Raspberries with sugar for the winter - medicinal twists without cooking. How to quickly prepare raspberries with sugar for the winter: methods without cooking and with heat treatment

It is rich in natural sugars, organic acids and vitamins. For example, 100 g of this wonderful berry contains 30% daily norm vitamin C. However, heat treatment when trying to preserve raspberries winter period destroys this necessary to the human body antioxidant and immunomodulator. When frozen, berries lose their taste. But raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking are an excellent alternative to traditional jam, combining excellent taste and health benefits.

How to prepare berries?

Raspberry fruits are quite delicate - they quickly deteriorate and are easily destroyed by mechanical stress. Therefore, it is advisable to process them on the day of collection or purchase. Otherwise, the berries become moldy and turn sour.

Another feature of raspberries is that they are usually not washed, but only sorted, and in a special way. To do this, the berries are carefully poured in small portions from one dish to another, while removing debris and spoiled fruits.

Which sugar should you choose?

Harvesting raspberries for the winter without cooking requires careful attention to the choice of sugar. You will need quite a lot of it so that the berries for a long time were stored. But without heat treatment, the sweet ingredient will not be able to completely dissolve. In view of this, it is worth purchasing granulated sugar as fine as possible or even preparing powdered sugar in a coffee grinder.

Dishes and storage rules

Small glass jars, such as half a liter, are best suited for raspberry preparation. They must first be thoroughly washed, doused with boiling water and dried or sterilized with any in an accessible way: over steam, in the oven or microwave oven.
Cover the jars where raspberries are stored for the winter without cooking, first with parchment paper, and then with glass or plastic lids, also treated with boiling water.

Without cooking, raspberries are stored exclusively in the cold: in dry basements, pantries, on the balcony and, of course, in the refrigerator. And don't forget about this important rule.

Cooking recipes

So, instead of making traditional raspberry jam, it is better to choose a recipe without cooking, although, to be honest, there are not so many of them. We bring to your attention the most popular ones.

Vitamin raspberry

Mash the berries a little in an enamel bowl, gradually adding sugar. Leave the mixture in the room for 2 hours so that the sugar can dissolve. It must be constantly stirred with a wooden spatula so that the consistency is uniform.
Divide the raspberries into jars and put them in the refrigerator.
1 kg of berries requires 1 kg of sugar.

Raspberries with black currants

  • Raspberries – 1 kg;
  • black currant – 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 2 kg.

Pound the raspberries with a wooden pestle and chop with a blender. Mix everything thoroughly with sugar.
If desired, you can add the zest of one or two lemons, so the product will be even more aromatic.
Divide the mixture into jars and put them in storage.

Raspberries and strawberries pureed with sugar

Raspberries and strawberries are taken in equal parts, for example, 1 kilogram. And there should be as much sugar as the berry mixture.
The berries, peeled from the stalks, must be mashed, but not to a homogeneous pulp. There should be small pieces left in the puree. Then granulated sugar is mixed in and the mass is sent to glass jars.

Raspberry “five-minute”

Grind 1 kg of berries with 1.5 kg of sugar. Heat over low heat until the granulated sugar dissolves. Do not bring to a boil.
When hot, pour into jars and cover with lids. Let cool completely and put in the refrigerator.

Filling for pies and cakes

  • Raspberries – 500 g;
  • granulated sugar – 600 g;
  • vodka – 3 tbsp. spoons.

Beat raspberries with sugar, mix in vodka, put into jars.

Use in cooking

Uncooked raspberries are used primarily for making sweet sandwiches. It is added to tea and eaten with pancakes, pancakes and ice cream. It is good for baking and desserts.

Raspberry casserole

  • Cottage cheese – 200 g;
  • raspberries with sugar – 150 g;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • semolina – 40 g;
  • almonds – 50 g;
  • sour cream to taste.

Grind the cottage cheese until smooth, add raspberries and a pre-beaten egg. Add semolina and chopped nuts. Mix the mass well.
Grease a baking dish with hot vegetable oil and place the raspberry-curd mixture into it. Bake at medium temperature for about 20 minutes. Cool.
Serve the finished casserole with sour cream.

  • Sour cream – 1 small jar;
  • cottage cheese – 0.5 packs;
  • raspberries with sugar - 1 glass;
  • gelatin – 25 g.

