Kvass from wort for 10 liters. Making homemade kvass from wort. Ingredients for “Regular kvass with kvass wort”

Real kvass with a cap of airy foam, bubbles of gas that cheerfully shoot into the nose, sweet, but with a slight sourness can be prepared only in two ways: from rye crackers and from wort. How? Let's talk about this.

Attempt at writing

If you decide to try making this drink, first prepare it in small quantity. Through trial and error, after a few times you will work out your ideal one from kvass wort. Why from wort? Because it is easier to handle than with sourdough made from bread, grains and other components. Just note: really tasty kvass is made from kvass wort concentrate. It is from concentrate, and not from a diluted mixture. It lasts a long time, and the quality of the original product is high. This is the kind of kvass you want and want to drink, especially when it’s hot. So, let’s first prepare everything you need: sugar, water, concentrate, yeast. Boil 3 liters of water and leave to stand. In another container of slightly larger volume (five-liter bottle, saucepan, etc.) we put the ingredients in the quantities indicated in the recipe for kvass from kvass wort. You need to pour half a liter of warm (not hot!) water and dissolve 2 tablespoons of concentrate and sugar in it. Depending on how sweet you want the drink, sugar is added from 1/2 cup to 2/3. Stir the mixture until the ingredients are well dissolved. After this, the recipe for kvass from kvass wort instructs to add the remaining 2.5 liters of water (it should not be cold or warm - regular room temperature) and add a stick of yeast (6 g). Important condition: only fresh yeast is suitable, otherwise the drink will not turn out the way you would like.

And one more thing: many people love kvass not in pure form, and with berry additives: raisins, prunes, etc. You can add a handful of dried fruits you have to the preparation. The recipe for kvass from kvass wort fully allows for such “liberty”. The semi-finished product should be covered and left aside for several days to ferment. You can try it in 2 days. If the taste is satisfactory, strain carefully, pour into bottles and drink, keeping the excess in the refrigerator. Or leave it for another day or two to “reach”.

Homemade wort

And now a recipe for those who are interested not only in kvass wort, but also in the recipe for the wort itself - homemade. It should be prepared at least a week before you plan to start the drink itself. To do this, take a glass of rye, wash it and soak it for a couple of days (no more) in ordinary boiled water that has been left in the room.

Repeat the procedure every day so that the rye does not disappear. When the grain germinates well, it can be processed further. The water is drained, the rye is sent to the oven and dried, then ground through a meat grinder and blender. That's it, the wort (dry starter) is ready. Collect it in a linen rag and use it as needed. What good can be made from this? Well, for example, here’s kvass: pour a liter of boiling water over half a glass of rye flour, stir and let cool. During this time, mince a lemon (with peel), a large apple (preferably sweet), 3 handfuls of raisins and a handful of other dried fruits. For better taste and aroma, you can add herbs or currant leaves, raspberries. Everything is mixed and placed in a cooled flour bowl. Add more water (a liter and a half), add a tablespoon of honey and a little sugar. Cover the workpiece and let it ferment for several days. Strain, sweeten if necessary, and drink to your health! Dry the wort again and you can use it again! Happy drinking!

For a person living in the West, the word Russia most often brings to mind tired stereotypes such as a bear, a balalaika or vodka. But we still have many things that more fully reflect our traditions and customs. And this is not vodka at all, but such an old and healthy drink, like kvass.

Kvass is our traditional drink with excellent refreshing properties. And despite the popularity of modern sodas, kvass still remains in demand among our compatriots. Many people are happy to buy and consume kvass, especially in the summer heat. Without this drink it is difficult to imagine such a popular okroshka.

Some people make okroshka from citric acid, but kvass okroshka is much tastier.

Features of the base

Preparing kvass is not at all difficult. The main basis of kvass and its most important component is wort. It is also made from sourdough, and there are many other options. But the most popular method is cooking with kvass wort.

Wort is a very thick and viscous liquid made from malt. Rye flour is also added there. You can make the wort yourself using special technology. For this you only need bread and water.

But you can save time and simply purchase it, which will greatly simplify the entire manufacturing technology.


