The best credit card discounts. The best credit cards. Rating of profitable offers on credit cards

Banks are increasingly offering their clients credit cards. Of course, this is convenient, because having such a financial instrument as a credit card, the consumer at least saves time - he does not need to wait for loan approval from the bank to make any purchases. I saw the right thing and immediately bought it!

Take a credit card easy, but we must remember that banks also have their own benefits. The availability of money is relaxing, and this often leads to the fact that the credit card owner misses the grace period and ends up paying high percent jar.

Despite this, the number of credit cards issued by banks is growing, which means people are using them more and more often.

Which credit card is better to take?

If you plan to use a credit card on a regular basis, then you need to pay attention to the cost of SMS alerts, annual maintenance and other additional services.

“Some banks offer their customers various loyalty programs. This could be a cash back option, when part of the funds when paying for a purchase is returned to the client’s account, or various programs with partner companies that will offer discounts when paying with such a card,” advises Dmitry Shilyaev, acting chairman of the board of Yugra Bank, in an interview “ AiF".

IMPORTANT: Interest may accrue on a credit card even if you haven't purchased anything with it! For example, you decide to take a credit card with a paid service or SMS notification. The bank will write off money for these services, and if you do not pay attention to this, you risk being in arrears!

Which bank is better to get a credit card from?

Choosing which credit card to take, experts advise paying attention to the bank offering the credit card.

"How more famous brand bank, the more trust in it due to its reputation. If you have concerns about the current reorganization of the Russian banking sector, it makes sense to pay attention to banks with state participation or banks from the Top 10,” notes Alpari senior analyst Anna Bodrova.

“It’s best to get a credit card from the bank whose client you are already, since in such cases banks provide the most profitable terms. The fact is that a bank with which there is already interaction, as a rule, provides a credit card with a minimum rate. In the case of a card that came to you by mail, or was offered by calling you by phone, or in some other way, the interest is very likely to be very high,” explains Dmitry Shilyaev.

Credit cards are very popular banking products that are issued by many people, and they use cards all the time. Before applying for such an instrument, it is important to study the conditions offered by banks, as well as your own preferences. You can highlight the most profitable credit cards that are offered by large and stable institutions, and also have numerous advantages for holders. It is recommended to first study the most popular offers from banks. Next, it is determined which bank credit cards are the most profitable.

Many people want to know how to choose the right credit card. To do this, it is recommended to follow some tips that will allow you to make a truly profitable choice. These include the following points:

Thus, which credit card is better is difficult to say, since all the terms of the agreement must first be assessed.

What factors should you pay attention to?

There are some banks that offer really profitable and interesting conditions when issuing credit cards. However, it is still very important to pay attention to the following factors:

Which bank is best to get a credit card from?

There are some banking organizations that offer truly profitable and interesting conditions for clients. Which credit card is better to take is up to each person to decide for themselves, but there are some banks that offer the most interesting conditions. These include:

Thus, it is quite difficult to say exactly which credit card to choose, since each bank offers its own unique conditions. It is advisable to study some of the most advantageous offers in order to settle on the best option.

Important points to make the right choice

To get a truly profitable credit card, it is recommended to consider some important factors:

It turns out that it is initially important to study what credit card offers there are in different banks to choose the most optimal and profitable offer. For each person, certain conditions are important, and it would be useful to study not only the pros, but also the cons.

They have already become available to almost everyone. You can even apply for them online without leaving your home. But regular classic cards are no longer so popular. Users prefer to use those that allow them to save money and receive additional bonuses.

Grace period

Cards with a grace period are especially popular and in demand. In this case, the borrower has a certain time to replenish the limit without overpayments at all. Each bank may provide its own period of time for this - you should pay attention to this immediately when registering, since you can change this parameter it won't be possible at all. Even if the limit is changed, such parameters cannot be changed.

Also, if the card is needed to withdraw cash, you should take into account the commission for this operation. Usually banks charge a fairly large fee for this, but you can choose an option with lower interest.


IN Lately Cards that allow you to receive additional discounts on payments are very popular. This means that for certain types of payments it is possible to receive funds into a bonus account, and then also spend them at specific points of sale and companies. A bonus system or cashback is now offered by many banks, but it is not very actively developed everywhere. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to this right away, since the cards can be themed - for travel, for online shopping or entertainment. This directly determines where exactly it will be possible to spend bonuses.