Beat the sour cream with the raspberry mixture with a mixer, add the grated cottage cheese and beat again. Soak gelatin in 0.5 cups of boiled water. When it is completely dissolved, pour into the curd and berry mixture and mix well.
Carefully pour the mixture into the mold, level with a spoon and place in the refrigerator for several hours.

Advice. To make the dessert truly delicious, you should not choose low-fat dairy products. They are not suitable for this dish.

Use in folk medicine

- a well-known antipyretic and diaphoretic. What are the benefits of raspberries for the winter without cooking? Almost everything like fresh berries.

The therapeutic effect of raspberry fruits was discovered back in the days ancient Greece. The berries contain organic acids, pectins, tannins and many vitamins. For example, vitamin A. And it is known to improve vision, as well as strengthen nails and hair. There is also plenty of vitamin C. It not only protects against colds, but also removes excess fluid from the body and has a good effect on connective tissue. Thanks to this, the berry is useful for the manifestations of cellulite and unpleasant varicose veins.

A mixture of raspberries and sugar is widely used for colds and respiratory diseases. Can be used as an auxiliary fixative for non-infectious diarrhea and after poisoning, as an antitoxic medicine.

When the temperature rises, add a tablespoon of pureed raspberries to a glass warm water and drink as often as possible. The same drink can be used to gargle a sore throat and mouth.

During a time of mass morbidity viral infections The raspberry treat should be eaten in the morning on an empty stomach. This tasty tradition will serve as a good preventative against colds and flu, charging you with a good mood for the whole day.


Of course, we should not forget that raspberries are a strong allergen, so eating them in large quantities is not recommended. In addition, a considerable amount of sugar can harm people suffering from diabetes, metabolic disorders and those who are overweight.

In conclusion, I would like to give housewives advice not to be afraid to make a choice in favor of raspberry preparations without cooking. They are perfectly stored for quite a long time, preserving the dizzying aroma and benefits of fresh berries. Try it and see for yourself.

Raspberries have a wonderful aroma and amazing taste, as well as big amount beneficial and medicinal properties. It is a natural antioxidant, effectively strengthens the immune system and is traditionally used in the treatment of colds. Consuming 1 glass of this berry satisfies a person’s daily need for vitamin C.

To preserve its healing properties, its winter storage without heat treatment becomes especially important. The recipes are easy to prepare at home and are very popular among housewives.

Preparing berries - where to start?

Harvesting is best done on a dry, sunny day. Shallow boxes or trays are suitable for these purposes. Ripe berries are quite tender and easily wrinkled under own weight and are not subject to long-term storage. Harvesting begins with the process of cleaning the collected mass from bugs, twigs, leaves and diseased fruits. It is more efficient to sort fruits by transferring them in small portions from one container to another.

It is not advisable to wash raspberries, but if necessary, it is better to use a very cold shallow shower. Summer ripening berries may contain white insect larvae. The crop should be filled with cool salted water (based on 1 liter - 1 tablespoon of salt) and left for 10 minutes, then carefully collect the emerging pests and rinse clean.

IN Lately on summer cottages Late ripening varieties are becoming increasingly common. Harvesting begins at the end of August and lasts until the first frost. Insect larvae (worms) are practically not found in autumn fruits. After water procedures, the fruits must be dried, scattered in a thin layer on a towel. It is better to use paper folded several times. Dried berries are ready for processing. Next we will tell you how to candy raspberries.

Raspberries with sugar - popular recipes

Preparing raspberries and sugar for the winter without cooking is quite simple; it can be done by a housewife with any experience. An important point when preparing raw jam, the expected shelf life of the product is: the longer it is, the more sweetness must be used per 1 kg of berries:

  • more than 6 months – 2 kg;
  • from 3 to 6 months – 1.5 kg;
  • up to 3 months – 1 kg.

To prepare jam, you must use dishes made of non-oxidizing materials:

  • enameled or stainless steel pots, bowls, basins;
  • glass jars;
  • wooden masher and spoon.

Raw jam

Place the prepared berries in a saucepan and cover with sugar. The volume is determined based on the expected shelf life. The mixture is mixed and kneaded with a masher until smooth. The process is not very labor intensive. To obtain a finer puree, you can use a blender. The higher the homogeneity of the jam, the less it will separate in the future.