To make kvass you will also need some other ingredients. This is primarily rye bread, as well as yeast, water and sugar. These are the main components of the future drink. But honey is also used instead of sugar. Some recipes may call for spices or wheat, and even horseradish or raisins.


The very first thing is water. Of course, it needs to be boiled, and it needs to be boiled only once. After reaching the boiling point, do not immediately turn off the gas, but wait a little. It is also quite advisable to prepare kvass from drinking water, which is sold in stores.

You will also need rye bread. It needs to be dried, even better to dry it a little, then the kvass should taste better. You can also add some herbs, such as mint or currant leaf, which will add extra flavor to the drink.

There are cooking methods that involve spices, but the main thing when using them is not to overdo it.

Advantages and disadvantages

Various foods and drinks have both positive and negative qualities, that is, both pros and cons. And kvass is no exception.

Main advantages:

  • this kvass is easy to make;
  • low manufacturing cost;
  • there are many varieties of kvass;
  • quickly get the finished result.

Let's not forget about the disadvantages.

  • The wort sold in the store may contain artificial additives and preservatives that will not add health.
  • When making kvass, lactic acid is produced, as well as carbon dioxide. And if there are a lot of them, then this can also cause some harm to health.

Benefits of the drink

Kvass perfectly quenches thirst, and it has a pleasant and rich taste. Kvass has a lot useful properties that help with various diseases.

There are no harmful bacteria in kvass, and this is its great benefit. When consuming kvass, digestion is normalized, the cardiovascular system functions much better, and in the presence of dysbacteriosis, consuming kvass improves the condition.

Kvass contains vitamins, and they have an extremely positive effect on the immune system. The acids present in kvass destroy dead and diseased cells. Thanks to kvass made at home, you can lose weight, be more alert and less tired, that is, feel much better. Tooth enamel, its condition is improving. Kvass is very useful for those who suffer from hypertension, as well as pancreatic diseases and diabetes.

Due to the fact that kvass contains vitamin C, cholesterol is better removed from the body and blood vessels are cleansed. For those who suffer from heartburn and heaviness in the stomach, kvass is very useful. With frequent use of kvass, vision improves. Homemade kvass is also effective against various viruses and bacteria. Kvass is recommended even for patients with pneumonia.

Possible harm

However, there are diseases in which there is no benefit from kvass, but only harm. Therefore, before use, it is better to familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

For those who are sick with ulcers, it is better to refrain from drinking this drink, as this may provoke an exacerbation. You should not drink kvass if you have cancer or an unhealthy liver. If your kidneys are acting up, it is better to drink kvass little by little.

When kvass is in the refrigerator, the fermentation process continues. This changes the taste of the drink. The longer the kvass sits, the more its taste will change.

It is better for children to consume this kvass little by little.


Classic kvass:

  • kvass wort - 2 heaped spoons;
  • 3 pieces of bread;
  • dry yeast – 2 teaspoons;
  • sugar - an incomplete glass; for those who like sweeter kvass, a whole glass is possible.

First you need to prepare the crackers, for this you will need 3 pieces of bread, it would be nice if they were crusts. It is advisable to even let them burn a little, then wait until they cool to room temperature. Prepare boiled water. Pour two and a half liters of water into a three-liter jar. If the water is not from the store, then it is better to pour in still hot water or at least warm water, because the sugar will dissolve faster. Add sugar; the glass of sugar should not be full.

Wait until the water is just warm, pour in two full spoons of wort concentrate. After this, mix. It is advisable that after mixing there is nothing left at the bottom of the jar. Then add the already prepared crackers.

After this, add the yeast. You will need dry yeast 2 teaspoons. It is very important that the yeast must be added to a lukewarm or cold water. If the water is too hot, the yeast will simply die and nothing will work. Then stir the liquid again and cover it with gauze. The gauze needs to be folded in layers. It's best to have several layers, about five or six. After this, wrap everything with an elastic band.

Place the jar of still unprepared kvass in a warm place. It is best if there is no direct sunlight in this place. Leave for 24 or 48 hours. Next, you need to move the jar to a cooler place for another 48 hours.

