Medicinal and edible plants in the Crimea. Plants of Crimea: description and photo. Prescription for joint disease

Flora of Crimea is very unusual and varied. On the territory of the peninsula, there are 2,500 varieties of wild plants. This is an impressive figure. The uniqueness of the flora should also be noted. There are 250 endemics here, that is, such plants that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. In addition, Crimea is rich in relics - plants that have been preserved without any changes for millions of years.

Historical excursion

Plants of the Crimea have been thoroughly studied. But, nevertheless, discoveries of new species are regularly made. And the reason for this is the uniqueness of the peninsula. As we have already noted, the plants of the Crimea are very diverse. An interesting fact is that plants of very different origins coexist throughout the peninsula. Among them there are relics and endemics. In addition, there are a lot of related plants from completely different Black Sea regions: the Caucasus, the Balkans, Asia Minor. A similar phenomenon is associated with the history of Crimea.

After all, it was originally a mountainous secluded peninsula, which over the millennia many times either joined or separated by land isthmuses from the mainland (with the lands of the Caucasus, Asia Minor, the Balkans, the East European Plain). Therefore, the plants of the Crimea also changed. It should also not be forgotten that more than a thousand species of exotic specimens were introduced by humans over the thousands of years of this land's history. So it turned out that the flora of the peninsula acquired such a motley and varied appearance.

Change of vegetation belts

Another feature of the Crimea is a very clear change of vegetation from north to south.

The northern part of the peninsula is hilly steppe. Currently, most of them have long been plowed up, and therefore these lands have lost their natural appearance. Only those areas that are unsuitable for Agriculture... These are salt marshes, gullies, ravines, rocky plains.

In the area of ​​the foothills, the steppes change to forest-steppe. Here, in addition to steppe plants, species such as juniper, downy oak, shaggy pear, wild rose, hornbeam, etc. grow.

With height, oak forests give way to beech forests. 200-250-year-old trees amaze with their power and primordial gloomy beauty. It is always very gloomy here, there is not even undergrowth and grass cover, there is only a thick layer of fallen leaves. At an altitude of about a thousand meters, huge mighty beeches give way to gnarled, stunted trees.

At the very top, forests give way to flat peaks, which are separated from each other by very deep passes. Outwardly, the yayla are similar to the steppes. It is here that a quarter of all endemics of the peninsula are located.

Further, closer to the sea, there is a belt of beech-pine and pine forests, which consists of Crimean pine and Scots pine. There are also oaks, beeches, hornbeams. Natural pine forests are more pronounced on the South Coast, which cannot be said about the southeastern part.

South coast

Further south, the shiblyak belt begins, consisting of a hornbeam, downy oak, juniper, strawberry, pistachio and many others. In the southeast, the climate is very dry, therefore shibliaks are very rare.

But on the South Coast, they are quite thick. In general, the vegetation of the South Coast is close to the Mediterranean, but very much changed by man. Most of the territory is occupied by health resorts, gardens, vineyards, roads. And also by human hands, vast parks have been created in which species brought to the peninsula grow. Imagine that many plants have lived here for about 200 years. Currently, all the parks have become an integral part, and Among them are the famous Alupkinsky, Foros, Livadiyskiy, Massandrovskiy, And what is the well-known one in which not only Crimean plants are collected (photos are given in the article), but also many imported exotic varieties.

I must say that the parks themselves have long merged with evergreen natural thickets and are a single whole.

Reserves of Crimea

Plants of Crimea are protected by laws. Four completely new nature reserves and sixteen game reserves have been created on the peninsula. Natural monuments, nature reserves, and nature reserves are also under protection.

Near the Nikitsky Botanical Garden is the Cape Martyan nature reserve. Also on the peninsula is Yalta, which contains rare plants of the Crimea. This is only a small part of the protected areas of this region. All of them are unique and interesting in their own way, each has its own task of preserving relict and endemic plants. In our article we want to describe some of them.


Beech is a genus of the Beech family. In Crimea, two species grow: ordinary and eastern. Both of them have a regal appearance and play a great soil and water protection role. The tree lives from 250 to 350 years. It blooms for the first time at the age of 30, and maybe even at 60 or 80 years. Blooms in April with the simultaneous opening of the leaves. Nuts appear on the tree in autumn. They feed on squirrels, roe deer, wild boars, deer. Beech oil is very valuable; its properties are not inferior to olive oil.