In order for everything to dissolve well, it should stand for 3-6 hours in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator. Usually it is prepared in the evening and left, without pouring, overnight. In the morning, place the finished mixture into sterilized jars without filling the necks. It is better to use small jars of 0.3–0.5 liters.

Sprinkle a layer of granulated sugar on top of the raspberries, about 1 tablespoon. When storing the workpiece, the candied cork will turn into a crust, which will protect it from contact with air. The jars are closed with plastic or screw caps and placed in the refrigerator.

This recipe can be used to make raw raspberry jam with the addition of strawberries, blackberries or blackcurrants. The proportions of berry volumes vary, but the most common option is 0.5 by 0.5.

Jam recipe

Raspberry jam is an exquisite delicacy for those gourmets who do not like seeds. The berries for preparation must be thoroughly crushed using a blender or food processor, the resulting mass must be rubbed through a sieve or squeezed in small portions through cheesecloth to separate the seeds.

To facilitate this process, you can add water to a pan with whole fruits at the rate of 0.5 cups per 1 kg, put on fire, bring to a boil and remove. After this treatment, it will be much easier to remove seeds from the puree.

Add sugar to the squeezed juice and pulp and stir thoroughly until completely dissolved, pour into small jars, cover with lids, and store only in the refrigerator.


  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1.3 kg.

Freezing berries for future use - how to preserve the benefits?

A widespread method of preparing berries and vegetables for the winter is by freezing. In special freezers, in which cooling goes below -18°C, they can be stored for up to a year, that is, almost until the new harvest. In an ordinary refrigerator, where the temperature does not drop to -12°C, the beneficial and tasteful qualities of food are preserved for no more than three months.

  • whole ripe, but not overripe berries with or without sugar;
  • in the form of soft berries puree with sugar. with or without sand.

Containers and freezing techniques

An important point when freezing is the choice of container. It is best to use plastic containers with lids or cups, as well as plastic bags designed for storing food; to ensure against breaks, you need to use two pieces for one serving.

High-quality preparations are obtained by pre-freezing whole berries. To do this, they are poured in one layer onto a tray, without allowing them to touch each other, and placed in freezer for three hours. After freezing, raspberries can be transferred to any container for further storage at sub-zero temperatures.

Primary cooling is required to prevent sticking into a solid lump and loss of external qualities during defrosting.

The berries are not subject to secondary freezing, so the volumes of preparations must be calculated for one-time consumption.

Methods for freezing raspberries with sugar

Raspberries with sugar can be frozen either whole or in the form of puree. First method, step by step recipe:

  • in a small Plastic container add a layer of sugar;
  • place raspberries on top;
  • Alternating layers, completely fill the container - the top should be sand;
  • Close the container with a lid and place in the freezer.

Second way:

  • Make a puree from overripe, soft berries using a blender;
  • add sugar, the volume of which is not clearly regulated and varies between 0.5-1.5 kg per 1 kg of raspberries. In this case, it is best to be guided by your own taste.
  • Pour the mixture into containers, leaving them one quarter full, since when freezing the liquid has the ability to expand;
  • Place the containers in the freezer.

If there are few containers, raspberry puree can be packaged in bags previously placed in them. After freezing, the containers are emptied, and the resulting briquettes are placed in the freezer. This method allows you to increase the efficiency of using the refrigerator.

When preparing products by freezing, you must follow the main rule: freeze quickly and defrost slowly.

Before consumption, the berries are placed in a common refrigerator compartment to thaw naturally.

Raspberries with sugar without cooking are served with tea or used as a cure for colds. It is used to prepare sauces for pancakes and casseroles, to make jelly and jelly, it is useful for filling pies, and it is used to pour it over ice cream and fruit salads.

The taste of raspberries has been familiar to everyone since childhood. It is prepared for the winter to enjoy the taste and aroma of this berry..

all year round

In addition, raspberries are very healthy.

It is used to treat colds and many other diseases.

Therefore, our great-grandmothers tried to prepare as many raspberry preparations as possible.

For harvesting, raspberries are picked in sunny, clear weather so that the berries are well warmed by the sun. Raspberries are sorted, spoiled berries, specks and leaves are removed. Some housewives do not wash raspberries, believing that after this appearance the berries will spoil. But this way you may not notice the bugs. Therefore, it will be better if you immerse the berries in lightly salted water for 20 minutes and then rinse them under running water.