After two days, strain the resulting drink. Pour into containers. Throw three raisins into each container and leave to cool.

Old Russian kvass:

  • wheat - 3 cups;
  • kvass wort – half a glass;
  • honey - one and a half glasses;
  • about 4 liters of water.

You will need 3 cups of wheat. The first step is to rinse it in water. Leave it there for 10 hours and then rinse again. Place the wheat to germinate in a place with a relatively high temperature. Before doing this, you need to pour water on it. In this case, you won’t need a lot of water. Wait a day or two, making sure that small sprouts appear, about two to three millimeters. You will also have to wash the grains in water again so that they do not sour. Pass the sprouted wheat through a meat grinder. Take a five-liter container filled halfway with warm water.

Put one and a half glasses of honey, wheat and don’t forget to add wort. You will need half a glass. This all needs to be stirred well. After mixing, pour water so that the container is completely filled.

Cover with gauze. Let stand for 48 hours in a place at warm room temperature. After this time, foam appears and there will be a lot of it, this will mean that the product is ready. All that remains is to cool it and then drink it with pleasure.

Vigorous kvass:

  • half a loaf of rye bread;
  • half a glass of kvass wort concentrate;
  • package of dry yeast;
  • a glass of sugar, you can use honey;
  • water 4 liters;
  • half a handful of raisins;
  • approximately 100 g of horseradish from the root.

Prepare crackers from half a loaf of rye bread. Pour 4 liters there hot water and wait 5 hours. Then strain what you get, add half a glass of wort, a packet of yeast and a glass of sugar, although you can also use honey.

Leave this preparation to ferment for about 6-8 hours. Then add raisins and horseradish, then cool.

Flavored kvass:

  • half a glass of wort;
  • 1 packet of yeast;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • sugar - 2/3 cup;
  • 20 blackcurrant leaves;
  • hops, cardamom and ginger a little.

This recipe uses a variety of spices such as ginger, cardamom and hops. Make a bag out of gauze and put spices in it. Place this bag in a saucepan with 4 liters of water and throw blackcurrant leaves on top. You will need approximately 20 sheets. Turn on the heat and after reaching a boil, take out the bag of spices, and let the currant leaves remain in the pan.

Pour sugar into it, stir and wait for the water to cool. Then add half a glass of wort and 1 package of yeast and stir. Place in a warm place. Let the liquid sit for at least a day. Then strain and pour into containers. And after that they should stand for about 12 hours. Then send the containers to cool.

But the drink is not ready yet. It will have to ripen for another 48 hours while cooling. And only after this the drink can be consumed.

Okroshechny kvass:

  • half a glass of sugar;
  • kvass wort – 3 tablespoons;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • yeast, best pressed - 6 grams;
  • 10 highlights.

Take a jar and pour 3 liters of hot water into it, you need to use unboiled water, it should be heated to about 70 degrees. Place 3 tablespoons of wort and half a glass of sugar in a jar. When it all cools down a little, add yeast and stir. Then add raisins to the liquid and let them sit warm. After about a day, you can observe the presence of foam, then you can make the first test. If you like the taste, all that remains is to strain, pour and cool.

A recipe for regular malt kvass based on kvass wort concentrate for beginners and those who have trouble making it. Making homemade malt kvass is easy, quick and neat. Ten minutes of preparation, two days of patience and the result usually pleases with that same “barrel, street” taste from childhood. But not everyone succeeds the first time. Some even give up. Below is the recipe with explanations and explanations. In each step, the first sentence is what we are doing. Below are details you may miss.

Ingredients for “Regular kvass with kvass wort”:

Recipe for “Regular kvass with kvass wort”:

Prepare or purchase the “equipment” (jar, funnel, piece of gauze, rubber band, tablespoon and teaspoon) and ingredients.