Rating of profitable offers on credit cards

What to evaluate

Bank rating

For those who choose which bank will have the best credit card, the rating is ideal - the best current offers of 2018:

  1. Tinkoff. Here you can take a card under minimum percentage, but the requirements for the borrower are relatively the same.
  2. Alfa Bank. Offers the most interesting conditions - promotional offers with cashback.
  3. VTB 24. A large selection of loan offers for every taste - a wide range of available amounts and interest rates depending on whether the loan is issued without proof of income or with a certificate.

The trend is that today paper cash is increasingly being replaced by electronic money. It is unlikely, of course, that cash will disappear completely, but a plastic bank card is becoming the prevailing method of payment. People pay in supermarkets and shopping centers with debit (salary) and credit cards. But which bank is better to get a credit card from - that is the question. What credit card is suitable for one person, but not so much for another? Because it is credit cards that have the greatest variety of terms offered. In addition, this is the most expensive type of bank card.

How to determine which credit “plastic” should be taken?

Some plastic “products” can cost several thousand rubles or more. This is due not only to the size of the credit amounts, but also to the fact that such cards are included in the system of discounts for various network organizations: travel agencies, restaurants, cafes, hotels, entertainment industry, etc. Due to these two factors, it becomes quite difficult to determine where and what kind of card product is profitable to get. In general, there are five factors that influence the choice:

  • interest rate level. In 8 cases out of 10 this moment is decisive. Indeed, when a credit on “plastic” is cheap (the interest overpayment is small) it is a serious “magnet” for clients;
  • availability of special offers. For example, from the moment of the first withdrawal of money from “plastic”, no interest is accrued for the next 50 days. Or loan payments will decrease as the debt is repaid, i.e. differentiated payments.
    The degree of linking of the card to the discount system at the national and international level. Some types of credit cards allow you, for example, to periodically fly economy class almost free of charge;
  • the cost of the card itself as an actual product and the cost of its maintenance. Observed Feedback– the lower interest rate, the more expensive the service, and vice versa. You also have to look at the bank’s policy: what is the commission for depositing/withdrawing cash through terminals, how widespread are the terminals of this bank, because otherwise you will have to withdraw money through integrated ATMs, and there the commission is even higher;
  • features of functioning. This includes the maximum allowable monetary limits on the card, i.e. how much money the client can spend from it in general, per month, week, day. Plus, the principle of mandatory balance is taken into account here - is it necessary for some positive balance to remain on the card, or is the withdrawal unlimited (as a rule, there are restrictions).

There are, of course, other factors, but these are special cases. For example, a client, for some reason, prefers a particular bank. Purchasing a credit card is a more responsible purchase than ordering a classic card. debit card. After all, the client actually takes out a loan. The difference from a regular loan is that the credit card goes to the customer, but when to activate the bank loan is decided only by the client himself. If not a penny is withdrawn from the card account, then the loan will be “in standby mode.”

A person can keep a loan received in this way in reserve, saving money for urgent, unforeseen needs. Today, most credit cards are serviced by the international payment systems VISA and MasterCard. Moreover, there are many special subtypes: VISA Classic, MasterCard Gold and others. In general, we can distinguish several levels of credit “plastics” according to, so to speak, prestige:

  • gold, or “golden” card. These are usually the most expensive options and are offered only to regular customers who have demonstrated their ability to pay. They either have a very broad functionality, or some narrow, but very profitable opportunities (the already mentioned free flights, big discounts in global retail chains, etc.);
  • platinum, or “platinum” card. An approximate analogue of “golden”;
  • "silver" card. At this level there are, for example, all cards marked VISA Classic. Basically this is a good option for those who do not have the opportunity to buy “gold”, but who need wide functionality, since such a product belongs to the universal means of payment of the international level;
  • “bronze” or standard. Such “plastic” can easily be purchased by a novice client. Often such cards are not personalized (“gold”, “platinum” and “silver” are almost always all personalized), and the amount of money on them is relatively small. Plus, they are not always suitable for financial transactions over the Internet. But the basic features are the same as those of higher-class cards.