Well, there is no need to talk about wood. Due to its special property, it is used for the manufacture of barrels for expensive wines, parquet, musical instruments, yachts. In the distant past, trees in the Crimea were mercilessly cut down. And now they are under protection. The grove on Ai-Petri is generally a protected area.


Oak belongs to the Beech family. In total, there are approximately 450 varieties of this plant in the world. The bark and wood of the tree are highly prized. In Crimea, there is a fairly rare fluffy oak that has lived for over a thousand years. Such a thousand-year-old plant is located not far from Foros. Its girth is five and a half meters. And in the Bakhchisarai region, a tree was found with a girth of eight meters. Back in 1820, a cork grove was laid in Nikitsky Garden, which still feels great to this day. The garden's scientists were settled all over the South Coast. Now it is a plant of the South Crimea.

Small-fruited strawberry

Plants and animals of Crimea are so diverse that they never cease to amaze. And the South Coast is a unique place, a piece of subtropics, where very special plants grow, which, in principle, could not take root in these parts, but thanks to the unique microclimate created by the mountains, they feel great here.

One of these plants is small-fruited strawberry. It is an evergreen tree with over twenty species found in North America and the Mediterranean. In Crimea, the plant is found only on the southern coast. It has been preserved in these places since the Tertiary period, now it is listed in the Red Book. The tree reaches a height of six meters. It is characterized by a bizarrely curved trunk and twisting tips of branches. Fruits are formed on the tree, very similar to strawberries. They are quite edible. Since plants have decorative view, they are cultivated in the parks of the peninsula. And in the vicinity of Gaspra there are several trees, the age of which, according to scientists, is approaching a thousand years.


Figs are also called His homeland - the Mediterranean. I must say that this is an evergreen plant, there are more than 800 of its species. For humans, fruits are of particular value. They are eaten fresh, dried, and jam is made from them. In general, this is a very ancient plant on earth, it has been cultivated since time immemorial. However, it is not known exactly when and by whom this tree was brought to the city. Currently, there are 300 species of figs in the famous Nikitsky Garden. The tree has a powerful root system... There are no usual flowers on the tree. But the fruit looks like a bag with seeds inside.

Evergreen cypress

This is a coniferous evergreen tree. It came to Crimea from Greece. It was acclimatized here in antiquity. But it became widespread in the 18th century, when many plants were brought in by order of Potemkin. Evergreen cypress has a pyramidal shape. Its needles are very soft to the touch. The buds are small and round, like a soccer ball. Cypress seeds are food for many birds: gannets, woodpeckers, finches, robins. In addition, the tree is known for its medicinal properties.

Even the ancient Greeks noticed the positive effect of cypress on people with sick lungs. Modern scientists have proved that the essential oils of the tree have a powerful bactericidal effect, which can suppress staphylococcus, Koch's bacillus and other bacteria. For medicinal purposes, tree cones are also used. The wood is particularly durable, it is resistant to decay and has a wonderful aroma. It has been appreciated since time immemorial.


Orchids are very common in the tropics. This type includes the well-known spice vanilla and a great variety of species grown in greenhouses. In Crimea, there are 39 varieties of this plant, 20 of which can be found in Laspi. According to meteorologists, this is the warmest place in the entire South Coast. It is also jokingly called "Crimean Africa". It is for this reason that many endemic plants are found here.

Red Data Book of Crimea. Plants included in it

Crimea is a completely unique place that has collected truly untold riches in the form of flora and fauna. Any tourist who has visited the peninsula for the first time never ceases to admire its beauty and amazing plants. And there really is something to see, than to admire. What is only the richest history of this region.

If we talk about the unique plants of the peninsula, then many of them are under protection and have long been listed in the Red Book. Plants of Crimea, the description of which we have given in the article, are very interesting and worthy of detailed attention. We would also like to dwell on those species that, for one reason or another, have already entered the Red Book. There are more than 250 of them. Let's list just a few of them:

  1. River horsetail.
  2. The Kostenets is graceful.
  3. Northern Kostenets.
  4. Juniper deltoid.
  5. Maple Steven.
  6. Ira is graceful.
  7. The cuff is oak.
  8. The onion is reddish.
  9. Cuneiform hawthorn.
  10. Meadow sage.
  11. Dandelion Crimean.
  12. Tulip Bibirstein.
  13. Forest grapes.
  14. Kamka sea.
  15. Cystosira is bearded.