I have a 4 liter jar with a wide neck, because yeast and bacteria need oxygen for fermentation. Ideally, the mixture should be stirred during the process, but for such a small volume and home conditions it will do.
- alcoholic fermentation and carboxylation (carbonation) in kvass are the result of the activity of yeast. I use regular dry baker's yeast. If there is no fermentation and kvass does not turn out, inactive or insufficiently active yeast is 90% to blame.
- lactic acid fermentation in kvass is ensured by bacteria “living” in the wort. Wort, let me remind you, is a mixture of ~8/2 fermented and unfermented rye or barley malt and flour. I use a concentrate that contains a mixture of rye and barley malt, rye starch and corn flour. If in two days the malt kvass turns out not to be kvass, but something like mash, then the wort is of poor quality, most often expired.
- It is often advised to boil water. I don't boil it, but filter it household filter, to save time. The choice is yours.
- it is better to sterilize the jar, funnel, and spoons by dousing them with boiling water. To avoid. Although I don't do that.

Wash your hands, boil 3 glasses of water, pour into a jar, add sugar, stir until dissolved, add cold water to the jar, leaving about 3 cm to the edge, add wort, mix, add yeast, but do not stir, close the jar with gauze. Ready.

Having done the above-described manipulations with water, I kill two birds with one stone: I fall into the range of 40-50 degrees, which is optimal for both bacteria and yeast at the beginning of fermentation, and first prepare sugar syrup in boiling water, and only then dilute it with cold water.
- Leave 2-3 cm to the edge of the jar. This is space for foam that would otherwise come out. Not a tragedy, but...
- the gauze should be folded in two or three layers and secured tightly. So that it doesn't sag.
- I add wort to warm water, this preserves the bacteria I need. If you add it to boiling water, you get a starter for beer.
- You can stir the yeast. But why waste time? They will get wet and settle when they need to.
- I always wash my hands before cooking. And I advise you.

After about a day, pour the kvass into bottles, avoiding dense sediment at the bottom.

Don't try to filter the kvass, just don't pick up the turbidity from the bottom. Firstly, filtering at home is quite a tedious task. Secondly, in the case of kvass, it is completely useless. Kvass settles well in the refrigerator, and the sediment itself does not pose any threat to both taste and health.
- fermentation time depends on temperature. If the kvass turned out to be too sweet, then the temperature was too low, and the yeast and bacteria grew slowly and did not have time to consume most of the sugar. And if it’s sour, then the temperature was too high. If you don't have an incubator, it may be difficult or impossible to regulate the temperature in your home. Lengthen or shorten fermentation time.

Kvass from concentrate tastes the same as kvass made from barley and rye malt.

Kvass from concentrate will contain all the microelements from malt, as when preparing kvass from grain. The only thing that will be missing are enzymes; they will die during conservation of the wort.

Making kvass from kvass wort concentrate saves your time; you don’t have to make the barley and rye malt yourself; the kvass wort concentrate manufacturer has done everything for you.

The manufacturer of kvass wort concentrate advises making 5 liters of homemade kvass this way.

To prepare 5 liters of bread kvass, you need to dilute it in warm drinking water, water temperature 35-40 degrees, 8-10 tablespoons of kvass wort concentrate.

Add 1 and 2/3 cups of sugar and 6-7 grams of pressed baker's yeast to the jar.

Keep kvass at a temperature of 25-30 degrees, 18-20 hours.

Cool the finished kvass, drain from the sediment and store in a cool place.

Manufacturers of any product always give the optimal, proven recipe, why should they deceive the consumer. I checked that this is indeed the case.

My recipe for homemade kvass from 3 liters of kvass wort concentrate, with comments.

Take a three-liter jar and pour drinking, bottled or boiled tap water into it.

Such water is needed to prevent foreign bacteria harmful to us from entering the kvass.

The concentrate manufacturer advises pouring water at a temperature of 35-40 degrees, this is correct, because the optimal fermentation temperature is 30-35 degrees.

Pour water into a jar at a temperature of 35-40 degrees, while we stir the sugar, it will just cool down to 30 degrees.

Water can be poured into the jar at room temperature, this is not critical, the main thing is that it is not cold.

Temperature affects the fermentation rate, and therefore the cooking time of kvass.

If we pour water at room temperature, then the kvass will simply sit and ferment for an hour or two longer.