Raspberries spoil quite quickly, so try to make preparations only from fresh berries.

Whole berries are dried and placed in sterile jars in layers, each sprinkled with sugar. In this case, the jar needs to be shaken slightly so that the berries are evenly distributed in the jar. Then the jars are covered with lids, sterilized and hermetically sealed.

In addition, raspberries and sugar for the winter can be prepared in the form of jam, jelly, confiture, jam or compote.

Recipe 1. Raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking


    kilogram of raspberries;

    sugar – 1.3 kg.

Cooking method

1. Sort freshly picked raspberries, remove spoiled berries and leaves. Pour the raspberries into a wide bowl with water and leave for a couple of minutes. Then carefully drain the water and any floating debris and transfer the berries to a sieve. Leave for a while until all the water drains out.

2. Pour the raspberries into a deep glass cup and puree in any way convenient for you. This can be done with a regular potato masher or an immersion blender.

3. Sprinkle the resulting raspberry puree with sugar, mix and leave for three hours so that the sugar crystals dissolve. Stir the puree again and place in a sterile, dry glass container. Close tightly with nylon lids. Store the preparation in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2. Grated raspberries with sugar


    one and a half kg of sugar;

    kilogram of raspberries;

    80 g powdered sugar.

Cooking method

1. Sort fresh raspberries, remove leaves and rotten berries. To wash or not, decide for yourself. You can leave the raspberries unwashed, but in this case you have no guarantee that bugs will not get into the preparation.

2. Pour the raspberries into a deep bowl, cover them with sugar and mash with a wooden masher until pureed. It is worth remembering that the shelf life of raspberries directly depends on the amount of sugar. The more it is, the longer the raspberries will be stored.

3. Leave the raspberry puree alone for 20 minutes so that the sugar crystals dissolve.

4. Wash the jars thoroughly, rinse, sterilize in the oven or over steam and dry. Place the raspberry puree into jars, sprinkle powdered sugar on top and seal tightly with boiled lids. Keep refrigerated. In winter, raspberries can be added to tea or used as a filling for pies.

Recipe 3. Raspberries, grated with sugar and currants


    raspberries – 800 g;

    sugar – 1 kg 300 g;

    black currant – 200 g.

Cooking method

1. Sort the currants, tear off the stems, place on a sieve and rinse under running water. Leave the berries to drain all the water.

2. Sort through the raspberries, remove leaves and spoiled berries. Pour the raspberries into a wide bowl with water and leave for a couple of minutes. Drain the water and place the berries in a sieve to completely remove moisture.

3. Puree the currants in a blender until pureed. Mash the raspberries with a masher. Combine the ground berries in one bowl, cover with sugar and leave for several hours until the sugar is completely dissolved.

4. Stir the berry mixture again. Store the product in the refrigerator, placing it in sterile, dry jars.

Recipe 4. Raspberries with sugar and gelatin without cooking


    dry gelatin – 7 g;

    kilogram of raspberries;

    half a glass of filtered water;

    one and a half kg of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Sort fresh raspberries, remove leaves and spoiled berries, pour them into a wide bowl with water and leave for a few minutes. Carefully drain the water and any floating debris and place the berries in a sieve. Wait until all the water has drained.

2. Place the raspberries in a saucepan and cover them with sugar. Place the bowl with the berries in the refrigerator for four hours. During this time, the raspberries will give juice and the sugar will dissolve slightly.

3. Then, using a wooden spoon, thoroughly grind the raspberries with sugar until smooth. You can do this using an immersion blender.

4. Pour some water into a small saucepan, add gelatin, stir and leave to swell for 20 minutes.

5. Place the saucepan over low heat and heat the mixture without bringing it to a boil. Pour the gelatin mixture into the raspberry puree in a thin stream and stir.

6. Pour boiling water over washed jars and wipe dry. Place the raspberries in the prepared container, close the lids tightly and place in the refrigerator for storage.

Recipe 5. “Drunk” raspberries with sugar for the winter


    75 ml vodka;

    sugar - kilogram;

    raspberries - kilogram.

Cooking method

1. Sort fresh raspberries, remove leaves and spoiled berries. Pour them into a wide bowl and cover with sugar. Stir, cover with a towel or lid to prevent dust. Leave for ten hours.