Instead of an afterword

Crimea is a completely unique and amazing place. In addition to extraordinary beauties, it amazes with riches flora... On the whole planet, perhaps, there are not so many places that can boast of such a species richness of flora imported from other regions and taken root in a new place.

In Crimea, the flowering season is in full swing and many of us do not miss the opportunity to get out into nature.

We are all children of nature and if we treat it with understanding and respect, it rewards us with its gifts.

But not always everything is so sweet and cloudless. Our mother has occasional mishaps, and those who do not respect her, she can seriously punish.

Today I want to scare you a little more 🙂

I will not tell terrible bedtime stories, but I ask you to pay attention to the realities of life. Namely on dangerous plants, which we can meet almost throughout the entire territory of the peninsula.

I'll start, perhaps, with herbs (not to be confused with weed, today is not about her)

Our parade of grassy monsters opens - dope.

This plant, I think, is familiar to everyone for its beautiful white flowers.

But beauty can be deceiving. For the beautiful appearance the evil nature of the plant is hidden.

Where grows

It grows almost everywhere: in yards, in fields and gardens, in landfills, along roads and on forest edges. Prefers wet places. Rarely grows alone, more often in thickets.

Blooms in June, begins to bear fruit in September - October.

What is dangerous

All parts of the plant are dangerous, but most of all its seeds, which are in thorny capsules.

Some time after the plant is consumed internally, pupil dilation, dry mouth, headache, overexcitement, pulse quickens appear. In the future, hallucinations and coma develop.

If the victim is not provided with timely assistance, loss of consciousness occurs up to falling into a coma.

First aid

We wash the stomach with a solution of activated carbon or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. In their absence, plain water with vomiting, until the water clears.

We give the victim strong tea, it has astringent properties that prevent the poison from being absorbed quickly.

We deliver to a medical institution.

The plant is about a meter high, the top of which is crowned with pale flowers with dark purple veins. When flowering, it emits a very unpleasant odor.

Where grows

Like Datura, it is well distributed. Grows in groups, preferring landfills.

It blooms in May - July, by the end of summer it is covered with fruits - capsules filled with small black seeds resembling poppy seeds.

What is dangerous

All parts of the plant are dangerous, but especially the seeds. A person who decides to try henbane gets a good dose of the poison.

After 15 - 20 minutes, the pupils of the eyes dilate, the skin of the face turns red, dry mouth, nausea and cramps appear. Later, hallucinations and attacks resembling rabies (profuse salivation) begin.

If a person is not provided with timely assistance, then respiratory arrest is possible as a result of paralysis. respiratory tract and death.

First aid

As a first aid in case of poisoning, immediate gastric lavage using a probe is mandatory (vomiting cannot be induced in the usual way). As a last resort, give the victim a solution of activated charcoal and use diuretics to remove the poison as soon as possible.

To bring down the temperature, we use analgin, amidopyrine and wet wrap (preferably with ice).

In case of severe poisoning, after first aid, we urgently deliver the victim to a medical facility.

A herbaceous plant up to two meters high, somewhat reminiscent of parsley or overgrown carrots. Has an unpleasant odor.

Where grows

Dense thickets of hemlock can often be found in wastelands, dumps and forest glades.

It blooms in May and by August - September it throws out seeds similar to dill seeds.

What is dangerous

All parts of the plant from the root to the seeds are dangerous.

In case of poisoning, nausea, salivation and burning sensation in the mouth appear. The victim's skin turns pale, the pupils dilate, the heart rate increases, and convulsions appear.

If timely assistance is not provided, general weakness develops, and with severe poisoning, paralysis.

First aid

In case of poisoning, we wash the stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate or warm water with the induction of vomiting, give the victim several (up to 20) tablets of activated carbon.

We give to drink strong tea or tincture on oak bark to reduce the absorption of poisons into the blood.

We also give to drink as much water as possible, diuretics and put salt enemas (for example, magnesium sulfate).

We go to a medical institution.

Herbaceous plant with a branched stem up to two meters high, dirty purple flowers and black berries.

