of the room and skull lamps on the ceiling.

Materials, tools:

  • Glue, cardboard box, scissors
  • Paints, wallpapers, markers, colored pencils
  • Furniture material (plasticine, foam rubber, fabric, etc.)

Working process:

  1. Cut off the extra parts of the box, leave only the walls for the apartment for the Monster High dolls.
  2. Divide the rooms of the apartment with a cardboard box partition, as in the picture above.
  3. Now carefully paste over the rooms with dark, austere wallpaper. It is desirable that the wallpaper in different rooms were different from each other.
  4. To decorate the interior, you can use black tulle or lace fabric. Furniture should also be made in black colors. In such a house, your doll will be comfortable.

DIY plywood dollhouse: diagram with dimensions

If you have an idea to make a house for your daughter's dolls with your own hands from plywood, then you will learn in detail how to implement this idea.

Materials, tools:

  • Plywood (thickness 7 mm), jigsaw
  • Joiner's glue, PVA glue
  • Scotch tape (mounting), corrugated cardboard for the roof
  • Self-adhesive film for beautiful design floors in the rooms of the house
  • Wallpaper with a pattern for the walls of rooms
  • Pencil, ruler, tape measure

Working process:

  1. Cut plywood sheets to size as shown in the diagram above
  2. Carefully saw out windows, doorways on the received parts
  3. Spread the ends with glue, assemble the structure, as below in the figure
  4. For confidence, you can nail small studs so that the house is securely fixed.
  5. Make a roof, glue corrugated board to it
  6. Decorate rooms at home with wallpaper and self-adhesive tape
  7. Next, all that remains is to make the furnishings in the doll rooms and decorate the interior with useful little things.

DIY cardboard doll house: drawings

Cardboard comfortable material for such products. Mothers will be able to make a house with it on their own, for this you only need patience, perseverance and time.

Material, tool:

  • Cardboard or cardboard boxes
  • Double-sided adhesive tape, glue
  • Colored paper for decorating the house
  • Scissors, pencil, ruler

Working process:

  1. Using a ruler and a pencil, draw the details of the house, as in the diagram on the cardboard
  2. Use scissors to cut the resulting "pattern"
  3. Immediately mark out where you will have windows, doors and carefully cut them out.
  4. Glue the structure with tape
  5. Before gluing the roof, do interior decoration and cover the outer walls of the house with colored paper
  6. Then just make the roof

How to make a dollhouse out of the box?

If you have abandoned boxes lying around, then use them in business. Please your little girl with a new long-awaited toy - a dollhouse.

Moreover, for the manufacture of the product you will need only a few hours of your time. From each box you will only need to make a room for a doll with a window, a door. And then glue these rooms into a single house.

DIY wooden doll house: drawings and dimensions

A house made of wood for dolls will turn out to be very durable and will look as natural as possible. Your daughter will definitely like this house.

Materials, tools:

  • Use any wood-based material (plywood, MDF, fiberboard, etc.)
  • Jigsaw, small nails, wood glue, PVA glue
  • Double-sided adhesive tape, gouache paint
  • Wallpaper, flooring or self-adhesive tape
  • Ruler, pencil, tape measure

Working process:

  1. Cut three walls with dimensions as in the picture below (dimensions are given in millimeters)
  2. Then cut the horizontal and vertical slabs
  3. Make windows a door in a house
  4. Assemble the structure, for this, glue the ends at the joints with glue and nail in small nails
  5. Cut the roof out of the wood separately
  6. Then first decorate the interior of the room, and then attach the roof to the house.
  7. Make exterior decoration corrugated roofs

How to make a light in a dollhouse?

Any house should have lighting, and a dollhouse should have it too. Next, we will learn how to do it yourself.

Materials, tools:

  • Pliers, wire cutters, wires
  • Soldering iron
  • Energy source box
  • Microswitch
  • Small bulb with socket
  • Finger-type batteries (2 pieces)

Working process:

  1. For a small 3 Volt light bulb, you will need two batteries; it will not be difficult to buy such products on the market.
  2. Battery boxes are also sold separately.
  3. Now let's take a closer look at the connection diagram. One wire from the box needs to be soldered to the base of the light bulb.
  4. The other wire (free) first solder to the bottom of the lamp.
  5. Then experimentally - find which of the three contacts of the microswitch is suitable for turning on a small light bulb. To do this, apply the wiring from the box and lamp to the contacts of the switch. The switch mode must be on the label - ON.
  6. If the light comes on, you are on the right track. Feel free to solder the wires to the desired switch contacts.

Video: Plasterboard Doll House