2. Raspberries will give juice, but all the sugar will not melt. Every two hours, stir the raspberries and leave to infuse further, covering with a lid.

3. Wash the jars with soda, then rinse thoroughly and place them upside down on a clean towel to dry. Then sterilize and wipe them dry.

4. When the sugar is completely dissolved, add vodka and mix thoroughly again. Place raspberries in jars to the very top. Seal them tightly with boiled lids and store them in the cellar.

Recipe 6. Raspberry confiture with sugar for the winter


    “Zhelfix” bag;

    raspberries - kilogram;

    sugar - kilogram;

Cooking method

1. We sort out the raspberries, remove the berries from the stalks and transfer them to a sieve. Wash and dry.

2. Pour raspberries into a deep basin. Wash the lemon. Using the finest grater, remove the zest from it and squeeze the juice out of the pulp. Add the zest and lemon juice to the bowl with the berries. Stir, add sugar and Zhelfix.

3. Place the bowl on low heat and cook for just a minute, stirring continuously so that the sugar dissolves.

4. Sterilize and dry the washed jars. Fill the container with hot confiture and seal it with lids. Turn the jars upside down and leave them in this position for ten minutes. Then turn it over and cool completely. In winter we serve jam for tea.

Recipe 7. Raspberry jelly with sugar for the winter


    kilogram of granulated sugar;

    one and a half kg of raspberries;

    100 ml of clean water.

Cooking method

1. First of all, you should prepare the container. Wash the jars under running water. Remove heavy stains with baking soda or detergent with a minimum amount of chemicals. Then place the jars in an oven preheated to 60 C and leave for half an hour. Cover the table with a kitchen towel and place sterile jars and boiled lids on it.

2. Sort the raspberries, remove spoiled berries and leaves. Pour the berries into a colander and rinse under running water to remove dirt and dust. Leave the raspberries for ten minutes to allow the water to drain.

3. Place the raspberries in a deep bowl and crush them with a masher until smooth.

4. Place a bowl of raspberries over medium heat, pour clean water into the raspberry puree and bring the liquid to a boil. Boil the raspberries for five minutes, then remove from heat and cool.

5. Place a sieve over a clean saucepan and rub the raspberry mixture through it using a wooden spoon. Add sugar and stir. Place the pan with the grated berries on low heat and simmer the mixture for forty minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Remove foam periodically.

6. Pour the hot raspberry mixture into a glass container with a ladle so that there is a centimeter left to the edge of the neck. Seal the jars hermetically, turn them upside down, wipe them with a towel, place them on the floor and cover them with a blanket. Leave the workpiece for a couple of days until it cools completely and store it in the basement or pantry.

Recipe 8. Raspberry jam with sugar


    clean water – 800 ml;

    raspberries - kilogram;

    sugar – 800 g;

    apples - kilogram.

Cooking method

1. Wash the apples thoroughly, cut them in half and remove the core. Place fruit halves in boiling water. Blanch for three minutes until soft. Remove the apples with a slotted spoon and rub them through a sieve.

2. Sort the raspberries, remove spoiled berries and leaves. Pour into a wide bowl of water and leave for a couple of minutes. Carefully drain the water, place the raspberries in a colander and leave until all the moisture has drained. Place in a bowl and blend with an immersion blender.

3. Combine raspberry puree with apple puree and mix thoroughly. Place the berry mixture in a wide-bottomed saucepan and place it over low heat. After a quarter of an hour, add sugar, stir, continue cooking, stirring constantly, until thickened.

4. Place the finished raspberry-apple jam into sterile, clean jars and seal tightly. Turn the jars over, cover with a blanket and cool completely. Store the jam in the pantry or cellar.

  • Soak raspberries in clean water for a couple of minutes to get rid of debris and pests.
  • It is believed that raspberries can quickly turn sour when in contact with metal, so it is better to grind them with a wooden masher rather than a blender.
  • If you want the pureed raspberries to last as long as possible, add more sugar.
  • Use only freshly picked raspberries for preparations.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


Berry jam requires long-term heat treatment, but this is not the only preparation for the winter that can be made from raspberries. Berry, ground with sugar, is a tasty and very effective anti-cold remedy. This delicacy should be stored in the refrigerator.