Compared to dope and bleached, a less common plant listed in the Red Book because of its medicinal properties... However, you need to be on the lookout with her.

Where grows

It is found in beech and oak forests, clearings, sometimes on the edges and along the banks of rivers.

Belladonna grows singly or in small groups.

What is dangerous

All parts of the plant are highly poisonous. Belladonna berries are a bit like cherries, which is why children are often poisoned with them. And although the berries taste sweet, their use causes severe poisoning.

After eating berries or any other part of the plant, dry mouth, burning sensation, and problems with swallowing appear.

Later, the heartbeat increases, the pupils dilate, the person becomes overexcited, speech becomes difficult, hallucinations and convulsions appear.

If you do not provide timely medical care, it is possible to develop respiratory paralysis.

First aid

As in most poisonings, we wash the stomach with dangerous plants first of all, causing vomiting. To do this, we use a solution of potassium permanganate, activated carbon or saline solution (3 teaspoons per glass of water)

To reduce absorption, we give strong tea or tincture on oak bark to drink.

When the temperature rises - analgin, wet cloth wraps, cold compresses on the head.

In case of breathing disorders - artificial ventilation of the lungs followed by hospitalization.

A herbaceous plant up to half a meter high, the fruits of which resemble blueberries, but unlike blueberries, only one berry grows on the crow's eye bush.

The berry is surrounded by four long leaves, which is why it has a second name - cross-grass.

Where grows

Grows in shady moist forests, on the slopes of ravines, shaded edges and bushes. Prefers loneliness.

Blooms in May - June, the fruit ripens in July.

What is dangerous

All parts of the plant are dangerous.

Symptoms of poisoning include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and dizziness. In more serious cases, convulsions, disturbances in breathing and work of the heart, up to its complete stop, paralysis.

First aid

The worst thing about black eye poisoning is that laxatives and vomiting are contraindicated.

In case of severe poisoning (more than 10 berries), immediate hospitalization is required.

Perennial herbaceous plant It attracts attention with its bright blue flowers and carrot-like cut leaves. But, despite the external attractiveness, the plant is deadly.

Where grows

You can meet him in deciduous forests, more often beech, in meadows and glades, along roads and on soils rich in humus.

Blooms in July-August; bears fruit in September.

What is dangerous

The whole plant is dangerous - from roots to pollen, even its smell can cause headache and the initial symptoms of poisoning.

It is deposited in the tissues of the body, therefore, you can even get poisoned with the meat of animals that ate aconite.

Due to the fact that poisoning often occurs after using the plant as decoctions and teas, the first feeling of numbness of the tongue and face occurs.

The victim loses orientation in space, there are abdominal pains, diarrhea, vomiting, muscle convulsive contractions, numbness gradually spreads to the whole body.

In severe poisoning, the result can be paralysis, respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest.

First aid

First aid is provided by washing the stomach with an aqueous solution of tannin or plain water to induce vomiting.

After washing, we give the victim activated charcoal and plenty of drink (strong tea, coffee).

In case of arrhythmia, we inject novocaine subcutaneously, in case of respiratory failure - camphor solution.

We provide the victim with peace and warmth when the body temperature drops.

Herbaceous plant up to 30 cm tall with large flowers of white, light pink or light purple shades.

Where grows

Grows in forest glades, forest edges, mountain slopes, covering them with a bright carpet.

Blossoms in August - September; bears fruit in May - June.

During flowering, only the flower on the stem is above the ground, no leaves. Only after pollination does the flower wither and only next spring large leaves with a fruit-box appear from the ground.

What is dangerous

All parts of the plant are poisonous. Most often, poisoning occurs when using the bulbs and seeds of colchicum, sometimes - the milk of domestic animals, which feasted on its spring shoots.

In case of poisoning, general weakness, salivation, diarrhea, and an increase in body temperature appear.

In case of severe poisoning - loss of consciousness, breathing problems.

First aid

First of all, we give the victim activated charcoal (up to 20 tablets), followed by washing the stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate.

After washing, give more water, tea, milk and deliver to a medical facility.

Perennial herb, up to a meter tall with beautiful, strongly smelling lemon flowers. Flowers are often pale pink with purple veins.

The leaves resemble the leaves of an ash tree, whence its other name came from - ash tree.