The main thing is not to throw the yeast into water with a temperature above 50 degrees, otherwise it will die.

Fermentation when preparing kvass is necessary so that carbon dioxide is formed in the drink, and not alcohol, although it will also be there, since during fermentation alcohol and carbon dioxide are released simultaneously.

After pouring water into the jar, add 5-7 tablespoons of kvass concentrate, as the manufacturer advises.

The first time add the same amount, and the second time to taste, more or less.

I pour the concentrate based on the color of the future kvass.

Add sugar to the jar to taste.

To reduce the calorie content of the drink, you can add a sweetener to kvass instead of sugar.

Since yeast feeds on sugar, one or two tablespoons of sand must still be added to the jar, otherwise fermentation will not occur.

We add yeast to the kvass, as mentioned above, to form in it carbon dioxide.

Add 3-4 grams of pressed baker's yeast to the kvass, this is about the size of a lump of sugar.

Pressed baker's yeast Lux Extra is sold in all chain stores.

Why is it advisable to add pressed yeast to kvass rather than dry, because the drink will smell less like yeast.

If you don’t have pressed yeast, you can add 1 gram of dry yeast, which is a big pinch.

If you add more yeast to kvass, it will cook faster, not in 18-20 hours.

After all the ingredients have been added to the kvass and mixed, we set the kvass to ferment in a warm place.

You don’t have to cover the jar of kvass with a lid, or cover it with gauze.

As the manufacturer of kvass wort concentrate writes, kvass should stand for 18-20 hours until fully prepared.

I speed up the ripening process of kvass by adding large quantity yeast.

I add twice as much compressed yeast to the jar, 7-8 grams.

In the evening I set the kvass to mature, and in the morning I bottle it.

If your kvass is not ready by morning, then next time add more yeast to it.

How to determine if kvass is ready, just taste it, it will taste like real kvass.

If the kvass is not sweet, you can add sugar, be careful, there will be a lot of foam.

Before adding sugar to the jar, you can pour a little kvass from it.

Foam indicates that the kvass is ready.

The manufacturer recommends lightening the finished kvass a little by placing the jar in the refrigerator.

I don’t clarify the finished kvass, I just pour it into 1.5 liter bottles plastic bottles and put it in the refrigerator.

In the refrigerator, the yeast in kvass will eat sugar slowly, thereby extending its shelf life.

If you do not drink kvass from bottles for a long time, then a lot of carbon dioxide will accumulate in it, and when you open the bottle there will be a lot of foam.

If you store kvass for a very long time, it turns into mash, and a lot of alcohol is formed in it.

You can prepare high-speed kvass, instant kvass.

Kvass is prepared in the same way, only we add more yeast (10-15 grams of pressed yeast or 3-4 grams of dry yeast).

The more yeast we add to kvass, the faster it will cook.

But this kvass will have a drawback; it cannot be stored for a long time, it will quickly turn into mash.

If you want kvass to be stored for a long time and not be intoxicating, then I prepare it as follows.

I pour water into a jar, add kvass wort concentrate and sugar to taste, mix everything and pour it immediately into plastic bottles.

I add a pea-sized amount of pressed yeast to a bottle, close the lid and put it away to ferment, just put it on the floor.

Kvass takes two days to prepare. It takes a long time to prepare, but also lasts a long time in the refrigerator.

The disadvantage of taking a long time to prepare kvass can be corrected by preparing a new batch of the drink immediately after preparing the previous one.

The foam of kvass is dense, like beer, the carbon dioxide bubbles are small and there are a lot of them, burning the throat.

By increasing the size of the yeast pea added to the bottle, we will shorten the ripening time of kvass, but then we will also shorten its storage time.

Choose the size of the added pea of ​​yeast based on your required time for preparing and storing kvass.

Instead of compressed yeast, you can add a small pinch of dry yeast to the bottle.

You can buy dry wine yeast in Leroy Merlin, in the department for summer residents.

If you like intoxicating kvass, immediately add more yeast so that alcohol can be fermented there.