Now many banks specifically pursue an “electronic money” policy, when a significant commission is charged for transferring funds from a card to cash bills. To understand which credit card is better to take, you should conduct a short review of the main offers from some Russian banks. Let us give as an example those banks whose credit cards occupy the largest volume in the consumer market, i.e. the percentage of goods in the corresponding market sector (in descending order):

  • Sberbank – 22% of all credit cards are made up of its plastic products;
  • Russian Standard – 15%;
  • VTB 24 – 7.2%;
  • TKS (Tinkoff) Bank – 7.2%;
  • Bank Vostochny – 6.7%
  • Svyaznoy – 4.8%;
  • Alfa-Bank – 4.6%;
  • Gazprombank – 4.6%;
  • OTP Bank – 4.5%;
  • HCF Bank – 2.9%;
  • Rosbank – 2.3%;
  • the rest of the banks in distributing their credit card products together occupy less than 2% of the market.

But here are more detailed proposals from some banks that will help determine where it is better to apply for “plastic”:

  1. Russian standard. For clients with a stable average income, this bank offers a “gold” VISA card. Reviews about this product are mostly positive, since this card loan has moderate annual interest rates for Russia - 21%. This “plastic” also supports numerous discounts and bonus promotions, allowing you to use many services in the consumer market with savings. Other elite credit cards of this bank are issued at 28% per annum, and standard options for weakly verified clients – 36%.
  2. Sberbank supports the issuance of several credit “plastics”. For example, a card with a limit of 600 thousand rubles is issued for a three-year period at 33.9% per annum. But in Sberbank the solvency check (certificate 2-NDFL) is strict.
  3. Absolut Bank is known for its large limits in its line of credit cards - up to 750 thousand rubles, and the interest is relatively moderate - 21%. Newbie clients are offered a “bronze” card with a limit of 250 thousand rubles, the cost of annual maintenance of which is 1,800 rubles. There is also an interest-free period of 56 days.
  4. Home Credit Bank retains the flow of customers by offering an interest-free period, when no interest will be charged for 55 days from the date of the first withdrawal of funds. But the size of this rate itself is close to the standard - 32%.
  5. Tinkoff Bank has a special offer to clients - a “platinum credit card”, which can be issued via the Internet. For more details, see the review about. Since Tinkoff is known for abandoning its own ATM network, the institution’s electronic checkout methods are quite developed. For many, a big plus is that in addition to a passport, no other documents are required (certificate of income in form 2-NDFL, documents on the presence of collateral, etc.). However, this institution maintains a single interest rate of 24.9% for all credit cards.
  6. Promsvyazbank. This bank has an interesting offer for young clients (under 35 years old). This is "plastic" Angry Birds, which is specifically designed for payment for goods and services through Google Play and App Store.
  7. Gazprombank. Many experts recommend taking this option because at GPB you can relatively cheaply purchase a credit card serviced under the VISA Classic system, which is the “silver” level. This is very convenient for those who have limited funds, but need to conduct some financial transactions at the international level. For example, in the eBay online store network.
  8. Citibank. This organization makes good offers in the field of credit cards: a limit of up to 300 thousand rubles, a rate of 18%, no interest accrued for the first 50 days, and for the first year you do not have to pay for servicing the “plastic” card. At the same time, documents confirming solvency will not be required for registration.

As already mentioned, the interest rate of a card loan is the main, fundamental and determining factor in choosing a card. Although not absolute. But what exactly affects the amount of interest overpayment? There are several factors:

  • plastic level. In fact, the class of the card product has a greater influence on the cost and cost of servicing bank card(so, “gold” is the most expensive), however, prestigious cards are intended for clients with high solvency, which means the bank can increase the interest rate;
  • if the client already has an open bank account or has an active salary card this bank, then the degree of trust increases, and the institution is ready to make more favorable offers to such a reliable and regular client;
  • a client who presents evidence of his high solvency (certificate of income, documents confirming ownership of potentially collateralized property) can also receive a card loan with lower interest rates;
  • Any bank, before issuing a loan product, will definitely check the client’s credit history. The “cleaner” it is, the higher the trust will again be.

The average interest rate in Russian card lending today is 30% per annum. And 16% is the minimum threshold, which can only be found in some banks that produce similar products only for a select clientele. When applying for a credit card and concluding an agreement, it is important to pay attention to whether the interest is floating or fixed. The fact is that in 99 cases out of 100, if the percentage changes, it is only upward. Banking institutions are guided by the loan rate from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which also floats. For example, if the agreement regarding variable interest states “+10%,” this means that if today the Central Bank rate is 20%, then in the bank chosen by the borrower it will be 30% (20% + 10%).