Where grows

Grows everywhere in forests, shrubs, glades, ravines, more often singly.

Blooms in June-July, bears fruit in July-August.

What is dangerous

The main danger of bush is the essential oils secreted by the plant. These oils can cause severe chemical burns if inhaled, touched, or in contact with the skin.

Burning, the bush is called because in hot weather, oils have the ability to easily ignite, and the plant itself does not suffer from this.

Immediately after contact with the oils, you will not feel anything, but after a while (from several hours to several days), itching appears, the skin turns red and blistered.

With severe burns (after touching, plucking flowers), the blisters fill with liquid, and their edges turn bright red. All this can be accompanied by headaches and fever.

Blisters do not heal for a very long time, and after healing they leave scars on the skin in the form of age spots.

First aid

As a first aid, wash the affected areas well with soap.

If the burn was not immediately noticed, and its consequences appeared after a while, gently lubricate the skin with an anti-burn ointment (for example, panthenol), preventing the blisters from bursting.

If it was not possible to avoid opening the blister, we treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide, lubricate it with panthenol or levomikol and apply a sterile bandage. We repeat these actions daily.


Another representative of herbaceous plants, containing dangerous essential oils.

Outwardly, it resembles a giant dill with leaves that look like burdock leaves. The height can reach one and a half meters or more.

Where grows

It grows on rocky mountain slopes and has an unpleasant odor.

What is dangerous

The danger is the juice secreted by the plant during its damage.

In cloudy weather, we will not feel any troubles, but after the sun comes out, we will feel all the "buzz" of communicating with the cow parsnip.

The essential oils contained in the juice reduce the skin's protection from ultraviolet radiation, so even a weak sunlight will show the places of contact: a blister forms at this place.

First aid

As in the case of the burning bush, the affected area is well washed with soap.

And as a result for today's article, I want to give one important advice:

Don't touch plants you don't know!

Even seemingly harmless flowers can pose a threat, not to mention animals.

Respect nature. Anyone who feels like its rightful owner usually suffers from this.

Well, who does not care about other people's advice - his personal problem. I warned you!

Best regards, Sergey Drozdov.

P. S... If you have any questions after reading the article, do not hesitate to ask in the comments.

P. P. S... You can familiarize yourself with the topics that will be revealed in the near future at.

1. If you want to be cheerful, you need to drink Tatar tea

A cup of morning invigorating coffee can be easily replaced by Tatar tea, aka lemongrass, aka shepherd tea. It is difficult to find it in a pharmacy, because grass grows in the mountains, most often on the yaylas of Chatyr-Dag and Demerdzhi. In appearance, lemongrass is almost gray, covered with thick felt hairs, and the stems with yellow inflorescences. “It is harvested in mid-August, by this time a lot of essential oils and vitamin C accumulate in the flowers, and calcium in the stems and leaves,” said Farhad Melikov, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, senior researcher of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. - Young flowers and leaves have a pleasant smell and are good for making tea. Unlike coffee, Tatar tea perfectly maintains the efficiency of the whole body all day long. A cup drunk in the morning will help you quickly get into work. Chaban tea has a pleasant lemon aroma, so drinking it is a delight, especially with dried fruits. This tea activates the cerebral cortex and strengthens the immune system. It is also used as a remedy for fever. A tincture of the herb will help rapid healing and scarring of wounds.

Specifically To make tea, you need to pour boiling water over a pinch of lemongrass leaves and inflorescences and let it brew for 15 minutes. You can also add the tincture to the bath.

2. To strengthen the nerves, lavender needs to be brewed If you go hiking in the mountains, do not forget to pick some fragrant lavender along the way. Everyone knows that the smell of this plant scares off moths, but its advantages do not end there. Now lavender is used to make medicinal tinctures, perfumes, food and even clothing. - It blooms all summer, but it is better to collect it in July, - explains Farhad Maisovich. - Lavender is an excellent remedy for insomnia, headache, neurasthenia, hysterical reactions and tearfulness. That is why lavender decoction is recommended for children and adults with aggression and insomnia. Also, the mountain plant has antibacterial properties. When eaten, immunity is strengthened. Baths with lavender blossoms will help you relax after a hard day at work. And the sachet pads will protect your sound sleep.