You can add a little lemon juice or citric acid to kvass, add some sourness, and the kvass will be like straight from a barrel.

Do not overdo it with acid; kvass should taste slightly sour, otherwise the yeast will not ferment and carbon dioxide will not form in it.

You can make homemade lemonade in the same way.

Cook a sweet fruit compote, add a little pressed yeast to form carbon dioxide, let it sit for a while, then pour it into bottles and into the refrigerator.

The most important thing is that the compote is not very sour, otherwise the acid inhibits the yeast.

If the compote is sour, you can try adding more yeast to it.

Nowadays, kvass from wort is probably not often made at home anymore - quite decent ones are sold in stores, and buying it is not a problem. Not like in Soviet times, when knowing how to make homemade kvass from wort was, perhaps, no more or less exotic for a Russian woman than the ability to knead dough. But I have to keep a jar of kvass wort in the bins, because I simply have nowhere to buy kvass. Well, some people think that homemade kvass tastes better than store-bought kvass. In general, homemade kvass from wort still has fans - some out of conviction, and some out of necessity. Therefore, I think the recipe for kvass from wort is still useful and worthy of a place on a culinary site.

How will my kvass differ from the one indicated on the jar? I converted the products to a minimum amount of liquid - 500 ml. Because I simply don’t have a 5-liter pan myself, and I don’t know what kind you have. Well, I’ll explain some more tricks. Because when you read the instructions on the can, there is something to be confused about: how can you determine when the water temperature is 40°C without a liquid thermometer? How can you create a room temperature of more than 30 degrees for 20 hours? I had a friend, when he tried to make kvass on his own for the first time, he put the pan in the center of the stove and directed steam from the kettles onto it... So, you can do without such an extreme!

The first thing that is useful to think about is when will you start making kvass? Because this phase will have to be completed in a maximum of 22 hours. This means that you don’t need to start making kvass from wort at 8 am - you wouldn’t jump up at night to pour it into jars, would you? The optimal time is around lunchtime or evening. It depends, of course, on your plans for the next day, this needs to be calculated. But I think the essence of the problem is now clear to everyone.

For the production of kvass, boiled water (or other drinking water) is needed, because no more disinfection will be carried out there during the preparation process. For 500 ml of water - 1 tbsp. kvass wort, 1 pinch of dry or approximately 1 g of normal yeast and 35-40 g granulated sugar. Well, and black (rye) crust - optional.

How to make water at a temperature of about 40°C, necessary for the start of kvass fermentation? To do this, bring a quarter of the volume of water to a boil in the same pan in which the kvass will be cooked further. So that both the pan and the lid are well heated. Pressure cookers and thick-walled pans are optimal.

Next, dilute one quarter of boiling water with three quarters of water at approximately room temperature (about 20°C). And thus we get approximately what we need. Well, with liquid thermometer Of course, you can mix more precisely. I'm explaining in case there isn't one.

After this, close the pan with a lid and place in a warm place. I also don’t have a place where I can provide a stable temperature of about 30 degrees for 20 hours. No, well, if it’s really hot and it’s really 30 at home, I sympathize with you, but for kvass this is just optimal. You just need to keep it somewhere on the windowsill in the sun. If there is no heat, then travel thermo-reflective film or all sorts of blankets and thick jackets are used. Every few hours you can place bottles of hot water on the sides of the pot with kvass. Keep the pan still wrapped, but together with the bottles.

Kvass will be ready in 18-22 hours. Take this into account at the beginning of cooking, because you cannot overcook it - it may turn bitter. After 18 hours, the kvass will be sweeter, and after 22, it will be sour. The first, in my opinion, is better for drinking, the second - for okroshka.

The bread crusts from the kvass are removed, and the kvass itself is poured into containers for further storage, while trying not to stir up the sediment at the bottom of the pan, so that as little of this sediment as possible gets into the new containers. By the way, the kvass is not quite ready yet; it is, as my father said, “bad.” It should be placed in the refrigerator.

And only after the kvass has cooled and stood (ideally, about a day), will it reach its optimal taste.

I hope that you will succeed in making kvass from wort at home as well as I did!