But in any case, each bank is obliged to notify cardholders by all available means (call, SMS, email or regular letter) about the percentage increase at least a month in advance. In general, a card product should not be selected based solely on the bet amount. In fact, it may be more convenient and economical to use a card with slightly higher interest rates. It depends on what exactly a person needs a plastic card for. And don’t forget about the features of service and operation of the product. Low interest rates can be compensated, for example, by the fact that a high commission will be charged for withdrawing cash from an ATM (up to 5-6% of the amount).

Daria Nikitina

Reading time: 2 minutes


People often turn to banks for loans. But their processing takes from 1 to 5 days. You can get funds faster from a microfinance organization. They are relevant when cash is needed urgently. Although the percentage is huge - about 2% every day. A reasonable alternative is to get a bank credit card. It will always be with you, which means you can withdraw or pay at any time. Each bank offers its own conditions.

In this article:

Which card will be the best?

This depends on many factors:

  • Availability of a grace period.
  • Cash back or other bonuses.
  • Loan rate.
  • Maintenance cost.
  • Funds limit.
  • Documents for registration.
  • Receipt deadline.

Each of them has a different meaning for the consumer, and, accordingly, the choice of the best one is different. The most advantageous offers from banks.

Bank Tinkoff

One of the most attractive offers can be obtained from Tinkoff Bank. The application for receipt is made in in electronic format or in the office, and the result is known within a few minutes. If you apply online, your card will be delivered directly to your home within 1 to 7 days. The maximum amount is 300 thousand rubles. Rate 24.9 - 34.9% per annum. But no interest is accrued for 55 days. This applies to cases where payment for goods or services occurs. When withdrawing cash, there is no grace period, and the rate is 32.9 - 49.9%. For registration, you only need a passport, without the need to present additional certificates. The card is international, you have to pay 590 rubles for the year. You can activate SMS notifications for 59 rubles monthly. For withdrawals, an additional 2.9% and 290 rubles will be charged.

When the card is activated, the owner becomes a member of the Bravo program. It involves the accrual of bonuses for purchases. 1% for any purchase and up to 30% within special programs. Subsequently, they can be spent, for example, on a Russian Railways ticket.

The card also has its drawbacks. You can find out your tariff from the documents with by decision, since it is set individually and depends on the credit history. If you make late payments, you will face severe penalties.


You can get your Momentum Pre-Approved Offer card here. You will have to contact the office to receive and fill out an application. But there is no charge for maintenance. The maximum loan amount is 120 thousand rubles. The interest rate is 25.9% per year. The first 50 days of using the funds are absolutely free. You can issue a card using two payment systems: Visa or MasterCard. The SMS notification service is free.

Minimum credit card payment calculator

To take out a credit card you only need 15 minutes and an approved offer. The individual credit limit on the card is also calculated in advance. In addition to your passport, you must confirm that you have worked at your current job for at least 6 months. There will be penalties for late repayment (37.8% per year). Cash withdrawal is possible at any ATM. In Sberbank they will charge 3% for this, but not less than 199 rubles, in other banks 4% and also from 199 rubles. And every ruble spent turns into a bonus. They can be spent in partner stores.

Post Bank

At a bank branch or online, you can apply for a Visa Platinum “Green World” credit card with a limit of up to 500 thousand rubles. It has one of the lowest rates - 19.9% ​​and a grace period of 60 days. When withdrawing funds 29.9%. But to receive it, you will have to provide several documents: a passport and another document (for an apartment or car, foreign passport, license). For receiving the card, you will be charged a service fee of 900 rubles. SMS notifications will be paid from 3 months of use (49 rubles monthly). When receiving cash, an additional 3.9% commission is charged, but not less than 300 rubles at any ATM.

It does not have the usual bonuses that can later be spent with partners. The main condition is that every 3 thousand rubles spent is one tree planted. And as part of using the service, emergency assistance is provided when traveling abroad in case of loss, as well as medical and legal referrals.

Renaissance Credit

Another interesting package of services is the Kukuruza credit card. It can be obtained without additional income certificates with a limit of up to 300 thousand rubles. The rate is 24% per year. No interest is charged for the first 55 days of using funds. Service is also free.

To get a credit card you need to have an income of 10 and 6 thousand rubles for Moscow and the regions, respectively. Be sure to indicate the number mobile phone, and, if possible, urban. Contact Euroset showrooms for registration. Transaction notifications via SMS are free.

Cash Back is up to 3%. If there is arrears, the interest rate increases to 79%. The choice of the optimal card and its profitability depend only on the conditions you need.