Specifically To combat insomnia and nervous tension, you need to grind dry lavender flowers, pour 2-3 tablespoons of two glasses of boiling water. Leave to brew for 15 minutes. Drink this tea 4 times a day for half a glass or 1 glass before bedtime.

3. Stevia - like honey, drink it, and the disease will pass Stevia herb is called honey, because it tastes like sugar. It grows on barren sands or on the edge of swamps. To collect it, you will need to work hard, because there are very few swamps in the Crimea. “Stevia contains various mineral compounds, vitamins, essential oils, amino acids and pectins,” say the specialists of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. - There are many substances in this plant that serve building material for the production of hormones. Stevia broth is excellent for supporting metabolism, restores carbohydrate and protein metabolism, increases the protective functions of the body, neutralizes and removes toxins from it. The herb is indispensable for diabetes mellitus, obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, allergic diseases, low immunity, diseases of the blood, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Specifically, the herb is compatible with any product and is easy to use. It is enough to pour 1 teaspoon of the collection with boiling water, let it brew for several minutes and take it on an empty stomach. In order to strengthen the immune system, the decoction of this plant should be used over a long period.

Burdock oil perfectly stimulates hair growth and strengthens their roots Photo: Nikita GARASCHUK

4. To lose a fat bag, collect the agrimony Agrimony grows on forest edges, along roads and even on city wastelands. Five-leaf yellow flowers are regular in shape and small in size. Hurry up to collect the inflorescences in time, because by the end of August it will already leave. “This plant is a universal remedy for losing weight and cleansing the body of salts, toxins and toxins,” said Lyubov Zalevskaya, herbalist, herbalist. - Alla Pugacheva in one of the interviews said that she is losing weight with the help of a decoction from the inflorescences of the agrimony. It gently cleanses blood vessels and removes salts not only from joints, but also from the spine, thereby providing a healing effect on the body as a whole. Specifically To lose weight and cleanse the body, you need to pour 100 grams of turnip with a liter of water and cook over low heat for 15-25 minutes. You can add honey to the strained product. Drink the broth in the morning and evening before meals for a month. 5. Rosemary will help you with aging, wrinkles This aromatic, evergreen shrub with needles is highly prized in cooking and aromatherapy for its essential oil. This is because rosemary fights aging and wrinkles. It can be found on the sea shores of the Crimea, which is why many call this plant "sea dew". Harvesting rosemary is recommended in early summer. “Rosemary essential oil is used in treatment and cosmetology,” say the experts of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. - The plant helps with memory impairment, skin diseases of the face and head. Rosemary can tone the cardiovascular system, as well as the stomach and liver. The oil of this plant stimulates blood circulation, therefore it is indicated for people suffering from low blood pressure. Specifically, Rosemary oil can be rubbed into the skin in the morning, or the leaves of this plant can be added to food. Note to the tourist If you come to Crimea on vacation, want to sunbathe and swim, and there is no time to go to the mountains or wander through the fields in search of useful herbs - it doesn't matter. Fees can be bought in almost every resort town. True, they are not sold in pharmacies, but often in markets next to souvenirs.

The Crimean flora is very diverse. In a small area, there are forest, steppe, semi-desert and desert natural areas... Their distribution is related to the climate and topography of the peninsula. In Crimea, there are about 250 endemic plants, some of the flora are relics ice age... Mediterranean species have taken root well on the South Coast.

Below are some representatives of the Crimean flora with brief description and photo.

Colchicum Ankara

Colchicum Ankara

Corm perennial grows in the steppes and on the slopes of the mountains. The height of the plant is only 5 cm. There is a bluish bloom on the lanceolate leaves. Flowering depending on temperature regime starts in January-March. Colchicum flowers of a pink-lilac shade are similar to a crocus. However, unlike crocus, the flowers and leaves of the plant appear at the same time. Colchicum is a poisonous plant; today it is listed in the Red Book.

Astragalus bristly

Astragalus bristly

A perennial herb is classified as an endangered species. At present, it has survived only in three regions of the southern coast of Crimea. The relic grows on rocks and slopes, its height is 15 cm. Shoots are covered with hard hairs, narrow foliage has soft pubescence. The plant is highly drought tolerant. Flowers purple hue bloom in May.