What are the benefits of raspberries for the winter with sugar without cooking?

Raspberry preparation not only has a bright, pleasant aroma and sweet taste, but is also very healthy. Fresh berries contain a huge amount of vitamins and natural acids. Just 100 g of delicacy provides a person with a third of the daily requirement of ascorbic acid. When cooking berries, not only vitamin C is destroyed, but also other beneficial components. Frozen fruits lose their taste. Unlike other preparations, grated raspberries with sugar preserve for the winter healing properties and can serve as a natural immunomodulator and antioxidant.

How to puree raspberries with sugar for the winter

To prepare dessert, it is better to use small (500 ml) jars, which must first be sterilized. Do it different ways– using an oven, microwave oven, over steam. Cover the containers first with clean paper, and then with nylon lids doused with boiling water. What ingredients will you need:

  • fresh ripe raspberries – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1500-1800 g.

Preparing mashed raspberries with sugar for the winter is as follows:

  1. Before grinding the fruits, clear them of any debris. Then place the raspberries in a deep, clean bowl, sprinkle granulated sugar(do not try to reduce calories by reducing the amount of this ingredient, it is important that its proportions are larger for long-term preservation of the workpiece).
  2. Grind the raspberries to a puree using a masher or blender.
  3. Set the resulting mass aside for half an hour, giving the treat time to brew (the sugar grains should completely dissolve in the juice). In order not to waste time, you can sterilize the containers and dry the jars.
  4. Place the pureed raspberries and sugar into containers, tightly closing with pre-boiled lids. Store the finished treat in cold conditions, optimally in the refrigerator. Serve the pureed preparation for tea or add to baked goods.

Dear friends, today I invite you to make raw raspberry jam with me, that is, fresh raspberries ground with sugar for the winter. Yes, yes, you understood everything correctly, this is jam that cannot be cooked. In this form, everything is preserved in raspberries. beneficial features, it remains as fragrant and tasty as freshly picked.

Many people are afraid to seal raspberries this way, saying that they tried it once, but in the end the raspberries, ground with sugar for the winter, fermented. You can rest assured, according to my recipe, raspberries with sugar for the winter will not spoil without cooking. There are several rules that must be strictly followed, and then everything will work out for you in the best possible way.

I have been closing raspberries, grated for the winter, this way for several years now, and I have never had any problems with them. But in the cold season it comes in very handy for me. Well, I won’t torment you for long, I’ll get to the point and tell you how to grind raspberries with sugar for the winter. Shall we go to the kitchen?


  • 1 kg raspberries;
  • 1 kg sugar.


  • 4-5 tablespoons of sugar in each jar.

Grated raspberries with sugar for the winter: proportions and recipe

We select dense, ripe raspberries for preservation. Discard spoiled, crushed or unripe berries. Remove the sepals. If the raspberries are your own, and you know that they have not been treated with anything, you don’t have to wash the berries. But it’s still better to rinse the purchased ones carefully by pouring it into a colander and placing it under cold water. We take small portions of raspberries so as not to crush the berries. After washing, spread the berries to dry on paper towels in a thin layer. We wash a suitable size pan made of stainless steel or enamel with a degreaser, rinse thoroughly and wipe dry.

Pour the berries into the pan and puree them with a blender. You can also grind the berries using a wooden masher, but this will take much more time.

Pour sugar onto the raspberries and grind again or mix thoroughly. This can be done with a spoon, but with a blender it is much faster.

Cover the pan with a lid and set aside for half an hour. During this time, the sugar crystals will dissolve. If suddenly some berries remain unground, after mixing the raspberries with sugar they become more noticeable, so grind the mixture again with a blender, making sure that there are no pieces of berries left.

Well-ground jam does not separate during storage and looks more appetizing.

We wipe the pre-sterilized jars dry and boil the lids (metal or polyethylene). Then we lay out the raspberry preparation, not reaching the top of the jars by a couple of centimeters.

Pour a layer of sugar over the grated raspberries to the very top of the jar. During storage, the sugar will turn into a crust, which protects the raspberries from coming into contact with air and, accordingly, from the appearance of mold. There should be enough sugar for it to form a crust. If the sugar layer is less than 1 cm, it will simply dissolve.

Grated raspberries with sugar are ready for the winter! Cover the jam jars with lids and place them in the refrigerator for storage.