Magnolia large-flowered

Magnolia large-flowered

An evergreen tree grows up to 30 m. It has a thick trunk and a dense crown. Leathery leaves are pointed. Large white flowers are eye-catching. Magnolia blooms all summer and bears fruit in mid-fall. Flowers and fruits contain a large amount essential oil... Today they are widely used in perfumery.

Lady's slipper is real

Lady's slipper is real

The Red Book perennial of the orchid family is found in the mountain belt, foothills and on the southern coast of Crimea. The length of the flowering stem is 60 cm, the green leaves are oval-lanceolate. The flower is shaped like a shoe, hence the name of the orchid. During the flowering period, the plant exudes a pleasant aroma, attracting insects to it. Prefers shaded mixed forests and forest edges, less often found in open areas. The main threat to the lady's shoe population is the massive collection for bouquets and digging up roots for transplanting into gardens.

Folded snowdrop

Folded snowdrop

A perennial bulbous plant belongs to the Amaryllis family. It can be found at the edges of forests, among bushes, in mountainous areas. The height of the snowdrop is 25 cm, the dark green leaves are covered with a bluish bloom. The plant blooms in early spring, flowering lasts about a month. White single flowers exude a delicate aroma. At the end of spring, the foliage disappears until the next year, the growing season continues in the underground part. The number of snowdrops has decreased significantly due to human economic and commercial activities.

Common barberry

Common barberry

Branched and thorny shrub grows up to 1.5 m. Yellowish shoots acquire a gray tint with age. The foliage is located in the axils of the thorns. In autumn, it becomes a rich red color, which gives the bush a decorative effect. Barberry blooms in May, flowers are collected in a brush. The elliptical red berries ripen in September-October. Barberry is considered a medicinal plant. Preparations based on it have a choleretic, antispasmodic and diuretic effect. Wood is used for making crafts and souvenirs.

Yew berry

Yew berry

The coniferous tree is a relic of the Crimea. It is found in forests and on mountain slopes, very rarely forms small groves. The yew grows very slowly, the annual growth is only 2 cm. The tree's lifespan is amazing, some individuals are 4000 years old. Yew is the only representative of conifers that does not have resin. However, bark, needles and wood are very poisonous. The tree can be recognized by its conical crown, red-brown bark and bright red scrub. Wood has been in demand since ancient times, it is heavy, resilient and resistant to decay. Today, economic use is out of the question. All areas of yew on Earth, including Crimea, are protected.

Pistachio blunt-leaved

Pistachio blunt-leaved

The tree got to the island from. The lifespan can be 1000 years. The height of the pistachio reaches 8 m, it has a dense crown and an ash-colored bark. Oval leaves are collected in a bunch, flowers are inconspicuous. Fruits, globular drupes, ripen in late summer. The plant is drought-resistant, tolerates highly saline soils, but needs intense lighting. Pistachio does not form independent plantings. In many fruits, the seeds simply do not ripen, which is why the tree does not reproduce well. The wood is very dense and heavy. Pistachio is listed in the Red Book, limiting factors are human activities, cataclysms, unregulated recreation and erosion.



The tree came to Crimea from Greece and gradually spread throughout the peninsula. Adults reach a height of 30 m, average duration life is up to 3-4 centuries. The nut has a spreading crown with numerous branches. The girth of the trunk is 2 m. The walnut has a powerful root system that extends 20 m in different directions. Elongated leaves have a specific smell. The fruits are false drupes that contain one seed. Nuts ripen by early September. By the wood beautiful drawing therefore it is highly regarded in the furniture industry.

Evergreen cypress

Evergreen cypress

The coniferous tree has a pyramidal shape. The height of the trunk is 30 m. The needles of dark green color have a pleasant aroma, small cones are covered with a pattern. Cypress is most common on the southern coast of Crimea. Here he forms groves and alleys, actively participates in the formation of a healing climate. The tree reaches its maximum height at the age of 100 years. It tolerates droughts and significant drops in temperature well.

Mikhalochkina Irina
Abstract " Medicinal plants Crimea "


Directly organized educational activities

v preparatory group

Theme: "Medicinal plants of Crimea".

Target: Clarify and expand children's ideas about medicinal plants of Crimea.

Software content: Reinforce the concepts of relationship flora and humans... To acquaint children with the rules of collection and drying medicinal plants Expand vocabulary with words - names medicinal plants... Develop a coherent speech of children. To foster interest in the nature of the native land.

Equipment: stock photos and pictures plants- chamomile plantain,

sage, St. John's wort, lavender, oregano; dried up medicinal plants, pharmacy packages with herbal preparations, bottles with herbal tinctures, herbal tea in mugs according to the number of children.

Educator: - Guys, you already know a lot about plants of our Crimean peninsula... Without plants life on planet Earth would not exist. Plants not only help all living things to breathe, but also help them to heal from diseases. Nature offers man a huge variety of gifts, among them - medicines for many diseases... You just need to know and be able to use them. A long time ago, people noticed that all animals are treated with herbs. Various plants help from various diseases. For many years in a row, people passed on to their descendants knowledge about medicinal plants.Compiled thick books: "Herbalists", "Flower beds" By the titles of these books, you can guess their content. Have you guessed what is written in "Travnik"? "Flower garden"? (Answers of children).

Educator: - For many years folk healers have accumulated a lot of knowledge about useful properties plants... In modern pharmacies, you can see a variety of herbs, tinctures, tablets and herbal potions.

People often collect herbs themselves. Maybe someone you know adults also collected medicinal plants? How many of you have seen in the pharmacy medicinal plants? Which? Which of you have been treated with herbs?

What diseases? What herbs? (Answers of children)

Educator: - Take a look at this plant. (Oregano show)... Better yet, smell it. What can you say about its smell? (Answers of children)... Its smell is pleasant, fragrant, fragrant. So got it plant for its fragrant scent name Oregano... Oregano tea cures colds well. And who will guess it plant?

The teacher makes a riddle:

A thin stem by the path

At the end of it are earrings,

There are leaves on the ground -

Small burdocks.

He is like a good friend to us

Heals wounds to legs and arms.


Find it plant among others. (the child finds a picture of a plantain)... Try to guess why this is the plant is so called... How many of you used plantain? (Answers of children)... People have been using plantain for a long time to heal wounds.

Educator: - And this plant also has a pleasant scent, and it is called lavender. It got its name from the ancient Greeks, who used it to rubbing and washing the body... Word "lavender" in their language means "Wash, clean"... And lavender also repels moths with its smell. If there is a bunch of lavender in the closet, then not a single gluttonous moth will fly there.

Educator: Well, the next the plant you know well... The riddle will tell you its name.

Sisters stand in the field

Yellow eyes look at the sun,

Every sister -

White eyelashes.


Maybe some of you have had to be treated with chamomile? (Answers of children)... Chamomile will help a sore tummy.

Educator: - Look at these flowers. This is sage. His name is also "Shepherd tea"... Who is a shepherd? This is a shepherd who grazes the sheep. So, the shepherds - shepherds drank sage tea in order not to fall asleep, to stay awake and closely watch the sheep and rams. And sage is a wonderful treatment for a sore throat.

Educator: - There are many more medicinal plants can be found in the Crimea in the meadows, in the forest, in the mountains. Everywhere animals, birds, people can find help from nature. Just study, love, know! Each disease has its own medicinal plant... We live in peace drugs... The best pharmacy is Nature.

But you need to know that medicinal plants can harvest and make of them medications for adults only... Children can only help.

Collection rules medicinal plants.

1. Good to know medicinal plant and distinguish it from poisonous plants.

2. Collect plants better in dry weather, in the morning, after the dew has dried.

3. Cannot be collected plants in the city and near the road. Why do you think? ( Plants there are poisoned with poisons from the exhaust pipes of transport).

4. Plucked plants put in a wide basket so as not to wrinkle them, otherwise

juice will stand out.

5. Dry plants need shade, not in the sun.

6. It is impossible to trample the neighboring ones when collecting plants, you can't tear plants with the root and tear everything to the last. Why? (Answers of children).

7. Do not vomit plants, which are listed in the Red Book. Why?

(Answers of children).

Educator:- Nature generously gives all its treasures to man and asks for only one thing for everything: take care of her! Now treat yourself to the herbal tea made from St. John's wort. This is how this flower looks modest, but it cures many diseases, and it will help us stay healthy and not get sick. (Show of St. John's wort). Yellow, perforating a leaf, but, as doctor Aibolit will heal everyone, heal.

Children are drinking herbal tea.

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